


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 04/05 今日の出來事

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今日は、モアイ像で有名なイスタ島が西洋人によって「發見」された日だ。ちなみに、この發見の日がその年の Easter の日だったので「イスタ島」と名付けられたのであった。スペイン語では Isla de Pascua と云ふさうだが、これもイスタの島といふ意味。島民は「Rapa Nui」と呼んでゐた。

この太平洋上の、絶海の孤島の、かぎりなくミステリアスな歴史に目を通し、私は、そこに人類の歴史の單純明快なモデルを見てゐるやうな氣になってアレゴリカルな思ひとなっていった ……
そして、或日、つひにさうしたモアイ時代を終らせるやうな出来事が孤島を襲ふ。饑餓かも知れないし旱天かも知れない。流行病かも知れない。地震かも知れない。 ……

私はこの地球上で人類が演じてゐることを思ひ重ねながら、この謎めいた、そして多分に愚かしい絶海の孤島の歴史を見詰めてゐる。そして、「地球船宇宙號、危急船痴愚号」と呟いてゐる。 ……



Lothair I is crowned King of Italy by Pope Paschal I.

Alexios I Komnenos is crowned Byzantine emperor at Constantinople, bringing the Komnenian dynasty to full power.

1097/0405:On Easter,
 Godefroy de Bouillon and his brother Baudouin de Boulogne agreed to take the oath of allegiance to the Byzantine emperor Alexis I Comnenus.

During the Battle on the Ice of Lake Peipus, Russian forces, led by Alexander Nevsky, rebuff an invasion attempt by the Teutonic Knights.

Bataille du lac Peïpous. Le prince de Novgorod, Alexandre Nevski remporte une victoire décisive sur l'ordre Teutonique.
https://is.gd/w2M0Ho Ледовое побоище

Jan Matthys, „Prophet“ und Führer des münsterschen Täuferreiches, wird bei einem Ausfall aus der von Franz von Waldeck belagerten Stadt getötet.

 an Matthys 150034:オランダ人の宗教家。ミュンスター一揆の指導者の一人。再洗禮派の指導者となり、1534ミュンスタに移り信者を得るが、市外に出たところで諸侯の軍に襲撃され、殺される。

Royal Entry of Charles V into Rome: The last Roman triumph.

Daimyo (Lord) Shimazu Tadatsune of the Satsuma Domain in southern Kyūshū, Japan, completes his successful invasion of the Ryūkyū Kingdom in Okinawa.


1568/0405:235Papa Urbanus VIII 156844、誕生

Urbano VIII, nato Maffeo Vincenzo Barberini è stato il 235º papa della Chiesa cattolica dal 1623 alla morte.
He expanded the papal territory by force of arms and advantageous politicking, and was also a prominent patron of the arts and a reformer of Church missions.
However, the massive debts incurred during his pontificate greatly weakened his successors, who were unable to maintain the papacy's longstanding political and military influence in Europe. He was also involved in a controversy with Galileo and his theory on heliocentrism during his reign.

1588/0405:Thomas Hobbes 158879、誕生

an English philosopher who is considered one of the founders of modern political philosophy.
Hobbes is best known for his 1651 book Leviathan, which established the social contract theory that has served as the foundation for most later Western political philosophy.
In addition to political philosophy, Hobbes also contributed to a diverse array of other fields, including history, jurisprudence, geometry, the physics of gases, theology, ethics, and general philosophy.

This, Hobbes argues, would lead to a "bellum omnium contra omnes" (war of all against all). The description contains what has been called one of the best known passages in English philosophy, which describes the natural state humankind would be in, were it not for political community:


Mayflower sets sail from Plymouth, Massachusetts on a return trip to England.

1654/0405:Westminster Convention
 concluded the First Anglo-Dutch War.

Anglo-Dutch Wars:十七世紀後半、三度にわたるイングランドとネデルランド連邦共和國=オランダ共和國との戰爭(十八世紀の兩國の戰爭についても使はれる)。

1692/0405:フランス 女優 Adrienne Lecouvreur 169230、誕生

une comédienne française

a French actress, considered by many as the greatest of her time.
Despite the fame she gained as an actress and her innovations in her acting style, she was widely remembered for her romance with Maurice de Saxe[4] and for her mysterious death.
Although there are different theories that suggest she was poisoned by her rival, Maria Karolina Sobieska, Duchess of Bouillon, scholars have not been able to confirm it

1705/0405:日本の儒學者 伊藤仁齋162705、死去

Itō Jinsai est un philosophe confucéen et lettré japonais.
Il est considéré comme l'un des érudits confucéens les plus influents du XVIIIe siècle japonais et de l'époque d'Edo (1600-1868) en général. Son enseignement s'épanouit surtout dans Kyoto et la région du Kansai au cours des dernières années du shogunat Tokugawa.


The Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen discovers Easter Island.

イスタ島、西洋人に發見される。この日が Easter だったのでイスタ島と命名。
正式には Isla de Pascua(=Easter)。本來は、Rapa Nui、

Jacob Roggeveen 165929 ロッヘフェン
1721/0801 オウストラリア大陸をめざし、三隻の帆船で、大西洋を南下、フォウクランド諸島に寄航、ルメル海峡通過、南緯60度まで南下して太平洋に入る。チリのバルディビア近くに上陸、フアンフェルナデス諸島に滯在、この日島を發見、たまたまイスタの日だったのでイスタ島と命名、島には二千から三千の島民がゐた、と報告。その後、サモア経由でバタビアに。そこでオランダ東インド會社の獨占を犯したとして逮捕され、補償金を支払って解放され、1723歸國


1732/0405:ロココ画家 Jean-Honoré Fragonard 173206、誕生

un des principaux peintres rococos français.
Peintre d'histoire, de genre et de paysages, il se spécialise assez rapidement dans le genre libertin et les scènes galantes, comme le montre son célèbre tableau Le Verrou.

La Liseuse, vers 1770–1772


The Parliament of England decides the Sugar Act. This law of customs brings the economy in the colonies almost to a standstill and is one of the causes of the American independence movement.

US President George Washington exercises his authority to veto a bill, the first time this power is used in the United States.

1794/0405 (16 germinal an II) : フランス革命、ロビスペル、
 Exécution de Danton et de ses partisans.


1794/0405:Georges Jacques Danton 175994、処刑

un avocat au Conseil du Roi et un homme politique français, ministre de la Justice.


1794/0405:Camille Desmoulins 176094、処刑

un avocat, un journaliste et un révolutionnaire français. Avec Maximilien de Robespierre, Jean-Paul Marat et Georges Danton, il est l'une des figures majeures de la Révolution française.


Peace of Basel between France and Prussia is made.

Preußen schließt im Ersten Koalitionskrieg mit Frankreich den Sonder-Frieden von Basel. Darin tritt es seine linksrheinischen Gebiete an Frankreich ab, erhält aber das Geheimversprechen, in einem eventuellen endgültigen Friedensvertrag rechtsrheinisch dafür entschädigt zu werden.


{なんか、ドイツの作曲家の第二交響曲が、どこかの奥地で納骨堂で首實檢があった ―― みたいに一見して日本人の私は讀んでゐた。そして、日本語の有難味をつくづく感じたのであった。
この現代中国語による記事は「ドイツの作曲家ベトベンの第二交響曲がオウストリアのウイン劇場で初演された」でした。「奥地利」がオウストリアで、 ……

1804/0405:Matthias Jacob Schleiden 180481、誕生

ein deutscher Botaniker und Mitbegründer der Zelltheorie.


1810/0405:日本の本草學者 小野蘭山172910、死去

Ono Ranzan est un botaniste et herboriste japonais considéré comme le « Carl von Linné du Japon».

1809 谷文晁筆


The 14-day eruption of the Tambora volcano on Sumbawa in Indonesia begins with a first eruption. Further, in particular on 10 April, lead to a total of about 100,000 death victims on account of the outbreak and subsequent tidal waves. The volcanic winter is also causing hunger in Europe.

1818/0405:In the Battle of Maipú,
 Chile's independence movement, led by Bernardo O'Higgins and José de San Martín, win a decisive victory over Spain, leaving 2,000 Spaniards and 1,000 Chilean patriots dead.

1837/0405:イギリス 作家 Algernon C Swinburne 183709、誕生

an English poet, playwright, novelist, and critic.
He wrote several novels and collections of poetry such as Poems and Ballads, and contributed to the famous Eleventh Edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica.
Swinburne wrote about many taboo topics, such as lesbianism, cannibalism, sado-masochism, and anti-theism. His poems have many common motifs, such as the ocean, time, and death.


Oscar Wilde 185400 はスウィンバンについて「悪徳を自慢する人で、自分の同性愛や残忍さを、本当はどちらもほんのちょっと囓った程度なのを隠して、世間に広言してまはった」と評した。

1837/0405:フランス 日本学者 Léon de Rosny 183714、誕生

Léon Louis Lucien Prunol de Rosny savant français, est ethnologue, linguiste, japonologue, orientaliste, américaniste précolombien, épistémologue.


1873年に第一回の「国際オリエント学会議」(Congrès International des Orientalistes)が開催されると彼は議長を務めた。第一回の会議の目的は、日本語のアルファベットへの転写方法の研究、科学の発展及び現状に関する日本と西洋との比較、日本と西洋間の科学協力の開始であった。この会議は、それまで外交通商関係しかなかった日仏両国間に学術上の交流をもたらすきっかけになった。

1862/0405:American Civil War:
 The Battle of Yorktown begins.



1873/0405:フランスの歌姫 Mistinguett 187356、誕生

Jeanne Florentine Bourgeois, dite Mistinguett, est une chanteuse et actrice française.

1877/0405:USA 遺伝学者 Walter Sutton 187716、誕生

Walter Stanborough Sutton was an American geneticist and physician whose most significant contribution to present-day biology was his theory that the Mendelian laws of inheritance could be applied to chromosomes at the cellular level of living organisms. This is now known as the Boveri-Sutton chromosome theory.

バッタ Brachystola magna の生殖細胞を用いて減数分裂における染色体の観察から、染色体説を提唱

Chile declares war on Bolivia and Peru, starting the War of the Pacific.

Chile is reacting to an alliance of Peru and Bolivia with the declaration of war. There is a saltpeter war around the nitrate deposits in the Atacama region.

1882/0405:中國の革命家 宋教仁188213、誕生

Song Jiaoren was a Chinese republican revolutionary, political leader and a founder of the Kuomintang (KMT). He was assassinated in 1913 after leading his Kuomintang party to victory in China's first democratic elections. Evidence strongly implied that China's provisional president, Yuan Shikai, was responsible for his assassination.



1887/0405:ロシアの画家 Ivan Kramskoï 183787、死去

русский живописец и рисовальщик, мастер жанровой, исторической и портретной живописи; художественный критик.

Иван Николаевич Крамской est un peintre et critique d'art russe, ainsi qu'une très importante figure intellectuelle des années 1860-1880, chef de file du mouvement de l'art démocratique russe (les Ambulants).
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a5/Leon_tolstoi.jpg/800px-Leon_tolstoi.jpg Portrait de Léon Tolstoï (1873)

L'Inconnue (1883)


1892/0405:磁氣浮動裝置 Hermann Kemper 189277、誕生

ein deutscher Ingenieur und Erfinder der Magnetschwebebahn.

1934年8月14日、磁気浮上鉄道(電磁吸引方式)に関する基本特許(DPR 643 316)を取得したのを始め、磁気浮上鉄道に関する3つの基本特許を取得した。1930年代の彼の計算によると、磁気浮上式鉄道は1,000km/hでの走行が可能とのことであった。彼のアイデアとしては磁気浮上だけでなくチューブ内に軌道を入れて真空にして空気抵抗の影響も受けない1,000km/hから3,000km/hの高速交通機関を描いていたようだ。

1896/0405:君が代の作曲者 林廣守184196、死去

Hayashi Hiromori est un compositeur japonais, crédité pour avoir composé le Kimi ga yo, l'hymne national japonais.


1900/0405:USA 映画男優 Spencer Tracy 190067、誕生

an American actor, noted for his natural style and versatility. One of the major stars of Hollywood's Golden Age, Tracy won two Academy Awards for Best Actor, from nine nominations, sharing the record for nominations in that category with Laurence Olivier.

Archaeologists in Knossos, Crete, discover a large cache of clay tablets with hieroglyphic writing in a script they call Linear B.

1908/0405:USA 映画女優 Bette Davis 190889、誕生

Ruth Elizabeth Davis was an American actress of film, television, and theater.
Regarded as one of the greatest actresses in Hollywood history, she was noted for her willingness to play unsympathetic, sardonic characters and was famous for her performances in a range of film genres, from contemporary crime melodramas to historical and period films, suspense horror and occasional comedies, although her greatest successes were her roles in romantic dramas.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c2/Bette_davis_bad_sister.jpg Davis in her film debut, Bad Sister (1931)

As the shrewish Mildred in Of Human Bondage (1934)
She said "When a man does it is respected and it is hated when a woman does"

1908/0405:指揮者 Herbert von Karajan 190889、誕生

ein österreichischer Dirigent. Als solcher zählt er zu den bekanntesten und bedeutendsten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Karajan arbeitete mit vielen angesehenen Symphonieorchestern, wirkte an bedeutenden Opernhäusern und veröffentlichte zahlreiche Einspielungen klassischer Musik.


Boxing challenger Jess Willard knocks out Jack Johnson in Havana, Cuba to become the Heavyweight Champion of the World.

1916/0405:USA 映画男優 Gregory Peck 191603、誕生

Eldred Gregory Peck was an American actor who was one of the most popular film stars from the 1940s to the 1960s.
Peck continued to play major film roles until the late 1980s. His performance as Atticus Finch in the 1962 film To Kill a Mockingbird earned him the Academy Award for Best Actor.

1918/0405:フランス 地理學 Paul Vidal de La Blache 184518、死去

Paul Marie Joseph Vidal de La Blache est un géographe français de renom.
Il est avec son disciple Lucien Gallois, à l'initiative des Annales de géographie, socle du renouvellement de la géographie française à la fin du XIXe siècle.


1921/0405:中共の言論家 聶元梓1921--、誕生

Nie Yuanzi is a Chinese academic who taught philosophy at Peking University. She is primarily known for writing a big-character poster criticising the university for being controlled by the bourgeoisie, which has been credited with launching the Cultural Revolution.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/20/Nie_Yuanzi_poster.jpg This famous photo of Nie Yuanzi's poster helped spark the Cultural Revolution.


Vittoria del partito fascista nelle elezioni generali italiane


Kobe's "Suzuki shop" goes bankrupt. To Showa depression
# 1927昭和02/03、時の大蔵大臣片岡直温の「とうとう東京渡辺銀行が破綻した」との失言(片岡の発言時点では東京渡辺銀行はまだ破綻していなかった)により東京渡辺銀行は実際に破綻、他行でも取付騒ぎが発生した。そんななか、同年0327、台湾銀行鈴木商店への新規融資を打ち切りを通告。系列化していた鳥取発祥の第六十五銀行に鈴木商店を支える体力はなく資金調達が不能となり、0405、鈴木商店は事業停止、清算へ追い込まれた。


Mahatma Gandhi reaches the coast of Dandi on his salt marsh and begins the mining of sea salt forbidden by the British salt marsh.

1940/0405:スヰス 土木工学 Robert Maillart、死去

a Swiss civil engineer who revolutionized the use of structural reinforced concrete with such designs as the three-hinged arch and the deck-stiffened arch for bridges, and the beamless floor slab and mushroom ceiling for industrial buildings. His Salginatobel (1929–1930) and Schwandbach (1933) bridges changed the aesthetics and engineering of bridge construction dramatically and influenced decades of architects and engineers after him.

Arvebrücke bei Vessy

Salginatobelbrücke bei Schiers

 The Imperial Japanese Navy launches a carrier-based air attack on Colombo, Ceylon during the Indian Ocean raid. Port and civilian facilities are damaged and the Royal Navy cruisers HMS Cornwall and HMS Dorsetshire are sunk southwest of the island.


 American bomber aircraft accidentally cause more than 900 civilian deaths, including 209 children, and 1,300 wounded among the civilian population of the Belgian town of Mortsel. 



The Soviet Union notified Japan of the inaction of the Nissha neutral treaty. Declaration of declaration in August.

Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito signs an agreement with the Soviet Union to allow "temporary entry of Soviet troops into Yugoslav territory".

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg are sentenced to death for spying for the Soviet Union.

At the climax of the McCarthy era, the Jewish couple Ethel and Julius Rosenberg are sentenced to death for alleged treason of nuclear secrecy to the USSR. The main reason for the verdict is probably the interrogation of Ethel's brother David Greenglass, led by the prosecutor, Roy Cohn.


1957/0405:In India,
 Communists win the first elections in united Kerala and E. M. S. Namboodiripad is sworn in as the first Chief Minister.

Ripple Rock, an underwater threat to navigation in the Seymour Narrows in Canada is destroyed in one of the largest non-nuclear controlled explosions of the time.


1964/0405:USA陸軍士官 Douglas MacArthur 188064、死去

an American five-star general and Field Marshal of the Philippine Army.
He was Chief of Staff of the United States Army during the 1930s and played a prominent role in the Pacific theater during World War II.

1964/0405:日本の詩人 三好達治190064、死去

Miyoshi Tatsuji est un poète, critique littéraire et éditeur littéraire japonais de l'ère Shōwa.
Il est connu pour sa longue poésie en vers libres, qui dépeignent souvent la solitude et l'isolement dans le cadre de la vie contemporaine, mais qui sont écrits dans un complexe style très littéraire qui rappelle la poésie japonaise classique.

1967/0405:USA 遺伝学 Hermann Joseph Muller 189067、死去

an American geneticist, educator, and Nobel laureate best known for his work on the physiological and genetic effects of radiation (mutagenesis) as well as his outspoken political beliefs.
Muller frequently warned of long-term dangers of radioactive fallout from nuclear war and nuclear testing, which resulted in greater public scrutiny of these practices.


Vietnam War: Massive antiwar demonstrations occur in many U.S. cities.

1971/0405:In Sri Lanka,
 Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna launches a revolt against the United Front government of Sirimavo Bandaranaike.

1975/0405:中華民國 蒋介石188775、死去

Chiang Kai-shek was a political and military leader who served as the leader of the Republic of China between 1928 and 1975.


1976/0405:アメリカの怪物 Howard Hughes 190576、死去

Howard Robard Hughes Jr. was an American business magnate, investor, record-setting pilot, film director, and philanthropist, known during his lifetime as one of the most financially successful individuals in the world.

He first made a name for himself as a film producer, and then became an influential figure in the aviation industry. Later in life, he became known for his eccentric behavior and reclusive lifestyle—oddities that were caused in part by a worsening obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), chronic pain from several plane crashes, and increasing deafness.


In the People's Republic of China, the April Fifth Movement leads to the Tiananmen Incident.

1991/0405:將棋士 升田幸三191891、死去

Masuda Kōzō, March 21, 1918 – April 5, 1991) is a deceased Japanese professional shogi player who achieved the rank of 9-dan.


An ASA EMB 120 crashes in Brunswick, Georgia, killing all 23 aboard including Sen. John Tower and astronaut Sonny Carter.

Alberto Fujimori, president of Peru, dissolves the Peruvian congress by military force.

Peace protesters Suada Dilberovic and Olga Sučić are killed on the Vrbanja Bridge in Sarajevo, becoming the first casualties of the Bosnian War

1997/0405:USA 詩人 Allen Ginsberg 192697、死去

an American poet, philosopher, and writer. He is considered to be one of the leading figures of both the Beat Generation during the 1950s and the counterculture that soon followed.
He vigorously opposed militarism, economic materialism and sexual repression and was known as embodying various aspects of this counterculture, such as his views on drugs, hostility to bureaucracy and openness to Eastern religions.
He was one of many influential American writers of his time known as the Beat Generation, which included famous writers such as Jack Kerouac and William S. Burroughs.

In Japan, the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge linking Awaji Island with Honshū and costing about $3.8 billion USD, opens to traffic, becoming the largest suspension bridge in the world.


2006/0405:ハプニング開祖 Allan Kaprow 192706、死去

an American painter, assemblagist and a pioneer in establishing the concepts of performance art.
He helped to develop the "Environment" and "Happening" in the late 1950s and 1960s, as well as their theory. His Happenings — some 200 of them — evolved over the years. Eventually Kaprow shifted his practice into what he called "Activities", intimately scaled pieces for one or several players, devoted to the study of normal human activity in a way congruent to ordinary life. Fluxus, performance art, and installation art were, in turn, influenced by his work.



2008/0405:USA映画男優 Charlton Heston 192308、死去

an American actor and political activist.
As a Hollywood star, he appeared in 100 films over the course of 60 years.
He played Moses in the epic film, The Ten Commandments (1956), for which he received his first nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Drama.
He also starred in Touch of Evil (1958) with Orson Welles, Ben-Hur (1959), for which he won the Academy Award for Best Actor, El Cid (1961), and Planet of the Apes (1968). He also starred in the films The Greatest Show on Earth (1952), Secret of the Incas (1954), The Big Country (1958) and The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965).

2009/0405:North Korea
 launches its controversial Kwangmyŏngsŏng-2 rocket. The satellite passed over mainland Japan, which prompted an immediate reaction from the United Nations Security Council, as well as participating states of Six-party talks.




Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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