


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
Croix pectorale, éperons et épée de Godefroy


歴史暦:古今東西 07/22 今日の出來事





0838/0722:Battle of Anzen:
The Byzantine emperor Theophilos suffers a heavy defeat by the Abbasids.



1099/0722:First Crusade
Godefroy de Bouillon est élu avoué du Saint-Sépulcre.

Godfrey of Bouillon is elected the first Defender of the Holy Sepulchre of The Kingdom of Jerusalem.



1209/0722:Massacre at Béziers:
The first major military action of the Albigensian Crusade.

As part of the Albigensian Crusade, the Crusaders take over the southern French city of Béziers, a high fortress of the Cathars, and kill the entire population - about 20,000 people.

1246/0722:Western & Eastern contacts:
Giovanni francescano da Plano Carpini(viaggiatore italiano, 65 anni)primi europei hanno raggiunto la capitale dell'impero mongolo, Karakorum.


Mongol empire

# Then they went along the shores of the Dzungarian lakes until, on the feast of St Mary Magdalene (22 July), they reached the imperial camp called Sira Orda (i.e., Yellow Pavilion), near Karakorum and the Orkhon River. Joannes and his companions rode an estimated 3000 miles in 106 days.

La Historia Mongalorum=Historia Mongalorum quos nos Tartaros appellamus、カルピニがローマ教皇庁に提出した報告書

Una flotta veneziana compare di fronte a Konstantin Opel e case distrutte di genovesi nel Galata.

A Venetian fleet appears opposite Konstantin Opel and destroyed Genoese homes in Galata.


1298/0722:Scottish Independence War「Battle of Falkirk」
King Edward I of England and his longbowmen defeat William Wallace and his Scottish schiltrons outside the town of Falkirk.


Il governo della città di Firenze fu rovesciato nel Tumulto dei Ciompi. Tuttavia, i conflitti di interesse del ribelle causano dopo poche settimane dal loro ritorno.

The city government of Florence is overthrown during the Ciompi insurrection. The rebels' opposing interests, however, lead to their return after a few weeks.

1456/0722:Ottoman wars in Europe「Siege of Belgrade」
John Hunyadi(Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary)defeats Mehmet II of the Ottoman Empire.


1461/0722:フランス王 Charles VII 140361、死去

Charles VII est le fils de Charles VI et d'Isabeau de Bavière. Roi indissociable de l'épopée de Jeanne d'Arc, il réussit au cours d'un long règne de près de quarante ans, à renverser une situation compromise.

救國の恩人 Jeanne d'Arc 141231 を見捨てたフランス國王として汚名を殘す破目に。

1484/0722:Battle of Lochmaben Fair:
A 500-man raiding party led by Alexander Stewart(Duke of Albany)& James Douglas(9th Earl of Douglas)are defeated by Scots forces loyal to Albany's brother James III of Scotland; Douglas is captured.


1499/0722:Battle of Dornach
The Swiss decisively defeat the army of Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor.

In der Schlacht bei Dornach, der letzten kriegerischen Auseinandersetzung des Schwabenkrieges, besiegen die Eidgenossen den Schwäbischen Bund.

1510/0722:イタリアフィレンチェ Alessandro de' Medici 151037、誕生

fu l'ultimo discendente del ramo principale dei Medici a governare Firenze e il primo duca ereditario della città.


Emperor Maximilian I & the Jagiellonian Vladislav II of Bohemia and Hungary agree on the connection of their families through the Viennese double wedding at the Vienna prince's day. In this way Emperor Maximilian I secured the Habsburgs the rule over the Kingdom of Bohemia and Hungary.


1587/0722:Mystery of Roanoke Colony:
A second group of English settlers arrives on Roanoke Island off North Carolina to re-establish the deserted colony.


Kato Kiyomasa builted the castle tower of Nagoya castle.

1622/0722:イギリス政事家 Anthony Ashley Cooper 162183、誕生

a prominent English politician during the Interregnum and during the reign of King Charles II. A founder of the Whig party, he is also remembered as the patron of John Locke.


1706/0722:Kingdom of Great Britain
The Acts of Union 1707 are agreed upon by commissioners from the Kingdom of England & the Kingdom of Scotland, which, when passed by each countries' Parliaments, led to the creation of the Kingdom of Great Britain.


1743/0722:尾形光琳の弟 尾形乾山166343、死去




Alexander Mackenzie reaches the Pacific Ocean becoming the first recorded human to complete a transcontinental crossing of North America.


1795/0722:French Revolutionary War:
Con la paz de Basilea España también eliminado de la primera coalición contra Francia.



1797/0722:F.R.War: Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife:
Battle between Spanish & British naval forces during the French Revolutionary Wars. During the Battle, Rear-Admiral Nelson is wounded in the arm and the arm had to be partially amputated.


1802/0722:フランス 解剖學 Marie François Bichat 177102、死去

un médecin et anatomo-pathologiste français.
He wrote "general anatomy", distinguishing 21 kinds of tissues from the human body and making a theory that diseases are in the organization.


Emperor Gia Long conquers Hanoi and unified Viet Nam, which had experienced centuries of feudal warfare.


1805/0722:Napoleonic Wars of the Third Coalition: Battle of Cape Finisterre:
An inconclusive naval action is fought between a combined French and Spanish fleet under Admiral Pierre-Charles Villeneuve of Spain and a British fleet under Admiral Robert Calder.



1812/0722:Napoleonic Wars: Peninsular War: Battle of Salamanca:
British forces led by Arthur Wellesley (later the Duke of Wellington) defeat French troops near Salamanca, Spain.



The first ascension of the eastern summit of Elbrus, the highest mountain of the Caucasus, succeeds the Caballerian shepherd &  bearer Killarirov.



1831/0722:日本の天皇 121孝明統仁183167、誕生



1856/0722:日本の初期の洋画家 淺井忠185607、誕生




1864/0722:American Civil War: Battle of Atlanta:
Outside Atlanta, Confederate General John Bell Hood leads an unsuccessful attack on Union troops under General William T. Sherman on Bald Hill.


1878/0722:Lucien Paul Victor Febvre 187856、誕生

un historien moderniste français qui a eu une forte influence sur l'évolution de cette discipline, notamment à travers l'École des Annales, revue d'histoire et de sciences sociales qu'il a fondée avec Marc Bloch, et à travers la VIe section de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études qu'il a fondé en 1947 (devenue ensuite EHESS). 

フランス、アナル派 ドイツランケ式の公式記録主義ではなく、歴史を生の樣相を再現させるために、諸學を綜合させて、

First motor race is held in France between the cities of Paris & Rouen. The fastest finisher was the Comte Jules-Albert de Dion, but the 'official' victory was awarded to Albert Lemaître driving his 3 hp petrol engined Peugeot.


1896/0722:Japan 洪水(横田切れ)
The embankment of the Shinano River collapsed in Niigata prefecture, damaged area due to flood damage 18,000 hectares, damage of 43,600 flooded floor floor flooding.


1898/0722:USA Mobile作家 Alexander Calder 189876、誕生

an American sculptor known as the originator of the mobile, a type of moving sculpture made with delicately balanced or suspended shapes that move in response to touch or air currents.
Calder’s monumental stationary sculptures are called stabiles. He also produced wire figures, which are like drawings made in space, and notably a miniature circus work that was performed by the artist.


"Tetu-rei Maru" of Osaka merchant ship who departed from Dalian in China sank in the vicinity of Takeshima Lighthouse immediately after departure. More than 200 people dead.


1916/0722:USA、Preparedness Day Bombing:
In San Francisco, a bomb explodes on Market Street during a parade, killing ten and injuring 40.


From the night of this day to the next day, homemakers gather in Uozu Port, Toyama Prefecture, and demand suspension of rice transportation. The beginning of "rice fighting".


Ballet The Dreispitz is premiered by the Ballets Russes; The stage sets, the stage curtains and the costumes were created by Pablo Picasso.



Invented "Taka diastase" and "Adrenaline", and formed a huge wealth in the United States.


1933/0722:Flight record
Aviator Wiley Post returns to Floyd Bennett Field in New York City, completing the first solo flight around the world in 7 days, 18 hours and 49 minutes.


1934/0722:USA ギャング John Dillinger 190334、射殺

an American gangster in the Depression-era United States.
In the early 1930s repeated bank robberies in the Midwestern part of the United States, was nominated "Public Enemy No. 1" from FBI.


1937/0722:USA「New Deal」
The United States Senate votes down President Franklin Roosevelt's proposal to add more justices to the Supreme Court of the United States.


Im Deutschen Reich wird, verbunden mit Nachteilen für Juden, als Inlandsausweis die Kennkarte eingeführt. Der Personalausweis löst später diesen Lichtbildausweis ab.

In the German Reich, the identification card is introduced as an ID card, combined with disadvantages for Jews. The ID card later replaces this photo ID.

1940/0722:Japan 政局



The United States government begins compulsory civilian gasoline rationing due to the wartime demands.


The systematic deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto begins.


Allied forces capture the Italian city of Palermo.


Axis occupation forces violently disperse a massive protest in Athens, killing 22.


Bretton Woods agreement will be concluded at the Allied Monetary Monetary Conference held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

The Bretton Woods system of monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Australia and Japan in the mid-20th century.

The Polish Committee of National Liberation publishes its manifesto, starting the period of Communist rule in Poland




1946/0722:Jerusalem: King David Hotel bombing:
A Zionist underground organisation, the Irgun, bombs the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, site of the civil administration and military headquarters for Mandatory Palestine, resulting in 91 deaths.



devient définitive indépendante de la France.


1962/0722:NASA, Mariner program:
Mariner 1 spacecraft flies erratically several minutes after launch and has to be destroyed.


Crown Colony of Sarawak gains self-governance.


1967/0722:USA 詩人 Carl Sandburg 187867、死去

an American poet, writer, and editor who won three Pulitzer Prizes: two for his poetry and one for his biography of Abraham Lincoln. During his lifetime, Sandburg was widely regarded as "a major figure in contemporary literature", especially for volumes of his collected verse, including Chicago Poems (1916), Cornhuskers (1918), and Smoke and Steel (1920)


España Presidente Franco de nombrar a su nieto Juan Carlos del original español rey Alfonso XIII en su propio sucesor.

Spanish president Franco nominates former Spanish king Alfonso XIII's grandson Juan Carlos as his successor.

Japan completes its last reparation to the Philippines for war crimes committed during imperial Japan's conquest of the country in the Second World War.


Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping is restored to power.


1980/0722:オランダの奇術師 Fred Kaps 192680、死去

a Dutch magician, famous for being the only magician to become FISM Grand Prix world champion three times.


1990/0722:アルゼンチン 作家 Manuel Puig 193290、死去

un escritor argentino de relevancia mundial por sus novelas Boquitas pintadas, El beso de la mujer araña y Pubis Angelical.

La traición de Rita Hayworth (1968)
Boquitas pintadas (1969)
The Buenos Aires affair (1973)
El beso de la mujer araña (1976)
Pubis angelical (1979)
Maldición eterna a quien lea estas páginas (1980)
Sangre de amor correspondido (1982)
Cae la noche tropical (1988)

1992/0722:from Colombia to USA
Near Medellín, Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar escapes from his luxury prison fearing extradition to the United States.


1993/0722:Japan 政界醜聞

金丸 Kanamaru 信 Shin (former LDP vice president) 's first trial of tax evasion was held in Tokyo District Court, former vice president insisted on not guilty.


The People's Republic of China started repression on Falun Gong(法輪功).

Members of 101st Airborne of the United States, aided by Special Forces, attack a compound in Iraq ―― killing Saddam Hussein's sons Uday & Qusay, along with Mustapha Hussein, Qusay's 14-year-old son.


2005/0722:London bombing
Jean Charles de Menezes is killed by police as the hunt begins for the London Bombers responsible for the 7 July 2005 London bombings and the 21 July 2005 London bombings.





Solar eclipse Observe the total solar eclipse at various parts of Japan, PRChina, India, the island of the Pacific.

2011/0722:Norway, Terror attack
Norway is the victim of twin terror attacks, the first being a bomb blast which targeted government buildings in central Oslo, the second being a massacre at a youth camp on the island of Utøya.


2016/0722:「Pokémon GO」日本で配信開始。

"Pokémon GO" starts distribution in Japan.

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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World