


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が命日の Golfer、Bobby Jones 190271 墓


歴史暦:古今東西 12/18 今日の出來事

今日は、私がアメリカ人で心から尊敬する唯一人の人物である、ゴルファの Bobby Jones 190271 の命日だ。彼は最後までアマチュアを通したが、プロに伍して彼はゴルフ史上最高の戰績を1930年に樹立した。彼からゴルフプレイのみならず、おそらく人格的な影響を受けたと思ってゐる。
Shane」、Alan Ladd 191364 が一世一代で演じた孤獨で寡默な流れ者のガンマンのキャラクタも、私に精神的な影響を及ぼしてゐたのだらうと思ふ。決鬪が終った後、彼を追ってくる少年に「Strong で Straight な男になれ」と云って去って行く。この時の彼に私はアメリカ人の最良なるものを見る思ひがいつもする。
今日は、この『Shane』を監督した George Stevens 190475 が誕生した日でもあった。

-218/1218:カルタゴvsロウマ「02ポエニ戰爭」Battle of the Trebia
Second Punic War: Hannibal's Carthaginian forces defeat those of the Roman Republic.

In the Battle of Trebia in the Second Punic War, the Carthaginians defeated under Hannibal the Roman army commanded by Tiberius Sempronius Longus.








a Chinese economist, statesman, chancellor and poet of the Song Dynasty who attempted major and controversial socioeconomic reforms known as the New Policies. These reforms constituted the core concepts of the Song-Dynasty Reformists, in contrast to their rivals, the Conservatives, led by the Chancellor Sima Guang.

Prise de Saragosse par le roi Alphonse Ier d'Aragon.

The army of Alfonso I conquered in the context of the Reconquista after a long siege, the city of Zaragoza, held by the Moors. The king determines the place to the new capital of Aragon.


Kublai Khan renames his empire "Yuan" (元 yuán), officially marking the start of the Yuan dynasty of Mongolia and China.




In Znojmo, the Hungarian King Sigismund, Jobst of Moravia and the Habsburg Albrecht III of Austria join forces against the Bohemian and Roman-German King Wenceslas.


Rebellion triggeres in Alpujarras in response to the forced conversions of Muslims in Spain.



The daimyō of Suō 周防 Province and the 30th head of the Ōuchi 大内 clan, succeeding Ōuchi Yoshioki 大内義興.
During the era of Yoshitaka culture grew and the Oduchi family reached the heyday, but Yoshitaka and his family were self-harmed by the vassal Suwe Harukata 陶晴賢152155 who was dissatisfied with Yoshitaka's cultural politics, The Ouchi family was virtually destroyed.

1553/1218:César de Nostredame 155330、誕生

auteur et historien provençal.
Il est le fils de Michel Nostradamus 150366 et
l'auteur de la première « histoire de Provence »


立花宗茂 Tachibana Muneshige was a samurai during the Azuchi–Momoyama 安土桃山(織豊=戰國) period and an Edo 江戸 Period daimyo 大名.
He was the eldest biological son of Takahashi Shigetane 高橋重胤, a retainer of Ōtomo 大友 clan.
He was adopted by Tachibana Dōsetsu 立花道雪, and later married his daughter Tachibana Ginchiyo 立花銀千代, succeeding the Tachibana clan.

Portuguese forces score a military victory over the Kingdom of Kongo at the Battle of Mbumbi(in present-day Angola).


1626/1218:Christina von Schweden 168926、誕生

Reine de Suède de 1632 à 1654 est connue également comme la Reine Christine. Son titre réel est « roi de Suède » et non « reine », conformément au souhait de son père de lui permettre ainsi de monter sur le trône.

彼女は、Hugo Grotius 158345 や René Descartes 159650 たちを宮廷に招聘して、新しい思想文化に熱心だった。


The Whitehall Conference ends with the determination that there was no law preventing Jews from re-entering England after the Edict of Expulsion of 1290.




1737/1218:Antonio Stradivari 164437、死去

un liutaio italiano, menzionato anche con il nominativo in lingua latina Antonius Stradivarius.
Nicolo Amati 159684 に師事し、16世紀後半に登場したヴァイオリンの形式の完成に貢献した。ヴァイオリン系統をはじめ、マンドリンやギタアなどを制作、現在約六百の現存が確認されてゐる。


Stradivari Antonius (violino, 1711),


Erzherzogin Maria Theresiasst die Juden aus Prag und Böhmen ausweisen. Sie werden beschuldigt, die Besetzung Prags durch Preußen im Zweiten Schlesischen Krieg unterstützt zu haben.

Archduchess Maria Theresa has the Jews expelled from Prague and Bohemia. They are accused of supporting the occupation of Prague by Prussia in the Second Silesian War.

The United States celebrates its first Thanksgiving, marking the recent victory by the American rebels over British General John Burgoyne at Saratoga in October.



(première guerre de coalition)、Fin du siège de Toulon.

 l'armée révolutionnaire française conquiert le fort «Mulgrave» tenu par les anglais près de Toulon. Le plan d'attaque a été développé par le capitaine d'artillerie Napoléon Bonaparte. La chute de cette position défensive oblige les Britanniques à évacuer leurs troupes de la ville portuaire assiégée depuis longtemps.

Surrender of the frigate La Lutine by French Royalists to Lord Samuel Hood; renamed HMS Lutine, she later becomes a famous treasure wreck.


Das Zentralarchiv der Helvetischen Republik wird in Bern gegründet.



1803/1218:Johann Gottfried von Herder 174403、死去

deutscher Dichter, Übersetzer, Theologe sowie Geschichts- und Kultur-Philosoph der Weimarer Klassik. Er war einer der einflussreichsten Schriftsteller und Denker deutscher Sprache im Zeitalter der Aufklärung und zählt mit Christoph Martin Wieland, Johann Wolfgang Goethe und Friedrich Schiller zum klassischen Viergestirn von Weimar.


Immanuel Kant 172404
Johann Georg Hamann 173088:合理主義啓蒙思想に反対し、人間の根元能力である感性信仰のチカラタカラを主張し、同時代で同郷の知友、哲学者カントを批判
Johan Wolgang von Goethe 174932





1829/1218:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck 174429、死去

「Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck」
naturaliste français.
Au début du 19 siècle, il a réalisé la classification des invertébrés, qui regroupent environ 80 % des animaux. Il est un de ceux qui ont pour la première fois utilisé le terme de biologie pour désigner la science qui étudie les êtres vivants.

Il est aussi le premier à proposer une théorie naturaliste matérialiste et mécaniste des êtres vivants à partir de laquelle il élabore une théorie de leur évolution. Sa théorie transformiste est fondée sur deux principes :
1 la complexification croissante de l'organisation des êtres vivants sous l'effet de la dynamique interne propre à leur métabolisme ; 「用不用說」
2 leur diversification, ou spécialisation, en espèces, à la suite d'une adaptation à leur milieu de leur comportement ou de leurs organes. 「獲得形質の遺傳」

The national anthem of the Russian Empire, "God Save the Tsar!", is first performed.


1845/1218:インドvsイギリス「Battle of Mudki」
 takes place between the British East India Company and the Sikh Army of Punjab in the First Sikh War.



1848/1218:Bernardus Bolzano 178148、死去

Bernardus Placidus Johann Nepomuk Bolzano
Bohemian mathematician, logician, philosopher, theologian and Catholic priest of Italian extraction, also known for his antimilitarist views.

1856/1218:Joseph John Thomson 185640、誕生

English physicist and Nobel laureate in physics, credited with the discovery and identification of the electron; and with the discovery of the first subatomic particle.


Slavery is abolished in the United States by the proclamation of the 13th Amendment of the Constitution.


1870/1218:Saki 187016、誕生

本名「Hector Hugh Munro」British writer whose witty, mischievous and sometimes macabre stories satirize Edwardian society and culture.
He is considered a master of the short story, and often compared to O. Henry 186210 and Dorothy Parker 189367. Influenced by Oscar Wilde 185400, Lewis Carroll 183298 and Rudyard Kipling 186536, he himself influenced A. A. Milne, Noël Coward and P. G. Wodehouse.

東京の「京橋 - 銀座 - 芝金杉橋」の街路に八十五のガス燈が設置





1878/1218:Joseph Stalin 187853、誕生

(Iossif Vissarionovitch Djougachvili (იოსებ ბესარიონის ძე ჯუღაშვილი), dit),
homme politique soviétique, chef d'État de l'URSS de 1922 à 1952
Georgian-born Soviet revolutionary and political leader. Governing the Soviet Union as its dictator from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953, he served as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1952 and as Premier of the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1953. Ideologically a Marxist and a Leninist, Stalin helped to formalise these ideas as Marxism–Leninism while his own policies became known as Stalinism.

The Al-Thani family become the rulers of the state of Qatar.


1879/1218:Paul Klee 187940、誕生

Schweizer Maler, Künstlertheoretiker, dessen vielseitiges Werk dem Expressionismus, Konstruktivismus, Kubismus, Primitivismus und dem Surrealismus zugeordnet wird.
Klee stand in engem Kontakt zur Redaktionsgemeinschaft Der Blaue Reiter und zeigte auf ihrer zweiten Ausstellung 1912 grafische Arbeiten. Dem bis zu dieser Zeit hauptsächlich als Grafiker tätigen Künstler verhalf eine 1914 gemeinsam mit August Macke 188714 und Louis Moilliet durchgeführte Reise nach Tunesien zu seinem Durchbruch als Maler. Sie wurde als kunstgeschichtlich bedeutende Tunisreise bekannt.

1884/1218:スヱデン、日刊新聞『Svenska Dagbladet』創刊
The first edition of the Svenska Dagbladet appears in Stockholm.



1886/1218:Ty Cobb 188661、誕生

「Tyrus Raymond « Ty » Cobb」an American Major League Baseball (MLB) outfielder.
1909年にはMLB史上唯一人の打撃全タイトル制覇を達成。Pete Rose に破られるまでメジャリイグ歴代一位の4191本のヒットメイクし、通算打率.366で首位打者を12回獲得するなど数々のMLB記録を殘してゐる。


Kumazawa Hiromichi, also known as the "Kumazawa emperor," was a Japanese businessman and Buddhist priest from Nagoya who publicly disputed the legitimacy of Emperor Hirohito's bloodline in the period shortly after the end of the Second World War.
He claimed to be the 19th direct descendant of Emperor Go-Kameyama

1890/1218:Edwin Howard Armstrong 189054、誕生

American electrical engineer and inventor, best known for developing FM (frequency modulation) radio and the superheterodyne receiver system.
He held 42 patents and received numerous awards, including the first Medal of Honor awarded by the Institute of Radio Engineers (now IEEE), the French Legion of Honor, the 1941 Franklin Medal and the 1942 Edison Medal. He was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame and included in the International Telecommunication Union's roster of great inventors.

Premiere performance of The Nutcracker by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

В Мариинском театре в Санкт-Петербурге состоялась премьера балета «Щелкунчик» Петра Ильича Чайковского на либретто Мариуса Петипа под хореографией Леванова.


Auguste Charlois discovers the asteroid Hybris.





Der Museumsneubau, der erste Bau des heutigen Pergamonmuseums, wird in Berlin eröffnet.



1904/1218:George Stevens 190475、誕生

American film director, producer, screenwriter and cinematographer.

Among his most notable films are A Place in the Sun (1951; winner of six Academy Awards including Best Director), Shane (1953; Oscar nominated), Giant (1956; Oscar for Best Director), and The Diary of Anne Frank (1959; nominated for Best Director).


1911/1218:Jules Dassin 191108、誕生

Julius « Jules » Dassin, réalisateur américain
American film director, producer, writer and actor. He was a subject of the Hollywood blacklist in the McCarthy era, and subsequently moved to France, where he revived his career.

Nach dem Auseinanderbrechen der Neuen Künstlervereinigung München werden sowohl deren letzte Ausstellung als auch die erste der Redaktion des Blauen Reiters eröffnet.

After the breakup of the Neue Künstlervereinigung München, both its last exhibition and the first of the editors of the Blaue Reiter are opened.

Egypt becomes British protectorate.





1916/1218:WWⅠ「Battle of Verdun」ends
 when German forces under Chief of staff Erich von Falkenhayn are defeated by the French, and suffer 337,000 casualties.

Nach einem letzten französischen Großangriff auf dem rechten Maas-Ufer endet im Ersten Weltkrieg die verlustreiche Schlacht um Verdun, die am 21. Februar begonnen hat, ohne wesentliche Verschiebungen des Frontverlaufs.

At the request of the Supreme Army Command, Universum-Film AG (Ufa) is founded in Berlin as an association of private film companies.


1932/1218:Eduard Bernstein 185032、死去

ein sozialdemokratischer Theoretiker und Politiker in der SPD und zeitweilig der USPD.
Er gilt als Begründer des theoretischen Revisionismus innerhalb der SPD.


une convention sur Tanger est signée entre la France, le Royaume-Uni et l'Espagne.

Britain, France and Spain agree to set up the International Zone of Tangiers in Paris. As the port of Tangier is granted duty-free status, smuggling flourishes in the wake.

Tanger, Tangier: city in Morocco on the Strait of Gibraltar 

Lors du XIVe Congrès du PCUS, Staline fait triompher la thèse du « socialisme dans un seul pays » sur celle de la révolution mondiale défendue par Léon Trotski.


António Maria da Silva se torna o último primeiro ministro da primeira república em Portugal.


Die Oper Die Sache Makropulos von Leoš Janáček, nach der Komödie von Karel Čapek wird am Nationaltheater in Brünn uraufgeführt.


The Lanka Sama Samaja Party is founded in Ceylon.


1939/1218:WWⅡ「Battle of the Heligoland Bight」
 the first major air battle of the war, takes place.


Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) wird von Adolf Hitler angewiesen, unter dem Codenamen Unternehmen Barbarossa den Angriff auf die Sowjetunion zu planen.

The Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht (OKW) is ordered by Adolf Hitler to plan the attack on the Soviet Union under the code name company Barbarossa.

Die Interalliierte Erklärung zur Vernichtung der Juden 1942 wird verlesen.

The Interallied Declaration on the Extermination of the Jews 1942 is read out.

Seventy-seven B-29 Superfortress and 200 other aircraft of U.S. Fourteenth Air Force bomb Hankow, China, a Japanese supply base.


1944/1218:フランス『Le Monde』創刊
Premier numéro du journal Le Monde.



1946/1218:Steven Spielberg 1946--、誕生

American director, producer, and screenwriter.
He is considered one of the founding pioneers of the New Hollywood era, as well as being viewed as one of the most popular directors and producers in film history



Japan is admitted to the UN.


India marches into Portuguese India, the colonies of Goa, Daman and Diu, ending the 451-year Portuguese colonial rule over Goa. Also, since Egypt blocks the Suez Canal for the Portuguese fleet, Portugal has no way of responding to it in time and is losing its colonies in India.


The Federal Republic of Germany announces the tube embargo against the states of the Eastern Bloc and implements a decision of the NATO Council.


1965/1218:Japan & Korea、國交成立
The Japan-Korea Basic Treaty came into force, and diplomatic relations between the two countries were established.


Saturn's moon Epimetheus is discovered by astronomer Richard Walker.


The UK Senate decided to extend the term "death penalty time limit law" indefinitely, and the abolition of death penalty is confirmed.





1971/1218:Bobby Jones 190271、逝去

American amateur golfer who was one of the most influential figures in the history of the sport; he was also a lawyer by profession.
Jones founded and helped design the Augusta National Golf Club, and co-founded the Masters Tournament. The innovations that he introduced at the Masters have been copied by virtually every professional golf tournament in the world.

彼の偉業、1930「Grand Slam
Jones is the only player ever to have won the (pre-Masters) Grand Slam, or all four major championships, in the same calendar year (1930). Jones' path to the 1930 Grand Slam title was:
The Amateur Championship, Old Course at St Andrews, Scotland
The Open Championship, Royal Liverpool Golf Club, Hoylake, England
U.S. Open, Interlachen Country Club, Minnesota
U.S. Amateur, Merion Golf Club, Pennsylvania (September 27, 1930

{彼は私が心から敬愛する唯一人のゴルファであり、唯一人のアメリカ人である。二十世紀の聖人だとさへ思ってゐる。彼に比べれば、Ben Hogan 191297 はたんなるプロフェッショナルで、ニクラスはほとんどビジネスマンにすぎない。



1972/1218:Vietnam War「北爆再開」
President Richard Nixon announces that the United States will engage North Vietnam in Operation Linebacker II, a series of Christmas bombings, after peace talks collapsed with North Vietnam on the 13th.


1973/1218:Soviet Soyuz Programme
Soyuz 13, crewed by cosmonauts Valentin Lebedev and Pyotr Klimuk, is launched from Baikonur in the Soviet Union.


The Islamic Development Bank is founded.


Oil spill accident occurred at Mitsubishi Oil Mizushima Refinery. It causes extensive marine pollution.



The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party opened in Beijing. The conference established that the CPC's work center shifted from class struggle to socialist modernization.

First flight of the Russian heavy strategic bomber Tu-160, the world's largest combat aircraft, largest supersonic aircraft and largest variable-sweep wing aircraft built.





1987/1218:Digital work
Larry Wall announces the programming language Perl.


1987/1218:Game software,
1st "FINAL FANTASY" released.


In the election of the president of South Korea, Kim Young-sam wins over Kim Dae-jung and replaces Roh Tae-woo in office. A 32-year period in which military stood at the top of the state, comes to an end.




The $ 2.4 billion MGM Grand Hotel opens in Las Vegas, one of the world's largest hotels with 5,044 rooms.



1999/1218:Robert Bresson 190199、死去

un cinéaste français,
Il a réalisé treize longs métrages et a rédigé un essai important sur le cinéma intitulé Notes sur le cinématographe.
Il a notamment reçu le prix de la mise en scène du Festival de Cannes en 1957 pour Un condamné à mort s'est échappé, le Grand prix de création en 1983 pour L'Argent, le prix du jury en 1962 pour Procès de Jeanne d'Arc et l'ours d'argent au Festival de Berlin pour Le Diable probablement en 1977, le Lion d'honneur à la carrière en 1989 au Festival de Venise.

President of Sri Lanka's Chandrika Kumaratunga is assassinated three days before the upcoming presidential election, a suicide attack by the LTTE. She survives seriously injured.


The Chadian Civil War begins when rebel groups, allegedly backed by neighbouring Sudan, launch an attack in Adré.


The first of a series of floods strikes Malaysia. The death toll of all flooding is at least 118, with over 400,000 people displaced.


2010/1218:Tunisia「Jasmine Revolution」outbreak
 spreading to Arab Spring.


Kellingley Colliery, the last deep coal mine in Great Britain, closes.


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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World