

01/19:歴史とは「Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque」by Poe

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

今日が命日の浮世繪師 勝川春章172693の「初代中村仲蔵の斧定九郎」

歴史暦:古今東西 01/19 今日の出來事

The Roman Emperor Gratian elevates the former General Theodosius to Augustus and makes him co-emperor.
Theodosius I receives the dominion in the east.

Emperor Gratian elevates Flavius Theodosius at Sirmium to Augustus, and gives him authority over all the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire.

0969/0119(康保03/1202):日本の公家 藤原朝忠091069、死去

Fujiwara no Asatada est un poète de waka du milieu de l'époque de Heian et un membre de la noblesse japonaise.
Il fait partie de la liste des trente-six grands poètes et l'un de ses poèmes est inclus dans la célèbre anthologie Hyakunin Isshu.

逢ふことの 絶えてしなくは なかなかに 人をも身をも 恨みざらまし 『拾遺和歌集』戀一



The Heiji rebellion (January 19—February 5, 1160) was a short civil war between rival subjects of the cloistered Emperor Go-Shirakawa 077後白河112792天皇 of Japan in 1160 fought in order to resolve a dispute about political power. It was preceded by the Hōgen Rebellion 保元亂 in 1156

1200/0119(正治02/0102):日本の禪僧 道元希玄120053、誕生

Eihei Dōgen (永平道元), Dōgen Kigen (道元希玄) ou maître zen Dōgen (道元禅師, Dōgen Zenji) est le fondateur de l'école Sōtō du bouddhisme zen au Japon1.
Il l'introduisit sur l'île après un voyage en Chine. Il est considéré comme un des plus grands maîtres du bouddhisme japonais.



1213建暦03 比叡山にいる母方の叔父良顕を訪ねる。
1214建保02 天台座主公圓について出家し、仏法房道元と名乗る。
1215建保03 園城寺三井寺)の公胤の元で天台教学を修める。
1217建保05 建仁寺にて榮西114115弟子の明全に師事。
1223貞応02 明全とともに博多から南宋に渡って諸山を巡り


1202/0119:日本の皇后 藤原多子114002、薨去

「Tako ではありません」Fujiwara no Tashi (ou MasaruKo) est une Impératrice consort du Japon.
Elle est d'abord la consort de l'empereur Konoe 076近衛113955天皇 puis celle de l'empereur Nijō 078二条守仁114365. Comme elle a été deux fois consort, elle est appelée « impératrice de deux générations ». Son père biologique est Kin'yoshi Tokudaiji, son père adoptif est Fujiwara no Yorinaga.

思ひきやうき身ながらにめぐりきて おなじ雲井の月を見むとは

徳大寺家は当時の歌壇の中心的存在で、出家前の武人であった 西行111890 が仕へてゐた家でもあった。

Signature de la trêve de Malestroit.

# La trêve de Malestroit est signée le 19 janvier 1343 entre Édouard III d'Angleterre et Philippe VI de France, en la chapelle de la Madeleine. Après la signature de cette trêve le souverain anglais et ses troupes quittèrent la Bretagne pour l'Angleterre.

England's King Eduard III donates the Order of the Garter, whose ribbon is worn under the left knee.

1361/0119(正平15=延文5/1212):日本の禪僧 關山慧玄127761、示寂

Kanzan Egen (関山慧玄/關山慧玄?) est un moine bouddhiste de la secte rinzai 臨濟 du bouddhisme zen, fondateur du Myōshin-ji 妙心寺 et un des principaux membres du courant Ōtōkan 應燈關 existant1 d'où est issu tout le zen rinzai moderne.



1419/0119:百年戰爭 Hundred Years' War:
 Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England, completing his reconquest of Normandy.

Prise de la ville de Rouen par Henri V de Lancastre.
The English King Henry V takes the city of Rouen in the Hundred Years War against France, the Normandy is subordinated to the English crown.

1544/0119:フランス國王 François II 154460、誕生

Roi de France du 10 juillet 1559 jusqu'à sa mort.
Fils aîné d'Henri II et de Catherine de Médicis, il monte sur le trône de France à l'âge de quinze ans après la mort accidentelle de son père le 10 juillet 1559. Son règne éphémère n’a duré qu'un an et cinq mois mais constitue un prélude majeur au déclenchement des guerres de religion.

1558/0424、フランソワはフランスで養育されてゐたスコットランド女王の Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots) 154287と結婚する。

1576/0119:ドイツの歌ふ親方 Hans Sachs 149476、死去

ein Nürnberger Schuhmacher, Spruchdichter, Meistersinger und Dramatiker.

ザックスは改革の主導者 Martin Luther 148346 の思想に深く傾倒し、1523/0708『Die Wittenbergisch Nachtigall』の詩を発表してルタへの共鳴と新時代の到来を歌ひあげた。寓意版画入りのこの詩本は版を重ね、彼の名はドイツ中に知れ渡った。

1603/0119(慶長07/1208):日本の公家 勸修寺晴豐154403、死去

KanJuJi HaruToyo


San Agustin Church in Manila is officially completed; it is the oldest church still standing in the Philippines.

1625/0119(嘉永01/1211):日本の詩人 北村季吟162505、誕生

Kitamura Kigin est un lettré et poète japonais de haikai 俳諧.


Thomas Venner is hanged, drawn and quartered in London.

Thomas Venner was a cooper and rebel who became the last leader of the Fifth Monarchy Men, who tried unsuccessfully to overthrow Oliver Cromwell in 1657, and subsequently led a coup in London against the newly restored government of Charles II. This event, known as "Venner's Rising", lasted four days (1–4 January 1661) before the Royal authorities captured the rebels.
The rebel leadership suffered execution on 19 January 1661.

1736/0119:イギリス発明家 James Watt 173619、誕生

a Scottish inventor, mechanical engineer, and chemist who improved on Thomas Newcomen's 1712 Newcomen steam engine with his Watt steam engine in 1781, which was fundamental to the changes brought by the Industrial Revolution in both his native Great Britain and the rest of the world.

John Wilkes is expelled from the British House of Commons for seditious libel.

John Wilkes 172597 was an English radical, journalist, and politician.

1793/0119(寛政04/1208):日本の浮世繪師 勝川春章172693、死去

Katsukawa Shunshō est un artiste japonais d'estampes ukiyo-e.

Occupation des Provinces-Unies par l'armée française.

The Batavian Republic is proclaimed in the Netherlands, bringing to an end the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands.


1798/0119:フランスの思想家 Auguste Comte 179857、誕生

Auguste Comte (Isidore Marie Auguste François Xavier Comte) est un philosophe français.
Il fut le secrétaire particulier puis collaborateur du comte de Saint-Simon, fondateur du mouvement saint-simonien. Saint-Simon et Comte rompent en 1824, mais la philosophie de ce dernier reste influencée par cette collaboration.

過去の安定的な秩序と未来への革新的な進歩といふ二つの對立原理を立て、現實妥当な對策を立てることが混亂する社界にとって緊急の課題とし、新しい社界の確立をめざし「社界を再組織するために必要な科学的な作業プラン」を提案した。彼の社界発展論は「人間が精神の變化により「神学(想像的)⇨ 形而上学/哲学(理性的論理的)⇨科学(観察実証的)」といった過程を単線的にたどるように、社界は「軍事的(物理防御重視)⇨法律的⇨産業的」という過程を単線的にたどりながら発展するというもの理論モデルで。それぞれが三段階を經過することから(Loi des trois états)と呼んだ。

Britain occupies the Dutch Cape Colony after the Battle of Blaauwberg.

Eleven days after the reconquest of the Cape Colony by the Batavian Republic, the British occupy the Cape of Good Hope.

1807/0119:アメリカ南軍將軍 Robert Edward Lee 180770、誕生

an American and Confederate soldier, best known as a commander of the Confederate States Army.
He commanded the Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War from 1862 until his surrender in 1865.

1808/0119:USA思想家 Lysander Spooner 180887、誕生

an American political philosopher, essayist, pamphlet writer, Unitarian, abolitionist, legal theorist, and entrepreneur of the nineteenth century.
He was a strong advocate of the labor movement and severely anti-authoritarian and individualist in political views.
Spooner's most famous writing includes the seminal abolitionist book The Unconstitutionality of Slavery, and No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority which opposed treason charges against secessionists.

1809/0119:USA文藝家 Edgar Allan Poe 180949、誕生

an American writer, editor, and literary critic.
Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories, particularly his tales of mystery and the macabre.
He is widely regarded as a central figure of Romanticism in the United States and American literature as a whole, and he was one of the country's earliest practitioners of the short story.
Poe is generally considered the inventor of the detective fiction genre and is further credited with contributing to the emerging genre of science fiction. He was the first well-known American writer to try to earn a living through writing alone, resulting in a financially difficult life and career.

Connu surtout pour ses contes — genre dont la brièveté lui permet de mettre en valeur sa théorie de l'effet, suivant laquelle tous les éléments du texte doivent concourir à la réalisation d'un effet unique— il a donné à la nouvelle ses lettres de noblesse et est considéré comme l’inventeur du roman policier. Nombre de ses récits préfigurent les genres de la science-fiction et du fantastique.

1812/0119:イベリア半島戦争 Peninsular War:
 After a ten-day siege, Arthur Wellesley orders British soldiers of the Light and third divisions to storm Ciudad Rodrigo.

1813/0119:イギリス発明家 Henry Bessemer 181398、誕生

「ヘンリ ベセマ」an English inventor, whose steelmaking process would become the most important technique for making steel in the nineteenth century for almost one century from year 1856 to 1950.

彼は1850年から1855年にかけて安価な鋼の製造を研究し、その製法の特許を取得した。 1856/0824、彼はチェルトナムの英国科学協会の会合で "The Manufacture of Iron Without Fuel"と題して発表。その全文は「タイムズ」紙にも掲載された。彼のその製鋼法は、融解した銑鉄に空気を吹きつけ、その中の酸素の作用で不純物を焼きはらふことで鋼を製造するといふものであった。

An army of 5,423 soldiers, led by General José de San Martín, crosses the Andes from Argentina to liberate Chile and then Peru.

The South American revolutionary José de San Martín sets off from the Andes with more than 5,400 troops from Argentina to free Chile and Peru, the then viceroyalty of Peru, from Spanish colonial rule.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust: The First Part of the Tragedy receives its premiere performance.

Eine gegenüber dem Originaltext radikal veränderte und redigierte Fassung von Johann Wolfgang von Goethes Drama Faust. Eine Tragödie. wird am Hof-Theater in Braunschweig von Ernst August Friedrich Klingemann uraufgeführt. Die Titelrolle wird von Eduard Schütz gespielt.

1835/0119:オランダ暗号研究家 Auguste Kerckhoffs 183503、誕生

a Dutch linguist and cryptographer who was professor of languages at the École des Hautes Études Commerciales in Paris in the late 19th century.

オランダの言語學者であり暗号研究者であった。(Kerckhoffs' principle)で名を殘した。

1839/0119:フランスの画家 Paul Cézanne 183906、誕生

un peintre français, membre du mouvement impressionniste, considéré comme le précurseur du post-impressionnisme et du cubisme.


The British East India Company captures Aden.

L'opera di Verdi Il trovatore viene rappresentata per la prima volta al Teatro Apollo di Roma.

1861/0119:アメリカ南北戰爭 American Civil War:
Georgia joins South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama in declaring secession from the United States.

Georgia is the fifth southern state to leave the United States. Two weeks later Georgia is co-founder of the Confederate States of America.

1862/0119:American Civil War「Battle of Mill Springs
 The Confederacy suffers its first significant defeat in the conflict.

# 北軍にとっては最初の意義ある勝利となり、大衆の新聞で大いに祝されたが、これに続くグラント將軍によるヘンリ砦とドネルソン砦での勝利よってその影は薄れた。

1863/0119:ドイツの社会学者 Werner Sombart 186341、誕生

ein deutscher Soziologe und Volkswir
1904年以降、Max Weber 186420 とともにArciv für Sozialwissenschft und Sozialpolitik『社会科学および社会政策雑誌』 の編集を担当した。また、 経済社会の全体把握のために〈経済体制〉の概念を提起して、歴史と経済理論の総合をはかり、その成果として主著となる Der Moderne Kapitalismus 『近代資本主義』二巻(1902年)、Hochkapitalismus『高度資本主義』(1928年)を公刊した。


1865/0119:フランスの無政府主義者 Pierre Proudhon 180965、死去

「ピエル プルドン」un polémiste, journaliste, économiste, philosophe et sociologue français.
Précurseur de l'anarchisme, il est le seul théoricien révolutionnaire du XIXe siècle à être issu du milieu ouvrier

1868/0119:オウストリアの小説家 Gustav Meyrink 186832、誕生

ein österreichischer Schriftsteller und Übersetzer.




1871/0119:フランスvsプロシア Franco-Prussian War
 In the Siege of Paris, Prussia wins the Battle of St. Quentin. Meanwhile, the French attempt to break the siege in the Battle of Buzenval will end unsuccessfully the following day.

In the Battle of Buzenval try in the Franco-Prussian War in Paris besieged French units a failure towards Versailles. This counteroffensive fails because of the Prussian troops. The approaching French Northern Army did not fare better in the battle of Saint-Quentin the same day.

1874/0119:日本の19横綱 常陸山谷右衞門187422、誕生

He was the sport's 19th yokozuna from 1903 till 1914. His great rivalry with Umegatani Tōtarō II 梅ヶ谷 created the "Ume-Hitachi Era 梅常陸時代" and did much to popularise sumo 相撲.
He is remembered as much for his exploits in promoting the sport as for his strength on the dohyō. In his later years as head coach of Dewanoumi stable he trained hundreds of wrestlers, including three yokozuna. Many consider him the most honorable yokozuna in sumo history,

1878/0119:フランス化學者 Henri Victor Regnault 181078、死去

un chimiste et physicien français, connu pour ses mesures précises des propriétés thermiques des gaz.


Anna Bates is released in Seville, Ohio, from the heaviest known newborn.
Her child is 10.6 kg and 76 cm tall. It dies eleven hours later.

1883/0119:ドイツ指揮者 Hermann Abendroth 188356、誕生

ein deutscher Dirigent und Musikpädagoge. Er zählte zu den bedeutendsten Orchesterleitern des 20. Jahrhunderts.


The first electric lighting system employing overhead wires, built by Thomas Edison, begins service at Roselle, New Jersey.


Jules Massenet connaît un nouveau succès avec Manon à l'Opéra Comique de Paris.

1888/0119:ドイツ科學者 Anton de Bary 183188、死去

ein deutscher Naturwissenschaftler, Mediziner, Mykologe und Botaniker.

Das Theaterstück Baumeister Solness des norwegischen Dramatikers Henrik Ibsen erlebt seine Uraufführung am Lessingtheater in Berlin.

1899/0119:Anglo-Egyptian Sudan is formed.

Naissance du prix Goncourt. Issue du testament d'Edmond de Goncourt, l'Académie se donne pour tâche de promouvoir de jeunes talents littéraires.

The first alpine ski race is organized by Mathias Zdarsky near Lilienfeld in Lower Austria.

Isadora Duncan triomphe à Paris. La danseuse américaine d'origine irlandaise danse l’Orphée et Euridice de Gluck au Châtelet à Paris.


Georges Claude patents the neon discharge tube for use in advertising.

German zeppelins bomb the towns of Great Yarmouth and King's Lynn in the United Kingdom killing at least 20 people, in the first major aerial bombardment of a civilian target.

Seventy-three people are killed and 400 injured in an explosion in a munitions plant in London.

The British secret service intercepts the Zimmermann despatch in the First World War, in which the German diplomat Arthur Zimmermann Mexico proposes an alliance against the USA, which is not yet at war.

1918/0119:イタリアの映画監督 Luciano Emmer 191809、誕生

un regista e sceneggiatore italiano.
Ha realizzato numerosi film e alcuni tra i più importanti documentari d'arte.

1919/0119:USAプロ野球 Jackie Robinson 191972、誕生

an American professional baseball second baseman who became the first African American to play in Major League Baseball (MLB) in the modern era

l'aviateur Jules Védrines atterrit sur le toit des galeries Lafayette à Paris.

1921/0119:USA小説家 Patricia Highsmith 192195、誕生

(Mary Patricia Plangman, dite), romancière américaine
an American novelist and short story writer, known for her psychological thrillers, which led to more than two dozen film adaptations. Her first novel, Strangers on a Train, has been adapted for stage and screen numerous times, notably by Alfred Hitchcock in 1951. Highsmith wrote 22 novels, including her series of five novels with Tom Ripley as protagonist, and many short stories.


1922/0119:ポウランド映画監督 Jerzy Kawalerowicz 192207、誕生

ein polnischer Filmregisseur, Drehbuchautor und Filmproduzent.
Er begann Anfang der 1950er-Jahre selbst Filme zu machen und wurde ein Vertreter des Existentialismus im polnischen Kino der 1950er- und 1960er-Jahre. Herausragendes Beispiel hierfür ist sein Film Nachtzug von 1959 mit Zbigniew Cybulski und Leon Niemczyk in den Hauptrollen. 1955 gründete Kawalerowicz das Filmstudio Kadr, dem er seither als künstlerischer Leiter vorstand und das sämtliche Filme von ihm wie auch Filme weiterer bedeutender polnischer Regisseure wie Andrzej Wajda, Andrzej Munk oder Kazimierz Kutz produzierte.
1961 verfilmte er mit Mutter Johanna von den Engeln einen Roman von Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz (der Film wurde mit dem Sonderpreis der Jury bei den Filmfestspielen von Cannes 1961 ausgezeichnet)



1929/0119:中國の思想家 梁啓超187329、死去


1930/0119:イギリス數學者 Frank Plumpton Ramsey 190330、死去

a British philosopher, mathematician and economist who made fundamental contributions to abstract algebra before dying at the age of 26.

He was a close friend of Ludwig Wittgenstein 188951 and was instrumental in translating Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus into English, as well as persuading Wittgenstein to return to philosophy and Cambridge. Like Wittgenstein, he was a member of the Cambridge Apostles, the intellectual secret society, from 1921.

1930/0119:USA映画女優 Tippi Hedren 1930--、誕生

(Natalie Kay Hedren, dite), actrice américaine.
an American actress, animal rights activist and former fashion model.
The Birds (1963) was Hedren's screen debut. Hitchcock became her drama coach, and gave her an education in film-making as she attended many of the production meetings such as script, music or photography conferences.

Hitchcock was so impressed with Hedren's acting abilities he decided to offer her the leading role of his next film, Marnie (1964), a romantic drama and psychological thriller from the novel by Winston Graham, during the filming of The Birds.

In the US, Laurens Hammond applies for patent protection for an electronic organ he developed - the Hammond Organ.

Howard Hughes sets a new air record by flying from Los Angeles to New York City in 7 hours, 28 minutes, 25 seconds.


You Nazty Spy!, the very first Hollywood film of any kind to satirize Adolf Hitler and the Nazis premieres, starring The Three Stooges, with Moe Howard as the character "Moe Hailstone" satirizing Hitler.

The Greek Triton (Y-5) sinks the Italian submarine Neghelli in Otranto.

The Japanese conquest of Burma begins.

1943/0119:USA歌手 Janis Joplin 194370、誕生

an American rock singer and songwriter. She was one of the biggest female rock stars of her era. After releasing three albums, she died of a heroin overdose at age 27

Soviet forces liberate the Łódź Ghetto. Of more than 200,000 inhabitants in 1940, less than 900 had survived the Nazi occupation.

The Red Army conquers the Polish city of Łódź in the Second World War and liberates the Litzmannstadt Ghetto, in which only about 900 of the original 160,000 inhabitants are left.

Condamnation à mort du collaborateur français Robert Brasillach.

Robert Brasillach ([ʁɔbɛʁ bʁazijak] Prononciation du titre dans sa version originale Écouter), né le 31 mars 1909 à Perpignan, fusillé le 6 février 1945 au fort de Montrouge, à Arcueil, est un écrivain, journaliste, et critique de cinéma français.

1946/0119:日本の洋画家 靉光190746、死去

Ai-Mitsu est un artiste et peintre japonais. Il est généralement considéré comme un surréaliste mais il a aussi peint des œuvres qui peuvent être classées dans d'autres styles et genres.


General Douglas MacArthur establishes the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo to try Japanese war criminals.

1948/0119:日本の思想家 出口王仁三郎187148、死去

Deguchi Onisaburō is considered one of the two spiritual leaders of the Ōmoto religious movement in Japan.


1948/0119:フランスの都市設計家 Tony Garnier 186948、死去

un architecte et urbaniste français. Nombre de ses projets sont en effet à l’origine d’avancées considérables dans la réflexion que menaient alors les architectes sur ce qu’ils considéraient être l’architecture moderne.

1917、48歳のとき著書「Une cité industrielle (工業都市),etude pour la construction villes」を出版。本に描かれた「工業都市」は敷地は架空の場所を想定し、人口は35000人と設定、人々が働く場所である工場と生活する場所である住居や生活施設からなる都市は、彩色された鳥瞰図やドローイング、パースペクティブな建築物も描かれ非常に美しく仕上げられている。都市間を結ぶ高速道路やインターチェンジで交差する幹線道路さらに鉄道からなる交通インフラストラクチャーサーキュレーションシステム、沿岸に設けられた港湾施設、これらが都市構造として分離配置された都市機能をささえるという近代都市が備える全ての施設と空間を構成要素として、それぞれの機能と環境を考慮して配置し、これからの都市像を提起している。

Exposition de Lyon : l'extérieur du Palais de l'Industrie.

Architecture du quartier États-Unis à Lyon



1953/0119:USA「I Love Lucy」に釘付け
Almost 72% of all television sets in the United States are tuned into I Love Lucy to watch Lucy give birth.

1954/0119:日本の歌手 松任谷由実1954--、誕生

anciennement connue sous le nom Yumi Arai (荒井由実, Arai Yumi?, nom de naissance), souvent surnommée Yuming (ユーミン), est une chanteuse populaire japonaise, auteur-compositeur-interprète

Japan and the United States sign the US–Japan Mutual Security Treaty

Signature du traité de coopération mutuelle et de sécurité entre les États-Unis et le Japon.



Student Jan Palach dies after setting himself on fire three days earlier in Prague's Wenceslas Square to protest about the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union in 1968. His funeral turns into another major protest.


東大安田講堂事件: 警視庁機動隊が東大安田講堂に篭城していた全学共闘会議の封鎖を解除。

The first competition of young dancers for the Prix de Lausanne begins in Lausanne.


The Navy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Navy of the Republic of Vietnam erupted in the battle of Xisha on the Xisha Islands, and China gained control over the entire Xisha Islands.
China gain control over all the Paracel Islands after a military engagement between the naval forces of the People's Republic of China and Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam)

The last Volkswagen Beetle made in Germany leaves VW's plant in Emden. Beetle production in Latin America continues until 2003.

Iran hostage crisis: United States and Iranian officials sign an agreement to release 52 American hostages after 14 months of captivity.

1982/0119:ブラジルの歌手 Elis Regina 194582、死去

uma cantora brasileira. Conhecida por sua competência vocal, musicalidade e presença de palco, é considerada por muitos críticos a melhor cantora popular do Brasil a partir dos anos 1960 ao início dos anos 1980; para muitos, a melhor cantora brasileira de todos os tempos, comparada a cantoras como Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan e Billie Holiday.

1983/0119:日本の歌手 宇多田ヒカル1983--、誕生

Utada Hikaru?, née le 19 janvier 1983), appelée Utada aux États-Unis et surnommée Hikki (ヒッキー, Hikkī?) par ses fans, est une chanteuse, compositrice, arrangeur et productrice de musique au Japon, fille de l'ancienne chanteuse de enka Keiko Fuji

Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie is arrested in Bolivia.

Klaus Barbie, früherer Gestapo-Chef in Lyon und gesuchter NS-Kriegsverbrecher („Schlächter von Lyon“), wird in Bolivien festgenommen, wo er als Klaus Altmann lebte.

The Apple Lisa, the first commercial personal computer from Apple Inc. to have a graphical user interface and a computer mouse, is announced.


The first IBM PC computer virus is released into the wild. A boot sector virus dubbed (c)Brain, it was created by the Farooq Alvi Brothers in Lahore, Pakistan, reportedly to deter unauthorized copying of the software they had written.

1988/0119:ソ連の指揮者 Evgeny Mravinsky 190388、死去

советский дирижёр, Народный артист СССР (1954). Герой Социалистического Труда (1973). Лауреат Ленинской премии (1961).

1991/0119:Gulf War:
Iraq fires a second Scud missile into Israel, causing 15 injuries.


Czech Republic and Slovakia join the United Nations.


第一次チェチェン紛争: ロシアがチェチェン共和国の首都グロズヌイの大統領府を占拠。

The barge North Cape oil spill occurs as an engine fire forces the tugboat Scandia ashore on Moonstone Beach in South Kingstown, Rhode Island.

Yasser Arafat returns to Hebron after more than 30 years and joins celebrations over the handover of the last Israeli-controlled West Bank city.

British Aerospace agrees to acquire the defence subsidiary of the General Electric Company plc, forming BAE Systems in November 1999.


2000/0119:USA生物学者 George Ledyard Stebbins 190600、死去

an American botanist and geneticist who is widely regarded as one of the leading evolutionary biologists of the 20th century.

彼の最も重要な著作は『Variation and Evolution in Plants(植物の変異と進化)』で、遺伝学とダアヰンの自然選択の理論を結び付け、植物の種分化を詳述。これは現代の進化的総合の形成に貢献した主要な著作の一つで、また植物の進化的研究の枠組を提供した。

2000/0119:USA女優&発明家 Hedy Lamarr 191400、死去

an Austrian-born American film actress and inventor.
As the inventor
At the beginning of World War II, Lamarr and composer George Antheil developed a radio guidance system for Allied torpedoes, which used spread spectrum and frequency hopping technology to defeat the threat of jamming by the Axis powers. Although the US Navy did not adopt the technology until the 1960s, the principles of their work are arguably incorporated into Bluetooth technology, and are similar to methods used in legacy versions of CDMA and Wi-Fi.

Le manuscrit original du Voyage au bout de la nuit, le roman le plus connu et le plus lu de Louis-Ferdinand Destouches dit Céline, perdu depuis 1943, a été retrouvé par l'intermédiaire d'un collectionneur anglais et d'un libraire parisien. Il sera vendu aux enchères à Paris.

https://is.gd/mqmLmn Voyage au bout de la nuit

Turkish-Armenian Journalist Hrant Dink is assassinated in front of his newspaper's Istanbul office by 17-year-old Turkish ultra-nationalist Ogün Samast.

2008/0119:USA映画女優 Suzanne Pleshette 193708、死去

an American actress and voice actress.



The Hong Kong-based file-sharing website Megaupload is shut down by the FBI.

2013/0119:USAプロ野球 Stan Musial 192013、死去

Stanley Frank Musial (born Stanisław Franciszek Musiał), nicknamed Stan the Man, was an American baseball outfielder and first baseman. He spent 22 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) playing for the St. Louis Cardinals, from 1941 to 1944 and 1946 to 1963. Widely considered to be one of the greatest and most consistent hitters in baseball history,


A bomb attack on an army convoy in the city of Bannu kills at least 26 soldiers and injures 38 others.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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