


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 11/22 今日の出來事

 22 November の今日、
1928年に Maurice Ravel 187537 の Bolero が初演されました。
1963年には、アメリカ大統領だった John F Kennedy 191763 が Dallas で暗殺されました。
その他にも デンマアクの國王が暗殺され、織田信長153482は弟の信行を暗殺してゐます。

暗殺や殺戮といふ語にボレロのリズムを重ねてみるとまるで Danse macabre(死の舞踏)のリズムに聞こえてきた。


After the death of Anastasius II, Symmachus is elected Pope in the Lateran Palace, while Laurentius is elected Pope in Santa Maria Maggiore.

Symmachus ??0514:Pope from 22 November 498 to his death in 514. His tenure was marked by a serious schism over who was legitimately elected pope by the citizens of Rome


845/1122:ブリタニvsフランク「Battaille de Ballon」
The first King of all Brittany, Nominoe, defeats the Frankish king Charles the Bald at the Battle of Ballon near Redon.






Wang Xiaochu, resignation for the second time.




Frederick II(Federico II) is arrested in Rome by Pope Honorius III. crowned Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

Friedrich II 119450 ことをJacob Burckhardt 181897は「玉座上の最初の近代人」と評した。中世世界で最も進歩的な君主とされ、同時代の年代記では「世界の驚異」と讚へられた。その宮廷と生活ぶりはルネサンス時代を先取りしたものであった。そのゆゑにロウマ教皇庁やイタリアの都市國家と軋轢、對立しなければならなかった。ロウマ教皇は彼を二度破門した。


The Danish king Erik V. Klipping is murdered by an assassin in the Jutland Finderup.


Fulmination de la bulle Pastoralis præminentiæ ordonnant l'arrestation des membres de l'ordre du Temple.

Pope Clement V issues the papal bull Pastoralis Praeeminentiae which instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Templars and seize their assets.

Vasco da Gama reroutes o Cabo da Boa Esperança em busca da rota marítima para a Índia.

Vasco da Gama reroutes the Cape of Good Hope in search of the sea route to India.

アフリカの最南端に位置する「喜望岬」には、すでに1488年、ポルトガル人バルトロメウ・ディアスが到達してゐたが、あまりにも荒れる海域であったため、Cabo des Tormentas(Cabo Tormentoso、「嵐の岬」と命名した。だが、この航路の発見がもたらした経済効果、香辛料貿易の經路短縮につながったことから、ポルトガルジョアン二世により「Cabo da Boa Esperança、希望の岬」と改稱された。



Spanish navigator Juan Fernández discovers islands now known as the Juan Fernández Islands off Chile.

The Spanish navigator Juan Fernández discovers the later named after him archipelago in the Pacific. One of the islands is today's Robinson Crusoe Island, on which in 1704 Alexander Selkirk is exposed.


Dutch colonial forces on Taiwan launch a pacification campaign against native villages, resulting in Dutch control of the middle and south of the island.



Long Parliament:The Great Council of Parliament requesting parliamentary reform raising the evil of King Charles I passed by the English Council.


The premiere of the opera Il Pastor fido (The Faithful Shepherd) by Georg Friedrich Händel will take place at the Queen's Theater in London. The piece falls through in its first version and is discontinued after seven performances.


Off the coast of North Carolina, British pirate Edward Teach (best known as "Blackbeard") is killed in battle with a boarding party led by Royal Navy Lieutenant Robert Maynard.

Lieutenant Robert Maynard, captain of the HMS Pearl, kills the notorious pirate Blackbeard in combat as he and his crew board the British ship in the waters off North Carolina.


The Battle of Wroclaw wins the Austrian army with Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine at the helm. 

Three days later, the Prussian units surrender under Duke August Wilhelm von Braunschweig-Bevern, in which many soldiers forced to serve in the military fled.

1802/1122:Thomas Cook 180292、誕生

an English businessman.
He is best known for founding the travel agency Thomas Cook & Son.

1819/1122:George Eliot 181980、誕生

本名「Mary Anne Evans (alternatively "Mary Ann" or "Marian"、つまり女です)」, known by her pen name George Eliot, was an English novelist, poet, journalist, translator and one of the leading writers of the Victorian era.

Auf dem Zimiker-Hügel in Uster versammeln sich während der Regeneration rund 10.000 Männer der Zürcher Landschaft und fordern in Memorial von Uster eine neue liberale Verfassung.

During the regeneration around 10,000 men of the Zurich countryside gather on the Zimiker hill in Uster and demand a new liberal constitution in Memorial von Uster.


Canadian journalist and politician William Lyon Mackenzie calls for a rebellion against the United Kingdom in his essay "To the People of Upper Canada", published in his newspaper The Constitution.


1848/1122:インド、シクvs東インド會社軍「2nd Sikh War, Battle of Ramnagar」
 takes place between the British East India Company and the Sikh Army of the Punjab.


1861/1122:Ranavalona III 186117, reine de Madagascar、生誕

la dernière reine de Madagascar sur lequel elle règne de 1883 à 1897, sous l'influence de son Premier ministre et époux, Rainilaiarivony.







1864/1122:American Civil War:
John Bell Hood begins the Franklin–Nashville Campaign in an unsuccessful attempt to draw William Tecumseh Sherman back out of Georgia.




1869/1122:André Gide 186951、誕生

un auteur français et lauréat du prix Nobel de littérature en 1947 "pour ses écrits complets et artistiquement significatifs, dans lesquels les problèmes et les conditions humaines ont été présentés avec un amour intrépide de la vérité et une perspicacité psychologique aiguë"


In Dumbarton, Scotland, the clipper Cutty Sark is launched and is one of the last clippers ever built, and the only one still surviving today.



With the battle of Ali Masjid won by the British army near the Chaiber Pass, the Second Anglo-Afghan War sets in.



couronnement de Ranavalona III, reine de Madagascar.


1890/1122:Charles de Gaulle 189070、誕生

「Charles André Joseph Pierre-Marie de Gaulle」
un militaire, résistant, homme d'État et écrivain français.

「偉大なことは、偉大な人間がいなければ決して達成されない。 そして、人間は偉大になろうと決意して初めて偉大になれるのだ」

「パリよ。パリは辱められ、パリは破壊され、パリは犠牲となった…しかしパリは解放された! 自分自身の力で解放を勝ち取ったのだ、フランス全土の支援の下に、フランス人の力によって! 戦うフランス、これぞ真実のフランスである。フランスよ永遠なれ!

{私の識ってる生きたドゴウルはほとんど映画の『The Day of The Jackarl ジャッカルの日』だけです。この映画は屈指のサスペンスで、暗殺ものとしては最高級の作品。ドゴウルは最後のところで出てくるだけです。






Japanese occupation of China Lushun.

1898/1122:Wiley Post 189835、誕生

a famed American aviator during the interwar period, the first pilot to fly solo around the world. Also known for his work in high-altitude flying, Post helped develop one of the first pressure suits and discovered the jet stream.

1901/1122:Joaquín Rodrigo 190199、誕生

también conocido como el Maestro Rodrigo, fue un compositor español de música clásica.


1902/1122:Emanuel Feuermann 190242、誕生

ein österreichisch-deutscher Cellist.

The Congress of Manastir establishes the Albanian alphabet.


1913/1122:Benjamin Britten 191376、誕生

an English composer, conductor and pianist.
He was a central figure of 20th-century British classical music, with a range of works including opera, other vocal music, orchestral and chamber pieces. His best-known works include the opera Peter Grimes (1945), the War Requiem (1962) and the orchestral showpiece The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (1945).

1916/1122:Jack London 187616、逝去(Suicide)

an American novelist, journalist, and social activist.
A pioneer in the world of commercial magazine fiction, he was one of the first writers to become a worldwide celebrity and earn a large fortune from writing. He was also an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.


London died November 22, 1916, in a sleeping porch in a cottage on his ranch. London had been a robust man but had suffered several serious illnesses, including scurvy in the Klondike.
Additionally, during travels on the Snark, he and Charmian picked up unspecified tropical infections, and diseases, including yaws. At the time of his death, he suffered from dysentery, late-stage alcoholism, and uremia; he was in extreme pain and taking morphine.

Französische Truppen ziehen nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg in Straßburg ein und beenden damit die erst am 11. November ausgerufene Republik Elsaß-Lothringen.

French troops move into Strasbourg after the First World War, ending the Republic of Alsace-Lorraine, which was only proclaimed on 11 November.

With the conclusion of the second Tiranapakts with Italy Albania becomes in fact an Italian protectorate.


The premier performance of Ravel's Boléro takes place in Paris.



1929/1122:Japan Rugby「近鉄花園ラグビー場」開場式


Pan American Airlines launched the first Pacific Air Mail (San FranciscoーManila).


パンアメリカン航空、初となる太平洋横断定期航空便(サンフランシスコ⇔- マニラ)を就航。


1940/1122:WWⅡ イタリアの弱い者苛めとそのしっぺ返し
Following the initial Italian invasion, Greek troops counterattack into Italian-occupied Albania and capture Korytsa.


1942/1122:WWⅡ「Battle of Stalingrad」ドイツ降伏
General Friedrich Paulus sends Adolf Hitler a telegram saying that the German 6th Army is surrounded.


1943/1122:WWⅡ「Cairo Conference」
U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Chinese Premier Chiang Kai-shek meet in Cairo, Egypt, to discuss ways to defeat Japan.


Lebanon gains independence from France.



Antonin Artaud enregistre pour la Radiodiffusion française "Pour en finir avec le jugement de Dieu”.


1949/1122:連合國側&ドイツ「Petersberg Agreement」
The Allied High Commissioners and Konrad Adenauer sign the Petersberg Agreement, which extends the rights of the German Federal Government beyond the Occupation Statute, which came into force only a few weeks previously.


In the nuclear weapons test area Semipalatinsk the Soviet Union ignites again a nuclear weapon, a transportable hydrogen bomb.



Hungary's former Prime Minister Imre Nagy is arrested by the Soviet KGB and deported to Romania after leaving the Yugoslav Embassy, where he fled the popular uprising, with his companions - despite the promise of impunity by his successor János Kádár.


U.S. President John F. Kennedy is assassinated and Texas Governor John Connally is seriously wounded by Lee Harvey Oswald

1963/1122:John Fitzgerald Kenned 191763、暗殺

Commonly referred to by his initials JFK, was an American statesman who served as the 35th President of the United States from January 1961 until his assassination in November 1963




1963/1122:Aldous Leonard Huxley 189463、逝去

a British writer best known to the general public for his novel The Brave New World.



1963/1122:Clive Staples Lewis 189363、逝去

a British novelist, poet, academic, medievalist, literary critic, essayist, lay theologian, broadcaster, lecturer, and Christian apologist.
He is best known for his works of fiction, especially The Screwtape Letters, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Space Trilogy, and for his non-fiction Christian apologetics, such as Mere Christianity, Miracles, and The Problem of Pain.

Lewis and fellow novelist J. R. R. Tolkien were close friends. They both served on the English faculty at Oxford University, and were active in the informal Oxford literary group known as the Inklings


The Man Man of La Mancha by Mitch Leigh, based on the text by Dale Wasserman, will be premiered at the Anta Washington Square Theater in New York City.




1967/1122:UN Security Council Resolution 242 is adopted,
establishing a set of the principles aimed at guiding negotiations for an Arab–Israeli peace settlement.


The Beatles (known popularly as The White Album)』release.


The South Tyrolean People's Party (SVP) votes by a small margin for the acceptance of the South Tyrol package.


Na guerra colonial portuguesa começa a operação portuguesa Mar Verde, um ataque anfíbio na capital da Guiné.

In the Portuguese colonial war begins the Portuguese operation Mar Verde, an amphibious attack on the capital of Guinea.

The Italian Fascist organization Ordine Nuovo is disbanded.


The United Nations General Assembly grants the Palestine Liberation Organization observer status.




Juan Carlos is declared King of Spain following the death of Francisco Franco.

Dos días después de la muerte de Franco, Juan Carlos es proclamado Rey de España, lo que a su vez conduce a la transición del franquismo a la democracia.
Two days after Franco's death, Juan Carlos is proclaimed King of Spain, which in turn leads to the transition from Francoism to democracy.


British Airways inaugurates a regular London to New York City supersonic Concorde service.



1980/1122:Mae West 189370、死去

an American actress, singer, playwright, screenwriter, comedian, and sex symbol whose


1981/1122:Hans Adolf Krebs 190081

ein deutscher, später britischer Mediziner, Internist und Biochemiker.

1953年 ノーベル生理学・医学賞

The first prototype B-2 Spirit stealth bomber is revealed.



British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher withdraws from the Conservative Party leadership election, confirming the end of her Prime-Ministership.




『純愛物語』でベルリン国際映画祭銀熊賞 (監督賞)、『武士道残酷物語』で同映画祭グランプリを受賞。キネマ旬報「ベストテン」では5本の監督作が「ベストワン」に選出されるなど、賞歴も多く作品の評価は高い。主な監督作に『青い山脈』『また逢う日まで』『真昼の暗黒』『キクとイサム』など。

1993/1122:Tatiana Nikolaïeva 192493

(Татьяна Пeтрoвнa Николаева) est une compositrice, pianiste russe,

1995/1122:USA Cinema『Toy Story』is released
 as the first feature-length film created completely using computer-generated imagery.


The 7.3 Mw Gulf of Aqaba earthquake shakes the Sinai Peninsula and Saudi Arabia region with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe), killing eight and injuring 30, and generating a non-destructive tsunami.


2000/1122:Emil Zátopek 192200、死去

a Czechoslovak long-distance runner best known for winning three gold medals at the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki. He won gold in the 5,000 metres and 10,000 metres runs, but his final medal came when he decided at the last minute to compete in the first marathon of his life.[1] He was nicknamed the "Czech Locomotive".


In Nigeria, more than 100 people are killed at an attack aimed at the contestants of the Miss World contest.


2003/1122:Baghdad DHL attempted shootdown incident
Shortly after takeoff, a DHL Express cargo plane is struck on the left wing by a surface-to-air missile and forced to land.


2004/1122:ウクライナ「Orange Revolution」begins
 in Ukraine, resulting from the presidential elections.


Angela Merkel (CDU) wird vom Bundestag als erste Frau in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in das Amt des Bundeskanzlers gewählt.

Angela Merkel becomes the first female Chancellor of Germany.


2007/1122:Maurice Béjart 192707

un danseur, chorégraphe et directeur d'opéra né en France qui dirigeait le Béjart Ballet Lausanne en Suisse.



Kanye West sort l'album "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy".


2012/1122:ハマスvsイスラエル、Ceasefire begins
 between Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Israel after eight days of violence and 150 deaths.


A landslide in Hpakant, Kachin State, northern Myanmar killed at least 116 people near a jade mine, with around 100 more missing.


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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World