


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
Today in 1954, the first Nuclear weapons testing was done.

歴史暦:古今東西 03/26 今日の出來事

Emperor Maurice proclaims his son Theodosius as co-emperor of the Byzantine Empire.

 Emperor Zhu Wen 朱全忠085212 of Later Liang has Li Zhu (哀帝089208), the last Tang Dynasty emperor, poisoned.

Papst Johannes XIX. krönt Konrad II. und seine Gattin Gisela von Schwaben in Köln zu Kaiser und Kaiserin des Heiligen Römischen Reichs.

 Saladin becomes the emir of Egypt.



1344/0326:Siege of Algeciras(1342~4),
 one of the first European military engagements where gunpowder was used, comes to an end.

The Siege of Algeciras was undertaken during the Reconquest of Spain by the Castillian forces of Alfonso XI assisted by the fleets of the Kingdom of Aragon and the Republic of Genoa. The objective was to capture the Muslim city of Al-Jazeera Al-Khadra, called Algeciras by Christians. The city was the capital and the main port of the European territory of the Marinid Empire. 

Torre de los Adalides (Tower of the Champions)


Karl IV、中世ヨウロパ都市で最大規模のプラハを造成
Mit der Grundsteinlegung für die Stadtmauer durch Karl IV. beginnt der Bau der Prager Neustadt, der jüngsten und größten der mittelalterlichen Städte, die heute die historische Innenstadt Prags bildet.
The foundation of the city walls by Charles IV begins with the construction of the Prague New Town, the most recent and largest of the medieval cities, which today forms the historical inner city of Prague.

1351/0326:Combat of the Thirty:
 Thirty Breton knights call out and defeat thirty English knights.

 l'empereur Sigismond Ier octroie une charte de liberté communale, datée de Constance où il s'est rendu pour le Concile, à la ville de Liège.

1484/0326:William Caxton 142291
 to introduce a printing press into England, in 1476, and was the first English retailer of printed books(his translation of Aesop's Fables).

A earthquake shakes the Balkans and has an impact in northern Italy. There are an estimated 6000 deaths.

1516/0326:スヰス 學者 Conrad Gessner 151665、誕生

a Swiss physician, naturalist, bibliographer, and philologist.
He was frequently the first to describe a species of plant or animal in Europe, such as the tulip in 1559.
A number of plants and animals have been named after him.
He is a scholar who earned his accomplishments through various knowledge including medicine and theology, multilingualism including classical languages. All five volumes (1551~58) of the book "Animal Magazine" are regarded as a pioneer of modern zoology.

1517/0326:ルネサンス音樂家 Heinrich Isaac 145017、死去

un compositeur germano-flamand, actif dans le Saint Empire et en Italie.
Par son style, il se rattache à l'école franco-flamande de la Renaissance.
Son principal élève, Ludwig Senfl, devient lui-même un musicien réputé au XVIe siècle.

彼の最も有名な作品は Innsbruck, ich muß dich lassen であろう。だが、旋律そのものは彼の創作ではなく、民謡であった可能性が高い。この旋律は後に Martin Luther 派のコラル『O Welt, ich muß dich lassen』にも流用され、さらにはJohann Sebastian Bach 168550のオルガン曲のモチフとなった。

1566/0326:スペイン音樂家 Antonio de Cabezón 151066、死去

un organista, arpista y compositor español del Renacimiento.

1636/0326:Utrecht University is founded in the Netherlands.

1642/0326:Thomas Hobbes 158879、亡命先のパリで出版
English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, a supporter of the Stuarts and a refugee in France since 1640, publishes De Cive.

このラテン語による著書のなかで、彼の思想の代名詞となる`bellum omnium contra omnes (war of all against all)`を初めて用ゐ、九年後に刊行される彼の主著`Leviathan`で、彼の思想のキイフレイズとして用ゐた。

人間の善惡の問題は、生存のための自然權として肯定された。自己保存の本能が忌避するのは死、それも他人の暴力による死であるが、それは他人の自然權によって生じる。だから、この自然權(自由もこれに類するが)は制限されなければ社界は圓滿に運營されないのだから、そのためには「自然についての法」が要請される。この自然法は、各自の自然權を唯一の主權者に委ねることを契約するが、この契約はけっして自己保存や自然權の放棄ではない。それは判斷、つまり理性の行動としての委任である。 ……
→ Thomas Hobbes 158879 のこの思想は、John Locke 163204、Jean-Jacques Rousseau 171278 らに批判的に繼承されて、近代市民社界の核心思想となっていく。

1681/0326(天和01/0207):日本[江戸] 將軍綱吉、護國寺を創建


1753/0326:Benjamin Thompson 175314、誕生

an American-born British physicist and inventor whose challenges to established physical theory were part of the 19th century revolution in thermodynamics. He served as lieutenant-colonel of the King's American Dragoons, part of the British Loyalist forces, during the American Revolutionary War.
Thompson also drew designs for warships. He later moved to Bavaria and entered government service there, being appointed Bavarian Army Minister and re-organizing the army, and, in 1791, was made a Count of the Holy Roman Empire.

Audition de Robert-François Damiens.

Définition du mètre par l'Académie française des sciences.

Création par l'empereur Napoléon Ier de l'Armée du Train.

# Le train est l’arme qui organise et coordonne la logistique, le transport (matériel, munitions ravitaillement) et l’appui au mouvement (notamment la circulation routière) de l'Armée de terre française.

An earthquake devastates Caracas, Venezuela.

Ein Erdbeben zerstört Caracas, Venezuela. Etwa 12.000 Menschen kommen bei der Katastrophe ums Leben, von der auch Alexander von Humboldt berichtet.

A political cartoon in the Boston Gazette coins the term "gerrymander" to describe oddly shaped electoral districts designed to help incumbents win reelection.

1814/0326:Joseph Ignace Guillotin 173814、死去

Joseph Ignace Guillotin (フランス語でギロチンではなくギヨタンと読みます)est un médecin et homme politique français. Il est connu pour avoir fait adopter, sous la Révolution française, la guillotine comme mode unique d’exécution capitale.


les libertés individuelles sont limitées en France.

1821/0326:エンゲル係数の Ernst Engel 182196、誕生

ein deutscher Statistiker und Sozialökonom.
He became Minister of Statistics in Kingdom of Prussia, improved the government statistics, and tried to educate the statistics. Pointed out that the ratio of food expenses in households (Engel coefficient) is closely related to the difference in the rich and poor.

1827/0326:Ludwig van Beethoven 177027、死去

ein deutscher Komponist und Pianist. Er führte die Wiener Klassik zu ihrer höchsten Entwicklung und bereitete der Musik der Romantik den Weg.


Der österreichische Komponist Franz Schubert gibt sein erstes und einziges öffentliches Konzert im Lokal der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien.

1832/0326:フランス 言語學者 Michel Bréal 183215、誕生

Michel Jules Alfred Bréal est un linguiste français, souvent considéré comme le fondateur de la sémantique moderne.
Michel Bréal est surtout connu pour avoir été le fondateur de la sémantique, dont il a forgé le terme avec son Essai de sémantique paru en 18971.
Outre ses travaux linguistiques, on lui doit plusieurs livres sur la mythologie.
Il est l'auteur également d'études sur l'éducation en France, l'enseignement des langues anciennes et la réforme de l'orthographe.
Il défend le besoin d'apporter une analyse philologique dans l'enseignement du latin, préférant la « gymnastique pour l’intelligence et le raisonnement » aux « mécanismes qui dispensent l’élève de réfléchir ».

Enfin, Michel Bréal est l'inventeur du marathon moderne. C'est lui en effet qui, en 1894, suggéra au baron Pierre de Coubertin d'introduire cette épreuve dans les premiers Jeux olympiques modernes en 1896.

1839/0326:In Henley(Thames),
 the holding of a rowing regatta is decided. The statute of Henley Royal Regatta, which has since been held annually on the Thames, is said to later serve Pierre de Coubertin as the basis for the organization of the International Olympic Committee.

Le scientifique Léon Foucault mène une troisième expérience avec le pendule qui porte son nom cette fois-ci dans le Panthéon parisien. Avec l'aide d'une corde tombante de 67 mètres il prouve la rotation de la terre avec la tentative.

1861/0326:日本のクリスチャン 内村鑑三186130、誕生

Uchimura Kanzō was a Japanese author, Christian evangelist, and the founder of the Nonchurch Movement (Mukyōkai 無教會) of Christianity in the Meiji and Taishō period Japan.


1868/0326:日本幕末の武人 相樂總三183968、刑死

Sagara Sōzō, real name Kojima Shirō (小島 四郎), was the commanding officer of the Sekihōtai 赤報隊.
After the battle of Toba and Fushimi, in 1868, it constitutes a civilian squad made principally of farmers and merchants.
The group promised a reduction in taxes to the people who supported it; when Sagara was asked to return to the headquarters by the Meiji forces, Sagara decided not to because he believed it would be too soon. As a result, the Meiji forces turned on the group, and Sagara, along with seven more leaders, were executed

1871/0326:élections de la Commune de Paris
 comptant une minorité d'ouvriers, organe autant exécutif que législatif, le conseil général de la Commune regroupe toutes les tendances révolutionnaires. Elle sera proclamée le 28 mars.



After Britain has given the Netherlands a contract of sovereignty over Dutch India, they declare war on the sultan of Aceh on Sumatra.

1874/0326:USA 詩人 Robert Lee Frost 187463、誕生

an American poet.
His work was initially published in England before it was published in America. Known for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American colloquial speech, Frost frequently wrote about settings from rural life in New England in the early twentieth century, using them to examine complex social and philosophical themes.

≫ 森には二つの道があり ―― 私は人の歩かないはうの道を選んだ。それがすべての違ひのもととなった。『選ばれざる道』1916)

1884/0326:ドイツ ピアニスト Wilhelm Backhaus 188469、誕生

ein deutscher Pianist.


{バクハウスがゐなかったら、Béla Bartók 188145 は作曲家よりもピアニストになってゐたかも知れない。彼のために優勝できず、それでピアニストになるのを諦めて、作曲の道へ進んでいった。

George Eastman makes the first commercial movie film.

1892/0326:USA 詩人 Walter Whitman 181992、死去

an American poet, essayist, and journalist.
A humanist, he was a part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism, incorporating both views in his works.
Whitman is among the most influential poets in the American canon, often called the father of free verse.
His work was very controversial in its time, particularly his poetry collection Leaves of Grass, which was described as obscene for its overt sexuality.


 The Japanese army occupies the Pescadores Islands(台湾のことでした), in the Straits of Formosa.

Die Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft beginnt mit Ausgrabungen in Babylon, die von dem Archäologen Robert Koldewey geleitet werden.

German archaeologist Robert Johann Koldewey discovers the walls of the ancient city of Mesopotamia Babylon.

1902/0326:大英帝國の驕人 Cecil Rhodes 185302、死去

a British businessman, mining magnate and politician in southern Africa who served as Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1890 to 1896.
An ardent believer in British imperialism, Rhodes and his British South Africa Company founded the southern African territory of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe and Zambia), which the company named after him in 1895.

Rose laying railway wires from Cape Town to Cairo. The name of Rose and contemporary satire that hooked the colossus of Rhodos

1904/0326:USA 神話學者 Joseph Campbell 190487、誕生

an American mythologist who worked in comparative mythology and comparative religion.
His work covers many aspects of the human experience. Campbell's magnum opus is his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), in which he discusses his theory of the journey of the archetypal hero found in world mythologies.
Since the book's publication, Campbell's theory has been consciously applied by a wide variety of modern writers and artists. His philosophy has been summarized by his own often repeated phrase: "Follow your bliss."

1905/0326:フランス 指揮者 André Cluytens 190567、誕生

un chef d’orchestre français d’origine belge. Figure marquante de la vie musicale française des années 1950 et 1960

1905/0326:オウストリ 心理學者Viktor Frankl 190597、誕生

ein österreichischer Neurologe und Psychiater.
Er begründete die Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse, die vielfach auch als die „Dritte Wiener Schule der Psychotherapie“ bezeichnet wird. Eines seiner bekanntesten Werke ist das im Jahr 1946 erschienene …trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen: Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager, in welchem Frankl seine Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen in vier verschiedenen Konzentrationslagern, darunter Auschwitz, während des Zweiten Weltkriegs schildert

1910/0326:朝鮮時代の愛國主義的暗殺者 安重根187910、刑死

a Korean independence activist, nationalist, and pan-Asianist.
On October 26, 1909, he assassinated Itō Hirobumi, a four-time Prime Minister of Japan and former Resident-General of Korea, following the signing of the Eulsa Treaty, with Korea on the verge of annexation by Japan.

1911/0326:USA 劇作家 Tennessee Williams 191185、誕生

an American playwright.
Along with Eugene O'Neill and Arthur Miller, he is considered among the three foremost playwrights of 20th-century American drama.

1911/0326:イギリス 思想家 John Langshaw Austin 191160、誕生

a British philosopher of language and leading proponent of ordinary language philosophy, perhaps best known for developing the theory of speech acts.
Austin pointed out that we use language to do things as well as to assert things, and that the utterance of a statement like "I promise to do so-and-so" is best understood as doing something — making a promise — rather than making an assertion about anything. Hence the name of one of his best-known works How to Do Things with Words.

1913/0326:ハンガリ 数学者 Paul Erdős 191396、誕生

a Hungarian mathematician.
He was one of the most prolific mathematicians of the 20th century.
He was known both for his social practice of mathematics (he engaged more than 500 collaborators) and for his eccentric lifestyle (Time magazine called him The Oddball's Oddball).


1913/0326:First Balkan War:
Bulgaria takes Adrianople. Former name of Edirne, Turkey. Ancient Thracian city to which the emperor Hadrian gave his name (Hadrianopolis). Adrianople was taken by the Turks in 1360. In 1829, Russia and Turkey signed a treaty recognizing the independence of Greece.

1915/0326:Virginia Woolf 處女出版。批評よけれど賣れ行きわるし
 Virginia Woolf's first novel The Voyage Out appears.
 She is received by the critic friendly, but sells badly.

1917/0326:WWⅠ First Battle of Gaza:
 British troops are halted after 17,000 Turks block their advance.

The German Social Democratic Party is founded in Poland.

1923/0326:フランス女優 Sarah Bernhardt 184423、死去

Henriette-Marie-Sarah Bernhardt est une des plus importantes actrices françaises du XIXe siècle et du début du XXe siècle

1864 by Nadar
1865 by Nadar

1925/0326:フランス 作曲&指揮 Pierre Boulez 192516、誕生

un compositeur et chef d'orchestre français.


Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union is founded in Vietnam.

1932/0326:日本の精神病学者 呉秀三186532、死去

Founder of psychiatry in Japan.

夢野久作188936の『ドグラ・マグラ』1935 の舞台背景はこの人物の影響を大きく受けてゐる。その物語の場が精神病院であり、なにより主人公の名が「呉」であり、 ……

1932/0326:USA 自動車製造 Henry Martyn Leland 184332、死去

an American machinist, inventor, engineer and automotive entrepreneur. He founded the two premier American luxury automotive marques, Cadillac and Lincoln.

1935/0326:日本、明星派の総帥 與謝野鐵幹187335、死去

Il est un écrivain et poète japonais. Sa femme est la poétesse Akiko Yosano 與謝野晶子187842

1939/0326:Spanish Civil War:
 Nationalists begin their final offensive of the war.

La Guerra Civil española finaliza después de la captura de Madrid por parte del partido franquista y la rendición de los ejércitos republicanos.

1940/0326:ソ連 地理學 Yuly Shokalsky 185640、死去

Юлий Михайлович Шокальский
русский учёный-географ, океанограф, картограф, генерал-лейтенант (1912), председатель Русского географического общества (1917—1931).


1941/0326:利己的な遺伝子 Richard Dawkins 1941--、誕生

an English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author.
Dawkins first came to prominence with his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, which popularised the gene-centred view of evolution and introduced the term meme. With his book The Extended Phenotype (1982), he introduced into evolutionary biology the influential concept that the phenotypic effects of a gene are not necessarily limited to an organism's body, but can stretch far into the environment. In 2006, he founded the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science.


 The first female prisoners arrive at Auschwitz concentration camp in German-occupied Poland.

1944/0326:Diana Ross 1941--、誕生

, chanteuse américaine.

1945/0326:イギリス首相 David Lloyd George 186345、死去

David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor, was a British statesman of the Liberal Party.
As Chancellor of the Exchequer (1908–1915), Lloyd George was a key figure in the introduction of many reforms which laid the foundations of the modern welfare state.
His most important role came as the highly energetic Prime Minister of the Wartime Coalition Government (1916–22), during and immediately after the First World War. He was a major player at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 that reordered Europe after the defeat of the Central Powers.

 The Battle of Iwo Jima ends as the island is officially secured by American forces.


1945/0326:Olivier Messiaen『幼子イエスへの二十のまなざし』初演
À Paris Salle Gaveau Yvonne Loriod joue la première mondiale de son vingtième hommage sur l'enfant-Jésus de son mari Olivier Messiaen.


Soviet troops began withdrawing from Manchuria.

Die Opera semiseria Leonore 40/45 von Rolf Liebermann mit dem Libretto von Heinrich Strobel wird in Basel uraufgeführt.

The first polio vaccine is developed in the United States by Dr. Jonas Salk.

1954/0326:Nuclear weapons testing:
 The Romeo shot of Operation Castle is detonated at Bikini Atoll. Yield: 11 megatons.

Castle Romeo nuclear test (yield 11 Mt) on Bikini Atoll. It was the first nuclear test conducted on a barge. The barge was located in the Castle Bravo crater.

1959/0326:フィリプマウロウ Raymond Chandler 188859、死去

a novelist and screenwriter. In 1932, at the age of forty-four, Chandler became a detective fiction writer after losing his job as an oil company executive during the Great Depression.

{愛讀しました。特に『The Long Goodbye』は私にとって、狂氣じみたものばかりのアメリカ文藝のうちで、めづらしく正氣のアメリカ人を感じさせてくれた作品として。

1962/0326:日本の詩人 室生犀星188962、死去

Murō Saisei est un écrivain et poète japonais.


fusillade de la rue d'Isly à Alger, l'armée française ouvre le feu sur une manifestation pacifique demandant le maintien de l'Algérie française, faisant une cinquantaine de morts et près de deux cents blessés.

Ten thousand people gather for one of many Central Park be-ins in New York City.

In the 1960s, several "be-ins" were held in Central Park to protest against various issues such as U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War and racism.

South Vietnamese President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu implements a land reform program to solve the problem of land tenancy

Hollywood premiere of the documentary film Woodstock.

 East Pakistan declares its independence from Pakistan to form the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the Bangladesh Liberation War begins.


1973/0326:イギリス 劇作者 Noël Coward 189973、死去

an English playwright, composer, director, actor and singer, known for his wit, flamboyance, and what Time magazine called "a sense of personal style, a combination of cheek and chic, pose and poise".

Coward in The Knight of the Burning Pestle in 1920

The Noël Coward Theatr


Winston Churchill 187465 と日曜画家の仲間だった彼には、他にも多くの有名人がゐて、その一人に007の原作者、イアンフレミングもゐたが、1962年に『007 Dr.No』が映画化される際、フレミングはドクタノオ役にカワドを推薦した、とか。

1973/0326:Google創業 Larry Page 1973--、誕生

(Lawrence E. Page), informaticien américain, cofondateur de Google.

The Biological Weapons Convention comes into force.

1976/0326:中國の文人 林語堂189576、死去

Lin Yutang (林語堂) was a Chinese writer, translator, linguist, philosopher and inventor. His informal but polished style in both Chinese and English made him one of the most influential writers of his generation, and his compilations and translations of classic Chinese texts into English were bestsellers in the West.

Anwar al-Sadat, Menachem Begin and Jimmy Carter sign the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty in Washington, D.C.

1980/0326:神話作用などの思想家 Roland Barthes 191580、死去

un philosophe, critique littéraire et sémiologue français, directeur d'études à l'École pratique des hautes études et professeur au Collège de France.
Il fut l'un des principaux animateurs du structuralisme et de la sémiologie linguistique et photographique en France.

In Washington, D.C. The foundation stone for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is laid.

Yasser Arafat is appointed president of the Palestinian state by the executive committee of the PLO.

Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay sign the Treaty of Asunción, establishing Mercosur, the South Common Market.


Yamaguchi Seishi, nom véritable (山口 新比古, Yamaguchi Chikahiko?)), est un poète haiku des époques Taishō et Shōwa du Japon.

 海に出て木枯歸るところなし 『遠星』1944


Two days after the elections in Taiwan, the People's Republic of China ends its military maneuvers in the Taiwan Strait, which should serve to intimidate, in order to prevent the election of the openly separatist Lee Teng-hui to the presidency.

1997/0326:Heaven's Gate 事件
Thirty-nine bodies are found in the Heaven's Gate mass suicides.

Police find in a wealthy home north of San Diego, California, the bodies of 39 people aged 26 to 72, members of Heaven's Gate (the Paradise Gates), who killed themselves at the using a mixture of barbiturates and alcohol so that "their souls join a spaceship hidden in the tail of comet Hale-Bopp".

1997/0326:In the Swiss Grisons,
 the tunnel of the Vereina Tunnel, a railway tunnel, is designed to enable a winter-proof connection of the Engadine to the Prättigau and is considered the world's longest railway tunnel of a meter gauge railway.

During the Algerian Civil War, the Oued Bouaicha massacre sees fifty-two people, mostly infants, killed with axes and knives.

NATO forces launch their first daytime bombing of Yugoslav army positions in Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo.

2000/0326:日本 民俗學者 赤松啓介190900、死去

Akamatsu Keisuke、Japanese folklorist.


Acting President Vladimir Putin is elected in the first round as President of the Russian Federation.

Beijing admits to concealing the epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome.

 About 1,000 US Army paratroopers take up positions in northern Iraq to open a new front against the regime of Saddam Hussein.

Around 200,000 to 300,000 Taiwanese demonstrate demonstrate in Taipei in opposition to the Anti-Secession Law of the People's Republic of China.

2006/0326:鳥人 Angelo d'Arrigo 196106、死去(事故死)

un aviatore e deltaplanista italiano. Detiene vari primati mondiali di volo sportivo.

D'Arrigo in volo con le gru in Siberia nel 2002


He died in an accident during an airshow at Comiso, Italy. A small Sky Arrow airplane, in which he was a passenger, fell 200 meters to the ground. Both d'Arrigo and the pilot, a general of the Italian Air Force and ex-test pilot, were killed on impact. At the time of his death, Angelo was engaged in planning an expedition to Peru to re-introduce two Andean condors bred in captivity and raised by d'Arrigo at his home on Mount Etna. A documentary about this was being made at the time. It was called "Born to Fly".

2009/0326:NewYork, GroundZero
The building under construction at Ground Zero New York will be renamed by Freedom Tower to One World Trade Center.

The South Korean Navy corvette Cheonan is torpedoed, killing 46 sailors. After an international investigation, the President of the United Nations Security Council blames North Korea.

2017/0326:Russia-wide anti-corruption protests in 99 cities.
 The Levada Center survey showed that 38% of surveyed Russians supported protests and that 67 percent held Putin personally responsible for high-level corruption.

This day is
Purple Day is a global grassroots event focused on raising awareness of epilepsy. The first event was held in 2008 and now occurs annually on March 26, and supporters are encouraged to wear a purple-coloured item of clothing. Purple and lavender are often associated with epilepsy, as for example in the wearing of a lavender ribbon.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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