


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 11/08 今日の出來事

0035/1108:12ロウマ皇帝 Nerva 003598、誕生

012RE、:Marcus Cocceius Nerva Caesar Augustus

ネルウァは、ユリウス=クラウディウス朝の最後の皇帝となったNero 003768、その後に成立したフラウィウス朝に立身出世した。ネロの時代にはピソの陰謀を防いだ功績がある。ネロが自殺した後の内亂ではフラウィウス朝を支持、ウェスパシアヌス帝から執政官に任じられ、その後継者のティトゥスドミティアヌスの時代にも執政官に任じられるなど重用された。

0960/1108:ビザンチン「Battle of Andrassos」
Byzantines under Leo Phokas the Younger score a crushing victory over the Hamdanid Emir of Aleppo, Sayf al-Dawla.



1278/1108:China[大越]、陳朝皇帝「聖宗 ⇨ 仁宗」
Trần Thánh Tông, the second emperor of the Trần dynasty, decides to pass the throne to his crown prince Trần Khâm and take up the post of Retired Emperor.


1308/1108:Johannes Duns Scotus 126608、死去

He is generally considered to be one of the three most important philosopher-theologians of the High Middle Ages.
The doctrines for which he is best known are the "univocity of being," that existence is the most abstract concept we have, applicable to everything that exists; the formal distinction, a way of distinguishing between different aspects of the same thing; and the idea of haecceity, the property supposed to be in each individual thing that makes it an individual. Scotus also developed a complex argument for the existence of God, and argued for the Immaculate Conception of Mary.
スコットランドのバウィックシャの Duns で誕生。オックスフォドとパリで学ぶ。


1494/1108:Melozzo da Forlì 143894、死去

un pittore e architetto italiano, massimo esponente della scuola forlivese di pittura nel XV secolo.


Sisto IV nomina il Platina prefetto della biblioteca Vaticana


Con Piero de 'Medici lasciando la città, la regola dei Medici termina a Firenze per la prima volta.


1519/1108:Conquista española de México
Hernán Cortés llega a la capital azteca de Tenochtitlán y es recibido con gran esfuerzo por Moctezuma II.

Hernán Cortés enters Tenochtitlán and Aztec ruler Moctezuma welcomes him with a great celebration.


1520/1108:スヱデン「Stockholm Bloodbath」 begins
: A successful invasion of Sweden by Danish forces results in the execution of around 100 people.

The Danish King Christian II, crowned King of Sweden four days earlier, breaks his promise of an amnesty and has numerous Swedish nobles executed in the Stockholm carnage to weaken the supporters of Sten Sturge the Younger and enforce the Kalmar Union.


1576/1108:八十年戰爭(Guerra de Ochenta Años)
: La Pacificación de Gante reúne a todas las provincias holandesas contra los españoles con la demanda de tolerancia religiosa y la retirada de las tropas españolas.

Eighty Years' War: Pacification of Ghent: The States General of the Netherlands meet and unite to oppose Spanish occupation.

1599/1108:Francisco Guerrero 152899、死去

un compositore spagnolo.



長束「Nazuka あるいは Nagatsuka」


The Bodleian Library at the University of Oxford is opened to the public.


1605/1108:イギリス「GunPowder Plot」Robert Catesby, ringleader of the Gunpowder Plotters, is killed.

At Holbeach House, Staffordshire, two out of every six plotters in the Gunpowder plot of 5 November are shot dead on arrest. Among the killed is the leader Robert Catesby.


1674/1108:John Milton 160874、死去

an English poet, polemicist, man of letters, and civil servant for the Commonwealth of England under Oliver Cromwell.
He wrote at a time of religious flux and political upheaval, and is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost (1667), written in blank verse.


Japanese daimyō Dom Justo Takayama is exiled to the Philippines by shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu for being Christian.



1620/1108:三十年戰爭「Battle of White Mountain」始まって終る
 takes place near Prague, ending in a decisive Catholic victory in only two hours.

At the Battle of the White Mountain at the beginning of the Thirty Years' War Charles Bonaventure de Longueval defeated Comte de Bucquoy, the commander of the Catholic League, the Bohemian estates under their King Frederick V of the Palatinate and his army commander Christian I of Anhalt.


1627/1108:La bataille du pont du Feneau
 fut la dernière bataille de l'invasion de l'Île de Ré par les forces britanniques venues apporter leur aide à la rébellion huguenote de La Rochelle. Cet échec final força les Britanniques à se replier vers l'Angleterre.


1644/1108:China[清] Shunzhi Emperor 順治帝
(the third emperor of the Qing 清 dynasty)is enthroned in Beijing after the collapse of the Ming dynasty as the first Qing emperor to rule over China.



1658/1108:Bataille de l'Öresund
 qui voit la victoire de la flotte néerlandaise, venue secourir ses alliés danois, sur la flotte suédoise.

In the Battle of Oresund in the Second Nordic War, the Dutch fleet of the Republic of the Seven United Provinces remains victorious against the Swedish fleet under the command of Carl Gustav Wrangels.

Im Edikt von Potsdam gewährt der Große Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm den französischen Hugenotten Privilegien und eine sichere Heimstatt in Brandenburg.

In the Edict of Potsdam, the Great Elector Friedrich Wilhelm grants the French Huguenots privileges and a secure home in Brandenburg.

Charles Edward Stuart invades England with an army of ~5000 that would later participate in the Battle of Culloden.




A Paris, le Louvre est rendu accessible au peuple par le gouvernement révolutionnaire et transformé en musée.


1798/1108:イギリス人、Nauru 發見
British Captain John Fearn lands on the island of Nauru as the first European and calls it Pleasant Island because of the great friendliness of its inhabitants.



1811/1108:Battle of Tippecanoe
: Following the Indian Federation's attack the day before, Governor William Harrison sends spies to the Native American camp, finds it deserted and burns down the village. According to other sources, this leads to a massacre of women and children.


1840/1108:Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild、誕生

a British banker and politician from the wealthy international Rothschild family.

1847/1108:Abraham "Bram" Stoker 184712

an Irish author, best known today for his 1897 Gothic novel Dracula. During his lifetime, he was better known as the personal assistant of actor Henry Irving and business manager of the Lyceum Theatre in London, which Irving owned.

1848/1108:Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege 184825、誕生

ein deutscher Logiker, Mathematiker und Philosoph.
Seine herausragende Leistung auf dem Gebiet der Logik besteht darin, als erster eine formale Sprache und, damit zusammenhängend, formale Beweise entwickelt zu haben. Er schuf dadurch eine wesentliche Grundlage für die heutige Computertechnik und Informatik sowie für formale Methoden in der linguistischen Semantik.

John Russell Hind discovers the asteroid Euterpe.


1861/1108:American Civil War: The "Trent Affair":
 The USS San Jacinto stops the British mail ship Trent and arrests two Confederate envoys, sparking a diplomatic crisis between the UK and US.


With an overwhelming vote, Republican incumbent Abraham Lincoln is re-elected to the US presidential election during the American Civil War. His Democratic challenger George McClellan, who has argued for a negotiated settlement with the Confederates, can only choose three US states in his favor.


In the Welsh coal mine Ferndale Colliery two explosions occur, which result in the death of 178 men and boys.


1869/1108:Felix Hausdorff 176942、誕生

deutscher Mathematiker.
Er gilt als Mitbegründer der allgemeinen Topologie und lieferte wesentliche Beiträge zur allgemeinen und deskriptiven Mengenlehre, zur Maßtheorie, Funktionalanalysis und Algebra.


1877/1108:Karel Sabina 181377、死去

a Czech writer and journalist.

Sabina died in poverty and scorn in 1877, the general exhaustion being given as the cause of death.

1849、サビナは『May Coup(バクニンの死相影響を受けてプラハで反亂計画を立てた団体)』に参加したことを理由に逮捕された。

1887/1108:John Henry "Doc" Holliday 185187、死去

an American gambler, gunfighter, and dentist, and a good friend of Wyatt Earp. He is best known for his role as a temporary deputy marshal in the events leading up to and following the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a7/Doc_HollidayatAge20.jpg March 1872, age 20,
In 1887, prematurely gray and badly ailing, Holliday made his way to the Hotel Glenwood, near the hot springs of Glenwood Springs, Colorado.[62] He hoped to take advantage of the reputed curative power of the waters, but the sulfurous fumes from the spring may have done his lungs more harm than good.[8]:217 As he lay dying, Holliday is reported to have asked the nurse attending him for a shot of whiskey. When she told him no, he looked at his bootless feet, amused. The nurses said that his last words were, "This is funny."[6] He always figured he would be killed someday with his boots on.[2]:372 Holliday died at 10am on November 8, 1887. He was 36.

1884/1108:Hermann Rorschach 188422、誕生

ein freudianischer Schweizer Psychiater und Psychoanalytiker. Er entwickelte ein Formdeutungsverfahren („Tintenklecks-Test“), das als Rorschachtest bekannt wurde.
ロウルシャハは1906年にロシアとベルリンに留学し、精神医学の教授を務めていたスイス出身のEugen Bleuler 185739の弟子となり、一般精神医学や特殊精神療法学、臨床精神療法学などを学んだ。その他に、同じスイス出身の Carl Gustav Jung 187561 の「ヒステリ」にかなする精神病理学を聴講したりもした。



1887/1108:John Henry "Doc" Holliday 185187、死去

an American gambler, gunfighter, and dentist, and a good friend of Wyatt Earp. He is best known for his role as a temporary deputy marshal in the events leading up to and following the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.

 March 1872, age 20,

In 1887, prematurely gray and badly ailing, Holliday made his way to the Hotel Glenwood, near the hot springs of Glenwood Springs, Colorado. He hoped to take advantage of the reputed curative power of the waters, but the sulfurous fumes from the spring may have done his lungs more harm than good.
As he lay dying, Holliday is reported to have asked the nurse attending him for a shot of whiskey. When she told him no, he looked at his bootless feet, amused. The nurses said that his last words were, "This is funny." He always figured he would be killed someday with his boots on.
Holliday died at 10am on November 8, 1887. He was 36.

Emil Berliner receives the Reichspatent on his sound reproduction device with rotatable record. The gramophone replaced after the turn of the century more and more the roller phonograph by Thomas Alva Edison.



1890/1108:César Auguste Franck 182290、死去

professeur, organiste et compositeur belge, naturalisé français en 18701, est l'une des grandes figures de la vie musicale française de la seconde partie du XIXe siècle.


The New Orleans general strike begins, uniting black and white American trade unionists in a successful four-day general strike action for the first time.




Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen entdeckt die Röntgenstrahlen.

While experimenting with electricity, Wilhelm Röntgen discovers the X-ray.



1895/1108: 日本と清『遼東半島還付条約』に調印。


1900/1108:Margaret Mitchell 190049、誕生

n American author and journalist.
One novel by Mitchell was published during her lifetime, the American Civil War-era novel, Gone with the Wind, for which she won the National Book Award for Most Distinguished Novel of 1936 and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1937.

1901/1108:ギリシアアテネ「Gospel riots」
: Bloody clashes take place in Athens following the translation of the Gospels into demotic Greek.


The Paris newspaper L'Illustration launches the first public image transmission by facsimile telegraph and submarine cable. Twelve minutes later, the photograph of King Edward VII arrives at the London Daily Mirror. The two newspapers acquire the rights to the device developed by Arthur Korn.


1916/1108:Peter Weiss 191682、誕生

ein deutsch-schwedischer Schriftsteller, Maler, Grafiker und Experimentalfilmer.

Internationalen Erfolg erzielte er mit dem Stück Marat/Sade, das mit dem US-Theater- und Musicalpreis „Tony Award“ ausgezeichnet wurde.

{私は Pブルックによる映画で見て、非常に刺戟された。史劇の形式として、たとへば(こっちは小説だが)安部公房の『榎本武揚』なとどともに、歴史と物語の絡みあひに思ひをいたされたのを思ひだす。


The first Council of People's Commissars is formed, including Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin.
Lénine devient Président du Conseil des commissaires du Peuple de RSFSR.
В Известиях опубликован указ о земле, созданный Лениным. Компенсация земель землевладельцев, церквей и государственных областей без компенсации набирает сельское население для большевиков.
(In Izvestia, the decree on land created by Lenin is published. The compensation of the lands of landowners, churches and state domains without compensation is gaining the rural population for the Bolsheviks.

Kurt Eisner ruft in München während der Novemberrevolution in der ersten Sitzung der Arbeiter- und Soldatenräte im Mathäser die Republik Bayern als Freistaat aus und erklärt das herrschende Königshaus der Wittelsbacher für abgesetzt. Eisner wird vom Münchner Arbeiter- und Soldatenrat zum ersten Ministerpräsidenten gewählt, der in der Folge eine Regierung des Volksstaates Bayern bildet.

=Kurt Eisner proclaims the Republic of Bavaria as a Free State in Munich during the November Revolution in the first session of the Workers 'and Soldiers' Councils in Mathäser and declares the ruling royal house of the Wittelsbacher deposed. Eisner is elected by the Munich Workers 'and Soldiers' Council to the first Prime Minister, which subsequently forms a government of the people's state of Bavaria.

1923/1108:Jack Kilby 192305、誕生

an American electrical engineer who took part (along with Robert Noyce) in the realization of the first integrated circuit while working at Texas Instruments (TI) in 1958. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics

Hitler-Ludendorff-Putsch: Adolf Hitler besetzt mit Erich Ludendorff, Hermann Göring und anderen Nationalsozialisten den Bürgerbräukeller in München und verkündet, die „nationale Revolution“ sei ausgebrochen und die Reichsregierung der Weimarer Republik abgesetzt.

Beer Hall Putsch: In Munich, Adolf Hitler leads the Nazis in an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the German government.

Otto Feick erhält ein Patent auf das Rhönrad.



1927/1108:Patti Page 192713、誕生

an American singer of traditional pop music and country music. She was the top-charting female vocalist and best-selling female artist of the 1950s, selling over 100 million records during a six-decade long career.



In the US presidential election during the Great Depression, Democratic challenger Franklin D. Roosevelt manages a landslide victory over Republican incumbent Herbert C. Hoover.




A student kills Mohammed Nadir Shah, the king of Afghanistan. His son Mohammed Sahir Shah follows the assassination attempt on the throne.

1935/1108:Alain Delon 1935--、誕生



1936/1108:En la Guerra Civil Española,
 las fuerzas del gobierno republicano y las Brigadas Internacionales logran detener el avance de los golpistas bajo Francisco Franco en Madrid. Sin embargo, la batalla por Madrid continúa durante todo el mes de noviembre.

Spanish Civil War: Francoist troops fail in their effort to capture Madrid, but begin the 3-year Siege of Madrid afterwards.


The Nazi exhibition Der ewige Jude ("The Eternal Jew") opens in Munich.

Propagandaminister Joseph Goebbels eröffnet in der Bibliothek des Deutschen Museums in München die Schau Der ewige Jude. Die Wanderausstellung soll die Bevölkerung im Rahmen der antisemitischen Rassismusideologie der aNationalsozialisten gegen ihre jüdischen Mitbürger aufhetzen.
=Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels opens the show The Eternal Jew in the library of the Deutsches Museum in Munich. The traveling exhibition is intended to incite the population against their Jewish fellow citizens in the context of the anti-Semitic racist ideology of the National Socialists.

1939/1108:WWⅡ「スパイ合戰」Venlo Incident
: Two British agents of SIS are captured by the Germans.


Bei Georg Elsers Attentat auf Adolf Hitler und die Führung der NSDAP im Münchener Bürgerbräukeller kommen acht Menschen ums Leben. Hitler selbst hat das Lokal jedoch bereits 13 Minuten früher verlassen.

In Munich, Adolf Hitler narrowly escapes the assassination attempt of Georg Elser while celebrating the 16th anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch.

Georg Elser commet un attentat à la bombe contre Adolf Hitler.

Georg Eisner

1940/1108:Greco-Italian War:
 The Italian invasion of Greece fails as outnumbered Greek units repulse the Italians in the Battle of Elaia–Kalamas.


1942/1108:WWⅡ: French Resistance coup in Algiers,
 in which 400 civilian French patriots neutralize Vichyist XIXth Army Corps after 15 hours of fighting, and arrest several Vichyst generals, allowing the immediate success of Operation Torch in Algiers.

During the Second World War, British troops and Americans land in North Africa as part of Operation Torch, opening up a two-front war in the African campaign.

In Thailand putscht das Heer unter Feldmarschall Phin Choonhavan gegen die zivile Regierung von Thawan Thamrongnawasawat.


Cambodia receives formal independence from France as a member of the French Union.


Korean War: United States Air Force(while piloting an F-80 Shooting Star)shoots down two North Korean MiG-15s in the first jet aircraft-to-jet aircraft dogfight in history.




Pan Am Flight 7 disappears between San Francisco and Honolulu. Wreckage and bodies are discovered a week later.


Operation Grapple X, Round C1: The United Kingdom conducts its first successful hydrogen bomb test over Kiritimati in the Pacific.

イギリスによる初めて成功した多段階熱核反応兵器実験。(グラップル X)

Democrat John F. Kennedy narrowly defeats Republican Richard M. Nixon in the US presidential election, making him the youngest US president to date.





The 173rd Airborne is ambushed by over 1,200 Viet Cong in Operation Hump during the Vietnam War, while the 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment fight one of the first set-piece engagements of the war between Australian forces and the Viet Cong at the Battle of Gang Toi.




1970/1108:Napoleon Hill 188370、死去

an American self-help author.
He is known best for his book Think and Grow Rich (1937) which is among the 10 best selling self-help books of all time
Hill's works insisted that fervid expectations are essential to improving one's life. Most of his books were promoted as expounding principles to achieve "success".

Think and Grow Rich
Hill writes that he was inspired by a suggestion from business magnate and later-philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.
The 13 "steps" listed in the book are:
 Specialized Knowledge
 Organized Planning
 Power of the Master Mind
 The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
 The Subconscious Mind
 The Brain
 The Sixth Sense

The Law of Success
This book was Hill's first major success, allowing Hill to adopt an opulent lifestyle. By 1929, he had already bought a Rolls-Royce and a six-hundred acre property in the Catskill Mountains, with the aid of some lenders

Philosophy of Achievement

{競馬で勝つ唯一の方法は『競馬で勝つ』といふ本を出すこととはよく云はれることだが、「成功哲學」も「自己啓發」も似たやうなものだらう。成功に近道も王道もなく、自己啓發が書が實際に役立つのかどうか、結果論から云へば、云ふまでもあるまい。スティヴジョブスの信者は數多いだらうが、ジョブスをいくら學んでもジョブスのやうにはなれない。そんな簡単なことも解らず、本を手にする …… いつだって、騙される奴と騙す野郎がゐるといふわけだ。


The British band Led Zeppelin releases the album (Led Zeppelin IV). It contains their most famous song, Stairway to Heaven.


HBO launches its programming, with the broadcast of the 1971 movie Sometimes a Great Notion, starring Paul Newman and Henry Fonda.


1973/1108:Arbre du Ténéré、史上一番(おそらく)孤獨だった木
The remains of the Arbre du Ténéré, the "most isolated tree in the world" are brought to the National Museum in Niamey.

テネレの木(Arbre du Ténéré)は、ニジェル中央部のテネレ砂漠に一本だけ立っていた木。地球上で最も孤立した場所に立っていた木として知られ、最も近い他の木から200km以上も離れた場所に立っていた
1973: der ehemalige Arbre du Ténéré


The right ear of John Paul Getty III is delivered to a newspaper together with a ransom note, convincing his father to pay US$2.9 million.



Manolis Andronikos(a Greek archaeologist and professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)discovers the tomb of Philip II of Macedon at Vergina.

1987/1108:IRA「Remembrance Day bombing」
: A Provisional IRA bomb explodes in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland during a ceremony honouring those who had died in wars involving British forces. Twelve people are killed and sixty-three wounded.


1987/1108:LPGA、女子プロゴルファ、岡本綾子 快擧
Ayako LPGAツアーで初のアメリカ人以外の賞金女王となる。
Okamoto Ayako becomes the first prize money queen of non-Americans on LPGA tour.


1994/1108:USA「Republican Revolution」
: On the night of the 1994 United States midterm elections, Republicans make historic electoral gains by securing massive majorities in both houses of congress (54 seats in the House and eight seats in the Senate, additionally). Thus bringing a close to four decades of Democratic domination.


1998/1108:フランスの映画俳優 Jean Marais 191398、死去

Jean-Alfred Villain Marais
un acteur français, il est également metteur en scène, écrivain, peintre, sculpteur, potier et cascadeur.


The Japanese Red Army 's top executive, Shigetobu Fusako, who had been making international arrangements in The Hague case was arrested.


2002/1108:Iraq disarmament crisis
: UN Security Council Resolution 1441: The United Nations Security Council unanimously approves a resolution on Iraq, forcing Saddam Hussein to disarm or face "serious consequences".


2004/1108:War in Iraq
: More than 10,000 U.S. troops and a small number of Iraqi army units participate in a siege on the insurgent stronghold of Fallujah.


The potentially hazardous asteroid 2005 YU55 passes 0.85 lunar distances from Earth (about 324,600 kilometres or 201,700 miles), the closest known approach by an asteroid of its brightness since 2010 XC15 in 1976.

23:28 (UTC)、直径400mの308635番小惑星「2005 YU55」が地球から32万5000kmの地点を通過。観測史上初めて、直径が100m以上の小惑星が月の軌道の内側に入り込む。




Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever recorded, strikes the Visayas region of the Philippines; the storm left at least 6340 people dead with over 1000 still missing, and caused $2.86 billion (2013 USD) in damage.


Donald Trump, candidate of the Republican Party, wins the US presidential election. In addition, the Republicans each secure the majority in the Senate and in the House of Representatives of the United States.



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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World