

08/05:アメリカの歴史と神話、Femme Fatale「自由の女神とマリリンモンロウ

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 08/05 今日の出來事





Guangwu 光武帝 claims the throne as emperor, restoring the Han(漢) dynasty after the collapse of the short-lived Xin(新) dynasty.


0135/0805:Roman Empire、
Roman armies enter Betar, brutally slaughtering thousands and effectively ending the bar Kokhba revolt.


0642/0805:Battle of Maserfield:
Penda of Mercia defeats and kills Oswald of Northumbria.

The battle of Maserfield opposes the Anglo-Saxon kings Penda de Mercia and Oswald of Northumbria; The latter is killed and his kingdom is conquered.

0824/0805:日本 天皇 051平城安殿077424、崩御



0882/0805:フランス王 Louis III 086382、死去

Il règne sur la Francie occidentale aux côtés de son frère cadet Carloman II, qui lui survit et règne seul après sa mort.

Vue d'artiste représentant Louis III et Carloman II, par Charles de Steuben, 1837.



The last major Danish army to raid England is defeated at the Battle of Tettenhall by the allied forces of Mercia and Wessex, led by King Edward the Elder and Æthelred, Lord of the Mercians.


The Battle of Alhandic is fought between Ramiro II of León and Abd-ar-Rahman III at Zamora in the context of the Spanish Reconquista. 

The battle resulted in a victory for the Emirate of Córdoba.

1068/0805:Byzantine–Norman wars:
Italo-Normans begin a nearly-three-year siege of Bari.


Henry I is crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey.


1278/0805:Spanish Reconquista、
The Siege of Algeciras ends pitting the forces of the Kingdom of Castile against the Emirate of Granada. 

The battle resulted in a Granadan victory.

William Wallace(who led the Scottish resistance against England)is captured by the English near Glasgow and transported to London where he is put on trial and executed.

William Wallace:a Scottish knight who became one of the main leaders during the Wars of Scottish Independence.

Wallace は、アメリカ映画『ブレイブハート』1995で主人公として描かれた。





The Battle of Otterburn(a border skirmish between the Scottish and the English in Northern England)is fought near Otterburn.


1392/0805:In Korea,
General Yi Song-gye becomes king under the name of T'aejo. He is the first sovereign of the Chos dn dynasty, more often referred to as the "Yi dynasty", named after its founder.


1473/0805:Renaissance レオナルド
Leonardo da Vinci ha firmato il suo paesaggio di disegno con il fiume. E 'indicato come il primo esempio di una pittura di paesaggio puro nell'arte europea.



In the struggle for domination in Italy between the houses of Valois and Hapsburg, an allied Franco-Ottoman battle begins with the siege of Nice.



Sir Humphrey Gilbert establishes the first English colony in North America, at what is now St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador.


The Gowrie Conspiracy against King James VI of Scotland (later to become King James I of England) takes place.


The Mayflower departs from Southampton, England on its first attempt to reach North America.


1500 Iroquois attack the village of Lachine in New France.

Le massacre de Lachine est l'événement durant lequel des colons furent massacrés par des Iroquois, le 5 août 1689 à Lachine. Le nombre de victimes est incertain. Frontenac rapporte 200 personnes tuées et 120 enlevées; des recherches historiques confirment 97 morts. https://is.gd/QGiudx

La deuxième version de la comédie Tartuffe ou L'Imposteur de Molière déclenche un scandale et est occupé avec l'interdiction de la performance.


The imperial army under Prince Eugene of Savoy defeated the Ottoman army in the battle of Peterwardein.


1729/0805:Thomas Newcomen 166429、死去

an English inventor who created the first practical steam engine in 1712, the Newcomen atmospheric engine. He was an ironmonger by trade and a Baptist lay preacher by calling.

1735/0805:Freedom of the press:
New York Weekly Journal writer John Peter Zenger is acquitted of seditious libel against the royal governor of New York, on the basis that what he had published was true.


1763/0805:Pontiac's War: Battle of Bushy Run:
British forces led by Henry Bouquet defeat Chief Pontiac's Indians at Bushy Run.


1772/0805:First Partition of Poland:
Poland is divided for the first time in a treaty between Russia, Prussia & Austria. 

The Adelsrepublik loses over a quarter of its total area and more than a third of its inhabitants. Frederick the Great secured the bulk of the former Royal Prussian, so that from this point on he could call himself King of Prussia.


The Spanish sailor Juan de Ayala is the first European to cross the Golden Gate into today's Bay of San Francisco and moor in front of an island called Isla de los Angeles.



天明噴火 噴出物総量4.5×108m3、火山爆発指数:VEI4。

A massive eruption of the volcano Asama in Japan costs 1,000 lives. The ashes that rise into the atmosphere have a hard winter and cause assaults in North Japan.

Napoleon Bonaparte bat les Autrichiens à Castiglione.

A French attack on the French invaded by Napoleon Bonaparte in the country during the Battle of Castiglione was defeated by Field Marshal Dagobert Sigmund von Wurmser by the invaders.

1802/0805:ノルヱイ 数学者 Niels Henrik Abel 180229、誕生

a Norwegian mathematician who made pioneering contributions in a variety of fields. His most famous single result is the first complete proof demonstrating the impossibility of solving the general quintic equation in radicals.


1813/0805:Ivar Andreas Aasen 181396、誕生

a Norwegian philologist, lexicographer, playwright, and poet.


The British Admiralty dismisses Francis Ronalds's new invention of the first working electric telegraph as "wholly unnecessary", preferring to continue using the semaphore.


1824/0805:Greek War of Independence:
Constantine Kanaris leads a Greek fleet to victory against Ottoman and Egyptian naval forces in the Battle of Samos.


1844/0805:Ilya Repin 184430、誕生



Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on November 16th, 1581 (1885)


1850/0805:フランス 小説家 Guy de Maupassant 185093、誕生


Guy de Maupassant à 7 ans.


1858/0805:first transatlantic cable、
Cyrus West Field & others complete the first transatlantic telegraph cable after several unsuccessful attempts. It will operate for less than a month.


1860/0805:Oswald Wirth 186043、誕生

a Swiss occultist, artist and author.

a été le secrétaire de Stanislas de Guaïta, et dessina en collaboration avec lui un Tarot édité aujourd'hui sous le nom de Tarot de Wirth. Ce Tarot est expliqué et commenté dans son ouvrage Le Tarot des imagiers du Moyen Âge, devenu un classique.

His interests also included Freemasonry & Astrology. He wrote many books in French regarding Freemasonry, most importantly a set of three each explaining one of Freemasonry's first three degrees:

1860/0805:Louis Wain 186039、誕生

an English artist best known for his drawings, which consistently featured anthropomorphised large-eyed cats and kittens. In his later years he may have suffered from schizophrenia (although this claim is disputed), which, according to some psychiatrists, can be seen in his works.

H. G. Wells said of him, "He has made the cat his own. He invented a cat style, a cat society, a whole cat world. English cats that do not look and live like Louis Wain cats are ashamed of themselves." HGウェルズはウェインの猫について「彼は自身の猫をつくりあげた。猫のスタイル、社会、世界そのものを創造した。ルイス・ウェインが描く猫とは異なるイギリスの猫は、自らを恥じてしかるべきである」と述べてゐる。








1861/0805:American Civil War:
In order to help pay for the war effort, the US government levies the first income tax as part of the Revenue Act of 1861 (3% of all incomes over US $800; rescinded in 1872).


The United States Army abolishes flogging.


1862/0805:Joseph Merrick 186290、誕生

an English man with very severe deformities who was first exhibited at a freak show as the "Elephant Man",

1862/0805:American Civil War: Battle of Baton Rouge:
Along the Mississippi River near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Confederate troops attempt to take the city, but are driven back by fire from Union gunboats.


1864/0805:American Civil War: Battle of Mobile Bay
begins at Mobile Bay near Mobile, Alabama, Admiral David Farragut leads a Union flotilla through Confederate defenses and seals one of the last major Southern ports.



Japan launches its postal savings system, modeled after a similar system in the United Kingdom.



The Standard Oil of New Jersey is established.


The cornerstone for the Statue of Liberty is laid on Bedloe's Island (now Liberty Island) in New York Harbor.


Bertha Benz drives from Mannheim to Pforzheim and back in the first long distance automobile trip, commemorated as the Bertha Benz Memorial Route since 2008.

Ohne Wissen ihres Mannes Carl setzt Bertha Benz sich mit ihren beiden Söhnen Richard und Eugen in den bereits patentierten Motorwagen und fährt 106 Kilometer von Mannheim nach Pforzheim.





1895/0805:Friedrich Engels 182095、死去

ein deutscher Philosoph, Gesellschaftstheoretiker, Historiker, Journalist und kommunistischer Revolutionär. Darüber hinaus war er ein erfolgreicher Unternehmer in der Textilindustrie. Er entwickelte gemeinsam mit Karl Marx die heute als Marxismus bezeichnete Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftstheorie.

Edison produced the first commercial film.


Peter O'Connor sets the first IAAF recognised long jump world record of 24 ft 11.75 in (7.6137 m). The record will stand for 20 years.


1905/0805:Wassily Leontief 190599、誕生

an American economist known for his research on input-output analysis and how changes in one economic sector may affect other sectors.
Leontief won the Nobel Committee's Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1973, and four of his doctoral students have also been awarded the prize (Paul Samuelson 1970, Robert Solow 1987, Vernon L. Smith 2002, Thomas Schelling 2005).

Premier congrès mondial d'espéranto réunissant à Boulogne-sur-Mer 688 locuteurs de 20 pays.


1906/0805:John Huston 190687、誕生

an American film director, screenwriter and actor.

1906/0805:Persian Constitutional Revolution:
Mozaffar ad-Din Shah Qajar, King of Iran, agrees to convert the government to a constitutional monarchy.


The German minelayer SS Königin Luise lays a minefield about 40 miles (64 km) off the Thames Estuary (Lowestoft). She is intercepted and sunk by the British light-cruiser HMS Amphion.


The guns of Point Nepean fort at Port Phillip Heads in Victoria (Australia) fire across the bows of the Norddeutscher Lloyd steamer SS Pfalz which is attempting to leave the Port of Melbourne in ignorance of the declaration of war and she is detained; this is said to be the first Allied shot of the War.


Deutsche Truppen besetzen im Ersten Weltkrieg Warschau.



1916/0805:WWⅠ、Battle of Romani:
Allied forces, under the command of Archibald Murray, defeat an attacking Ottoman army under the command of Friedrich Freiherr Kress von Kressenstein, securing the Suez Canal and beginning the Ottoman retreat from the Sinai Peninsula.


1920/0805:after WWⅠ、
The German Reichstag adopts a majority of the Disarmament Act and thus complies with an obligation under Article 177 of the Versailles Treaty.


Harry Houdini performs his greatest feat, spending 91 minutes underwater in a sealed tank before escaping.


Der Gerichtsassessor und NSDAP-Funktionär Werner Best verfasst die Boxheimer Dokumente für eine gewaltsame Machtübernahme im Deutschen Reich durch Mitglieder der NSDAP.

The court judge and NSDAP official Werner Best writes the Boxheimer documents for a violent takeover of power in the German Reich by members of the NSDAP.

Massacre of Jews by the Arabs in Constantine (Algeria).


The Soviet Union formally annexes Latvia.


The Battle of Smolensk concludes with Germany capturing about 300,000 Soviet Red Army prisoners.


At least 1,104 Japanese POWs in Australia attempt to escape from a camp at Cowra, New South Wales; 545 temporarily succeed but are later killed, commit suicide, or are recaptured.


Polish insurgents liberate a German labor camp (Gęsiówka) in Warsaw, freeing 348 Jewish prisoners.


The Nazis begin a week-long massacre of between 40,000 and 50,000 civilians and prisoners of war in Wola, Poland.




1949/0805:In Ecuador, an earthquake
destroys 50 towns and kills more than 6,000.


Der millionste VW Käfer läuft im Volkswagenwerk in Wolfsburg vom Band.

The millionth VW Beetle runs off the track at the Volkswagen plant in Wolfsburg.

Burkina Faso(then known as Upper Volta)becomes independent from France.


Apartheid in South Africa: Nelson Mandela is jailed. He would not be released until 1990.


The actress Marilyn Monroe is found in her apartment in Los Angeles lifeless. The autopsy carried out on the same day results in a deadly drug poisoning as the cause of death.

1962/0805:Marilyn Monroe 192662、自殺?

an American actress and model. Famous for playing comic "dumb blonde" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s and was emblematic of the era's attitudes towards sexuality.



The United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union sign a nuclear test ban treaty.




1964/0805:Vietnam War:
Operation Pierce Arrow: American aircraft from carriers USS Ticonderoga and USS Constellation bomb North Vietnam in retaliation for strikes against U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin.


The Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 begins as Pakistani soldiers cross the Line of Control dressed as locals.


人民日報に、劉少奇打倒を示唆する毛沢東の論文『司令部を砲撃せよ - 私の大字報』が掲載。


Beatles the 7th album "Revolver" appears

Revolver, the seventh album of the Beatles, appears.
John Lennon says the Beatles are more famous than Jesus Christ.

Sortie du premier album des Pink Floyd The Piper at the Gates of Dawn


The first Pacific Islands Forum (then known as the "South Pacific Forum") is held in Wellington, New Zealand, with the aim of enhancing cooperation between the independent countries of the Pacific Ocean.


1974/0805:Vietnam War
The U.S. Congress places a $1 billion limit on military aid to South Vietnam.




1979/0805:In Afghanistan,
Maoists undertake an attempted military uprising.





1984/0805:Richard Burton 192584、死去

a Welsh actor who was noted for his mellifluous baritone voice.
Burton established himself as a formidable Shakespearean actor in the 1950s, and he gave a memorable performance of Hamlet in 1964.

{三日前に誕生した Peter O'Toole 193213 と共演した Becket 1964



General elections are held in Nicaragua with the Sandinista National Liberation Front winning a majority.



a Japanese engineer and industrialist. In 1948, he established Honda and oversaw its expansion from a wooden shack manufacturing bicycle motors to a multinational automobile and motorcycle manufacturer.


Release of the first card game、Magic: the assembly.


1995/0805:Yugoslav Wars
The city of Knin, Croatia, a significant Serb stronghold, is captured by Croatian forces during Operation Storm. The date is celebrated in Croatia as Victory Day.


A car bomb explodes in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta outside the Marriott Hotel killing 12 and injuring 150.


The Copiapó mining accident occurs, trapping 33 Chilean miners approximately 2,300 ft (700 m) below the ground.


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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World