


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 03/10 今日の出來事

First Punic War: Battle of the Aegates: The Romans sink the Carthaginian fleet bringing the First Punic War to an end.

「ポエニ」のラテン語 Punici はカルタゴを建國したフェニキア人を意味する Phoenici から派生した。






Roman Emperor Maximian concludes his campaign in North Africa against the Berbers, and makes a triumphal entry into Carthage.



そのなかでも、道長の長女で、一条天皇に入内して中宮=皇后となった上東門院彰子098874のもとに集められた女房たちの多彩さと云ったら ――

0995、父の通隆が没去すると、政權は(当時の政界に太母 GreatMother のやうな存在であった)國母の東三条院詮子096202の差配で、定子には叔父となる道兼が後繼者になったが、道兼が急死するとその弟の道長へとお鉢は移り行き、定子の沒落が始まる。これに追ひ打ちをかけたのが、翌年四月に引き起こされた、定子の兄である伊周、弟の隆家らによる花山院奉射事件=長徳變であった。これにより二人は左遷となり、その時初めての子を懷妊中であった定子も内裏を退出、自邸に戻ったところに偶然逃げこんできた兄弟が逮捕されるを目の當たりにして、發作的に鋏を取りみづから落飾してしまった。これが五月一日のこと。そして、夏には二条宮が燒亡した。秋には母が物故した。
こんななか、定子は長徳02(0996)十二月十六日に一条天皇には第一子となる女子を出産した。翌年、兄弟の罪は許された。一条天皇は定子が生んだ脩子内親王との對面を我慢できず、反對を押し切って(出家後の后の入内は異例中の異例であった)、定子をふたたび宮中に迎へた。しかし、宮中での定子の扱ひは酷いものであった。だが、 一条天皇の定子への思ひは心遣ひの入ったものであった。
0999、定子は一条天皇の第一皇子となる敦康親王を出産した。これを見て、すでに彰子を一条天皇に入内させてゐた道長は彰子の立后を急いだ。太后詮子096202の支持もあり、 長保02(1000)二月二十五日、女御彰子があらたに皇后に冊立され「中宮」を號し、先に中宮を號してゐた皇后定子は「皇后宮」となった。史上初めて「一帝二后」状態となったのである。{ま、藤原氏がやってきたのはみんなかうしたごり押しだった。平城京時代の、光明子立后の時以來。そして、それが一度成立してしまへば後は前例となり、有職故實の傳統となってしまふのだ。




After the assassination of Thoros, the ruler of Edessa, the Crusader Balduin of Boulogne, adopted by him, became the first Earl of Edessa, founding the first Crusader State.

Per legge, tutte le associazioni professionali di Venezia sono obbligate a registrare contratti di formazione con il tribunale.

By law, all professional associations in Venice are obliged to register training contracts with the court.

Publication du « manifeste », base de la Ligue du Bien public, révolte nobiliaire contre le roi de France Louis XI.

Plusieurs nobles français, sous la direction de Charles le Téméraire, s'associent dans la Ligue du Bien public pour affronter le «gouvernement désordonné et misérable» de Louis XI. Ils ont l'intention de Charles de Valois de mettre duc de Berry, le frère du roi, sur le trône.

Después de que una comisión real de investigación llegó a La Isabela en octubre del año anterior, Cristóbal Colón deja la colonia de La Española en dirección a España para informar personalmente a la pareja real. Durante su ausencia, su hermano Bartolomeo funda la nueva capital, Santo Domingo.

1503/0310:スペイン王 Fernando I de Habsburgo 150364、誕生

Fernando II de Aragón, llamado «el Católico»,9​10​ fue rey de Aragón (1479-1516), de Castilla (como Fernando V, 1474-1504),11​ de Sicilia (como Fernando II, 1468-1516), de Nápoles (como Fernando III, 1504-1516) y de Cerdeña (como Fernando II, 1479-1516).
Fue además regente de la corona castellana entre 1507 y 1516, debido a la inhabilitación de su hija Juana I de Castilla, tras la muerte de Felipe el Hermoso.

Wedding portrait of King Ferdinand II of Aragón and Queen Isabella of Castile.


1522/0310:下剋上の戰國大名 三好長慶152264、誕生

Miyoshi Nagayoshi, eldest son of Miyoshi Motonaga, was a Japanese samurai and daimyō who was lord of the Miyoshi 三好 clan during the Sengoku period.
He held the court titles of Shūri-dayū (修理太夫) and Chikuzen no Kami (筑前守), and was also known by the more Sinic reading of his name: Chōkei (長慶).
During his tenure, the Miyoshi clan would experience a great rise of power, and engage in a protracted military campaign against its rivals, the Rokkaku and the Hosokawa.

Carlos V se casa com Sevilha Isabella de Portugal, a irmã do rei português João III.

Bildnis von Carlos V und Isabel de Portugal“, Kopie von Rubens

Babur wins a great victory in Kanwaha, while his son pacifies the Gangetic Valley, and becomes the absolute master of North India.

Discovery of the Galapagos Islands by Thomas de Berlanga, bishop of Panama.

The Regensburg religious discussion, which began on January 27, ends, as expected, without result.
It was only convened by Emperor Charles V to disguise his preparations for war against the Schmalkaldic League, and by the death of Martin Luther on February 18, the Reformation lost its spiritual leader.




Susenyos I defeats the combined armies of Yaqob and Abuna Petros II at the Battle of Gol in Gojjam, making him Emperor of Ethiopia.

1628/0310:解剖醫學者 Marcello Malpighi 162894、誕生

un medico, anatomista e fisiologo italiano.
Egli viene considerato come il padre dell'osservazione microscopica in anatomia, istologia, fisiologia, embriologia e medicina pratica.

He was the first to observe the capillaries in animals and discover the link between the arteries and veins, which had escaped William Harvey. Malpighi was also the first to observe the red blood cells on the microscope. His treatise De polypo cordis was important for the explanation of the composition of the blood.

Charles I of England dissolves Parliament, beginning the eleven-year period known as the Personal Rule.

Em Lisboa, a Sociedade Geral do Comércio Brasileiro é fundada pelo rei João IV.

In Lisbon, the General Society of the Brazilian Trade is founded by King John IV.

Un jour après la mort de son ministre, le cardinal Jules Mazarin, le roi de France Louis XIV prend en mains toutes les affaires du gouvernement.

1697/0310:ロシア "Great Legation"
Russian Tsar Peter I begins a journey to the European West .

1709/0310:ドイツの醫學者 Georg Wilhelm Steller 170946、誕生

ein deutscher Arzt und Naturforscher.
Er war Teilnehmer der vom dänischen Kapitän Vitus Bering geleiteten Zweiten Kamtschatkaexpedition.

On July 4, 1741 he accompanied the voyage following Vitus Behring and exploring Kamchatka, Aleutian Islands, Alaska and others. After the ship wrecked in Belling Island and Bering died of disease, he took on himself the captain and left the rest of the seaman to escape from the island
After his death, the manuscripts were published as "Bearing Sea Survey", "Kamchatka Magazine", "Bering Island Ship" etc.

"Hydrodamalis gigas" and "Phalacrocorax perspicillatus", whose existence was to be conveyed by books, were ironically inevitable, both of which were subject to overfishing due to Steller 's report and were extinct in 1768.

An agreement between Nader Shah and Russia is signed near Ganja, Azerbaijan and Russian troops are withdrawn from Baku.

1762/0310:ユグノ教徒 Jean Calas 169862、處刑死
French Huguenot Jean Calas, who had been wrongly convicted of killing his son, dies after being tortured by authorities; the event inspired Voltaire to begin a campaign for religious tolerance and legal reform.

El gobierno español en Madrid prohíbe a sus ciudadanos usar el sombrero redondo de ala ancha y el abrigo largo. Trece días después, el disgusto de la población desencadena la Rebelión del Sombrero de Madrid.

The Spanish government in Madrid forbids its citizens to wear the round wide-brimmed hat and long coat. Thirteen days later, the displeasure of the population triggers the Madrid Hat Rebellion.

1785/0310:USA 新政府
Thomas Jefferson succeeds Benjamin Franklin as US Ambassador to France.

1772/0310:ドイツロマン派 Friedrich Schlegel 177229、誕生

Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von Schlegel war ein deutscher Kulturphilosoph, Schriftsteller, Literatur- und Kunstkritiker, Historiker und Altphilologe.
Er war neben seinem Bruder August Wilhelm Schlegel einer der wichtigsten Vertreter der „Jenaer Frühromantik“.
Schlegels Ziel war nach eigenem Bekunden die verbindende Darstellung von Philosophie, Prosa, Poesie, Genialität und Kritik. Wichtige Motive dieses Strebens waren die Konzeptionen einer „progressiven Universalpoesie“, der romantischen Ironie und einer neuen Mythologie.
Ein jüngerer Bruder von August Wilhelm Schlegel, bekannt als Literat, Philosoph, Literaturwissenschaftler.

1788/0310:ドイツロマン派 Joseph von Eichendorff 178857、誕生

Joseph Karl Benedikt Freiherr von Eichendorff war ein bedeutender Lyriker und Schriftsteller der deutschen Romantik.
Er zählt mit etwa 5000 Vertonungen zu den meistvertonten deutschsprachigen Lyrikern und ist auch als Prosadichter (Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts) bis heute gegenwärtig.

Im Alter von 17 Jahren studierte er Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Halle und promovierte im Alter von 19 Jahren an der Universität Heidelberg.
Zu dieser Zeit gab es Philosophen Arthur Schopenhauer und andere im gleichen Alter.
Nach dem Abitur über 20 Jahre trampelte er nach Wien und Paris, um noch mehr Wissen über literaturinteressierte Literatur zu erwerben und Heinrich von Kleist 177711 und Friedrich Schlegel 177229 zu erwerben.
Von 25 Jahren bis 27 Jahre alt, kündigte er die volle Länge "Ahnung und Gegenwart" an, die er während des Napoleonischen Krieges schrieb,

Création du Tribunal révolutionnaire en France.

The National Convention in France of the revolutionary period founds the Revolutionary Tribunal whose verdicts can no longer be challenged. From a legal historical point of view, this creates a third power, the modern judiciary.

Convention nationale=國民公會政治犯だけを審理するための Tribunal révolutionnaire=革命裁判所をパリに設置。恐怖政事、いよよ佳境へと

Après la campagne d'Italie, Napoléon Bonaparte se tourne avec ses troupes vers l'ennemi de guerre l'Autriche dans la première guerre de coalition et commence avec l'invasion en territoire ennemi sur le fleuve Tagliamento.

After the Italian campaign Napoleon Bonaparte turns with his troops to the war enemy Austria in the First Coalition War and begins with the invasion into hostile territory on the Tagliamento River.

A census is first conducted in the UK.

1804/0310:USA、Louisiana Purchase:
 In St. Louis, Missouri, a formal ceremony is conducted to transfer ownership of the Louisiana Territory from France to the United States.

König Friedrich Wilhelm III. von Preußen stiftet den Orden des Eisernen Kreuzes. Er wird als Kriegsauszeichnung für besondere Taten während der Befreiungskriege gegen Frankreich eingeführt.

Frederick William III donates the Order of the Iron Cross. He is introduced as a war award for special acts during the liberation wars against France.

Eisernes Kreuz

Napoléon Ier est contraint de battre en retraite à la bataille de Laon.

In the Battle of Laon, Napoleon Bonaparte is subject to the Prussians and Russians allied in the Sixth Coalition War.

Joseph von Fraunhofer discovers the so-called Fraunhofer lines, absorption lines that can be seen as dark stripes in the solar spectrum.


1816/0310:Crossing of the Andes:
 A group of royalist scouts are captured during the Action of Juncalito.

John Herschel documents the discovery of a galaxy in the constellation Virgo, the current NGC 4380.

The Royal Netherlands East Indies Army is created.

At the request of Governor-General Johannes van den Bosch, the Dutch King William I founds by decree the Nederlandsch-Oost-Indisch Leger, the Dutch East-Indian colonial army.

La loi établissant la Légion étrangère émise par le roi de France Louis-Philippe I entre en vigueur. Cela ne peut être utilisé qu'en dehors des frontières du Royaume.

1844/0310:チゴイネルワイゼンの Pablo de Sarasate 184408、誕生

Martín Melitón Pablo de Sarasate y Navascués fue un violinista y compositor español.
Perhaps the best known of his works is Zigeunerweisen (1878), a work for violin and orchestra. Another piece, the Fantasía Carmen (1883), also for violin and orchestra, makes use of themes from Georges Bizet's opera Carmen.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is ratified by the United States Senate, ending the Mexican–American War.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ending the Mexican-American War is ratified by the United States Senate. Mexico will follow ratification on 19 May.

1858/0310:眞珠王 御木本幸吉185854、誕生

Mikimoto Kōkichi est un entrepreneur japonais, inventeur de la technique Mise/Nishikawa pour la production de perles de culture sphériques.

Il est listé comme l'un des « Dix grands inventeurs japonais » en 1985 par l'office des brevets du Japon.

1861/0310:ウクライナ国民詩人 Tarass Chevtchenko 181461、死去

Тарас Григорович Шевченко、un poète, peintre et humaniste ukrainien.
Il est considéré comme le plus grand poète romantique de langue ukrainienne.
Figure emblématique dans l'histoire de l'Ukraine, il marque le réveil national du pays au XIXe siècle. Sa vie et son œuvre font de lui une véritable icône de la culture de l'Ukraine et de la diaspora ukrainienne au cours des XIXe et XXe siècles.

近代ウクライナ語文学の始祖。秘密結社「聖キリルと聖メソジウス団(Кирило-Мефодіївське братство)」に関はり、ウクライナ農奴の解放に尽力。1847/0405、同結社が搜索された時、彼が書いた皇帝ニコライ一世と皇后アレクサンドラを批判する詩が見つかり、サンクトペテルブルクの刑務所に入れられた後、十年間の流刑。流刑の間はペンと筆を持つことを禁じられた。

Kronprinz Ludwig Friedrich Wilhelm von Wittelsbach wird nach dem Tod seines Vaters Maximilian II. als König Ludwig II. von Bayern proklamiert.

Amy Spain, American slave, is executed for stealing from her owner; believed to have been the last legal execution of a female slave in America

1872/0310:イタリア愛國者 Giuseppe Mazzini 180572、死去

un patriota, politico, filosofo e giornalista italiano,
Insieme a Camillo Benso 181061 e Giuseppe Garibaldi 180782 è uno dei "Tre corpi d'unità d'Italia".
His ideas and his political action contributed decisively to the birth of the Italian unitary state; however, the convictions suffered in various Italian courts forced him to stay in prison until his death.
The Mazzinian theories were of great importance in the definition of modern European movements for the affirmation of democracy through the republican form of the state.



「ワトソン君、こっちに來てくれないか。君と逢ひたいんだが」と云ったのは、名探偵のシャロックホウムズではなかった。といふか、まだこの時は Sherlock Holmes は誕生してゐなかった。彼が登場してくるのは、この發言の時から十一年後となる1987『緋色の研究』でのことであった。
しかし、この「ワトソン君」は歴史的價値のあるもので、かう云ったのは、Alexander Graham Bell 184722 で。自分が發明した「テレフォン」の実用試験での、テレフォンに向かっての第一聲であった。


Alexander Graham Bell makes the first successful telephone call by saying "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you."
The first successful test of a telephone is made by Alexander Graham Bell.
Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Thomas Watson make a first phone call: "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you. "

1880/0310:USA、In New York, 救世軍の創立
 the Salvation Army founded in London in 1865, begins its activities in American soil, giving the organization its international character. Over the years, it will extend its field of action in a hundred countries.

1887/0310:日本の詩人(俳句) 井上井月182287、死去




小林一茶176327をはじめ、種田山頭火188240や尾崎放哉188526などこの種の俳人には事欠かない。さう云へば、菅江眞澄1755429 もこのあたりの出身で、彼は東北の方へ放浪漂泊していったのであった。

US citizen Almon Strowger receives a patent for the Strowger Switch, a step-by-step dialer, as the technical foundation for the world's first automatic telephone exchanges.

Almon Strowger, an undertaker in Topeka, Kansas, patents the Strowger switch, a device which led to the automation of telephone circuit switching.

1892/0310:フランス六人組 Arthur Honegger 189255、誕生

un compositeur suisse, né en France et ayant vécu une grande partie de sa vie à Paris. Il était membre des Six. Son travail le plus fréquemment interprété est probablement l'œuvre orchestrale Pacific 231, inspirée par le son d'une locomotive à vapeur.

De 1934 à 1935, en supposant Ida Rubinstein, l'oratorio dramatique "Jeanne d'Arc au bûcher" produit par la coopération de Paul Claudel a été composé et achevé, et la première est enthousiaste et très réussie .

du 10 mars au 10 avril, Joséphin Peladan organise le premier Salon de la Rose-Croix à Paris.

la Guinée et la Côte d'Ivoire deviennent colonies françaises.

Partout en France, un permis de conduire avec test de conduite devient obligatoire.

Throughout France, a driver's license with driving test becomes mandatory.

Japan, Public Security Police Act, Announcement

South African Boers finally win the British army and capture the general.


1905/0310:日露戦争: 奉天会戦が日本軍の勝利で終結

Russo-Japanese War: The Japanese Army victory at Fengtian Battle.



1906/0310:Europe's worst ever,
The Courrières mine disaster, kills 1099 miners in northern France.

La plus importante catastrophe minière en France à Courrières (Pas-de-Calais) fait 1 200 morts.

London's Baker Street & Waterloo Railway starts operating between Baker Street and Kennington Road stations.

{Baker Street と云へば、ホウムズとワトソンが住んでゐた所じゃないか。

By signing the Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909, Thailand relinquishes its sovereignty over the Malay states of Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis and Terengganu, which become British protectorates.


Yuan Shikai, elected by the National Assembly in Nanjing, takes office as President of the Republic of China.

The Battle of Neuve Chapelle begins. This is the first large-scale operation by the British Army in the war.

The McMahon–Hussein Correspondence between Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca and the British official Henry McMahon concerning the Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire ends.

Some provinces and cities in the Philippines are incorporated due to the ratification of Act No. 2711 or the Administrative Code of the Philippines.

1920/0310:フランスの日々の泡 Boris Vian 192059、誕生

un écrivain français, poète, parolier, chanteur, critique et musicien de jazz (trompettiste), directeur artistique. Ingénieur de l'École centrale Paris, il est aussi scénariste, traducteur (anglo-américain), conférencier, acteur et peintre.

Il a écrit des romans d'avant-garde tels que "L'écume des jours" et "L'Automne à Pékin", et introduit la critique du jazz et l'introduction de la littérature américaine. .

1922/0310:日本の放浪画家 山下清192271、誕生

Yamashita Kiyoshi、a Japanese artist. He is famous for his wanderings throughout Japan, during which he wore only a vest, garnering the nickname "The Naked General 裸の大將".

Mahatma Gandhi is arrested in India, tried for sedition, and sentenced to six years in prison, only to be released after nearly two years for an appendicitis operation.

1928/0310:日本の喜劇俳優 渥美清192896、誕生

Atsumi Kiyoshi、a Japanese film actor.
He started his career in 1951 as a comedian at a strip-show theater in Asakusa.
After two years of fighting pulmonary tuberculosis, he made his debut on TV in 1956 and on film in 1957.
His vivid performance of a lovable, innocent man in a film “Dear Mr. Emperor” (Haikei Tenno-Heika-Sama) in 1963 established his reputation as an actor.
Later he became the star of the highly popular Tora-san 寅さん series of films, from the original Otoko wa Tsurai yo 男はつらいよ in 1969 to the 48th film released in 1995, the year before his death.


1928/0310:James Earl Ray 192898、誕生

the assassin of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. Ray was convicted on his forty-first birthday after entering a guilty plea to forgo a jury trial. Had he been found guilty by jury trial, he would have been eligible for the death penalty.

1930/0310:日本の童謠詩人 金子みすゞ190330、死去

Kaneko Misuzu、une compositrice de chansons et poétesse japonaise.
Elle a fait plus de 500 poèmes à l'époque de Taisho à Showa jusqu'à sa mort à l'âge de 26 ans.

Die Nazis eröffnen in Dachau das erste Konzentrationslager.

The 6.4 Mw Long Beach earthquake affects the Greater Los Angeles Area with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe), leaving 115–120 people dead, and causing an estimated $40 million in damage.

1934/0310:日本の實業家 武藤山治186734、死去(射殺)


Gründung der Luftwaffe.

1937/0310:ソ連の作家 Ievgueni Zamiatine 188437、死去

русский писатель, критик и публицист, киносценарист.
a Russian author of science fiction and political satire. He is most famous for his 1921 novel We, a story set in a dystopian future police state.

Boris Kustodiev. Portrait of the author Yevgeny Zamyatin. 1923. Drawing.


1938/0310:落語家 三代目古今亭志ん朝193801、誕生


1940/0310:ソ連の作家 Mikhaïl Boulgakov 189140、死去

русский писатель, драматург, театральный режиссёр и актёр. Автор романов, повестей и рассказов, множества фельетонов, пьес, инсценировок, киносценариев, оперных либретто.

He is best known for his novel The Master and Margarita, published posthumously, which has been called one of the masterpieces of the 20th century.



Amendment of the Security Maintenance Law. Preventive detention is introduced by this.

1944/0310:Greek Civil War:
 The Political Committee of National Liberation is established in Greece by the National Liberation Front.

 The U.S. Army Air Force firebombs Tokyo, and the resulting conflagration kills more than 100,000 people, mostly civilians.


 Die Eisenbahnbrücke Wesel wird als letzte Rheinbrücke unter deutscher Kontrolle im Zweiten Weltkrieg von der Wehrmacht gesprengt.

Anlanden britischer Schwimmpanzer am rechten Rheinufer in der Nähe der zerstörten Eisenbahnbrücke Wesel während der Operation Plunder, 24. März 1945

Resolution of the UN Security Council on the International Atomic Energy Control.

The Austrian entrepreneur Engelbert Brenter receives model protection for a Skibob designed by him.

1951/0310:日本の首相 幣原喜重郎187251、死去

Shidehara Kijūrō、ein japanischer Diplomat und Politiker. Er war vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg als Außenminister der Architekt der nach ihm benannten Shidehara-Diplomatie, einer auf Ausgleich mit den westlichen Großmächten ausgerichteten Außenpolitik, die auf territoriale Expansion in China verzichtete, war vom 9. Oktober 1945 bis 22. Mai 1946 der 44. Premierminister Japans und von 1949 bis zu seinem Tod Präsident des Shūgiin, dem Unterhaus des nationalen Parlaments.

en Cuba, golpe de estado de Fulgencio Batista. Se proclama presidente y suspende la constitución.

Fulgencio Batista leads a successful coup in Cuba and appoints himself as the "provisional president".

The Soviet leader Joseph Stalin submits an offer for negotiations to the Western powers by Ambassador Andrei Andreyevich Gromyko, which foresees the unification of West and East Germany, the Stalin notes.



La première de la composition Oiseaux exotiques d'Olivier Messiaen se déroule à Paris.

Oiseaux exotiques est une œuvre d'Olivier Messiaen pour piano et petit orchestre.
Cette pièce a été donnée en première audition le 10 mars 1956 à Paris, au théâtre du Petit Marigny, par Yvonne Loriod et l'ensemble du Domaine musical, direction : Rudolf Albert.

A page from Oiseaux exotiques. It illustrates Messiaen's use of ancient and exotic rhythms (in the percussion near the bottom of the score "Asclepiad" and "Sapphic" are ancient Greek rhythms, and Nibçankalîla is a decî-tâla from Śārṅgadeva). It also illustrates Messiaen's precision in notating birdsong: the birds identified here are the white-crested laughing thrush (garralaxe à huppe blanche) in the brass and wind instruments, and the orchard oriole (troupiale des vergers) played on the xylophone.

{Olivier Messiaen の音樂との遭遇は、私にとってもっとも強烈な音樂體驗であった。その最初となった
Quatuor pour la fin du Temps 世の終りのための四重奏曲 といふタイトルでまづ私は惹きつけられてしまった。そして、聞こえてきた音樂は ―― 
聞き慣れた西洋音樂とはまるで異質な、西洋とは多分異質な感覺の東洋人の私にとってもまるで異質な、鳥たちの聲は時々聞こえるのだが、しかしけっして地上的な感じではなく、まさにその標題の一つである、鳥たちの深淵する世界、 …… 
黙示録的と云へばさうなってしまふのだらうが、人間的といふより惡魔も含めての天使的な、とでも云ったやうな本質的に異質性を持った「ひびきといかり」、私はいつしか闇のなかにうづくまる孤獨な鳥となって耳を澄ましてゐる …… 

Mort de l'un des chefs du déclenchement de la guerre d'Algérie, Larbi Ben M'hidi dit le héros d'Alger, tué à 20 km d'Alger par pendaison après tortures.


Tibetan uprising: Fearing an abduction attempt by China, thousands of Tibetans surround the Dalai Lama's palace to prevent his removal.
au Tibet, à Lhassa, soulèvement du 10 mars à l'issue duquel le 14e dalaï-lama part en exil en Inde.

1965 /0310:USA、ベトナム戦争を始める
Début de l'engagement militaire américain au Viêt Nam.


Military Prime Minister of South Vietnam Nguyễn Cao Kỳ sacked rival General Nguyễn Chánh Thi, precipitating large-scale civil and military dissension in parts of the nation.

Pink Floyd's first single, "Arnold Layne" backed with "Candy and a Currant Bun", is released in the UK.

Arnold Layne releases the first single of the British band Pink Floyd.

Vietnam War: Battle of Lima Site 85, concluding the 11th with largest single ground combat loss of United States Air Force members (12) during that war.

James Earl Ray, who pleaded guilty to murdering Martin Luther King, is sentenced to 99 years in prison.

In Memphis, Tennessee, James Earl Ray pleads guilty to assassinating Martin Luther King, Jr. He later unsuccessfully attempts to recant.

Vietnam War: Captain Ernest Medina is charged by the U.S. military with My Lai war crimes.

Saigon announces that a South Vietnamese offensive in Laos, whose goal was to cut the Ho Chi Minh Trail, cost the Communist forces 7,000 dead.

Marshal Lon Nol takes full powers in Phnom Penh.


The Cultural Revolution: The CPC Central Committee, under Mao Zedong's instructions, decided to resume Deng Xiaoping's post of Deputy Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China.

a former Japanese officer goes after hiding in the Philippine jungle for 30 years. He did not know yet that the war was over.

Vietnam War: Ho Chi Minh Campaign: North Vietnamese troops attack Ban Mê Thuột in the South on their way to capturing Saigon in the final push for victory over South Vietnam.

Astronomers discover the rings of Uranus.

On a flight with NASA's Kuiper Airborne Observatory, James L. Elliot and his team discover the ring system around the planet Uranus.


The phenomenon that all planets enter within 95 degrees from the sun

1990/0310:In Haiti,
 Prosper Avril is ousted 18 months after seizing power in a coup.

1997/0310:日本の映画俳優 萬屋錦之介193297、死去

Son of kabuki actor Nakamura Tokizō III, he entered kabuki and became the first in the kabuki tradition to take the name Nakamura Kinnosuke. He took on his guild name (yagō) Yorozuya as his surname in 1971.

Nakamura Kinnosuke. En 1971, il prend le nom de Yorozuya Kinnosuke. Parallèlement à sa carrière de théâtre, il mène une carrière très prolifique au cinéma où il est spécialisé dans le chambara.

The Nasdaq Composite stock market index peaks at 5132.52, signaling the beginning of the end of the dot-com boom.

2006/0310:ソプラノ歌手 Anna Moffo 193206、死去

an American opera singer, television personality, and award-winning dramatic actress. One of the leading lyric-coloratura sopranos of her generation, she possessed a warm and radiant voice of considerable range and agility. Noted for her physical beauty, she was nicknamed "La Bellissima".

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter arrives at Mars.

NASA's spacecraft Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, as planned, reaches the planet Mars after a five-month journey and swings into its orbit. It is the fourth active orbiter to orbit the planet.


Tibet, the turbulence begins.



2012/0310:Frank Sherwood Rowland 192712、死去

His research was on atmospheric chemistry and chemical kinetics. His best-known work was the discovery that chlorofluorocarbons contribute to ozone depletion.

彼のもっとも重要な貢献は、スプレや冷媒などに使われていたクロロフルオロカーボン (CFC) がオゾン層を破壊する実態を発見し、世界規模のCFC規制をもたらしたところにある。これによって1995年に、モリナおよびドイツのパウル・クルッツェンと共にノーベル化学賞を受賞した。他、核兵器がもたらす大気への影響に関する研究や、地球温暖化に関する研究などにも携わっている。

2013/0310:日本の人類學者 山口昌男193113、死去

Yamaguchi Masao、a Japanese anthropologist.
Les recherches de Yamaguchi, qui portent principalement sur le Japon et l’Afrique, ont joué un rôle important dans le développement de l’anthropologie structurale au Japon. Il a travaillé notamment sur l’intersexuation, les rapports de domination et le système impérial.

A key figure in the introduction of structural anthropology to Japan, Yamaguchi was also noted for his engagements with political questions such as the Japanese emperor system and assimilation policies. Yamaguchi was also noted as a writer on the concepts of hermaphroditism and the trickster, and performed fieldwork in Asia, Africa, and elsewhere.


The impeachment of President Park Geun-hye of South Korea in response to a major political scandal is unanimously upheld by the country's Constitutional Court, ending her presidency.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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