


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日は日本人を『菊と刀』と分析した Ruth Benedict の命日


歴史暦:古今東西 09/17 今日の出來事

Tang Xuanzong canonized Yang Tai really for the Royal.

Statue of Yang Guifei at Huaqing Pool.



Highest Galician nobility led by Pedro Fróilaz de Traba and the bishop Diego Gelmírez crown Alfonso VII as "King of Galicia".


1176/0917:Byzantine vs SeljukTurk「Battle of Myriokephalon」


The battle was a strategic reverse for the Byzantine forces, who were ambushed when moving through a mountain pass.
It was to be the final, unsuccessful effort by the Byzantines to recover the interior of Anatolia from the Seljuk Turks.

1192/0917:鎌倉幕府03將軍 源實朝119219、誕生


私も大好きな歌人でいくらでも思ひだされてくるが、そのうちで彼が自分の運命の悲劇を直感して洩らしたやうな歌を一つだけあげてをく。後はその悲劇的な死の時に ――


 Date présumée du miracle des stigmates de Saint François d'Assise. Un tableau représentant cet événement a été peint par le peintre Giotto.



Mary (daughter of Louis the Great) is crowned "King" of Hungary.



1462/0917:三十年戰爭「Battle of Świecino (Żarnowiec)」






1577/0917:France「Treaty of Bergerac」
 signature de l'édit de Poitiers entre Henri de Navarre et Henri III.

The Treaty of Bergerac is signed between Henry III of France and the Huguenots.

1620/0917:Polish–Ottoman War「Battle of Cecora」
 is fought between the Ottoman Empire and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.


 Boston, Massachusetts is founded.


1631/0917:Thirty Years' War「Battle of Breitfeld」
Sweden wins a major victory at the Battle of Breitenfeld against the Holy Roman Empire during the Thirty Years' War.


1658/0917:Portugal vs Spain「Battle of Vilanova」
 is fought during the Portuguese Restoration War.


1665/0917:スペインの大王 Felipe IV 160565 de España、崩去

Felipe IV de España, llamado «el Grande» o «el Rey Planeta»

Felipe IV en Fraga por Velázquez, 1644


{Diego Velázquez 159960 のおかげで、私が西洋でもっとも細部まで想起できる王樣となった。

1683/0917:Discover "animalcules"
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek writes a letter to the Royal Society describing "animalcules": the first known description of protozoa.

Animalcule ("little animal", from Latin animal + the diminutive suffix -culum) is an older term for a microscopic animal or protozoan. The concept appears to have been understood at least as early as c. 30 BC, as evidenced by the following translation from Marcus Varro's Rerum Rusticarum Libri Tres:  (Wikipedia en) 

Die Georg-August-Universität Göttingen wird als Universität im Geist der Aufklärung eröffnet.



1743/0917:フランス 政事家 Nicolas de Condorcet 174394、誕生

 écrivain, économiste, philosophe, mathématicien et homme politique français

1775/0917:American Revolutionary War (アメリカ獨立戰爭)
 The Invasion of Canada begins with the Siege of Fort St. Jean.


1778/0917:USA & NativeAmerican「Treaty of Fort Pitt」
It is the first formal treaty between the United States and a Native American tribe.


The United States Constitution is signed in Philadelphia.


 William Herschel discovers that Saturnmond, which is later called Mimas.



1792/0917:France「French Crown Jewels」Robbery
 Vol des joyaux de la Couronne.


Dans la semaine du 11 au 17 septembre 1792, une bande dirigée vraisemblablement par un certain Paul Miette dérobe une partie des diamants, qui se trouvent alors à Paris, à l'hôtel du Garde-Meuble de la Couronne, où le trésor est conservé mais mal gardé. À la suite d'une enquête menée entre 1792 et 1794, les deux tiers des joyaux sont retrouvés, parmi lesquels le « Régent », le « Sancy », et la plupart des « Mazarins ». La collection, déposée à la Trésorerie nationale, est alors estimée à 17 millions de livres.


1809/0917:Sweden-Russia war「Treaty of Fredrikshamn」
Peace between Sweden and Russia in the Finnish War; the territory that will become Finland is ceded to Russia.


1826/0917:ドイツの数学者 Bernhard Riemann 182666、誕生

ein deutscher Mathematiker, der trotz seines relativ kurzen Lebens auf vielen Gebieten der Analysis, Differentialgeometrie, mathematischen Physik und der analytischen Zahlentheorie bahnbrechend wirkte.
Er gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Mathematiker.

American abolitionist Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery.


Joshua Norton(a businessman from San Francisco who had to file for bankruptcy the previous year)appoints himself as the "Emperor of the United States".


1861/0917:Argentine「Battle of Pavón」
 Bataille de Pavón durant la guerre civile en Argentine. l’État de Buenos Aires résiste à la Confédération argentine


1862/0917:南北戰爭「Battle of AntietamBattle of Antietam」
 George McClellan halts the northward drive of Robert Lee's Confederate Army in the single-day Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest day in American military history.


1862/0917:南北戰爭=American Civil War
 The Allegheny Arsenal explosion results in the single largest civilian disaster during the war.


1863/0917:フランスの文人 Alfred de Vigny 179763、死去

un écrivain, romancier, dramaturge et poète français.


Alfred de Vigny par Félix Nadar

Son œuvre se caractérise par un pessimisme fondamental, et une vision désenchantée de la société. Il développe à plusieurs reprises le thème du paria, incarné par le poète, le prophète, le noble, Satan ou bien le soldat. Sa poésie est empreinte d’un stoïcisme hautain, qui s’exprime en vers denses et dépouillés, souvent riches en symboles, annonçant la modernité poétique de Baudelaire, Verlaine et Mallarmé.
L'année dernière était solitaire. En raison du cancer, j'étais assis sur le lit pendant un an ou plus, mais le 17 septembre 1863, il est décédé à Paris. Il a été enterré dans le cimetière de Montmartre.

1867/0917:日本の詩人(俳句&和歌) 正岡子規186702、誕生


Die Uraufführung der Tragödie Boris Godunow von Alexander Puschkin, die vier Jahre später von Modest Mussorgski als gleichnamige Oper vertont wird, findet in Sankt Petersburg statt.


1870/0917:Prussia vs France「Combat de Montmesly」
 durant la guerre de 1870. Victoire des Prussiens sur les Français.


1871/0917:Europe「Le tunnel Mont-Cenis」開通
 Le tunnel ferroviaire assure des connexions plus rapides entre Paris et Rome et traverse le massif du mont Cenis dans les Alpes occidentales.



1879/0917:en Irlande,
Charles Parnell, président de la Ligue agraire, inaugure une tactique nouvelle pour faire plier les propriétaires et les régisseurs qui maltraitent ou dépouillent leurs tenanciers la mise en quarantaine, c'est le premier boycott.


1883/0917:プエルトリコの詩人 William Carlos Williams 188363、誕生

a Puerto Rican-American poet closely associated with modernism and imagism.

Battle of the Yalu River, the largest naval engagement of the First Sino-Japanese War.




1900/0917:Philippine–American War
 Filipinos under Juan Cailles defeat Americans under Colonel Benjamin Cheatham Jr. at Mabitac.


1892/0917:ドイツの法学者 Rudolf von Jhering 181892、死去

ein deutscher Rechtswissenschaftler.

Der Kampf ums Recht 1872

≫ 権利の生涯とは闘争なのだ - 民族の、国家権力の、階級の、そして個人の闘争である。実際、権利は衝突の表現としてのみ意味を持っており、人類が自らを飼いならそうとする努力の顕れなのだ。残念なことに、権利は権力・不正に対し、今日の理性的な世界ではあまり用いられることのなく、不快で卑しまれるであろう方法で対抗しようとした。というのも、権利が社会闘争を真に解決しようとしたことは、今までにただの一度もなかったのだ。それよりも、権利が目指したのは、ただ単に、最終的な決定が下されるまでの間、どのように争われるべきであるかを規則に定め、それらの闘争を穏やかなものにすることであったのである。
≫ 権利は、単なる思想ではなく、生き生きとした力なのである。だからこそ、片手に権利を量るための秤を持つ正義の女神は、もう一方の手で権利を貫くための剣を握っているのだ。秤を伴わない剣は裸の実力を、剣を伴わない秤は権利の無力を意味する。

In Wien kommt es zur Teuerungsrevolte von Arbeitern, die vom Militär gewaltsam niedergeschlagen wird. Zum ersten Mal seit 1848 wird in Wien wieder das Feuer auf Demonstranten eröffnet. Dabei kommen drei Menschen ums Leben, 149 werden verletzt.



1914/0917:WWⅠ The Race to the Sea begins.
Combat de la Rougemare et des Flamants contre un commando allemand en Normandie.


1916/0917:WWⅠ "The Red Baron"
 Manfred von Richthofen(a flying ace of the German Luftstreitkräfte)wins his first aerial combat near Cambrai, France.

Manfred von Richthofen, später Der Rote Baron genannt, gewinnt seinen ersten Luftkampf im Ersten Weltkrieg über Cambrai.

1923/0917:USA ウエスタン歌手 Hank Williams 192353、誕生

an American singer-songwriter and musician. Regarded as one of the most significant and influential American singers and songwriters of the 20th century,

1925/0917:Mexico、Frida Kahlo
 suffers near-fatal injuries in a bus accident in Mexico, causing her to abandon her medical studies and take up art


1928/0917:日本の詩人(和歌) 若山牧水188528、死去



 Signature de l'accord d'Achnacarry par lequel les « sept sœurs » (surnom donné aux sept compagnies pétrolières les plus puissantes) s'entendent secrètement à ne pas se faire concurrence.


The Okeechobee hurricane strikes southeastern Florida, killing more than 2,500 people. It is the third deadliest natural disaster in United States history, behind the Galveston hurricane of 1900 and the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.


The Ararat rebellion is suppressed.


1931/0917:アメリカの女優 Anne Bancroft 193105、誕生

an American actress, director, screenwriter and singer associated with the method acting school, having studied under Lee Strasberg.


A speech by Laureano Gómez leads to the escalation of the Leticia Incident.


1938/0917:大肅清の犠牲 Nikolai Kondratiev 189238、銃殺刑

Николай Дмитриевич Кондратьев
Russian economist, who was a proponent of the New Economic Policy (NEP), which promoted small private, free market enterprises in the Soviet Union. He is best known for proposing the theory that Western capitalist economies have long term (50 to 60 years) cycles of boom followed by depression. These business cycles are now called "Kondratiev waves".

スタリンの大肅清により、銃殺刑 ――
His last letter was sent to his daughter, Elena Kondratieva, on 31 August 1938. In September 1938 during Stalin's Great Purge, he was subjected to a second trial, condemned to ten years without the right to correspond with the outside world. However, Kondratiev was executed by firing squad on the same day the sentence was issued. Kondratiev was 46 at the time of his execution.

1938/0917:日本の詩人(俳句) 村上鬼城186538、死去



1938/0917:日本の映画監督 山中貞雄190938、日中戰爭で戦病死


 The Soviet Union joins Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland during the Polish Defensive War of 1939.


 German submarine U-29 sinks the British aircraft carrier HMS Courageous.


 Following Nazi Germany's defeat in the Battle of Britain, Hitler postpones Operation Sea Lion indefinitely.


 A decree of the Soviet State Committee of Defense, restoring Vsevobuch in the face of the Great Patriotic War, is issued.


 Soviet forces enter Tehran marking the end of the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran.


1944/0917:WWⅡ「Operation Market Garden」
 Allied Airborne troops parachute into the Netherlands as the "Market" half of Operation Market Garden.



 Soviet troops launch the Tallinn Offensive against Germany and pro independence Estonian units.


1944/0917:WWⅡ「Battle of San Marino」
 German forces are attacked by the Allies.






1948/0917:『菊と刀』作者 Ruth Benedict 188748、死去

American anthropologist and folklorist.
After studying anthropology at the New School of Social Research under Elsie Clews Parsons, she entered graduate studies at Columbia University in 1921, where she studied under Franz Boas. She received her PhD and joined the faculty in 1923. Margaret Mead, with whom she shared a romantic relationship, and Marvin Opler, were among her students and colleagues.

Benedict is known not only for her earlier Patterns of Culture but also for her later book The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, the study of the society and culture of Japan that she published in 1946, incorporating results of her war-time research.

Other Japanese who have read this work, according to Margaret Mead, found it on the whole accurate but somewhat "moralistic". Sections of the book were mentioned in Takeo Doi's book, The Anatomy of Dependence, though Doi is highly critical of Benedict's concept that Japan has a 'shame' culture, whose emphasis is on how one's moral conduct appears to outsiders in contradistinction to America's (Christian) 'guilt' culture, in which the emphasis is on individual's internal conscience. Doi stated that this claim clearly implies the former value system is inferior to the latter one.

The Lehi (also known as the Stern gang) assassinates Count Folke Bernadotte, who was appointed by the United Nations to mediate between the Arab nations and Israel.


The Nizam of Hyderabad surrenders his sovereignty over the Hyderabad State and joins the Indian Union.


The novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding is first published.

Jules Verne 182805 の『二年間の休暇』を下敷きにした孤島もの。おもしろかった。

An airplane on board the UN Secretary General Doug Hammarskild crashed. Death the next day.


1963/0917:ドイツの哲学者 Eduard Spranger 188263、死去

ein deutscher Philosoph, Pädagoge und Psychologe, der zu den modernen Klassikern der Pädagogik gezählt wird

これらの基本的な類型、なかでも経済的人間(homo oeconomicus)という表現に、シュプランガは独自の概念規定を付け加えたが、これらの類型を人間の発達の諸段階の中で具体的なものとして描いて見せた。

教育について「三段階論」を彼は提唱する。人はまずいわゆる一般教育的な学校制度の中で基礎的な人間形成を身につける。これが自分の関心や才能に合わせてより専門的人間形成に特化されていく。これが第二段階である。ここで既に職業教育についても話を聞き、第3段階になって初めてこれが一般的な教育に発展させられていく。人は「今や、その中心的な領域から発せられた光」の跡をたどる、と彼はいう。この段階を経て、彼によれば、それぞれひとつの段階が完結する前に、新しい段階が始まるというふうに、成長発展が継起していく。  Wikipedia

彼は、人間が cultural value をどこに置くかによって類型を六つに分けた。
The Theoretical, whose dominant interest is the discovery of truth
 理論型 - 論理的理解が眞理への道と考へる。
The Economic, who is interested in what is useful
 経済型 - 社界的價値を地位や金錢に置き利己主義的に行動する。
The Aesthetic, whose highest value is form and harmony
 審美型 - 形式や調和に高い價値を置き、心情的生活を重視する。
The Religious, whose highest value is unity
 宗教型 - 信仰に價値を置き、道徳的倫理的に生きようとする。
The Political, whose interest is primarily in power
 権力型 - 他人を支配することを好み、権力掌握に熱中する。
The Social, whose highest value is love of people
 社会型 - 社会への奉仕活動や福祉に獻身する事に價値を置く。

1964/0917:Japan「Tokyo MonoRail」


1965/0917:Pakistan vs India「Battle of Chawinda」




Bangladesh, Grenada and Guinea-Bissau join the United Nations.


The Camp David Accords are signed by Israel and Egypt.


1979/0917:『戦艦大和の最期』著者 吉田満192379、死去



After weeks of strikes at the Lenin Shipyard in Gdańsk, Poland, the nationwide independent trade union Solidarity is established.


Former Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza Debayle is killed in Asunción, Paraguay.


Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, the Marshall Islands and Micronesia join the United Nations.


The first version of the Linux kernel (0.01) is released to the Internet.


1992/0917:in Germany「Assassination」
An Iranian Kurdish leader and his two joiners are assassinated by political militants in Berlin, Germany.


1994/0917:オウストリ 思想家 Karl Popper 190294、死去

an Austrian and British philosopher and professor. He is generally regarded as one of the 20th century's greatest philosophers of science.

The Open Society and Its Enemies
The Poverty of Historicism

The New York Stock Exchange reopens for trading after the September 11 attacks, the longest closure since the Great Depression.




2006/0917:USA「Fourpeaked Mountain in Alaska」噴火,
 marking the first eruption for the long-dormant volcano in at least 10,000 years.


The feature film Katyn's Polish director Andrzej Wajda's massacre about the Katyn massacre has its world premiere in Polish cinemas.



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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World