


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 04/04 今日の出來事

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0186/0404:ロウマ皇帝 Caracalla 018817、誕生

Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Augustus, formally known as Antoninus, was a Roman emperor from AD 198 to 217.
A member of the Severan Dynasty, he was the eldest son of Septimius Severus and Julia Domna.
Caracalla reigned jointly with his father from 198 until Severus' death in 211. Caracalla then ruled jointly with his younger brother Geta, with whom he had a fraught relationship, until he had Geta murdered later that year. Caracalla's reign was marked by domestic instability and external invasions from the Germanic people.

Roman Empire during the reign of Caracalla

0397/0404:キリスト教神學者 Aurelius Ambrosius 034097、死去

a bishop of Milan who became one of the most influential ecclesiastical figures of the 4th century.
He was the Roman governor of Liguria and Emilia, headquartered in Milan, before being made bishop of Milan by popular acclamation in 374.
Ambrose was a staunch opponent of Arianism, and has been accused of fostering persecutions[citation needed] of Arians, Jews, and pagans.

0636/0404:スペインの神學者 Isidoro de Sevilla 056036、死去

un eclesiástico católico erudito polímata hispanogodo. Fue arzobispo de Sevilla durante más de tres décadas (0599~0636) y canonizado por la Iglesia católica. Es uno de los Cuatro Santos de Cartagena.
a scholar and, for over three decades, Archbishop of Seville, is widely regarded as the last of the Fathers of the Church, as the 19th-century historian Montalembert put it in an oft-quoted phrase, "The last scholar of the ancient world.

Charlemagne confirme la donation de Pépin.

La donation de Pépin ou traité de Quierzy crée les États pontificaux.
a donation de Pépin le Bref au pape Étienne II
Les États pontificaux vers 800.

1081/0404:ビザンチン帝國、Alexios I Comnenos
 is crowned by Patriarch Cosmas I as Emperor of the Byzantine Empire, after he was first as a commander before Nikephoros III. Dethroned.


Mechthild von Baden heiratet Ulrich I., Graf von Württemberg. Die Hochzeit ist für die territoriale Entwicklung Württembergs und Badens von großer Bedeutung. Unter anderem kommt die spätere Hauptstadt Stuttgart zu Württemberg.

Mechthild von Baden marries Ulrich I, Count of Württemberg. The wedding is of great importance for the territorial development of Wuerttemberg and Baden. Among other things, the future capital Stuttgart comes to Württemberg.

1415/0404:淨土眞宗08教祖 蓮如141599、誕生

Rennyo was the 8th Monshu, or head-priest, of the Hongan-ji Temple 本願寺 of the Jōdo Shinshū sect 淨土眞宗 of Buddhism 佛教, and descendant of founder Shinran 親鸞117362.
Jodo Shinshu Buddhists often referred to as the restorer of the sect in Japanese.
During the conflict of the Ōnin 應仁 War and the subsequent warfare that spread throughout Japan, Rennyo was able to unite most of the disparate factions of the Jodo Shinshu sect under the Hongan-ji, reform existing liturgy and practices, and broaden support among different classes of society. Through Rennyo's efforts, Jodo Shinshu grew to become the largest, most influential Buddhist sect in Japan.

Francis Drake is knighted for completing a circumnavigation of the world.

Francis Drake was knighted on behalf of Elizabeth I by the French ambassador Monsieur de Marchaumont on board the Golden Hinde in Deptford for his merits, especially during his circumnavigation of the world and his loyalty to the English crown.

Philip III of Spain issues the decree of the "Expulsion of the Moriscos".

1617/0404:対数の發見者 John Napier 155017、死去

John Napier of Merchiston also signed as Neper, Nepair; nicknamed Marvellous Merchiston, was a Scottish landowner known as a mathematician, physicist, and astronomer. He was the 8th Laird of Merchiston. His Latinized name was Ioannes Neper.

He is best known as the discoverer of logarithms.
He also invented the so-called "Napier's bones" and made common the use of the decimal point in arithmetic and mathematics.

An ivory set of Napier's Bones from around 1650

A set of Napier's calculating tables from around 1680

Declaration of Breda by King Charles II of Great Britain.



1721/0404:イギリス、Sir Robert Walpole
 takes office as the first Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Robert Walpole 167645:名誉革命の党派抗爭を終熄させてイギリスに政事的安定期をもたらした。彼の21年間の政権がイギリスに經濟的繁榮の基盤となった。

1768/0404:In London,
 Philip Astley stages the first modern circus.

In Kempten (Allgäu) steht Anna Schwegelin als Angeklagte im letzten deutschen Hexenprozess vor Gericht. Das Todesurteil durch Verbrennen wegen Hexerei wird jedoch nie vollstreckt.

1780/0404:USA ペンシルバニア画家 Edward Hicks 178049、誕生

an American folk painter and distinguished religious minister of the Society of Friends (aka "Quakers").
He became a Quaker icon because of his paintings.

The Peaceable Kingdom (1826) 
ペンシルベニア州創設時、William Penn 164418と先住民族のレナペ族との有名な協約を表現

Penn's Treaty (1847),

1785/0404:ドイツロマン派 Bettina von Arnim 178559、誕生

eine deutsche Schriftstellerin und bedeutende Vertreterin der deutschen Romantik.

Georges Cuvier delivers the first paleontological lecture.

Georges Cuvier 176932:博物学、比較解剖学、古生物學

1796、École Centrale du Pantheon で教へ始め、四月にアカデミが開催されると、古生物学の最初の論文を發表した。

1800/0404:徳川御三家の大名 徳川齊昭180060、誕生

Tokugawa Nariaki was a prominent Japanese daimyō who ruled the Mito Domain 水戸藩 and contributed to the rise of nationalism and the Meiji Restoration 明治維新.

US President James Madison enacts a ninety-day embargo on trade with the United Kingdom.

Première abdication de Napoléon Ier.

Napoleon abdicates for the first time and names his son Napoleon II as Emperor of the French.



1842/0404:フランス 數學者 Édouard Lucas 184291、誕生

François Édouard Anatole Lucas、un mathématicien français.
彼は「フィボナッチ数」の研究で知られ、その「第 n 項を求める公式」を發見した。また、フィボナッチ数列の一般化である「リュカ数列」は彼にちなんで名付けられた。
Édouard Lucas est bien connu pour ses résultats en théorie des nombres, en particulier pour l'étude de la suite de Fibonacci, ainsi que de la suite associée dite de Lucas (généralisation de la suite de Fibonacci et des nombres de Lucas).
Édouard Lucas inventa un test de primalité, amélioré en 1927 par Derrick Lehmer et appelé aujourd'hui le test de primalité de Lucas-Lehmer, qui est encore utilisé couramment de nos jours.

Édouard Lucas est aussi connu pour l'invention de quelques jeux comme La Pipopipette ou les tours de Hanoï. Le nom du prétendu découvreur de ce dernier jeu était N. Claus de Siam (anagramme de Lucas d'Amiens). À noter que le nombre minimal de coups pour déplacer une tour est un nombre de Mersenne (huit disques soit 255 coups).
Il conçoit également des machines à calculer, dont les réglettes de Genaille-Lucas.

1843/0404:ドイツ 指揮者 Hans Richter 184316、誕生

ein österreichisch-ungarischer Dirigent und Ehrenbürger von Bayreuth.
He became associated with Richard Wagner in the 1860s, and in 1876 he was chosen to conduct the first complete performance of Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen at the Bayreuth Festspielhaus.

In Europe his work was chiefly based in Vienna, where (transcending the bitter division between the followers of Wagner and those of Johannes Brahms) he gave much attention to the works of Brahms himself, Anton Bruckner (who once slipped a coin into his hand after a concert by way of a tip) and Antonín Dvořák (he gave the London and Vienna premieres of the Symphonic Variations); he also continued to work at Bayreuth.

1846/0404:マルドロウルの歌 Comte de Lautreamont 184670、誕生

Isidore Lucien Ducasse, né à Montevideo (Uruguay), le 4 avril 1846, et mort dans le 9e arrondissement de Paris, le 24 novembre 1870, est un poète français.
 Il est également connu sous le pseudonyme de comte de Lautréamont, qu’il emprunta très probablement au Latréaumont (1838) d’Eugène Sue et qu'il n'utilisa pourtant qu'une seule fois.
Il est l'auteur des Chants de Maldoror, de deux fascicules, Poésies I et Poésies II, ainsi que d'une correspondance habituellement publiée sous le titre de Lettres, en appendice des œuvres précédentes.

Première édition du « Chant Premier » : la plaquette, vendue 30 centimes,

On n'a longtemps su que très peu de choses sur son auteur, mort à vingt-quatre ans, sans avoir connu le succès de son vivant. Sa vie a donc donné lieu à de nombreuses conjectures, en particulier chez les surréalistes, qui essayèrent notamment de trouver des éléments biographiques dans ses poèmes.

Der ursprünglich nicht für die Bühne konzipierte Faust. Der Tragödie zweiter Teil von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wird in Hamburg uraufgeführt.

The fist originally not designed for the stage. The tragedy second part of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe will be premiered in Hamburg.

Bryant's Minstrels debut "Dixie" in New York City in the finale of a blackface minstrel show.

1864/0404:言文一致の小説 二葉亭四迷186409、誕生

Futabatei Shimei was a Japanese author, translator, and literary critic. Born Hasegawa Tatsunosuke (長谷川 辰之助) in Edo ,
The origin of his pen name is in the curse his father said when told by his son that he aspired to study literature: Kutabatte shimae (くたばってしまえ), "Drop dead!".
Futabatei's works are in the realist style popular in the mid- to late-19th century. His work 浮雲 Ukigumo (Floating Clouds, 1887) is widely hailed as Japan's first modern novel.

1865/0404:American Civil War:
 A day after Union forces capture Richmond, Virginia, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln visits the Confederate capital.

Alexander II of Russia narrowly escapes an assassination attempt by Dmitry Karakozov in the city of Saint Petersburg.

1875/0404:Pierre Monteux 187564、誕生

, chef d’orchestre français

Bedřich Smetanas Die Moldau (Vltava) wird in Prag uraufgeführt.

{今日はイタリアの名指揮者 Arturo Toscanini 186757 が引退した日でもあるので、彼の指揮で


Kimimuraya's "Anpan" was presented to the Meiji Emperor.


1876/0404:フォウビズム画家 Maurice de Vlaminck 187658、誕生

un peintre français s'étant illustré dans les courants fauviste et cubiste.
Peintre de figures, portraits, nus, paysages, paysages animés, paysages urbains, intérieurs, natures mortes, fleurs et fruits, peintre à la gouache, aquarelliste, graveur, dessinateur et illustrateur, il est aussi écrivain, publiant vingt-six livres : romans, essais et recueil de poèmes.

The Seine at Chatou, 1906,

1884/0404:日本軍人(海軍) 山本五十六188443、誕生

Yamamoto Isoroku was a Japanese Marshal Admiral of the Navy and the commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet during World War II until his death.


1885/0404:日本の作曲者 本居長世188545、誕生

Motoori Naga'yo、un compositeur japonais.

1889/0404:ドイツ 文芸者 Gisela von Arnim 182789、死去

Ottilie Beate Gisela Walburgis von Arnim, auch Giesela, verh. Grimm war eine deutsche Schriftstellerin.

1890/0404:Lafcadio Hearn 185004、來日

{昨日とどちらが正しいのか?、ちょっとネット上で調べてみたが、 Wikipedia がアイマイなところは他のペイジでもアイマイ。ま、人の事は云へないが。

Als Abspaltung von der Münchner Künstlergenossenschaft bildet sich die Künstlervereinigung Münchner Secession.

Die erste Ausgabe der satirischen Wochenzeitschrift Simplicissimus erscheint. Zwar werden von der Erstausgabe nur rund 1000 Stück verkauft, die Beliebtheit der Zeitschrift steigt aber bald rapide an.

1905/0404:In India, 地震
 an earthquake hits the Kangra Valley, killing 20,000, and destroying most buildings in Kangra, McLeod Ganj and Dharamsala.

1913/0404:First Balkan War:
 Greek aviator Emmanouil Argyropoulos becomes the first pilot to die in the Hellenic Air Force when his plane crashes.

1914/0404:フランス 作家 Marguerite Duras 191496、誕生

une femme de lettres, dramaturge, scénariste et réalisatrice française,
Par la diversité et la modernité de son œuvre, qui renouvelle le genre romanesque et bouscule les conventions théâtrales et cinématographiques, elle est un auteur important de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, quelles que soient les critiques qui aient pu être adressées à ses œuvres.

der Romancier und jungen deutschen Soldaten Hans Leip schrieb das Gedicht in Berlin Lied eines jungen Wachtpostens, die Musik unter dem Titel Lili Marleen sein wird.

1919/0404:William Crookes 183219、死去

a British chemist and physicist
He was a pioneer of vacuum tubes, inventing the Crookes tube which was made in 1875. Crookes was the inventor of the Crookes radiometer, which today is made and sold as a novelty item. Late in life, he became interested in spiritualism, and became the president of the Society for Psychical Research.


1860年代の後半から心霊現象に取り憑かれ「SPR:Society for Psychical Research」の創設に加わり

1922/0404:USA 映画音樂 Elmer Bernstein 192204、誕生

an American composer and conductor who is best known for his many film scores.
In a career which spanned fifty years, he composed music for hundreds of film and television productions. His most popular works include the scores to The Magnificent Seven, The Ten Commandments, The Great Escape, To Kill a Mockingbird, Ghostbusters, The Black Cauldron, Airplane!, The Rookies, Cape Fear, Animal House, and The Age of Innocence.

1923/0404:イギリス 論理哲學 John Venn 183423、死去

an English logician and philosopher noted for introducing the Venn diagram , used in the fields of set theory, probability, logic, statistics, and computer science.

Venn diagram showing which uppercase letter glyphs are shared by the Greek, Latin and Russian alphabets

The Schutzstaffel (SS) is founded in Germany.

Im Auftrag von Adolf Hitler gründet Julius Schreck einen Saal-Schutz (S.S.) für Veranstaltungen der NSDAP, der später den Namen Schutzstaffel erhält. Diese paramilitärische Organisation besteht vorläufig nur aus acht Mann, wird jedoch rasch ausgebaut.

1929/0404:ドイツ 自動車設計 Carl Benz 184429、死去

ein deutscher Ingenieur und Automobilpionier.
Sein Benz Patent-Motorwagen Nummer 1 von 1885 gilt als erstes praxistaugliches Automobil. Am 29. Januar 1886 meldete er seinen Motorwagen zum Patent an.
Aus seinem 1883 gegründeten Maschinenbau- und Automobilunternehmen Benz & Cie. entstand 1926 durch Fusion mit der Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft die Daimler-Benz AG (heute Daimler AG).

1932/0404:ドイツ 化學者 Wilhelm Ostwald 185332、死去

Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald was a German chemist.
He received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1909 for his work on catalysis, chemical equilibria and reaction velocities.
Ostwald, Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff, Walther Nernst, and Svante Arrhenius are usually credited with being the modern founders of the field of physical chemistry.


オストヴァルトはEヘッケルが発展させた生物学的一元論の哲学を信奉し、1911年には Monistic Alliance(一元論同盟)の会長となり、社会進化論優生学安楽死といった当時の先進の考え方の普及に努めた。オストヴァルトの一元論はCarl Gustav Jung 187561 の心理学的類型論に影響

1932/0404:ソ連の映画監督 Andreï Tarkovski 193289、誕生

(Андрей Арсеньевич Тарковский), cinéaste russe
советский кинорежиссёр, сценарист. Народный артист РСФСР (1980). Его фильмы «Андрей Рублёв», «Зеркало» и «Сталкер» регулярно включаются в списки лучших кинопроизведений всех времён

Tarkovsky's films include Ivan's Childhood (1962), Andrei Rublev (1966), Solaris (1972), Mirror (1975), and Stalker (1979).
He directed the first five of his seven feature films in the Soviet Union; his last two films, Nostalghia (1983) and The Sacrifice (1986), were produced in Italy and Sweden, respectively.
His work is characterized by long takes, unconventional dramatic structure, distinctly authored use of cinematography, and spiritual and metaphysical themes.


1932/0404:USA 男優 Anthony Perkins 193292、誕生

an American actor and singer.
He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his second film, Friendly Persuasion, but is best known for playing Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (1960) and its three sequels.

 First bombardment of oil refineries in Bucharest by Anglo-American forces kills 3000 civilians.

 American troops liberate Ohrdruf forced labor camp in Germany.

 American troops capture Kassel.

 Soviet troops liberate Hungary from German occupation and occupy the country itself.

Twelve nations sign the North Atlantic Treaty creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

ワシントンで西側12か国が北大西洋条約に調印。8月24日に北大西洋条約機構 (NATO) が発足。

1957/0404:カナダ 日本研究家 Herbert Norman 190957、死去

a Canadian diplomat and historian. Born in Japan to missionary parents, he became an historian of modern Japan before joining the Canadian foreign service. His most influential book was Japan's Emergence as a Modern State (1940) argued that persisting feudal class relations were responsible for government oppression at home and the imperialistic expansion that led to World War II in Asia.
During the Red Scare of the 1950s he was accused of being a communist or even a spy, though investigations found no corroboration and he was defended by Canadian authorities. He committed suicide in 1957.

1958/0404:CND peace symbol is displayed in public for the first time in London.

British nuclear fighters under the leadership of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament organization are launching the first Easter March in Aldermaston March in Aldermaston. The peace sign designed by Gerald Holtom has its first appearance.

France agrees to grant independence to the Mali Federation, a union of Senegal and French Sudan.


The Beatles occupy the top five positions on the Billboard Hot 100 pop chart.

ビルボード・ヒットチャートの1位から5位までをビートルズが独占。(1位「キャント・バイ・ミー・ラブ」、2位「ツイスト・アンド・シャウト」、3位「シー・ラヴズ・ユー」、4位「I want hold your hand」、5位「プリーズ・プリーズ・ミー」)
また、出てきた。今度は、Billboad か。

1967/0404:USA、Martin Luther King Jr.
 delivers his "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence" speech in New York City's Riverside Church.

1968/0404:Martin Luther King 192968、暗殺
 is assassinated by James Earl Ray at a motel in Memphis, Tennessee.

an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement from 1954 through 1968.
He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using the tactics of nonviolence and civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs and inspired by the nonviolent activism of Mahatma Gandhi.


On April 3, King addressed a rally and delivered his "I've Been to the Mountaintop" address at Mason Temple, the world headquarters of the Church of God in Christ. King's flight to Memphis had been delayed by a bomb threat against his plane. In the close of the last speech of his career, in reference to the bomb threat, King said the following:
And then I got to Memphis. And some began to say the threats, or talk about the threats that were out. What would happen to me from some of our sick white brothers?
Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn't matter with me now. Because I've been to the mountaintop. And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.

King was shot by James Earl Ray at 6:01 p.m., April 4, 1968, as he stood on the motel's second-floor balcony. The bullet entered through his right cheek, smashing his jaw, then traveled down his spinal cord before lodging in his shoulder. Abernathy heard the shot from inside the motel room and ran to the balcony to find King on the floor. Jackson stated after the shooting that he cradled King's head as King lay on the balcony, but this account was disputed by other colleagues of King; Jackson later changed his statement to say that he had "reached out" for King.

1968/0404:USA「Apollo program」
 NASA launches Apollo 6.

1973/0404:USA、The World Trade Center
 designed and built by Minoru Yamasaki in New York City is officially inaugurated, although it is only completed in 1977.


Microsoft is founded as a partnership between Bill Gates and Paul Allen in Albuquerque, New Mexico

A United States Air Force Lockheed C-5A Galaxy transporting orphans, crashes near Saigon, South Vietnam shortly after takeoff, killing 172 people.

Prince Norodom Sihanouk resigns as leader of Cambodia and is placed under house arrest.



Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto of Pakistan is executed.

1983/0404:USA 映画女優 Gloria Swanson 189783、死去

Gloria May Josephine Swanson was an American actress and producer best known for her role as Norma Desmond, a reclusive silent film star, in the critically acclaimed 1950 film Sunset Boulevard.


Space Shuttle Challenger makes its maiden voyage into space.

1991/0404:スヰス 作家 Max Frisch 191191、死去

ein Schweizer Schriftsteller und Architekt. Mit Theaterstücken wie Biedermann und die Brandstifter oder Andorra sowie mit seinen drei großen Romanen Stiller, Homo faber und Mein Name sei Gantenbein erreichte Frisch ein breites Publikum und fand Eingang in den Schulkanon.


1997/0404:日本 女優(演劇&映画)杉村春子190697、死去

Sugimura Haruko est une actrice japonaise de théâtre et de cinéma.
Elle a tourné dans plus de 110 films entre 1937 et 1995.


2004/0404:USA 建築家 Pierre Francis Koenig 192504、死去

an American architect and a Professor of Architecture at the University of Southern California. He taught at the USC School of Architecture from 1964 until his death in 2004. He was the director of the undergraduate building science program from 1980 to 2004.

Case Study House #21, Los Angeles.

Case Study House #22, Los Angeles.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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