


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が命日の女流画家 Berthe Morisot 184195『舞蹈會の令嬢』

歴史暦:古今東西 03/02 今日の出來事


0754/0302(天平勝寶06/0204):中國僧 鑑眞、平城京に到着

A Chinese Buddhist monk, who had already come to Japan and waited at Dazaifu 大宰府, arrived at Heijo Kyo 平城京.



Tang Wuzong uncle Wang Li Yi as the emperor, is the Emperor Xuanzong.

Louis V devient roi des Francs.


1074/0302(承保01/0202):攝政&關白 藤原頼通099274、薨去

Fujiwara no Yorimichi, son of Michinaga, was a Japanese Court noble.
He succeeded his father to the position of Sesshō 攝政 in 1017, and then went on to become Kampaku 關白 from 1020 until 1068. In both these positions, he acted as Regent to the Emperor 天皇, as many of his ancestors and descendants did; the Fujiwara 藤原 clan had nearly exclusive control over the regency positions for over 200 years.
Prior to succeeding to the position of Regent, Yorimichi had held the title of Nidaijin, the lowest level of state ministers. By edict, he was raised above his colleagues, to the title of Ichi no Hito 一の人, or First Subject. In addition to the reason of direct succession from his father, this edict was presumably necessary to allow Yorimichi to become Sesshō.

He is also known as the founder of Byodoin 平等院 phoenix hall 鳳凰堂, located in Uji 宇治.

Assassination of Charles the Good, Count of Flanders.

Skanderbeg organizes a group of Albanian nobles to form the League of Lezhë.

George of Poděbrady is chosen as the king of Bohemia.

# gouverneur (1452), régent (1453) puis roi de Bohême (1458-71), est le premier souverain européen rejetant la foi catholique, embrassant la religion de Jan Hus dont le signe caractéristique était un calice apposé sur les églises.

1476/0302:Burgundian Wars
 The Old Swiss Confederacy hands Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, a major defeat in the Battle of Grandson in Canton of Neuchâtel.

Die Eidgenossen besiegen in der Schlacht bei Grandson, einer der drei großen Schlachten der Burgunderkriege, den burgundischen Herzog Karl den Kühnen.

The College of Arms is formally incorporated by Royal Charter signed by King Richard III of England.


Vasco da Gama 146024 's fleet visits the Island of Mozambique.

1561/0302:Mendoza, Argentina is founded
 by Spanish conquistador Pedro del Castillo.

1585/0302:カトリク連盟、アンリIV の卽位を認めず
la Ligue catholique déclare Henri IV inapte à monter sur le trône de France.

Catholic League declares Henry IV unfit to ascend the throne of France.

Die vom Rat der Stadt Hamburg zur Erleichterung des Handelsverkehrs der Kaufleute gegründete Hamburger Bank nimmt ihren Geschäftsbetrieb auf.

The Hamburger Bank, founded by the Hamburg City Council to facilitate merchants' trading, commences business operations.

1657/0302(明暦03/0118):日本[江戸] 明暦の大火
Great Fire of Meireki: A fire in Edo, Japan, caused more than 100000 deaths; it lasted three days

明暦の大火を描いたもの 戸火事図巻 1814




:この火事が振袖火事と呼ばれたのは、 ―― この噂は火事の直後から生まれ、人氣が出たのだが、同時代人の淺井了意161291はこの火事について詳しく調べ、假名草子『むさしあぶみ』を作り明暦大火を詳細に記したなかに、この話はなく、作り話であることが明らかになった。https://is.gd/PLY7Oc むさしあぶみ - Wikipedia

1672/0302(寛文12/0203):日本[江戸]、 浄瑠璃坂の仇討


l'armée de Louis XIV occupe Gand et Ypres.

1760/0302:フランス革命 Camille Desmoulins 176094、誕生

un avocat, un journaliste et un révolutionnaire français. Avec Maximilien de Robespierre, Jean-Paul Marat et Georges Danton, il est l'une des figures majeures de la Révolution française.

Procès et exécution à Paris

The Loves of Mars and Venus is the first ballet performed in England.

1776/0302:American Revolutionary War
 Patriot militia units arrest the Royal Governor of Georgia James Wright and attempt to prevent capture of supply ships in the Battle of the Rice Boats.

1791/0302:メソジスト創始 John Wesley 170391、死去

an English cleric and theologian who, with his brother Charles and fellow cleric George Whitefield, founded Methodism.

Wesley preaching in the City Road Chapel (now Wesley's Chapel), London. Engraving by T. Blood, 1822.

Long-distance communication speeds up with the unveiling of a semaphore machine in Paris.

1793/0302:テキサスの英雄 Sam Houston 179363、誕生

an American soldier and politician. His victory at the Battle of San Jacinto secured the independence of Texas from Mexico in one of the shortest decisive battles in modern history.
He was also the only governor within a future Confederate state to oppose secession (which led to the outbreak of the American Civil War) and to refuse an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy, a decision that led to his removal from office by the Texas secession convention.

In the Texas Revolutionary War from 1835, he led the Texas army and fought against Mexico and in April 1836 he captured General Santa Ana and acknowledged independence. He was elected the first President of the Republic of Texas which was established in the same year.

Soulèvement de la Vendée contre le gouvernement de la Convention.

le Directoire nomme Napoléon Bonaparte commandant en chef de l'armée d'Italie.

Napoleon Bonaparte is entrusted in the First Coalition War by the French Directorate with the supreme command of the Italian Army. The vocation reaches him in preparation for the wedding with Joséphine de Beauharnais. On March 11, he leaves for the upcoming Italian campaign.

1797/0302:イギリスの文人 Horace Walpole 171797、死去

Horatio Walpole, 4th Earl of Orford, also known as Horace Walpole, was an English art historian, man of letters, antiquarian and Whig politician.
He had Strawberry Hill House built in Twickenham, south-west London, reviving the Gothic style some decades before his Victorian successors. His literary reputation rests on the first Gothic novel, The Castle of Otranto (1764), and his Letters, which are of significant social and political interest

by Rosalba Carriera, circa 1741.

Serendipity means an unplanned, fortuitous discovery. The term was coined by Horace Walpole in 1754. In a letter he wrote to his friend Horace Mann, Walpole explained an unexpected discovery he had made about a (lost) painting[1] of Bianca Cappello by Giorgio Vasari by reference to a Persian fairy tale, The Three Princes of Serendip. The princes, he told his correspondent, were "always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of".

Dans les champs de l'observation le hasard ne favorise que les esprits préparés.「観察の領域では、幸運な偶然は準備してゐた者の心にしか恵まれない」 Louis Pasteur 182295 

1797/0302:The Bank of England issues
 the first one-pound and two-pound banknotes.

1807/0302:The U.S. Congress passes
 the Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves, disallowing the importation of new slaves into the country.

Das Lustspiel Der zerbrochne Krug von Heinrich von Kleist wird von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in Weimar mit geringem Erfolg uraufgeführt.

The comedy Heinrich von Kleist's The Broken Jug is premiered by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in Weimar with little success.

The inaugural meeting of the Wernerian Natural History Society, a former Scottish learned society, is held in Edinburgh.

1810/0302:In London,
 the first gasworks begins supplying energy. Coal is gasified by means of a coking plant.

1811/0302:Argentine War of Independence
 A royalist fleet defeats a small flotilla of revolutionary ships in the Battle of San Nicolás on the River Plate.

1815/0302:Kandyan Convention treaty
 by British invaders and the leaders of the Kingdom of Kandy.

The Italian adventurer Giovanni Battista Belzoni discovers the burial chamber in the pyramid of Chephren, but finds only an empty sarcophagus in it.

1824/0302:チェコ民族樂派 Bedřich Smetana 182494、誕生

ein tschechischer Komponist der Romantik. Sein bekanntestes Werk ist Die Moldau (Vltava) aus dem sinfonischen Zyklus Mein Vaterland (Má vlast).


Roberto Cofresí, one of the last successful Caribbean pirates, is defeated in combat and captured by authorities.

The Algerian city of Blida is almost completely destroyed by an earthquake that costs about 7,000 lives.

Ferdinand von Österreich wird Kaiser von Österreich, König von Lombardei-Veneto und König von Böhmen und Ungarn unter dem Namen Ferdinand V.

1836/0302:USA「Texas Revolution」
 The Declaration of independence of the Republic of Texas from Mexico is adopted.

Texas declares its independence from Mexico, relying on the assistance of the United States. The Mexican President and General Antonio López de Santa Anna immediately leads troops against the insurgents commanded by Sam Houston.
テキサス革命: テキサス共和国がメキシコからの独立を宣言

{この革命運動でテキサスの父となった Sam Houston は1793年のこの日に誕生してゐるのだが、なんといふ偶然だらう。まさか、彼の誕生日に合はせたわけではないと思ふが。

1851/0302:ドイツ法思想家 Franz Ritter von Liszt 1851119、誕生

Franz Ritter von Liszt war ein deutscher Rechtswissenschaftler.
Er war von 1898 bis 1917 Professor für Strafrecht und Völkerrecht an der Berliner Universität sowie Abgeordneter der Fortschrittlichen Volkspartei im Preußischen Abgeordnetenhaus und im Reichstag.
Der Kritik des klassischen Strafrechts, beginnend mit Cesare Lombroso 183509, wurde eine soziologische Perspektive hinzugefügt und die moderne Schule abgeschlossen.


The famous namesake Franz von Liszt, the piano virtuoso and composer Franz Liszt, was his cousin and also acted as his godfather. 
{日本語では同姓同名となるFranz Liszt 181186 は彼の従兄、だったのか。識らなかった。

Alexander II becomes Tsar of Russia.

Александр II становится царем России.
Alexander II becomes Russian Tsar during the Crimean War after his father Nicholas I died.

The two-day Great Slave Auction, the largest such auction in United States history, begins.

1865/0302:ニュウジイランド「East Cape War」
 The Völkner Incident in New Zealand.


きのふ見し夢は今更引かへて 神戸が宇良に名をやあげなむ

1880/0302:日本の海軍人 米内光政188048、誕生

Yonai Mitsumasa was an admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy, and politician. He was the 26th Prime Minister of Japan from January 16 to July 22, 1940.


1882/0302:日本の洋画家 坂本繁二郎188269、誕生

Sakamoto Hanjirō、un peintre japonais de Youga 洋畫.
Painter Shigeru Aoki 青木繁188211 was a close friend who was born in the same year in the same village.


Queen Victoria narrowly escapes an assassination attempt by Roderick McLean in Windsor.

The presumably mentally disturbed Roderick Maclean is committing an assassination attempt on British Queen Victoria.

1892/0302:ロシアの東洋學者 Nikolai Nevsky189238、誕生

(Николай Александрович Невский) was a Russian and Soviet linguist, an expert on a number of East Asian languages.
He was one of the founders of the modern study of the Tangut language of the mediaeval Xi Xia Empire, the work for which he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science in Philology during his life, and Lenin Prize posthumously.
He spent most of his research career in Japan before returning to the USSR.
He and his family was arrested and executed during the Great Purge; his surviving manuscripts were published much later, starting in 1960.

 in Japan 1929

1894/0302:ソ連の生化学者 Alexander Oparin 189480、誕生

a Soviet biochemist notable for his theories about the origin of life, and for his book The Origin of Life. He also studied the biochemistry of material processing by plants and enzyme reactions in plant cells. He showed that many food-production processes were based on biocatalysis and developed the foundations for industrial biochemistry in the USSR.

1895/0302:フランスのモデル&画家 Berthe Morisot 184195、死去

Berthe Marie Pauline Morisot est une peintre française, membre fondateur et doyenne du mouvement d'avant-garde que fut l'Impressionnisme

Édouard Manet 183283 のモデルとなった彼女

Ethiopian victory over the Italian forces in the Battle of Adwa.


1900/0302:ドイツ作曲家 Kurt Weill 190050、誕生

ein aus Deutschland stammender, US-amerikanischer Komponist.
Er erlangte zunächst Bekanntheit durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Bertolt Brecht (Die Dreigroschenoper 1928, Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny 1930, Die sieben Todsünden 1933 uraufgeführt am Pariser Théâtre des Champs-Élysées).

He was a leading composer for the stage who was best known for his fruitful collaborations with Bertolt Brecht. With Brecht, he developed productions such as his best-known work The Threepenny Opera, which included the ballad "Mack the Knife".

1928年に戯曲家 Bertolt Brecht 189856 との共同作業によりオペレッタ三文オペラ』の音楽を監督したことが契機となり、1920年代後半より1930年代初頭には彼の劇場音楽や声楽作品が大衆の間で大流行し、著名の作曲家たちからも賞讃されて、一躍世界的な名聲を得た。

1901/0302:United States Steel Corporation is founded
 as a result of a merger between Carnegie Steel Company and Federal Steel Company which became the first corporation in the world with a market capital over $1 billion.

1903/0302:USA、NYC、Martha Washington Hotel opens,
 becoming the first hotel exclusively for women.

1908/0302:日本の東洋史家 那珂通世185106、死去

Naka Michiyo、un éducateur et historien japonais

1901明治34、文学博士。代表的な著作としては中国史の通史である『支那通史』(1888年~90 未完)や、

The enactment of the Jones–Shafroth Act grants Puerto Ricans United States citizenship.

1919/0302:USA映画女優 Jennifer Jones 191909、誕生

an American actress during Hollywood's golden years. Jones, who won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in The Song of Bernadette (1943), was also Academy Award-nominated for her performances in four other films.

film Love is a Many Splendored Thing

The first Communist International meets in Moscow.

Александр II становится царем России.
In the middle of the period of war communism, the founding congress of the Third International begins in Moscow. The most important participating parties are the Communist Party of Russia (B) and the Communist Party of Germany (KPD).

1921/0302:日本の映画監督 三隅研次192175、誕生


Japan, which until then had a census suffrage, adopts universal suffrage for men.

1930/0302:イギリス作家 David Herbert Lawrence 188530、死去

an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter.
His collected works represent, among other things, an extended reflection upon the dehumanising effects of modernity and industrialisation. Some of the issues Lawrence explores are sexuality, emotional health, vitality, spontaneity, and instinct.

1931/0302:ソ連最後の書記長 Mikhaïl Gorbatchev 1931--、誕生

, président soviétique, prix Nobel de la paix en 1990.
советский и российский государственный, политический и общественный деятель.


The film King Kong opens at New York's Radio City Music Hall.

The Shōwa Sanriku earthquake measuring 8.4 off Sanriku, Japan, along with the tsunami, claimed 2990 deaths.

King Rama VII thanks in Thailand. His nine-year-old nephew, Rama VIII, is the new ruler, but because of his education in Switzerland he mostly stays out of the country.

 The Steel Workers Organizing Committee signs a collective bargaining agreement with U.S. Steel, leading to unionization of the United States steel industry.

Stalin starts the trial of the Rightist and Trotskyist bloc.

Сталин начинает процесс правого и троцкистского блока.
Начинается третий московский суд в контексте Великого террора Сталина против 21 сторонника Леона Троцкого. Обвиняемыми являются Алексей Рыков, Николай Бухарин, Генрих Ягода, Николай Крестинский, Кристиан Раковский и еще 16 чиновников.

Большой террор=大肅清ソ連の最高指導者 Иосиф Сталин 187853 が1930年代に、ソ連および衛星国のモンゴル人民共和國でおこなった大規模な政事彈壓。
Stalin (left) pictured with Rykov, Kamenev and Zinoviev in 1925. He would have the three men in the picture shot during his show trials. スタリンとその被害者たち


:第一回裁判(1936/0819)、合同本部陰謀事件を裁く法廷としてモスクワの労働会館を使用。被告は、革命政府の重要人物であった ジノヴィエフ、カアメネフ、スミルノフ、ムラチコフスキ、ら十六名。傍聴人には150名の「市民」と30名あまりの外國ジャアナリストを招待。市民はすべて大肅清の執行機関であるNKVDが僞裝したもので、云はばギリシア悲劇の「コロス」的役割を演じた(裁判が筋書きどほりに進行することを見張り、少しでもそれから外れるとヤジを飛ばした。ヤジは裁判長が休廷を宣する口實になった)。。結局、被告全員が罪を自白することとなり、0824、「トロツキと連繋してキイロフの暗殺を實行し、スタリンらをも暗殺しようとした」として全員に「銃殺刑」を宣告した。宣告は早速、次の日の深夜二時に執行された。

:1937/03、アメリカの思想家 John Dewey 185952 はトロツキ支持者を中心とした委員會=デュウイ調査委員會を結成、裁判内容について調査をおこなひ、同年九月「モスクワ裁判は捏造である」とする報告書を發表した。


1939/0302:ツタンカアメン發掘 Howard Carter 187439、死去

a British archaeologist and Egyptologist who became world-famous after discovering the intact tomb (designated KV62) of the 18th Dynasty Pharaoh, Tutankhamun (colloquially known as "King Tut" and "the boy king"), in November 1922.

KV62 in the Valley of the Kings

Le colonel Philippe Leclerc prête avec ses hommes le « serment de Koufra » : « Jurez de ne déposer les armes que lorsque nos couleurs, nos belles couleurs, flotteront sur la cathédrale de Strasbourg. »

Colonel Philippe Leclerc lends with his men the "Kulra oath": "Swear not to lay down your arms until our colors, our beautiful colors, float on Strasbourg Cathedral. "

 First German military units enter Bulgaria after it joins the Axis Pact.

1942/0302:USA小説家 John Irving 1942--、誕生

an American novelist and screenwriter.
Irving achieved critical and popular acclaim after the international success of The World According to Garp in 1978.
He is a writer who aimed for the "restoration of the story" in the 19th century, and most of his work has become a story of ups and downs.


Japanese Americans living in the West Coast of the United States are ordered to evacuate and accommodate in concentration camps.



1943/0302:WWⅡ 太平洋戰爭「Battle of the Bismarck Sea」
 United States and Australian forces sink Japanese convoy ships.

Ho Chi Minh is elected the President of North Vietnam.

Captain James Gallagher lands his B-50 Superfortress Lucky Lady II in Fort Worth, Texas after completing the first non-stop around-the-world airplane flight in 94 hours and one minute.

After 94 hours in the air, the Boeing B-50A Lucky Lady II arrives with the crew around the pilot James G. Gallagher after the first non-stop round-the-world trip to Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas. The machine was refueled several times during its flight.


Demolition of the black market at Ikebukuro station east exit and Ikebukuro east exit shopping district begins

1955/0302:オウム真理教 麻原彰晃1955--、誕生

Asahara Shōkō (松本智津夫 Matsumoto Chizuo)) is the founder of the Japanese doomsday cult group Aum Shinrikyo.
Asahara was convicted for being the mastermind behind the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway and several other crimes, for which he was sentenced to death in 2004. In June 2012, his execution was postponed due to further arrests of Aum Shinrikyo members.[



Norodom Sihanouk, king of Cambodia, abdicates the throne in favor of his father, Norodom Suramarit.

Le roi du Cambodge Norodom Sihanouk abdique en faveur de son père le prince Norodom Suramarit, afin de pouvoir s'impliquer plus directement en politique et gouverner en tant que Premier ministre.

1956/0302:Morocco、Independence from France
Déclaration d'indépendance du Maroc jusqu'alors sous protectorats français et espagnol.

1961/0302:USA、John F. Kennedy announces
 the creation of the Peace Corps in a nationally televised broadcast.

1962/0302:In Burma, 無血クウデタ、
 the army led by General Ne Win seizes power in a coup d'état.

le général Ne Win renverse le régime du Premier ministre U Nu au cours d'un putsch militaire en Birmanie.

first shipment of US troops to South Vietnam.

The US and Republic of Vietnam Air Force begin Operation Rolling Thunder, a sustained bombing campaign against North Vietnam.

On behalf of President Soekarno who was dismissed in the previous month, the Indonesian Interim People Association decided Chairman Suharto as President.


1968/0302:日本の映画俳優 斎藤達雄190268、死去

Saitō Tatsuo、un acteur, réalisateur et scénariste japonais

小津安二郎190363の戦前の映画の主役の一人であった。私にとって最も記憶に殘ってゐるのは、桑野通子191546が主演した『淑女は何を忘れたか』1937 で彼女の叔父さんを演じた彼であった。

During the Sino-Soviet quarrel, there are fights between Soviet and Chinese border patrols at the Ussuri border river, killing soldiers on both sides.


L'avion supersonique franco-anglais « Concorde » effectue son premier vol d'essai à Toulouse. Le premier vol commercial a lieu 7 ans plus tard.

In Toulouse, France, the first test flight of the Anglo-French Concorde is conducted.

Rhodesia declares itself a republic, breaking its last links with the British crown.


Kaburagi Kiyokata、a Nihonga artist and the leading master of the bijin-ga 美人畫 genre in Taishō and Shōwa period Japan.


The US spacecraft Pioneer X is launched aboard an Atlas Centaur launch vehicle in the direction of the outer planets.


1977/0302:Libya becomes
 the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya as the General People's Congress adopted the "Declaration on the Establishment of the Authority of the People".

The Japanese orphan who remained in China for the first time officially visits Japan.

1982/0302:USA作家 Philip Kindred Dick 192882、死去

Philip Kindred Dick was an American science fiction writer.
Dick explored philosophical, social, and political themes in his novels with plots dominated by monopolistic corporations, alternative universes, authoritarian governments, and altered states of consciousness. His work reflected his personal interest in metaphysics and theology, and often drew upon his life experiences in addressing the nature of reality, identity, drug abuse, schizophrenia, and transcendental experiences.

彼は自分を "fictionalizing philosopher"と呼んだ。


The Korean government announced the amnesty of 2863 political prisoners including 金大中 commemoration of the 1st anniversary of the Fifth Republic.

Compact discs and players are released for the first time in the United States and other markets. They had previously been available only in Japan.

1989/0302:(EC) 環境相会議でフロンガス全面禁止を決定
Twelve nations of the European Community decide to ban all chlorofluorocarbons by the end of the 20th century.

Twelve European Community nations agree to ban the production of all chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by the end of the century.

1990/0302:南アフリカ共和国、Nelson Mandela
 is elected deputy President of the African National Congress.

1991/0302:フランス作曲者 Serge Gainsbourg 192891、死去

un auteur-compositeur-interprète, pianiste, artiste peintre, scénariste, metteur en scène, écrivain, acteur et cinéaste français1. Il accède à la notoriété en tant qu'auteur-compositeur-interprète, abordant de nombreux styles musicaux. Il s'essaiera également au cinéma et à la littérature, et réalise plusieurs films et vidéo-clips et compose plus de quarante musiques de films.

{私は、France Gall ”Poupée de cire, poupée de son" の作者といふことくらゐしか彼のことについては識りません。

Battle at Rumaila oil field brings an end to the 1991 Gulf War.

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, San Marino, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan join the United Nations.

Researchers at Fermilab announce the discovery of the top quark.

1997/0302:日本の日本史家 竹内理三190797、死去

Takeuchi Rizō、un historien japonais. Il est surtout connu pour son travail sur des documents historiques se rapportant à l'antiquité et à la période médiévale de l'histoire du Japon.


Data sent from the Galileo spacecraft indicates that Jupiter's moon Europa has a liquid ocean under a thick crust of ice.

The statues were destroyed by dynamite over several weeks, starting on 2 March 2001, carried out in stages. Initially, the statues were fired at for several days using anti-aircraft guns and artillery. ……

2002/0302:USA invasion of Afghanistan:
 Operation Anaconda begins, (ending on March 19 after killing 500 Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters, with 11 Western troop fatalities).

2004/0302:War in Iraq
 Al-Qaeda carries out the Ashoura Massacre in Iraq, killing 170 and wounding over 500.

In the most serious attacks during the occupation since the fall of Saddam Hussein in Iraq 270 people are killed in Kerbela.

2007/0302:フランス文人 Henri Troyat 191107、死去

un écrivain français d'origine russe, membre de l'Académie française. Il reçoit le prix Goncourt pour L'Araigne en 1938.

Né à Moscou, quand j'étais jeune, j'ai déménagé en Europe avec mes parents évitant la révolution russe, installée à Paris en 1920

En 1935, il remporte le prix populiste de Faux Jour, une œuvre vierge publiée en 1935.
En 1938, son roman L'Araigne remporte le prix Goncourt, qui concourt au «La Nausée» de Jean-Paul Sartre 190580.

Dmitry Medvedev, candidate of the ruling coalition supporting Vladimir Putin, is elected president of Russia in the first round of the presidential election.

(Россия): Дмитрий Медведев, кандидат от правящей коалиции, поддерживающий Владимира Путина, избран президентом России в первом туре президентских выборов.

2012/0302:USA Tornado outbreak
 occurred over a large section of the Southern United States and into the Ohio Valley region, resulting in 40 tornado-related fatalities


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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