


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日は『最後の審判』を描いたMichelangelo 147564 の命日
原爆製造の中心だった Robert Oppenheimer 190467 の命日

歴史暦:古今東西 02/18 今日の出來事


Explosion du Krakatoa.

Le Krakatoa, Krakatau ou Gunung Krakatau en indonésien et en javanais, est un volcan gris — volcan de type explosif — de la ceinture de feu du Pacifique1. Il forme un archipel de quatre îles principales2 dans le détroit de la Sonde en Indonésie, entre Sumatra et Java.

0901/0218:アラブの数学者 Thābit ibn Qurra 082601、死去

Al-ṢābiʾThābit ibn Qurrah al-Ḥarrānī was an Arab Sabian mathematician, physician, astronomer, and translator who lived in Baghdad in the second half of the ninth century during the time of Abbasid Caliphate.
Ibn Qurra made important discoveries in algebra, geometry, and astronomy. In astronomy, Thabit is considered one of the first reformers of the Ptolemaic system, and in mechanics he was a founder of statics


In the inheritance dispute over the Duchy of Bohemia, the Second Battle of Chlumec takes place.
 The Premyslide Soběslav I triumphs over his opponent Otto II of Moravia, who falls in battle. The Roman-German King Lothar of Supplinburg, who supported him with an army, was taken prisoner.

Après avoir répudié Agnès de Courtenay, Amaury I est couronné roi de Jérusalem.

1201/0218:ペルシアの数学者 Nasir ad-Din at-Tusi 120174、誕生

Abū Jaʿfar Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn al‐Ḥasan Naṣīr al‐Dīn al‐Ṭūsī, souvent simplement Naṣīr al‐Dīn al‐Ṭūsī1, ou parfois Naṣīr ad‐Dīn ad‐Ṭūsī est un philosophe, mathématicien, astronome et théologien perse musulman.

He is often considered the creator of trigonometry as a mathematical discipline in its own right.
The Muslim scholar Ibn Khaldun 133206 considered Tusi to be the greatest of the later Persian scholars.

1229/0218:The Sixth Crusade:
 Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor signs a ten-year truce with al-Kamil, regaining Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Bethlehem with neither military engagements nor support from the papacy.

第六回十字軍 1228~9:神聖ロウマ皇帝兼シチリア王の Friedrich II 119450

Friedrich II 119450:Jacob Burckhardt 181897 は「王座上の最初の近代人」と呼んだ。中世史上、最も進歩的精神の持主と云ふのが定評。十字軍で關係のできたイスラム教國アイユウブ朝ノアル=カアミルもフリイドリヒに魅惑された一人であった。

◇Kreuzzug(十字軍) 1228~29


The Livonian Order is defeated by Dovmont of Pskov in the Battle of Rakvere.

1294/0218:モンゴル帝國 Kublai Khan 121594、崩去


In 1271, Kublai established the Yuan dynasty, which ruled over present-day Mongolia, China, Korea, and some adjacent areas, and assumed the role of Emperor of China. By 1279, the Mongol conquest of the Song dynasty was completed and Kublai became the first non-native emperor to conquer all of China.

Amda Seyon I, Emperor of Ethiopia begins his campaigns in the southern Muslim provinces.

1405/0218:チムル帝國 Timur 133605、崩去

Timur, historically known as Amir Timur and Tamerlane, was a Turco-Mongol conqueror.
As the founder of the Timurid Empire in Persia and Central Asia, he became the first ruler in the Timurid dynasty.
Timur was the last of the great nomadic conquerors of the Eurasian Steppe, and his empire set the stage for the rise of the more structured and lasting Gunpowder Empires in the 1500s and 1600s.
Timur envisioned the restoration of the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan (died 1227).

Timur facial reconstruction from skull

Map of the Timurid Empire

Timur had aligned himself with the remnants of the Yuan dynasty

1455/0218:イタリアの画僧 Fra Angelico 139755、死去

Giovanni da Fiesole, al secolo Guido di Pietro , detto il Beato Angelico o Fra' Angelico, fu un pittore italiano.



George Plantagenet, the brother and rival of Edward IV of the House of York, who is currently being sentenced to death for treason, is executed - allegedly by drowning in a wine barrel - in the Rose Wars over the English throne.

1513/0218:(Incidente Boschori)
 In Italia è stata scoperta una cospirazione contro la famiglia Medici e Niccolò Machiavelli è stato arrestato.

In Italy a conspiracy against the Medici family was discovered and Niccolò Machiavelli 146927 was arrested.

1516/0218:イングランド女王 Mary I of England 151658、誕生

the Queen of England and Ireland from July 1553 until her death.
She is best known for her aggressive attempt to reverse the English Reformation, which had begun during the reign of her father, Henry VIII.
The executions that marked her pursuit of the restoration of Roman Catholicism in England and Ireland led to her denunciation as "Bloody Mary" by her Protestant opponents.

Hernán Cortés se aventura a México. Se va de Cuba con una pequeña tropa de soldados. Contra el consejo del gobierno español de la isla, ganó la costa de México con la idea de conquistar los misteriosos reinos encontrados allí. Este es el comienzo de la penetración europea en el continente americano.

Hernán Cortés ventures to Mexico. He leaves Cuba with a small troop of soldiers. Against the advice of the Spanish government of the island, he wins the coast of Mexico with the idea of conquering the mysterious kingdoms found there. This is the beginning of European penetration on the American continent.

la route de Cortés jusqu'à Mexico-Tenochtitlan.

1530/0218(享祿03/0121):戰國大名 上杉謙信153078、誕生

Uesugi Kenshin was a daimyō who was born as Nagao Kagetora, and after the adoption into the Uesugi 上杉 clan, ruled Echigo 越後 Province in the Sengoku 戰國 period of Japan.
He was one of the most powerful daimyōs of the Sengoku period. While chiefly remembered for his prowess on the battlefield, Kenshin is also regarded as an extremely skillful administrator who fostered the growth of local industries and trade; his rule saw a marked rise in the standard of living of Echigo.

1546/0218:ドイツ宗教改革者 Martin Luther 148346、死去

ein deutscher Professor der Theologie, Komponist, Priester und Mönch, und eine wichtige Figur in der protestantischen Reformation.

The Wartburg room

of Luther's face and hands at his death,

1564/0218:ルネサンス Michelangelo Buonarroti 147564、死去

uno scultore, pittore, architetto e poeta italiano.

La Pietà 1499
Giudizio Universale 1541

1582/0218(天正10/0116):戰國武將 佐久間信盛152882、死去

Sakuma Nobumori was a retainer for the Oda clan.

Le bannissement de Nobumori par Oda Nobunaga au mont Kōya est largement considéré comme le symbole de la cruauté de Nobunaga, même contre ses plus anciens serviteurs et qui souligne ses lacunes de chef en tant que commandant militaire.

1587/0218:スコットランド女王 Mary Stuart 154287、處刑(斷首)
 The convicted of her involvement in the Babington conspiracy of 1586 Scottish Queen Mary Stuart is executed after a total of 19-year imprisonment in Fotheringhay Castle in England.

Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots) 154287、reigned over Scotland from 14 December 1542 to 24 July 1567.
Mary, the only surviving legitimate child of James V of Scotland, was six days old when her father died and she acceded to the throne.
She spent most of her childhood in France while Scotland was ruled by regents, and in 1558, she married the Dauphin of France, Francis. He ascended the French throne as King Francis II in 1559, and Mary briefly became queen consort of France, until his death in December 1560.
Widowed, Mary returned to Scotland, arriving in Leith on 19 August 1561. Four years later, she married her first cousin, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, but their union was unhappy. In February 1567, his residence was destroyed by an explosion, and Darnley was found murdered in the garden.


She was a half-sister of Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉153798 and wife of Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康154316, two of Japan's greatest feudal warlords. She is also called Suruga Gozen (駿河御膳) and Asahi-hime (朝日姫), though none of these are names, referring to her as "the person of Asahi", "the Lady Suruga", or "Princess Asahi".
She was first married to Saji Hyūga 佐治日向守, but when her brother Toyotomi Hideyoshi wished to make peace with Tokugawa Ieyasu after the Battle of Komaki 小牧 & Nagakute 長久手, Hideyoshi expressed interest in marrying her to Ieyasu. As a result, Saji Hyūga committed suicide, in order to not pose an obstacle to such a powerful political marriage, and the two were married soon afterwards.

1637/0218:Eighty Years' War:
 Off the coast of Cornwall, England, a Spanish fleet intercepts an important Anglo-Dutch merchant convoy of 44 vessels escorted by six warships, destroying or capturing 20 of them.

l'explorateur français René Robert Cavelier de La Salle établit la première colonie au Texas.

1743/0218:メディチ家最後 AML de Médicis 166743、死去

Anna Maria Luisa (o Ludovica) de' Medici, principessa elettrice del Palatinato è stata l'ultima rappresentante della casata fiorentina dei Medici.


The Oratorio Samson by Georg Friedrich Händel premieres at the Covent Garden Theater in London.

1745/0218:イタリアの科學者 Alessandro Volta 174527、誕生

un ingegnere, chimico e fisico italiano, conosciuto soprattutto per l'invenzione del primo generatore elettrico mai realizzato, la pila, e per la scoperta del metano.


1745/0218:The city of Surakarta, Central Java
 is founded on the banks of Bengawan Solo River, and becomes the capital of the Sunanate of Surakarta Hadiningrat.

A mutiny by captive Malagasy begins at sea on the slave ship Meermin, leading to the ship's destruction on Cape Agulhas in present-day South Africa and the recapture of the instigators.





1781/0218:Fourth Anglo-Dutch War:
 Captain Thomas Shirley opens his expedition against Dutch colonial outposts on the Gold Coast of Africa (=Ghana).

Congress passes a law admitting the state of Vermont to the Union, effective 4 March, after that state had existed for 14 years as a de facto independent largely unrecognized state.

1797/0218:French Revolutionary Wars:
 Sir Ralph Abercromby and a fleet of 18 British warships invade Trinidad.

1800/0218:French Revolutionary War:
Britain won the battle of the Malta convoy fleet.

1814/0218:Napoleonic Wars: The Battle of Montereau

La bataille de Montereau eut lieu de 18 février 1814 à Montereau (Seine-et-Marne) et s'est soldée par une victoire des Français commandés par Napoléon sur les Autrichiens et les Wurtembourgeois commandés par le Prince royal de Wurtemberg.

1831/0218(天保02/0106):日本の清僧 良寛175831、入滅

Taigu Ryōkan 大愚良寛 était un moine et ermite, poète et calligraphe japonais. Né Eizō Yamamoto (山本栄蔵, Yamamoto Eizō), il est plus connu sous son seul prénom de moine Ryōkan (良寛).
 Ryōkan est l'une des grandes figures du bouddhisme zen de la fin de la période Edo. Au Japon, sa douceur et sa simplicité ont fait de lui un personnage légendaire.


Ryōkan lived a very simple life, and stories about his kindness and generosity abound. On his deathbed, Ryōkan offered the following death poem to Teishin, his close companion:

裏を見せ 表を見せて 散る紅葉
ura wo mise / omote wo misete / chiru momiji

1836/0218:インドの行者 Râmakrishna 183686、誕生

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was an Indian mystic and yogi during the 19th century.
He was given to spiritual ecstacies from a young age, and was influenced by several religious traditions, including devotion toward the goddess Kali, Tantra, Vaishnava bhakti, and Advaita Vedanta.

彼の思想は強力な神秘主義と宗教多元論およびシャンカラの「アドヴァイタ ヴェダンタ(不二一元論)」哲学を根本とし、現象世界は「マヤ (幻影)」であり「ブラフマン」だけが実在とし、解脱の手段は知識である、といふ。

1838/0218:オウストリアの科學思想家 Ernst Mach 183816、誕生

ein österreichischer Physiker, Sinnesphysiologe, Philosoph und Wissenschaftstheoretiker sowie ein Pionier der gerade entstehenden Wissenschaftsgeschichte.
Nach Ernst Mach ist die Mach-Zahl benannt, welche die Geschwindigkeit im Verhältnis zur Schallgeschwindigkeit beschreibt.

Mach war seiner geistigen Entwicklung nach nicht ein Philosoph, der sich die Naturwissenschaften als Objekt seiner Spekulationen wählte, sondern ein vielseitig interessierter, emsiger Naturforscher, dem die Erforschung auch abseits vom Brennpunkte des allgemeinen Interesses gelegener Detailfragen sichtlich Vergnügen machte.“ ーAlbert Einstein 187955

1853/0218:日本のお傭ひ外國人 Ernest Fenollosa 185308、誕生

Ernest Francisco Fenollosa was an American art historian of Japanese art, professor of philosophy and political economy at Tokyo Imperial University.
An important educator during the modernization of Japan during the Meiji Era, Fenollosa was an enthusiastic Orientalist who did much to preserve traditional Japanese art.

先に来日していた動物学者 Edward Sylvester Morse 183825 の紹介で1878明治11(当時25歳)に来日し、東京大学で哲学・政治学・理財学(経済学)などを講じた。フェノロサを受講した者には、彼の有能な助手になる岡倉天心186313ほか、井上哲次郎高田早苗坪内逍遥清沢満之、たちがゐた。

Hungarian tailor journeyman János Libényi assassinates Emperor Franz Joseph in Vienna, but is defeated by Imperial adjutant Maximilian O'Donell of Tyrconell and butcher Josef Ettenreich.

le roi de Birmanie Pagan Min est contraint d'abdiquer en faveur de son demi-frère Mindon Min

Occupation de Saïgon par les Français.

In Montgomery, Alabama, Jefferson Davis is inaugurated as the provisional President of the Confederate States of America.

With Italian unification almost complete, Victor Emmanuel II of Piedmont, Savoy and Sardinia assumes the title of King of Italy.

1865/0218:American Civil War:
 Union forces under Major General William T. Sherman set the South Carolina State House on fire during the burning of Columbia.

le gouverneur Pierre Denfert-Rochereau fait évacuer Belfort devant l'invasion prussienne.

Bulgarian revolutionary leader Vasil Levski is executed by hanging in Sofia by the Ottoman authorities.

In Sofia, the freedom fighter Vasil Levski, ideologist and leader of the Bulgarian independence movement, is hanged by the Ottoman authorities.




『皇国一新見聞誌 佐賀の事件』

:内務卿大久保利通183078は佐賀藩の暴動に隣藩の福岡藩が刺戟されるのを懸念して、福岡県參事に 佐賀討伐のための福岡藩士の徴募を指示した。これにより福岡の士族三千六百が福岡城に集結、政府軍への參加を志願した。大久保の知謀であった。




John Tunstall is murdered by outlaw Jesse Evans, sparking the Lincoln County War in Lincoln County, New Mexico.

The Lincoln County cattle war begins in New Mexico and brings dubious fame to Billy the Kid.

1883/0218:ギリシア作家 Nikos Kazantzakis 188357、誕生

a Greek writer. Widely considered a giant of modern Greek literature,
Kazantzakis' novels included Zorba the Greek (1946), Christ Recrucified (1948), Captain Michalis (1950), and The Last Temptation of Christ (1955).
He also wrote plays, travel books, memoirs and philosophical essays such as The Saviors of God: Spiritual Exercises.

General Gordon's forces reach Khartoum (Sudan), but the Mahdi refuses to negotiate.

1885/0218:USA、Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
 by Mark Twain is published in the United States.

Ernest Hemingway 189961 said "All modern American literature comes from Huck Finn, and hailed it as the best book we've had" &「すべてのアメリカン作家は、この作品に由來する。この作品以前にアメリカ文學とアメリカの作家は存在しなかった。この作品の後に、これに匹敵できる作品は出てこない。」
{外側からアメリカ文學を見ると、アメリカの文學は狂氣の文學の羅列だ、Edgar Allan Poe 180949に始まり、この現代にいたるまで狂氣を帶びてゐないアメリカン作家は存在しない。私が讀んだアメリカ文學の印象はまづ第一にさういふことであった。ま、私が讀んだアメリカ文學が偏向したものであったのかも知れない。私に云はせれば、アメリカ文學を代表し象徴するのは、Herman Melville 181991 の ` Mody-Dick 白鯨`1851 だらう。エイハブ船長の狂氣と行動こそがアメリカ人のミッション性を帶びたフロンティアスピリットを體現してゐる、だらう。そして、『白鯨』に雙璧とするとしたら、やはりNathaniel Hawthorne 180464 の`The Scarlet Letter 緋文字`1850 だらう。ちなみに、『白鯨』はホウソンに獻げられてゐる。

1887/0218:天理教の始祖 中山みき179887、死去

Nakayama Miki est la fondatrice de la religion tenrikyō qui l'adore comme sanctuaire de Dieu le Parent. Le tenrikyō est sans doute la plus grande religion actuelle fondée par une femme.
L'hagiographie tenrikyō indique qu'elle était une sainte femme née d'une famille de paysans riches dans ce qui est aujourd'hui la préfecture de Nara. Très pieuse, elle voulait devenir moniale bouddhiste mais contrainte à un mariage difficile avec un certain Nakayama Zenbei, elle le supporte avec ce que les adeptes du tenrikyō considèrent comme une patience et une vertu admirables.

Kingdom of Benin falls in front of the British army.

1891/0218:明治の元勲 三条實美183791、死去

Sanjō Sanetomi was a Japanese Imperial court noble and statesman at the time of the Meiji Restoration. He held many high-ranking offices in the Meiji government.

1892/0218:帝銀事件の被害者 平澤貞通189287、誕生

Hirasawa Sadamichi was a Japanese tempera painter.
He was convicted of mass poisoning and sentenced to death, though he is believed to have been falsely charged. Due to strong suspicions that he was innocent, no justice minister ever signed his death warrant.

Plus de 46 ans après la première du concert à Paris, la première scénique de la «légende dramatique» La damnation de Faust (Faust's Damnation) d'Hector Berlioz a lieu à Monte-Carlo.

1895/0218:イギリスで「Oscar Wilde 裁判」
John Sholto Douglas, ninth Marquess of Queensberry, father of Alfred Douglas, with whom Oscar Wilde has a relationship, leaves a message in his club "for Oscar Wilde, the posing sodomites". Thus he provokes a libel suit, which will lead to Wild's criminal conviction for homosexuality and its social ruin.

1898/0218:イタリアの車屋 Enzo Ferrari 189888、誕生

n imprenditore, dirigente sportivo e pilota automobilistico italiano, fondatore della omonima casa automobilistica, la cui sezione sportiva, la Scuderia Ferrari, conquistò in Formula 1, con lui ancora in vita, 9 campionati del mondo piloti e 8 campionati del mondo costruttori.

1900/0218:Second Boer War:
 Imperial forces suffer their worst single-day loss of life on Bloody Sunday, the first day of the Battle of Paardeberg.

1902/0218:アメリカの画家 Albert Bierstadt 183002、死去

an American painter best known for his lavish, sweeping landscapes of the American West.
To paint the scenes, Bierstadt joined several journeys of the Westward Expansion. Though not the first artist to record these sites, Bierstadt was the foremost painter of these scenes for the remainder of the 19th century.

Storm in the Mountains, c. 1870

Looking Down Yosemite Valley (1865)

Le Jongleur de Notre-Dame, opéra en trois actes de Jules Massenet est présenté à Monte-Carlo.

1903/0218:歌舞伎役者 五代目尾上菊五郎184403、死去

Godaime Onoe Kikugorō est un acteur japonais du genre théâtral kabuki, l'un des trois plus connus et célèbrés de l'ère Meiji avec Ichikawa Danjūrō IX 九代目市川團十郎183803 et Ichikawa Sadanji I 初代市川左團次184204.

Contrairement à la plupart des acteurs kabuki spécialisés dans un type de rôle particulier, Kikugorō, en kaneru yakusha, interprète aussi bien les tachiyaku 立役 (rôles masculins) que les onnagata 女形 (rôles féminins) et est surtout connu pour ses interprétations des pièces de Kawatake Mokuami 河竹默阿彌181693.
Kikugorō est également reconnu comme l'un des principaux acteurs du sous-genre « moderne » kabuki appelé zangirimono (« pièces aux cheveux en chignon »), qui montrent des coupes de cheveux et des costumes occidentaux.

1906/0218:アスペルガ Hans Asperger 190680、誕生

ein österreichischer Kinderarzt und Heilpädagoge. Er gilt als Erstbeschreiber des später nach ihm benannten Asperger-Syndroms, einer Form des Autismus.


President Roosevelt is today reaffirmed by the Japanese of a limitation of their immigration.


1911/0218:日本の映画男優 加東大介191175、誕生

Katō Daisuke、un acteur japonais
Il a tourné dans plusieurs films réalisés par Akira Kurosawa : Les Sept Samouraïs, Rashōmon, Le Garde du corps et Vivre ainsi que par Yasujiro Ozu : Printemps précoce, Le Goût du saké en 1962 (il incarne l'homme que Chishū Ryū retrouve dans un bar, où, en buvant, ils évoquent la Seconde Guerre mondiale à laquelle ils ont participé).


The first official flight with airmail takes place from Allahabad, United Provinces, British India (now India), when Henri Pequet, a 23-year-old pilot, delivers 6,500 letters to Naini, about 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) away.

The French pilot Henri Pequet carries out the first mailing by plane. In India, he transports 6,000 letters and postcards from Allahabad to Naini, eight kilometers away, in India with his biplane.

Mexique, Victoriano Huerta renverse Francisco Madero.

Germany blocks the United Kingdom and intensifies submarine warfare.

Die kriegskritische Politikerin Rosa Luxemburg muss in Berlin eine einjährige Haftstrafe antreten, zu der sie im Vorjahr ein Gericht verurteilt hat.

The war-critical politician Rosa Luxemburg has to serve a one-year prison sentence in Berlin, to which she sentenced a court in the previous year.

1919/0218:明治の女子留学生 山川捨松186019、死去

Born Yamakawa Sakiko (later Yamakawa Sutematsu 捨松) was a Japanese woman of the Meiji era, who was a prominent social figure. She was born in Aizu to a family of senior retainers serving Matsudaira Katamori.
In December 1871 she was sent to the United States for study, as part of the Iwakura Mission. She was placed in the household of Leonard Bacon where she befriended his daughter Alice. The two lived like sisters for ten years learning each other's cultures. Sutematsu eventually graduated from Vassar College.
Sutematsu married the Imperial Japanese Army general (and former Satsuma retainer) Ōyama IwaoI 大山巌184216; rather ironically, Ōyama had served as an artilleryman during the bombardment of Sutematsu's hometown of Aizu.

新政府の米国留学女学生 左から、永井しげ (10)、上田てい (16)、吉益りょう (16)、津田うめ (9)、山川捨松 (12)。明治4年


1919/0218:USA映画男優 Jack Palance 191906、誕生

Jack Palance, born Volodymyr Palahniuk, was an American actor and singer.
He was nominated for three Academy Awards, all for Best Actor in a Supporting Role, winning an Oscar in 1992 for his role in City Slickers.

He was nominated in the same category the following year as well, for his role as the hired gunfighter Jack Wilson in Shane (1953). This film was a huge hit and Palance was now established as a film name.

Jean-Luc Godard persuaded Palance to take on the role of Hollywood producer Jeremy Prokosch in the nouvelle vague movie Le Mépris (1963) with Brigitte Bardot. Although the main dialogue was in French, Palance spoke mostly English.


le Français Étienne Œhmichen fait décoller un hélicoptère pour la première fois.
Frenchman Étienne Œhmichen takes off a helicopter for the first time.

1924/0218:日本の歌手 越路吹雪192490、誕生

Koshiji Fubuki was a Japanese singer and actress.
She joined the Takarazuka Revue in 1939. Though she was recognized as a star at Takarazuka, she left in 1951.
When she chose to leave the troupe, Koshiji's friend, Tokiko Iwatani, also quit to manage Koshiji's budding career in film, made possible by the liberalization that took place during and after the occupation of Japan.

Se descubren cinco ciudades mayas en Yucatán (México).

the dwarf planet Pluto is discovered by American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh.

While studying photographs taken in January, Clyde Tombaugh discovers Pluto.

Elm Farm Ollie becomes the first cow to fly in a fixed-wing aircraft and also the first cow to be milked in an aircraft.

1931/0218:USA女流黒人作家 Toni Morrison 1931--、誕生

an American novelist, essayist, editor, teacher, and professor emeritus at Princeton University.

1932/0218:USA映画監督 Miloš Forman 1932--、誕生

Jan Tomáš Forman, known as Miloš Forman, is a Czech film director, screenwriter, actor, and professor, who until 1968 lived and worked primarily in Czechoslovakia.
Since Forman left Czechoslovakia, two of his films, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Amadeus, have acquired particular renown, each gaining him an Academy Award for Best Director.


The Empire of Japan declares a puppet state of Manzhouguo (the obsolete Chinese name for Manchuria) independent from the Republic of China and installed former Chinese Emperor Aisin Gioro Puyi as Chief Executive of the State.

Since September 1931, the League of Nations has asked Japan to withdraw its troops from Manchuria and sends a commission of inquiry to preside over it by Lord Lytton.



The United States Patent Office grants Frank A. Redford a design patent for a building shape that leads to the emergence of the Wigwam motels.

Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler brandmarkt in seiner Geheimrede vor den SS-Gruppenführern in Bad Tölz Homosexualität als „anormales Leben“.

Reichs leader SS Heinrich Himmler, in his secret speech to the SS group leaders in Bad Tölz, branded homosexuality as an "abnormal life".

Second Sino-Japanese War: During the Nanking Massacre the Nanking Safety Zone International Committee is renamed "Nanking International Rescue Committee" and the safety zone in place for refugees falls apart.



# 1946年5月9日の読売新聞のインタビュー記事で石川は、「入場式におくれて正月私が南京へ着いたとき、街上は死体累々大変なものだった」と自らが見聞した虐殺現場の様子を詳細に語っており、その記事が掲載された直後の11日の国際検察局の尋問では、「南京で起こったある事件を、私の本ではそれを他の戦線で起こった事として書きました」と述べている[1]。一方、逝去3ヶ月前にインタビューを申し込んだ阿羅健一によると、闘病中を理由にインタビューは断られたが、「私が南京に入ったのは入城式から二週間後です。大殺戮の痕跡は一片も見ておりません。何万の死体の処理はとても二、三週間では終わらないと思います。あの話は私は今も信じてはおりません」との返事をもらっているという。
{こゝにも、歴史と物語との重ねあひがおこなはれ、日々新たに歴史は書き換へれていってゐるわけだ。「南京事件の歴史」の現在にいたってゐるその歴史をみれば、私が言はんとしてゐることは理解できると思ふ。歴史は物語である。L'histoire est l'histoire.

1939/0218:日本の文藝家 岡本かの子188939、死去

Okamoto Kanoko est le nom de plume d'une écrivain, poétesse de tanka et spécialiste du bouddhisme, active durant l'ère Taishō et le début de l'ère Shōwa du Japon.


 The Imperial Japanese Army begins the systematic extermination of perceived hostile elements among the Chinese in Singapore.

 The Nazis arrest the members of the White Rose movement.

1943/0218:WWⅡ ドイツナチ
Joseph Goebbels delivers his Sportpalast speech.

NS-Propagandaminister Joseph Goebbels fordert in seiner Sportpalastrede den „totalen Krieg“.

Die Geschwister Hans und Sophie Scholl, Mitglieder der Widerstandsgruppe Weiße Rose, werden beim Verteilen von Flugblättern an der Münchner Universität beobachtet und verhaftet.



1944/0218:USA優生學者 Charles Davenport 186644、死去

Charles Benedict Davenport was a prominent American eugenicist and biologist.
He was one of the leaders of the American eugenics movement.

On the second day of Operation Hailstone, the US manages to destroy one of the most important Japanese bases in the Truk Atoll during the Pacific War.

Beginning of the Battle of Iwo Jima, in the Pacific.

Sailors of the Royal Indian Navy mutiny in Bombay harbour, from where the action spreads throughout the Provinces of British India, involving 78 ships, twenty shore establishments and 20,000 sailors

1947/0218:First Indochina War:
 The French gain complete control of Hanoi after forcing the Viet Minh to withdraw to mountains.


1955/0218:Operation Teapot:
 Teapot test shot "Wasp" is successfully detonated at the Nevada Test Site with a yield of 1.2 kilotons. Wasp is the first of fourteen shots in the Teapot series.

Kenyan rebel leader Dedan Kimathi is executed by the British colonial government.

Walter James Bolton becomes the last person legally executed in New Zealand.

 Zhou Enlai proposed the eight principles of foreign aid.

The Gambia becomes independent from the United Kingdom.

1966/0218:USA映画監督 Robert Rossen 190866、死去

an American screenwriter, film director, and producer whose film career spanned almost three decades.
His 1949 film All the King's Men won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress, while Rossen was nominated for an Oscar as Best Director.
He won the Golden Globe for Best Director and the film won the Golden Globe Award for Best Picture.
In 1961 he directed The Hustler, which was nominated for nine Oscars and won two.

1967/0218:原爆開發者 Robert Oppenheimer 190467、死去

Julius Robert Oppenheimer was an American theoretical physicist and professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley. He was the wartime head of the Los Alamos Laboratory and is among those who are credited with being the "father of the atomic bomb" for their role in the Manhattan Project, the World War II undertaking that developed the first nuclear weapons used in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The first atomic bomb was detonated on July 16, 1945, in the Trinity test in New Mexico; Oppenheimer later remarked that it brought to mind words from the Bhagavad Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

US President Nixon strengthened the treaty's compliance and voluntary defense efforts and provided assistance · announced a diplomatic textbook emphasizing the "Peace Three Principles" offered "nuclear umbrella".


The California Supreme Court in the case of People v. Anderson, (6 Cal.3d 628) invalidates the state's death penalty and commutes the sentences of all death row inmates to life imprisonment.

1973/0218:USAマフィア Frank Costello 189173、死去

an Italian-American Mafia gangster and crime boss. Costello rose to the top of the United States underworld, controlled a vast gambling empire across the United States, and enjoyed political influence.
Nicknamed "The Prime Minister of the Underworld," he became one of the most powerful and influential mafia bosses in American history, eventually leading the Luciano crime family (later called the Genovese crime family), one of the Five Families that operates in New York City.

The Space Shuttle Enterprise test vehicle is carried on its maiden "flight" on top of a Boeing 747.

Richard Petty wins a then-record 6th Daytona 500 after leaders Donnie Allison and Cale Yarborough crash on the final lap of the first NASCAR race televised live flag-to-flag.

Snowfall in the Sahara desert in southern Algeria. Sahara desert's only snowfall record.


US President Ronald Reagan announces the "Reaganomix" plan to rebuild the "strong US".


1982/0218:ニュウジイランド作家 Ngaio Marsh 189582、死去

a New Zealand crime writer and theatre director. She was appointed a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1966.
Marsh is known as one of the "Queens of Crime", along with Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, and Margery Allingham. Internationally, she is known primarily for her character Inspector Roderick Alleyn, a gentleman detective who works for the Metropolitan Police (London).
ナイオ マアシュ」ニュウジイランドの女性劇作家、推理作家、演出家。
Internationally she is best known for her 32 detective novels published between 1934 and 1982. Along with Dorothy L. Sayers, Margery Allingham and Agatha Christie, she has been classed as one of the four original "Queens of Crime" — female writers who dominated the genre of crime fiction in the Golden Age of the 1920s and 1930s.

1983/0218:日本の脚本家 和田夏十192083、死去

Wada Natto est une scénariste japonaise
Entrée à la Toho comme traductrice, Natto Wada y fait la connaissance du réalisateur Kon Ichikawa, qu'elle épouse en 1948.
Après avoir collaboré à ses premiers films, elle devient sa scénariste régulière de 1951 à 1965, année où elle est contrainte d'abandonner son métier pour raisons de santé.

Thirteen people die and one is seriously injured in the Wah Mee massacre in Seattle. It is said to be the largest robbery-motivated mass-murder in U.S. history.

1984/0218:日本の歴史家 平泉澄189584、死去

Hiraizumi Kiyoshi est un historien japonais. Proche des courants nationalistes avant-guerre, il fourni un cadre académique à leurs idées

l'Italia e il Vaticano firmano un accordo in base al quale il cattolicesimo cessa di essere una religione di stato.

Italy and the Vatican sign an agreement under which Catholicism ceases to be a state religion.

1991/0218:The IRA explodes bombs
 in the early morning at Paddington station and Victoria station in London.

1997/0218:Steven Spielberg starts filming
 the first film he makes for Dreamworks studio. Amistad tells the story of a revolt aboard a ship carrying slaves.

 former president and father of independence, Kenneth Kaunda, is charged with a coup attempt.

the Inter-American Court of Human Rights condemns the United States, considering that it deprives foreign prisoners of their right to a fair trial, in violation of international treaties.

2001/0218:フランス画家 Balthus 190801、死去

(Balthazar Klossowski de Rola), un peintre figuratif français d'origine polonaise.
Il est le frère de l'écrivain et dessinateur Pierre Klossowski.

He is known for his erotically charged images of pubescent girls, but also for the refined, dreamlike quality of his imagery.
Throughout his career, Balthus rejected the usual conventions of the art world. He insisted that his paintings should be seen and not read about, and he resisted any attempts made to build a biographical profile.

FBI agent Robert Hanssen is arrested for spying for the Soviet Union.
 He is ultimately convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

an FBI agent, Robert Philip Hanssen, is arrested in the United States and charged with divulging secret information for the benefit of the Soviet Union and Russia from 1985 until today.

2001/0218:Sampit conflict:
 Inter-ethnic violence between Dayaks and Madurese breaks out in Sampit, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, ultimately resulting in more than 500 deaths and 100,000 Madurese displaced from their homes.

A Chinese man climbs with bare hands the Jinmao Tower, the tallest in China, in Shanghai. He is stopped by the police as soon as he arrives at the top of the 88 floors (420 m).


Nearly 200 people die in the Daegu subway fire in South Korea.

Up to 295 people, including nearly 200 rescue workers, die near Nishapur, Iran when a runaway freight train carrying sulfur, petrol and fertilizer catches fire and explodes.

un train sans conducteur et transportant du carburant et des produits chimiques industriels déraille dans le nord de l'Iran, provoquant des explosions qui font plus de 320 morts et détruisent cinq villages.

2008/0218:フランス小説家 Alain Robbe-Grillet 192208、死去

un romancier et cinéaste français. Considéré, avec Nathalie Sarraute, comme le chef de file du nouveau roman,


2010/0218:WikiLeaks publishes
 the first of hundreds of thousands of classified documents disclosed by the soldier now known as Chelsea Manning.

Armed robbers steal a haul of diamonds worth $50 million during a raid at Brussels Airport in Belgium.

At least 76 people are killed and hundreds are injured in clashes between riot police and demonstrators in Kiev, Ukraine.


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