


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
Eugène Delacroix 179863 1830 La_Liberté_guidant_le_peuple


歴史暦:古今東西 07/14 今日の出來事

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今日は 14 Juillet「クァトル・ジュイエ」はフランス革命の日、パリが「ラマルセイエイズ」とともに「Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité」自由平等友愛の連呼に沸騰した日。



An Lushan Rebellion: Emperor Xuanzong flees the capital Chang'an as An Lushan's forces advance toward the city.






0809/0714:日本最初の征夷大將軍 大伴弟麻呂073109、死去

Ōtomo no Otomaro was a Japanese general of the Nara period and of the early Heian period. He was the first to hold the title of sei-i taishōgun 征夷大將軍.

1223/0714:Philippe Auguste 116523、死去

le septième roi de la dynastie des Capétiens. Il est le fils héritier de Louis VII et d'Adèle de Champagne.


Louis VIII devient roi de France.

Louis VIII becomes King of France upon the death of his father, Philip II.

1242/0714:鎌倉幕府 03執權 北条泰時118342、死去

Hōjō Yasutoki was the third shikken 執權 (regent) of the Kamakura shogunate in Japan. He strengthened the political system of the Hōjō regency.

In the Jōkyū War 承久の亂 of 1221, he led shogunate forces against the imperial court in Kyoto. After his victory, he remained in Kyoto and set up the Rokuhara Tandai 六波羅探題. Yasutoki and his uncle Tokifusa became the first tandai.
When his father Yoshitoki 北条義時116324 and aunt Hōjō Masako 北条政子115725 died, he succeeded to become shikken in 1224.
He installed Hōjō Tokifusa 北条時房117540 as the first rensho. In 1225 he created the Hyōjō (評定), the council system of the shogunate.
In 1232 he promuglated the Goseibai Shikimoku 御成敗式目, the legal code of the shogunate. He has highly praised for his impartial justice.


1420/0714:Battle of Vítkov Hill,
decisive victory of Czech Hussite forces commanded by Jan Žižka against Crusade army led by Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor


1454/0714:ルネサンス 詩人 Angelo Ambrogini(Poliziano)145494 、誕生

un poeta, umanista e filologo italiano.{Leonard da Vinci 145219 のまったくの同時代であり同地人、

Angelo Poliziano e Piero de' Medici(Domenico Ghirlandaio)


Marsilio Ficino (primo a sinistra), Cristoforo Landino (al centro) accanto a Angelo Poliziano
dettaglio della scena dell'Annuncio dell'angelo a Zaccaria(Domenico Ghirlandaio)


1570/0714:Roman Catholique
Instauration de la forme tridentine du rite romain dans la liturgie catholique.


1602/0714: フランス 政事家 Jules Mazarin 160261、誕生

Jules Mazarin (né Giulio Raimondo Mazzarino), cardinal et homme politique italo-français, ministre d'État de 1643 à 1661




Il patriota Corsica Pasquale Paoli, si ribellarono contro il Genoa, comandante proclamato in capo della nazione corsa a S. Antonio Convento di Casabianca. Rende Corsica uno stato indipendente (alla fine del 1769).

The Corsican patriot Pasquale Paoli, rebel against Genoa, was proclaimed General-in-Chief of the Corsican Nation at the Convent of St. Anthony of Casabianca. It makes of Corsica an independent state.

An expedition led by Gaspar de Portolá establishes a base in California and sets out to find the Port of Monterey (now Monterey, California).


1777/0714:江戸時代の文人画家 田能村竹田177735、誕生



1786/0714:London Convention,
negotiated between the United Kingdom and Spain on the status of the British colonies on the Mosquito Coast of Central America.


1789/0714:Révolution française:
les citoyens de Paris assument la Bastille.

 l'attaque, la population occupée prison de la Bastille à Paris, libérer les prisonniers politiques. Le déclenchement de la Révolution française.


1790/0714:Révolution française: Fête de la Fédération.

Citizens of Paris celebrate the unity of the French people and the national reconciliation in the Fête de la Fédération.



The Riots drive Joseph Priestley, a supporter of the French Revolution, out of Birmingham, England.


1793/0714:Jacques Cathelineau 175993、死去

au cours de la guerre de Vendée, pendant la Révolution française, le premier généralissime de l'Armée catholique et royale. Il est surnommé « le Saint de l'Anjou ».



1795/0714:Révolution française:
la Convention adopte La Marseillaise comme hymne national.


In Eisleben wird auf Veranlassung der kurfürstlich sächsischen Regierung eine Bergschule gegründet

In Eisleben a mountain school is founded on the initiative of the electorate of Saxony

The Sedition Act becomes law in the United States making it a federal crime to write, publish, or utter false or malicious statements about the United States government.


Napoleon Bonaparte awards the first ”Legion donneur" award.



1816/0714:Joseph Arthur de Gobineau 181682、誕生

, écrivain et diplomate français

Essai sur l'inégalité des races humaines でアリア人を支配人種と主張、白人至上主義をぶちあげた。
Alexis de Tocqueville 180559 と文通、第二共和政の時に外相となったTの引きで外務省に入り、ペルシャついでブラジルなどに赴任


1817/0714:フランス閨秀文人 Germaine de Staël 177617、死去

une écrivain et philosophe française3 d'origine valdo-genevoise


The Rocky Mountains Mount Pikes Peak in Colorado is the first to be climbed by the botanist Edwin James and two companions.



1827/0714:フランス科学者 Augustin Fresnel 177827、死去

un physicien français. Fondateur de l’optique moderne, il proposa une explication de tous les phénomènes optiques dans le cadre de la théorie ondulatoire de la lumière.

Bust of Augustin Fresnel by David d'Angers.


Opening of the first major US world's fair, the Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations in New York City.

Franklin Pierce inaugurated the Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations in New York City. The world exhibition lasts until 1 November 1854.

Matthew Perry, the commander of the East India fleet of the United States who came to Japan with the battleship landing, landed at Kurihama, Shimoda on the Izu peninsula.



1862/0714:Gustav Klimt 186218、誕生

ein bedeutender österreichischer Maler und einer der bekanntesten Vertreter des Wiener Jugendstils, Präsident der Wiener Secession.

First ascent of the Matterhorn by Edward Whymper and party, four of whom die on the descent.




The highest mountain of Vorarlberg, the Great Piz Buin, is climbed by a four-man mountaineering group around Josef Anton Specht for the first time.



Alfred Nobel acquired a patent on dynamite in the United States and the UK.

{革命と火薬か …… いい取り合はせだ。この日、七月十四日がなかったら、世界は今よりずっと靜かで平和だっただらう。革命の理論と行動が火薬を使用した武器を急加速度に進化させた。恐ろしい文化だ、西洋の文化は。

The fouth Urakami crumbled. Magistrate Nagasaki captures 68 Kirisitan(=Christians).


1868/0714:Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell 186826、誕生


The Chicago Fire of 1874 burns down 47 acres of the city, destroying 812 buildings, killing 20, and resulting in the fire insurance industry demanding municipal reforms from Chicago's city council.


The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 begins in Martinsburg, West Virginia, US, when Baltimore and Ohio Railroad workers have their wages cut for the second time in a year.


Apparition de la devise Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité sur les frontons de toutes les institutions publiques françaises.

Appearance of the motto Liberty, Equality, Fraternity on the frontons of all the French public institutions.

1881/0714:Billy the Kid 185981、射殺

Billy the Kid is shot and killed by Pat Garrett outside Fort Sumner.

Billy the Kid:an American Old West gunfighter who participated in New Mexico's Lincoln County War. He is known to have killed eight men.

{昨日が Ringo Kid で、今日は Billy the Kid 。アメリカの「恐るべき子供たち」は西部開拓地にゐたのか。

1887/0714:ドイツの鐵鋼王 Alfred Krupp 181287、死去

, industriel allemand{ドイツの鐵鋼王、

Deuxième Internationale est fondée à Paris.


1890/0714:ロシア生まれの彫刻家 Ossip Zadkine 189067、誕生

un sculpteur français d'origine russe, établi en France en 1910.
Il est considéré comme l'un des plus grands maîtres de la sculpture cubiste.


Acre State declares independence from Bolivia.
The conflict between Acre State and Bolivia invited Brazilian intervention and Acre State became Brazilian territory in 1903.


Armies of the Eight-Nation Alliance capture Tientsin during the Boxer Rebellion.

The international troop contingent takes the chinese city Tientsin in the time of the Boxer Aufstands.

1902/0714:Italia, Venezia
il Campanile di San Marco, risalente al X secolo, crolla improvvisamente. Verrà ricostruito com'era, dov'era, il restauro si concluderà nel 1912

The Campanile in St. Mark's Square, Venice collapses, also demolishing the loggetta.


1904/0714:作家 Isaac Bashevis Singer 190491、誕生

, écrivain polonais naturalisé américain, lauréat du prix Nobel de littérature 1978.

Singer の思想(思考と空想)の一端



1907/0714:イギリス化学者 William Henry Perkin 183807、死去

an English chemist best known for his accidental discovery of the first aniline dye: the purple mauveine. Though failing in trying to synthesise quinine for the treatment of malaria, he became successful in the field of dyes after his discovery at the age of 18.


1910/0714:ダンサ&振付師 Marius Ivanovitch Petipa 181810、死去

Мариус Иванович Петипа
un danseur, maître de ballet et chorégraphe français qui vécut en Russie de l'âge de 29 ans jusqu'à sa mort.

1912/0714:カナダの文學理論 Northrop Frye 191291、誕生

a Canadian literary critic and literary theorist, considered one of the most influential of the 20th century.

1912/0714:フォウクシンガー Woodrow W Guthrie 191267、誕生

an American singer-songwriter who is regarded as one of the most significant figures in American folk music;



The McMahon–Hussein Correspondence between Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca and the British official Henry McMahon concerning the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire begins.


Start of the Battle of Delville Wood as an action within the Battle of the Somme, which was to last until 3 September 1916.


1918/0714:スヱデン 映画監督 Ernst Ingmar Bergman 191807、誕生

a Swedish director, writer, and producer who worked in film, television, theatre and radio.



A war between North and South warlords occurs in the Republic of China.


1921/0714:USA「Sacco & Vanzetti」
In Massachusetts the accused of the suicide are convicted Ferdinando Sacco and Bartholomeo Vanzetti. Six years later they receive the death penalty.


New Vietnam Revolutionary Party is founded in Huế amid providing some of the communist party's most important leaders in its early years.


der NSDAP Adolf Hitler ernannte "einzige Partei" in Deutschland.

In Germany, all political parties are outlawed except the Nazi Party.

Im Zuge der Gleichschaltung wird im Deutschen Reich das Gesetz gegen die Neubildung von Parteien, mit dem die NSDAP zur einzigen rechtmäßigen Partei erklärt wird, sowie das Gesetz über den Widerruf von Einbürgerungen und die Aberkennung der deutschen Staatsangehörigkeit beschlossen. Außerdem wird das Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses beschlossen, mit dem die Aktion T4 eingeleitet wird.

1933/0714:フランス作家 Raymond Roussel 187733、死去

un écrivain, dramaturge et poète français.




The Nazi eugenics begins with the proclamation of the Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring that calls for the compulsory sterilization of any citizen who suffers from alleged genetic disorders.


1939/0714:Alfons Mucha 186039、死去

a Czech Art Nouveau painter and decorative artist, known best for his distinct style. He produced many paintings, illustrations, advertisements, postcards, and designs.


{Klimt が生まれた日に Mucha が死んでゐたとは、これも奇しき偶然。


Japan mainland air raid: Hokkaido air raid by US Navy carrier aircraft carrier.

1950/0714:Korean War:
North Korean troops initiate the Battle of Taejon.


1958/0714:Iraqi Revolution:
In Iraq the monarchy is overthrown by popular forces led by Abd al-Karim Qasim, who becomes the nation's new leader.


The Communist Party of China held the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai wrote to Mao Zedong, stated its 1958 years since the left of the wrong views.


Asahi Shimbun scooped the theory of organic mercury poisoning the cause of Minamata disease by the research team of the medical department of Kumamoto University.


Jane Goodall arrives at the Gombe Stream Reserve in present-day Tanzania to begin her famous study of chimpanzees in the wild.


The Mariner 4 flyby of Mars takes the first close-up photos of another planet.




On the night of the 13th to the 14th, Richard Speck murdered eight female sisters in a sisters' home in Chicago. A survivor can alert the police after their flight.



Takara (Takara Tomy) releases a dress up doll "Rika chan doll".

"The treaty establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)" signed in Stockholm.


1969/0714:日本の日本画的洋画家 坂本繁二郎188269、死去


1969/0714:Football War:
After Honduras loses a soccer match against El Salvador, riots break out in Honduras against Salvadoran migrant workers.


Japanese Cabinet decision, unifying the nickname of Japan to "Nippon".


Japan's first weather satellite "Himawari " was launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.


Major KGB Stanislav Lechchenko reveals intelligence work in Japan at a secret hearing of the House of Representatives.


386BSD is released by Lynne Jolitz and William Jolitz beginning the Open Source operating system revolution. Linus Torvalds releases his Linux soon afterwards.


French President Jacques Chirac escapes an assassination attempt unscathed during Bastille Day celebrations.


Sandipan Chanda achieves Grandmaster title awarded by the World Chess Federation (FIDE).


Russia signed the European Convention.


NASA's New Horizons probe performs the first flyby of Pluto, and thus completes the initial survey of the Solar System.


P5+1 & Iran agree on final provisions of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in regards to the latter's nuclear program.


A terrorist vehicular attack in Nice, France kills 86 civilians and injures over 400 others.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World