


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日、ビキニ環礁でおこなはれた核爆発実験「Operation Crossroads」


歴史暦:古今東西 07/25 今日の出來事


Mozart が 40番目の交響曲を完成させた日ださうです。1888年のことでした。
同じ時期に作ったト短調の弦楽五重奏曲とともに「疾走する悲しみ」の通りすぎていく風のやうな音樂、慰撫と鼓舞する力を持って魂のもっとも奥深いところで鳴り響いてゐる音樂、 ……
それからちゃうど百年後(正確には九十八年後)の1886年には Wagner の Tristan und Isolde がバイロイトの音樂祭で上演されました。愛と死、エロスとタナトス、さうした相反する世界を一如のものとして體感させる音樂、これも私の魂の奥深いところでなりつづけてゐる音樂、 ……

Constantine I is proclaimed Roman emperor by his troops.

Κωνσταντῖνος ὁ Μέγας(Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus)027237


Crisis of the Third Century

The Arch of Constantine is completed near the Colosseum in Rome to commemorate Constantine I's victory over Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge.


The Edict of Pistres of Charles the Bald orders defensive measures against the Vikings.


Kingdoms of Charles the Bald and other Carolingians in 876


1109/0725:King Afonso I of Portugal 110985、誕生

Afonso I:Primária Portugal rei da dinastia de Borgonha, que fundou o Reino de Portugal (dinastia Borugonya) (reinado: 1139-1185).
By using the confusion of Castile-Leon which is the master's line, he achieved independence and laid the foundation of the Kingdom of Portugal

 de Louis VII, roi de France et d'Aliénor d'Aquitaine.

Eleanor of Aquitaine married Prince Louis, later King Louis VII of France, at the Cathedral of Saint-André in Bordeaux.

Aliénor d'Aquitaine 112204

1165/0725:アラブの万能学者 Ibn Arabi 116540、誕生

an Arab Andalusian Sunni scholar of Islam, Sufi mystic, poet, and philosopher.
He is renowned by practitioners of Sufism as "the greatest master" and also as a genuine saint.

1139/0725:Batalha de Ourique
The Almoravids(led by Ali ibn Yusuf)are defeated by Prince Afonso Henriques who is proclaimed King of Portugal.


The city of Constantinople is recaptured by Nicaean forces under the command of Alexios Strategopoulos, re-establishing the Byzantine Empire.



The naval Battle of Algeciras takes place in the context of the Spanish Reconquista resulting in a victory for the Emirate of Granada and the Maranid Dynasty over the Kingdom of Castile.


1467/0725:La battaglia di Molinella:
 una delle principali battaglie del XV secolo in Italia.

The first battle in Italy in which firearms are used extensively.

was one of the most important battles of the 15th century in Italy.


1471/0725:キリストに倣ひて Thomas à Kempis 138071、死去

ein Augustiner-Chorherr, Mystiker und geistlicher Schriftsteller des 15. Jahrhunderts.
Mittelalterliche Geheimnis Denker. Sein schrieb den Glauben, den Begriff „nicht Christus nachahmen“ (Imitatsuio Christie) wird sogar ein Buch zu sein, die dann in der Bibel am meisten gelesen wurden.


1492/0725:ロウマ教皇 Innocentius VIII 143292、死去

本名、Giovanni Battista Cybo (Cibo)。イタリア人。
He activated witch hunting and heresy by the Imperial Order. At the same time, he is regarded as a representative of the depraved pope, including priesthood trading, nepotism, female relations.

トマスとジョバンニと對にして見比べてみよと歴史が命ずるかのやうに、この同時代を生きた二人のキリスト者の、あまりにも對照的な史實、光と影、白と黒、天使と …… 。




Sebastián de Belalcázar on his search of El Dorado founds the city of Santiago de Cali.

Sebastián de Belalcázar 148051 the founder of important early colonial cities in the northwestern part of South America; Quito in 1534 and Cali, Pasto and Popayán in 1537. 


The city of Guayaquil is founded by the Spanish Conquistador Francisco de Orellana and given the name Muy Noble y Muy Leal Ciudad de Santiago de Guayaquil.

Route of first voyage (1541-1542) of Francisco de Orellana 151146

De Orellana's voyages served as partial inspiration for the film Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972).

Henri II est couronné roi de France dans la cathédrale de Reims.


1554/0725:England & Spain,
Mariage Mary I of England and Philip II of Spain at Winchester Cathedral.



1562/0725:日本 戰國大名 加藤清正156211、誕生



Don Diego de Losada funda la ciudad de Santiago de León de Caracas, actual Caracas, la capital de Venezuela.

Don Diego de Losada founds the city of Santiago de Leon de Caracas(modern-day Caracas)the capital city of Venezuela.

Henri IV abjure le protestantisme et se convertit au catholicisme.

Henry IV of France publicly converts from Protestantism to Roman Catholicism.

1603/0725:Scotland & England
James VI of Scotland is crowned king of England (James I of England), bringing the Kingdom of England & Kingdom of Scotland into personal union. Political union would occur in 1707.

スコットランド王 James VI が イングランド王 James I 156625としても戴冠。
以後、スコットランドイングランドが1707、合同して GreatBritain となるまで同君連合となる。

The English ship Sea Venture, en route to Virginia, is deliberately driven ashore during a storm at Bermuda to prevent its sinking; the survivors go on to found a new colony there.


Kaiser Leopold I weist die Juden aus der Wiener Leopoldstadt aus. Sie müssen Österreich verlassen.


Ignacio de Maya founds the Real Santiago de las Sabinas, now known as Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León, Mexico.


1694/0725:日本 初期の浮世繪師 菱川師宣161894、死去




The 2nd battle of Villmergen is won by the units of the reformed towns of Bern & Zurich. The battle is considered to be decisive in ensuring that the confessional parity becomes possible in the Swiss Confederation.


Dummer's War begins along the Maine-Massachusetts border.

was a series of battles between New England & the Wabanaki Confederacy (specifically the Mi'kmaq, Maliseet, and Abenaki), who were allied with New France.




British governor Charles Lawrence and the Nova Scotia Council order the deportation of the Acadians.

one of Canada's three Maritime provinces, and one of the four provinces which form Atlantic Canada. Its provincial capital is Halifax.


1759/0725:French and Indian War:
In Western New York, British forces capture Fort Niagara from the French, who subsequently abandon Fort Rouillé.


1772/0725:Poland & Russia
Premier partage (démembrement) de la Pologne entre la Russie, l'Autriche et la Prusse : par le Traité de Saint-Pétersbourg, la tsarine Catherine II s'entend avec le roi de Prusse Frédéric II et l'archiduchesse d'Autriche Marie-Thérèse pour enlever à la Pologne un tiers de son territoire.


1783/0725:American Revolutionary War:
The Siege of Cuddalore(war's last action)is ended by a preliminary peace agreement.


1788/0725:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart completes
 his Symphony No. 40 in G minor (K550).



The Brunswick Manifesto is issued to the population of Paris promising vengeance if the French royal family is harmed.

プロイセンの CWFvonBrunswick が、革命騷動中のパリ市民にたいし「ルイ16世その他のフランス王族への危害はそれ相当の復讐を覺悟せよ」との通告を發する。


1794/0725:フランス 詩人 André Chénier 176294、ギロチン處刑

un poète né le 30 octobre 1762 à Constantinople et mort guillotiné à Paris le 7 Thermidor de l'an II (25 juillet 1794) à 31 ans. 


Horatio Nelson loses more than 300 men and his right arm during the failed conquest attempt of Tenerife (Spain).


Horatio Nelson 175805, 1st Viscount Nelson

À Abu Qir en Égypte, Napoléon I de France bat 10000 ottomans sous Mustafa Pacha.

At Abu Qir in Egypt, Napoleon I of France defeats Ottomans under Mustafa Pasha.

1814/0725:War of 1812:
An American attack on Canada is repulsed.

War of 1812 (1812–1815) was a conflict fought between the United States and the United Kingdom and their respective allies.

1814/0725:Steam locomotive
George Stephenson succeeded in commissioning steam locomotives.

He built his first steam locomotive(Blücher)in 1814 and the following year was earning £200 per annum.


Costa Rica annexes Guanacaste from Nicaragua.


The Viennese magistrate allows Ignaz Bösendorfer to practice the piano making industry. The pianos of the Bösendorfer brand subsequently received worldwide acclaim.


1829/0725:日本 明治の啓蒙者 津田眞道182903、誕生



1834/0725:イギリス 文藝家 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 177234、死去

an English poet, literary critic, philosopher and theologian who, with his friend William Wordsworth, was a founder of the Romantic Movement in England and a member of the Lake Poets.


The first commercial use of an electrical telegraph is successfully demonstrated in London by William Cooke & Charles Wheatstone.


1853/0725:Hero mexicane
Joaquin Murrieta, the famous Californio bandit known as the "Robin Hood of El Dorado", is killed.

In 1919 Johnston McCulley supposedly received his inspiration for his fictional character Don Diego de la Vega better known as Zorro from the 1854 book entitled The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murrieta, The Celebrated California Bandit by John Rollin Ridge.


1861/0725:American Civil War:
The U. S. Congress passes the Crittenden–Johnson Resolution, stating that the war is being fought to preserve the Union and not to end slavery.


1863/0725:日本 幕末維新の恩人 緒方洪庵181063、死去



The Japanese daimyōs 大名 begin returning their land holdings to the emperor 天皇 as part of the Meiji Restoration reforms. 

Aristocrats and lord monarchies are abolished and the designation is unified to "Kazoku 華族".

1886/0725:Wagner's Tristan und Isolde,
premiere bei den Bayreuther Festspielen.

今、ふと氣付いたけれど、Mozart の單純明快と Wagner の複雜怪奇との間にはわづか百年の時間しかなかったのか。いや、(今調べてみたら) Tristan und Isolde の初演は、1865/0610 ミュンヘンとなってゐるからもっと短かく、八十年ほどか。
ちなみに、Wagner から Shoenberg の出現までは、MozartーWagner よりずっと短い。創造よりは破壞を感じさせる短さだ。事實、藝術も時代の科學的精神の影響を受けたのか分析的傾向を帶びて、創造を思はせるより私には破壞を思はせるものばかりだ。

1894(明治27)/0725:Japan vs Russia「日露戰爭」勃發。
The First Sino-Japanese War begins when the Japanese fire upon a Chinese warship.


1908/0725:Japan、Ajinomoto 特許
Ajinomoto is founded. Kikunae Ikeda of the Tokyo Imperial University discovers that a key ingredient in kombu soup stock is monosodium glutamate (MSG), and patents a process for manufacturing it.


Louis Blériot makes the first flight across the English Channel in a heavier-than-air machine from (Calais to Dover, England, United Kingdom) in 37 minutes.

ルイ・ブレリオが縦のブレリオ XIが史上初の飛行機によるドバ海峡横断に成功。

1919/0725:Soviet「Karahan Declaration」
Representatives of the Soviet Lev Kalahan Foreign Affairs People's Committee announced immediate and unconditional removal of the inequality treaty that the Russian Empire signed with the Qing Dynasty.



1925/0725:News media
Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (TASS) is established.


1932/0725:Soviet Union & Poland
signed a non-aggression treaty, concluded. Manchuria County Kyowa Kai is inaugurated.


1934/0725:Deutsch, Nazis
Ermordung des österreichischen Bundeskanzlers Engelbert Dollfuss von österreichischen Nazis

The Nazis assassinate Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss in a failed coup attempt.

The escape of black leopard at the Ueno Zoo.


General Henri Guisan(Commander-in-Chief of the Swiss Army) orders all the higher officers to the Rütlirapport. They receive precautionary orders to defend the country in the event of a feared German-Italian invasion.


The Norwegian Manifesto calls for nonviolent resistance to the German occupation.


Italia, riunione del Gran Consiglio del Fascismo: Mussolini messo in minoranza dopo il voto all'ordine del giorno presentato da Dino Grandi, si dimette da presidente del Consiglio al re, che lo aveva arrestato nel corso della giornata dai Carabinieri.

WWⅡ、Benito Mussolini is forced out of office by the Grand Council of Fascism and is replaced by Pietro Badoglio.


1946/0725:USA、Operation Crossroads:
An atomic bomb is detonated underwater in the lagoon of Bikini Atoll.




The Republic of Tunisia is proclaimed.


The African Regroupment Party (PRA) holds its first congress in Cotonou.


In a speech John F. Kennedy emphasizes that any attack on Berlin is an attack on NATO.


Trial run of all lines of Tokaido Shinkansen between Tokyo and Shin Osaka.



1965/0725:USA、Bob Dylan
goes electric at the Newport Folk Festival, signaling a major change in folk & rock music.


1969/0725:Vietnam War: "Vietnamization"
U.S. President Richard Nixon declares the Nixon Doctrine, stating that the US now expects its Asian allies to take care of their own military defense. This is the start of the "Vietnamization" of the war.


1976/0725:Viking program:
Viking 1 takes the famous Face on Mars photo.


The world's first test tube baby, Louise Brown was born.




1979/0725:Israel & Egypt
Another section of the Sinai Peninsula is peacefully returned by Israel to Egypt.


1983/0725:Tamil「Black July」
37 Tamil political prisoners at the Welikada high security prison in Colombo are massacred by the fellow Sinhalese prisoners.


1993/0725:Israel & Lebanon「Operation Accountability」
Israel launches a massive attack against Lebanon in what the Israelis call Operation Accountability, and the Lebanese call the Seven-Day War.


1994/0725:Israel & Jordan「Washington Declaration」sign,
that formally ends the state of war that had existed between the nations since 1948.


Attaques terroristes à la bombe par des groupes islamistes armés dans le RER ferroviaire de la ville de Paris (GIA). Casualties plus de 60 personnes. 18 août également se produire le 26 août,

パリ市内の鉄道RERで武装イスラム集団(GIA)による爆弾テロ、發生。死傷者60人以上。08/18, 26にも發生。

1997/0725:GolfPlayer Ben Hogan 191297、死去

an American professional golfer, generally considered one of the greatest players in the history of the game. 


Poison contamination curry incidents, occurred in Wakayama prefecture.


Concorde Air France Flight 4590 crashes at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, killing 113 passengers.


WikiLeaks publishes classified documents about the War in Afghanistan, one of the largest leaks in U.S. military history.


2016/0725:Turkey, a coup d'etat.

en Turquie, un coup-d'état est organisé mais il échoue.


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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World