


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 10/10 今日の出來事

Chu defeated Song Guo and became the hegemon.





0019/1010:皇帝になれなかった Germanicus Julius Caesar -01519、陣中急死

He was born at Rome into a prominent branch of the patrician gens Claudia, to Nero Claudius Drusus and his wife Antonia Minor.
The agnomen Germanicus was added to his full name in 9 BC when it was posthumously awarded to his father in honor of his victories in Germania.
In AD 4, he was adopted out of the Claudii and into the Julii, and his name became Germanicus Julius Caesar.



Campaigns of Tiberius and Germanicus in the years 10/11-13 CE. In pink the anti-Roman Germanic coalition led by Arminius. In dark green, territories still directly held by the Romans, in yellow the Roman client states

Map of the Lower (Nothern) Germanic limes. Shows the legion camps and forts in Germania Inferior.

彼の父の Drusus はゲルマン戰役で早世した。皇帝アウグストスは血のつながるゲルマニクスを後継者と考へたが、まだ幼かったので、中継としてティベリウスを養子にして皇帝にし、Gをその養子とした。

0614/1010:キリスト教会「パリでの公會議」concile de Paris.

Il traite de la liberté des élections épiscopales1, des privilèges ecclésiastiques et de l'inviolabilité des biens de l’Église ainsi que de la discipline2 et réunit 77 évêques ou archevêques et un abbé représentant 76 évêchés. Il est signé en premier par le primat de Lyon devant l’archevêque d’Arles, Florien, et celui de Vienne3.


0645/1010:天皇辭退したが一族諸共に滅ぼされた 古人大兄皇子??0645




Husayn ibn Ali(grandson of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad)is decapitated by forces under Caliph Yazid I. 

The battle took place between a small group of supporters and relatives of Muhammad's grandson, Husayn ibn Ali, and a larger military detachment from the forces of Yazid I, the Umayyad caliph.


A force commanded by Charles Martel defeats an army of the Umayyad Caliphate between Poitiers and Tours in France.

Battle of Tours(Poitiers)= Battle of the Palace of the Martyrs、was fought by Frankish & Burgundian forces against an army of the Umayyad Caliphate. It was fought in an area between the cities of Poitiers and Tours, in north-central France,

"Age of the Caliphs" 0720

L'armée byzantine d'Orient se révolte et proclame empereur Nicéphore Botaniatès.

the Byzantine army of the East rebelled and proclaimed Emperor Nicephorus Botaniates.
Nicéphore III Botaniatès 100181:empereur byzantin du 24 mars 1078 au 4 avril 1081.


1361/1010:Mariage「Edward et Joan」
Joan of Kent and Edward of Woodstock, the Black Prince, marry at Windsor Castle.


the Swedish Reichsverweser Sten Sture the Elder defeated the Danish King Christian I and decided the Danish-Swedish War with a step towards the end of the Kalmar Union.


A battle during the 5th War of Religion in France. It occurred near the village of Dormans, more precisely between Tréloup and Verneuil, on 10 October 1575. It was an encounter between royal troops


Over 600 Papal troops land at Dún an Óir, Ireland to support the Second Desmond Rebellion.


An Electorate of Saxony army takes over Prague.


1659/1010:オランダの海洋探檢家 Abel Janszoon Tasman 160359、死去

a Dutch seafarer, explorer, and merchant, best known for his voyages of 1642 and 1644 in the service of the Dutch East India Company (VOC).
He was the first known European explorer to reach the islands of Van Diemen's Land (now Tasmania) and New Zealand, and to sight the Fiji islands.



1684/1010:フランスの画家 Antoine Watteau 168421、誕生

un peintre français.
Il est un des créateurs représentants du mouvement rocaille. Inspiré par la commedia dell'arte, il aime représenter le théâtre dans ses tableaux, que ce soit à travers les rideaux lourds ou les thèmes.

Le Pèlerinage à l'île de Cythère, 1717.
Claude Debussy 186218 の『シテル島への船出』で有名な

1731/1010:イギリスの科学者 Henry Cavendish 173110、誕生

a British natural philosopher, scientist, and an important experimental and theoretical chemist and physicist.
Cavendish is noted for his discovery of hydrogen 水素 or what he called "inflammable air". He described the density of inflammable air, which formed water on combustion 燃燒, in a 1766 paper "On Factitious Airs".
Antoine Lavoisier 174394 later reproduced Cavendish's experiment and gave the element its name.

In a treaty with the Dutch colonial authorities, the Ndyuka people of Suriname(descended from escaped slaves)gain territorial autonomy.

The Ndyuka people or Aukan people or Okanisi sama, are one of six Maroon peoples (formerly "Bush Negroes") in the Republic of Suriname and one of the Maroon peoples in French Guiana

The Great Hurricane of 1780 kills 20,000–30,000 in the Caribbean.



Un rapport de Saint-Just proclame « le [Révolution française#Gouvernement révolutionnaire] jusqu’à la paix » : la constitution de 1793 n’est pas appliquée et les libertés sont suspendues en attendant le retour à l’ordre et à la paix.


During the Kościuszko insurrection in the divided Poland, the dictator Tadeusz Kościuszko, who led the rebellion, was with his army in the battle of Maciejowice Russian troops of the general Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov and was captured. The insurrection continues in Warsaw.


1801/1010:フランスとロシア「Traité de Paris」

Le traité de Paris du 10 octobre 1801 est un traité signé entre la France et la Russie mettant fin aux hostilités dans le cadre des guerres de la Deuxième Coalition.

1806/1010:フランスvsプロシア連盟軍「Bataille de Saalfeld」
Victoire des Français sur la coalition prusso-saxonne commandée par le prince Louis-Ferdinand de Prusse, lequel meurt au cours de l’affrontement.


1813/1010:イタリア オペラの作曲家 Giuseppe Verdi 181301、誕生

un compositore italiano, tra i massimi autori di melodrammi che fanno ancora oggi parte del repertorio dei teatri di tutto il mondo.

1828/1010:江戸期の譜代大名[福井藩] 松平慶永182890、誕生


The British army captured Zhenhai.


the largest moon of the planet Neptune, is discovered by English astronomer William Lassell.

William Lassell discovered Triton, the largest moon of the planet Neptune.


In Spain a double wedding is celebrated:
Queen Isabella II marries her cousin Francisco de Asís de Borbón.
Her sister Maria Luisa entered the marriage with the Duke of Montpensier and son of the French bourgeois Louis-Philippe, Antoine d'Orléans, duc de Montpensier.


Maximilien d'Autriche accepte le trône du Mexique.


John Wesley Hyatt receives his first patent on the non-ivory billiard ball he invented. A few years later, in the pursuit of improvement of the invention, he succeeds in the development process for celluloid.


Carlos Céspedes issues the Grito de Yara from his plantation, La Demajagua, proclaiming Cuba's independence


Chicago burns after a barn accident. The fire lasts from October 8 to October 10.


1874/1010:天文「asteroid Juewa」發見
J. C. Watson discovered the asteroid Juewa as a participant in a China expedition on the occasion of a Venustransit.


1875/1010:ロシアの文人 Aleksey Tolstoy 181775、死去

русский писатель, поэт и драматург из рода Толстых, переводчик, сатирик. Член-корреспондент Петербургской АН.

{高名な Лев Толстой 182810 とはちがふふトルストイです。トルストイ伯爵家の人ですが。どういふ關係かは書いてありませんでした。


Darwin "The Formation of Vegetable Mold" 出版

The first edition of the book "The Formation of Vegetable Mold" by Charles Darwin appears.
Darwin concludes with this book his decades of studies on the interactions between earthworms and earthworms as well as the behavior of these animals.

The Bank of Japan is established as a monopolistic central bank. Thus, private banks can no longer spend money in Japan.


1889/1010:贋作の大家 Han van Meegeren 188947、誕生

a Dutch painter and portraitist and is considered to be one of the most ingenious art forgers of the 20th century. Despite his life of crime, van Meegeren became a national hero after World War Two when it was revealed that he had sold a forged painting to Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring during the Nazi Occupation of the Netherlands.
二十世紀におけるもっとも獨創的にして卓越した作画家。殊に Johannes Vermeer 163275 を得意とした。


1895/1010:中国の文人 林語堂189576、誕生


1897/1010:化學 、發見「アスピリン
German chemist Felix Hoffmann discovers an improved way of synthesizing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).


1901/1010:スヰスの彫刻家 Alberto Giacometti 190166、誕生

un sculpteur et un peintre suisse,


1903/1010:USA「Women's Social and Political Union」
 was founded by Emmeline Pankhurst


The Wuchang Uprising 武昌起義 leads to the demise of the Qing dynasty, the last Imperial court in China, and the founding of the Republic of China.


1913/1010:日本 軍人から政事家 桂太郎184813、死去


{この寫眞を見て私は Giuseppe Arcimboldo 152693 が描いた有名な繪をたちまち想起してゐた。




1913/1010:フランスの作家 Claude Simon 191305、誕生

, romancier français, prix Nobel de littérature en 1985

1913/1010:China[中華民國]「袁世凱、初代の中華民国大総統に就任。Yuuki Kanei, Inaugurated the first President of the Republic of China.


1915/1010:フランスの地理学者 Jean Gottmann 191594、誕生

un géographe français, inventeur du néologisme Megalopolis

都市的な機能を持ちつゝ、個々の都市を境界を越えて一體となった感のある地理的な空間ができてゐることに彼は氣付き、それを「メガロポリス」と呼び、具体的には NewYork などのアメリカの各所に現出していることを指摘し、当時話題となった



1917/1010:ジャズマン Thelonious Monk 191782、誕生

an American jazz pianist and composer. Monk had a unique improvisational style and made numerous contributions to the standard jazz repertoire, including "'Round Midnight", "Blue Monk", "Straight, No Chaser", "Ruby, My Dear", "In Walked Bud", and "Well, You Needn't".


1919/1010:China「中華革命党 ⇨ 中國國民党」
The Chinese Revolutionary Party was reorganized into the Chinese National Party, and Sun Yat-seng was appointed Prime Minister.


The Carinthian plebiscite determines that the larger part of the Duchy of Carinthia should remain part of Austria.






1928/1010:日本の映画監督 羽仁進1928--、誕生


Chiang Kai-shek becomes Chairman of the Republic of China.


1930/1010:ドイツの植物学者 Adolf Engler 184430、死去

ein deutscher Botaniker und der führende Pflanzenexperte seiner Zeit.


1930/1010:イギリスの劇作家 Harold Pinter 193008、誕生

English playwright, screenwriter, director and actor. One of the most influential modern British dramatists, his writing career spanned more than 50 years.

1930/1010:日本の作家 野坂昭如193015、誕生


1932/1010:日本の女優 高千穂ひづる1932--、誕生




A United Airlines Boeing 247 is destroyed by sabotage, the first such proven case in the history of commercial aviation.


Ten days after the pre-premiere in Boston, George Gershwin's opera Porgy and Bess relives a libretto by DuBose Heyward at New York's Alvin Theater with a moderate success with their Broadway debut with Todd Duncan and Anne Wiggins Brown in the title roles. The lyrics are by DuBose Heyward and Gershwin's brother Ira.


A coup d'état by the royalist leadership of the Greek Armed Forces takes place in Athens.
It overthrows the government of Panagis Tsaldaris and establishes a regency under Georgios Kondylis, effectively ending the Second Hellenic Republic.


1938/1010:日本の写真家 森山大道1938--、誕生

Street Photographer of Japan.

The Munich Agreement cedes the Sudetenland to Nazi Germany.


L'opéra comique Barbe-bleue de Jacques Ibert est créée.


1944/1010:WWⅡ 日米戰爭「沖縄空襲」
US military, the first air raid in Okinawa main island, 90% of Naha city destroyed, 548 dead



The Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang signed a principle agreement in Chongqing about the future of post-war China. Later, the pact is commonly referred to as the Double Tenth Agreement.

The Japanese government legalized the Communist Party of Japan




1953/1010:USA & Korea
A Mutual Defense Treaty Between the United States and the Republic of Korea is concluded in Washington, D.C.





1957/1010:日本の漫画家 高橋留美子1957--、誕生


The Windscale fire in Cumbria, U.K. is the world's first major nuclear accident.




1963/1010:シャンソン歌手 Édith Piaf 191563、死去

本名 (Édith Giovanna Gassion), chanteuse française



The Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty comes into effect.


1964/1010:Japan「東京オリンピック」開催 ~1024
The opening ceremony of the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, is broadcast live in the first Olympic telecast relayed by geostationary satellite.



1967/1010:The Outer Space Treaty,
 signed on January 27 by more than sixty nations, comes into force.


1970/1010:Fiji becomes independent.


In Montreal, a national crisis hits Canada when Quebec Vice-Premier and Minister of Labour Pierre Laporte becomes the second statesman kidnapped by members of the FLQ terrorist group.


In Lake Havasu City, Arizona, the London Bridge, which was sold to the United States, was reopened in 1831, the parts of which are built into a reinforced concrete structure.



1973/1010:思想家 Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises 189173、死去

ein österreichisch-amerikanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Theoretiker des klassischen Liberalismus und Libertarismus.
Er gilt als einer der wichtigsten Vertreter der Österreichischen Schule der Nationalökonomie im 20. Jahrhundert.


1975/1010:Papua New Guinea joins the United Nations.




The 7.1 Mw El Asnam earthquake shakes northern Algeria with a maximum Mercalli intensity of X (Extreme); at least 2,633 people were killed and 8,369 were injured.


Papst Johannes Paul II. spricht den in Auschwitz getöteten Pater Maximilian Kolbe heilig.

Pope John Paul II saintly of the Maximilian Kolbe, who was killed in Auschwitz.


United States Navy F-14 fighter jets intercept an Egyptian plane carrying the hijackers of the Achille Lauro cruise ship, and force it to land at a NATO base in Sigonella, Sicily where they are arrested.


1983/1010:イギリスの俳優 Ralph Richardson 190283、死去

n English actor who, along with his contemporaries John Gielgud and Laurence Olivier, dominated the British stage of the mid-20th century. He worked in films throughout most of his career, and played more than sixty cinema roles.

1985/1010:アメリカの映画人 Orson Welles 191585、死去

an American actor, director, writer, and producer who worked in theatre, radio, and film.


1985/1010:ロシア生の男優 Yul Brynner 192010、死去

a Russian-born film and stage actor.


The 5.7 Mw San Salvador earthquake shook San Salvador, El Salvador with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). Up to 1,500 people were killed.




Håkon Wium Lie publishes his proposal for "Cascading HTML style sheets".


An Austral Airlines DC-9-32 crashes and explodes near Nuevo Berlin, Uruguay, killing 74.


A Lignes Aériennes Congolaises Boeing 727 is shot down by rebels in Kindu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, killing 41 people.



學名 Nipporia Nippon、







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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World