


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 10/27 今日の出來事

≫ 諸君は、由緒あり、歴史ある早稲田の大学生である。便乗はよしなさい。歴史の動向と取り組みなさい。天下一人を以て興る。諸君みな一人を以て興ろうではないか。日本は革新せられなければならぬ。日本の巨船は怒涛の中にただよっている。便乗主義者を満載していては危険である。諸君は自己に目覚めよ。天下一人を以て興れ、これが私の親愛なる同学諸君に切望する所である。 ……

With the adoption of the 44-year-old Trajan by the childless emperor Nerva, the time of the adoptive emperors began in the Roman Empire.


Constantine the Great is said to have received his famous Vision of the Cross.

It is commonly understood that on the evening of 27 October with the armies preparing for battle, Constantine had a vision which led him to fight under the protection of the Christian God. Some details of that vision, however, differ between the sources reporting it.


Début de l'invasion arabe en Sardaigne.




0777/1027:平城京の阿修羅の一人 藤原式家良繼071677、卒去


Æthelstan(the first King of England)died and was succeeded by his half-brother, Edmund I.


Der Sachsenkrieg König Heinrichs IV endet mit der barfüßigen Unterwerfung der sächsischen Fürsten vor dem König.

The Saxon Rebellion  (German: Sachsenkrieg) refers to the struggle between the Salian dynasty ruling the Holy Roman Empire and the rebel Saxons during the reign of Henry IV. The conflict reached its climax in the period from summer 1073 until the end of 1075, in a rebellion that involved several clashes of arms.






Traditional founding of the city of Amsterdam.


1466/1027:痴愚神禮讚の Desiderius Erasmus 146636、誕生

ein bedeutender niederländischer Gelehrter des Renaissance-Humanismus.
Er war Theologe, Priester, Augustiner-Chorherr, Philologe und Autor zahlreicher Bücher.
風刺文藝『Moriae encomium 痴愚神禮讚』は、彼の親友である Thomas More 147835 をロンドンに訪ね、その滯在中に一週間ほどで作りあげたものとされる。
痴愚女神 Moria はギリシア語の「痴愚」「狂気」の意味で、More のラテン名 Morus から連想されたものとされる。



Italian Wars: The French troops lay siege to Pavia.



1553/1027:キリスト教異端者 Michel Servet 151153、刑死(火刑)

Michel Servet est brûlé vif sur ordre du Grand Conseil de Genève.
In Genf stirbt der spanische Arzt und Gelehrte Michael Servetus auf dem Scheiterhaufen, nachdem er Kritik am Calvinismus geübt und vom Reformator Johannes Calvin als Ketzer bewertet worden ist.

Théologien et médecin espagnol, brûlé vif à Genève pour hérésie



1605/1027:ムガル帝國立役者 Jalâluddin Muhammad Akbar 154205、死去

Il est généralement considéré comme le plus grand - akbar en arabe - Moghol.



1644/1027:イギリス内戦「Second Battle of Newbury」
 in the English Civil War.




Louis XIV rachète Dunkerque à l'Angleterre, la ville devient définitivement française.

Charles II of England sold Dunkirk for 40,000 pounds to France.

Philadelphia is established in the Colonial American Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


Die Kantate Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen von Johann Sebastian Bach wird in Leipzig uraufgeführt.


1728/1027:イギリスの世界一周者 James Cook 172879、誕生

a British explorer, navigator, cartographer, and captain in the Royal Navy.
Cook made detailed maps of Newfoundland prior to making three voyages to the Pacific Ocean, during which he achieved the first recorded European contact with the eastern coastline of Australia and the Hawaiian Islands, and the first recorded circumnavigation of New Zealand.



1782/1027:悪魔のバイオリニスト Niccolò Paganini 178240、誕生

un violinista, compositore e chitarrista italiano, fra i più importanti esponenti della musica romantica.

Niccolò Paganini (1819), di Dominique Ingres


The Federalist articles appeared in three New York newspapers: The Independent Journal, the New-York Packet, and the Daily Advertiser, beginning on October 27, 1787. 


The two British naval officers, Peter Heywood and James Morrison, who had been condemned to death on account of the mutiny on the Bounty, were pardoned by Royal Grace and released the same day.


1795/1027:USA & スペイン「マドリド条約」調印
The U. S concludes in Madrid with Spain the Pinckney Treaty, which defines the border with the Spanish colonies of East and West Florida at the Mississippi and the 31st degree of latitude. Both sides grant each other free shipping on the Mississippi, US merchants may also store goods in New Orleans.


1800/1027:江戸期の綺想の繪師 伊藤若沖171600、死去






Im Zuge des Vierten Koalitionskrieges zieht Napoleon nach dem Sieg in der Schlacht bei Jena und Auerstedt in der preußischen Hauptstadt Berlin ein.

The French Army enters Berlin, following the Battle of Jena–Auerstedt.


1807/1027:フランス&スペイン「Traité de Fontainebleau」
 sur l'occupation du Portugal signée entre la France et l'Espagne.

In the secret treaty of Fontainebleau, Spain and France agree on the conquest and subsequent division of Portugal. Napoleon Bonaparte is thus aiming at the continental front against Britain, which Portugal refuses.

United States annexes the former Spanish colony of West Florida.

The Spanish colony Westflorida is annexed by the United States, as it is part of the territory of Louisiana purchased by Louisiana Purchase from France.


1811/1027:アメリカの発明家 Isaac Merrit Singer 181175、誕生

an American inventor, actor, and businessman.
He made important improvements in the design of the sewing machine and was the founder of the Singer Sewing Machine Company


1816/1027:江戸期の戲文作者 山東京傳176116、死去



Missouri governor Lilburn Boggs issues the Extermination Order, which orders all Mormons to leave the state or be exterminated.

The governor in the US state of Missouri has the expulsion of all Mormons from his state.

1858/1027:アメリカの大統領 Theodore Roosevelt 185819、誕生

an American statesman, author, explorer, soldier, and naturalist, who served as the 26th President of the United States from 1901 to 1909.

Mason John Jordan Upchurch founds the first US-American Masonic brotherhood in Meadville, Pennsylvania, to be the "Brotherhood of Charity for White Men".


Dans la guerre franco-prussienne, le maréchal François-Achille Bazaine rendit l'armée et la forteresse au siège de Metz.

Marshal François Achille Bazaine surrenders to Prussian forces at the conclusion of the Siege of Metz along with 140,000 French soldiers in one of the biggest French defeats of the Franco-Prussian War.


échec d'une tentative de restauration monarchique en France à la suite d'une lettre du « comte de Chambord » dans laquelle il refuse l'adoption du drapeau tricolore.


Joseph Glidden announces barbed wire for patent.



One of a number of uprisings by members of the former samurai-class which took place in the early Meiji period in Kyūshū 九州 and other parts of western Japan against the new Meiji government.



Das von Fritz Drechsler im Jugendstil erbaute Künstlerhaus in Leipzig wird als Vereinshaus des Leipziger Künstlervereins eröffnet, der vor dem Haus befindliche Platz wird in Platz am Künstlerhaus umbenannt.



1883/1027:日本の医学博士で洋画家 呉建188340、誕生

「Kure Ken」日本の醫師、内科學者、洋画家。医学博士(東京帝國大學)


Les Nocturnes de Claude Debussy est un triptyque symphonique avec chœur de femmes. 

Le projet initial est né de la vision de tableaux du peintre américain James Whistler, que Debussy appréciait.

Les Nocturnes 夜想曲 は「Nuages 雲」「Fêtes 祭」「Sirènes シレヌ」の三部からなるが、「雲」「祭」は 1900/1209 に初演されてゐた。

Sergei Rachmaninows Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 c-Moll, op. 18 wird in Moskau uraufgeführt.


The first robbery takes place in Paris, where a car is used for flight.


The first underground New York City Subway line opens; the system becomes the biggest in United States, and one of the biggest in world.


1906/1027:幕末維新の活動家 海江田信義182306、死去



1907/1027:Helmut Walcha 190791、誕生

「ヘルムウト ヴァルヒャ」ein deutscher Organist, Cembalist und Komponist.


1907/1027:ハンガリで「Massacre of Černová」
 Hungarian gendarme units shoot 15 Slovakian demonstrators.

Černová massacre: Fifteen people are killed in the Hungary when a gunman opens fire on a crowd gathered at a church consecration, which leads to protests over the treatment of minorities in Austria-Hungary.

1914/1027:イギリスの詩人 Dylan Thomas 191453、誕生

Poète et écrivain britannique

The British lose their first battleship of World War I:
The loss was kept an official secret in Britain until 14 November 1918 (three days after the end of the war). The sinking was witnessed and photographed by passengers on RMS Olympic sister ship of RMS Titanic.


1916/1027:日本の相場師 岩本榮之助187716、拳銃で自殺



1916/1027:エチオピア「Battle of Segale」
Negus Mikael, marching on the Ethiopian capital in support of his son Emperor Iyasu V, is defeated by Fitawrari abte Giyorgis, securing the throne for Empress Zewditu I.


1917/1027:WWⅠ「Battle of Karfreit」
the twelfth and last Isonzo battle in the First World War, the front line of the Italians collapses completely. The Central Powers penetrate to the Piave and occupy the Italian headquarters in Udine.



I fascisti italiani iniziano la "marcia su Roma", annunciata da Benito Mussolini, per cogliere il potere in Italia.

Italian fascists begin the "march on Rome", announced by Benito Mussolini, to seize power in Italy.

A referendum in Rhodesia rejects the country's annexation to the South African Union.


1923/1027:アメリカの画家 Roy Lichtenstein 192397、誕生

an American pop artist. During the 1960s, along with Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, and James Rosenquist among others, he became a leading figure in the new art movement. His work defined the premise of pop art through parody.
Inspired by the comic strip, Lichtenstein produced precise compositions that documented while they parodied, often in a tongue-in-cheek manner. His work was influenced by popular advertising and the comic book style. He described pop art as "not 'American' painting but actually industrial painting"

The Uzbek SSR is founded in the Soviet Union.






Ratifications exchanged in London for the first London Naval Treaty, signed in April modifying the 1925 Washington Naval Treaty and the arms limitation treaty's modified provisions, go into effect immediately, further limiting the expensive naval arms race among its five signatories.


During the Chinese Civil War, the long march of 90,000 Communists led by Mao Zedong through China began to free themselves from the encirclement of Chiang Kai-shek's troops.






Das Auswärtige Amt des Deutschen Reiches verfügt die „vollständige Ausweisung aller Juden polnischer Staatsangehörigkeit“. Am selben Abend beginnt die Gestapo in aller Öffentlichkeit mit den Verhaftungen. Tausende Menschen werden in der folgenden Nacht nach Polen deportiert.

The Foreign Office of the German Reich has the "complete expulsion of all Jews of Polish nationality". On the same evening, the Gestapo began publicly with the arrests. Thousands of people are deported to Poland the following night.

1941/1027:アメリカの生物学者 Ernest Everett Just 188341、死去

a pioneering African-American biologist, academic and science writer.
Just's primary legacy is his recognition of the fundamental role of the cell surface in the development of organisms. In his work within marine biology, cytology and parthenogenesis, he advocated the study of whole cells under normal conditions, rather than simply breaking them apart in a laboratory setting.


1943/1027:日本の雄弁なる政事家 中野正剛188643、自決(切腹


≫ 諸君は、由緒あり、歴史ある早稲田の大学生である。便乗はよしなさい。歴史の動向と取り組みなさい。天下一人を以て興る。諸君みな一人を以て興ろうではないか。日本は革新せられなければならぬ。日本の巨船は怒涛の中にただよっている。便乗主義者を満載していては危険である。諸君は自己に目覚めよ。天下一人を以て興れ、これが私の親愛なる同学諸君に切望する所である。


German forces capture Banská Bystrica during Slovak National Uprising thus bringing it to an end.

With the capture of Banská Bystrica by the German armed forces, the Slovak national insurrection collapsed.

The first Indian-Pakistani war begins with the deployment of Indian airborne troops in Kashmir's capital Srinagar.


Air France aircraft from Paris to New York crashed near the Açores (Portugal). Violinist Ginette Neveu, ProBoxer Marcel Celdan and others died.

1949/1027:Ginette Neveu 191949、飛行機墜落の事故死

「じねっと ぬう゛」une violoniste française.
Le 28 octobre 1949, elle meurt dans l'accident du vol Paris-New York d'Air France aux Açores3, dans lequel disparaissent aussi, entre autres, son frère Jean Neveu et le champion de boxe Marcel Cerdan. Elle repose au cimetière du Père-Lachaise à Paris (11ème Division).

1949/1027:エディトピアフの愛人 Marcel Cerdan 191649、飛行機墜落の事故死

mort le 28 octobre 1949 dans un accident d'avion survenu au-dessus de l'archipel des Açores (Portugal). Ayant grandi au Maroc à partir de 1922, il était surnommé « le bombardier marocain » ou « l'homme aux mains d'argile ».

ピアフはセルダンのために Hymne à l'amour 愛の讚歌を作った。この歌はセルダンの死を哀しんで作ったものと云はれてゐるが、セルダンの生前に作られてゐた。妻子を持つセルダンとの恋愛に終止符を打たうとしてピアフは作ったのだらうと推察されてゐる。

Iskander Mirza, the first President of Pakistan, is deposed in a bloodless coup d'état by General Ayub Khan, who had been appointed the enforcer of martial law by Mirza 20 days earlier.


1960/1027:フランス藝術「Le groupe des Nouveaux Réalistes
 est fondé à Paris sous la direction du critique Pierre Restany. Arman, François Dufrêne, Raymond Hains, Yves Klein, Martial Raysse, Daniel Spoerri, Jean Tinguely et Jacques Villeglé signent un Manifeste de Restany.





1961/1027:NASA「first Saturn I rocket」


1962/1027:イタリアの Enrico Mattei 190662、飛行機事故死(暗殺?)

A plane carrying Enrico Mattei, post-war Italian administrator, crashes in mysterious circumstances.

Major Rudolf Anderson of the United States Air Force becomes the only direct human casualty of the Cuban Missile Crisis when his U-2 reconnaissance airplane is shot down over Cuba by a Soviet-supplied SA-2 Guideline surface-to-air missile.

During a reconnaissance flight with a Lockheed U-2, US-American pilot Rudolf Anderson is shot down over Cuba by a Soviet S-75 anti-aircraft missile. He remains the only dead man in the Kubakrise.

1964/1027:USA、レガン大統領 "A Time for Choosing"演説
Ronald Reagan delivers a speech on behalf of the Republican candidate for president, Barry Goldwater. The speech launches his political career and comes to be known as "A Time for Choosing".


1967/1027:日本の國語學者 時枝誠記190067、死去


1968/1027:オウストリの核物理学者 Lise Meitner 187868、死去

eine bedeutende österreichische Kernphysikerin.


1975/1027:角川書店創業者 角川源義191775、死去


1977/1027:アメリカの小説家 James Mallahan Cain 189277、死去




1981/1027:ソ連海軍「ウィスキ オン ザ ロック 事件」
The Soviet submarine S-363 runs aground on the east coast of Sweden.

The Soviet submarine U 137 of the Whiskey class runs through the Swedish archipelago of Blekinge in front of Karlskrona and is attacked by the Swedish Navy. The incident is part of the Swedish submarine affair.

The Baikal-Amur Highway in Siberia is opened with the laying of the Golden Link.



1986/1027:日本の政商 小佐野賢治191786、死去


The British government suddenly deregulates financial markets, leading to a total restructuring of the way in which they operate in the country, in an event now referred to as the Big Bang.


Ronald Reagan suspends construction of the new U.S. Embassy in Moscow due to Soviet listening devices in the building structure.


1989/1027:日本の言語学者 三浦つとむ191189、死去



1990/1027:フランスの映画監督 Jacques Demy 193190、死去

Principalement connu comme réalisateur, mais également scénariste, dialoguiste, parolier, producteur et acteur, il était proche de la Nouvelle Vague. Il est surtout connu pour ses films musicaux : Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (1964), Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (1967), Peau d'âne (1970) ou encore Une chambre en ville (1982).

Turkmenistan achieves independence from the Soviet Union.


Gunmen open fire in the Armenian Parliament, killing Prime Minister Vazgen Sargsyan, Chairman Karen Demirchyan, and six others.




Britain withdraws from Afghanistan after the end of Operation Herrick which started on June 20, 2002 after 12 years four months and seven days.


2016/1027:昭和天皇の弟 三笠宮崇仁親王191516、薨去



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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World