


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 01/26 今日の出來事


The Battle of Muye or Mu (c. 1046 BC)[1][a] was a battle fought in ancient China between the Zhou and Shang. The Zhou victory led to the Shang being replaced and subsequently justified the doctrine of the Mandate of Heaven. The victory of the Zhou led to the fall of the Shang.
# 殷の帝辛(紂王)と周の姫発を指導者とした勢力が牧野での戦闘。周軍が勝利し約六百年続いた殷王朝は滅び、周の天下となる。


In 939 (天慶 Tengyō 02/12) during the Heian period of Japanese history, Masakado 將門 led a minor rebellion which is also known as Jōhei & Tengyo no ran 承平天慶の亂. The armed struggle began when Masakado led an attack on an outpost of the central government in Hitachi 常陸 Province, capturing the governor. In December of that year, he conquered Shimotsuke 下野 and Kōzuke 上野 Provinces; and he claimed the title of Shinnō (新皇 New Emperor).


1210/0126(嘉定02/1229):中國宋の詩人 陸游112910、死去




死去原知萬事空 但悲不見九州同 王師北定中原日 家祭無忘告乃翁 『示児』辭世「子に示す」

The English King Eduard III declares himself King of France at the beginning of the Hundred Years War.

Rétablissement de la Prévôté des marchands de Paris.

Under the Ancien Regime, the provost of the merchants of Paris, assisted by four aldermen, took care of the supply of the city, the public works, the tax base and had jurisdiction over the fluvial trade.

Vicente Yáñez Pinzón es el primer español en poner hoy pie en el Pernambuco de Brasil.

Vicente Yáñez Pinzón becomes the first European to set foot on Brazil.

en Lisboa, un terremoto mata a unas 30,000 personas.

The Lisbon earthquake kills about thirty thousand people.

Through the death of his father Humayun, Akbar becomes ruler of the Mughal Empire in northern India.

The Council of Trent establishes an official distinction between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.

The Grand Duchy of Lithuania defeats the Tsardom of Russia in the Battle of Ula during the Livonian War.

1565/0126:インド「Battle of Talikota」
, fought between the Vijayanagara Empire and the Deccan sultanates, leads to the subjugation, and eventual destruction of the last Hindu kingdom in India, and the consolidation of Islamic rule over much of the Indian subcontinent.


The Edo shogunate established "大目付 OhoMetsuke (senior Watcher)" as a managerial obligation for Daimyo

For the first time, the Ottoman Empire permanently cedes territory to the Christian powers.

The Peace of Karlowitz ends the Great Turkish War between Austria and the Ottoman Empire. Austria receives Hungary and Transylvania with the exception of the Banat, Poland-Lithuania returns the Ottoman conquests, possessions of the Republic of Venice is recognized by Sultan Mustafa II.

The Cascadia earthquake takes place off the west coast of North America, as evidenced by Japanese records.

Investigation of Law's operations.

Jean ou John Law est un aventurier, banquier et économiste écossais.
Il fut l'inventeur du Système, puis ministre des Finances du royaume de France, qui lui doit l'introduction du billet de banque et d'une des premières bourses au monde. Son idée économique est que l'argent est un moyen d'échange et ne constitue pas une richesse en soi.
La richesse nationale dépend du commerce. Pour la France, il est le père de la finance et de l'utilisation du papier-monnaie à la place des espèces métalliques et des factures. Il est aussi un acteur central de l'histoire des bourses de valeurs pour avoir réalisé les premières grandes émissions de titres.

Stanislaus I of Poland abdicates his throne.

1781/0126:ドイツのロマン派 Achim von Arnim 178131、誕生

Achim von Arnim (eigentlich Carl Joachim Friedrich Ludwig von Arnim;) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller.

アヒムは幼少期と少年時代を祖母とベルリンなどで過ごした。ベルリンのギムナジウム、ハレ大学とゲッティンゲン大学で法律と数学を学んだ。 兄と1801年から1804年までヨーロッパ中を教養旅行に出かけ、 1806年から1808年にかけて友人のブレンターノと四巻からなる民族童話集『少年の魔法の角笛』を共著した。
1808年にはドイツのロマン主義において重要となる(Zeitung für Einsiedler『隠者新聞』)をハイデルベルクで発刊。 1809年からベルリンに在住。Heinrich von Kleist 177711 も加わり(Berliner Abendblättern) を発刊。
1811年に (Deutsche Tischgesellschaft)、後の政治的な会合の場となるキリスト教的ドイツ談話会 (Christlich-deutsche Tischgesellschaft) を結成。

The British First Fleet, led by Arthur Phillip, sails into Port Jackson (Sydney Harbour) to establish Sydney, the first permanent European settlement on the continent. Commemorated as Australia Day.

オウストラリア大陸に、大英帝國の Arthur Phillip 大佐に率ゐられた1030人の流刑囚が上陸=この日がオウストリアの建國記念日「Australia Day」となる。{これがオウストラリアの建國となるわけか。ちょっとイヤだな、こんな建國話は。

1790/0126:モウツァルトのオペラ『Così fan tutte』初演
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts Oper Così fan tutte nach einem Text von Lorenzo da Ponte wird im Wiener Burgtheater uraufgeführt.

1801/0126(寛政12/1212):日本の狂歌師 朱樂管江174099、死去

Akera Kankō , nom véritable : Yamazaki Gōnosuke (山崎 郷助) est un poète japonais. Akera est avec Ōta Nampo, (Yomo no Akara) 大田南畝174923 et Karagoromo Kisshū 唐衣橘洲1744302, l'un des trois maîtres du kyōka (kyōka sandaika 狂歌 三題歌) durant l'ère Tenmei (1781~89).
 Le kyoka est une forme de poésie humoristique qui tire son effet de l'incongruité de la question traitée avec la langue utilisée. Certains de ses poèmes se trouvent dans le Tsutaya Jūzaburō, paru vraisemblablement en 1789

その後、川柳の牛込蓬莱連へ入り込み、1780年より『川傍柳』を初篇から5篇まで出版し、様々な方向で活躍していた 唐衣橘洲の『若葉集』1783 に対抗して、大田南畝と共に『万載狂歌集』1783 を編んだ。
1785年に『狂言鶯蛙集』を發刊。 寛政の改革期には和歌風の『狂歌大体』を執筆

The Cisalpine Republic is renamed the Italian Republic and elects Napoleon Bonaparte as its president.

1808/0126:オウストラリア「Rum Rebellion」
 is the only successful (albeit short-lived) armed takeover of the government in Australia.

In Australia, the rum rebellion takes place, the only successful armed uprising against a government in the country's history. William Bligh, Governor of New South Wales, is being declared a power struggle by the New South Wales Corps.

1823/0126:イギリスの醫師 Edward Jenner 174923、死去

an English physician and scientist who was the pioneer of smallpox vaccine, the world's first vaccine.
 The terms "vaccine" and "vaccination" are derived from Variolae vaccinae (smallpox of the cow), the term devised by Jenner to denote cowpox. He used it in 1796 in the long title of his Inquiry into the Variolae vaccinae known as the Cow Pox, in which he described the protective effect of cowpox against smallpox.

1824/0126:フランス画家 Théodore Géricault 179124、死去

un peintre, sculpteur, dessinateur et lithographe français.
Incarnation de l’artiste romantique, sa vie courte et tourmentée a donné naissance à de nombreux mythes. Son œuvre la plus célèbre est Le Radeau de La Méduse (1818-9).
Le travail de Jerichau touche également Eugène Delacroix 179863 et d'autres, et est considéré comme un pionnier des peintures romantiques françaises.

1831/0126:ドイツの植物病理學 Anton de Bary 182188、誕生

ein deutscher Naturwissenschaftler, Mediziner, Mykologe und Botaniker.
He is in a position to be said to be the father of plant pathology, and has laid the foundation of modern fungal studies.

ヨウロパ中のジャガイモに発生し、ジャガイモ飢饉を引き起こしたジャガイモ疫病について研究し、エキビョウキン属 (Phytophthora) を新たに記録するとともに、Phytophthora infestansがジャガイモ疫病の病原菌であることを示した。また、さび病菌が宿主交代することを明らかにした。




Hong Kong est proclamé territoire souverain du Royaume-Uni.

James Bremer takes formal possession of Hong Kong Island at what is now Possession Point, establishing British Hong Kong.

1855/0126:フランスの作家 Gérard de Nerval 180855、自殺?

Figure majeure du romantisme français, il est essentiellement connu pour ses poèmes et ses nouvelles, notamment son ouvrage Les Filles du feu, recueil de nouvelles (la plus célèbre étant Sylvie) et de sonnets (Les Chimères) publié en 1854.

Au bas d'un portrait photographique de lui, Gérard de Nerval écrivit
« Je suis l'autre. »

Gustave Doré, La Rue de la Vieille-Lanterne : le Suicide de Gérard de Nerval, 1855. 

Le 26 janvier 1855, on le retrouva pendu aux barreaux d'une grille qui fermait un égout de la rue de la Vieille-Lanterne (voie aujourd'hui disparue, qui était parallèle au quai de Gesvres et aboutissait place du Châtelet, le lieu de son suicide se trouverait probablement à l'emplacement du théâtre de la Ville), pour « délier son âme dans la rue la plus noire qu’il pût trouver », selon la formule de Charles Baudelaire 182167.

Signature de l'alliance franco-anglo-sarde amenant la participation militaire de la Sardaigne à la guerre de Crimée.

Sardinia enters the Crimean War against Russia following an Allied agreement in Turin and plans to place a troop contingent of 15,000 troops.

First Battle of Seattle. Marines from the USS Decatur drive off American Indian attackers after all day battle with settlers.

1861/0126(萬延01/1216):日本の農政家 大藏永常176861、死去


1861/0126:American Civil War:
 The state of Louisiana secedes from the Union.

1863/0126:American Civil War:
 General Ambrose Burnside is relieved of command of the Army of the Potomac after the disastrous Fredericksburg campaign. He is replaced by Joseph Hooker.

1863/0126:American Civil War:
 Governor of Massachusetts John Albion Andrew receives permission from the Secretary of War to raise a militia organization for men of African descent.

The sports association Rugby Football Union is formed in London.

1879/0126:イギリスの写真家 Julia Margaret Cameron 181579、死去

a British photographer.
 She became known for her portraits of celebrities of the time, and for photographs with Arthurian and other legendary or heroic themes.

"Annie, my first success", 29 January 1864. Cameron's first print with which she was satisfied 
portrait of Julia Prinsep Jackson, later Julia Stephen, 
Cameron's niece, favourite subject, and the mother of the author Virginia Woolf

1880/0126:USA軍人 Douglas MacArthur 188064、誕生

an American five-star general and Field Marshal of the Philippine Army.
He was Chief of Staff of the United States Army during the 1930s and played a prominent role in the Pacific theater during World War II.

1884/0126:USA文化人類学者 Edward Sapir 188439、誕生

an Prussian-American anthropologist-linguist, who is widely considered to be one of the most important figures in the early development of the discipline of linguistics He led the American structural linguistics and advocated a theory that became known as "Sapier-Worf's hypothesis"

「Sapir-Whorf hypothesis」とは「どのような言語によってでも現実世界は正しく把握できる」とする立場に疑問を發し、言語はその話者の世界観の形成に差異的に働きかけることを指摘、主張するとする仮説。

Prise de Khartoum par les troupes de Muhammad Ahmad ibn Abd Allah Al-Mahdi.

Troops loyal to The Mahdi conquer Khartoum, killing the Governor-General Charles George Gordon.



In the Battle of Dogali, an overpowering Ethiopian army defeats a 500-man Italian force advanced into the Abyssinian Highlands.

1891/0126:ドイツの発明家 Nikolaus Otto 183391、死去

ein Erfinder vieler heute noch in Verbrennungsmotoren verwendeter Details und ein Miterfinder des Viertaktprinzips.

Gaskraftmaschine von 1876

In 1867, the company of Otto originally produced two cycles of internal combustion engines. At the start of Otto's company, there was a big step forward in "Atmospheric gas output machine". This machine was a Paris World Exposition and received a gold medal as an economical propulsion machine by small companies. Production of this internal combustion engine began in 1868.

In 1872, Otto's company joined Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach for a while and built the concept of a four stroke cycle, the "Otto cycle" internal combustion engine, and was documented in 1876. In 1877, Otto obtained a patent at "Otto cycle" and was awarded an honorary doctorate from the philosophy department of Würzburg University in 1882

1891/0126:日本の怪人 甘粕正彦189145、誕生

Amakasu Masahiko was an officer in the Imperial Japanese Army imprisoned for his involvement in the Amakasu Incident, the extrajudicial execution of anarchists after the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake, who later became head of the Manchukuo Film Association.


辭世の狂句 「大ばくち 身ぐるみ脱いで すってんてん

1905/0126:Maria Augusta Trapp 190587、誕生

eine österreichische Sängerin und Schriftstellerin, die nach dem „Anschluss“ Österreichs an das „Dritte Reich“ in die USA emigrierte und 1944 die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft beantragte.
Musical movie "Sound of Music" was made by adapting her autobiography

The world's largest diamond ever, the Cullinan weighing 3,106.75 carats (0.621350 kg), is found at the Premier Mine near Pretoria in South Africa.


1907/0126:ダブリンで、シングの『The Playboy of the Western World』初演、騷動となる
The Dublin Abbey Theater premieres John Millington Synge's tragic-comedy The Playboy of the Western World, causing a commotion among the audience.

1908/0126:JazzViolinist Stéphane Grappelli 190897、誕生

un violoniste, pianiste, et jazzman français. Il fait partie des plus grands violonistes de jazz du XXe siècle et créa le « Quintette du Hot Club de France » avec Django Reinhardt.

Reinhardt et Grappelli

Glenn Curtiss flies the first successful American seaplane.

US aviation pioneer Glenn Curtiss manages a seaplane take-off for the first time.

Am Königlichen Opernhaus in Dresden findet die Uraufführung der Oper Der Rosenkavalier von Richard Strauss unter der Leitung von Ernst von Schuch statt.
Das Libretto stammt von Hugo von Hofmannsthal, der dieses seinem Freund Harry Graf Kessler widmet.

1913/0126:USA作曲者 James Van Heusen 191390、誕生

an American composer. He wrote songs for films, television and theater, and won an Emmy and four Academy Awards for Best Original Song


1915/0126:USA、國立公園に「Rocky Mountain National Park」
 is established by an act of the U.S. Congress.

1918/0126:ルウマニア政事家 Nicolae Ceaușescu 191889、誕生

a Romanian Communist politician.
He was general secretary of the Romanian Communist Party from 1965 to 1989, and hence the second and last Communist leader of Romania.
He was also the country's head of state from 1967, serving as President of the State Council, from 1974 concurrently as President of the Republic, until his overthrow in the Romanian Revolution in 1989.

Finnish Civil War: A group of Red Guards hangs a red lantern atop the tower of Helsinki Workers' Hall to symbolically mark the start of the war.

1921/0126:日本の企業家 盛田昭夫192199、誕生

Morita Akio was a Japanese businessman and co-founder of Sony along with Masaru Ibuka 井深大.



1925/0126:USA男優 Paul Newman 192508、誕生

an American actor, voice actor, film director, producer, race car driver, IndyCar owner, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and activist.
He won and was nominated for numerous awards, winning an Academy Award for his performance in the 1986 film The Color of Money, a BAFTA Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, a Cannes Film Festival Award, an Emmy Award, and many others. Newman's other roles include the title characters in The Hustler (1961), Hud (1963), Harper (1966) and Cool Hand Luke (1967), as well as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969), The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972), The Sting (1973), and The Verdict (1982).

The first demonstration of the television by John Logie Baird.

The Indian National Congress declares 26 January as Independence Day or as the day for Poorna Swaraj ("Complete Independence") which occurred 17 years later.

Ernest Lawrence applies in the US for the invented by him Zyklotron patent protection, which granted him on February 20, 1934.

German–Polish Non-Aggression Pact is signed.

Signature du pacte de non-agression germano-polonais.

En Lisboa se casa con la reina María II de Portugal y Auguste de Beauharnais. El matrimonio debe durar solo brevemente, porque el 28 de marzo el marido es víctima de una angina de pecho.

Due to a cold snap the Niagara Falls freeze.

1939/0126:スペイン内戦、Spanish Civil War:
 Catalonia Offensive: Troops loyal to nationalist General Francisco Franco and aided by Italy take Barcelona.


1942/0126:ドイツ数学者 Felix Hausdorff 186842、自殺

ein deutscher Mathematiker.
Er gilt als Mitbegründer der allgemeinen Topologie und lieferte wesentliche Beiträge zur allgemeinen und deskriptiven Mengenlehre, zur Maßtheorie, Funktionalanalysis und Algebra. Neben seinem Beruf wirkte er unter dem Pseudonym Paul Mongré auch als philosophischer Schriftsteller und Literat. Er wurde von den Nationalsozialisten in den Tod getrieben.

ハウスドルフは1935年に退官した。その頃、ドイツではナチスが擡頭してユダヤ人排斥を初めてゐたが、彼は出国することを潔しとしなかった。知人がドイツを離れていくなか、彼はボンに留まった。 1942年にユダヤ人収容所への送致が決まると、彼は妻とその妹とともに自殺した。

 The first United States forces arrive in Europe landing in Northern Ireland.

1943/0126:ソ連の植物學者 Nikolaï Vavilov 188743、衰弱死

Николай Иванович Вавилов российский и советский учёный-генетик, ботаник, селекционер, географ, общественный деятель.
He became famous for the study of the origins of crops, he was imprisoned by the conspiracy of Trofim Ruessenco faction and accomplished a tragic end.


1945/0126:イギリスのチェリスト Jacqueline du Pré 194587、誕生

a British cellist.
At a young age, she achieved enduring mainstream popularity. Despite her short career, she is regarded as one of the most distinctive cellists of all time.

 The Red Army begins encircling the German Fourth Army near Heiligenbeil in East Prussia, which will end in destruction of the 4th Army two months later.

1948/0126:ポウランドのピアニスト Ignaz Friedman 188248、死去

a Polish pianist and composer. Critics (e.g. Harold C. Schonberg) and colleagues (e.g. Sergei Rachmaninoff) alike placed him among the supreme piano virtuosi of his day, alongside Leopold Godowsky, Moriz Rosenthal, Josef Hofmann and Josef Lhévinne.


Tokyo, Imperial Bank branch Shiinamachi branch, Tokyo health workers from the name of the male riders walked by 12 officers and students killed, small cash hand 181,000 yen robbery = Emperor silver incident took place. https://is.gd/H0PVQC


Misfiring in Horyuji Temple "Kondo" in Ikaruga Town, Nara Prefecture, damaged the walls of the treasures that were under repair.



The ROC military court ruled in Okinawa that Japan, an invading war criminal, in Japan and the remaining 260 Japanese prisoners were "innocent."

The Hale telescope at Palomar Observatory sees first light under the direction of Edwin Hubble, becoming the largest aperture optical telescope (until BTA-6 is built in 1976).

The Constitution of India comes into force, forming a republic. Rajendra Prasad is sworn in as its first President of India. Observed as Republic Day in India.

1952/0126:エジプト「Black Saturday in Egypt」
 rioters burn Cairo's central business district, targeting British and upper-class Egyptian businesses.

1957/0126:日本の政事家 重光葵188757、死去

Shigemitsu Mamoru was a Japanese diplomat and politician in the Empire of Japan, who served as the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs at the end of World War II



1962/0126:USAギャング Lucky Luciano 189762、死去

an Italian-American mobster and crime boss. Luciano is considered the father of modern organized crime in the United States for the establishment of the first Commission.
He was also the first official boss of the modern Genovese crime family. He was, along with his associates, instrumental in the development of the National Crime Syndicate.

Ranger 3 is launched to study the Moon. The space probe later misses the moon by 22,000 miles (35,400 km).

Hindi becomes the official language of India.

In Manila break out the student riots called First Quarter Storm

1973/0126:USA男優 Edward G. Robinson 189373、死去

A popular star on stage and screen during Hollywood's Golden Age, he appeared in 40 Broadway plays and more than 100 films during a 50-year caree
Robinson's character portrayals have covered a wide range, with such roles as an insurance investigator in the film noir Double Indemnity, Dathan (adversary of Moses) in The Ten Commandments, and his final performance in the science-fiction story Soylent Green.
Robinson received an Honorary Academy Award for his work in the film industry, which was awarded two months after his death in 1973.
{私にとっては Sマキインが主演した『The Cincinnati Kid』1965で相手役を演じた彼が一番記憶に殘ってゐる。



Robbery & murder case arises at Mitsubishi Bank Kitahata branch of Osaka city Sumiyoshi district, killing four policemen & four staff members, for 42 hours

Israel and Egypt establish diplomatic relations.

1985/0126:Japan「Yakuza Battle」

The Ugandan government of Tito Okello is overthrown by the National Resistance Army, led by Yoweri Museveni.

The Musical The Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber celebrates its Broadway premiere.


Mohamed Siad Barre is removed from power in Somalia, ending centralized government, and is succeeded by Ali Mahdi.
In a coup in Somalia, dictator Mohamed Siad Barre is deposed and the United Somali Congress under Ali Mahdi Mohammed forms a Provisional Government. This is the culmination of the Somali civil war.

Boris Yeltsin announces that Russia will stop targeting United States cities with nuclear weapons.



1997/0126:日本の小説家 藤沢周平192797、死去

Fujisawa Shūhei est un écrivain japonais.
 Il est l'auteur de plus de cinquante titres dont deux romans et des anthologies de nouvelles.
 Il est spécialisé dans la fiction historique et plus particulièrement de l'époque Edo. Avant d'être écrivain il était journaliste.

1998/0126:日本の音楽教育家 鈴木鎮一189697、死去

Suzuki Shin'ichi was a Japanese musician, philosopher, and educator and the inventor of the international Suzuki method of music education and developed a philosophy for educating people of all ages and abilities.
Considered an influential pedagogue in music education of children, he often spoke of the ability of all children to learn things well, especially in the right environment, and of developing the heart and building the character of music students through their music education.

Suzuki employed the following ideas of Talent Education in his music pedagogy schools:
    The human being is a product of his environment.
    The earlier, the better – with not only music, but all learning.
    Repetition of experiences is important for learning.
    Teachers and parents (adult human environment) must be at a high level and continue to grow to provide a better learning situation for the child.
    The system or method must involve illustrations for the child based on the teacher's understanding of when, what, and how (Kendall, 1966).

Lewinsky scandal: On American television, U.S. President Bill Clinton denies having had "sexual relations" with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.


2000/0126:カナダのSF作家 Alfred Elton van Vogt 191200、死去

a Canadian-born science fiction author. He is regarded as one of the most popular, influential and complex practitioners of the mid-twentieth century, the genre's so-called Golden Age
He was said to have established a style called "widescreen baroque" and that work had a great influence on various works as a classic of science fiction.

In the 1950s, Van Vaught became involved in L. Ron Hubbard's project. He made the West Coast branch of Dianetics (now Scientology Church) that Hubbard originated. After that it broke up with Hubbard, but he insisted that the artist's activity had stagnated for several years, being plagued by being threatened by the believer.

The 7.7 Mw Gujarat earthquake shakes Western India with a maximum Mercalli intensity of X (Extreme), leaving 13,805–20,023 dead and about 166,800 injured.

Chinese Airlines' passenger plane landed at Shanghai's Pudong International Airport. Taiwanese businessmen and their dependents carrying the chartered planes returned to Taiwan and became the first valid Chinese passenger plane to land in mainland China for 54 years.

The radical terrorist unit Hamas, which questions Israel's right to exist, wins by a large majority the popular elections in the Palestinian territories.

Fatah, who was in power until then, immediately acknowledges her defeat and thus joins the opposition.

Rioting breaks out in Antananarivo, Madagascar, sparking a political crisis that will result in the replacement of President Marc Ravalomanana with Andry Rajoelina.


2013/0126:日本の作家 安岡章太郎192013、死去

Yasuoka Shōtarō est un écrivain japonais.


An aircraft crashes at Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete, Spain, killing 11 people and injuring 21 others.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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