


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 06/24 今日の出來事

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The Romans, led by Gaius Flaminius, are ambushed and defeated by Hannibal at the Battle of Lake Trasimene.


Titus becomes Roman emperor, after his father Vespasian died the day before during a spa stay.

前日、卒去したロウマ皇帝 Vespasianus の後を息子の Titus が繼いで卽位。


0109/0624:ロウマ皇帝 Trajanus、AquaTraiana を開通
Roman emperor Trajan inaugurates the Aqua Traiana, an aqueduct that channels water from Lake Bracciano, 40 kilometres (25 miles) north-west of Rome.


0474/0624:東ロウマ皇帝に、Flavius Julius Nepos が卽位
Flavius Julius Nepos est couronné, à Rome, empereur romain d'Occident.


0637/0624:アイルランド最大級の戰爭が Moira で、
The Battle of Moira is fought between the High King of Ireland and the Kings of Ulster and Dál Riata. It is claimed to be the largest battle in the history of Ireland.


0970/0624:平安朝 攝政關白 藤原實頼090070、薨去

Fujiwara no Saneyori, also known as Onomiya-dono 小野宮殿, was a Japanese statesman, courtier and politician during the Heian period.
Il devint kampaku lorsque l'empereur Reizei commença à régner en 0967.


Guido d'Arezzo はイタリア中世のベネディクト會の修道士で、イタリアの Arezzo に住んでゐた。
これ以前、彼はフェララ近くの修道院に所屬してゐたが、そこで彼は聖歌隊グレゴリオ聖歌に苦勞してゐるのを識った。そこで彼はその習得法を工夫して、イタリア中で有名になった。が、その分、周圍の反撥を買ひ、居たたまれず Arezzo に移った。アレッツォには修道院はなかったが、惱みを抱へた歌手がたくさんゐた。そこの大聖堂で聖歌隊を指導する傍ら、『アンティフォナリウム序説』といふ記譜法を開設した音楽教師用の教科書を作った。これが流布し、彼の音樂指導方法は改めて高く評價され、ロウマ教皇ヨハネス19に直接披露する機會をあたへられた。
その方法とは、長音階に語呂合はせの名を付ける「音階名唱法」で、その語呂合はせに『聖ヨハネ讚歌』を用ゐたのであった。この讚歌は、第一節から第六節まで、その最初の音が「C-D-E-F-G-A]になって、その歌詞を取って「Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-S」、このうち最初のUtは「主」を意味する Dominus の「Do」に變更され、かうして今に傳はる呼び方ができたのであった。


1128/0624:Battle of São Mamede, near Guimarães:
Forces led by Afonso I defeat forces led by his mother Teresa of León and her lover Fernando Pérez de Traba. After this battle, the future king calls himself "Prince of Portugal", the first step towards "official independence" that will be reached in 1139 after the Battle of Ourique.


1230/0624:スペインレコンキスタ「Siege of Jaén」
 started in the context of the Spanish Reconquista.


1314/0624:1st War of Scottish Independence:
The Battle of Bannockburn concludes with a decisive victory by Scottish forces led by Robert the Bruce, though England did not recognize Scottish independence until 1328 with the signing of the Treaty of Edinburgh–Northampton.


Ordonnance d'expulsion des Juifs de France, exécutée en 1323.


1333/0624(元弘03=正慶02/0512):[南北朝] 「久米川の戦」


1340/0624:100 Years' War: Battle of Sluys (French Écluse):
The French fleet is almost completely destroyed by the English fleet commanded in person by King Edward III.




England is affected by the Black Death.



A sudden outbreak of St. John's Dance causes people in the streets of Aachen, Germany, to experience hallucinations and begin to jump and twitch uncontrollably until they collapse from exhaustion.

{ペストの大流行と心因關係があるんだらうな。死の舞踏、Danse macabre。

1380/0624:イタリアで、Venezia と Genova が戦って、
le truppe della Repubblica di Venezia sotto Vettor Pisani gestisce la riconquista di Chioggia dai Genovesi in una guerra di Chioggia.


1398/0624:中國[明]の建國者 (洪武帝朱元璋132898、崩去

The Hongwu Emperor, personal name 朱元璋 Zhu Yuanzhang, was the founding emperor of China's Ming dynasty.




1497/0624:John Cabot の北米探檢
John Cabot lands in North America at Newfoundland leading the first European exploration of the region since the Vikings.


Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon are crowned King and Queen of England.


1519/0624:イタリア チェザレの妹 Lucrèce Borgia 148019、死

una delle figure femminili più controverse del Rinascimento italiano.
Fin dagli undici anni fu soggetta alla politica matrimoniale collegata alle ambizioni politiche prima del padre e poi del fratello Cesare Borgia.
Quando il padre ascese al soglio pontificio la dette inizialmente in sposa a Giovanni Sforza, signore di Pesaro, ma pochi anni dopo, in seguito all'annullamento del matrimonio, Lucrezia sposò Alfonso d'Aragona, figlio illegittimo di Alfonso II di Napoli.
Un ulteriore cambiamento delle alleanze, che avvicinò i Borgia al partito filofrancese, portò all'assassinio di Alfonso, su ordine di Cesare.


The Anabaptist state of Münster is conquered and disbanded.


1597/0624:東インドをめざすオランダ人、ジャワの Baton に到る
The first Dutch voyage to the East Indies reaches Banten, Java.


1605/0624(慶長10/0508):[戰國時代] 信長嫡孫 織田秀信158005、

Oda Hidenobu was the son of Oda Nobutada 織田信忠155582(Son of 織田信長153482) and lived during the Azuchi-Momoyama 安土桃山 period in the late-16th century. His other name (of the child) was Sanbōshi (三法師).

その末路はあはれをきはめ、 ―― 高野山を出て、行くところもなかったのかその山麓に居着いたといふ。追放ともされるその下山の理由は明らかではないが、僧を斬るなどの亂行のせゐとも、また祖父の信長の佛教排斥を根に持たれてのことだったのか、ともあれ、下山から二十日ほどでその不樣と云はなければならぬ生涯を閉ぢた。享年二十六。

Battle of Macau: The Dutch attempt but fail to capture Macau.


The Premier Grand Lodge of England, the first Masonic Grand Lodge in the world, is founded in London.

Officially, the Grand Lodge of England was founded in London on St. John the Baptist's day, 24 June 1717, when four existing Lodges gathered at the Goose and Gridiron Ale-house in St. Paul's Church-yard in London and constituted themselves a Grand Lodge.

1762/0624:英佛戰爭、Battle of Wilhelmsthal:
The British-Hanoverian army of Ferdinand of Brunswick defeats French forces in Westphalia.


1779/0624:USA Rev-War「Great Siege of Gibraltar」begins.


1783/0624:ドイツ 経済思想家 Johann von Thünen 178350、生
ein deutscher Agrar- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Sozialreformer und Musterlandwirt. Er vereinte theoretische Kenntnisse der Mathematik mit praktischen Erfahrungen aus seinem landwirtschaftlichen Musterbetrieb. Er kann zur klassischen Ökonomie gezählt werden, ist aber auch ein früher Autor der Wirtschaftsgeographie.

『孤立国』Der isolierte Staat in Beziehung auf Landwirtschaft und Nationalökonomie : Untersuchungen über den Einfluß, den die Getreidepreise der Reichtum, des Bodens und die Abgaben auf den Ackerbau ausüben. 1826で、経済地理学の先駆的な業績を残し、Fernand Braudel 190285に「十九世紀の最も偉大な経済学者としてマルクスと並ぶ位置を占める」と評せられた。

1783/0624:ドイツ最初の鳥人 Albrecht Ludwig Berblinger 178329

ein deutscher Schneider, Erfinder und Flugpionier.



Adoption de la Constitution de l'an I le 6 messidor an I (24 juin 1793), qui ne fut jamais appliquée.


1795/0624:Ernst Heinrich Weber 179578

ein deutscher Physiologe und Anatom.
Bruder des Physikers Wilhelm Eduard Weber 180491) und des Anatomen und Physiologen Eduard Friedrich Weber 180671,

彼の最も有名な実験は1834の「錘を持ち上げる」実験。彼は、錘の重さの変化を感じ取る感覚は、重量そのものではなく、何倍になったかという比例で輕量することを示した。この發見は1846年の"Zusätze zur Lehre vom Bau und von der Verrichtung der Geschlechtsorgane"や1851年の"Die Lehre vom Tastsinn und Gemeingefühl"で発表され、後に弟子のフェヒナーによって「Weber法則」として定式化された。

Pendant la campagne de Russie, la Grande Armée de Napoléon Bonaparte franchit le Niémen et pénètre dans l'Empire russe au niveau de Kaunas, dans l'actuelle Lituanie.


1813/0624:北米での英米戰爭「Battle of Beaver Dams」
A British and Indian combined force defeats the United States Army.


The Battle of Carabobo takes place. It is the decisive battle in the war of independence of Venezuela from Spain.

En la batalla de Carabobo tropas venezolanas derrota bajo la dirección de Simón Bolívar, el poder colonial español con el fin de luchar por la independencia de Venezuela y fortalecer los movimientos de independencia en toda América del Sur.

Egyptian troops under Viceroy Muhammad Ali Pasha defeated the Ottoman army of Sultan Mahmud II in the battle of Nizip.




1842/0624:USA 諷刺作家 Ambrose Bierce 184214、生

an American short story writer, journalist, poet, and Civil War veteran.
Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary was named as one of "The 100 Greatest Masterpieces of American Literature".
His story An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge has been described as "one of the most famous and frequently anthologized stories in American literature";
A prolific and versatile writer, Bierce was regarded as one of the most influential journalists in the United States, and as a pioneering writer of realist fiction

"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" (1890) is a short story by the American writer and Civil War veteran Ambrose Bierce. https://is.gd/eACrPH An occurrence at owl Creek Bridge.wmv - YouTube


1850/0624(嘉永03/0515):幕末維新の言論家 馬場辰猪185088、生

Baba Tatsui、a Japanese reformer during the Meiji period.


1874明治07、帰国。翌年、岩倉使節団の一員として再び渡英、イギリス滞在中に政府留学生となる。留学中、1873年出版の『ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR OF THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE WITH EASY PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES』(日本語文典)の序文にて、森有礼の「国語英語化論」を批判し、日本語論争などのちに「国語国字問題」とよばれるものに発展し、大槻文彦の『言海』や前島密らの漢字論などとともに「国語」以前の日本語論争の先駆けとなった。




Victoire sanglante des troupes franco-piémontaises de Napoléon III sur les forces autrichiennes de François-Joseph à Solférino, en Italie.

Battle of Solferino (Battle of the Three Sovereigns): Sardinia and France defeat Austria in Solferino, northern Italy.

1866/0624:Battle of Custoza、オウストリア、イタリアに勝つ
An Austrian army defeats the Italian army during the Austro-Prussian War.


1873/0624:Hugo Simberg 187317、生

a Finnish symbolist painter and graphic artist.




1874/0624:日本の圍碁棋士 本因坊秀哉187440、生

Hon'inbō Shūsai who was a Japanese professional Go player.



1878/0624:日本の將棋棋士 木見金治郎187851

Kimi Kinjiou、将棋棋士。九段。関根金次郎十三世名人門下

First performance of O Canada, the song that would become the national anthem of Canada, at the Congrès national des Canadiens-Français.




Marie François Sadi Carnot is assassinated by Sante Geronimo Caserio.

彼は、あの熱力學に熱中した Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot 179632 の甥であった。

1895/0624:USA プロボクサー Jack Dempsey 198395、生

William Harrison "Jack" Dempsey , nicknamed "Kid Blackie" and "The Manassa Mauler", was an American professional boxer who competed from 1914 to 1927, and reigned as the world heavyweight champion from 1919 to 1926.


Dans la galerie parisienne Vollard la première exposition d'un peintre espagnol ancien Pablo Picasso 18 années est ouvert.


Début de la mutinerie du cuirassé Potemkine (date du calendrier grégorien).


1907/0624:日本の洋画家 靉光190746、生

Ai-Mitsu est un artiste et peintre japonais. Il est généralement considéré comme un surréaliste mais il a aussi peint des œuvres qui peuvent être classées dans d'autres styles et genres.



1911/0624:アルゼンチン F1レイサー Juan Manuel Fangio 191195、生

un automovilista de velocidad argentino.
Es considerado por muchos expertos del automovilismo como uno de los mejores pilotos profesionales del automovilismo mundial de todos los tiempos, incluso el mejor, por haber logrado cinco títulos mundiales de Fórmula 1 durante las temporadas de 1951, 1954, 1955, 1956 y 1957, y los subcampeonatos de 1950 y 1953.


Greece and Serbia annul their alliance with Bulgaria.


1916/0624:史上初の MillionDollar・MovieActress、出現
Mary Pickford becomes the first female film star to sign a million-dollar contract.


A bloodless revolution instigated by the People's Party ends the absolute power of King Prajadhipok of Siam (now Thailand).


1935/0624:アルゼンチン タンゴ歌手 Carlos Gardel 189035、死

un cantante, compositor y actor de cine.
Es el más conocido representante del género en la historia del tango.
Due to the sudden death of an airplane accident at the height of its popularity, he is still a national hero of Argentina not only in the world of tango yet.

Imagen de difusión del Dúo Gardel-Razzano.



1935/0624:ミリマリズム作曲家 Terry Riley 1935--、生

an American composer and performing musician associated with the minimalist school of Western classical music, of which he was a pioneer.
His work is deeply influenced by both jazz and Indian classical music, and has utilized innovative tape music techniques and delay systems.

1938/0624:隕石、Pennsylvania のどこかに落下
Pieces of a meteorite, estimated to have weighed 450 metric tons when it hit the Earth's atmosphere and exploded, land near Chicora, Pennsylvania.


Siam is renamed Thailand by Plaek Phibunsongkhram, the country's third prime minister.


1940/0624:映画撮影監督 Vittorio Storaro 1940--、生

un direttore della fotografia italiano, vincitore di tre premi Oscar, per Apocalypse Now, Reds e L'ultimo imperatore.

1940/0624:WWⅡ、イギリス「Operation Collar」
the first British Commando raid on occupied France, by No 11 Independent Company.


Signature de l'armistice entre la France et l'Italie.


1941/0624:フランス記号論 Julia Kristeva 1941--、生

une philologue, psychanalyste et femme de lettres française d'origine bulgare. Elle est professeur émérite de l'université Paris-Diderot. Elle est l'épouse de Philippe Sollers.

Reinhard Heydrich 190442 を暗殺された報復として、ドイツナチスチェコの小村、レジャキを徹底破壞する。

1941/12、この村に空から降下してきたものがあった。何人かの空挺隊員で、一部はドイツナチスのReinhard Heydrich 暗殺(Operation Anthropoid)の要員、他はシルバ作戰のための要員であった。村の人々は彼等に協力し、ラヂオ局を隠れ家に提供した。


Kenneth Arnold makes the first widely reported UFO sighting near Mount Rainier, Washington.



Start of the Berlin Blockade: The Soviet Union makes overland travel between West Germany and West Berlin impossible.





In South Africa, the Group Areas Act formally segregating races is passed.


1954/0624:01 Indochina War「Battle of Mang Yang Pass」
Viet Minh troops belonging to the 803rd Regiment ambush G.M. 100 of France in An Khê.


1963/0624:イギリス、Zanzibar に自治政府を認める
The United Kingdom grants Zanzibar internal self-government.


1976/0624:女流写真家 Imogen Cunningham 188376、死

an American photographer known for her botanical photography, nudes, and industrial landscapes. Cunningham was a member of the California-based Group f/64, known for its dedication to the sharp-focus rendition of simple subjects.

Dream, 1910


 Morning Mist and Sunshine (1911). & In Moonlight (1911).


1980/0624:ロシア出身の映画撮影監督 Boris Kaufman 189780、死


un directeur de la photographie d'origine russe.
Il est le frère cadet des cinéastes Dziga Vertov et Mikhaïl Kaufman.
フランスに來て、これも傳説的な映画作家 Jean Vigo 190534 の撮影を担当、
Vigo の夭折後はUSAに渡り、Eカザンの『波止場』や、Sルメット監督&Hフォンダ主演の『十二人の怒れる男』の撮影などを担当。

1982/0624:女流写真家 Florence Henri 189382、死

a photographer and artist. She grew up in Europe and studied in Rome, where she met the Futurists, and in Berlin, then in Paris with Fernand Léger and Amédée Ozenfant, and finally at the Dessau Bauhaus before returning to Paris where she started with photography.
Her work includes experimental photography, advertising, and portraits, many of artists.


1982/0624:航空機事故、"The Jakarta Incident"
British Airways Flight 9 flies into a cloud of volcanic ash thrown up by the eruption


Jiang Zemin succeeds Zhao Ziyang to become the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China after the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.


1989/0624:日本の流行歌手 美空ひばり193789、死

Misora Hibari était une chanteuse et actrice japonaise. Au cours de sa carrière, elle enregistra plus de 1200 chansons, vendit 68 millions de disques et joua dans 166 films.

1995/0624:Rugby World Cup final:
 SouthAfrica defeats NewZealand

Nelson Mandela presents Francois Pienaar with the Webb-Ellis trophy in an iconic post-apartheid moment.

Igandu train disaster in Tanzania kills 281, 

the worst train accident in African history.

2012/0624:最後のピンタゾウガメ Lonesome George ??2012、大往生

a male Pinta Island tortoise (Chelonoidis abingdonii) and the last known individual of the species.
In his last years, he was known as the rarest creature in the world. George serves as an important symbol for conservation efforts in the Galápagos Islands and throughout the world.

Lonesome George walking. October 2008



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World