


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 10/17 今日の出來事


Cyrus II(the king of Persia who defeated the new Babylonian kingdom)entered Babylon and released Jews who had been moved to Babylon.


Kuruš ??-529


Execution of the guardian secretary, Seianus, by the Roman Senate.

Lucius Aelius Seianus -02031 was an ambitious soldier, friend and confidant of the Roman Emperor Tiberius. An equestrian by birth, Sejanus rose to power as prefect of the Roman imperial bodyguard, known as the Praetorian Guard, of which he was commander from AD 14 until his death in AD 31.
When Tiberius withdrew to Capri in AD 26, Sejanus was left in control of the administration of the empire. For a time the most influential and feared citizen of Rome, Sejanus suddenly fell from power in AD 31, the year his career culminated with the consulship. Amidst suspicions of conspiracy against Tiberius, Sejanus was arrested and executed, along with his followers.

A tornado thought to be of strength T8/F4 strikes the heart of London.


1244/1017:十字軍「Bataille de Forbie」
 Victoire des Ayyoubides sur les croisés.

The Battle of La Forbie was fought between the allied armies (drawn from the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the crusading orders, the breakaway Ayyubids of Damascus, Homs and Kerak) and the Egyptian army of the Ayyubid Sultan as-Salih Ayyub, reinforced with Khwarezmian mercenaries.


1346/1017:百年戰爭「Battle of Neville's Cross」
King David II of Scotland is captured by the English near Durham, and imprisoned in the Tower of London for 11 years.







1448/1017:ハンガリvsオスマン「Battle of Kosovo」
 the mainly Hungarian army led by John Hunyadi is defeated by an Ottoman army led by Sultan Murad II.


1456/1017:スヱデン「University of Greifswald」
establish, making it the second oldest university in northern Europe (also for a period the oldest in Sweden, and Prussia).

Die Universität zu Greifswald wird gegründet. Sie ist die viertälteste durchgängig bestehende Universität auf dem Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und zugleich die zweitälteste im Ostseeraum.


1558/1017:ポウランド「Poczta Polska」
 the Polish postal service, is founded.





Eight days after the unsuccessful battle at the Moyry Pass during the nine-year war, the English troops took the pass without a defensive, since the Irish defenders have now withdrawn.


1604/1017:天文「Kepler's Supernova」
German astronomer Johannes Kepler observes a supernova in the constellation Ophiuchus.

Der Astronom Johannes Kepler beobachtet im Sternbild Schlangenträger die Supernova 1604 („Keplers Stern“), die bislang letzte entdeckte Supernova in unserer Milchstraße. Er veröffentlicht seine Erkenntnisse später in dem Werk De Stella nova in pede Serpentarii.


Louis XIII is crowned in Reims Cathedral.

Louis XIII monte alors sur le trône à 8 ans et demi. Il est sacré le 17 octobre 1610 à Reims par le cardinal François de Joyeuse. Le pouvoir est alors assuré par sa mère Marie de Médicis, qui gouverne le royaume comme régente.



1624/1017:豊臣秀吉正室 高臺院[ねね/おね]154224、逝去


Nine regicides, the men who signed the death warrant of Charles I, are hanged, drawn and quartered.





Charles II of England sells Dunkirk to France for 40,000 pounds.


1676/1017:ポウランド&トルコ「Jouravno 条約」締結
Signature du traité de Jouravno, entre la Pologne et la Turquie.





1760/1017:Claude-Henri de Rouvroy de Saint-Simon 176025、誕生

un philosophe, économiste et militaire français, fondateur du saint-simonisme. Ses idées ont eu une postérité et une influence sur la plupart des philosophes du XIXe siècle. Il est le penseur de la société industrielle française, qui était en train de supplanter la société d’Ancien Régime.

In Wien findet die vielbeachtete Uraufführung des Balletts Don Juan von Christoph Willibald Gluck statt, zu dem der Tänzer und Choreograf Gasparo Angiolini die Choreographie geschaffen hat.


1771/1017:ミラノ、オペラ「Ascanio in Alba」初演
Premiere in Milan of the opera Ascanio in Alba, composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, age 15.


1777/1017:アメリカ獨立戰爭「Battle of Saratoga」、
American Revolutionary War、British General John Burgoyne surrenders his army at Saratoga, New York.

American troops defeat the British under John Burgoyne in the Battle of Saratoga. The Saratoga Convention stipulates that British troops will be released when they return to Europe and commit themselves not to interfere with the American independence war.

1781/1017:アメリカ獨立戰爭「Siege of Yorktown」
In A.R.War: British General Charles, Earl Cornwallis surrenders at the Siege of Yorktown.


1793/1017:フランス内戦「Bataille de Cholet」
 Victoire des républicains sur les Vendéens.


The peace of Campo Formio between France and the Holy Roman Empire, dictated by Napoleon Bonaparte, ends the First War of Coalition and restores the political situation in Upper Italy. In a secret supplementary agreement, Emperor Franz II recognized the Rhine as the eastern border of France.


Britain takes control of the Dutch colony of Curaçao.



1806/1017:ハイチ建國の父 Jean-Jacques Dessalines 175896、暗殺

un líder de la Revolución haitiana que proclamó la independencia del país el 1 de enero de 1804 y se convirtió en su primer gobernante. En 1804 se proclamó emperador con el nombre de Jacques I.




Auf der Theresienwiese in München findet zum Abschluss der Hochzeitsfeierlichkeiten zwischen Kronprinz Ludwig (dem späteren König Ludwig I.) und Prinzessin Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen ein Volksfest mit Pferderennen statt, das als erstes Oktoberfest angesehen wird.
On the Theresienwiese in Munich, a folk festival with horse-racing takes place at the end of the wedding celebrations between Crown Prince Ludwig (later King Ludwig I) and Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen, which is regarded as the first Oktoberfest.


1813/1017:ドイツの作家 Georg Büchner 181337、誕生

ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Mediziner, Naturwissenschaftler und Revolutionär.
Er gilt trotz seines schmalen Werkes – er starb bereits im Alter von 23 Jahren – als einer der bedeutendsten Literaten des Vormärz.



In the Chilean independence war, the battle of El Roble is a surprise. After the strong losses of the patriots against a royalist struggle, the resistance of a bunch around Bernardo O'Higgins turns into a lost battle in favor of the patriots.


Eight people die in the London Beer Flood.


1849/1017:ピアノの詩人 Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin 181049、逝去

un compositeur et pianiste virtuose d'ascendance franco-polonaise,



The Bessemer process, designed by Henry Bessemer, which facilitates steel production, is patented.



First The Open Championship (referred to in North America as the British Open).

The Open Championship, the oldest golf tournament ever played, is being held for the first time in Prestwick,

Prestwick Golf Club, site of the first Open Championship in 1860

Nineteen people are killed in the Cullin-la-ringo massacre, the deadliest massacre of Europeans by aborigines in Australian history.








La France a établi le Gouverneur général d'Indochine supervisant le «pays protégé d'Annan et du Tonkin», la «colonie de Coachishina» et le «pays protégé par le Cambodge» pour établir la «fédération indochinoise».



1887/1017:ドイツの科学者 Gustav Kirchhoff 182487、死去

ein deutscher Physiker, der sich insbesondere um die Erforschung der Elektrizität verdient gemacht hat.



Japan's first water supply system was completed in Yokohama City, and water supply to foreign settlement areas began.


1888/1017:エヂソン「Optical Phonograph」特許取得
Thomas Edison files a patent for the Optical Phonograph (the first movie).


1898/1017:オウストリ出身の女優&歌手 Lotte Lenya 198198、誕生

eine österreichisch-amerikanische Schauspielerin und Sängerin (Mezzosopran/Alt).


1900/1017:アメリカの映画女優 Jean Arthur 190091、誕生

an American actress and a major film star of the 1930s and 1940s.
Her last film performance was the memorable, and distinctly non-comedic, homesteader's wife in George Stevens' Shane in 1953.


1903/1017:アメリカの小説家 Nathanael West 190340、誕生

(Nathan Wallenstein Weinstein, dit), écrivain américain

津田梅子らが日本基督教女子青年会 (YWCA) を東京に創立。


Guglielmo Marconi's company begins the first commercial transatlantic wireless service between Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada and Clifden, Ireland.


Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia declare war on the Ottoman Empire, joining Montenegro in the First Balkan War.

Déclaration de guerre de la Bulgarie, la Grèce et la Serbie à l'Empire ottoman.


1915/1017:アメリカの劇作家 Arthur Miller 191505、誕生

an American playwright, essayist, and figure in twentieth-century American theater.
Among his most popular plays are All My Sons (1947), Death of a Salesman (1949), The Crucible (1953) and A View from the Bridge (1955, revised 1956). He also wrote several screenplays and was most noted for his work on The Misfits (1961). The drama Death of a Salesman has been numbered on the short list of finest American plays in the 20th century alongside Long Day's Journey into Night and A Streetcar Named Desire.

First British bombing of Germany in World War I.

Bataille du détroit de Muhu. La Kaiserliche Marine l'emporte sur la Marine impériale russe.

1918/1017:アメリカの映画女優 Rita Hayworth 191887、誕生

(Margarita Carmen Cansino, dit), actrice américaine



El rey de España Alfonso XIII. Abrió la primera línea de metro de Madrid.


1919/1017:USA「Radio Corporation」
RCA is incorporated as the Radio Corporation of America.


1920/1017:アメリカの男優 Montgomery Clift 192066、誕生

an American film and stage actor.
He is best remembered for roles in Red River (1948), The Heiress (1949), George Stevens's A Place in the Sun (1951), as a Catholic priest in Alfred Hitchcock's I Confess (1952), as the self-destructive soldier Prewitt in Fred Zinnemann's From Here to Eternity (1953), in Edward Dmytryk's The Young Lions (1958), and as a mentally challenged, sterilized concentration camp survivor in Stanley Kramer's Judgment at Nuremberg (1961).
He received four Academy Award nominations during his career: three for Best Actor and one for Best Supporting Actor.
Along with Marlon Brando and James Dean, Clift was one of the original method actors in Hollywood; he was one of the first actors to be invited to study in the Actors Studio with Lee Strasberg and Elia Kazan.

1920/1017:ギリシアの女優 Melina Mercouri 192094、誕生

a Greek actress, singer and politician.



1922/1017:ブラジルのギタリスト Luis Floriano Bonfa 192201、誕生

, musicien brésilien


1923/1017:アメリカのギタリスト Barney Kessel 192304、誕生

, guitariste de jazz américain

1926/1017:ドイツの男優 Klaus Kinski192691、誕生

ein deutscher Schauspieler. Er ist der Vater von Pola, Nastassja und Nikolai Kinski.


Angesichts der Zugewinne der NSDAP in der Reichstagswahl im September richtet Thomas Mann im Berliner Beethoven-Saal an das deutsche Volk einen Appell an die Vernunft. Rund ein Dutzend Nationalsozialisten versuchen die Veranstaltung zu stören, was jedoch nicht gelingt.

In view of the gains of the NSDAP in the Reichstag election in September, Thomas Mann directed an appeal to reason in the Berlin Beethoven-Saal to the German people. About a dozen national socialists are trying to disturb the event, but this does not work.

Al Capone is convicted of income tax evasion.

Al Capone is guilty of tax evasion by the jury. The sentence will be pronounced one week later.



Albert Einstein emigriert aus dem Dritten Reich in die USA.

Albert Einstein flees Nazi Germany and moves to the United States.

1938/1017:マルクシズムの法王 Karl Kautsky 185438、死去

ein deutsch-tschechischer Philosoph und sozialdemokratischer Politiker.


The body of Communist propagandist Willi Münzenberg found in South France, starting a never-resolved mystery.


a German submarine attacks an American ship for the first time in the war.


German troops execute the male population of the villages Kerdyllia in Serres, Greece.


The Burma Railway (Burma–Thailand Railway) is completed.


Sobibór extermination camp is closed.


A massive number of people, headed by CGT, gather in the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires, Argentina to demand Juan Perón's release.

Union-organized mass protests in Argentina forced the release of Juan Perón, who was arrested on 9 October. The assembly of his followers at the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires is regarded as the birth of Peronism.

With the establishment of the Union française, France is trying to reshape its colonial empire following the example of the British Commonwealth of Nations.


1947/1017:アメリカの地理学者 Ellsworth Huntington187647、死去

a professor of geography at Yale University during the early 20th century, known for his studies on environmental determinism/climatic determinism, economic growth and economic geography.


Donald Byrne and Bobby Fischer play a famous chess game called The Game of the Century. Fischer beat Byrne and wins a Brilliancy prize.

13-year-old Bobby Fischer defeated the renowned champion Donald Byrne in the eighth round of the Rosenwald Memorial tournament in New York.

Une manifestation de 30 000 Algériens à Paris contre une barrière de sortie imposée par la guerre d'Algérie conduit au massacre de Paris, avec un nombre inconnu de morts, des milliers de blessés et 14 000 arrestations sous la responsabilité de Maurice Papon, alors policier.

Scores of Algerian protesters (some claim up to 400) are massacred by the Paris police at the instigation of former Nazi collaborator Maurice Papon, then chief of the Prefecture of Police.

1965/1017:USA「World Fair」
The 1964–65 New York World's Fair closes after a two-year run. More than 51 million people had attended the event.


1966/1017:フランスの美のアイコン Cléo de Mérode 187566、死去

une danseuse et icône de beauté

Elle pose pour le sculpteur Alexandre Falguière, pour les peintres Degas, Jean-Louis Forain, Boldini, elle est représentée par Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec et a son effigie en cire au musée Grévin dès 1895, façonnée par le chef d'atelier du musée, le sculpteur Léopold Bernstamm.


Elle est une des premières femmes dont l’image photographique, due notamment aux photographes Paul Nadar (1856-1939), fils et successeur de Félix Nadar, et surtout Léopold-Émile Reutlinger (1863-1937), est diffusée à l'échelle mondiale. Elle pose également pour l'atelier photographique Benque (photos prises à l'Opéra, à partir de 1890), le photographe Charles-Pierre Ogerau (1868-1908) auteur d'une série de portraits en 1895, et plus tard, Henri Manuel (1847-1947).

Cléo de Mérode by Nadar

A fire at a building in New York City kills 12 firefighters, the fire department's deadliest day until the September 11, 2001 attacks.


1967/1017:China[清]最後の皇帝 愛新覚羅溥儀190667、崩去



In New York the musical Hair is premiered.


1973/1017:オウストリの作家 Ingeborg Bachmann 192673、死去

eine österreichische Schriftstellerin. Sie gilt als eine der bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Lyrikerinnen und Prosaschriftstellerinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ihr zu Ehren wird seit 1977 jährlich der Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis verliehen.


OPEC imposes an oil embargo against a number of Western countries, considered to have helped Israel in its war against Egypt and Syria.

アラブ石油輸出国機構 (OAPEC) の緊急閣僚会議で原油生産削減、供給制限を決定。第一次オイルショックの発端。

1977/1017:ドイツ、ハイジャック事件「German Autumn」
Four days after it is hijacked, Lufthansa Flight 181 lands in Mogadishu, Somalia, where a team of German GSG 9 commandos later rescues all remaining hostages on board.


1979/1017:ノベル平和賞「Mother Teresa」
 is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.


1983/1017:フランスの知識人 Raymond Aron 190583、死去

un philosophe, sociologue, politologue, historien et journaliste français.
D'abord ami et condisciple de Jean-Paul Sartre et Paul Nizan à l'École normale supérieure, il devient, lors de la montée des totalitarismes, un ardent promoteur du libéralisme, à contre-courant d'un milieu intellectuel pacifiste et de gauche alors dominant. Il dénonce ainsi, dans son ouvrage L'Opium des intellectuels, l'aveuglement et la bienveillance des intellectuels à l'égard des régimes communistes.

The 6.9 Mw Loma Prieta earthquake shakes the San Francisco Bay Area and the Central Coast with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). 63 people were killed.


1989/1017:ドイツ「Peaceful Revolution」
The East German Politburo votes to remove Erich Honecker from his role as General Secretary of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany.


1992/1017:USA「Halloween Party 殺人事件」
Having gone to the wrong house for a Halloween party, Japanese exchange student Yoshihiro Hattori is shot and killed by the homeowner in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.


Russian journalist Dmitry Kholodov is assassinated while investigating corruption in the armed forces.


2001/1017:イスラエル「Assassination」Israeli tourism minister Rehavam Ze'evi becomes the first Israeli minister to be assassinated in a terrorist attack.


The pinnacle is fitted on the roof of Taipei 101, a 101-floor skyscraper in Taipei, allowing it to surpass the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur by 56 metres (184 ft) and become the world's tallest highrise.


2005/1017:中国の作家 巴金190405、死去


2009/1017:日本のシンガソングライタ 加藤和彦194709、死去



2012/1017:日本の映画作家 若松孝二193612、死去



2012/1017:エマニュエル夫人 Sylvia Kristel 195212、死去

eine niederländische Schauspielerin und ein Model.

{たった一本の映画で私の脳裏に刻まれた女がゐる。彼女といふよりフランス領インドシナを舞台にしたマダム・エマニュエルといふフランスコロニアニズムの象徴が ―― 


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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World