


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 03/19 今日の出來事


R皇帝 Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Augustus 020835 生母の Julia Mamaea 018035 とともに暗殺される。






1205/0319:公家の詩人にして画人 藤原隆信114205、死去

Fujiwara Takanobu est un courtisan, poète et peintre de portraits japonais de la fin de l'époque de Heian et du début de l'époque de Kamakura.
Demi-frère de Fujiwara no Teika, il est connu pour avoir initié un nouveau mouvement de peinture de portrait réaliste nommé nise-e, dont les trois portraits de Minamoto no Yoritomo, de Taira no Shigemori et Fujiwara no Mitsuyoshi sont caractéristiques.


la Universidad de París adopta oficialmente el aristotelismo al proclamar la Facultad de Artes un nuevo plan que imponía el estudio de todas las obras conocidas de Aristóteles.

(祥興02/0206) 南宋殘餘勢力在崖山海戰中被元朝軍隊大敗,陸秀夫背負小皇帝趙昺投海自盡,南宋政權滅亡,蒙元統一中國。

The remnants of the Southern Song Dynasty were defeated by the Yuan dynasty forces during the Yashan naval battle. Lu Xiufu took the young emperor Zhao Kuang to the sea to commit suicide, the Southern Song Dynasty's regime was destroyed, and the Mongolian Yuan unified China.
A Mongol victory at the Battle of Yamen ends the Song dynasty in China.


一方、文天祥123683 は元に捕まり、元はその才能を惜しんで元の臣になることを説得したが拒否し、獄中で『正氣之歌』などを詠みつゝ獄死した。

1279/0319:09南宋皇帝 趙昺(衛王、祥興帝)127279、敗死


1513/0319:ロウマ教皇に Leo X が就任
Dopo aver rimosso tutti gli ostacoli alla sua intronizzazione nei giorni successivi alla sua elezione l'11 marzo, Leone X è incoronato papa.

この一年後 ――

Admiral Tristão da Cunha delivers an Indian elephant as a gift to the newly elected Pope Leo X on behalf of the Portuguese King Manuel I. This gives him the name Hanno.


Dans l'édit d'Amboise, les Huguenots en France reçoivent le droit limité à la liberté de religion par l'intermédiaire de Catherine de Médicis. Paris et quelques autres villes sont exclues du système. Ceci met fin à la première guerre huguenote.

The Edict of Amboise is signed, ending the first phase of the French Wars of Religion and granting certain freedoms to the Huguenots.

1610/0319:日本、安土桃山時代の繪師 長谷川等伯153910、死去

Hasegawa Tōhaku était un peintre japonais et fondateur de l'école Hasegawa.
Il est considéré comme l'un des grands peintres de la période Azuchi-Momoyama 安土桃山(安土=織田信長153482時代、桃山=豊臣秀吉153798時代), et il est surtout connu pour ses paravents byōbu, tels que les pins et les pins et les plantes à fleurs (les deux trésors nationaux enregistrés). peintures dans les murs et les portes coulissantes à Chishaku-in.





Sir Walter Raleigh is released from the Tower of London after thirteen years in prison.

Sir Walter Raleigh 155218Queen Elizabeth I 153303の寵臣、探檢家、詩人。新世界構想においてイングランド植民地を始めた功績者。

(いろいろさまざまな經緯あって)スペイン大使の要求が認められ、ロリィは1618/1018、WhiteHall 宮殿で斬首刑に處せられた。その時の彼、斬首に用ゐる斧をまじまじと見詰め:これは劇藥だが、すべての病を癒してくれる」と呟いた。
Raleigh was beheaded in the Old Palace Yard at the Palace of Westminster on 29 October 1618. "Let us dispatch", he said to his executioner. "At this hour my ague comes upon me. I would not have my enemies think I quaked from fear." After he was allowed to see the axe that would be used to behead him, he mused: "This is a sharp Medicine, but it is a Physician for all diseases and miseries." According to biographers, Raleigh's last words (as he lay ready for the axe to fall) were: "Strike, man, strike!"
Having been one of the people to popularise tobacco smoking in England, he left a small tobacco pouch, found in his cell shortly after his execution. Engraved upon the pouch was a Latin inscription: Comes meus fuit in illo miserrimo tempore ("It was my companion at that most miserable time").


The House of Commons of England passes an act abolishing the House of Lords, declaring it "useless and dangerous to the people of England".


Après le naufrage de son dernier navire, La Belle, l'explorateur français René-Robert Cavelier, sieur de La Salle, est assassiné par des membres mutins de son expédition dans ce qui est aujourd'hui le Texas pour tenter d'obtenir de l'aide.
Explorer Robert Cavelier de La Salle, searching for the mouth of the Mississippi River, is murdered by his own men.

1687/0319:フランスの探檢家 René de La Salle 164387、暗殺Explorer Robert Cavelier de La Salle, searching for the mouth of the Mississippi River, is murdered by his own men.

René-Robert Cavelier de La Salle est mort assassiné près de Navasota, dans l’actuel État américain du Texas. Explorateur-voyageur, il a parcouru la région des Grands Lacs des États-Unis et du Canada actuels, puis le fleuve Mississippi, et a ainsi découvert les territoires situés entre la vallée du Saint-Laurent et le delta du Mississippi.


1729/0319:ボヘミアの John of Nepomuk,
 the Bohemian priest and martyr, is called by Pope Benedict XIII. canonised. Statues of the saint often stand on or near bridges.

The Franconian is introduced in the Helvetic Republic. This is the first time that a nationwide Swiss currency has been created.

Die ersten Schweizer-Franken-Münzen von 1850

The Cádiz Cortes promulgates the Spanish Constitution of 1812.

In Spain, the Cortes of Cádiz publish La Pepa, the first Spanish constitution. However, it is repealed by the out-of-country monarch Ferdinand VII two years later after return and the absolutism reintroduced.

1813/0319:イギリスの探檢家 David Livingstone 181373、誕生

a Scottish Christian Congregationalist, pioneer medical missionary with the London Missionary Society, an explorer in Africa, and one of the most popular British heroes of the late-19th-century in the Victorian era.
He had a mythical status that operated on a number of interconnected levels: Protestant missionary martyr, working-class "rags-to-riches" inspirational story, scientific investigator and explorer, imperial reformer, anti-slavery crusader, and advocate of commercial and colonial expansion.
His fame as an explorer and his obsession with learning the sources of the Nile River ……

1819/0319:ドイツ思想家 Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi 174319、死去

ein deutscher Philosoph, Jurist, Kaufmann und Schriftsteller.

He is notable for popularizing the term nihilism (coined by Obereit in 1787) and promoting it as the prime fault of Enlightenment thought particularly in the philosophical systems of Baruch Spinoza, Immanuel Kant, Johann Fichte and Friedrich Schelling. Instead of speculative reason, he advocated Glaube (variously translated as faith or "belief") and revelation. In this sense, Jacobi anticipated present-day writers who criticize secular philosophy as relativistic and dangerous for religious faith.
In his time, he was also well-known among literary circles for his critique of the Sturm and Drang movement, and implicitly close associate Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and its visions of atomized individualism.
Jacobi's philosophy is essentially unsystematic.

1821/0319:イギリスの探檢家 Richard Francis Burton 182190、誕生

a British explorer, geographer, translator, writer, soldier, orientalist, cartographer, ethnologist, spy, linguist, poet, fencer, and diplomat. He was famed for his travels and explorations in Asia, Africa and the Americas, as well as his extraordinary knowledge of languages and cultures. According to one count, he spoke 29 European, Asian and African languages.
Burton's best-known achievements include: a well-documented journey to Mecca in disguise, at a time when Europeans were forbidden access on pain of death; an unexpurgated translation of One Thousand and One Nights (commonly called The Arabian Nights in English after early translations of Antoine Galland's French version); the publication of the Kama Sutra in English; and a journey with John Hanning Speke as the first Europeans to visit the Great Lakes of Africa in search of the source of the Nile.


Agustín de Iturbide, emperador de México, abdica a raíz del levantamiento dirigido por el general Santa Anna.

Agustín de Iturbide abdicates in the wake of the uprising led by General Santa Anna.

1832/0319:ハンガリ人探檢家 Hermann Vámbéry 183113、誕生

ein ungarischer Orientalist, Turkologe, Reisender und vermutlicher Geheimagent in britischen Diensten.

Map of the travel of Ármin Vámbery in Central Asia

1848/0319:カナダ人進化論者 George Romanes 184894、誕生

a Canadian-English evolutionary biologist and physiologist who laid the foundation of what he called comparative psychology, postulating a similarity of cognitive processes and mechanisms between humans and other animals.
He was the youngest of Charles Darwin's academic friends, and his views on evolution are historically important. He is considered to invent the term neo-Darwinism, which in the late 19th century was considered as a theory of evolution that focuses on natural selection as the main evolutionary force.

1848/0319:西部劇の英雄 Wyatt Earp 184829、誕生

Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp was an American Old West gambler, a deputy sheriff in Pima County, and deputy town marshal in Tombstone, Arizona Territory, who took part in the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, during which lawmen killed three outlaw Cochise County Cowboys.

Tombstone in 1881
He is often mistakenly regarded as the central figure in the shootout in Tombstone, although his brother Virgil was Tombstone city marshal and deputy U.S. marshal that day, and had far more experience as a sheriff, constable, marshal, and soldier in combat.
Earp lived a restless life. He was at different times a constable, city policeman, county sheriff, deputy U.S. marshal, teamster, buffalo hunter, bouncer, saloon-keeper, gambler, brothel keeper, miner, and boxing referee.

Earp at age 21, in 1869 or 1870,

Der Barrikadenaufstand bei der Märzrevolution in Berlin fordert über hundert Tote, die sogenannten Märzgefallenen.
Die Truppen werden auf Befehl des preußischen Königs Friedrich Wilhelm IV. aus der Stadt abgezogen.

The Taiping reform movement occupies and makes Nanjing its capital until 1864.



キリスト教の信仰で組織された『太平天國』が洪秀全181464 を天王として、反亂を起こしたのは1851年のことであった。




清末維新變法派主要發起者,原名祖詒,西樵山人、遊存叟、天遊化人,廣東省南海縣丹灶蘇村人,人稱「康南海」,1895光緒21、進士,曾與弟子梁啟超合作戊戌變法,變法失敗後,被慈禧太后通緝而出逃。 1912、宣統退位後,康有為繼續反對共和,1917、曾與張勛合作,發動兵變,擁立宣統帝,是為辮軍復闢,但十二日之內就被段祺瑞討平。 1927、在一場宴會後病逝,被質疑是政敵下毒。

In 1917, he cooperated with Zhang Xun and launched a mutiny to support the Xuantong Emperor.
It was a restoration of the Sui Army, but he was flattened by Duan Qirui within 12 days.
In 1927, he passed away after a party and was questioned as being poisoned by political opponents.

La première mondiale de l'opéra Faust de Charles Gounod se déroule au Théâtre Lyrique à Paris. Le travail sur le livret de Jules Barbier et Michel Carré après le Faust I de Goethe est depuis le début un grand succès.

1865/0319:American Civil War: Battle of Bentonville
 By the end of the battle two days later, Confederate forces had retreated from Four Oaks, North Carolina.

NorthCarolina, Bentoville での戦闘。北軍はWシャマン少將、南軍はJジョンストン將軍による、南北戰爭の掉尾となる大決戦であった。南軍はこの戦闘に負け、一ヶ月足らず後の戦闘でも敗れて、北軍に降伏した。同時期の、Rリィ將軍の降伏に續き、ジョンストン軍の降伏は實質的に南北戰爭の勝敗を決定するものになった。

zoom up

1867/0319:Toyota創業者 豊田佐吉186730、誕生

Toyoda Sakichi is referred to as the king of Japanese inventors. He has invented numerous improvements for looms.


1875/0319:中國軍閥 張作霖187528、誕生
曾任中华民国陸海軍大元帥,喜人以「張大帥」稱。 张作霖是北洋军奉系首领,也是北洋政府最後一个掌权者。

Once he served as the Grand Admiral of the Republic of China Army and Navy. Zhang Zuolin was the leader of the Northern Warlords Fengfeng, and was also the last authority of the Beiyang government.


en Barcelona, se coloca la primera piedra de la Catedral de la Sagrada Familia, diseñada por Antoni Gaudí y aún sin terminar.
In Barcelona, the foundation stone of the Sagrada Família Cathedral, designed by Antoni Gaudí and still unfinished, is laid.

Antoni Gaudí 185226 :Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia 

La Sagrada Familia en 1915

1883/0319:VitaminC發見者 Norman Haworth 188350、誕生

a British chemist best known for his groundbreaking work on ascorbic acid (vitamin C) while working at the University of Birmingham.
He received the 1937 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his investigations on carbohydrates and vitamin C".

Louis Riel declares a provisional government in Saskatchewan, beginning the North-West Rebellion.


1888/0319:ドイツ系アメリカ美術家 Josef Albers 188876、誕生

a German-born American artist and educator whose work, both in Europe and in the United States, formed the basis of modern art education programs of the twentieth century.

He studied at Bauhaus, and after graduation he taught at Bauhaus. Along with the closing of Bauhaus in 1933, he moved to the United States. ……


Tournage du premier film La Sortie de l'usine Lumière à Lyon.
Auguste and Louis Lumière record their first footage using their newly patented cinematograph.

Antonín Dvořák's Cello Concerto premieres in London under the composer's direction.

1905/0319:ドイツナチの建築家 Albert Speer 190581、誕生

Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer war ein deutscher Architekt, Rüstungsorganisator in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus und ab 1942 Reichsminister für Bewaffnung und Munition.
Er wurde im Nürnberger Prozess als Kriegsverbrecher zu 20 Jahren Haft verurteilt.


1906/0319:Adolf Eichmann 190662、誕生

ein österreichischer SS-Obersturmbannführer und während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus und des Zweiten Weltkrieges in Deutschland als Leiter des für die Organisation der Vertreibung und Deportation der Juden zuständigen Eichmannreferats des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes (RSHA) in Berlin zentral mitverantwortlich für die Ermordung von schätzungsweise sechs Millionen Menschen im weitgehend vom Deutschen Reich besetzten Europa.

In May 1960, he was abducted by Israeli agents in Argentina and subsequently transferred to Israel, where he was tried. He was sentenced to death and executed on the night of May 31st to June 1st, 1962.

Hannah Arendt über Adolf Eichmann
The political scientist Hannah Arendt, who had just escaped the National Socialists via France to New York, wrote about the process originally on behalf of the magazine The New Yorker Reportages, then the book "Eichmann in Jerusalem".


The American astronomer Percival Lowell makes from the Lowell Observatory, founded by him from celestial images in search of a Trans-Neptunian object. Two years later, the dwarf planet Pluto was found on two of these photos.
Pluto といふ英語を初めて知ったのは、Edgar Allan Poe 180949 の`Black Cat`であった。その猫の名が Pluto だった(Plutoは本來はギリシア神話の冥界の神の名)。私も飼った猫のうち、黒猫(宗に白い蝶ネクタイを付けた長い尻尾の完璧な雄の黒猫だった)に、この名をもらって「プルト」と付けた。勿論、その時には私には殺さなければならなくなるであらうやうな妻などは持ってゐなかった。
わがプルトは見た目の黒豹のやうな精悍さとは裏腹に臆病な奴で、しかも病弱だった。彼が死に貧した頃は、私はデッサンに凝ってゐたので、その死に逝く樣をたくさん素描した。そのためか、私は「黒猫」と聞いてもポウの短篇も、当時(いつだったかは正確には思ひだせないが)「黒猫のタンゴ」も思ひださずに、わが愛猫の死に樣と生き樣とが思ひだされることになった。Pluto といふ語に出逢った時もまた。

1917/0319:Dinu Lipatti 191750、誕生

un pianiste roumain dont la carrière fut tragiquement interrompue par une mort précoce due à la maladie de Hodgkin. Il était très admiré pour son sens du rythme ou du tempo et l'absolue pureté de son jeu, qui s'accorda particulièrement bien à la musique de Chopin, Bach, Mozart ou Schubert. Son interprétation des valses de Chopin, enregistrées à Besançon quelques mois avant sa mort, demeure une référence.

1919/0319:Jazzピアニスト Lennie Tristano 191978、誕生

an American jazz pianist, composer, arranger, and teacher of jazz improvisation.


1919/0319:à Paris, シュウルリアリスト、雜誌創刊
Publication du premier numéro de la revue Littérature créée par Louis Aragon, André Breton et Philippe Soupault.


The United States Senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles for the second time (the first time was on November 19, 1919).

The delegations signing the Treaty of Versailles in the Hall of Mirrors.

1921/0319:Irish War of Independence:
 One of the biggest engagements of the war takes place at Crossbarry, County Cork. About 100 Irish Republican Army (IRA) volunteers escape an attempt by over 1,300 British forces to encircle them.


1922/0319:日本の軍人 小野田寛郎192214、誕生

He wasu an Imperial Japanese Army intelligence officer who fought in World War II and was a Japanese holdout who did not surrender in August 1945.
After Onoda spent 29 years holding out in the Philippines, his former commander traveled from Japan to personally issue orders relieving him from duty in 1974.


1930/0319:指紋の發見者 Henry Faulds 184330、死去

a Scottish physician, missionary and scientist who is noted for the development of fingerprinting.


Gambling is legalized in Nevada.

1932/0319:オウストラリア「Sydney Harbour Bridge」開通
The Sydney Harbor Bridge in Sydney, one of the longest arched bridges in the world spanning Sydney Harbor, is officially opened.



1933/0319:USA作家 Philip Roth 1933--、誕生

An American novelist.
He is one of the novelists representing contemporary American literature and depicts a hero suffering from identity problems and nonconformity to sexual love and marriage ("Portnoy's frustration" "My life as a man") Subjects range from introspective works to stories that reconstruct American society and history as fiction ("Amazing American Baseball", "Plot · Agisto America" etc.).

 The 99th Pursuit Squadron also known as the Tuskegee Airmen, the first all-black unit of the US Army Air Corps, is activated.


1943/0319:日本の洋画家 藤島武二186743、死去

Fujishima Takeji est un peintre japonais surtout connu pour avoir introduit dans la peinture nihon-ga 日本画 des éléments de la peinture moderne européenne, en particulier l'impressionnisme.
Il est également un des représentants du courant yō-ga 洋画 (style occidental) de la peinture japonaise à la fin du XIXe siècle et au début du XXe siècle.
À la fin de sa vie il est influencé par le mouvement Art nouveau.


『黒扇』 1908


Frank Nitti (the Chicago Outfit Boss after Al Capone) commits suicide at the Chicago Central Railyard.

1943/0319:Frank Nitti 188843、死去(自殺)

Francesco Raffaele Nitto, nicknamed "The Enforcer", was an Italian-American gangster. One of Al Capone's top henchmen, Nitti was in charge of all strong-arm and 'muscle' operations. Nitti later succeeded Capone as boss of the Chicago Outfit.

 Nazi forces occupy Hungary.

After the allied Hungarians made contact with the Allies in the Second World War, Germany begins with the company Margarethe, the German occupation of Hungary.

Off the coast of Japan, a dive bomber hits the aircraft carrier USS Franklin, killing 724 of her crew. Badly damaged, the ship is able to return to the U.S. under her own power.




 Da sich die Niederlage des Deutschen Reiches im Zweiten Weltkrieg abzeichnet, erteilt Adolf Hitler den Nerobefehl, nach dem die Infrastruktur im Deutschen Reich zu zerstören ist.

WWⅡ Adolf Hitler issues his "Nero Decree" ordering all industries, military installations, shops, transportation facilities and communications facilities in Germany to be destroyed.

French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion become overseas départements of France.




 Adopted the Stockholm appeal banned from the atomic bomb at the 3rd General Assembly of the Standing Committee of the World Peace Advancement Competition.


1951/0319:In Iran,
the law to nationalize the domestic British capital oil company is established.


The Oscars are broadcast for the first time on television in the United States and Canada. Bob Hope acts as a moderator on stage.


1955/0319:USA映画『Blackboard Jungle』物議をかもす
The film Blackboard Jungle premieres in New York, making Bill Haley's Rock Around the Clock a world-wide success.


1962/0319:B.ディラン、1st Album、リリイス
Bob Dylan releases his first album `Bob Dylan`, for Columbia Records.

{ボブディランで聽いたのは "Mr. Tambourine Man" "Like a rolling stone" それから "I want you" くらゐだったな。

1962/0319:Algerian War of Independence ends
Cessez-le-feu officiel, faisant suite aux accords d'Évian signés la veille et marquant la fin de la guerre d'Algérie.


The first traffic flows through the tunnel under the Alpine Pass Grosser St. Bernhard.


かつて、Napoléon Bonaparte 176921 もこの峠を越えたのであった。


The wreck of the SS Georgiana, valued at over $50,000,000 and said to have been the most powerful Confederate cruiser, is discovered by teenage diver and pioneer underwater archaeologist E. Lee Spence, exactly 102 years after its destruction.



The highest construction in Europe when it was built in 1964, the 385 meter high VHF and TV transmission mast in Emley Moor, Great Britain, collapses during a winter storm due to heavy icing.


Der deutsche Bundeskanzler Willy Brandt trifft sich in der Zeit der Entspannungspolitik in Erfurt mit dem Ministerpräsidenten der DDR, Willi Stoph, um Annäherungen beider deutscher Staaten zu erreichen.


India and Bangladesh sign a friendly treaty.


Decided to shift to the floating exchange rate system of six European Communities. The Smithsonian regime collapsed.


1973(昭和48)/0319:日本の文芸 小松左京日本沈没』出版



Dead bodies of two infants are discovered from a septic tank in a mentally disabled facility in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture. It is a false accident.

1981/0319:In the Iran-Iraq war,
 the Iranian side launches a major counter-offensive at the Battle of Dezful, which, however, ultimately remains without a winner.


1982/0319:アルゼンチンvsイギリス「Falklands War」
 Argentinian forces land on South Georgia Island, precipitating war with the United Kingdom.


1987/0319:理論物理學者 Louis de Broglie 189287、死去

Louis Victor de Broglie, prince, puis duc de Broglie (prononcer Breuil bʁœj), est un mathématicien et physicien français. À seulement 37 ans, il devient lauréat du prix Nobel de physique de 1929 « pour sa découverte de la nature ondulatoire des électrons »


First concert of the band Nirvana.


1997/0319:抽象表現画家 Willem de Kooning 190497、死去

a Dutch abstract expressionist artist. He was born in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. He moved to the United States in 1926,

In the years after World War II, he painted in a style that came to be referred to as Abstract expressionism or "action painting", and was part of a group of artists that came to be known as the New York School.


The Xinjiang Archaeological Institute announced the discovery of the Dandan Ulick site in the depths of the Taklimakan Desert.



Zimbabwe is suspended from the Commonwealth on charges of human rights abuses and of electoral fraud, following a turbulent presidential election.


A Swedish DC-3 shot down by a Russian MiG-15 in 1952 over the Baltic Sea is finally recovered after years of work. The remains of the three crewmen are left in place, pending further investigations.


2004/0319:台湾「3-19 shooting incident」
 Taiwanese president Chen Shui-bian is shot just before the country's presidential election on March 20.


2008/0319:SF作家 Arthur C. Clarke 191708、死去

a British science fiction writer, science writer and futurist, inventor, undersea explorer, and television series host.

Childhood's End 1953 



The first incident of the Tsuchiura continuous killing case occurred

2011/0319:Libyan Civil War:
 After the failure of Muammar Gaddafi's forces to take Benghazi, French Air Force launches Opération Harmattan, beginning foreign military intervention in Libya.


A series of bombings and shootings kills at least 98 people and injures 240 others across Iraq.


2015/0319:上方落語家 三代目桂米朝192515、死去


The crash of a Boeing 737-800 low-cost airline Flydubai on the flight FZ981 near the airport Rostov-on-Don all 62 people (55 passengers and seven crew members).



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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