


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 07/24 今日の出來事


Witold Gombrowicz 190469Isaac Bashevis Singer 190291








1129/0724:日本の072天皇 白河105329、崩御




1132/0724:Battle of Nocera
 between Ranulf II of Alife and Roger II of Sicily.

The Battle of Nocera (or Scafati)was the first major battle of Roger II of Sicily and one of two of his major defeats (the other being the Battle of Rignano) at the hands of Count Ranulf of Alife.



1148/0724:2nd Crusade:
Louis VII of France lays siege to Damascus.



1411/0724:Scotland、Battle of Harlaw,
one of the bloodiest battles in Scotland, takes place.


Harlaw Monument

La flèche de la cathédrale de Strasbourg est terminée.



Citizens of Leeuwarden,  strike against a ban on foreign beer.


explorer Jacques Cartier plants a cross on the Gaspé Peninsula and takes possession of the territory in the name of Francis I of France.


Mary(Queen of Scots)is forced to abdicate and replaced by her 1-year-old son James VI.


1568/0724:スペイン王子 Carlos, Prince of Asturias 154568、死去

el hijo del rey Felipe II de España y su primera esposa, la infanta María Manuela de Portugal y príncipe de Asturias desde 1560 hasta su muerte y a quien se lo caracterizó por su complexión débil y enfermiza.

Wikipedia ja)当時のボヘミア大使の手紙によると「カルロスは肩の高さが違い、右足が左足より長く、頭が大きすぎる。胸はくぼみ、背中にこぶがある。まるで子供のように愚かしい質問ばかりする。高尚なことに興味を示したことはなく、食べることにしか感心がない。際限なく食べ続けているので、よくいろいろな病気にかかり、顔色はひどく悪く、長生きはできないだろう」とある。父に反逆してネーデルランドに行こうとして逮捕監禁され、24歳で牢死した。

{後世、Friedrich von Schiller 175905 の戯曲や Giuseppe Verdi 181301 のオペラの主人公に、もっとも本人とは関係のない悲劇的人物に仕立てられて。

1572/0724:La conquista española de la fortaleza Inca
de Vilcabamba y tomar poco después de los refugiados último rey de los Inca, Tupac Amaru I, atrapado.

The Spanish conquest of the Inca fortress of Vilcabamba and take shortly after the last refugees king of the Inca, Tupac Amaru I, trapped.




1618/0724:日本 戰國大名 鍋島直茂153818、死去



French officer Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac founds the trading post at Fort Pontchartrain, which later becomes the city of Detroit.


1783/0724:大コロンビアの解放者 Simón Bolívar 178330、誕生

Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar Ponte y Palacios Blanco
un militar y político venezolano, fundador de las repúblicas de la Gran Colombia y Bolivia.{なげえ。
Fue una de las figuras más destacadas de la emancipación americana frente a España.



1783/0724:Treaty of Georgievsk:
The Kingdom of Georgia & the Russian Empire sign.


1802/0724:Alexandre Dumas père 180270、誕生

un écrivain français

Alexandre Dumas vu par Henri Meyer.


1814/0724:Niagara River: War of 1812:
General Phineas Riall advances toward the Niagara River to halt Jacob Brown's American invaders.

Niagara River は今日はもう一度出てくる。

1837/0724:In the test of a parachute he developed,
the British Robert Cocking killed a large crowd at Greenwich deadly. He is the first death sacrifice for parachute jumping. The false test reduces interest in this technique over several decades.




After 17 months of travel, Brigham Young leads 148 Mormon pioneers into Salt Lake Valley, resulting in the establishment of Salt Lake City.


1857/0724:日本の高級官僚 後藤新平185729、誕生




# 大杉榮によれば、伊藤野枝(大杉の愛人)の遠縁にあたる頭山満から紹介された杉山茂丸に、台華社での交渉で山口孤剣と白柳秀湖を例に挙げて「国家社会主義ぐらいのところになれ」と軟化を迫られ、すぐその家を辭したものの、杉山の口から後藤新平の名前がたびたび出たことから後藤への無心を思いついた(『大杉栄自叙伝』より)
{こんなところに、頭山滿185544や杉山茂丸186435の名前が出てくるとは、それが大杉榮188523や伊藤野枝189523と繋がり、後藤新平185729にまで繋がっていくとは ―― 人間の繋がりは奇々怪々、友達の友達を五回(だったっけ六回だっけ)辿っていくと世界中の人々と友達の輪ができると云ってたけど、そんな感じ。

1860/0724:アルヌヴォの画家 Alfons Mucha 186039、誕生

un affichiste, un illustrateur, un graphiste, un peintre, architecte d'intérieur et décorateur tchèque, fer-de-lance du style Art nouveau.


1864/0724:ドイツの作家 Frank Wedekind 186418、誕生

ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Dramatiker und Schauspieler.

Frank Wedekind, 1883


1864/0724:American Civil War: Battle of Kernstown : Confederate General Jubal Early defeats Union troops led by General George Crook in an effort to keep them out of the Shenandoah Valley.


Tennessee becomes the first U.S. state to be readmitted to the Union following the American Civil War.


In Japan's forced, Ryukyu stopped to tribute to China, to become Japan's puppet country.


1878/0724:Edward Plunkett, Baron of Dunsany 187857、誕生

an Anglo-Irish writer and dramatist; his work, mostly in the fantasy genre, was published under the name Lord Dunsany.


1883/0724:Niagara River
When attempting to cross the Whirlpool Rapids of the Niagara River for a £ 12,000 prize money, Matthew Webb is pulled down by a whirlwind.
Four days later his corpse is found. Around eight years earlier, Webb had been the first to cross the English Channel without any tools.


1886/0724:日本 小説家 谷崎潤一郎188665、誕生






Sigmund Freud deutet erstmals vollständig einen eigenen Traum: den Traum von Irmas Injektion auf Schloss Bellevue.

Sigmund Freud, for the first time, completely interprets his own dream: the dream of Irma's injection at Bellevue Castle.

1897/0724:USA 女流飛行士 Amelia Earhart 189737、誕生

an American aviation pioneer and author. Earhart was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.



1901/0724:日本の詩人(俳句) 中村草田男190183、誕生


降る雪や明治は遠くなりにけり FuruYukiYa, MeijiHa, TohokuNariniKeri
冬の水一枝の影も欺かず FuyuNoMizu, IsshiNoKageMo Azamukazu
萬緑の中や吾子の歯生え初むる BanryokuNoNakaYa, AkoNoHa, HaeSomuru
勇気こそ地の塩なれや梅真白 YuukiKoso TiNoShihoNareYa,Ume MaShiro
葡萄食ふ一語一語の如くにて Budou Kuhu, IchigoIchigoNoGotokuNite

O. Henry 186210 is released from prison in Columbus, Ohio after serving three years for embezzlement from a bank.


1907(明治40)/0724:Japan & Korea「第三次日韓協約」締結。


The Ottoman Empire captures the city of Shkodër, putting down the Albanian Revolt of 1910.


Hiram Bingham Ⅲ re-discovers Machu Picchu, "the Lost City of the Incas".




1915/0724:海難事故 Shipwreck
The passenger ship S.S. Eastland capsizes while tied to a dock in the Chicago River. A total of 844 passengers and crew are killed in the largest loss of life disaster from a single shipwreck on the Great Lakes.


The draft of the British Mandate of Palestine was formally confirmed by the Council of the League of Nations; it came into effect on 26 September 1923.


1923/0724:Treaty of Lausanne,
settling the boundaries of modern Turkey, is signed in Switzerland by Greece, Bulgaria and other countries that fought in WWⅠ.


1927/0724:日本 小説家 芥川龍之介189227、自殺



1929/0724:Kellogg–Briand Pact,
renouncing war as an instrument of foreign policy, goes into effect (it is first signed in Paris on 1928/0827 by most leading world powers).


The Dust Bowl heat wave reaches its peak, sending temperatures to 109 °F (43 °C) in Chicago and 104 °F (40 °C) in Milwaukee.


1938/0724:climbing、Eiger-Nordwand、first ascent by Germans & Austrians




1943/0724:Italy ムソリニの逮捕
Arresto di Benito Mussolini.


1943/0724:WWⅡ、Operation Gomorrah begins:
British & Canadian aeroplanes bomb Hamburg by night, and American planes by day. By the end of the operation in November, 9,000 tons of explosives will have killed more than 30,000 people and destroyed 280,000 buildings.







Cape Canaveral Air Force Station begins operations with the launch of a Bumper rocket.




1959/0724:USA & Siviet "Kitchen Debate"
At the opening of the American National Exhibition in Moscow, U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev have a "Kitchen Debate".


児島明子がアジア人として初めて MissUniverse に選ばれる。

Aiko Kojima is the first Asian to be elected MissUniverse.

1967/0724:Canada, Québec
à Montréal, discours du président français Charles de Gaulle au cours duquel il lance « Vive le Québec libre ! »

During an official state visit to Canada, French President Charles de Gaulle declares to a crowd of over 100,000 in Montreal: Vive le Québec libre! ("Long live free Quebec!"); the statement angered the Canadian government and many Anglophone Canadians.

1969/0724:ポウランドの作家 Witold Gombrowicz 190469、死去

a Polish writer and playwright. His works are characterised by deep psychological analysis, a certain sense of paradox and absurd, anti-nationalist flavor. 

{今日はもう一人、Poland 出身の作家が死去してゐます。

1969/0724:Apollo program:
Apollo 11 splashes down safely in the Pacific Ocean.


1974/0724:イギリス 物理学者 James Chadwick 189174、死去

an English physicist who was awarded the 1935 Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the neutron in 1932.He was the head of the British team that worked on the Manhattan Project during the Second World War.


1974/0724:USA、Watergate scandal:
The United States Supreme Court unanimously ruled that President Richard Nixon did not have the authority to withhold subpoenaed White House tapes and they order him to surrender the tapes to the Watergate special prosecutor.


Turkish army invaded northern Cyprus, nine days after a pro-Greek military coup. On the same day, the fall of the Colonels regime in Greece and formation of the government of Constantine Caramanlis.


End of a four-day-long Libyan–Egyptian War.


1980/0724:イギリス 映画俳優 Peter Sellers 192580、死去

an English film actor, comedian and singer.

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

The Black July anti-Tamil riots begin in Sri Lanka, killing between 400 and 3,000. Black July is generally regarded as the beginning of the Sri Lankan Civil War.




1989/0724:Japan Mystery


1991/0724:Isaac Bashevis Singer 190291、死去

a Polish-born Jewish writer in Yiddish, awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1978.


1994/0724:日本 圍碁棋士 橋本宇太郎190794、死去


Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha(the last Tsar of Bulgaria when he was a child)is sworn in as Prime Minister of Bulgaria, becoming the first monarch in history to regain political power through democratic election to a different office.


Bandaranaike Airport attack is carried out by 14 Tamil Tiger commandos, all died in this attack. They destroyed 11 Aircraft (mostly military) and damaged 15, there are no civilian casualties. This incident slowed down Sri Lankan economy.




Digital switchover is completed in 44 of the 47 prefectures of Japan, with Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima television stations terminating analog broadcasting operations later as a result of the Tōhoku earthquake.

Air Algérie Flight 5017 loses contact with air traffic controllers 50 minutes after takeoff. It was travelling between Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso and Algiers with 116 people on board. The wreckage is later found in Mali.


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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World