


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 012180

歴史暦:古今東西 12/23 今日の出來事


The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius and his son Commodus celebrate the victorious end of the first Marcomannic War with a triumphal procession in Rome.


The Germanic tribes in the middle of the 1st century AD

During the war, Emperor Marx Aurelius became ill and died. In 180 years Empress Commodus who succeeded to his father made a favorable fellowship to the Roman side and the war ended.
It is speculated that Aurelius' s "Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν literally (things to one's self)" was written at this battlefield

Huneric dies and is succeeded by his nephew Gunthamund, who becomes king of the Vandals. During his reign Christians are protected from persecution.


0558/1223:フランク王國「Chlothar I」戴冠
 is crowned King of the Franks.

Hagia Sophia in Constantinople reopened with a rebuilt dome after a series of earthquakes caused the original to collapse.


Maya queen Yohl Ik'nal is crowned ruler of Palenque.


Dagobert II, king of Austrasia from the family of the Merovingians, is assassinated by Ebroin, the Neustrian housekeeper, hunting near Stenay.

Arab–Byzantine wars: Under the future Emperor Nicephorus Phocas, Byzantine troops storm the city of Aleppo.

1482/1223:フランス「Traité d'Arras」

Le traité d'Arras a été signé entre le roi Louis XI et le futur empereur Maximilien Ier, époux de Marie de Bourgogne.
Il s'agit d'un des nombreux textes tentant de régler la succession de Charles le Téméraire. Le traité finit la guerre de Succession de Bourgogne (1477–1482).

Hartmann Schedel gibt seine Nürnberger Chronik, besser bekannt als Schedelsche Weltchronik, eine Inkunabel in deutscher Fassung heraus.

The Nuremberg Chronicle is an illustrated biblical paraphrase and world history that follows the story of human history related in the Bible; it includes the histories of a number of important Western cities. Written in Latin by Hartmann Schedel, with a version in German, translation by Georg Alt, it appeared in 1493. It is one of the best-documented early printed books—an incunabulum—and one of the first to successfully integrate illustrations and text.

In a council resolution of the city Nordhausen over a spirits tax the Nordhäuser Branntwein is first mentioned in documents.

Der Theologe Johannes Sylvanus wird in Heidelberg nach einem Todesurteil wegen unitarischer Ketzerei hingerichtet.

Theologian Johann Sylvan is executed in Heidelberg for his heretical Antitrinitarian beliefs.

1588/1223:Henri Ier de Guise 155088、暗殺される

assassinat du duc Henri Ier de Guise.
Henry de Guise, chef de la Ligue catholique en France, est assassiné par la Garde Royale lors de la huitième guerre huguenote à Blois. Son frère Louis, cardinal de Lorraine et archevêque de Reims, est arrêté comme témoin et tué le lendemain sous les ordres du roi Henri III. Cela conduit à la rébellion de la France catholique contre son roi.
Henry de Guise, chef de la Ligue catholique en France, est assassiné par la Garde Royale lors de la huitième guerre huguenote à Blois. Son frère Louis, cardinal de Lorraine et archevêque de Reims, est arrêté comme témoin et le lendemain sur les ordres du roi Henri III tué. Cela conduit à la rébellion de la France catholique contre son roi. (Henry of Guise, leader of the Catholic League in France, is assassinated by the Royal Guard in the eighth Huguenot war in Blois. His brother Louis, Cardinal of Lorraine and Archbishop of Reims, is arrested as a witness and on the following day on the orders of King Henry III killed. This leads to the rebellion of Catholic France against his king.)

signature de l'Union de Brest, une partie de l'Église orthodoxe des provinces ruthènes de la République polono-lituanienne (situées majoritairement dans la Biélorussie et l'Ukraine actuelles) font allégeance à Rome.


The Tianqi Emperor(personal name Zhu Youxiao)was the 16th emperor of the Ming 明 dynasty of China, reigning from 1620~27.
He was the eldest son of the Taichang Emperor and a brother of the Chongzhen Emperor, who succeeded him. "Tianqi 天啓" means "heavenly opening".

After "honorable surrender" by the city commander, Sweden's King Gustav II Adolf invades the Electoral City of Mainz without a fight during the Thirty Years' War.
In the following Sweden time until 1636, the existing fortress is strengthened vigorously.

Giovanni Domenico Cassini scopre la luna di Saturno Rhea.

As part of the Glorious Revolution, King James II of England flees from England to Paris, France after being deposed in favor of his nephew, William of Orange and his daughter Mary.

After a staged scandal, the Spanish Queen Elisabetta Farnese refers to the then almighty Camarera mayor Marie-Anne de La Trémoire of the country.

In the secret Berlin Treaty between King Friedrich Wilhelm I and the German Emperor Karl VI, the anti-Austrian policy of Prussia is abandoned, in return the emperor recognizes Prussian claims to the Duchy of Berg.

1732/1223:Richard Arkwright 193292、誕生

an English inventor and a leading entrepreneur during the early Industrial Revolution.
Although his patents were eventually overturned, he is credited with inventing the spinning frame, which following the transition to water power was renamed the water frame.
He also patented a rotary carding engine that transformed raw cotton into cotton lap.

George Washington resigns as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army at the Maryland State House in Annapolis, Maryland.

1790/1223:Jean-François Champollion 179032、誕生

un égyptologue français. Il fut le premier à déchiffrer les hiéroglyphes, il est considéré comme le père de l'égyptologie.

Il disait de lui-même : « Je suis tout à l'Égypte, elle est tout pour moi ».

1793/1223:フランス革命「Battle of Savenay」
 a decisive defeat of the royalist counter-revolutionaries in War in the Vendée during the French Revolution.

Révolution française: Une armée de partisans royalistes est détruite à la bataille de Savenay par l'armée révolutionnaire républicaine sous Jean-Baptiste Kléber dans le soulèvement de Vendée.

King Ferdinand IV, ruler of the Kingdom of Naples, flees to Sicily before advancing French troops.
The evacuation of the court and others takes place on English ships under the command of Horatio Nelson. After a stormy crossing, they arrive in Palermo on the 26th of December.

1804/1223:Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve 180469、誕生

un critique littéraire et écrivain français
Dans l'histoire de la littérature romantique, il a été nommé à côté de Hugo, Balzac du roman, a établi un genre de critique

Das Konzert für Violine und Orchester D-Dur op. 61 von Ludwig van Beethoven hat seine Uraufführung am Theater an der Wien in Wien. Solist ist Konzertmeister Franz-Joseph Clement, der das Werk bei Beethoven in Auftrag gegeben hat.

1812/1223:Samuel Smiles 181204、誕生

a Scottish author and government reformer who campaigned on a Chartist platform. But he concluded that more progress would come from new attitudes than from new laws.
His masterpiece, Self-Help (1859), promoted thrift and claimed that poverty was caused largely by irresponsible habits, while also attacking materialism and laissez-faire government. It has been called "the bible of mid-Victorian liberalism", and it raised Smiles to celebrity status almost overnight.

その序文中の格言(Heaven helps those who help themselves. 天はみづから助くる者を助く )はその後の日本人の思想形成に多大の影響を及ぼした。

The novel Emma by Jane Austen is first published.

1929/1223:Chet Baker 192988、誕生

Chesney Henry « Chet » Baker, Jr.
an American jazz trumpeter, flugelhornist, and vocalist.
Baker earned much attention and critical praise through the 1950s, particularly for albums featuring his vocals (Chet Baker Sings, It Could Happen to You).

1834/1223:Thomas Robert Malthus 176632、死去

an English cleric and scholar, influential in the fields of political economy and demography.
He is an economist representing classical economics, advocating "under consumption theory" and "effective demand theory".


la France, l'Italie, la Suisse et la Belgique fondent l'Union monétaire latine.

France, Belgium, Italy and Switzerland conclude the Latin Coin Convention.
Gold and silver coins will be standardized in weight, metal content, shape and their course based on the French system in the future. The result is the Latin Münzunion.

First day of the Constantinople Conference which resulted in agreement for political reforms in the Balkans.

The Ottoman ruler Abdülhamid II proclaims the first Turkish constitution, called Kanûn -ı Esāsî, which is based on liberal principles, but is repealed very soon.

Pat Garrett manages the arrest of the known as Billy the Kid gunner William Bonney.

Le peintre Vincent van Gogh se blesse dans sa maison à Arles dans des circonstances inexpliquées à l'oreille droite et donne une partie de l'oreille plus tard à une prostituée.

The opera Hansel and Gretel by Engelbert Humperdinck is first performed.

The late Romantic fairy tale opera Hänsel und Gretel by Engelbert Humperdinck premieres with extraordinary success at the Weimar Court Theater. The libretto for Humperdinck's play, ironically referenced to Richard Wagner's opera Parsifal "Kinderstubenweihfestspiel", was written by his sister Adelheid Wette after the fairy tale from the children's and house fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.

Reginald Fessenden performs the first wireless voice transmission.

Am 23. Dezember 1900 führte er ein erstes Experiment drahtloser Sprachübertragung durch.
On December 23, 1900, he conducted a voice signal transmission experiment using a high frequency spark transmitter and succeeded in receiving at about 1.6 km away. This is the world's first wireless communication of voice signals.

1913/1223:USA、ヰルソン大統領「Federal Reserve Act」
 is signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson, creating the Federal Reserve System.

The Federal Reserve System, Fed for short, the US central bank system, is introduced. President Woodrow Wilson signs the Federal Reserve Act, the law passed by the US Congress.

Battle of Magdhaba Allied forces defeat Turkish forces in the Sinai Peninsula.

Am Kleinen Schauspielhaus in Berlin wir Arthur Schnitzlers Drama Reigen uraufgeführt.

Under the leadership of David Lloyd George, the British Parliament passes the Government of Ireland Act, the 4th Home Rule Act, which divides the Irish island into southern Ireland and northern Ireland, each of which is to have its own government.

1933/1223:125天皇 平成明仁1933--、誕生

Akihito (明仁), empereur du Japon depuis 1989.


In Davos wird der vom Schweizer Maschineningenieur Ernst Constam entwickelte erste Bügelskilift der Welt in Betrieb genommen.

After 15 days of fighting, the Imperial Japanese Army occupies Wake Island.

The transistor is first demonstrated at Bell Laboratories.

The bipolar transistor invented by William B. Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter H. Brattain is demonstrated at Bell Laboratories.

Seven Japanese military and political leaders convicted of war crimes by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East are executed by Allied occupation authorities at Sugamo Prison in Tokyo, Japan.

極東国際軍事裁判で死刑判決のA級戦犯七名の絞首刑が執行 ―― 、

1948/1223:廣田弘毅187848、Death by Hanging


1948/1223:東條英機188448、Death by Hanging


1948/1223:松井岩根187848、Death by Hanging


1948/1223:板垣征四郎188548、Death by Hanging


1948/1223:木村兵太郎188848、Death by Hanging


1948/1223:土肥原賢二188348、Death by Hanging


1948/1223:武藤章189248、Death by Hanging


1952/1223:Vasili Eroshenko、死去

эсперантист, писатель-символист, поэт, музыкант, педагог, получивший известность сочинениями на эсперанто и японском.
(Russian: Василий Яковлевич Ерошенко Ukrainian: Василь Якович Єрошенко) was an anarchist writer, esperantist, linguist, and teacher.


1953/1223:Lavrenti Beria 189953、刑死(銃殺)

Exécution du dirigeant et ancien chef des services de sécurité soviétique Lavrenti Beria ainsi que 6 de ses collaborateurs (Vladimir Dekanozov, Vsevolod Merkoulov, Bogdan Koboulov, Sergo Goglidzé, lev Vlodzimirsky et Pavel Méchik).

Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria (Georgian: ლავრენტი პავლეს ძე ბერია, Lavrenti Pavles dze Beria, Russian: Лаврентий Павлович Берия, was a Soviet politician of Georgian ethnicity, Marshal of the Soviet Union and state security administrator, chief of the Soviet security and secret police apparatus (NKVD) under Joseph Stalin during World War II, and promoted to deputy premier under Stalin from 1941. He later officially joined the Politburo in 1946.


The 82 sailors from the USS Pueblo are released after eleven months of internment in North Korea.

The North Tower of the World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York, New York is topped out at 1,368 feet (417 m), making it the tallest building in the world.

In the district of Manhattan in New York City, the North Tower of the World Trade Center is completed. At 417 meters high, it is the tallest building in the world at that time.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo officially becomes a one-party state.

1972/1223:Andreï Tupolev 188872、死去

(Андрей Николаевич Туполев), constructeur aéronautique soviétique
During his career, he designed and oversaw the design of more than 100 types of aircraft, some of which set 78 world records.

A 6.5 magnitude earthquake strikes the Nicaraguan capital of Managua killing more than 10,000.

The 16 survivors of the Andes flight disaster are rescued after 73 days, having reportedly survived by cannibalism.

1979/1223:アフガニスタン「Soviet war in Afghanistan」
 Soviet Union forces occupy Kabul, the Afghan capital.

With the cable car to the Klein Matterhorn, the highest cable car in Europe is put into operation in Zermatt.

Richard Glenn Rutan and Jeana Yeager complete the first nonstop non-refueling flight in nine days around the world with the Burt Rutan-designed Voyager.

The nuclear physicist, dissident and Nobel Prize winner Andrei Sakharov and his wife and comrade Jelena Bonner return to Moscow after lifting their exile.

In a referendum, 88.5% of Slovenia's overall electorate vote for independence from Yugoslavia.


Yao Wenyuan was a Chinese literary critic, a politician, and a member of the Gang of Four during China's Cultural Revolution.

In October 1976, he was arrested for his participation in the Cultural Revolution and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
He was released on October 23, 1996, and spent the remainder of his life writing a book and studying Chinese history. He lived in his hometown of Shanghai and became the last surviving member of the Gang of Four after Zhang Chunqiao died in April 2005. According to China's official Xinhua news agency, he died of diabetes on December 23, 2005, aged 74.


The Republic of Chad claims that it is "in a state of war" because of the numerous border raids in the course of the Darfur conflict with Sudan, but declares that this is not a declaration of war.

An agreement is made for the Kingdom of Nepal to be abolished and the country to become a federal republic with the Prime Minister becoming head of state.

2013/1223:Mikhaïl Kalachnikov 191913、死去

(Михаил Тимофеевич Калашников), militaire soviétique (° 10 novembre 1919).
советский и российский конструктор стрелкового оружия, доктор технических наук (1971), генерал-лейтенант (1999), создатель всемирно известного автомата Калашникова (АК).

{ベリヤ、ツポレフ、カラシニコフの命日がトリプル重なって、まるで十二月二十三日はソ連を象徴する日だな。しかも、このコワモテだったソ連を自嘲するやうに、ソ連からロシアに戻ったロシア人がやらかすことときたら ―― 

2013/1223:ロシアの女子パンクロック「Pussy Riot」騷動
In Russia, Nadejda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alekhina, members of the Pussy Riot group, are released together with thousands of detainees, under an amnesty law.

Pussy Riot is a Russian feminist protest punk rock group based in Moscow. Founded in August 2011, it had a variable membership of approximately 11 women ranging in age from about 20 to 33 (as of 2012). The group staged unauthorised provocative guerrilla performances in public places, performances that were filmed as music videos and posted on the Internet. The collective's lyrical themes included feminism, LGBT rights, and opposition to Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom the group considered to be a dictator. These themes also encompassed Putin's links to the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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