


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 11/26 今日の出來事

0656/1126:唐皇帝 中宗065610、誕生

Emperor Zhongzong of Tang(personal name Li Xian, and at other times Li Zhe or Wu Xian)was the fourth Emperor of the Tang dynasty of China, ruling briefly in 684 and again from 705 to 710.


The Asturian queen Adosinda is held at a monastery to prevent her kin from retaking the throne from Mauregatus.


Mauregatus:the Usurper (Spanish: Mauregato) was the king of Asturias from 783 to 788 or 789. He was an illegitimate son of Alfonso I, supposedly by a Moorish serf. He usurped the throne on the death of Silo, his brother-in-law (the husband of his half sister Adosinda). The nobility had elected Alfonso II at Adosinda's insistence, but Mauregatus assembled a large army of supporters and forced Alfonso into Álava.


Fondation de la ville de Montpellier.



Battle of Caishi: A Song dynasty fleet fights a naval engagement with Jin dynasty ships on the Yangtze river during the Jin–Song Wars.



1288/1126(正應01/1102):日本天皇 096後醍醐尊治128839、誕生



1346/1126:ドイツ皇帝に Karl IV. wird
 in Bonn als Gegenkönig zu Ludwig dem Bayern zum deutschen König gekrönt.



Vlad the Impaler defeats Basarab Laiota with the help of Stephen the Great and Stephen V Báthory and becomes the ruler of Wallachia for the third time.





1504/1126:Isabelle la Catholique 141504、崩去

, reine de Castille de 1474 à 1504, de Sicile de 1469 à 1504, d’Aragon de 1479 à 1504 et de Naples en 1504



On Conraditag in the Second Margrave War the royal city of Kulmbach was conquered by the federal troops under the command of Duke Henry II of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel and all male inhabitants were killed. 

The conquest of Kulmbach is the tragic climax of the wars of Margrave Albrecht Alcibiades of Brandenburg-Kulmbach.

第二次辺境伯戦争(Zweite Markgrafenkrieg)は1552~1555に神聖ロウマ帝国内で戦われた戦争。



In France, the Seventh Huguenot War ends with the Peace of Fleix. This confirms agreements of two previous peace agreements in the religious struggle of the Protestants.


1607/1126:John Harvard 160738、誕生

an English minister in America, "a godly gentleman and a lover of learning", whose deathbed bequest to the "schoale or Colledge" founded two years earlier by the Massachusetts Bay Colony was so gratefully received that it was consequently ordered "that the Colledge agreed upon formerly to bee built at Cambridg shalbee called Harvard Colledge."

le pape Innocent X dénonce le traité de Westphalie qui, un mois plus tôt, a mis fin à la guerre de Trente Ans.

Pope Innocent X denounces the Treaty of Westphalia which, a month earlier, ended the Thirty Years' War.

インノケンチウス10は、ウエストファリア条約でロウマ教會の權利が侵害されるとして抗議の使節を派遣し、それが無視されると1648/1126の回勅 Zelo domus dei ではげしく抗議を繰り返した。


Negotiations begin in Rastatt between France and Austria to settle the Spanish War of Succession.
The Rastatt Peace comes in the following year.


Les jésuites sont chassés de France.

By the brief Dominus ac Redemptor (21 July 1773) Pope Clement XIV suppressed the Society of Jesus. Russia, Prussia, and the United States allowed the Jesuits to continue their work, and Catherine the Great allowed the founding of a new novitiate in Russia. Soon after their restoration by Pope Pius VII in 1814 they began returning to most of the places from which they had been expelled.

Première page du bref Dominus ac Redemptor (latin et français).

James Cook navigates on his third voyage with his ship in front of the previously known to no Europeans Hawaii island Maui, but finds no suitable landing site.



A national Thanksgiving Day is observed in the United States as proclaimed by President George Washington at the request of Congress.


1801/1126:Déodat Gratet de Dolomieu 175001、死去

un commandeur de l'ordre de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem, géologue et minéralogiste français.

Charles Hatchett reports on the chemical element he discovered, columbium, which later received the name niobium.


The Pontcysyllte Aqueduct in Wales opens. It is the longest and tallest aqueduct in the UK.







1812/1126:ナポレオン戰爭「Bataille de la Bérézina」
When withdrawing from Moscow during the Russian campaign, the Grande Armée reaches the Beresina. The chaos erupting as they cross the river is used by the Russians, leading to the Battle of Beresina on 28 November.


1817/1126:Charles Adolphe Wurtz 181784、誕生

un médecin et chimiste français d'origine alsacienne.



1832/1126:Mary Edwards Walker 183219、誕生

, chirurgienne civile américaine, seule femme à avoir la plus haute décoration de l'armée américaine, la Medal of honor
an American abolitionist, prohibitionist, prisoner of war and surgeon.


The world's first tram goes into operation in New York City with horses.



The University of Notre Dame is founded.




Premier Grand Opéra de Giuseppe Verdi à l'Académie Royale de Musique de Paris.


bombardement de Salé, au Maroc, par la Marine française.


1853/1126:Bat Masterson 185321、誕生

aventurier, militaire et journaliste américain

1857/1126:Ferdinand de Saussure 185713、誕生

un linguiste suisse. Reconnu comme le précurseur du structuralisme en linguistique, il s'est aussi distingué par ses travaux sur les langues indo-européennes.



Le pantillon de Jacques Offenbach, Le Papillon, est présenté à l'Opéra de Paris dans la chorégraphie de Marie Taglioni. La performance est un triomphe, grâce à l'habileté de la jeune ballerine Emma Livry.



1862/1126:Aurel Stein 186243、誕生

a Hungarian-British archaeologist, primarily known for his explorations and archaeological discoveries in Central Asia.


{なんといふ奇しき因縁だらう。彼のライヴァル的存在だった Sven Hedin 186552 がこの日に死去してゐる。

Lewis Carroll sends the handwritten manuscript from Alice's Adventures Underground to ten-year-old Alice Liddell.


1865/1126:Lewis Carroll publishes Alice in Wonderland.


United States President Abraham Lincoln proclaims November 26 as a national Thanksgiving Day, to be celebrated annually on the final Thursday of November. (Since 1941, it has been on the fourth Thursday.)


Battle of Papudo: A Spanish navy schooner is defeated by a Chilean corvette north of Valparaíso, Chile.

In the Spanish-South American War there is a naval battle at Papudo, in which the Chilean fleet under Juan Williams Rebolledo celebrates a victory over the Spaniards.

La corbeta Esmeralda







The first edition of Charles Darwin's The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals appears.


1883/1126:Sojourner Truth 179783、死去

an African-American abolitionist and women's rights activist.
Truth was born into slavery in Swartekill, Ulster County, New York, but escaped with her infant daughter to freedom in 1826. After going to court to recover her son, in 1828 she became the first black woman to win such a case against a white man.


1894/1126:Norbert Wiener 189464、誕生

an American mathematician and philosopher. He was a professor of mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). A child prodigy, Wiener later became an early researcher in stochastic and mathematical noise processes, contributing work relevant to electronic engineering, electronic communication, and control systems.
Wiener is considered the originator of cybernetics, a formalization of the notion of feedback, with implications for engineering, systems control, computer science, biology, neuroscience, philosophy, and the organization of society.

le tsar de Russie Nicolas II épouse Alexandra de Hesse-Darmstadt 187218, princesse de Hesse.

Через несколько недель после смерти царя Александра III. женится на своем сыне Николае в Петербургском Эрмитаже принцессе Аликс Гессен-Дармштадтской. Она управляет им как Царица Александра Федоровна.
A few weeks after the death of Tsar Alexander III. marries his son Nicholas in the St. Petersburg Hermitage the Princess Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt. She rules with him as Tsarina Alexandra Fyodorovna.



1898/1126:ニュウイングランド「Portland Storm」襲來
In a heavy storm afflicting the coast of New England and claiming more than 450 lives, Cape Ann sinks the American passenger liner Portland. All 192 people on board are killed. The storm is therefore called .



Sun Yat-sen first proposed the Three Principles of the People in the initial publication of the Min Pao.




1909/1126:Eugène Ionesco 190994、誕生

(Eugen Ionescu, dit), écrivain français, membre de l'Académie française





The Manchester Guardian publishes the 1916 secret Sykes-Picot Agreement between the United Kingdom and France.


1922/1126:Charles Monroe Schulz 192200、誕生

an American cartoonist best known for the comic strip Peanuts (which featured the characters Charlie Brown and Snoopy, among others).

Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon become the first people to enter the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in over 3000 years.




The Toll of the Sea debuts as the first general release film to use two-tone Technicolor.
 (The Gulf Between was the first film to do so, but it was not widely distributed.)


As the second socialist state in the world, the Mongolian People's Republic is founded in Ulaanbaatar.


In Russian aviation, a prototype of the bomber and all-metal aircraft ANT-4 makes its maiden flight.


Prajadhipok is crowned king of Siam, which under his regency will be transformed into a constitutional monarchy.


1926/1126:John Moses Browning 185526、死去

an American firearms designer who developed many varieties of military and civilian firearms, cartridges, and gun mechanisms, many of which are still in use around the world



1926/1126:Eliška Krásnohorská 184726、死去

a Czech feminist author. She was introduced to literature and feminism by Karolína Světlá. She wrote works of lyric poetry and literary criticism, however, she is usually associated with children's literature and translations, including works by Pushkin, Mickiewicz and Byron.

Der erste Band von Robert Musils Roman Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften erscheint.




1937/1126:Alexander Krasnoshchyokov 188037、死去

(Александр Михайлович Краснощёков)レニンの承認のもと、(日本の滿洲國に張り合ふ)政略的な『極東共和国』を建国


1939/1126:ソ連軍「Shelling of Mainila」
The Soviet Army orchestrates an incident which is used to justify the start of the Winter War with Finland four days later.


1941/1126:WWⅡ、USA ハル国務長官が「Hull Note」提示
The US Secretary of State hands over to the Japanese Ambassador the Hull note, which results in the end of diplomatic relations and the declaration of war by Japan. 

That same day, under the command of Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku, the Japanese Assault Federation is operating under the strictest secrecy to attack the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor.


1942/1126:WWⅡ ユウゴスラビア、パルチザン
Yugoslav Partisans convene the first meeting of the Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia at Bihać in northwestern Bosnia.


An earthquake measuring 7.6 in Turkey kills around 4,000 people.


1942/1126:USA Cinema『Casablanca』公開
the movie starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, premieres in New York City


The US victory in the Battle of Cape St. George in the Pacific War means both the end of the Tokyo Express and the Japanese Resistance in the Solomon Islands.


HMT Rohna is sunk by the Luftwaffe in an air attack in the Mediterranean north of Béjaïa, Algeria.


1944/1126:WWⅡ ドイツロケット、ロンドンを襲ふ
A German V-2 rocket hits a Woolworth's shop in London, United Kingdom, killing 168 people.

1944/1126:WWⅡ Germany begins V-1 and V-2 attacks on Antwerp, Belgium.




ポラロイド社が世界初となるのインスタントカメラPolaroid Land Camera」を発売



The Constituent Assembly of India adopts the constitution presented by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.

India, which until now has a monarchy under the Commonwealth of Nations with the British King George VI. as head of state, constitutes itself as a republic.



1950/1126:Korean War:
Troops from the People's Republic of China launch a massive counterattack in North Korea against South Korean and United Nations forces (Battle of the Ch'ongch'on River and Battle of Chosin Reservoir), ending any hopes of a quick end to the conflict.

After the intervention of Chinese troops on the north side begins during the Korean War, the battle for the Chosin Reservoir, which will last until December 13.


1952/1126:Sven Hedin 186552、死去

a Swedish geographer, topographer, explorer, photographer, travel writer, and illustrator of his own works. During four expeditions to Central Asia, he made the Transhimalaya known in the West and located sources of the Brahmaputra, Indus and Sutlej Rivers. He also mapped lake Lop Nur, and the remains of cities, grave sites and the Great Wall of China in the deserts of the Tarim Basin.


{なんと同じこの日に、中央アジアの同じ地域を探檢、踏査した二人、Aurel Stein 186243 と Sven Hedin 186552 が、スタインは誕生し、ヘディンは死去するとは。フシギな偶然を思はないではゐられない。『古今東西、歴史暦、今日の出來事』の醍醐味なり。


In the Hammaguir launch facility in the Sahara Desert, France launches a Diamant-A rocket with its first satellite, Asterix-1, on board.


Vietnam War: United States Air Force helicopter pilot James P. Fleming rescues an Army Special Forces unit pinned down by Viet Cong fire. He is later awarded the Medal of Honor.


In Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe, 1.5 inches (38.1 mm) of rain fall in a minute, the heaviest rainfall ever recorded.


Simone Veil prononce le discours défendant son projet de loi dépénalisant l'avortement.






1976/1126:Pops「Punk Rock」
"Anarchy in the U.K.", the debut single of the Sex Pistols, is released, heralding the arrival of punk rock


An unidentified hijacker named Vrillon, claiming to be the representative of the "Ashtar Galactic Command", takes over Britain's Southern Television for six minutes, starting at 5:12 pm.


The International Olympic Committee passed the seat of the People's Republic of China replacing the Republic of China in the Olympic Committee.


1983/1126:ロンドンで「Brink's-Mat robbery」
In London, 6,800 gold bars worth nearly £26 million are stolen from the Brink's-Mat vault at Heathrow Airport.

In a robbery on a warehouse at London Heathrow airport, several perpetrators captured 6,800 gold bars weighing three tons and diamonds. It is currently the largest robbery in British crime history with an estimated prey value of £ 25 million.

1986/1126:Iran–Contra affair
U.S. President Ronald Reagan announces the members of what will become known as the Tower Commission.


The Delta II rocket makes its maiden flight.


National Assembly of Azerbaijan abolishes the autonomous status of Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast of Azerbaijan and renames several cities back to their original names.


Tony Blair becomes the first Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to address the Oireachtas, the parliament of the Republic of Ireland.


The Khanna rail disaster takes 212 lives in Khanna, Ludhiana, India.


The Concorde makes its final flight, over Bristol, England.

dernier vol du Concorde à Bristol (Royaume-Uni).


2004/1126:PRChina「Ruzhou School massacre」
A man stabs and kills eight people and seriously wounds another four in a school dormitory in Ruzhou, China.

Yan Yanming (Chinese: 闫彦明) (1983 – January 18, 2005) was a Chinese mass murderer who entered a dormitory at the Ruzhou Number Two High School in Ruzhou, China on November 26, 2004, with a knife and attacked twelve boys, killing nine of them


The last Poʻouli (Black-faced honeycreeper) dies of avian malaria in the Maui Bird Conservation Center in Olinda, Hawaii, before it could breed, making the species in all probability extinct.



On September 9, 2004, one of the remaining birds, a male, was captured and taken to the Maui Bird Conservation Center in Olinda, in an attempt to breed the bird in captivity. However, biologists could not find a mate for the male before it died on November 26, 2004.





Série de dix attentats terroristes à Bombay (Inde).

A terrorist group begins in ten places with attacks in Mumbai. Affected are, among others, the hotels Trident Oberoi and Taj Mahal Palace & Tower. The balance after days of firefighting with the police: 174 dead and at least 239 injured.



2011/1126:NATO attack in Pakistan
NATO forces in Afghanistan attack a Pakistani check post in a friendly fire incident, killing 24 soldiers and wounding 13 others.


The Mars Science Laboratory launches to Mars with the Curiosity Rover.


A copy of the Bay Psalm Book, psalter dating from 1640, is auctioned in New York, organized by Sotheby's for $ 14.2 million, a record for a printed book.





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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World