


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
1876 Bonnat Jacob Wrestling with the Ange


歴史暦:古今東西 06/28 今日の出來事

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&1712年の0628にスヰスに生まれた Jean-Jacques Rousseau 171278、この思想史上の問題児云はく(彼の思想には私は全然同意しないが、時々所々で彼の言述にはげしく感應してしまふ)

≫ Je ne suis pas un ange, il est vrai ; mais j'habiterai leur demeure, j'imiterai leurs exemples : on les fuit quand on ne leur veut pas ressembler.
 I am not an angel, it is true; But I will dwell in their dwelling, I will imitate their example: they are fled when they are not liked to resemble them.

≫ Plantez au milieu d’une place un piquet couronne de fleurs, rassemblez-y le Peuple, & vous aurez une fête.  Plant a wreath of flowers in the center of a square, gather the people there, and you will have a festival. 廣場のまんなかに花飾りを付けた杖を立てて人々を集めれば、それで祭が始まる。

The decline of the Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo old Li, Guo Biao soldiers more than ten thousand scored Chang'an, take Lu Bu.


0202/0628:中國[漢末] 群雄の一人 袁紹015402、敗死

Yuan Shao, courtesy name Benchu, was a warlord who lived in the late Eastern Han dynasty of China.
He occupied the northern territories of China during the civil wars that occurred towards the end of the Han dynasty. He was also an elder half-brother of Yuan Shu, a warlord who controlled the Huai River region, though the two were not on good terms with each other.
One of the most powerful warlords of his time, Yuan Shao spearheaded a coalition of warlords against Dong Zhuo, who held Emperor Xian hostage in the imperial capital, Luoyang, but failed due to internal disunity. In 200, he launched a campaign against his rival Cao Cao but was defeated at the Battle of Guandu. He died of illness two years later in Ye (in present-day Handan, Hebei). His eventual failure despite his illustrious family background and geographical advantages was commonly blamed on his indecisiveness and inability to heed the advice of his advisers.


Assassination of Alboin, King of the Lombards


Fighters of the First Crusade defeat Kerbogha of Mosull.




この事件の記録は『吾妻鏡』にしかないし、その記録も事件から百年後のものだが ――


1243/0628:日本の天皇 089後深草久仁124304、誕生

Emperor Go-Fukakusa was the 89th emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession. This reign spanned the years 1246 through 1260


Muhammed VI becomes the tenth Nasrid king of Granada after killing his brother-in-law Ismail II.


Edward IV is crowned King of England.


1491/0628:イングランド Henry Ⅷ 149147、誕生

King of England from 1509 until his death. Henry was the second Tudor monarch, succeeding his father, Henry VII.


Henry VIII after his coronation in 1509  

Henry, c. 1531


           Henry c. 1537


Charles V、Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.


1577/0628:オランダの画家 Pierre-Paul Rubens 157740、生

a Flemish artist. He is considered the most influential artist of Flemish Baroque tradition.
Rubens' highly charged compositions reference erudite aspects of classical and Christian history. His unique and immensely popular Baroque style emphasized movement, color, and sensuality, which followed the immediate, dramatic artistic style promoted in the Counter-Reformation. Rubens specialized in making altarpieces, portraits, landscapes, and history paintings of mythological and allegorical subjects.

Rubens Self-portrait 1623


El desembarcament de Maria de Mèdici a Marsella

Poland & UKraine、Battle of Berestechko、start


Peter the Great defeats Charles XII of Sweden at the Battle of Poltava


1712/0628:モダニズム思想家 Jean-Jacques Rousseau 171278、生

un écrivain, philosophe et musicien francophone.
Orphelin très jeune, sa vie est marquée par l'errance. Si ses livres et lettres connaissent à partir de 1749 un fort succès, ils lui valent aussi des conflits avec l'Église catholique et Genève qui l'obligent à changer souvent de résidence et alimentent son sentiment de persécution. Après sa mort, son corps est transféré au Panthéon de Paris en 1794.



≫ Je ne suis pas un ange, il est vrai ; mais j'habiterai leur demeure, j'imiterai leurs exemples : on les fuit quand on ne leur veut pas ressembler.
 I am not an angel, it is true; But I will dwell in their dwelling, I will imitate their example: they are fled when they are not liked to resemble them.


≫ Plantez au milieu d’une place un piquet couronne de fleurs, rassemblez-y le Peuple, & vous aurez une fête.  廣場のまんなかに花飾りを付けた杖を立てて人々を集めれば、それで祝祭が始まる。

Catherine Ⅱ devient impératrice de Russie.


1776/0628:Battle of Sullivan's Island
 ends with the American victory in the American Revolutionary War leading to the commemoration of Carolina Day.


Thomas Hickey, Continental Army private and bodyguard to General George Washington, is hanged for mutiny and sedition.


1778/0628:USA獨立戰爭、Battle Monmouth
The American Continentals engage the British in the Battle of Monmouth Courthouse resulting in standstill and British withdrawal under cover of darkness.


2nd British invasion of the Río de la Plata、

John Whitelocke lands at Ensenada on an attempt to recapture Buenos Aires and is defeated by the locals.

1815/0628(文化12/0521):日本の浮世繪師 鳥居清長175215、死

Torii Kiyonaga, souvent désigné sous le seul nom de Kiyonaga, est un artiste de l'estampe japonaise (gravure sur bois), de l'école Torii.

『美南見十二候 六月 品川の夏(座敷の遊興)』1784年頃


1838/0628:イギリス大英帝國 Queen Victoria、Coronation

Coronation of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
1837/0620:0220、ウィリアム四世はウィンザ城で崩御。これにより十八歳の Victoriaがハノヴァ朝の第六代女王に即位した。


The first Opium War broke out.



The Paris Opera Ballet premieres Giselle in the Salle Le Peletier


Grisi as Giselle, 1841


Adolphe Sax patents the saxophone

彼は、サクソフォンの他にも Sax を冠した管樂器をいくつも發明したらしい。

1859/0628:イギリスで世界初の Dog Show 開催
The first conformation dog show is held in Newcastle upon Tyne, England.


The Edo Shogunate issue a declaration permitting free trade at Kanagawa, Nagasaki and Hakodate against the US, UK, Naderland, French and Russia.



Army of the Potomac is disbanded.


1865/0628:アルプス登山、Piz Roseg に初登頂
A team of Adolphus Warburton Moore, Horace Walker and Jakob Anderegg succeeded in the first ascent of the Piz Roseg in the Graubündner Berninagruppe.


1867/0628:Luigi Pirandello 196736、生

un drammaturgo, scrittore e poeta italiano, insignito del Premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1934. Per la sua produzione, le tematiche affrontate e l'innovazione del racconto teatrale è considerato tra i maggiori drammaturghi del XX secolo. Tra i suoi lavori spiccano diverse novelle e racconti brevi (in lingua italiana e siciliana) e circa quaranta drammi, l'ultimo dei quali incompleto.




The Austro–Serbian Alliance of 1881 is secretly signed.


1882/0628:Anglo-French Convention of 1882
 marks the territorial boundaries between Guinea and Sierra Leone.


The first passenger train of the Canadian Pacific Railway leaves Montreal. The trip on the more than 3,000 km long track ends on the 4th of July in Port Moody.



# The first transcontinental passenger train departed from Montreal's Dalhousie Station, located at Berri Street and Notre Dame Street at 8 pm on 28 June 1886, and arrived at Port Moody at noon on 4 July 1886. This train consisted of two baggage cars, a mail car, one second-class coach, two immigrant sleepers, two first-class coaches, two sleeping cars and a diner (several dining cars were used throughout the journey, as they were removed from the train during the night, with another one added the next morning).  Wikipedia en




LaborDay becomes an official US holiday.


El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua form the Greater Republic of Central America.


1902/0628:U.S. Congress passes the Spooner Act,
authorizing President Theodore Roosevelt to acquire rights from Colombia for the Panama Canal.


Der Verein Deutscher Ingenieure gründet auf seiner Hauptversammlung in München das Deutsche Museum der Naturwissenschaften und Technik.


1912/0628:ルウマニア出の指揮者 Sergiu Celibidache 191296、生

a Romanian conductor, composer, and teacher. Educated in his native Romania, and later in Paris and Berlin, Celibidache's career in music spanned over five decades, including tenures as principal conductor for the Munich Philharmonic, Berlin Philharmonic, Sicilian Symphony Orchestra and several European orchestras.

≫ 音樂は「無」であり言葉で語ることはできない。たゞ體驗できるだけだ。

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie are assassinated in Sarajevo; this is the casus belli of World War I.




1918/0628:USA 美術教師 Albert Henry Munsell 185818、死

an American painter, teacher of art, and the inventor of the Munsell color system.



1919/0628:WWⅠ、Treaty of Versailles is signed,
ending the state of war between Germany and the Allies of World War I.


1921/0628:Serbian King
 Alexander I proclaims the new constitution of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, known thereafter as the Vidovdan Constitution.


1922/0628:Irish Civil War
 begins with the shelling of the Four Courts in Dublin by Free State forces.


Mercedes-Benz is formed by Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz merging their two companies.




The Japanese puppet state of Mengjiang is formed in northern China.


Romania cedes Bessarabia (current-day Moldova) to the Soviet Union after facing an ultimatum.


1942/0628:WWⅡ、ナチスドイツ、ソ連に『Case Blue』開始
Nazi Germany starts its strategic summer offensive against the Soviet Union, codenamed Case Blue



Poland's Soviet-allied Provisional Government of National Unity is formed over a month after V-E Day.







The Tito–Stalin Split results in the expulsion of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia from the Cominform.


Korean War: Seoul is captured by North Korean troops.

Korean War: Suspected communist sympathizers (between as many as 100,000 to 200,000) are executed in the Bodo League massacre.

Korean War: Packed with its own refugees fleeing Seoul and leaving their 5th Division stranded, South Korean forces blow up the Hangang Bridge to in attempt to slow North Korea's offensive.

Korean War: North Korean Army conducts Seoul National University Hospital massacre.

1951/0628:日本 小説家 林芙美子190351、死

une écrivaine et poétesse japonaise. Elle est une des figures majeures de la littérature japonaise et a écrit plus d'une centaine de romans et de nouvelles.


≫ 花の命は短くて苦しきことのみ多かりき

in Poznań, workers from HCP factory go to the streets, sparking one of the first major protests against communist government both in Poland and Europe.


Malcolm X forms the Organization of Afro-American Unity.


1969/0628:NYCで、ゲイの權利運動=Stonewall Riot
Stonewall riots begin in New York City, marking the start of the Gay Rights Movement.



# 杉山茂丸の孫で夢野久作188936の長男、杉山龍丸191987が「玄洋社国際部長」の肩書きで、ベ平連結成時の呼びかけ人の一人となった(ベトナムに平和を!市民連合編『資料・「ベ平連」運動 上巻』河出書房新社、1974年)。ただし、吉川勇一によると「杉山さんは、ベ平連の後半では、ベ平連への批判的態度をもつようになったようだ」という

1971/0628:USA 起業家 Elon Musk、生

an American business magnate, investor and engineer.
He is the founder, CEO, and lead designer of SpaceX; co-founder, CEO, and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; and co-founder and CEO of Neuralink.

Elections are held for the Northern Ireland Assembly, which will lead to power-sharing between unionists and nationalists in Northern Ireland for the first time.


The Angolan court sentences US and UK mercenaries to death sentences and prison terms in the Luanda Trial.




A powerful bomb explodes in Tehran, killing 73 officials of the Islamic Republican Party.


For the first time in military history, a civilian population is targeted for chemical attack when Iraqi warplanes bombed the Iranian town of Sardasht.


On the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo, Slobodan Milošević delivers the Gazimestan speech at the site of the historic battle.


ソ連と東欧諸国による経済相互援助会議 (COMECON) 解散


Members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult release sarin gas in Matsumoto, Japan; Seven people are killed, 660 injured.



# 6月28日、現場近くに住むAに朝から任意同行を求め、事情を聞いていたところで犯行を自供。Aは当初犯行を否認していたが、取調官が第一の犯行声明文のカラーコピーを取り出して、「これが君の書いたものであるということは、はっきりしている。筆跡が一致したんや」と突きつけると、声を上げて泣き出し、自供を始めた(前述のように実際にはAの筆跡が一致したという証拠はなかった)。午後7時5分、殺人及び死体遺棄の容疑でAを逮捕。同時に、通り魔事件に関しても犯行を認めた。 Wikipedia ja


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World