


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 06/27 今日の出來事

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2016年の今日、逝去した未來学者の Alvin Toffler 192816 は「21世紀の文盲とは、読み書きできない人ではなく、学んだことを忘れ、再学習できない人々を指すようになるだろう」と言ったが、さうした文盲以上の文盲状態をインターネットカルチャーが作りだしてゐるやうに私には思はれる。インターネットに溢れ返る文字と情報が、文字にたいする拒絶反應を引き起こし、ほんたうの意味での文盲時代が到來するではないか。インターネットを牛耳る「Big Brother」は、よりこの人類の文盲傾向を強化する方策をデジタル技術によって促進させてゐるのではないか、或種の愚民化のための「洗腦」がおこなはれてゐるのではないか、とさへ昨今のSNSやインスタグラムや YouTube など視聴覚メディアばかりの盛況を見てゐると懸念されてくるのである。
We must search out totally new ways to anchor ourselves, for all the old roots — religion, nation, community, family, or profession — are now shaking under the hurricane impact of the accelerative thrust.  Alvin Toffler 192816

Yamato Imperial Court stops the conquest of Silla (ancient Korean kingdom).







In order to avoid the Mongolian army edge, Jin Xuanzong left the capital of the capital, two months after the Jinxuanzong arrived in Henan Bianjing, Bianjing as the capital of the new capital.





1358/0627:Ragusa 共和國、建國
The Republic of Ragusa (Republic of Dubrovnik) is founded.



1462/0627:フランス王 Louis XII 146215、誕生

surnommé le « Père du peuple » par les états généraux de 1506, est roi de France de 1498 à 1515.
Durant son règne, il se lance dans les guerres d'Italie, notamment la troisième et la quatrième et, au plan intérieur, la réforme de la justice et des impôts. Son image fut cultivée après sa mort comme symbole d'une monarchie modérée, s'appuyant sur les états généraux, par contraste avec la monarchie absolue.

Le porc-épic emblème de Louis XII, avec la devise : « de près et de loin » (Continus et eminus), 
(vers 1501, Hôtel de Bourgtheroulde, Rouen).



1497/0627:England、Cprmosh are executed
Cornish rebels Michael An Gof and Thomas Flamank are executed at Tyburn, London, England.



Die Leipziger Disputation zwischen dem katholischen Theologen Johannes Eck und Martin Luther beginnt, in der die wesentlichen Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Lehren dokumentiert werden.


The thirteen Stratford Martyrs are burned at the stake near London for their Protestant beliefs.



1574/0627:イタリアの画家で傳記作者 Giorgio Vasari 151174、死

un pittore, architetto e storico dell'arte italiano.
Il nome del Vasari, infatti, è legato in modo indissolubile alle Le vite de' più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori, una serie di biografie nella quale egli copre l'intero canone artistico teso tra Trecento e Cinquecento.

Frontespizio dell'edizione giuntina delle Vite, data alle stampe nel 1568

1615/0627(元和01/0602):日本[安土桃山]繪師 海北友松153315、死

Kaihō Yūshō; real name: Kaiho Shōeki, "brush name": Yusho, was a Japanese painter of the Azuchi–Momoyama period.
He was born in Ōmi 近江 province, the fifth son of Kaihō Tsunachika, who was a vassal of Azai Nagamasa 淺井長政154573.




1629/0627:Stuhm 戰で、Sweden is defeted
In der Schlacht bei Stuhm unterliegen die Schweden gegen polnische und kaiserliche Truppen.


1636/0627(寛永13/0524):日本 戰國大名 伊達政宗156736、死去

Date Masamune was a regional ruler of Japan's Azuchi–Momoyama 安土桃山 period through early Edo 江戸 period.
Heir to a long line of powerful daimyōs 大名 in the Tōhoku 東北 region, he went on to found the modern-day city of Sendai 仙台.
An outstanding tactician, he was made all the more iconic for his missing eye, as Masamune was often called Dokuganryū (独眼竜), or the "One-Eyed Dragon of Ōshu 奥州"




馬上少年過 世平白髪多
殘躯天所赦 不樂是如何
馬上少年過ぐ 世平らかにして白髪多し 
残躯天の赦す所 楽しまずんば是いかん


曇りなき 心の月を 先だてて 浮世の闇を 照してぞ行く

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/55/DateMasammuneToPope.jpg 伊達政宗からローマ教皇に宛てられた書簡

1682/0627:江戸時代の有力大名 池田光政160982、死去

a Japanese daimyo from the early days of Edo. He is also a Confucian scholar and protector of Kumazawa Banzan, a 17th century Confucian scholar.


Sultan Ahmed III Confirmed in the peace of Adrianopel the peace of Prut. The Ottoman Empire and Russia agree on a 25-year arms rest.


Nella guerra con Venezia circa 40000 soldati della terra Impero Ottomano nel Peloponneso.


1743/0627:オウストリア繼承戰爭、Battle of Dettingen,
George II becomes the last reigning British monarch to participate in a battle.

War of the Austrian Succession (German: Österreichischer Erbfolgekrieg, 1740–48) involved most of the powers of Europe over the question of Maria Theresa's succession to the Habsburg Monarchy.

General James Wolfe begins the siege of Quebec.


1760/0627:北米、Anglo-Cherokee War「Echoee 戰」
Cherokee warriors defeat British forces at the Battle of Echoee near present-day Otto, North Carolina during the Anglo-Cherokee War.


The greatest famine of Tenmei (1782 - 88) occurred as the worst of the Edo period.

江戸時代最惡となる天明の大飢饉 1782~88、發生。
異常乾燥と洪水 疫病が流行し「在町浦々、道路死人山の如く、目も當てられぬ風情にて」 


Face à la résistance des députés du tiers état, soutenus par le bas clergé et une cinquantaine de nobles, le roi Louis XVI invite les trois ordres à débattre ensemble, l'Assemblée nationale constituante devenant légitime et la Révolution légale.

Faced with the resistance of the deputies of the third estate, supported by the lower clergy and some fifty nobles, King Louis XVI invited the three orders to debate together, the National Constituent Assembly becoming legitimate and the Legal Revolution.

Une partie des troupes françaises qui sont venus avec l'expédition de Napoleon Bonaparte en Egypte, se rendit sous le général Augustin Daniel Belliard au Caire contre les unités ottomans. L'autre partie du temps étant garder la ville portuaire d'Alexandrie.

Part of the French troops that came with Napoleon Bonaparte's expedition to Egypt, surrendered under General Augustin Daniel Belliard to Cairo against the Ottoman units. The other part of the time being keeping the port city of Alexandria.

British forces take Buenos Aires during the first British invasions of the River Plate.





Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, and his brother Hyrum Smith, are killed by a mob at the Carthage, Illinois jail.



1850/0627:小泉八雲こと Lafcadio Hearn 185004、誕生

a writer, known best for his books about Japan, especially his collections of Japanese legends and ghost stories, such as Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things. In the United States, Hearn is also known for his writings about the city of New Orleans based on his ten-year stay in that city.



The Canadian geologist Abraham Gesner receives patent protection for his invention of kerosene in the United States.


In the Tianjin Treaty, China is forced to open further ports for trade through Great Britain and France.



This five. The samurai got off like this immediately


1869/0627:USA 女性無政府主義者 Emma Goldman 186940、生

an anarchist political activist and writer.
She played a pivotal role in the development of anarchist political philosophy in North America and Europe in the first half of the 20th century.

1869/0627:ドイツ 医学者 Hans Spemann 186941、生

ein deutscher Mediziner und Zoologe.
Er erhielt 1935 den Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin für seine Arbeiten über den „Organisator-Effekt bei der Embryonalentwicklung“.

Imperial Japanese forces defeat the remnants of the Tokugawa shogunate in the Battle of Hakodate to end the Boshin War.



榎本武揚183608 については、安部公房192493の『榎本武揚』が「歴史と物語」を思ひ考へるうへでもおもしろい作品だ。




1876/0627:ドイツ 動物学 Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg 179576、死

ein deutscher Zoologe, Mikrobiologe, Ökologe und Geologe und zählt zu den bekanntesten und produktivsten Wissenschaftlern seiner Zeit.


1880/0627:USA 三重苦の Helen Keller 188068、誕生

an American author, political activist, and lecturer. She was the first deaf-blind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree.
The story of how Keller's teacher, Anne Sullivan, broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language, allowing the girl to blossom as she learned to communicate, has become widely known through the dramatic depictions of the play and film The Miracle Worker.

Keller with Anne Sullivan vacationing on Cape Cod in July 1888


1882/0627:ドイツの哲學者 Eduard Spranger 188263、生

ein deutscher Philosoph, Pädagoge und Psychologe, der zu den modernen Klassikern der Pädagogik gezählt wird.


理論型 - 理論が通じることや真理に価値をおく。論理的に理解することで真理を追究する。
経済型 - 金銭的・社会的地位に価値をおく。利己主義的で、経済的観点から物事を捉える。
審美型 - 美的なもの、楽しいことに価値をおく。ものごとを感情を通して考える。
宗教型 - 神を崇め、信仰に価値をおく。博愛的で、人生を見つめ、道徳的に生きようとする。
権力型 - 他人を自分の意のまま従わせることに価値をおく。権力掌握に満足感を覚える。
社会型 - 社会への奉仕活動や福祉にかかわることに価値をおき、人の役に立つ行動をとる。


1884/0627:フランス 思想家 Gaston Bachelard 188462、生

un philosophe français des sciences, de la poésie et du temps. Il est l'un des principaux représentants de l'école française d'épistémologie historique.

Le rêve est plus fort que l'expérience.
≫ 人間は觀念世界に従属してゐるよりはるかに強くイメジの世界に従属してゐる。イメジの世界のはうがはるかに我々の存在を構成してゐるのである。


1893/0627:NYC、Economic Crisis、1893~95
In the course of the economic crisis 1893-1895 comes in New York City to collapse of the local exchange.


1895/0627:Electric Locomotive runs from WDC to NYC
The inaugural run of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad's Royal Blue from Washington, D.C., to New York City, the first U.S. passenger train to use electric locomotives.


During the Russo-Japanese War, sailors start a mutiny aboard the Russian battleship Potemkin.


1910/0627:日本のお傭ひ外國人 Gustave Boissonade 182510、死



Prime Minister of Japan Tanaka Giichi leads a conference to discuss Japan's plans for China; later, a document detailing these plans, the "Tanaka Memorial" is leaked, although it is now considered a forgery.




1934/0627:USA 生物学者 Robert Rosen 193498、生

an American theoretical biologist
Rosen's research was concerned with the most fundamental aspects of biology, specifically the questions "What is life?" and "Why are living organisms alive?".

1936/0627:日本 近代童話の父 鈴木三重吉188236、死

Suzuki Miekichi est un auteur japonais de romans et livres pour la jeunesse.
Il passe pour le fondateur du genre au Japon.

En 1918, il publie la revue Akai Tori (赤い鳥, « l'Oiseau rouge ») et demande à de célèbres écrivains d'écrire pour le magazine. Quelques œuvres remarquables d'auteurs bien connus de l'ère Taishō 大正 comme Akutagawa Ryūnosuke 芥川龍之介189227, Arishima Takeo 有島武郎187823 ou Hakushū Kitahara 北原白秋188542 paraissent dans ce magazine, et le genre de la littérature pour enfants commence à être reconnu comme une forme d'art.


Depuis Londres, le général de Gaulle est reconnu par Winston Churchill chef des Français libres.

From London, General de Gaulle is recognized by Winston Churchill, leader of the Free French.

1941/0627:イギリス SF作家 James Patrick Hogan 194110、生

James Patrick Hogan was a British science fiction author.
Hogan's fiction also reflects anti-authoritarian social views and as such forms part of anarchist science fiction. Many of his novels have strong anarchist or libertarian themes, often promoting the idea that new technological advances render certain social conventions obsolete.
For example, the effectively limitless availability of energy that would result from the development of controlled nuclear fusion would make it unnecessary to limit access to energy resources.

Romanian authorities launch one of the most violent pogroms in Jewish history in the city of Iași, resulting in the murder of at least 13,266 Jews.


Das deutsche Polizei-Bataillon 309 brennt in Białystok die Große Synagoge nieder, in der etwa zweitausend zusammengetriebene Juden eingesperrt sind.


German troops capture the city of Białystok during Operation Barbarossa.


1946/0627:日本の最も有名な外相 松岡洋右188046、死

Matsuoka Yōsuke was a Japanese diplomat and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Japan during the early stages of World War II.
He is best known for his defiant speech at the League of Nations in 1933, ending Japan's participation in the organization. He was also one of the architects of the Tripartite Pact and the Japanese–Soviet Non-aggression Pact in the years immediately prior to the outbreak of war.

Matsuoka visits Hitler (March 1941)
Signing the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact in April 1941 with Joseph Stalin



悔ひもなく 怨みもなくて 行く黄泉


The United States decides to send troops to fight in the Korean War.


1950/0627:朝鮮戦争: 保導連盟事件


Guatemala passes Decree 900, ordering the redistribution of uncultivated land.


President Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán is overthrown in Guatemala with the help of the USA.


The Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant, the Soviet Union's first nuclear power station, opens in Obninsk, near Moscow.


1966/0627:イギリス 東洋学者 Arthur Waley 188966、死

an English Orientalist and sinologist who achieved both popular and scholarly acclaim for his translations of Chinese and Japanese poetry.



1967/0627:ロンドンで世界初の ATM が設置
The world's first ATM is set up in Berkeley Bank of London.


Two thousand words declaration is made public in Czechoslovakia.


1970/0627:ヒマラヤ、NangaParbat に登頂、下山中に
In the Himalayan expedition headed by Karl Herrligkoffer, Reinhold and Günther Messner reach the summit of Nanga Parbat - on the descent Giinther will be killed in unexplained circumstances.


The President of Uruguay Juan María Bordaberry dissolves Parliament and establishes a dictatorship.


U.S. president Richard Nixon visits the Soviet Union.


Air France Flight 139 (Tel Aviv-Athens-Paris) is hijacked en route to Paris by the PLO and redirected to Entebbe, Uganda.


France grants independence to Djibouti.


Italian Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870 mysteriously explodes in mid air while en route from Bologna to Palermo, killing all 81 on board. Also known in Italy as the Ustica disaster


1981/0627:中共、Central Committee of the Communist Party
 of China issues its "Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China", laying the blame for the Cultural Revolution on Mao Zedong.


1982/0627:USA、Space Shuttle Columbia launched
 from the Kennedy Space Center on the final research and development flight mission, STS-4.




1989/0627:イギリス 哲學者 Alfred Jules Ayer 191089、死

Alfred Jules "Freddie" Ayer was a British philosopher known for his promotion of logical positivism, particularly in his books Language, Truth, and Logic (1936) and The Problem of Knowledge (1956).


Slovenia, after declaring independence two days before is invaded by Yugoslav troops, tanks, and aircraft starting the Ten-Day War.




2001/0627:ムウミン作者 Tove Jansson 191401、死

Tove Marika Jansson was a Swedish-speaking Finnish author, novelist, painter, illustrator and comic strip author.
Jansson wrote the Moomin books for children, starting in 1945 with The Moomins and the Great Flood. The next two books, Comet in Moominland and Finn Family Moomintroll, published in 1946 and 1948 respectively, saw the series achieve high sales.


2001/0627:USA 映画俳優 Jack Lemmon 192501、死

John Uhler "Jack" Lemmon III was an American actor and musician. Lemmon was an eight time Academy Award nominee, with two wins. He starred in over 60 films, such as Some Like It Hot, The Apartment, Mister Roberts (for which he won the 1955 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor), Days of Wine and Roses, The Great Race, Irma la Douce, The Odd Couple and

{この人と Tony Curtis とのコンビのコメディが好きだった。そのなかでも私は『Great Race』が、レモンの博士と先日亡くなったフォウクの執事のコンビがケッサクだった。


The Brazilian Military Police invades the favelas of Complexo do Alemão in an episode which is remembered as the Complexo do Alemão massacre.


NASA launches the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, a space probe to observe the Sun.


2016/0627:USA 未来学者 Alvin Toffler 192816、死

an American writer, futurist, and businessman known for his works discussing modern technologies, including the digital revolution and the communication revolution, with emphasis on their effects on cultures worldwide.

未来學者、Futurist, known for his works discussing modern technologies, including the digital revolution and the communication revolution, with emphasis on their effects on cultures worldwide.

彼は「21世紀の文盲とは、読み書きできない人ではなく、学んだことを忘れ、再学習できない人々を指すようになるだろう」と言ったが、さうした文盲以上の文盲状態をインターネットカルチャーがもたらしてゐるやうに私には思はれる。インターネットに溢れ返る文字と情報が、文字にたいする拒絶反應を引き起こし、ほんたうの意味での文盲時代が到來するではないか。インターネットを牛耳る「Big Brother」は、よりこの人類の文盲傾向を強化する方策をデジタル技術によって促進させてゐるのではないか、と昨今のSNSYouTube 、インスタグラムの盛況を見てゐると懸念されてくる。


We must search out totally new ways to anchor ourselves, for all the old roots — religion, nation, community, family, or profession — are now shaking under the hurricane impact of the accelerative thrust.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World