

02/01:人間は Homo ludens 「あそべ歴史で、明日等となって

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

今日が命日の Piet Mondrian による Johannes Vermeer

歴史暦:古今東西 02/01 今日の出來事


On the 29th of Mechir of the Egyptian calendar, Hatshepsut, in addition to her step-son and nephew Thutmose III, for whom she has led the regency for two years, is crowned Pharaoh of the New Kingdom in Ancient Egypt.

Vandal king Huneric organises a conference between Catholic and Arian bishops at Carthage.

le roi des Vandales Hunéric organise une conférence entre le clergé catholique et arien à Carthage.

The Vandal Kingdom at its greatest extent in the 470s

0853/0201(仁壽02/1220):日本の皇族 源明081453、卒去

Minamoto no Akira



Duke Henry the Lion marries the twelve-year-old Mathilde Plantagenet, the daughter of King Henry II of England, in the cathedral of Minden.


The Margat Crusader castle in Syria is sold by the lord of the castle to the Knights of St. John, as the cost of preservation exceeds its financial resources.


Mongolian empire, seeking a diplomatic exchange, will be a trigger for GenKou(The attack of the Mongol empire)

The teenaged Edward III is crowned King of England, but the country is ruled by his mother Queen Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer.

King John of Bohemia captures Medvėgalis, an important fortress of the pagan Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and baptizes 6,000 of its defenders

1394/0201(應永01/0101):日本の禪僧 一休宗純139481、誕生

「Ikkyū Sōjun」室町時代臨済宗大徳寺派の僧、瘋狂の詩人。

an eccentric, iconoclastic Japanese Zen Buddhist monk and poet.
He had a great impact on the infusion of Japanese art and literature with Zen attitudes and ideals.
un moine et poète japonais. Célèbre dès son vivant, il connaît une postérité par l'influence qu'il a eue sur la culture dite de Higashiyama et surtout parce qu'il devient, à partir de l'époque d'Edo, le héros d'une littérature populaire le mettant en scène soit enfant soit adulte, les Ikkyūbanashi 一休咄.

1415応永22、京都の大徳寺の高僧、華叟宗曇 Kasou Soudon の弟子となる。「洞山三頓の棒」という公案に「有漏路より無漏路)へ歸る 一休み 雨降らば降れ 風吹かば吹け」と答へ華叟より「一休」の道号を授かる。



釈迦といふ いたづらものが世にいでて おほくの人をまよはするかな
花は桜木、人は武士、柱は桧、魚は鯛、小袖 はもみじ、花はみよしの
女をば 法の御蔵と 云うぞ、げに 釈迦も達磨も ひょいひょいと生む
南無釈迦じゃ 娑婆じゃ地獄じゃ 苦じゃ楽じゃ どうじゃこうじゃと いうが愚かじゃ


The First Peace of Thorn is signed in Thorn (Toruń), Monastic State of the Teutonic Knights (Prussia).

The First Peace of Thorn ends the military conflict between the German Order and the Polish King Władysław II Jagiełło and the allied with him Grand Duke Witold of Lithuania, which culminated in the Battle of Tannenberg in July 1410.

1462/0201:ドイツの神祕思想家 Johannes Trithemius 146216、誕生

Johannes Trithemius OSB (eigentlich Johannes Heidenberg oder Johannes Zeller, auch Johannes von Trittenheim, Johannes Tritheim; war Abt der Benediktinerabtei Sponheim und ab 1506 vom Schottenkloster Würzburg, vielseitiger Gelehrter und Humanist.

本名 Johan Heidelberg ドイツ 修道院長 隠祕學 降靈術をよくする魔術師としてのいくつかの逸話を遺す。
彼の門下と呼べる人物、Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa 148635、Paracelsus 149341

Steganographia, 1499頃に執筆、死後の1606に出版、1609禁書(1900まで) 魔術を離れて暗号論としての評價もある。

Occultisme, Occultism, Okkultismus 神祕學、隠祕學、玄祕學=Geheimwissenshaft
Occult はラテン語の occulo 隠すの派生語 occultus 隠れたるに由來する「隠れたもの」を意味する。

Esotericism 祕傳的な、奥義的な、選ばれた少數者だけの、深遠な、難解な の二重の意味を有する ἔσω 「内部に」を語幹とする ἐσωτερικός「より内部に関係する」 から ⇔ exoteric https://is.gd/XrZVbl
エソテリシズムはグノシス主義、ヘルメス主義、魔術、占星術錬金術、薔薇十字思想 (Rosicrucianism)、ヤコプ・ベエメとその追従者のキリスト教神智学、十八18世紀フランスに盛行したイリュミニスム、Mesmerism、Emanuel Swedenborg 168872説、心霊主義、ブラヴァツキ夫人とその追従者に結び付けられる神智学の諸思潮などを含む、歴史的に関連した一連の宗教的諸潮流を示す。

1701、トマス スタンリの『哲学史』に、ピュタゴラス神秘主義学派について。その記述、ピュタゴラス教団は教育中の exoteric (外の人)と「内部」の中に入ることを許される esoteric (内の人)とに大別されてゐた。
「内なるもの」を意味する ta esô、「外なるもの」の意味の ta eksô

↓ずっと下って十九世紀のフランス人、René Guénon 188651
Antoine Faivre 1934-- エソテイシズム (コレスポンダンス照應の理論 自然は生きてゐる全體といふ信念 靈的な知識に接するにはシンボルouビジョンのやうな要素を媒體としようとうする想像力 この知識に到達するときの個人的なヘトランスミュタシオン變成の間隔 & コンコルダンスの實踐、異なる傳統のあひだに一致する要素があることを示し、より高度な知識の獲得をめざす 傳授の重要性の強調、イニシエイションの重視、師資相承

空海077435とパラケルスス149341、『對のあそび』的に {たんに民間説話に多く取りあげられたといふ点で、
# パラケルススインスブルックの近くを放浪中に貧しい農家の息子を治療した際に、息子の母が「何もございませんが、先生、ジャガイモの揚げたものを召し上がって下さい。」と言いパラケルススをもてなした。彼はこのご馳走に感動し、農家の暖炉の上に置いてあった一本の火かき棒を取ると、アゾット剣の鍔の容器から黄色い軟膏を取り出して、火かき棒に塗り付け、錆びた鉄の火かき棒が、たちまち黄金に変わったと言う。そしてパラケルススは「これを持って金細工屋へ行くと良い。高く売れる。」と言った後に農家を立ち去ったと言われている。一方、空海にも似たやうな説話が傳はってゐる。

1546/0201(天文15/0101):日本の戰國大名 最上義光154614、誕生

Mogami YoshiAki」出羽國 最上氏十一代當主 出羽山形藩初代藩主 伊達政宗156736の伯父
In the battle of Sekigahara, he built a heyday by growing the Mogami clan as a 570,000 goku big name in the war with the East Army.

Elizabeth I of England signs the death sentence of Mary Stuart.

# On 1 February 1587, Elizabeth signed the death warrant, and entrusted it to William Davison, a privy councillor. On 3 February, ten members of the Privy Council of England, having been summoned by Cecil without Elizabeth's knowledge, decided to carry out the sentence at once.

1662/0201(永暦15/1513): 台湾、鄭成功の侵略

Taiwan's East Indies, chief executive of Taiwan, signed a surrender letter and formally surrendered to Zheng Chenggong's army.
The Chinese general Koxinga seizes the island of Taiwan after a nine-month siege.

{この鄭成功の傳記を辿りながら、二十世紀の蒋介石188775の事が重なってきた。大陸でしたたかに負けて、支那海に押しだされるやうにして臺灣に渡り、そこで八つ當たりのやうに原住民を制壓して …… で、あらたなる『國姓爺合戰』でも作って、獨自のチャイナを摸索して、自主獨立路線に歩みだした臺灣を激励してやらうかと思ったが、今の臺灣の人は原住民ではないといふことに氣附いて、熱意は雲散霧消した。

Louis XIV prend les premières mesures de restriction à l'application de l'édit de Nantes.

la première représentation publique de la comédie en cinq actes en alexandrins de Molière, Tartuffe est enfin autorisée.

1702/0201:イタリア北部で「Bataille de Crémone」
The Cremona's coup d'etat, intended by Prince Eugene of Savoy, against the town held by the French, ends after initial success with the retreat of its imperial troops.

1706/0201(寶永02/1218):日本の醫學者 山脇東洋170662、誕生

He is a medical scientist in the Edo period and one of the pioneers in experimental medicine in Japan.

The Kalabalik or Tumult in Bendery results from the Ottoman sultan's order that his unwelcome guest, King Charles XII of Sweden, be seized.

A dynastic crisis settles in Warsaw following the death of King Augustus II. Elector of Saxony since 1694, he had been elected King of Poland in 1697. For a long time, Augustus had continued to reside in Saxony, losing interest in Polish affairs.

The death of King August the Strong leads to succession to the throne, which ended in the same year in the Polish War of Succession. In the Electorate of Saxony, his son Friedrich August II takes over the regency.

1781/0201安永10/0109:日本の儒學者 湯淺常山170881、死去


1793/0201:フランス革命戦争=French Revolutionary Wars:
 France declares war on the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

la Convention déclare la guerre à l'Angleterre et aux Provinces-Unies. L'Angleterre refuse que la France ouvre à la navigation l'Escaut qui risque de concurrencer les ports hollandais et surtout elle reprend l'ancienne tradition qui prescrit de susciter des ennemis à la France sur le continent, subsides à l'appui s'il le faut.

After a declaration of war by revolutionary France, Britain joins the First Coalition War as an ally of the Austro-Prussian coalition against France.

1851/0201:イギリスの文藝家 Mary Shelley 179781、死去

(Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, dite), romancière britannique
an English novelist, short story writer, dramatist, essayist, biographer, and travel writer, best known for her Gothic novel Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus (1818).
She also edited and promoted the works of her husband, the Romantic poet and philosopher Percy Bysshe Shelley 179222.

1805/0201:フランスの革命家 Louis Auguste Blanqui 180581、誕生

un révolutionnaire socialiste français, souvent associé à tort aux socialistes utopiques.
Il défend pour l'essentiel les mêmes idées que le mouvement socialiste du XIXe siècle. Il fait partie des socialistes non-marxistes.

武裝した少數精鋭の祕密結社による権力の奪取と人民武裝による獨裁を主張した François Noël Babeuf 176097 を尊敬。1839 祕密結社『四季協會』、構成員は三ないし四段階の序列に分けられ、最小単位は七人で「週」、これが一個小隊を變成、「日曜」と呼ばれる者がその指揮を執る。週×4で中隊の「月」、三つの月で「季節」、春の大隊が全體の指揮を執る。その「年」の組織全體をブランキが指揮する。→ Gilbert Keith Chesterton 187436『木曜日の男』のヒントになった。

Mayon in the Philippines erupts, killing around 1,200 people, the most devastating eruption of the volcano.

Vulkan Mayon (hier bei Ausbruch 1984)

el plan de Casa Mata de convertir a México en una república federal, dirigido contra el emperador Agustín de Iturbide, es aprobado por los principales líderes militares como Antonio López de Santa Anna y Guadalupe Victoria.

Casa Mata's plan to convert Mexico into a federal republic, directed against Emperor Agustín de Iturbide, is passed by leading military leaders such as Antonio López de Santa Anna and Guadalupe Victoria.

The first city maps of the British capital can be bought in London.

Slavery is abolished in Mauritius.

1844/0201:ドイツ植物學者 Eduard Adolf Strasburger 184412、誕生

ein polnisch-deutscher Professor und einer der berühmtesten Botaniker des 19. Jahrhunderts.
He studied natural science in Paris, Bonn and Jena and was awarded Ph.D. in 1866. From 1868 he is a professor at the University of Warsaw. In 1869 he was nominated as a botanical professor at the University of Jena. After 1881 he also served as director of Botanisches Institut of Bonn University. Death in Bonn.

Representatives of Great Britain, France, Turkey and Russia meet in Vienna for a conference to end the Crimean War. The negotiated paper will form the basis of the 25th Paris Congress.

1861/0201:American Civil War:
 Texas secedes from the United States.

1864/0201:Second Schleswig War:
 Prussian forces crossed the border into Schleswig, starting the war.

1865/0201:American Civil War
  President Abraham Lincoln signs the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.


Après les combats de la Lizaine (15 au 17 janvier), puis près de Pontarlier, le corps d'armée de Charles Bourbaki, qui avait pour tâche de dégager Belfort, est contraint de se réfugier en Suisse.

1872/0201(明治04/1223):日本の小説家 徳田秋聲187243、誕生

un romancier et écrivain japonais.


1873/0201:日本の歌舞伎役者 五代目大谷友右衛門 183373、死去



1874/0201:ドイツ語作家 Hugo von Hofmannsthal 187429、誕生

Hugo Laurenz August Hofmann, Edler von Hofmannsthal (genannt Hugo von Hofmannsthal) war ein österreichischer Schriftsteller, Dramatiker, Lyriker, Librettist sowie Mitbegründer der Salzburger Festspiele.
Er gilt als einer der wichtigsten Repräsentanten des deutschsprachigen Fin de Siècle und der Wiener Moderne.

In 1891, he got acquainted with Stephan George for seniority 5 years older than artistic supremacy and was greatly influenced. In 1892, I entered the University of Vienna and studied law. But later I turned to study Romansh languages, especially poetry.



la Marseillaise est choisie comme hymne national français.

1884/0201:ロシア人作家 Ievgueni Zamiatine 188437、誕生

(Евгений Иванович Замятин), écrivain russe
русский писатель, критик и публицист, киносценарист.
Despite having been a prominent Old Bolshevik, Zamyatin was deeply disturbed by the policies pursued by the CPSU following the October Revolution.

In 1921, ”We” became the first work banned by the Soviet censorship board. Ultimately, Zamyatin arranged for We to be smuggled to the West for publication. The subsequent outrage this sparked within the Party and the Union of Soviet Writers led directly to Zamyatin's successful request for exile from his homeland. Due to his use of literature to criticize Soviet society, Zamyatin has been referred to as one of the first Soviet dissidents.

The first volume (A to Ant) of the Oxford English Dictionary is published.

the first time the Hollywood name appears officially.

a real estate investor registers his ranch under the name of Hollywood.
In 1903, Hollywood will become a city and will be annexed to Los Angeles in 1910. The first filmmakers adopted the region because of its climate, and especially because they could work away from the powerful cartels of the east coast, who exercised complete control over patents allowing the use of the first cinema apparatus and instruments.




Thomas Edison finishes construction of the first motion picture studio, the Black Maria in West Orange, New Jersey.

Torino: prima esecuzione di Manon Lescaut del compositore Giacomo Puccini.

1894/0201:USA映画監督 John Ford 189473、誕生

(John Martin Feeney, dit), an American film director.
He is renowned both for Westerns such as Stagecoach (1939), The Searchers (1956), and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), as well as adaptations of classic 20th-century American novels such as the film The Grapes of Wrath (1940). His four Academy Awards for Best Director (in 1935, 1940, 1941, and 1952) remain a record. One of the films for which he won the award, How Green Was My Valley, also won Best Picture.

{彼の映画で私が一番好きなのは`The Quiet Man`1952だな。それと`The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance `1962 あ!どっちも Man が入ってゐる! やっぱり彼は「男」の物語作家だったのだ。

1895/0201:Fountains Valley, Pretoria,
 the oldest nature reserve in Africa, is proclaimed by President Paul Kruger.

Crete, inspired by the Greek example, rises against the Turks.

La bohème premieres in Turin at the Teatro Regio (Turin), conducted by the young Arturo Toscanini.

(Torino) prima assoluta dell'opera La Bohème di Puccini. Il compositore sfrutta il valore sentimentale di un intrigo che riunisce, intorno a due donne, Mimì e Musette, quattro protagonisti maschili: un poeta, un musicista, un pittore e un filosofo. Con La Bohème, La Tosca (1900) e Madame Butterfly (1904), Puccini ha indubbiamente creato tre capolavori di verismo.


1901/0201:USA映画男優 Clark Gable 190160、誕生

an American film actor and military officer, often referred to as "The King of Hollywood" or just simply as "The King".

Gable's final film, The Misfits (1961), united him with Marilyn Monroe (also in her last completed screen appearance).

1902/0201:USA作家 Langston Hughes 190267、誕生

James Mercer Langston Hughes was an American poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist from Joplin, Missouri.
He was one of the earliest innovators of the then-new literary art form called jazz poetry. Hughes is best known as a leader of the Harlem Renaissance in New York City. He famously wrote about the period that "the negro was in vogue", which was later paraphrased as "when Harlem was in vogue".

1903/0201:アイルランド人 George Gabriel Stokes 181903、死去

an Irish physicist and mathematician.
Born in Ireland, Stokes spent all of his career at the University of Cambridge, where he served as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics from 1849 until his death in 1903.
In physics, Stokes made seminal contributions to fluid dynamics (including the Navier–Stokes equations) and to physical optics.
In mathematics he formulated the first version of what is now known as Stokes's theorem and contributed to the theory of asymptotic expansions.


1905/0201:USA化學者 Emilio Segrè 190589、誕生

an Italian-American physicist and Nobel laureate, who discovered the elements technetium and astatine, and the antiproton, a subatomic antiparticle, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1959.
Segrè was also active as a photographer and took many photos documenting events and people in the history of modern science, which were donated to the American Institute of Physics after his death. The American Institute of Physics named its photographic archive of physics history in his honor.

Lisbon Regicide: King Carlos I of Portugal and Infante Luis Filipe are shot dead in Lisbon.





The 1st Oriental Olympic Games opened in Manila.

The British passport is the first on which the photo is needed.

Die deutsche Marine eröffnet im Zuge des Ersten Weltkrieges den uneingeschränkten U-Boot-Krieg in den Sperrgebieten um Großbritannien, Frankreich und im Mittelmeer.

The German Navy opened in the wake of the First World War, the unrestricted submarine war in the restricted areas around Britain, France and the Mediterranean.

Russia adopts the Gregorian calendar.

election of the first Miss America. We will learn that she is married and that she already has two children.

1922/0201:日本の軍人政事家 山縣有朋183822、死去

Yamagata Aritomo, also known as Yamagata Kyōsuke, was a Japanese field marshal in the Imperial Japanese Army and twice Prime Minister of Japan.
He was one of the main architects of the military and political foundations of early modern Japan.
Yamagata Aritomo can be seen as the father of Japanese militarism.


The United Kingdom recognizes the USSR.

1925/0201:イギリスの日本研究家 Ronald Philip Dore 1925--、誕生

a British sociologist specialising in Japanese economy and society and the comparative study of types of capitalism.

1927/0201:ドイツ人學者 Heinrich Edmund Naumann 185427、死去

ein deutscher Geograph und Geologe. Er gilt als Vater der japanischen Geologie.


1927/0201:ドイツのスパイ Günter Guillaume 192795、誕生

Günter Karl Heinz Guillaume war Offizier im besonderen Einsatz (OibE) des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit (MfS) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) und als Agent im Bundeskanzleramt Namensgeber der Guillaume-Affäre.
Seine Enttarnung war der größte Spionagefall in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik und Anlass, aber wohl nicht alleiniger Grund, für den Rücktritt von Bundeskanzler Willy Brandt, dessen persönlicher Referent er von 1972 bis 1974 war.


Zwei Tage nach der Ernennung Adolf Hitlers zum Reichskanzler löst Reichspräsident Paul von Hindenburg auf dessen Wunsch den deutschen Reichstag auf. Die Nationalsozialisten setzen damit einen weiteren Schritt zur „Machtergreifung“ und zur Auflösung der Weimarer Republik.

Two days after the appointment of Adolf Hitler as Reich Chancellor, Reich President Paul von Hindenburg dissolves the German Reichstag on his request. The National Socialists thus take another step towards the "seizure of power" and the dissolution of the Weimar Republic.

1935/0201:日本の歌舞伎役者 初代中村鴈治郎186035、死去


1937/0201:日本の俳人 河東碧梧桐187337、死去

Kawahigashi Hekigotō est un essayiste et poète japonais de haiku.



1939/0201:USA家学思想家 Fritjof Capra 1939--、誕生

an Austrian-born American physicist.
Capra is the author of several books, including The Tao of Physics (1975), The Turning Point (1982), Uncommon Wisdom (1988), The Web of Life (1996), The Hidden Connections (2002) and The Systems View of Life (2014).


『The Web of Life』1997、全システムのウェブ状の構造と全部分の相互関連性を強調し、全体の性質を理解する上で重要な付加要素として、あらゆる部分の間の関係から生まれた体系的な情報に焦点を当てた。


 Josef Terboven, Reichskommissar of German-occupied Norway, appoints Vidkun Quisling the Minister President of the National Government.

 U.S. Navy conducts Marshalls–Gilberts raids, the first offensive action by the United States against Japanese forces in the Pacific Theater.

Voice of America, the official external radio and television service of the United States government, begins broadcasting with programs aimed at areas controlled by the Axis powers.

Mao Zedong makes a speech on "Reform in Learning, the Party and Literature", which puts into motion the Yan'an Rectification Movement.



1944/0201:オランダの画家 Piet Mondrian 187244、死去

Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan est un peintre néerlandais reconnu comme l'un des pionniers de l’abstraction.
Piet Mondrian est, avec les Russes Vassily Kandinsky puis Kasimir Malevitch, parmi les premiers peintres à s'être exprimé en utilisant un langage abstrait. Les recherches de Mondrian commencent dès le début de sa carrière et s'orientent vers une représentation transcendantale et essentialiste de l'image (en particulier dans le paysage), basée sur l'épuration radicale du tableau.


à Londres, de Gaulle rassemble toutes les forces de la Résistance sous le nom de FFI.

in London, de Gaulle gathers all the forces of the Resistance under the name of FFI.


The National Institute of Dunhuang Art was formally established at Mogao Grottoes and was chaired by Chang Shuhong.

1945/0201:オランダの歴史家 Johan Huizinga 187245、死去

un historien néerlandais, spécialiste de l’histoire culturelle dans la lignée de Jacob Burckhardt.


1919 - L'Automne du Moyen Âge,
1935 - La Crise de la civilisation
1938 - Homo Ludens - Essai sur la fonction sociale du jeu
1939 - Incertitudes - Essai de diagnostic du mal dont souffre notre temps
1945 - À l'aube de la paix - Étude sur les chances de rétablissement de notre civilisation


The Parliament of Hungary abolishes the monarchy after nine centuries, and proclaims the Hungarian Republic.


la diffusion à la radio du texte d'Antonin Artaud Pour en finir avec le jugement de Dieu est interdite par le directeur de la Radiodiffusion française2.


RCA Victor unveils the first single player.

1950/0201:フランスの人留學者 Marcel Mauss 187250、死去

Il est généralement considéré comme le « père de l'anthropologie française».
フランスの社会学者、文化人類学者。Émile Durkheim 185817 の甥。デュルケムを踏襲し「原始的な民族」の宗教社会や知識社会学を研究

代表作の『贈与論』では、ポトラッチやクラなどの交換体系の分析により、宗教・法・道徳・経済の諸領域に還元できない「全体的社会的事実」の概念を打ち出し、Claude Lévi-Strauss 190809 の構造人類学に多大の影響を及ぼした。

North Sea flood of 1953 is caused by a heavy storm which occurred overnight, 31 January-1 February 1953; floods strike the Netherlands, Belgium and the U.K.

At the flood of Holland, many dikes of the Netherlands break. Here 1,858 people are killed. Another 307 victims claim the storm surge in the UK.

The permafrost of an Inca boy is discovered in the Andes near Santiago de Chile. The boy of El Plomo is an archaeological sensation. He was killed as a child sacrifice in his grave overlooking the present city, mediating with the supernatural protection of the valley and consolidating the power of the Inca ruler.


At NSU, the first rotary lobe DKK 54 rotary engine developed by Felix Wankel is put to the test.


Egypt under Gamal Abdel Nasser and Syria unite under the banner of pan-Arabism to form the United Arab Republic.

Four black students stage the first of the Greensboro sit-ins at a lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina.

African American students host the world's first sit-in in Greensboro, North Carolina. With the sit-down they protest against reserving a restaurant exclusively for whites.




The Tokyo Metropolitan Government's statistics department's discovery, Tokyo's population (permanent population) exceeded 10 million people. To the world 's first ten million cities.

The Beatles have their first number one hit in the United States with "I Want to Hold Your Hand".

1966/0201:USA喜劇王 Buster Keaton 189566、死去

Joseph Frank "Buster" Keaton was an American actor, comedian, film director, producer, screenwriter, and stunt performer.
He was best known for his silent films, in which his trademark was physical comedy with a consistently stoic, deadpan expression, earning him the nickname "The Great Stone Face"

Sortie de la comédie musicale Les Demoiselles de Rochefort de Jacques Demy avec Catherine Deneuve et Françoise Dorléac.

1968/0201:Vietnam War:
 The execution of Viet Cong officer Nguyễn Văn Lém by South Vietnamese National Police Chief Nguyễn Ngọc Loan is recorded on motion picture film, as well as in an iconic still photograph taken by Eddie Adams.

The New York Central Railroad and the Pennsylvania Railroad are merged to form Penn Central Transportation.

In the Argentine Benavidet, an intercity train crashes into a regional train on the track due to technical problems. 236 people die in a train collision.

1971/0201:ダダイスト Raoul Hausmann 188671、死去

ein österreichisch-deutscher Künstler des Dadaismus.
an Austrian artist and writer. One of the key figures in Berlin Dada, his experimental photographic collages, sound poetry and institutional critiques would have a profound influence on the European Avant-Garde in the aftermath of World War I.

Kuala Lumpur becomes a city by a royal charter granted by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia.

in Chicago, the funeral of Mahalia Jackson takes place in front of some 5,000 people, including Mrs. Martin Luther King, Ella Fitzgerald and Sammy Davis Jr.
The day before, more than 40,000 people marched in front of the body of the famous gospel performer. Aretha Franklin sings Precious Lord, Take My Hand during the ceremony.

A fire in the 25-story Joelma Building in São Paulo, Brazil kills 189 and injures 293.

1976/0201:理論物理學者 Werner Heisenberg 190176、死去

ein deutscher Wissenschaftler und Nobelpreisträger, der zu den bedeutendsten Physikern des 20. Jahrhunderts zählt.
Er gab 1925 die erste mathematische Formulierung der Quantenmechanik an und formulierte 1927 die nach ihm benannte Heisenbergsche Unschärferelation, die eine der fundamentalen Aussagen der Quantenmechanik trifft – nämlich, dass bestimmte Messgrößen eines Teilchens (etwa sein Ort und Impuls) nicht gleichzeitig beliebig genau bestimmt sind. Für die Begründung der Quantenmechanik wurde er 1932 mit dem Nobelpreis für Physik ausgezeichn


Iranian Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returns to Tehran after nearly 15 years of exile.

Senegal and Gambia sign a Confederation Treaty to form the Confederation of Senegambia.


Filipinos approve by referendum a new constitution, which is a victory for President Corazon Aquino.

A runway collision between USAir Flight 1493 and SkyWest Flight 5569 at Los Angeles International Airport results in the deaths of 34 people, and injuries to 30 others.

The Communications Decency Act is passed by the U.S. Congress.

Daniel Pearl, American journalist and South Asia Bureau Chief of the Wall Street Journal, kidnapped January 23, 2002, is beheaded and mutilated by his captors.

Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated during the reentry of mission STS-107 into the Earth's atmosphere, killing all seven astronauts aboard.

2004/0201:サウジアラビアで「Hajj pilgrimage stampede」
 In a stampede at the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, 251 people are trampled to death and 244 injured.

King Gyanendra of Nepal carries out a coup d'état to capture the democracy, becoming Chairman of the Councils of ministers.

Nepalese King Gyanendra calls for a state of emergency and dismisses the Himalayan government for alleged failure to prepare for elections in April 2005 and to fight against the Communist Party of Nepal. This leads to a general strike and multi-week mass demonstrations against the monarch.

At least 72 people are killed and over 500 injured as a result of clashes between fans of Egyptian football teams Al-Masry and Al-Ahly in the city of Port Said.



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