


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 04/30 今日の出來事

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0065/0430:ロウマ帝國[ネロ] 詩人 Marcus Lucanus 003965、自殺

un poète latin dont la seule œuvre conservée, La Pharsale, est une épopée sur la guerre civile ayant opposé Jules César à Pompée entre 49 et 48 av. J.-C. Il se suicide à 25 ans, sur l'ordre de Néron.

0311/0430:ロウマ帝國「Battle of Tzirallum」
Emperor Licinius defeats Maximinus II and unifies the Eastern Roman Empire.









0642/0430:Chindaswinth、Wisigoths d'Espagne の王となる
Chindasuinth is proclaimed king by the Visigothic nobility and bishops.

In the Toledan empire, Chindaswinth now formally takes over the functions of the King of the Visigoths, after having been their ruler for several days, by the fall of his predecessor, Tulga.



桓武天皇については『阿修羅の時代』のために私は疑ひぶかく思ひ考へた。 …… 


太陽と月以外で史上最も視等級が明るい超新星『SN 1006』が世界各地で観測される。

1063/0430:中國[宋] 04皇帝 仁宋101063崩御

Emperor Renzong of Song was the fourth emperor of the Song dynasty in China. He reigned for about 41 years from 1022 to his death in 1063, and was the longest reigning Song dynasty emperor. He was the sixth son of his predecessor, Emperor Zhenzong, and was succeeded by his cousin's son, Emperor Yingzong, because his own sons died prematurely. His original personal name was Zhao Shouyi but it was changed by imperial decree in 1018 to "Zhao Zhen", which means 'auspicious' in Chinese.

1315/0430:パリで、Enguerrand de Marigny、公開で絞首刑
Enguerrand de Marigny, accusé de sorcellerie, est pendu au gibet de Montfaucon à Paris.

Enguerrand de Marigny being hanged. From the Chroniques de France ou de St Denis,

1310/0430:ポウランド王 Casimir III the Great 131070、誕生

(Polish: Kazimierz III Wielk) reigned as the King of Poland from 1333 to 1370.
He was the son of King Władysław I ("the Elbow-high") and Duchess Jadwiga of Kalisz, and the last Polish king from the Piast dynasty.
Kazimierz inherited a kingdom weakened by war and made it prosperous and wealthy. He reformed the Polish army and doubled the size of the kingdom. He reformed the judicial system and introduced a legal code, gaining the title "the Polish Justinian."
Kazimierz built extensively and founded the University of Kraków[3], the oldest Polish university. He also confirmed privileges and protections previously granted to Jews and encouraged them to settle in Poland in great numbers.


Philippe VI de Valois déclare la guerre à l'Angleterre par l'intermédiaire de la commise de la Guyenne. c'est la date qui est traditionnellement retenue par l'historiographie pour marquer le début de la guerre de Cent Ans.

1383/0430:日本[南北朝] 皇族 懐良親王132983、薨去

Prince Kaneyoshi was a nobleman of the Kamakura period and the early Nanboku-chō 南北朝 period of Japanese history. The son of Emperor Go-Daigo 096後醍醐128839, he is enshrined at the Yatsushiro-gū, a Shinto shrine located in Yatsushiro, Kumamoto Prefecture.
In 1336, Go-Daigo sent the prince, at seven years of age, to Kyushu as Chinzei Shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Western Defense Area). There he became a loyalist force to be reckoned with until his death.

1481/0430:日本[室町] 公家 一条兼良140281、死去

Ichijō Kaneyoshi aussi connu sous le nom Ichijō Kanera, est le fils du régent Tsunetsugu. Kugyō, il appartient à la noblesse de cour japonaise de l'époque Muromachi (1336~1573).
Il occupe les positions de régent sesshō en 1432 et kampaku de 1447 à 1453 et de 1467 à 1470.


Spain gives Christopher Columbus his commission of exploration.

1513/0430:Edmund de la Pole、王位を窺ふ
Edmund de la Pole, Yorkist pretender to the English throne, is executed on the orders of Henry VIII.

Evil May Day xenophobic riots in London begin

1504/0430:イタリア 画家 Francesco Primaticcio 150470、誕生

un pittore, architetto e decoratore italiano.
Born in Bologna, he trained under Giulio Romano in Mantua and became a pupil of Innocenzo da Imola, executing decorations at the Palazzo Te before securing a position in the court of Francis I of France in 1532.

une alliance franco-anglaise est signée à Westminster, le roi Henri VIII d'Angleterre accepte de payer un tribut à François Ier de France.

1553/0430:フランス王妃 Louise de Lorraine-Vaudémont 155301、誕生

Louise de Lorraine-Vaudémont ou Louise de Lorraine est issue de la branche de Vaudémont, branche cadette de la maison de Lorraine. Cousine des Guise et du duc Charles III de Lorraine, elle a été reine de France de 1575 à 1589 et reine de Pologne en 1575, à la suite de son mariage avec Henri III de France.

Mapuche leader Lautaro is killed by Spanish forces at the Battle of Mataquito in Chile.

Eighty Years' War: Dutch Republic forces recapture a strategically important fort from Spain after a nine-month siege.

1645/0430:日本[江戸] 外樣大名 前田光高161645、死去

Maeda Mitsutaka was an early-Edo period Japanese samurai, and the 3rd daimyō of Kaga Domain in the Hokuriku region of Japan.
He was the 4th hereditary chieftain of the Kanazawa Maeda clan. His courtesy titles were Chikuzen-no-kami and Sakonoe-shosho.



Petar Zrinski, the Croatian Ban from the Zrinski family, is executed.

Die Teilnehmer der ungarisch-kroatischen Magnatenverschwörung gegen den Habsburger Leopold I., Petar Zrinski und Fran Krsto Frankopan, werden in Wiener Neustadt hingerichtet. Am selben Tag wird auch Ferenc Graf Nádasdy im Alten Rathaus in Wien hingerichtet.

1723/0430:フランス 鳥類學 Mathurin Jacques Brisson 172306、誕生

un zoologiste et physicien français, membre de l'Académie des sciences.

ビュフォンの『博物誌』に刺戟を受け 1760年に全六巻の『Ornithologia』を出版。

Planche de l’Ornithologie représentant un faucon.

1769/0430:ナポレオンを破った Arthur Wellesley 176952、誕生

an Anglo-Irish soldier and statesman who was one of the leading military and political figures of 19th-century Britain, serving twice as Prime Minister. His defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 puts him in the first rank of Britain's military heroes.

1777/0430:Carl Friedrich Gauß 177755、誕生

ein deutscher Mathematiker, Astronom, Geodät und Physiker. Wegen seiner überragenden wissenschaftlichen Leistungen galt er bereits zu seinen Lebzeiten als Princeps Mathematicorum („Fürst der Mathematiker; Erster unter den Mathematikern“).

{1から50までを足していったらいくらになるかといふ問題を、ほゞガウスと同じやり方で解いたことがあったのを思ひだした。だが、後が續かなかった。それに、たんなる幾何學者になるよりは「繊細なる幾何學者」になるはうが私の好みであった。數學よりは音樂、音樂よりは詩學 …… 

1789/0430:George Washington、アメリカ初代の大統領に就任
On the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City, George Washington takes the oath of office to become the first elected President of the United States.


1792/0430:サンドヰチ公爵 John Montagu 171892、死去

a British statesman who succeeded his grandfather Edward Montagu, 3rd Earl of Sandwich as the Earl of Sandwich in 1729, at the age of ten.
During his life, he held various military and political offices, including Postmaster General, First Lord of the Admiralty, and Secretary of State for the Northern Department. He is also known for the claim that he was the eponymous inventor of the sandwich.

1803/0430:プロイセン 軍人で政事家 Albrecht von Roon 180379、誕生

ein preußischer Generalfeldmarschall und als Politiker ein Mitarbeiter Otto von Bismarcks in der Zeit der Reichsgründung von 1871.

Otto von Bismarck, Albrecht von Roon, Helmuth von Moltke (von links nach rechts)

Louisiana Purchase: The United States purchases the Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million, more than doubling the size of the young nation.

Napoléon Bonaparte vend la Louisiane aux États-Unis pour 80 millions de francs.

1806/0430:日本 05横綱 小野川喜三郎275806、死去

a sumo wrestler from Ōtsu, Shiga Prefecture, Japan.
He was the sport's 5th yokozuna. Along with Tanikaze he was the first to be given a yokozuna licence by the House of Yoshida Tsukasa and the first to perform the dohyō-iri to promote sumo tournaments.

1812/0430:ドイツ 野生児? Kaspar Hauser 181233、誕生

deutsches Findelkind ungeklärter Herkunf
a German youth who claimed to have grown up in the total isolation of a darkened cell. Hauser's claims, and his subsequent death by stabbing, sparked much debate and controversy. Theories propounded at the time linked him with the grand ducal House of Baden. These have long since been rejected by historians.

1827/0430:日本[幕末]廻船問屋 高田屋嘉兵衛176927、死去

Takadaya Kahei was a Japanese merchant credited with transforming the trading outpost of Hakodate in Japan's northern island of Hokkaidō into a thriving city. He is also recognised for opening the northern Etorofu sea route to the Kuril island fisheries and helping settle territorial disputes with Russia over the islands

Nicaragua declares independence from the Central American Federation.

1839/0430:日本 浮世繪師 月岡芳年183992、誕生

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi aussi connu sous le nom de Taiso Yoshitoshi (大蘇 芳年?) est.
Il est le dernier grand maître – et l’un des plus grands génies innovateurs et créatifs – des estampes japonaises Ukiyo-e.

神武天皇東征 1880明治13

1857/0430:スヰス 心理學 Eugen Bleuler 185739、誕生

ein Schweizer Psychiater.
Er ist vor allem für seine Leistungen in der Schizophrenieforschung bekannt und hat die Psychoanalyse in die Psychiatrie eingeführt. Bleuler prägte aber auch zahlreiche Begriffe der heutigen psychiatrischen Fachsprache (darunter „Schizophrenie“, „schizoid“, „Autismus“, „Ambivalenz“, „Affektivität“ und „Tiefenpsychologie“).

彼は、精神分析の開創して異端者扱いされていた Sigmund Freud 185639を精神科医として最初に擁護し、弟子の Carl Gustav Jung 187561 にフロイトを紹介した。

A 65-man French Foreign Legion infantry patrol fights a force of nearly 2,000 Mexican soldiers to nearly the last man in Hacienda Camarón, Mexico.

1865/0430:ビーグル号の船長 Robert FitzRoy 180565、死去

an English officer of the Royal Navy and a scientist. He achieved lasting fame as the captain of HMS Beagle during Charles Darwin's famous voyage, FitzRoy's second expedition to Tierra del Fuego and the Southern Cone.
Charles Darwin 180982 が参加した二回目のビーグル号航海で艦長を務めた。また、天気予報を実用化しようと試みた気象学者であり、優れた測量学者、水路学者でもあった。

1867/0430(慶應03/0326):日本[幕末] 開陽丸が横濱に到着

1869/0430:肖像画家 Philip de László 186937、誕生

a Hungarian painter known particularly for his portraits of royal and aristocratic personages.

Mrs Hélène Kirwan-Taylor (1935)

1869/0430:ドイツ 建築家 Hans Poelzig 186936、誕生

ein deutscher Architekt, Maler, Bühnenbildner, Filmarchitekt und Hochschullehrer. Vor allem seine Beiträge zur expressionistischen Architektur und zur Neuen Sachlichkeit machten ihn bekannt.


1870/0430:オペレッタ作曲者 Franz Lehár 187048、誕生

ein österreichischer Komponist ungarischer Herkunft. Lehár gilt zusammen mit Oscar Straus, Emmerich Kálmán und Leo Fall als Begründer der sogenannten Silbernen Operettenära.

The Camp Grant massacre takes place in Arizona Territory.

1875/0430:山師? Johann Friedrich Graf von Waldeck 176675、死去

Jean-Frédéric Maximilien de Waldeck est un antiquaire, cartographe, artiste et explorateur français connu pour avoir eu une vie exceptionnellement longue (109 ans révolus1, quasi-supercentenaire).
Il est le premier artiste européen à avoir dessiné les monuments de la culture Maya.
Waldeck est un personnage haut en couleur : il prétend être duc, comte ou baron, être né à Prague, Paris et Vienne, ainsi qu'en Allemagne, en Autriche et en Grande-Bretagne. Il se fait également appeler Johann Friedrich Graf von Waldeck à l'occasion.

彼は19歳で南アフリカ共和国へ行き、その経歴をここから始めた。その後フランスへ戻り、画家のJacques-Louis David 174825について画業を学んだ。また、Napoléon Bonaparte 176921 のエジプト行に加はり、 ……

Charles Cros dépose à l'Académie des Sciences de Paris le mémoire dans lequel il décrit le « paléophone » avant le premier phonographe de Thomas Edison.

1883/0430:『兵士シュベク』作者 Jaroslav Hašek 188323、誕生

ein tschechischer Schriftsteller, der vor allem durch seine literarische Figur des „braven Soldaten Schwejk“ berühmt wurde.

1883/0430:フランス印象派 Édouard Manet 183283、死去

un peintre et graveur français majeur de la fin du XIXe siècle.
Précurseur de la peinture moderne qu'il affranchit de l'académismenote, Édouard Manet est à tort considéré comme l'un des pères de l'impressionnismenote: il s'en distingue en effet par une facture soucieuse du réel qui n'utilise pas (ou peu) les nouvelles techniques de la couleur et le traitement particulier de la lumière.
Il s'en rapproche cependant par certains thèmes récurrents comme les portraits, les paysages marins, la vie parisienne ou encore les natures mortes, tout en peignant de façon personnelle, dans une première période, des scènes de genre :sujets espagnols notamment d'après Vélasquez et odalisques d'après Le Titien.

1885/0430:デンマルク 文人 Jens Peter Jacobsen 184785、死去

a Danish novelist, poet, and scientist.
He began the naturalist movement in Danish literature and was a part of the Modern Breakthrough.

1893/0430:ナチス外相 Joachim von Ribbentrop 189346、誕生

Ullrich Friedrich Willy Joachim von Ribbentrop (* 30. April 1893 in Wesel als Ullrich Friedrich Willy Joachim Ribbentrop; † 16. Oktober 1946 in Nürnberg) war ein deutscher Politiker (NSDAP). Er war von 1938 bis 1945, während der Zeit der nationalsozialistischen Diktatur, Reichsminister des Auswärtigen.
Ribbentrop gehörte zu den 24 im Nürnberger Prozess gegen die Hauptkriegsverbrecher vor dem Internationalen Militärgerichtshof angeklagten Personen. Er wurde am 1. Oktober 1946 in allen vier Anklagepunkten schuldig gesprochen, zum Tod durch den Strang verurteilt und am 16. Oktober 1946 hingerichtet

J. J. Thomson of the Cavendish Laboratory announces his discovery of the electron as a subatomic particle, over 1,800 times smaller than a proton (in the atomic nucleus), at a lecture at the Royal Institution in London.

The British physicist Joseph John Thomson succeeds in proving the existence of the electron already predicted by George Johnstone Stoney.

1901/0430:経済学 Simon Kuznets 1990185、誕生

a Russo-American economist and statistician who received the 1971 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences "for his empirically founded interpretation of economic growth which has led to new and deepened insight into the economic and social structure and process of development."
Kuznets made a decisive contribution to the transformation of economics into an empirical science and to the formation of quantitative economic history.

1902/0430:経済学 Theodore Schultz190298、誕生

an American economist, Nobel Laureate, and chairman of the Chicago School of Economics. Schultz rose to national prominence after winning the 1979 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.


première représentation du drame lyrique Pelléas et Mélisande de Claude Debussy d'après l'œuvre de Maurice Maeterlinck, à l'Opéra-Comique de Paris.

1904(明治37)/0430:日露戦争: 鴨緑江會戰、勃發


1916/0430:情報理論の父 Claude Shannon 191601、誕生

an American mathematician, electrical engineer, and cryptographer known as "the father of information theory".
Shannon is noted for having founded information theory with a landmark paper, A Mathematical Theory of Communication, that he published in 1948.
He is, perhaps, equally well known for founding digital circuit design theory in 1937, when—as a 21-year-old master's degree student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)—he wrote his thesis demonstrating that electrical applications of Boolean algebra could construct any logical, numerical relationship. Shannon contributed to the field of cryptanalysis for national defense during World War II, including his fundamental work on codebreaking and secure telecommunications.

二十世紀科学史上、John von Neumann 190357、Alan Turing 191254 とともに最も影響力のあった一人。情報理論の父と呼ばれ、情報・通信・暗号・デタ壓縮・など情報社界に先驅的な研究をおこなった。

a conférence de paix accorde la concession allemande du Shandong au Japon, ce qui amène la Chine à quitter la conférence

Adolf Hitler's application for dismissal from Austrian nationality is given by the Magistrate of the City of Linz. He lives from this time on as a stateless person on German soil.

Der Berliner Psychiater Johannes Heinrich Schultz stellt das autogene Training erstmals vor, eine auf Autosuggestion beruhende Entspannungstechnik.


1930/0430:フランス 思想家 Félix Guattari 193092、誕生

un psychanalyste et philosophe français
Jacques Lacan 190181 のもとで學び、1968年五月革命以降、政治犯救済運動を推進する一方、ラ・ボルド病院に勤務し、精神医学改革の運動を起こしてきた。
遺著『カオスモズ』は、「カオス(混沌)」「コスモス(秩序)」「オスモズ(浸透)」の3語を組み合わせたJames Joyce 188241による造語。

1933/0430:フランス最後?のサロン Anna de Noailles 187633、死去

La comtesse Anna-Élisabeth de Noailles, née Bibesco Bassaraba de Brancovan1, est une poétesse et une romancière française, d'origine roumaine,

Au début du XXe siècle, son salon de l'avenue Hoche attire l'élite intellectuelle, littéraire et artistique de l'époque parmi lesquels Edmond Rostand, Francis Jammes, Paul Claudel, Colette, André Gide, Maurice Barrès, René Benjamin, Frédéric Mistral, Robert de Montesquiou, Paul Valéry, Jean Cocteau, Léon Daudet, Pierre Loti, Paul Hervieu, l'abbé Mugnier ou encore Max Jacob, Robert Vallery-Radot et François Mauriac. C'est également une amie de Georges Clemenceau.

1938/0430:USA SF作家 Larry Niven 1938--、誕生

an American science fiction writer.
His best-known work is Ringworld (1970), which received Hugo, Locus, Ditmar, and Nebula awards. The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America named him the 2015 recipient of the Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award.
His work is primarily hard science fiction, using big science concepts and theoretical physics. It also often includes elements of detective fiction and adventure stories. His fantasy includes the series The Magic Goes Away, rational fantasy dealing with magic as a non-renewable resource.

Im Deutschen Reich tritt das „Gesetz über Mietverhältnisse mit Juden“ in Kraft. Es hebt den Mieterschutz für Juden auf und leitet den Ghettoisierungsprozess ein. Deutsche Juden müssen ihre Wohnungen verlassen und werden in „Judenhäusern“ konzentriert.

1939/0430:The New York World's Fair (1939-40)
the world exhibition in the specially constructed Flushing Meadows Park in Queens, New York City is ceremoniously opened.

1939/0430:USA、MLB、Lou Gehrig、連續出場記録
Lou Gehrig of the New York Yankees achieved record of 2,130 games in continuous appearances.

Lou Gehrig was an American baseball first baseman who played 17 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the New York Yankees, from 1923 through 1939.
He set several major league records during his career, including the most career grand slams (23) (since broken by Alex Rodriguez) and most consecutive games played (2,130), a record that stood for 56 years and was long considered unbreakable until surpassed by Cal Ripken, Jr in 1995.

彼のこの偉大な記録は突然、斷絶してしまふ。誰も思ひもしなかったことだが、彼は amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) といふ難病に冒されてゐた。そして、この引退から二年後の 1941/0602、逝去する。このため、この病氣は「ルウゲリック病」とも呼ばれるやうになった。



1943/0430:デンマルク 言語学 Otto Jespersen 186043、死去

a Danish linguist who specialized in the grammar of the English language.

1943/0430:WWⅡ:Operation Mincemeat:
The submarine HMS Seraph surfaces in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain to deposit a dead man planted with false invasion plans and dressed as a British military intelligence officer.

http://tinyurl.com/bkcwyfw Operation Mincemeat - Wikipedia
https://youtu.be/Gh8D3vA1mgk Operation Mincemeat (2010) - YouTube

Eva und Adolf Hitler nehmen sich im Führerbunker das Leben. Am gleichen Tag hisst die Rote Armee die sowjetische Fahne auf dem Berliner Reichstagsgebäude. Die US-Armee nimmt im Zweiten Weltkrieg München, die ehemalige „Hauptstadt der Bewegung“, ein.


1945/0430:ナチスドイツ 独裁者 Adolf Hitler 188945、自殺

von 1933 bis 1945 Diktator des Deutschen Reiches.

Eva Braun und Adolf Hitler auf dem Berghof am Obersalzberg, 14. Juni 1942

In Bogotá, Colombia, the Organization of American States is established.

1956/0430:日本 軍人政事家 宇垣一成186856、死去

Ugaki Kazushige was a Japanese general in the Imperial Japanese Army, the 5th principal of Takushoku University, and twice Governor-General of Korea.

1959/0430:日本 文人 永井荷風187959、死去

Nagai Kafū est un écrivain et nouvelliste japonais.
Il est reconnu pour ses œuvres décrivant le Tokyo du XXe siècle, et particulièrement le monde de la prostitution et des geishas.

荷風は1952昭和27年、文化勲章を「温雅な詩情と高邁な文明批評と透徹した現實觀照の三面が備はる多くの優れた創作を出した他、江戸文學の研究、外國文學の移植にも業績を上げ、わが國近代文學史上に獨自の巨歩を印した」といふ評價で受賞した。翌年は藝術院會員に選ばれた。だが、相變はらず彼の淺草通ひは續き …… 1959/0301、長年通ひつづけた淺草アリゾナで昼食中、「病魔歩行殆困難」の状態となった。その後は、自宅近くの食堂で食事する以外、ゴミ屋敷と化した自宅に引き籠もる日々となった。知人が病氣に苦しむ荷風に醫者を勧めたが取りあはなかった。そして、0430の朝、荷風は自室で死んでゐた。死因は胃潰瘍にともなふ吐血による心臓麻痺と診断された。部屋にあったボストンバッグには常に持ち歩いてゐた彼の全財産、土地の権利書・預金通帳(額面総額2334万円)・文化勲章、それと現金31万円が入ってゐた。




1973/0430:『鞍馬天狗』作者 大佛次郎189773、死去

Osaragi Jirō est le nom de plume d'un populaire écrivain japonais de l'ère Shōwa, surtout connu pour ses romans de fiction historique, parus en feuilleton dans les journaux et magazines.

1973/0430:アメリカ、Watergate scandal
President Nixon announces that White House Counsel John Dean has been fired and that other top aides, most notably Haldeman and Ehrlichman, have resigned.

Fall of Saigon: Communist forces gain control of Saigon. The Vietnam War formally ends with the unconditional surrender of South Vietnamese president Dương Văn Minh.



Deng Xiaoping proposed the establishment of a special economic zone.

The Bijon Setu massacre occurs in Calcutta.

1983/0430:フランス 舞踏家 George Balanchine 190483、死去

un chorégraphe, danseur, acteur et réalisateur russe d'origine géorgienne
Styled as the father of American ballet, he co-founded the New York City Ballet and remained its Artistic Director for more than 35 years.
Balanchine was invited to America in 1933 by a young arts patron named Lincoln Kirstein, and together they founded the School of American Ballet. Along with Kirstein, Balanchine also co-founded the New York City Ballet (NYCB)

1983/0430:USA ブルウスシンガー Muddy Waters 191583、死去

an American blues musician who is often cited as the "father of modern Chicago blues".

1989/0430:マカロニウエスタン Sergio Leone 192989、死去

un regista, sceneggiatore e produttore cinematografico italiano.

1989/0430:日本 映画俳優 殿山泰司191589、死去

Tonoyama Taiji est un acteur japonais

1993/0430:CERN announces WWW protocols will be free.

The World Wide Web(today's multimedial part of the Internet based on HTML)is released for general use worldwide.

2006/0430:インドネシア 作家 Pramoedya Ananta Toer 192589、死去

Souvent appelé plus simplement « Pram », est un des plus grands écrivains indonésiens contemporains, et le plus connu à l'étranger. Il est l'auteur de plus de 50 œuvres et a été traduit dans plus de 40 langues — toutefois une petite partie d'entre elles seulement ont été traduites en français.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World