


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 04/17 今日の出來事

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中大兄皇子(彼はなかなか卽位しなかった)が近江に遷都する前の歴史 ――

この遷都の時、額田王063393が三輪山との惜別の歌、「三輪山をしかも隠すか雲だにも心あらなむ隠さふべしや」、別れを惜しみつつ去りゆく大和の國、それを象徴する三輪山、それを雲は隠すのだらうか、いや雲にも心があるだらう、隠すはずがない ―― この歌は或王が詠じた長歌「うまさけ、三輪の山、あをによし奈良の山の、山のまに、い隠るまで、道の隈、い積もるまでに、つぶらにも見つゝ行かむを、しばしばも見さけむ山を、心なく雲の隠さうべしや」にこたへたものであった。


Philippe Auguste expulse les Juifs régnicoles de ses États et confisque tous leurs biens.

Fall of the Bavand dynasty, and rise of the Afrasiyab dynasty.

1355/0417:ベネチア總督 Marino Faliero 127455、処刑
Marin Falier è stato il 55º doge della repubblica di Venezia, dal 1354 al 1355, quando venne destituito e giustiziato.

Fu il primo e unico doge ad esser giustiziato per alto tradimento (fatta forse eccezione per alcuni casi durante i primi secoli d'esistenza della Repubblica di Venezia).

He was executed for attempting a coup d'etat.
Within months of being elected, Faliero attempted a coup d'etat in April 1355, aiming to take effective power from the ruling aristocrats. According to tradition, ……

The story of Faliero's failed plot was later made into plays by George Gordon Byron (in 1820) and Casimir Delavigne (in 1829). The latter's version was adapted into an eponymous opera scored by Gaetano Donizetti in 1835.
All three present the traditional story that Faliero was acting to defend his wife's honour.
Prussian author E. T. A. Hoffmann used a different approach in his 1818 novella Doge and Dogess; German composer Robert Schumann contemplated writing an opera based on Hoffmann's story.

Kaunas Castle falls to the Teutonic Order after a month-long siege.

1397/0417:イギリス文藝、Geoffrey Chaucer
 tells The Canterbury Tales for the first time at the court of Richard II. Chaucer scholars have also identified this date (in 1387) as the start of the book's pilgrimage to Canterbury.

Geoffrey Chaucer 134300、

Firma de las Capitulaciones de Santa Fe, lo que permite Christophe Colomb a través del Océano Atlántico.

Spain and Christopher Columbus sign the Capitulations of Santa Fe for his voyage to Asia to acquire spices.

Der Reichstag zu Worms befragt unter dem Vorsitz von Kaiser Karl V. den unter Zusicherung freien Geleits angereisten Martin Luther erstmals zu seinen Thesen.

Trial of Martin Luther over his teachings begins during the assembly of the Diet of Worms. Initially intimidated, he asks for time to reflect before answering and is given a stay of one day.

1524/0417:大航海時代、ヨウロパ人、NewYork に到達
Giovanni da Verrazzano reaches New York harbor.

Dopo 15 mesi di assedio da parte delle truppe imperiali fiorentine sostenute dalla Francia Siena è a causa della scarsità di cibo. Cosimo I de 'Medici di Firenze ha prepara così efficacemente la fine della città in competizione della Repubblica di Siena. Città e del territorio in ultima analisi, essere incorporati nel Granducato di Toscana.

(After 15 months of siege by the Florentine Imperial troops by France Siena it is because of food shortages. Cosimo I de 'Medici of Florence has so effectively prepares the end of the city competing in the Republic of Siena. City and territory will ultimately be incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.

The Battle of Vlissingen occurred in the Eighty Years War. A fleet of the Spanish Armada bombed the city of Vlissingen. The Dutch succeeded in sinking five enemy ships in battle, leading to the withdrawal of the Spaniards from the Vlissingen War Memorial.


1620/0417:フランス 聖女 Marguerite Bourgeoys 162000、誕生

Sainte Marguerite Bourgeoys, en religion Sœur Marguerite du Saint-Sacrement, est est la première enseignante de Montréal et la fondatrice de la Congrégation de Notre-Dame de Montréal.


1734/0417:中国生まれのタイの王樣 Taksin 173482、誕生

the only King of the Thonburi Kingdom and Thai Chinese heritage.
He had been an Ekatat servant and then was a leader in the liberation of Siam from Burmese occupation after the Second Fall of Ayutthaya in 1767, and the subsequent unification of Siam after it fell under various warlords.
He established the city of Thonburi as the new capital, as the city of Ayutthaya had been almost completely destroyed by the invaders.
His reign was characterized by numerous wars; he fought to repel new Burmese invasions and to subjugate the northern Thai kingdom of Lanna, the Laotian principalities, and a threatening Cambodia.

1790/0417:象徴的アメリカ人 Benjamin Franklin 170690、死去

a renowned polymath and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Franklin was a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, humorist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat.
As a scientist, he was a major figure in the American Enlightenment and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity.
As an inventor, he is known for the lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove, among other inventions.
He founded many civic organizations, including Philadelphia's fire department and the University of Pennsylvania.

{アメリカ人は新世界を invent、発見&發明していった。それまでの世界とは異質な文明を作りだしていった。それがアメリカ精神の根幹としての New World Order となる。

Sir Ralph Abercromby attacks San Juan, Puerto Rico, in what would be one of the largest invasions of the Spanish territories in the Americas.

1820/0417:野球の創生者? Alexander Cartwright 182092、誕生

Alexander "Alick" Joy Cartwright Jr. was a founding member of the New York Knickerbockers Base Ball Club in the 1840s.
Although an inductee of the Baseball Hall of Fame and sometimes referred to as a "father of baseball", the centrality of his role in the development of the game has been disputed.

The New York Knickerbockers Baseball Club, circa 1847.

1837/0417:USA 実業家 John Pierpont Morgan 183713、誕生

an American financier and banker who dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation in the United States of America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

1843/0417:建築,都市計画 Camillo Sitte 184303、誕生

ein österreichischer Architekt, Stadtplaner, Städtebau- und Kulturtheoretiker sowie Maler.
Mit seinem international beachteten Buch Der Städtebau nach seinen künstlerischen Grundsätzen war er einer der ersten Autoren, die sich theoretisch und kritisch mit der Stadtplanung des Industriezeitalters auseinandersetzten. Wegen seiner baulich-ästhetischen Vorschläge zur Stadtgestaltung gilt Sitte als „Wiederbegründer der Stadtbaukunst“.



1882/0417:日本のお傭ひ外國人 Antonio Fontanesi 181882、死去

un pittore e incisore italiano.



1882/0417:ベトベン彈きのピアニスト Artur Schnabel 188251、誕生

ein österreichischer Pianist und Komponist.

In 1921 he made his debut in the United States and played with Furtwängler and others from that time.
In 1927 he held the complete performance of Beethoven's piano sonata for seven nights and established his reputation as "Beethoven player". From 1932 to 1937 he recorded the first complete Beethoven 's complete collection of piano sonatas and piano concertos. Also he edited the score which detailed the interpretation of Beethoven's piano sonata.
In 1933, because he was a Jewish, he emigrated to Switzerland with the rise of the Nazis.
In addition, since 1938 he moved his headquarters to the United States, and in 1944 he acquired American citizenship.


The Treaty of Shimonoseki between China and Japan is signed. This marks the end of the First Sino-Japanese War, and the defeated Qing Empire is forced to renounce its claims on Korea and to concede the southern portion of the Fengtien province, Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands to Japan.

1897/0417:USA 劇作家 Thornton Wilder 189775、誕生

an American playwright and novelist.
He won three Pulitzer Prizes—for the novel The Bridge of San Luis Rey, and for the plays Our Town and The Skin of Our Teeth — and a U.S. National Book Award for the novel The Eighth Day.

The Dallas Morning News publishes a report by H. E. Haydon about an alleged UFO incident the day before in Aurora, Texas. The report is now regarded as hoax.

The Supreme Court decides Lochner v. New York, which holds that the "right to free contract" is implicit in the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Russian troops open fire on striking goldfield workers in northeast Siberia, killing at least 150.

One day after his return to Russia, Lenin gave a lecture at a conference of the Bolsheviks in Petrograd on a political program for further development after the February Revolution in 1917. It is the basis for his April theses published three days later in Pravda.

1918/0417:USA 映画男優 William Holden 191898、誕生

an American actor who was one of the biggest box-office draws of the 1950s through the 1970s.
He won the Academy Award for Best Actor in 1953 for his role in Stalag 17,

{私にとっては、何と云っても Sam Peckinpah の『Wild Bunch』だ。

1932/0417:多才な都市計画者 Patrick Geddes 185432、死去

a Scottish biologist, sociologist, geographer, philanthropist and pioneering town planner.
He is known for his innovative thinking in the fields of urban planning and sociology.
He introduced the concept of "region" to architecture and planning and coined the term "conurbation".

都市計画に region 地域という概念を導入し、region survey 運動を展開。その成果を博物館に展示し、市民が都市の進化の過程を認識し、「Eu-topia」の実現を追求するやう働きかけ、一貫して保存手術による歴史的な都市の改造を説き、その足跡をスコットランドのみならず、アイルランド、フランス、インド、バレスチナ、イスラエルへと廣げた

The Kingdom of Yugoslavia surrenders to Germany.

la Syrie obtient son indépendance totale.
Syria obtains its independence from the French occupation.

En Syrie, la République arabe syrienne est proclamé trois jours après le départ des dernières troupes françaises. 17 avril est aujourd'hui la fête nationale syrienne.

1948/0417:日本の軍人で政事家 鈴木貫太郎186848、死去

Suzuki Kantarō was an admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy, member and final leader of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association and 42nd Prime Minister of Japan from 7 April to 17 August 1945.


United Nations Security Council Resolution 46 is adopted.

At midnight 26 Irish counties officially leave the British Commonwealth. A 21-gun salute on O'Connell Bridge, Dublin, ushers in the Republic of Ireland.

Bay of Pigs Invasion: A group of Cuban exiles financed and trained by the CIA lands at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba with the aim of ousting Fidel Castro.

1969/0417:USA、Robert Kennedy の暗殺者に有罪確定
Sirhan Sirhan is convicted of assassinating Robert F. Kennedy.

Communist Party of Czechoslovakia chairman Alexander Dubček is deposed.

The People's Republic of Bangladesh is formed.

The Cambodian Civil War ends. The Khmer Rouge captures the capital Phnom Penh and Cambodian government forces surrender.

The Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot takes the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh and are received by the population enthusiastically. The exiled Norodom Sihanouk is appointed head of state. Subsequently, the Khmer Rouge in the "Democratic Kampuchea" begin with the systematic settlement and expulsion of the urban population into the country.

1976/0417:生化学者 Henrik Dam 189576、死去

a Danish biochemist and physiologist.
He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1943 for joint work with Edward Doisy work in discovering vitamin K and its role in human physiology. Dam's key experiment involved feeding a cholesterol-free diet to chickens.

Patriation of the Canadian constitution in Ottawa by Proclamation of Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada.

1985/0417:日本のプロ野球 阪神のクリンナップ「バックスクリン三連發」

少年の私が阪神タイガースのファンになったのは、私の一番の友人が熱心な巨人ファンだったからだ。當時の日本人が好きな「巨人・大鵬・卵焼き」が死は大嫌ひだった(卵焼きは好きだったがそれを斷つほどに)。生まれついてのヘソ曲り、ツムジ曲がりであった。野球は好きではなかった。集團プレイは好きではないのである。 私が阪神ファンになったのは、負ければムキになってくる親友をからかってやるためのものであったが、しかし、からかはれるのは多く私のはうだった。巨人は強かった。阪神は弱かった。巨人はグヅ哲こと川上哲治に率ゐられ九連覇の常勝の時代であった。それにしても阪神は弱かった。肝心なところで特に弱かった。そんな阪神が私は内心において嫌ひだった。阪神球団全體がぬるま湯にとっぷりと浸かったやうな、不甲斐ない、ふやけた、腑抜けな連中に思はれた。そんななかで唯一、村山實投手だけ氣に入った。彼が巨人相手に投げる時だけは熱中してテレビを見た。あの眞劍勝負ぶりがたまらなかった。






六四天安門事件へと高まっていく ――
4 June 1989: The Tian'anmen massacre was the bloody endpoint of monthly protests of the Chinese movement of democracy on Tian'anmen Square, which estimated that between 300 and 3000 people were killed (red cross: 2700), but not On the Tian'anmen Square.

1994/0417:左脳右脳 Roger Wolcott Sperry 191394、死去

a neuropsychologist, neurobiologist and Nobel laureate who, together with David Hunter Hubel and Torsten Nils Wiesel, won the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his work with split-brain research.
A Review of General Psychology survey, published in 2002, ranked Sperry as the 44th most cited psychologist of the 20th century.

His research has greatly contributed to understanding the functional differentiation of the left and right cerebral hemispheres. However, the fact he made clear was distorted or expanded and interpreted to the world.


2008/0417:ネグリチュウド文學 Aimé Césaire 191394、死去

un écrivain et homme politique français, à la fois poète, dramaturge, essayiste, et biographe.
Fondateur et représentant majeur du mouvement littéraire de la négritude avec Léopold Sédar Senghor, anticolonialiste résolu, il mena en parallèle une carrière politique en tant que député de la Martinique, et maire de Fort-de-France durant cinquante-six années consécutives, de 1945 à 2001.

NASA's Kepler confirms the discovery of the first Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of another star.

2014/0417:百年の孤獨 Gabriel García Márquez 192814、死去

un escritor, guionista, editor y periodista colombiano.
En 1982 recibió el Premio Nobel de Literatura.
Está relacionado de manera inherente con el realismo mágico y su obra más conocida, la novela Cien años de soledad, es considerada una de las más representativas de este movimiento literario e incluso se considera que por el éxito de la novela es que tal término se aplica a la literatura surgida a partir de los años 1960 en América Latina. ……

1955`La hojarasca`
1961`El coronel no tiene quien le escriba`大佐に手紙は來ない
1962`Los funerales de la Mamá Grande`ママグランデの葬儀
1967`Cien años de soledad`百年の孤獨
1975`El otoño del patriarca`族長の秋
1981`Crónica de una muerte anunciada`予告された殺人の記録
1985`El amor en los tiempos del cólera`コレラ時代の愛
1989`El general en su laberinto`迷宮の將軍
1994`Del amor y otros demonios`
2004`Memoria de mis putas tristes`


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World