


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
Paul Klee 187940



歴史暦:古今東西 07/13 今日の出來事

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Babylon's siege of Jerusalem ends following the destruction of Solomon's Temple.


-100/0713:Gaius Julius Caesar -10044、誕生

Gaius Iulius Gaii filius Gaii nepos Caesar Imperator fuit vir publicus, consul, dux exercitus, dictator in perpetuum, orator, poeta, insignis scriptor prosae Latinae. Partes maximi momenti egit in casibus, quibus Respublica Romana in Imperium Romanum transmutata est.


He was a Roman politician and military general who played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. He is also known as an author of Latin prose.

元老院議員になった頃のカエサルは「借金王」とか「moechus calvus ハゲの女たらし」とか蔑まれてゐた。
前髪の薄さを隠すために彼が工夫した髪形がいはゆる「Ceasar Cut」で、その後のヨウロパ男性の典型的なヘアスタイルとなった。


0884/0713:中國[唐]反亂指導者 黄巣083584、死去

黄巣 Huang Chao, Chinese rebel leader

Huang Chao、rebellious leader at the end of the Tang. In the decade from 0874, the whole country was made a place of warfare = the disturbance of the yellow nest. Due to this battle, Tang was destroyed essentially.




0986/0713(寛和02/0623):Japan[平安朝] 天皇失踪


1174/0713:Scotland & England
William I of Scotland is captured at Alnwick by forces loyal to Henry II of England.


Coronation of Alexander III as King of Scots.


1260/0713:Battle of Durbe
The Livonian Order suffers its greatest defeat in the 13th century in the Battle of Durbe against the Grand Duchy of Lithuania





1380/0713:フランスの軍人 Bertrand du Guesclin 132080、死去

un noble breton, connétable de France et de Castille.

Du Guesclin est fait connétable par le roi Charles V


1527/0713:John Dee 152709、誕生

English-Welsh mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occult philosopher, and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I. He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy.


Dee's glyph, whose meaning he explained in Monas Hieroglyphica.

Dee immersed himself in the worlds of magic, astrology and Hermetic philosophy. He devoted much time and effort in the last thirty years or so of his life to attempting to commune with angels in order to learn the universal language of creation and bring about the pre-apocalyptic unity of mankind.

エノク魔術:西洋オカルティズムにおいて(Enochian magic)体系は、天使がディーに伝えた理論が19世紀末に再発見されたものとされてをり。
Macgregor Mathers 185418によるブラックマジック的な解釋と翻案は、黄金の夜明團の内陣回覧文書として閲覧され、その後、Aleister Crowley 187547 やその弟子 Israel Regardie 190785 らによって公開された。

1558/0713:In France、Battle of Gravelines:
Spanish forces led by Count Lamoral of Egmont defeat the French forces of Marshal Paul de Thermes at Gravelines.

Une victoire de l'armée espagnole commandée par le comte d'Egmont sur l'armée française du maréchal de Thermes.

1611/0713:日本の戰國大名 眞田昌幸154711、死去

Sanada Awanokami Masayuki (真田 安房守 昌幸) was a Japanese Sengoku period lord and daimyō. He was the head of Sanada clan, a regional house of Shinano Province.


1573/0713:Eighty Years' War:
The Siege of Haarlem ends after seven months.


{Hanging, Beheading, Staking, etc

1643/0713:English Civil War: Battle of Roundway Down:
In England, Henry Wilmot, 1st Earl of Rochester, commanding the Royalist forces, heavily defeats the Parliamentarian forces led by Sir William Waller.


1685/0713(貞享02/0612):日本の音樂家 八橋検校161485、死去

Yatsuhashi Kengyō est un musicien et compositeur japonais né à Kyoto. Le nom Kengyō est un titre honorifique donné aux musiciens aveugles hautement qualifiés.
Yatsuhashi est à l'origine un joueur de shamisen qui apprend plus tard d'un musicien de la cour impériale à jouer du koto. À l'origine limité à la cour, Yatsuhashi est crédité comme le premier musicien à introduire et enseigner le koto auprès du grand public. Il est ainsi connu comme le « père du koto moderne ».日本「江戸時代」の音樂家(箏の演奏家の元締)

The Continental Congress enacts the Northwest Ordinance establishing governing rules for the Northwest Territory. It also establishes procedures for the admission of new states and limits the expansion of slavery.


1793/0713:フランス革命の鬪士 Jean-Paul Marat 174393、暗殺死


Assassinat de Marat
Jean-Paul Marat 174393 est un médecin, physicien, journaliste et homme politique français. Il fut député montagnard à la Convention à l’époque de la Révolution. Son assassinat par Charlotte Corday permit aux hébertistes d'en faire un martyr de la Révolution et d'installer pendant quelques mois ses restes au Panthéon.

Journalist & French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat is assassinated in his bathtub by Charlotte Corday, a member of the opposing political faction.


1794/0713:French & Prussia「Battle of the Vosges」
 is fought between French forces and those of Prussia and Austria.


"Carabinieri", the national gendarmerie of Italy, is established.


1815/0713:日本 幕末の儒學者 梅田雲濱181559、誕生




君が代を おもふ心の 一筋に 我が身ありとも 思はざりけり

Queen Victoria moves to Buckingham Palace. Buckingham will be the permanent place of the British royal family since this time. 


1849/0713(嘉永02/0524):日本 歌學者&歴史家 橘守部178149、死去


1854/0713:Mexico、In the Battle of Guaymas,
General José María Yáñez stops the French invasion led by Count Gaston de Raousset-Boulbon.


1863/0713:USA、New York City draft riots:
In New York City, opponents of conscription begin three days of rioting which will be later regarded as the worst in United States history.








Otto von Bismarck lässt die Emser Depesche veröffentlichen, die in der Folge zum Deutsch-Französischen Krieg führt.

プロイセン王國の首相、Otto von Bismarck 181598 が國王 Wilhelm I からの電報に意圖的な變更をおこなって刻印に公表した事件。当時のスペイン王位繼承問題にかんするもので、プロシアとフランスの戦争の直接の原因となった。

Der Berliner Kongress endet. Er ordnet die politischen Verhältnisse auf dem Balkan und in Armenien nach dem Russisch-Türkischen Krieg neu: Rumänien, Serbien und Montenegro werden souverän, Zypern wird vom Osmanischen Reich an Großbritannien verpachtet.

Treaty of Berlin: The European powers redraw the map of the Balkans. Serbia, Montenegro and Romania become completely independent of the Ottoman Empire.

1882/0713:John Peters Ringo 185082、死去

an American Old West outlaw loosely associated with the Cochise County Cowboys in frontier Tombstone, Cochise County, Arizona Territory, United States.
He took part in the Mason County War during which he committed his first murder. He was arrested and charged with murder, but escaped from jail. He was affiliated with Cochise County Sheriff Johnny Behan, Ike Clanton, and Frank Stilwell during 1881–1882. He got into a confrontation in Tombstone with Doc Holliday and was suspected by Wyatt Earp of having taken part in the attempted murder of Virgil Earp and the ambush and death of Morgan Earp. Ringo was found dead with a bullet wound to his temple. Modern writers have advanced various theories attributing his death to Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, Frank Leslie, and Michael O'Rourke.

1882/0713:日本の洋画家 青木繁188211、誕生

Aoki Shigeru est un peintre japonais,
Connu comme auteur de Umi no sachi (海の幸, Fruit de mer), Aoki est un des plus grands peintres japonais de l'ère Meiji.






1893/0713:アメリカインディアン Young Man Afraid of His Horses 183693、死去

 American tribal chief
Young-Man-Afraid-Of-His-Horses [Tȟašúŋke Kȟokípȟapi], also translated as His-Horses-Are-Afraid and They-Fear-Even-His-Horses, was a chief of the Oglala Sioux.
Commonly misinterpreted, his name means They fear his horse or His horse is feared, meaning that the bearer of the name was so feared in battle that even the sight of his horse would inspire fear. He is known for his participation in Red Cloud's War, as a negotiator for the Sioux Nation after the Wounded Knee Massacre, and for serving on delegations to Washington, D.C.




フランスが「タイ(シャム)属領のルアンパバーン王国チャンパサック王国・シエンクワン王国とタイ領の旧ヴィエンチャン王国」(以下、ラオス地域)の領有を迫った事件。当時日本では仏暹事件とよんだ。また、欧米諸国ではシャム危機(the Siam crisis)とよんだ。

1896/0713:ドイツの化学者 August Kekulé 182996、死去

ein deutscher Chemiker und Naturwissenschaftler, der die Grundlagen für die moderne Strukturtheorie der organischen Chemie legte.


Third Japan-UnitedKingdom alliance agreement signed 


The United States returns to the gold standard


A Trieste fascisti italiani commettono un attacco incendiario al centro culturale Narodni dom della popolazione slovena. Nella città prevalere dopo le tensioni Zwangsitalianisierung appannato.

In Trieste Italian fascists commit an incendiary attack on the Narodni dom cultural center of the Slovenian population. In the city prevail after the strained Zwangsitalianisierung tensions.

The Hollywood Sign is dedicated in the Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles. It originally reads "Hollywoodland," but the four last letters are dropped after renovation in 1949.


1924/0713:Alfred Marshall 184224、死去

One of the most influential economists of his time. His book, Principles of Economics (1890), was the dominant economic textbook in England for many years. It brings the ideas of supply and demand, marginal utility, and costs of production into a coherent whole. 
ケンブリッヂ學派、"Principles of Economics", 1890 John Maynard Keynes 188346・Arthur Cecil Pigou 187759 の師


The first FIFA World Cup started in Uruguay.


Die Darmstädter und Nationalbank bricht zusammen. Eine Abhebungswelle von Einlegern wird ausgelöst, das Deutsche Reich muss eine Finanzkrise bewältigen.

The Darmstadt and the National Bank are collapsing. A withdrawal wave of depositors is triggered, the German Reich must cope with a financial crisis.

El líder de la oposición española José Calvo Sotelo es asesinada por miembros de la Guardia de Asalto y la Guardia Civil. Cuatro días después de su muerte, la guerra civil española comienza.

The leader of the Spanish opposition Jose Calvo Sotelo is assassinated by members of the Assault Guard and the Civil Guard. Four days after his death, the Spanish Civil War begins.

1941/0713:Deutsche & Japan
Hitler schlägt Japan ein umfassendes Offensivbündnis mit dem Ziel vor, dass Deutsche und Japaner zusammen die Sowjetunion und die USA „vernichten“.

Hitler proposed to Japan a comprehensive offensive alliance with the aim that Germans and Japanese together "destroy" the Soviet Union and the USA,

Montenegrins begin a popular uprising against the Axis powers (Trinaestojulski ustanak).


1943/0713:Das Unternehmen Zitadelle,
der Kampf um Kursk während des Russlandfeldzuges im Zweiten Weltkrieg, wird nach einer sowjetischen Gegenoffensive von den deutschen Truppen abgebrochen.


1945/0713:ロシアの女優 Alla Nazimova 187945、死去

Russian actress who immigrated to the United States in 1905.
On Broadway, she was noted for her work in the classic plays of Ibsen, Chekhov and Turgenev. Her efforts at silent film production were less successful, but a few sound-film performances survive as a record of her art.


1946/0713:USA 写真家 Alfred Stieglitz 186446、死去

an American photographer and modern art promoter who was instrumental over his fifty-year career in making photography an accepted art form.

The Terminal (1893) by Alfred Stieglitz


Georgia O'Keeffe, Hands, 1918


Eugenics protection law (parent protection law) published.


1951/0713:十二音作曲家 Arnold Schönberg 187451、死去

ein österreichisch-amerikanischer Komponist, Musiktheoretiker, Kompositionslehrer, Maler, Dichter und Erfinder.

Arnold Schönberg, porträtiert 1917 von Egon Schiele



1954/0713:メキシコ 画家 Frida Kahlo 190767、死去

una pintora mexicana.​ Su vida estuvo marcada por el infortunio de contraer poliomielitis y después por un grave accidente en su juventud que la mantuvo postrada en cama durante largos periodos, llegando a someterse hasta a 32 operaciones quirúrgicas.​
Llevó una vida poco convencional.​ Su obra pictórica gira temáticamente en torno a su biografía y a su propio sufrimiento. Fue autora de unas 200 obras, principalmente autorretratos, en los que proyectó sus dificultades por sobrevivir. La obra de Frida y la de su marido, el reconocido pintor Diego Rivera, se influyeron mutuamente. Ambos compartieron el gusto por el arte popular mexicano de raíces indígenas, inspirando a otros pintores mexicanos del periodo posrevolucionario.

Frida Kahlo con Diego Rivera en 1932,

The 21st group collecting ship "Hakusan Maru" entered Maizuru port with 579 people from Tianjin city in China. Group withdrawal from Mainland China is over.


In an unprecedented action, British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan dismisses seven members of his Cabinet, marking the effective end of the National Liberals as a distinct force within British politics.


1970/0713:USA 原爆投下の Leslie Groves 189670、死去

a United States Army Corps of Engineers officer who oversaw the construction of the Pentagon and directed the Manhattan Project, a top secret research project that developed the atomic bomb during World War II.

Alexander Butterfield reveals the existence of the "Nixon tapes" to the special Senate committee investigating the Watergate break-in.


Somalia declares war on Ethiopia, starting the Ogaden War.


1977/0713:New York City:
Amidst a period of financial and social turmoil experiences an electrical blackout lasting nearly 24 hours that leads to widespread fires and looting.


1995/0713:Bosnia & Herzegovina conflict:
massacre of Srebrenica. At Srebrenica of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republican Srpska murdered an estimated 8 thousand Bosniaks. The worst European genocide in Europe after the Second World War.

ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ紛争: スレブレニツァの虐殺ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナのスレブレニツァでスルプスカ共和国軍が推定8千人のボシュニャク人を殺害。WWⅡ以降では欧州最悪のジェノサイド。


a thoroughbred racehorse that won the Japanese Triple Crown.


Iraqi Governing Council established as a provisional governing body in Iraq. 



"Petit Angel Incident" Occurred. Child prostitution date club manager kidnappers and confinement of four girls in elementary school sixth grade. The criminal committed suicide on the 16th and protect four people on the 17th.



2008/0713:Battle of Wanat
 begins when Taliban and al-Qaeda guerrillas attack US Army and Afghan National Army troops in Afghanistan. The U.S. deaths were, at that time, the most in a single battle since the beginning of operations in 2001.


Typhoon Soulik kills at least nine people and affects more than 160 million in East China and Taiwan.


After the resignation of David Cameron, Queen Elizabeth II appoints former Interior Minister Theresa May as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.


NHK reported that the Emperor is now the intention to succeed to the Crown Prince in a few years.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World