

10/28:古今の歴史を旅してごらん「もっと醉狂な旅行記が書けまっせ、Mr Gulliver

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
 今日が誕生日の Francis Bacon 190992 の Head Ⅳ


歴史暦:古今東西 10/28 今日の出來事

0097/1028:ロウマ帝國皇帝「ネルヴァ ⇨ トラヤヌス
Emperor Nerva is forced by the Praetorian Guard to adopt general Marcus Ulpius Trajanus as his heir and successor.

Trajan, gouverneur de Germanie supérieure, est adopté par l'empereur Nerva et devient César.

Maxentius is proclaimed Roman emperor.

Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maxentius 027812(在位 0306~12)、ロウマ帝國「テトラルキア」時代の皇帝の一人。皇帝マクシミアヌスの子で、ガレリウス帝の義理の息子。


τετραρχία, tetrarkhía 0293ディオクレティアヌスが始めた。本來は寡頭製で四人組の政體を云ふが、テトラルキアはロウマ帝國での分担統治を意味する。
四分割されつつもロウマ帝國は patrimonium indivisum(統一された帝國)の自負は保たれ、これを象徴するかたちで皇帝像が作られた。


0312/1028:ロウマ帝國内亂「Battle of the Milvian Bridge」
Constantine I defeats Maxentius, becoming the sole Roman emperor in the West.



The Visigoths brutally sack the Suebi's capital of Braga (Portugal), and the town's churches are burnt to the ground.


Visigoth ゲルマン人の一派で、0270頃に東西に分裂。西ゴウト族は(ロウマ帝國内で傭兵などになりながら)ヨウロパを南下するかたちでイベリア半島に進出していった。

0797/1028:Charles the Great(Charlemagne)「Capitular Saxonicum」公布.
The law replaces capital punishment by means of fines and equates the subordinate Saxons to the other peoples of the Franks.


Byzantine general Michael Bourtzes seizes one of Antioch's main wall towers, which he defends against repeated attacks for three days until the reinforcements led by the stratopedarches Peter arrive and secure the city for the Byzantines.


Recapture of Antioch in 969

Brachamios held the city until the Seljuk Turks captured it from him in 1084. The Sultanate of Rum held it only fourteen years before the Crusaders arrived.

Empress Agnes, acting as regent for her son, brings about the election of bishop Cadalus, the antipope Honorius II.


Agnes of Poitou(Agnes of Aquitaine, Empress Agnes 102577)was German queen from 1043 and Holy Roman Empress from 1046 until 1056. From 1056 to 1061 she acted as regent of the Holy Roman Empire during the minority of her son Henry IV.


1225/1028:『愚管抄』の天臺座主 慈圓115525、逝去


a Japanese poet, historian, and Buddhist monk.
He began to study and write Japanese history, his purpose being to "enlighten people who find it hard to understand the vicissitudes of life". His masterpiece, completed around 1220, was humbly entitled, Gukanshō『愚管抄』, which translates as Jottings of a Fool. In it he tried to analyze the facts of Japanese history. The Gukanshō held a mappo 末法 and therefore pessimistic view of his age, The Feudal Period, and claimed that it was a period of religious decline and saw the disintegration of civilization. This is the viewpoint generally held today. Jien claimed that changes in the feudal structure were necessary and defended the shogun's claim of power.

1335/1028:朝鮮の李氏初代國王 李成桂133508、誕生

리성계、太祖 康献大王


1420/1028:China[明] 北京、正式に明の首都となる
Beijing is officially designated the capital of the Ming dynasty on the same year that the Forbidden City, the seat of government, is completed.



Ladislaus is crowned king of Bohemia in Prague.


{ちょっと、Art nouveau じゃない!

descubrimiento de Cuba por Cristóbal Colón durante su primer viaje al Nuevo Mundo.

Christopher Columbus lands in Cuba on his first voyage to the New World.


1516/1028:トルコ軍vsマムルク軍「Battle of Yaunis Khan」
Turkish forces under the Grand Vizier Sinan Pasha defeat the Mamluks near Gaza.



1524/1028:フランスのフランソワ一世「Siège de Pavie」開始
Dans les guerres d'Italie, le roi français François Ier commence le siège de la ville de Pavie avec son armée.


1531/1028:エチオピア帝國「Battle of Amba Sel」に敗北し
Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi again defeats the army of Lebna Dengel, Emperor of Ethiopia. The southern part of Ethiopia falls under Imam Ahmad's control.


1533/1028:Mariage「Henri II et Catherine de Médicis」



The first university in the New World (in present-day Dominican Republic), the Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino, is established.


1627/1028:ムガル04皇帝 Jahângîr 156927、崩去

(جهانگیر), quatrième empereur moghol de l'Inde de 1605 à 1627


1628/1028:フランス宗教戰爭「Siege of La Rochelle」
 which had lasted for 14 months, ends with the surrender of the Huguenots.

Fin du siège de la Rochelle par capitulation de la ville.



A vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony establishes the first college in what would become the United States, today known as Harvard University.

Fondation de l'université Harvard dans le Massachusetts.


The Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot, later to be known as the Royal Marines, is established.


La Savoie s'unit à la ligue d'Augsbourg contre la France.

Savoy joins the league of Augsburg against France.

1704/1028:イギリス 自由主義の父 John Locke 163204、死去

an English philosopher and physician, widely regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and commonly known as the "Father of Liberalism".

Considered one of the first of the British empiricists, following the tradition of Sir Francis Bacon, he is equally important to social contract theory.
His work greatly affected the development of epistemology and political philosophy. His writings influenced Voltaire 169478 and Jean-Jacques Rousseau 171278, many Scottish Enlightenment thinkers, as well as the American revolutionaries.
His contributions to classical republicanism and liberal theory are reflected in the United States Declaration of Independence.


The 1707 Hōei earthquake causes more than 5,000 deaths in Honshu, Shikoku and Kyūshū, Japan.

The novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift is published.



1775/1028:American Revolutionary War
A British proclamation forbids residents from leaving Boston.


1776/1028:A R War「Battle of White Plains」
British Army forces arrive at White Plains, attack and capture Chatterton Hill from the Americans.

In the Battle of White Plains near New York City, the British defeated the American colonists under George Washington, under the command of William Howe, with the support of a Hessian regiment. Their chance to completely destroy the troops of the settlers, however, left them unused.

Olympe de Gouges présente la Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne à l'Assemblée nationale.


1818/1028:ロシアの小説家 Ivan Tourgueniev181883、誕生

(Иван Сергеевич Тургенев), écrivain russe

1834/1028:オウストラリア「Pinjarra massacre」イギリス人による
 occurred in the Swan River Colony, Western Australia. An estimated 30 Noongar people were killed by British colonists.


The United Tribes of New Zealand is established with the signature of the Declaration of Independence.

In Waitangi, 31 Māori Chiefs signed the Declaration of Independence of New Zealand, the first declaration of independence in New Zealand.

The republics of Northern Peru and South Peru together with Bolivia form the Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation.


1837/1028:江戸期 最後の將軍 徳川慶喜183713、誕生



1846/1028:フランスの料理人 Auguste Escoffier 184635、誕生

Chef cuisinier et écrivain culinaire français
Ce « roi des cuisiniers », et « cuisinier des rois », a modernisé et codifié la cuisine raffinée de Marie-Antoine Carême. Créant dans des établissements de prestige de nombreuses recettes, reprises ensuite par d'autres chefs, il a fait connaitreN 1 internationalement la cuisine française.

On the Barcelona-Mataró route, the first railroad on the Iberian Peninsula operates in Spain.


Lisbon is opening the first Portuguese railway line between Santa Apolónia station and the station in Carregado.


1860/1028:柔道の父 嘉納冶五郎186038、誕生


1860/1028:ワイマル憲法の父 Hugo Preuß 192560、誕生

ein deutscher Staatsrechtslehrer und Politiker.
Er war Mitbegründer der Deutschen Demokratischen Partei (DDP) und entwarf im Auftrag von Friedrich Ebert die Weimarer Reichsverfassung.

憲法48条に規定された『大統領緊急権』は元々プロイスの草案にあったものだが、それが後に大統領独裁からナチス体制への可能性を作りだしたと批判される一方で、Carl Schmitt 188885 からは戦争や革命などの「例外状況」において決断者としての権限を持たせたものとして高く評価された。

1864/1028:南北戰爭「Battle of Fair Oaks & Darbytown Road」ends
Union forces under General Ulysses Grant withdraw from Fair Oaks, Virginia, after failing to breach the Confederate defenses around Richmond, Virginia.


1868/1028:イギリスのポリマス Frederick Lanchester 186846、誕生

an English polymath and engineer, made important contributions to automotive engineering and to aerodynamics, and co-invented the topic of operations research.

1914の第一次世界大戦に際して「ピタゴラスの定理」にヒントを得て、二つの軍事的法則を考察した。これが、後に「競争の法則」と呼ばれる「ランチェスターの法則」Operation Research における戦闘の数理モデル)となった。

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev publishes the periodic table of elements.








1883/1028:幕末の日本來航者 Jewfimi W Putjatin 180383、死去

Евфимий Васильевич Путятин「プチャチン」
ein russischer Admiral, Staatsmann und Diplomat.

Inauguration de la statue de la Liberté dans le port de New York.

In New York Harbor, President Grover Cleveland dedicates the Statue of Liberty. The first ticker tape parade takes place in New York City when office workers spontaneously throw ticker tape into the streets as the statue is dedicated.




The Mino–Owari earthquake, the largest inland earthquake in Japan's history, strikes Gifu Prefecture.


Émile Reynaud présente ses Pantomimes Lumineuses à l'aide de son théâtre optique au musée Grévin.


Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Pathétique, receives its première performance in St. Petersburg, only nine days before the composer's death.

Петр Ильич Чайковский провел премьеру своей 6-й симфонии в Санкт-Петербурге. Последняя работа Чайковского, которая называется Патетикой по предложению его брата, воспринимается публикой лишь с умеренным энтузиазмом.

1899/1028:印刷術の改革者 Ottmar Mergenthaler 185499、死去

Uhrmacher und Erfinder der Linotype-Setzmaschine.

Zeilensetzmaschine von Ottmar Mergenthalers Firma Linotype


1900/1028:インド学の創立者 Friedrich Max Müller 182300、死去

a German-born philologist and Orientalist, who lived and studied in Britain for most of his life.
He was one of the founders of the western academic field of Indian studies and the discipline of comparative religion

ミュラは詩人であった父の影響で文藝や音楽の方向に関心があったが、知人であった Felix Mendelssohn 180947 は別の進路を勧めた。

1902/1028:イギリスの女優 Elsa Lanchester 190286、誕生

a British actress with a long career in theatre, film and television.

Panama and Uruguay establish diplomatic links.


Das Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus wird mit der Aufführung von Friedrich Hebbels Judith eingeweiht.


The Daily Telegraph affair deals with the British and German public. Printed statements by Kaiser Wilhelm II trigger indignation and a state crisis in Germany. Reichskanzler von Bülow offers his resignation. Parts of the public demand the abdication of the Emperor.


1909/1028:イギリス(アイルランド)画家 Francis Bacon 190992、誕生

an Irish painter known for his bold, grotesque, emotionally charged, raw imagery. He is best known for his depictions of popes, crucifixions and portraits of close friends.


Unter der Leitung des Komponisten wird Eine Alpensinfonie von Richard Strauss uraufgeführt.


Czechoslovakia declares independence from Austria-Hungary marking the beginning of an independent Czechoslovak state, after 300 years.


A new Polish government in western Galicia is established, triggering the Polish–Ukrainian War.


1919/1028:USA議會「Volstead Act』
The U.S. Congress passes the Volstead Act over President Woodrow Wilson's veto, paving the way for Prohibition to begin the following January.


Italian fascists led by Benito Mussolini march on Rome and take over the Italian government.

King Viktor Emanuel III. refused the signature under the emergency decree worked out by the Italian Government under Luigi Facta, with which the latter wanted to defend Rome from the march organized by Benito Mussolini's Fascists. The King's decision, one day later, led to Mussolini's machination.

Howard Carter discovered the funeral mask of Tutankhamun.


Declaration of the Youth Pledge in Indonesia, the first time Indonesia Raya, now the national anthem, was sung.


1929/1028:USA「Black Monday」
a day in the Wall Street Crash of 1929, which also saw major stock market upheaval.




1937/1028:スペイン内戦(Guerra civil española)
el gobierno republicano español se transfiere a Barcelona.


1937/1028:天文、「小惑星 Asteroiden (69230) 」發見
Karl Wilhelm Reinmuth entdeckt den Asteroiden (69230) Hermes.


Greece rejects Italy's ultimatum. So, Greco-Italian War began. Italy invades Greece through Albania, marking Greece's entry into World War II.

dopo che il primo ministro greco Ioannis Metaxas rifiutò di dare un ultimatum da Mussolini, l'Italia invase la Grecia, innescando la guerra italiano-greca.

1942/1028:USA「Alaska Highway (Alcan Highway)」
 is completed through Canada to Fairbanks, Alaska.


Swiss chemist Paul Müller is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the insecticidal properties of DDT.





Pour la première fois dans l'histoire de l'aviation française, un appareil français, un Mystère II, franchit le mur du son.


Ernest Hemingway receives the Nobel Prize for Literature.


1955/1028:Microsoft創業者 Bill Gates 1955--、誕生

William « Bill » Henry Gates III, informaticien et entrepreneur américain, cofondateur de Microsoft.

1956/1028:イラン大統領 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 1956--、誕生

(محمود احمدی نژاد), ingénieur et homme politique iranien, président de la République islamique d’Iran de 2005 à 2013.

In the midst of the uprising in Budapest, Hungary, Imre Nagy is appointed President of the Council.





1959/1028:キュウバの指導者 Camilo Cienfuegos 193259、飛行機墜落死(暗殺?)

un revolucionario cubano y una de las personalidades más paradigmáticas de la Revolución Cubana junto a Fidel Castro, el Che Guevara, Raúl Castro y Juan Almeida.



1962/1028:日本の文藝者 正宗白鳥187962、死去


End of Cuban Missile Crisis: Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev orders the removal of Soviet missiles from Cuba.


1964/1028:イギリスの日本学者 Reginald Horace Blyth 189864、死去

an English author and devotee of Japanese culture.

青年時代、良心的兵役拒否 菜食主義
皇太子の英語教師として雇われ、皇室との關係1964五月まで続いた。皇室との連絡調整役を務め、また彼の親友で連合国総司令部民間情報教育局勤務の陸軍中佐 Harold Gould Henderson とともに昭和天皇の『人間宣言』起草に關はった。



1964/1028:Vietnam War
U.S. officials deny any involvement in bombing North Vietnam.


1965/1028:Vatican「Nostra aetate」
the "Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions" of the Second Vatican Council, is promulgated by Pope Paul VI; it absolves the Jews of responsibility for the death of Jesus, reversing Innocent III's 760-year-old declaration.





1970 10月28日 - プノンペンからタケオ州チャンバクへ、プノンペン支局長フランク・フロッシュと共に自動車で取材に向かう。帰途、プノンペンの南約34キロ地点の国道2号線上で何者かに襲撃され、フロッシュと共に死亡。所持していた愛機のライカや腕時計等の金品は無くなっており、襲撃者に盗まれたと見られる。





1980/1028:日本の実業家 小林中189980、死去


1981/1028:日本の演劇人 芥川比呂志192081、死去






The Spanish Socialist Workers' Party wins elections, leading to the first Socialist government in Spain after death of Franco; Felipe González becomes Prime Minister-elect.




1989/1028:アルジェリアの作家 Kateb Yacine 182989、死去

un écrivain algérien aurésien.

1994 FIFAワアルドカップアジア最終予選で、日本代表はロスタイムでイラクに得点を許し、引き分けとなったためW杯出場を逃した


289 people are killed and 265 injured in Baku Metro fire, the deadliest subway disaster.


1998/1028:イギリスの詩人 Ted Hughes 193098、死去

an English poet and children's writer.
Critics frequently rank him as one of the best poets of his generation, and one of the twentieth century's greatest writers.
He served as Poet Laureate from 1984 until his death.

2005/1028:USA「Plame affair」
Lewis Libby(Vice-president Dick Cheney's chief of staff)is indicted in the Valerie Plame case. Libby resigns later that day.


The funeral service takes place for those executed at Bykivnia forest, outside Kiev, Ukraine. 817 Ukrainian civilians (out of some 100,000) executed by Bolsheviks at Bykivnia in 1930s/1940s are reburied.




The 28 October 2009 Peshawar bombing kills 117 and wounds 213.


2013/1028:日本のプロ野球 打撃の神樣 川上哲治192013、死去




Five people are killed and 38 are injured after a car crashes into barriers just outside the Forbidden City in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China.



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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World