


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が命日の 速水御舟189435『炎舞』

歴史暦:古今東西 03/20 今日の出來事




-043/0320:Publius Ovidius Naso -04317、誕生

è stato un poeta romano tra i maggiori elegiaci.
a Roman poet who lived during the reign of Augustus.
He was a contemporary of the older Publius Vergilius Maro -07019, Quintus Horatius Flaccus -06508 with whom he is often ranked as one of the three canonical poets of Latin literature.

The Imperial scholar Quintilian considered him the last of the Latin love elegists.
He enjoyed enormous popularity, but, in one of the mysteries of literary history, was sent by Augustus into exile in a remote province on the Black Sea, where he remained until his death. Ovid himself attributes his exile to carmen et error, "a poem and a mistake", but his discretion in discussing the causes has resulted in much speculation among scholars.

Maximinus Thrax is proclaimed emperor.

Maximinus Thrax=Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus 017338(023538):最初の軍人皇帝、トラキア出身

0235、マインツでアレクサンデルスェルスが暗殺されると、プラエトリアニ(親衛隊)によって皇帝宣言を受け、皇帝不在に動揺した元老院は追認した。翌年、息子の Gaius Julius Verus Macusimus を共同皇帝に卽位させた。
0238、アフリカ属州総督 Gordianus が反亂、元老院も Maximus から離反、Gordianus 皇帝と認めたが、G父子はM支持のヌミディア属州軍に敗北、戰死。G蜂起の失敗に、元老院は新たな共同皇帝、Decimus Caelius Calvinus Balbinus と Marcus Clodius Pupienus Maximus を即位させた。Pupierus Maxiimus は Maximus 討伐のためロウマを出陣、北上、これを聞いてMは南下、しかしこの頃には人民の非協力により補給が困難となってゐて郡内にも不滿が生じてゐた。/0510、アクイレイア包囲中のMaximiinus は近衛兵の反亂で息子とともに殺害され、その死體はロウマに贈られティベリス川に投げ込まれた。

Première apparition des Vikings aux portes de Paris.


Emperor Jin Taizong of the Jin Dynasty abrogated the Emperor Song Zhizong and Emperor Huizong who were captured by the Emperor of Song Dynasty in Jingkang, and the Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed.

1181/0320:日本 平氏の棟梁 平清盛111881、死去

Taira no Kiyomori is a military commander, court nobleman and Japanese statesman from the late Heian period.
The latter, eldest son of Taira no Tadamori 平忠盛109653, from the Ise branch of the clan, will become the leader of the clan, following his father.
During the Hōgen rebellion 保元の亂, he gained the trust of Emperor Go-Shirakawa 077後白河112792 and when he emerged victorious from the Heiji rebellion 平治の亂, he was the first warrior to be named Daijō-daijin 太政大臣. He married his daughter Tokuko 平徳子115514 to Emperor Takakura 080高倉116181 and built the time when the Taira clan took political power.

清盛の死の一年後 ――


平氏方の戰死者 ――


Taira no Atsumori was a samurai famous for his early death in single combat.
At the Battle of Ichi-no-Tani 一ノ谷, Atsumori engaged Kumagai Naozane, an ally of the Minamoto, and was killed. Kumagai 熊谷直實114107 had a son the same age as Atsumori. Kumagai's great remorse as told in the tale, coupled with his taking of priestly vows, caused this otherwise unremarkable event to become well known for its tragedy.


Taira no Tadanori was the brother of clan head Taira no Kiyomori, and one of his generals in the Genpei War against the Minamoto.

According to the Tale of the Heike『平家物語』, before fleeing the capital, he visited Fujiwara no Shunzei 藤原俊成111494 to deliver a "hundred or so" poems 和歌. Shunzei included one anonymously in the Senzaishu『千載集』. The poem read, "In ruins now, the old capital of Shiga by the waves, yet the wild cherries of Nagara still bloom as before."
He was killed in the Battle of Ichi-no-Tani 一ノ谷.

Tadanori is featured as the title character in a Noh 能 play by Zeami 世阿彌元清136343; in the play, his spirit returns to the mortal world to plead for recognition for having authored a well-known poem. According to the Heike Monogatari, a poem was found in his quiver after his death. The poem reads: "Were I, still traveling as night falls, to make a sheltering tree my inn, then would my host tonight be the blossoms themselves?"

Michael IV Autoreianos is appointed Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.

Instauration en France de la gabelle (impôt sur le sel) qui provoque de nombreux remous.

introduction in France of the salt tax which causes a lot of turbulence.

1393/0320:Jan Nepomucký 134593、殉教
John of Nepomuk(Vicar General of the Archbishop of Prague)is captured by ecclesiastical intrigues by King Wenceslas IV of Bohemia, tortured and eventually drowned in Moldavia. He is considered a martyr of the Catholic Church.

Saint John of Nepomuk (or John Nepomucene) (Czech: Jan Nepomucký; German: Johannes Nepomuk; Latin: Ioannes Nepomucenus) is the saint of Bohemia (Czech Republic), who was drowned in the Vltava river at the behest of Wenceslaus, King of the Romans and King of Bohemia.
Later accounts state that he was the confessor of the queen of Bohemia and refused to divulge the secrets of the confessional. On the basis of this account, John of Nepomuk is considered the first martyr of the Seal of the Confessional, a patron against calumnies and, because of the manner of his death, a protector from floods and drowning.

Henry V succeeds his father Henry IV after his death as second king of the House of Lancaster on the English throne.

La Instrucción de Zaragoza establece una serie de medidas destinadas a la sedentarización y la evangelización de los amerindios.

(Spain): The Zaragoza Instruction sets out a series of measures aimed at the sedentarization and evangelization of the Amerindians.

Representatives of three Upper Swabian peasant groups adopt the Twelve Articles as their manifesto and the federal order as the Constitution of the Upper Swabian Confederation during the German Peasant War in the sympathetic free imperial city of Memmingen. They are considered the first written human rights in the world and the first Constituent Assembly in Germany.

Il ponte di Rialto completato a Venezia è disponibile per il traffico.

The Linköping Bloodbath takes place on Maundy Thursday in Linköping, Sweden.

The Dutch East India Company is established.

The Dutch East India Company offers on the occasion of its foundation a partnership in the company by means of share certificates. These can be described as the first stocks in economic history.





Ōishi Yoshio was the chamberlain (karō 家老) of the Akō 安藝 Domain in Harima 播磨 Province (now Hyōgo Prefecture), Japan.
He is known as the leader of the Forty-seven Ronin 浪人 in their 1702 vendetta and thus the hero of the Chūshingura 忠臣蔵. He is often referred to by his title, Ōishi Kuranosuke (大石内蔵助).
He served Asano Naganori as the head chamberlain (hittōgarō (筆頭家老)) for the Asano estate, ……

以下、四十六名 全員切腹


1736/0320:タイ建國の王 Rama I 173609、誕生

Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke ou Rama Ier le Grand, a été roi de Thaïlande du 6 avril 1782 au 7 septembre 1809 ; il est le fondateur de la dynastie Chakri toujours régnante aujourd'hui.

He ascended the throne in 1782, after defeating a rebellion which had deposed King Taksin of Thonburi. He was also celebrated as the founder of Rattanakosin (now Bangkok) as the new capital of the reunited kingdom.

Mural of the Ramakien Epic,

Nadir Shah takes the city of Delhi which he has looted and orders the massacre of 30 000 of its inhabitants.

After riots in the population of Delhi, which has resisted the seizure of assets by Persian soldiers, begins on the orders of warlord Nadir Shah in the city a massacre, the at least 20,000 people are victims.

1741/0320:フランス 彫刻家 Jean-Antoine Houdon 174128、誕生

un sculpteur français.
Il est l'un des plus importants sculpteurs du XVIIIe siècle. Réputé pour le rendu réaliste de ses œuvres, habile non seulement dans le travail en marbre, Houdon avait aussi un talent et aptitude pour façonner la terre, le plâtre et le bronze. On l'appelle souvent « le sculpteur des Lumières ».

Buste of Madame Récamier

The "Big Fire of Boston" destroys 349 buildings, about one-tenth of the city.

1770/0320:ドイツ 詩人 Friedrich Hölderlin 177043、誕生

Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin zählt zu den bedeutendsten deutschen Lyrikern.
Sein Werk lässt sich in seiner Bedeutung innerhalb der deutschen Literatur um 1800 weder der Weimarer Klassik noch der Romantik zuordnen.

He became a divine student at the University of Tübingen, where he studied with Hegel and Schering. He was not a priest and kept poetry while tutoring in various places and made poetry including a literary novel "Huperion" and numerous praise and anthems, but in the thirties suffering from schizophrenia, after that spent in the tower.

{私も、こんな塔のなかで、内側から鍵をかけて、隱りきりとなって(今でもさうだが)、地球儀を撫でまはすやうにして、人間の世界、古今東西の歴史を見渡し、見詰め、未來を見通すべく Glasperlenspieler となって …… 

King Gustav III founds the Svenska Academies in Stockholm for the promotion of Swedish language and literature, modeled after the Académie française.

L'Assemblée nationale française autorise l'emploi de la guillotine.

Dans le cadre de sa campagne d'Egypte dans la Seconde Guerre de coalition, Napoléon Bonaparte commence le siège de la ville syrienne d'Akkon, qu'il doit rompre de façon peu concluante après 61 jours.

Alessandro Volta informs the Royal Society in London about a power source that he invented, the principle of which is known as the Voltasche column.

At the Battle of Heliopolis, the French expeditionary army, under the command of Jean-Baptiste Kléber, crushes Ottoman troops under the Grand Vizier Yusuf Pasha.

1811/0320:ナポレオンの後繼 Napoléon II 181132、誕生

Napoléon François Charles Joseph Bonaparte, Prince Imperial, King of Rome, known in the Austrian court as Franz from 1814 onward, Duke of Reichstadt from 1818, was the son of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, and his second wife, Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria.


Pendant les Guerres de Libération, la bataille de deux jours d'Arcis-sur-Aube commence entre l'armée française sous Napoléon Bonaparte et une armée autrichienne trois fois plus importante sous le Maréchal Karl Philipp zu Schwarzenberg.

 Après une marche triomphale sur Paris, Napoléon entre dans la capitale, Paris. Il reprend sa place sans avoir rencontré trop d'opposition depuis son retour de l'île d'Elbe.

After escaping from Elba, Napoleon enters Paris with a regular army of 140,000 and a volunteer force of around 200,000, beginning his "Hundred Days" rule.

1828/0320:ノルヱイ 劇作家 Henrik Ibsen 182806、誕生

a major Norwegian playwright, theatre director, and poet.
He is often referred to as "the father of realism" and is one of the founders of Modernism in theatre
He is the most frequently performed dramatist in the world after Shakespeare, and by the early 20th century A Doll's House became the world's most performed play

His major works include Brand, Peer Gynt, An Enemy of the People, Emperor and Galilean, A Doll's House, Hedda Gabler, Ghosts, The Wild Duck, When We Dead Awaken, Pillars of Society, The Lady from the Sea, Rosmersholm, The Master Builder, and John Gabriel Borkman.

1828/0320:日本最初の洋画家 高橋由一182884、誕生

Takahashi Yuichi、un peintre japonais, connu pour son travail de pionnier dans le développement du courant yōga (style occidental) de la peinture japonaise de la fin du XIXe siècle.



Ludwig I dankt während der Märzrevolution nicht zuletzt aufgrund seiner Affäre mit der Tänzerin Lola Montez zugunsten seines Sohnes Maximilian II. als König von Bayern ab.

German revolutions of 1848–49: King Ludwig I of Bavaria abdicates.

Der Engelssturz, satirische Darstellung der Affäre

Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin is published.

(Uncle Tom's Cabin)  is published for the first time in book form with a circulation of 5,000 copies. The work is sold out within 48 hours.

The Republican Party of the United States is organized in Ripon, Wisconsin.

An earthquake completely destroys Mendoza, Argentina.

An earthquake destroys the city of Mendoza in western Argentina. An estimated 6,000 deaths, about one third of the population, are to be lamented.

French astronomer Édouard Jean-Marie Stephan discovers a cluster of galaxies later known as Seyfert's sextet.


The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property is signed.

the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, one of the first international treaties in the field of intellectual property, is closed by 11 states. Today, 171 nations belong to the treaty.



The premiere of the very first Romani language operetta is staged in Moscow, Russia.

Otto von Bismarck wird seinem Antrag gemäß als deutscher Reichskanzler entlassen, nachdem es zu Kompetenzstreitigkeiten zwischen ihm und Kaiser Wilhelm II gekommen ist.

ドイツ皇帝 Wilhelm II、首相のOtto von Bismarck 181598 を解任。

1898/0320:ロシア 画家 Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin 183298、死去

русский художник-пейзажист, живописец, рисовальщик и гравёр-аквафортист.
a Russian landscape painter closely associated with the Peredvizhniki movement.

1904/0320:USA 社界思想家 Burrhus Skinner 190490、誕生

an American psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher.
Skinner considered free will an illusion and human action dependent on consequences of previous actions. If the consequences are bad, there is a high chance the action will not be repeated; if the consequences are good, the probability of the action being repeated become stronger. Skinner called this the principle of reinforcement.

Song Jiaoren suffered severe injuries and died two days later.

Song Jiaoren, promising candidate of the Kuomintang for the post of Prime Minister in the Republic of China, is shot by an assassin and dies two days later. Authoritarian ruling President Yuan Shikai is considered the alleged mastermind of the attack.


1915/0320:ソ連 ピアニスト Sviatoslav Richter 191597、誕生

один из крупнейших пианистов XX века, чья виртуозная техника сочеталась с огромным репертуаром и глубиной интерпретаций


Albert Einstein publishes his general theory of relativity.
1916, Albert Einstein veröffentlicht in der Fachzeitschrift Annalen der Physik den Artikel Die Grundlage der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie. Darin führt er die Gravitation auf ein geometrisches Phänomen in einer gekrümmten 4-dimensionalen Raumzeit zurück.
Albert Einstein publishes the article The Basis of the General Theory of Relativity in the journal Annalen der Physik. In it, he traces gravitation back to a geometric phenomenon in a curved 4-dimensional space-time.

1918/0320:ドイツ 作曲家 Bernd Alois Zimmermann 191870、誕生

einer der herausragenden deutschen Komponisten der musikalischen Avantgarde, der in der Auseinandersetzung mit der Neuen Musik zu einem eigenen Stil fand. Sein bekanntestes Werk ist die Oper Die Soldaten.

The Upper Silesia plebiscite was a plebiscite mandated by the Versailles Treaty to determine a section of the border between Weimar Germany and Poland.

The USS Langley is commissioned as the first United States Navy aircraft carrier.

The Arts Club of Chicago hosts the opening of Pablo Picasso's first United States showing, entitled Original Drawings by Pablo Picasso, becoming an early proponent of modern art in the United States.

1924/0320:フランス 守旧画家 Fernand Cormon 184524、死去

un peintre français né à Paris. Il devient l'élève d'Alexandre Cabanel, Eugène Fromentin et Jean-François Portaels, et l'un des principaux peintres historiques de la France moderne.





Giuseppe Zangara is executed in Florida's electric chair for fatally shooting Anton Cermak in an assassination attempt against President-Elect Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler ordered the creation of Dachau concentration camp as Chief of Police of Munich and appointed Theodor Eicke as the camp commandant.


Hayami Gyoshū、le nom d'artiste d'un peintre japonais du style nihonga, actif au cours des ères Taishō et Shōwa.



1937/0320:USA 作家 Lois Lowry 1937--、誕生

Lois Lowry (born Lois Ann Hammersberg) is an American writer credited with more than thirty children's books.
She has won two Newbery Medals, for Number the Stars in 1990 and The Giver in 1994.

The Giver is a 1993 American young adult dystopian novel by Lois Lowry. It is set in a society which at first appears to be utopian but is revealed to be dystopian as the story progresses. 

1938/0320:ソ連 数学者 Sergei Novikov 1938--、誕生

Сергей Петрович Новиков
a Soviet and Russian mathematician, noted for work in both algebraic topology and soliton theory. In 1970, he won the Fields Medal.


1942/0320:WWⅡ 敗軍の將マッカサ「I shall return」
WWⅡ General Douglas MacArthur, at Terowie, South Australia, makes his famous speech regarding the fall of the Philippines, in which he says: "I came out of Bataan and I shall return".

1943/0320:森下仁丹創業者 森下博186943、死去

Businessman. Morishita Juntan founder. Pioneer of product advertisement called advertising king of Japan.


Mao Zedong officially became the leader of the Chinese Communist Party.

Einen Monat vor Adolf Hitlers 56. Geburtstag treten unter der Führung des Reichsjugendführers Artur Axmann u. a. zwanzig Hitlerjungen im Hof der Neuen Reichskanzlei an, um von Hitler persönlich mit dem Eisernen Kreuz ausgezeichnet zu werden. Dies gilt als der letzte öffentliche Auftritt Hitlers und ist filmisch und fotografisch festgehalten worden.

The United States Senate ratifies a peace treaty with Japan.

1956/0320:Tunisia gains independence from France.

1957/0320:USA 映画作家 Spike Lee 1957、誕生

an American film director, producer, writer, and actor.
He made his directorial debut with She's Gotta Have It (1986), and has since directed such films as Do the Right Thing (1989), Malcolm X (1992), The Original Kings of Comedy (2000), 25th Hour (2002), Inside Man (2006), and most recently Chi-Raq (2015). Lee has acted in ten of his own films.
Lee's movies have examined race relations, colorism in the black community, the role of media in contemporary life, urban crime and poverty, and other political issue

1962/0320:USA 社界學者 Charles Wright Mills 191662、死去

an American sociologist.
Mills was published widely in popular and intellectual journals, and is remembered for several books such as The Power Elite, which introduced that term and describes the relationships and class alliances among the US political, military, and economic elites; White Collar: The American Middle Classes, on the American middle class; and The Sociological Imagination, which presents a model of analysis for the interdependence of subjective experiences within a person's biography, the general social structure, and historical development.

Mills was an intense student of philosophy before he became a sociologist and his vision of radical, egalitarian democracy was a direct result of the influence of ideas from Thorstein Veblen, John Dewey, and Mead

France Gall gagne l'Eurovision pour le Luxembourg avec Poupée de cire poupée de son.


1968/0320:傳説の映画監督 Carl Theodor Dreyer 188968、死去

Sa carrière fut aussi longue que ses œuvres furent rares : quatorze films en cinquante ans - rareté qui s'explique autant par la frilosité des producteurs que par le soin méticuleux qu'il apportait à la préparation de chacun de ses films, mûris de longues années avant leur tournage.
Il demeure, pour la postérité, le cinéaste des visages féminins et des tourments de l'amour chrétien dans une société désenchantée, comme en témoignent, aux deux extrémités de son œuvre, La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928), achèvement des recherches du cinéma muet, et Gertrud (1964), source d'inspiration pour tout le cinéma moderne.

"It is extremely dangerous to limit myself to a certain form to a certain style"

1970/0320:The Othello oil tanker releases between 60,000 and 100,000 tonnes of fuel oil after a collision in Tralhavet Bay, Sweden.


The Troubles: The first Provisional IRA car bombing in Belfast kills seven people and injures 148 others in Northern Ireland.

Bei Tönning im deutschen Bundesland Schleswig-Holstein wird das größte Küstenschutz-Bauwerk Europas, das Eidersperrwerk, eingeweiht.

 Elections to Cambodia of the Assembly of People's Representatives.
 The Khmer Rouge, the only ones allowed to present candidates, unsurprisingly round off all 250 seats.

 The epic filming of Francis Ford Coppola's film Apocalypse Now begins in the Philippines.

Isabel Perón, ex presidenta de Argentina es sentenciada a 8 años de prisión por malversación de fondos públicos.

Isabel Perón, Argentina's former president is sentenced to 8 years in prison for embezzlement of public funds.

un exemplaire des Fleurs du mal (1857) de Charles Baudelaire, dédicacé au peintre français Eugène Delacroix et illustré de dessins de l'auteur et d’aquarelles de Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer, se vend pour 1437900 F.

1987/0320:スコットランドの至寶 Towser 196387、大往生

A female cat kept at the Scottish whiskey distillery, Glenter Turret distillery.
She was registered in the Guinness Book of Cats as the cat who captured the world's rat

Towser is also famous for being the same birthday as Queen Elizabeth II, and for the birthday card to Queen sent in 1986 as Towser's name, the queen replied
 "(equivalent to human age) of 161 years old Happy birthday ".

The Food and Drug Administration approves the anti-AIDS drug, AZT.

1988/0320:Eritrean War of Independence:
 Having defeated the Nadew Command, the Eritrean People's Liberation Front enters the town of Afabet, victoriously concluding the Battle of Afabet.

Ferdinand Marcos's widow, Imelda Marcos, goes on trial for bribery, embezzlement, and racketeering.

1993/0320:IRA「The Troubles」
 A Provisional IRA bomb kills two children in Warrington, England. It leads to mass protests in both Britain and Ireland.

1995/0320:WWⅡ戰犯の教誨師 花山信勝189895、死去

Hanayama Shinshô était un écrivain et religieux japonais.



The Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo carries out a sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway, killing 12 and wounding over 1,300 people.


2003/0320:Invasion of Iraq:
 In the early hours of the morning, the United States and three other countries (the UK, Australia and Poland) begin military operations in Iraq.

Les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni passent à l'offensive contre l'Irak. Le /0321:0532 (heure locale), une heure et demie après l'expiration de l'ultimatum à Saddam Hussein, la périphérie de Bagdad essuie des frappes ciblées, premières salves de l'intervention militaire baptisée « opération liberté irakienne » promise par George W. Bush.

Over 150 Chadian soldiers are killed in eastern Chad by members of the rebel UFDC. The rebel movement sought to overthrow Chadian president Idriss Déby.

At least 52 people are killed and more than 250 injured in a wave of terror attacks across ten cities in Iraq.

Four suspected Taliban members attack the luxurious Kabul Serena Hotel, killing at least nine people.

A Solar eclipse, equinox, and a Supermoon all occur on the same day.

A total solar eclipse is visible especially in the Faroe Islands and Svalbard.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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