


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

今日が命日の「英雄論」の Thomas Carlyle 179581

歴史暦:古今東西 02/05 今日の出來事

Thomas Carlyle said "History is nothing but the biography of the Great Man".

The Third Punic War ends with the conquest of Carthage by the Roman troops.

Third Punic War(Tertium Bellum Punicum -149~46) was the third and last of the Punic Wars fought between the former Phoenician colony of Carthage and the Roman Republic. The Punic Wars were named because of the Roman name for Carthaginians: Punici, or Poenici

Augustus receives from the Senate the title of Father of the Fatherland.

Earthquake in Pompeii, Italy.

The Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum at the foot of Mount Vesuvius are seriously damaged by an earthquake.


Sima Yi 司馬懿017951 coup in Luoyang 洛陽 to seize Cao Wei 曹叡022639 military power, is the change of Gao Pingling 高平陵.

L'incident des tombes de Gaoping (高平陵之變) est un coup d'État qui eut lieu en 249, pendant la période des Trois Royaumes, dans le Royaume de Wei. Ce coup d'État impliqua Cao Shuang, le Régent-Maréchal et administrateur de la Cour impériale des Wei et Sima Yi, l'autre Régent-Maréchal du Wei. Sima Yi réussit à prendre le pouvoir, alors que Cao Shuang et sa famille sont exécutés. Ce coup d'État accroit le pouvoir et l'influence du clan Sima au sein du Wei, et ouvre la voie à la fondation de la Dynastie Jin.

The Visigothic King Alaric II codifies the popular law in the Lex Romana Visigothorum and publishes it as Breviarium Alaricianum, a collection of Roman law.

Das Westgotenreich unter Alarich II.

玄宗皇帝の唐に叛亂した安祿山、皇帝をを自稱し「燕」を建國するが ……

An Lushan 安祿山 declares himself emperor and establishes the state of Yan.
An Lushan(leader of a revolt against the Tang Dynasty)declares himself emperor and establishes the state of Yan.




Naissance du royaume du Maroc, Idris premier roi du Maroc


au Japon, Taira no Kiyomori écrase les Minamoto au terme de la rébellion de Heiji..


信西といふ嫌はれ者。信西にたいする嫌惡と反撥は、はげしく對立する二条親政派と後白河院政派に共有されてゐた。 ・清盛は娘を信西の子息、成憲に嫁がせたことなどもあり、両派の對立には距離を置いてゐた。
・かうして、六波羅での合戰へとなる。信頼の戰力は源氏でも義朝一門で、義朝が組織できたのは私的なものに限られた。 ・清盛は、内裏が戰場とならぬやうに六波羅に敵方を引き寄せる作戰を立て、子息らを出陣させた。平氏軍は御所近くで戰ふと見せて、退却して六波羅へと導いていった。義朝は決死の覺悟でその後を追った。

Arrestation des dirigeants de la communauté juive de Paris. Philippe-Auguste exige et obtient 15 000 marcs d'argent pour leur libération.

During the siege of Constantinople in the Fourth Crusade, Alexios V becomes the Byzantine emperor.

les consuls de Cahors jurent de porter secours au roi de France Charles V déclarant que, « même sous la domination anglaise, ils n'avaient jamais cessé d'avoir le cœur français ».

1500/0205:イタリア、ミラノ公 Rudovico、スヰス傭兵を雇って
Aiutato da mercenari svizzeri e tedeschi, Ludovic Sforza riporta Milano ai francesi.

Duke Ludovico Sforza conquers Milan(his former property)with Swiss help from France.

François Ier se rend au parlement pour y faire approuver le concordat ; ce corps, de l'avis des prélats et de l'université, élude l'enregistrement.

Francis I went to Parliament to approve the concordat; this body, in the opinion of the prelates and the university, evades the recording.

Suleyman the Magnificent, Sultan of the Ottomans, makes himself master of Belgrade.
This boulevard of Christianity had been attacked in vain by the Sultans Amurat II and Mahomet II, predecessors of Soliman.

Henry of Navarre abjures Catholicism at Tours and rejoins the Protestant forces in the French Wars of Religion.

1579/0205(天正07/0110):日本の禪僧 鈴木正三157955、誕生

Suzuki Shōsan était un samouraï japonais qui a été au service du Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Il a participé à la Bataille de Sekigahara 關ヶ原戰 et la Bataille d'Osaka 大阪城戰 avant de renoncer à sa vie de guerrier et de devenir un moine zen 禪 à 42 ans.
Il a créé son propre style de zen le Niō Zen 仁王禪, et a écrit quelques livres.

出自は徳川家康154316に仕へた旗本であったが。四十二歳で出家して曹洞宗の僧侶となり、故郷の三河に戻り隠棲した。出家の原因は ――


le parlement de Toulouse reconnaît pour roi le cardinal de Bourbon, et ordonne de battre monnaie à son coin.
La ligue fit servir de fantôme de roi à l'exécution de ses projets contre Henri IV.

the parliament of Toulouse recognizes as king the cardinal of Bourbon, and orders to coin money in his corner.
The league made a king's ghost for the execution of his plans against Henry IV.

A group of early Japanese Christians are killed by the new government of Japan for being seen as a threat to Japanese society.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi executes three Portuguese Jesuits, six Spanish Franciscans and 17 Japanese Christians on the cross in Nagasaki. The proselytizing in the Azuchi Momoyama period triggers conflicts with the state power in Japan.

A group of early Japanese Christians are killed by the new government of Japan for being seen as a threat to Japanese society.


1626/0205:フランス「Paix de La Rochelle」
 qui garantit celle de Montpellier. La Rochelle fait partie des places fortes qu'Henri IV a concédées aux protestants pour leur sécurité.
Si Richelieu peut tolérer que les protestants tiennent tête à son pouvoir, il ne pourra plus, un an plus tard, admettre le pacte qui lie La Rochelle à l'Angleterre. Cette dernière déclare la guerre à la France.

The Scottish assembly declared Charles II in exile of France as the Scottish king.

スコットランド議會、フランス亡命中の Charles II 163085 をスコットランド王の推載を宣言。

1661/0205(順治18/0107):中國[清]02皇帝 世祖順治帝 163861、崩去

The name "Aixinjueluo", the second emperor in Qing Dynasty, the first Qing emperor after the Qing troops entered the customs, reigned from October 8, 1643 to February 5, 1661. At a meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Premier in September 1643, Fulin, a five-year-old man, inherited the imperial throne of imperial examination of Emperor Taiji and appointed the nephew of the 14th son of "Prince Ruhr Doree" and "Nuerhachi" Erhalang "two people as the regent of the little emperors.

進入中國後的基礎(中國統治開始後)牢固樹立起來,在下一代康熙,雍正皇帝的第三個春天,即所謂的康原幹恩典的黃金時代起了主導作用。The foundation of Qing after the entry into China (after the start of Chinese rule) was firmly established and played a leading role in the golden era of the next generation Kangxi, Yongzheng Emperor Qianlong's third spring, the so-called Kang Yuan dry grace.


Aixinjueluo Xuan Ye Qing Empire emperor, change Yuan Kangxi.

le Traité de Nimègue marque l'apogée du règne de Louis XIV La France a acquis la Franche-Comté, Cambrai, Valenciennes, l'Alsace, le Sénégal et la Guyane.

France concludes the peace of Nijmegen with Sweden and the Holy Roman Empire in order to settle conflicts with these treaties in connection with the Franco-Dutch War. Among other things, fall to Alsace and Lorraine France.

In Brazil, former brown slaves had created the republic of Palmares, with a fortified capital. Mercenaries crush Palmares and in the night of February 5 to 6, people throw themselves from the cliffs to escape the killers.

South Carolina becomes the second state to ratify the Articles of Confederation.

Spanish defeat British forces and capture Menorca.

l'Espagne prend Minorque à la Grande-Bretagne, avec l'aide de la France.

In Calabria, a sequence of strong earthquakes begins.

A series of earthquakes begins, haunting Messina and especially parts of Calabria. By March 28, 300 villages will be destroyed, and about 30,000 people will lose their lives.

1798 /0205:フランス軍、ロマン共和國を宣言して、
à la suite de l'assassinat du Général Duphot le 27 décembre 1796 par la foule romaine, les troupes françaises entrent dans la ville et proclament la République romaine.
Le pape, qui avait décidé en décembre 1797 de reprendre les armes contre la France, est exilé en Toscane, puis en France.

In London, the British Prime Minister Pitt, worried by the activity of the Irish patriots, makes adopt the Act of union.

HMS Blenheim (1761) and HMS Java disappear off the coast of Rodrigues.

Peninsular War: Siege of Cádiz begins.

1840/0205:タイヤの發明者 John Boyd Dunlop 184021、誕生

a Scottish inventor and veterinary surgeon who spent most of his career in Ireland.
Familiar with making rubber devices, he re-invented pneumatic tyres for his child's tricycle and developed them for use in cycle racing.
He sold his rights to the pneumatic tyres to a company he formed with the president of the Irish Cyclists' Association, Harvey Du Cros, for a small cash sum and a small shareholding in their pneumatic tyre business

Der Tageslichtkomet, ein Mitglied der Kreutz-Gruppe, wird entdeckt. Der Komet ist einer der Großen Kometen des 19. Jahrhunderts.

1848/0205:フランスの作家 Joris-Karl Huysmans 184807、誕生

ユイスマンス」un écrivain et critique d'art françai

Huysmans par Coll-Toc (Les Hommes d’aujourd’hui, 1885).

Après avoir lu À rebours, l’écrivain catholique Barbey d’Aurevilly, reprenant ce qu'il avait déjà dit au poète Charles Baudelaire, avait prédit que Huysmans aurait un jour à choisir entre « la bouche d’un pistolet ou les pieds de la croix », autrement dit entre le suicide ou la conversion religieuse.

Aussi, après le « livre noir » que fut Là-bas, Huysmans envisage d’écrire un « livre blanc », qui explorerait l’univers de la mystique chrétienne, à travers une forme littéraire totalement inédite qu’il baptise le « naturalisme spiritualiste».


The New Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia, one of the largest and oldest museums in the world, opens to the public.


Wallachia and Moldavia are united under Alexandru Ioan Cuza as the United Principalities, an autonomous region within the Ottoman Empire, which ushered the birth of the modern Romanian state.

アメリカ合衆国財務省が初めて政府紙幣(Dammand Note)を発行。

1868/0205:日本[幕末]京都見廻組隊士 佐々木唯三郎183368、戰死

Samurai(BannerMen 旗本) of the end of Edo period, Kyoto Memorial Corps squad 京都見廻組.





The largest alluvial gold nugget in history, called the "Welcome Stranger", is found in Moliagul, Victoria, Australia.

At Moliagul in the Central Goldfields Shire of the Australian state of Victoria, two miners find the largest gold lump in the world, which they call Welcome Stranger.




1878/0205:フランスの自動車 André Citroën 187835、誕生

un ingénieur polytechnicien français, pionnier de l'industrie automobile, fondateur de l'empire industriel automobile de même nom en 1919.


1881/0205:スコットランドの思想家 Thomas Carlyle 179581、死去

a Scottish philosopher, satirical writer, essayist, translator, historian, mathematician, and teacher.
Considered one of the most important social commentators of his time, he presented many lectures during his lifetime with certain acclaim in the Victorian era.
One of those conferences resulted in his famous work On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History where he explains that the key role in history lies in the actions of the "Great Man", claiming that "History is nothing but the biography of the Great Man".


King Leopold II of Belgium establishes the Congo as a personal possession.

l'opera di Verdi Otello è rappresentata per la prima volta alla Scala di Milano.

The opera Otello by Giuseppe Verdi after the eponymous play by William Shakespeare with the libretto by Arrigo Boito is premiered at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan with triumphant success. Only Verdi himself is not satisfied with the performance.

Jean-Aimé Le Roy presents the first film projection apparatus in Manhattan, New York.

1896/0205:日本の政論家 末廣鐵腸184996、死去

He became a politician, a member of the House of Representatives and a political novel as a newspaper reporter on the opposite side of the Meiji era.

1898/0205:日本の映画男優 大河内傳次郎189862、誕生

Ōkōchi Denjirō、un acteur japonais.



1927 : Le Journal de voyage de Chuji (忠次旅日記, Chūji tabi nikki?) de Daisuke Itō
1935 : Le Pot d'un million de ryō (丹下左膳余話 百萬両の壺, Tange Sazen yowa: Hyakuman ryō no tsubo?) de Sadao Yamanaka
1938 : La Légende du géant (巨人伝, Kyojin-den?) de Mansaku Itami adapté des Misérables
1943 : La Légende du grand judo (姿三四郎, Sugata Sanshirō?) de Akira Kurosawa
1945 : Les Hommes qui marchèrent sur la queue du tigre (虎の尾を踏む男達, Tora no o o fumu otokotachi?) de Akira Kurosawa
1946 : Je ne regrette pas ma jeunesse (わが青春に悔なし, Waga seishun ni kuinashi?) de Akira Kurosawa

In the two-day battle of Manila during the Philippine-American War, the Americans keep the upper hand, while the native troops have to retreat into the hinterland.

1901/0205:The Hay-Pauncefote treaty grants
 the United States the digging and exploitation of the Panama Canal after the French fiasco.


1905/0205:In Mexico,
 the General Hospital of Mexico is inaugurated, started with four basic specialties.

Belgian chemist Leo Baekeland announces the creation of Bakelite, the world's first synthetic plastic.

Greek military aviators, Michael Moutoussis and Aristeidis Moraitinis perform the first naval air mission in history, with a Farman MF.7 hydroplane.

1914/0205:USA小説家 William Seward Burroughs 191497、誕生

an American writer and artist. Burroughs was a primary figure of the Beat Generation and a major postmodernist author whose influence is considered to have affected a range of popular culture as well as literature. Burroughs wrote eighteen novels and novellas, six collections of short stories and four collections of essays.

Der Autor Hugo Ball eröffnet das Zürcher Cabaret Voltaire, den späteren Geburtsort des Dadaismus.

1917/0205:日本の女優 山田五十鈴191712、誕生

Yamada Isuzu、Actrice japonaise(舞台と映画)



The current constitution of Mexico is adopted, establishing a federal republic with powers separated into independent executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
In the two-day battle of Manila during the Philippine-American War, the Americans keep the upper hand, while the native troops have to retreat into the hinterland.

The Congress of the United States passes the Immigration Act of 1917 over President Woodrow Wilson's veto.

米國議會、大統領のWoodrow Wilson 185624 の拒否権を超えて 移民法を通過させる。

Stephen W. Thompson shoots down a German airplane; this is the first aerial victory by the U.S. military.

SS Tuscania is torpedoed off the coast of Ireland; it is the first ship carrying American troops to Europe to be torpedoed and sunk.

1919/0205:USA、映画制作會社「United Artist」創設
Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, D.W.Griffith launch United Artists.

première manifestation à Paris (au Grand Palais) du mouvement Dada.


1923/0205: Inter Pole(国際刑事警察機構)found

1922/0205:USA「Reader's Digest」創刊
The first issue of the magazine Reader's Digest is published in the USA.

The Royal Greenwich Observatory begins broadcasting the hourly time signals known as the Greenwich Time Signal.

The BBC sends the time signal in its program for the first time.

Buster Keaton's epic silent comedy The General is released nationwide in the US.
The longest and most expensive production of Buster Keaton receives mostly negative reviews and brings an end to Keaton's artistic independence.

Director Charlie Chaplin 's "Modern Times" is released in the United States.
Charlie Chaplin's satirical silent movie Modern Times premieres in New York. The film, which is a satire on Taylorism in the workplace, is one of Chaplin's most successful works.


1937/0205:Lou Andreas-Salomé 186137、死去

(Луиза Густавовна Саломе)
eine weitgereiste Schriftstellerin, Erzählerin, Essayistin und Psychoanalytikerin aus russisch-deutscher Familie. Die Art ihrer persönlichen Beziehungen zu prominenten Vertretern des deutschen Geisteslebens – in erster Linie zu Friedrich Nietzsche, Rainer Maria Rilke und Sigmund Freud – war und ist bis heute Gegenstand unterschiedlicher Interpretationen.

In the following year, She studied under Lucian Freud 192211 and also worked as a psychoanalyst. A daughter of the general of the Jewish Russian, originally a family of Hungarian French


Die von Adolf Hitler geführte Reichsregierung kommt letztmals zu einer Kabinettssitzung zusammen.

Generalísimo Francisco Franco becomes the 68th "Caudillo de España", or Leader of Spain.

 Allied forces begin the Battle of Keren to capture Keren, Eritrea.

 General Douglas MacArthur returns to Manila.

US forces, commanded by General Douglas MacArthur, reoccupy Manila, Philippines.


マッカサはフィリピンに十萬餘の將兵を置き去りにして、逃げだした卑怯者と云はれた。彼のフィリピンを蜂起する時の捨てセリフ「I shall return」は米兵のあひだでは「敵前逃亡」の意味で用ゐられた。また、安全なコレヒドルに隱って前線に出てこないマッカサを兵士たちは揶揄し「Dugout Doug(濠からでてこないダグ)」とアダ名し、替へ歌にまで作られて流行した。

Pyongyang proposes a withdrawal of all foreign forces from North Korea and South Korea.

Gamal Abdel Nasser is nominated to be the first president of the United Arab Republic.

A hydrogen bomb known as the Tybee Bomb is lost by the US Air Force off the coast of Savannah, Georgia, never to be recovered.

French President Charles de Gaulle calls for Algeria to be granted independence.

le général de Gaulle préconise une Algérie indépendante sur la base d'une coopération amicale avec la France.

The European Court of Justice's ruling in Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse Administratie der Belastingen establishes the principle of direct effect, one of the most important, if not the most important, decisions in the development of European Union law.


Astronauts land on the moon in the Apollo 14 mission.


A dead body of a shrine found in a coin locker in Tokyo, Shibuya station. Since then, the same type of incident succeed = coin rocker baby

Riots break in Lima, Peru after the police forces go on strike the day before. The uprising (locally known as the Limazo) is bloodily suppressed by the military dictatorship.

Klaus Barbie, ancien responsable de la Gestapo lyonnaise, est incarcéré à Lyon après extradition par la Bolivie.

Klaus Barbie, former head of the Gestapo Lyonnaise, is incarcerated in Lyon after extradition by Bolivia.

Ugo Vetere, then the mayor of Rome, and Chedli Klibi, then the mayor of Carthage meet in Tunis to sign a treaty of friendship officially ending the Third Punic War which lasted 2,131 years.

Manuel Noriega is indicted on drug smuggling and money laundering charges.

1992/0205:人氣投票「映画で最高の Kiss Scene は?」
According to a poll conducted for a lipstick manufacturer, the kiss of Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With The Wind is the most memorable in the history of cinema . Behind Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh come Deborah Kerr and Burt Lancaster in As Long as There Are Men (From here to eternity), then Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca.

Byron De La Beckwith is convicted of the 1963 murder of civil rights leader Medgar Evers.

1994/0205:サラエボ「Markale massacres」
 more than 60 people are killed and some 200 wounded as a mortar shell explodes in a downtown marketplace in Sarajevo.

The so-called Big Three banks in Switzerland announce the creation of a $71 million fund to aid Holocaust survivors and their families.

1998/0205:日本の藝者 武原はん190398、死去

Takehara Han」昭和時代の、藝者あがりで上方舞の日本舞踊家。本名、武原幸子


1998/0205:日本の津輕三味線 高橋竹山191098、死去

Takahashi Chikuzan est un compositeur et interprète japonais de tsugaru-jamisen.
He is the leading expert who spread the Tsugaru shamisen which was a performance art in the Tohoku region of Japan all over the country

1999/0205:USA經濟學者 Wassily Leontief 190699、死去

Василий Васильевич Леонтьев; an American economist known for his research on input-output analysis and how changes in one economic sector may affect other sectors.
Leontief won the Nobel Committee's Nobel Memorial Prize in 1973, and four of his doctoral students have also been awarded the prize (Paul Samuelson 1970, Robert Solow 1987, Vernon L. Smith 2002, Thomas Schelling 2005).

2000/0205:フランス映画監督 Claude Autant-Lara 190100、死去

, réalisateur français, membre de l'Académie des beaux-arts
Il a connu le succès pendant l'Occupation, et après la Seconde Guerre mondiale avec notamment l'adaptation du roman de Raymond Radiguet, Le Diable au corps (1947), puis L'Auberge rouge, Le Rouge et le Noir (adaptation du roman de Stendhal), et enfin La Traversée de Paris. À partir des années 1960, son cinéma rencontre moins de succès.

Russian forces massacre at least 60 civilians in the Novye Aldi suburb of Grozny, Chechnya.

Rebels from the Revolutionary Artibonite Resistance Front capture the city of Gonaïves, starting the 2004 Haiti rebellion.

2008/0205:インドのMaharishi Mahesh Yogi 191708、死去

Known as Maharishi (meaning "great seer") and Yogi as an adult.
He developed the Transcendental Meditation technique and was the leader and guru of a worldwide organization that has been characterized in multiple ways including as a new religious movement and as non-religious.

A major tornado outbreak across the Southern United States kills 57.

2014/0205:Robert Alan Dahl 191514、死去

a political theorist and Sterling Professor of Political Science at Yale University.
He established the pluralist theory of democracy—in which political outcomes are enacted through competitive, if unequal, interest groups—and introduced "polyarchy" as a descriptor of actual democratic governance.

An originator of "empirical theory" and known for advancing behavioralist characterizations of political power, Dahl's research focused on the nature of decision making in actual institutions, such as American cities. Dahl is considered one of the most influential political social scientists of the twentieth century,
His influential early books include A Preface to Democratic Theory (1956), Who Governs? (1961), and Pluralist Democracy in the United States (1967), which presented pluralistic explanations for political rule in the United States.

In How Democratic Is the American Constitution? (2001) Dahl argued that the US Constitution is much less democratic than it ought to be, given that its authors were operating from a position of "profound ignorance" about the future. However, he adds that there is little or nothing that can be done about this "short of some constitutional breakdown, which I neither foresee nor, certainly, wish for."


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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