


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

今日が命日の Nikola Tesla 185643 フシギな写真と思ったら矢張り多重露光によるものだった

歴史暦:古今東西 01/07 今日の出來事


The Roman Senate rejects Gaius Iulius Caesar's proposal for the simultaneous dismissal of his army and that of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus and commissions Pompey with the defense of Rome against the Caesar on the Rubicon.


0507/0107(武烈天皇08/1208):025天皇 武烈048907、崩御

L'empereur Buretsu (武烈天皇, Buretsu Tennō, ou plus probablement Buretsu Ōkimi 大君), de son nom personnel Ohatsuse no Wakasazaki no Mikoto (小泊瀬稚鷦鷯尊), était le25me empereur du Japon, selon l'ordre traditionnel de succession.
On situe son règne de 502 à 510, bien qu'on n'en connaisse pas les dates avec certitude. La tradition rapportée par le Kojiki 『古事記』 et le Nihon Shoki 『日本書紀』lui attribue cependant des dates de vie de 489 au 7 janvier 507 et situe son règne à partir de 499.


0672/0107(天智天皇10/1203):038天皇 天智天皇062671、崩御

L'empereur Tenji ou Tenchi (天智天皇, Tenji Tennō), aussi connu sous les noms de Prince (中大兄皇子, Naka no Ōe no Ōji?) , était le 38me empereur du Japon, selon l'ordre traditionnel de la succession. Il a régné de 661 à sa mort.
和風諡号は天命開別尊(あめみことひらかすわけのみこと / あまつみことさきわけのみこと)。


K'inich Kan Bahlam II ascends the throne of Palenque as successor to his father K'inich Janaab Pakal, who died the previous year. He continues the intensive construction activity in the Mayan city.

 K'inich Janaab Pakal ⇨ K'inich Kan Bahlam II

0881/0107(元慶04/1204):056天皇 清和085081、崩御

L'empereur Seiwa (清和天皇, Seiwa) était le 56me empereur du Japon, selon l'ordre traditionnel de la succession, et a régné de 858 à 876. Son nom personnel était prince Korehito (惟仁). Il est aussi appelé Mizunoo (水尾), d'après l'emplacement de sa tombe

Mathilde l'Emperesse épouse à Worms Henri V du Saint-Empire, empereur romain germanique.

Canute Lavard was murdered at Haraldsted, Denmark by his cousin, Magnus I of Sweden.

Knud Lavard, der Herzog zu Schleswig, wird als potentieller Rivale um den dänischen Thron bei einer Zusammenkunft mit Magnus dem Starken, dem Sohn König Niels, nahe Ringsted erschlagen.

1325/0107:Alfonso IV becomes King of Portugal.

この王が、王位繼承のことで悲劇を引き起こすことになる ――

The Bishop of Stavanger, Guttorm Pålsson, is the last documented death of the great plague epidemic in Norway as part of the plague pandemic, which is believed to have killed around one third of the European population between 1347 and 1353.

1355/0107:ポルトガル、王位繼承こじれて、Inês de Castro の斬首
In the conflict between Alfonso IV of Portugal and his son Peter, the king beheads Inês de Castro beheaded, which subsequently leads to a civil war.

No conflito entre Alfonso IV de Portugal e seu filho Pedro, o rei cai Inês de Castro decapitado, o que posteriormente leva a uma guerra civil.


1355/0107:Inês de Castro 132555、斬首

uma nobre galega, rainha póstuma de Portugal, amada pelo futuro rei D. Pedro I de Portugal, de quem teve quatro filhos. Foi executada por ordem do pai deste, o rei D. Afonso IV.


Invasion du duché de Bretagne par Charles VIII1. Début de la guerre folle.

1502/0107:Gregorius XIII 150285、誕生

Pope of the Catholic Church from 13 May 1572 to his death in 1585. He is best known for commissioning and being the namesake for the Gregorian calendar, which remains the internationally accepted civil calendar to this day.


The Japanese ambassadors of Tennsho, Keisho, headed by Mancio Ito meet with Pope Gregory XIII in 1585.

1528/0107:Jeanne d'Albret 152872、誕生

, reine de Navarre de 1555 à 1572, mère du roi Henri IV

1536/0107:Catalina de Aragón 148536、崩去

Queen of England from June 1509 until May 1533 as the first wife of King Henry VIII; she was previously Princess of Wales as the wife of Henry's elder brother Arthur.
Due to the fact that a boy was not born with Henry VIII, a divorce problem occurred, which triggered the establishment of the Church of England.

On April 21, 1509, Henry VIII was destroyed. The 18-year-old young King Henry VIII who inherited the throne was married only with Katherine, ignoring the discussion in the Privy Council, married only by one witness on June 11, I forced the expression. Catherine became Queen of England in this way, the coronation ceremony was held on 30th June. The center of European politics is the sacred Roman Empire (Habsburg family) and the French kingdom (the Valois family), and Henry had ambitions for the Hapsburg family side to consolidate the ground in the international community.

Reprise de Calais par François de Guise.

The French under François de Lorraine, duc de Guise occupy the port city of Calais, the last continental possession of the Englishman ruled by Maria Tudor.

Death of Fedor I and seizure of power of Boris Godunov.

смерть Федора I и захват власти Бориса Годунова.
Nach dem Tod von Zar Fjodor I übernimmt der Bojar Boris Godunow die Macht in Russland.

lo scienziato italiano Galileo osserva per la prima volta le piccole stelle attorno a Giove. Dopo tre settimane di osservazione capisce che si tratta di satelliti che accompagnano il pianeta.

Galileo Galilei makes his first observation of the four Galilean moons: Ganymede, Callisto, Io and Europa, although he is not able to distinguish the last two until the following day.

1611/0107:James Harrington 161177、誕生

an English political theorist of classical republicanism, best known for his controversial work, The Commonwealth of Oceana (1656).
This work was an exposition on an ideal constitution, designed to facilitate the development of a utopian republic.

1619/0107:Nicholas Hilliard 154719、死去

an English goldsmith and limner best known for his portrait miniatures of members of the courts of Elizabeth I and James I of England.
He mostly painted small oval miniatures, but also some larger cabinet miniatures, up to about ten inches tall, and at least two famous half-length panel portraits of Elizabeth. He enjoyed continuing success as an artist, and continuing financial troubles, for forty-five years.

 Earliest selfportrait of Nicholas Hilliard & Hilliard's wife Alice

Elizabeth I, the "Pelican" portrait, c. 1572

1655/0107:236Papa Innocentius X 157455、死去

il 236 papa della Chiesa cattolica dal 1644 al 1655.

{私にとっては、Diego Velázquez 159960 によるこの肖像画と、この肖像画に刺戟されて連作した現代イギリスの Francis Bacon 190992 の繪によって最も見知った教皇である。が、その彼の業績については殆ど識らない。識りたいとも調べたいとも思はない。私は教皇にたいして十把一絡げに嫌惡感しか持ってゐない。この歴史暦の制作でいくらか心境の變化もあるが、ヨウロパの宗教史が世俗的あまりに世俗的と云はなければならない教皇を中心に語らなければならないことがどうにもやりきれない。

Son portrait par Diego Vélasquez, est peint en 1650. Il est visible à la galerie Doria-Pamphilj à Rome. Ce tableau a inspiré plusieurs œuvres connues de Francis Bacon, dont l'étude d'après le portrait du pape Innocent X par Velázquez, bien qu'il n'ait jamais vu l'original et qu'il ait, sur le tard, émis de fortes réticence sur leur qualité

Henry Mill files the first patent for a typewriter.


a Japanese kokugaku 國學者, kyōka 狂歌師 and writer of yomihon of the late Edo period.{國學者にして狂歌師か、私もその末裔のアブクのやうな者かなとふとおもはれて、いささか情けなくなり申候。


In Philadelphia, the Bank of North America, the first modern bank in the United States, was founded on the initiative of Robert Morris.

The first American commercial bank, the Bank of North America, opens.

Jean-Pierre Blanchard traverse la Manche de Douvres à Calais en 2 heures et 25 min, à bord d'un ballon gonflé à l'hydrogène.

Frenchman Jean-Pierre Blanchard and American John Jeffries travel from Dover, England, to Calais, France, in a gas balloon.

In the first presidential election in the United States, George Washington is unanimously elected president. His vice president will be John Adams.

Il tricolore italiano viene proposto come simbolo nazionale ad un congresso di Cispadan a Reggio Emilia.

The Italian tricolor is proposed as a national symbol at a Cispadan congress in Reggio Emilia.

1834/0107:Johann Philipp Reis 183474、誕生

ein deutscher Physiker und Erfinder. Durch die Entwicklung des ersten funktionierenden Gerätes zur Übertragung von Tönen über elektrische Leitungen gilt er als zentraler Wegbereiter des Telefons.

≫ 私の人生を振り返ってみますと、聖書にありますやうに「労働と悲しみ」であったと言へるでせう。しかし、私は主に感謝します。私に天職と家族といふ祝福をお与へになってくださった主に。これ以上はないほどに私は恵まれてをりました。主はずっと助けてくださいました。主はなお一層私を助けてくださるでせう。

1844/0107:ルルドの聖少女 Bernadette Soubirous 184479、誕生

témoin d'une apparition mariale et sainte catholique française
Elle est connue pour avoir témoigné de dix-huit apparitions mariales à la grotte de Massabielle entre le 11 février et le 16 juillet 1858.
Bernadette employait surtout le terme occitan « aquerò » (c'est-à-dire « cela »)1 pour désigner l’objet de sa vision2. Elle ne dira pas elle-même avoir vu la Vierge avant de l’avoir entendu dire « Que sòi era Immaculada Concepcion », c'est-à-dire, « Je suis l'Immaculée Conception ».
Au cours d’une de ces apparitions, Bernadette a creusé le sol pour y prendre de l’eau. L’eau de cette source est rapidement réputée miraculeuse et il commence à être question de guérisons. S'en tenant à ce qu'elle avait vu et entendu, Bernadette niera avoir été témoin de guérisons ou y avoir contribué : « On m'a dit qu'il y avait eu des miracles, mais à ma connaissance, non4 », déclare-t-elle en septembre 1858.


Das Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 A-Dur von Franz Liszt wird in Weimar uraufgeführt.

1858/0107:ヘブライ語復活者 Eliezer Ben-Yehuda 185822、誕生

(Hebrew: אליעזר בן־יהודה‬; pronounced [eli'ʕezeʁ ben jehu'da]
a Jewish Litvak lexicographer of Hebrew and newspaper editor. He was the driving spirit behind the revival of the Hebrew language in the modern era.

1873/0107:フランスの文藝家 Charles Péguy 187314、誕生

un écrivain, poète et essayiste français.
Il a passé l'École Normar en 1894 et a étudié avec Bergson dans un philosophe. Après avoir quitté l'école pendant un an à partir de l'automne 1895, il retourne à Orléans, forme un groupe de recherche socialiste et rejoint le Parti socialiste français qui vient d'être fondé par Joaresh.
En octobre 1897, j'épouse une soeur d'un ami décédé, Marcel Beaudeoin, qui partage les idéaux socialistes.

1886/0107:イギリスの画家 Richard Dadd 181786、死去

an English painter of the Victorian era,
Most of the works for which he is best known were created while he was a patient in psychiatric hospitals.

le général Georges Boulanger est nommé ministre de la Guerre en France.

1894/0107:Maximilien Kolbe 189441、誕生

ein polnischer Franziskaner-Minorit, Verleger und Publizist. Er wird von der katholischen Kirche als Heiliger und Märtyrer verehrt.



William Dickson receives a patent in the USA for the invention of the film camera.

# Dickson was a Scottish inventor who devised an early motion picture camera under the employment of Thomas Edison (post-dating the work of Louis Le Prince). https://is.gd/UOQnZa


1895/0107:Clara Haskil 189560、誕生

a Romanian classical pianist, renowned as an interpreter of the classical and early romantic repertoire. She was particularly noted for her performances and recordings of Mozart.

1902/0107:George Kingsley Zipf 190250、誕生

an American linguist and philologist who studied statistical occurrences in different languages


After the Boxer Rebellion, the Empress Dowager Cixi, led by the Eight-Power Allied Forces into Beijing and forced to flee to Xi'an for refuge, returned to Beijing with Emperor Guangxu.

The distress signal "CQD" is established only to be replaced two years later by "SOS".



Shirasu Masako was a Japanese author and collector of fine arts. Her husband was the diplomat Jirō Shirasu 白洲次郎190285.
She was the first known woman to perform a Noh play. She became an avid collector of Japanese antiques and published a large number of books on the subject. She was an expert especially on Japanese ceramics.

Hubert Latham is the first airplane pilot to exceed 1,000 meters above sea level.


1933昭和08、吉田玉次郎に入門し「玉男」と名乗る。立役(男役)。戦中二度出征。戦後『曽根崎心中』の徳兵衛役で当たり、生涯で1136回務めた。抑制の効いた、理知的な動きのなかに秘めた情感や品良き色香を表現し、その技は最高峰と謳われた。{ううん、さうかなと半信半疑、人形劇は(人間が演ずるのとは違って)見る側の氣持が重ねられて情調的になるものだから、 …… 。それに昨今の文樂は人形遣ひの顏が人形の近くにあって邪魔になってしやうがない。全員黒子になってしまへばいいものを、それでは誰が人形を動かしてゐるか解らなくなる、とでも思ってゐるとしか思へないと私などは勘繰るはうだから。 …… 

Montenegrin guerrilla fighters rebel against the planned annexation of Montenegro by Serbia, but fail.

comienzo de la semana trágica en Buenos Aires.

# The riot was led by anarchists and communists, and was eventually crushed by the Argentine Federal Police under Luis Dellepiane and the intervention of the Argentine Army, Argentine Marine Corps and Argentine Navy.
# La semaine tragique désigne une période allant du 7 au 16 janvier 1919, marquée par une série de grèves et de manifestations ouvrières en Argentine.

The first transatlantic telephone service is established from New York City to London.

first publication of the Tarzan comic strip.


1929/0107:USA、宇宙英雄「Buck Rogers」登場
The space hero Buck Rogers is the first science-fiction comic strip to capture daily newspapers in US newspapers.


1932/0107:マジノ線の André Maginot 187732、死去

un homme politique français connu notamment pour avoir permis la construction de la ligne Maginot.
Il est connu pour avoir préconisé la construction de la ligne de forteresse allemande, la soi-disant «ligne maginal».

US Secretary of State Henry Stimson announces 'Stimson Doctrine' accusing Japanese occupation of Manchuria.

1934/0107:USA、宇宙英雄「Flash Gordon」も登場
The comic series of the draftsman Alex Raymond about the space hero Flash Gordon starts in US newspapers.

L'accordo franco-italiano apre la strada all'Italia per preparare la guerra in Abissinia, tra le altre cose.

Benito Mussolini and French Foreign minister Pierre Laval sign the Franco-Italian Agreement.

1940/0107:フィンランドvsソ連「Winter War」
 The Finnish 9th Division stop and completely destroy the numerically superior Soviet forces on the Raate-Suomussalmi road.

The siege of the Bataan Peninsula begins.

1943/0107:稀代の發明家 Nikola Tesla 185643、死去

a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist who is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system


1943/0107:ゲンバクの少女 佐々木禎子194355、誕生

Sasaki Sadako was a Japanese girl who was two years old when an American atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, near her home next to the Misasa Bridge.
Sadako became one of the most widely known hibakusha 被爆者 — a Japanese term meaning "bomb-affected person".
She is remembered through the story of the one thousand origami cranes 千羽鶴(折紙)she folded before her death, and is to this day a symbol of the innocent victims of nuclear warfare.


World War II: British General Bernard Montgomery holds a press conference in which he claims credit for victory in the Battle of the Bulge.

Kentucky Air National Guard pilot Thomas Mantell crashes while in pursuit of a supposed UFO.


1951/0107:フランスの思想家 René Guénon 188651、死去

un auteur français, « figure inclassable de l’histoire intellectuelle du XXe siècle
Il a publié dix-sept ouvrages de son vivant, auxquels s'ajoutent dix recueils d'articles publiés à titre posthume, soit au total vingt-sept titres régulièrement réédités. Ces livres ont trait, principalement, à la métaphysique, au symbolisme, à l'ésotérisme et à la critique du monde moderne.


President Harry Truman reveals that the United States owns the hydrogen bomb.

The first public demonstration of a machine translation system, is held in New York at the head office of IBM.


The United States recognizes the new Cuban government of Fidel Castro.

The US Navy conducted a launch test of Polaris missiles.


1968/0107:USA、NASA「Surveyor Program」
Surveyor 7, the last spacecraft in the Surveyor series, lifts off from launch complex 36A, Cape Canaveral.

1970/0107:日本の喜劇王 榎本健一190470、死去

a popular Japanese singing comedian, mostly known by his stage name Enoken (エノケン).

During the Vietnam War lasts for the last time an aircraft to a spray application with the defoliant Agent Orange.

India establishes diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China.

When landing on Ibiza crashes a Sud Aviation Caravelle of the Spanish airline Iberia. There are 104 dead.

Mark Essex fatally shoots ten people and wounds 13 others at Howard Johnson's Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana, before being shot to death by police officers.

OPEC countries agree to increase the price of crude oil by 10%.

le gouvernement Pol Pot est renversé au Cambodge par des rebelles soutenus par le Viêt Nam.



Brunei becomes the sixth member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations 

1986/0107:メキシコの作家 Juan Rulfo 191786、死去

un escritor, guionista y fotógrafo mexicano, perteneciente a la generación del 52.5​ La reputación de Rulfo se asienta en dos libros: El Llano en llamas, compuesto de diecisiete relatos y publicado en 1953, y la novela Pedro Páramo, publicada en 1955.

1989/0107:124天皇 裕仁昭和190189、崩御

Hirohito ou Hiro-Hito (裕仁), est empereur du Japon du 25 décembre 1926 à sa mort. Bien que le nom d'« Hirohito » soit usuel en Occident, au Japon on le désigne, depuis sa mort, par son nom de règne, Shōwa Tennō (昭和天皇, « empereur Shōwa »).
Fils de l'empereur Taishō 123嘉仁大正187926 et de l'impératrice Teimei, frère des princes Yasuhito Chichibu, Nobuhito Takamatsu et Takahito Mikasa, il est le 124e empereur selon la tradition shintō.

Per ragioni di sicurezza, la Torre di Pisa è chiusa ai visitatori, poiché la torre è diventata ancora più inclinata e la pendenza diventa troppo pericolosa. I lavori di ristrutturazione dureranno fino al 15 dicembre 2001.

For safety reasons, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is closed to visitors, as the tower has become even more inclined and the slope becomes too dangerous. The renovation work will last until 15 December 2001.


Roger Lafontant, former leader of the Tonton Macoute in Haiti under François Duvalier, attempts a coup d'état, which ends in his arrest.

The Bosnian Army executes a surprise attack at the village of Kravica in Srebrenica.

1996/0107:日本のゲイジツ家 岡本太郎191196、死去

Okamoto Tarō est un artiste japonais . On lui doit la citation « L'art, c'est l'explosion » (芸術は爆発だ).


1998/0107:クロアチア有機化学者 Vladimir Prelog 190698、死去

a Croatian-Swiss organic chemist who received the 1975 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his research into the stereochemistry of organic molecules and reactions.

1941年、彼はレオポルト・ルジチカの招待を受けスイス・チューリヒチューリッヒ工科大学に移った。彼はここで教授にまで昇進した。1957年にルジチカが退官すると、プレローグは有機化学研究室を引き継ぎ、変わった領域の研究も積極的に始めた。複素環式化合物アルカロイド、環状化合物の研究、動物の器官に少量含まれる生理活性化合物の単離と研究などである。彼はまた、抗生物質の構造や酵素反応の立体化学も研究した。彼の研究はステロイド、トリテルペン、キニーネ、ストリキニーネソラニンや、いわゆるプレローグ則 (Prelog's regulation) と呼ばれるものを含むその他のアルカロイドなどの構造の研究を進展させた。ロバート・シドニー・カーン、クリストファー・ケルク・インゴルドとともに行った研究で、立体化学に一般的に適用できる、いわゆるカーン・インゴルド・プレローグ順位則を確立した。彼とルジチカのおかげで、チューリッヒは近代有機化学の中心的な都市となった。

1998/0107:USA数学者 Richard Hamming 191598、死去

an American mathematician whose work had many implications for computer engineering and telecommunications. His contributions include the Hamming code (which makes use of a Hamming matrix), the Hamming window, Hamming numbers, sphere-packing (or Hamming bound), and the Hamming distance.


: アメリカ合衆国上院でビル・クリントン大統領の弾劾裁判が開始

The Senate trial in the impeachment of U.S. President Bill Clinton begins.


2004/0107:スヱデンの女優 Ingrid Thulin 192604、死去

Elle était, avec Greta Garbo et Ingrid Bergman, la plus connue des actrices suédoises.
Elle incarna l’archétype de la beauté nordique, froide et mystérieuse. Une des égéries du cinéaste Ingmar Bergman, elle a également travaillé sous la direction de Luchino Visconti, Vincente Minnelli et d'Alain Resnais.

2006/0107:ドイツの登山家 Heinrich Harrer191206、死去

österreichischer Bergsteiger, Forschungsreisender, Geograf und Autor. Bekannt wurde er als einer der Erstbesteiger der Eiger-Nordwand sowie durch sein Buch Sieben Jahre in Tibet und dessen Verfilmung. 1962 gelang ihm die Erstbesteigung der Carstensz-Pyramide im Westen Neu-Guineas, einem der Seven Summits.


2015/0107:パリで「Charlie Hebdo」テロ事件、發生
Attentat au siège du journal satirique français Charlie Hebdo.

Two gunmen commit mass murder at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, shooting twelve people execution style, and wounding eleven others.

A car bomb explodes outside a police college in the Yemeni capital Sana'a with at least 38 people reported dead and more than 63 injured.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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