


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
2006 Exponat im Musée du quai Branly


歴史暦:古今東西 06/23 今日の出來事

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未來は幻想であり願望である。願望が作りだす Fiction である。

見えないものを見えるやうにするのが藝術」と言ったのは二十世紀の画家 Paul Klee 187940 だが、
この現在=ゲンジツに Fiction=藝術=ゲイジツゲンジュツ(=幻術、言述=或種のコトバの錬金術)によって重ねることによって、未來を描きだす、といふより作りだす。{この一行だけでも私のコトバの錬金術を信じる氣になっただらう、日本語を知る人ならば。

未來を予測する最善の方法は、未來を作りだすことだ」と言ったのは、何人もゐるが(それほど當たり前のことだが)私はフランスの作家 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 190044 の「未來とは豫知しようとするものではなく、自分で可能にするものなんだ」をあげておく。星の王子さまをこの世に作り贈って、空中失踪したあの不器用な鬪ふ操縦士を記念して。

今度は「私はモウドを作ってるんじゃない、私自身がモウドなのよ」と豪語したフランスのモウドメイカ Coco Chanel 188371 の氣迫のコトバを借りよう。「流行は、流行遲れを作りだすためなのよ」。


要するに、コトバを變へればいいのだ。嘘だと思ふだらうから實例をあげよう。たとへば改元元号を變へるだけで時代は一變してしまふ(だから昔は小刻みに改元したわけさ)。來年は日本の元号が變る。日本のムウドが否應もなく變ってしまふ。それを先取りし、その方向を決めてしまふのだ。 ……

また、たとへば …… 後はまたの機會としよう。今、こゝで誰とも知れぬ者にすべてを明かすわけにはいかない。

以上が、mon alchimie du verbeArthur Rimbaud 185491 )わがコトバの錬金術、理論明解、手法は單純明快、斬新なものだらう。
このコトバの錬金術による Art of Heart わがゲイジツをゲンジツへと重ね、被せていく。それだけで現實は變質を始める。
Je devins un opéra fabuleux 私は架空のオペラとなった O saisons, ô châteaux !
J'ai tendu des cordes de clocher à clocher ; des guirlandes de fenêtre à fenêtre ; des chaînes d'or d'étoile à étoile, et je danse.  鐘の塔から鐘の塔へ、花の園から花の園へ、星から星へ黄金の鎖を張り渡して、私は踊る
闇雲に切り裂く虹の童子かな、武鬪は舞蹈、ツルギのまひ、殺人刀に活人劍、二天一流、天の叢雲、村正正宗、二枚が四枚、四枚が八枚、八枚が(あゝ面倒くさい、一氣に) 六十四枚、八卦陰陽六十四象、天地玄黄、乾坤一擲、alea iacta est

{まだ延々とつづくけど「見せたいものは最後まで見せるな」、これは小津安二郎190363から教はった藝術の祕法祕術。「未完こそ永遠の完成」、これは宮澤賢治189633 ……

0079/0623:ロウマ皇帝 Titus Flavius Vespasianus 000979、崩去

Roman emperor from AD 69 to AD 79, the fourth, and last, in the Year of the Four Emperors. He founded the Flavian dynasty that ruled the Empire for 27 years.

Roman Empire during the Year of the Four Emperors (69)





Sun Quan proclaims himself emperor of Eastern Wu.







The Battle of Moclín takes place in the context of the Spanish Reconquista pitting the forces of the Kingdom of Castile against the Emirate of Granada. The battle resulted in a Granadian victory.

Vista general de Moclín y de su castillo.







A peace treaty between the Flemish and the French is signed at Athis-sur-Orge.


1314/0623:1st War of Scottish Independence:
The Battle of Bannockburn (south of Stirling) begins.



Henry VIII of England & Francis I of France sign a secret treaty against Emperor Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor.


1534/0623(天文03/0512):日本、戰國の梟雄 織田信長153482、生

Oda Nobunaga was a daimyō (feudal lord) of Japan in the late 16th century who attempted to unify Japan during the late Sengoku period, and successfully gained control over most of Honshu.
Nobunaga is regarded as one of three unifiers of Japan along with his retainers Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu.
During his later life, Nobunaga was widely known for most brutal suppression of determined opponents, eliminating those who by principle refused to cooperate or yield to his demands. His reign was noted for innovative military tactics, fostering free trade, and encouraging the start of the Momoyama historical art period. He was killed when his retainer Akechi Mitsuhide rebelled against him at Honnō-ji.



Dragut, commander of the Ottoman navy, dies during the Great Siege of Malta.


このマルタ包圍戰は歴史上もっとも過酷な戰鬪の一つと云はれ、Voltaire 169478 もこれを重要な史實として取りあげてゐる。



⇨「Malta 日暮時の地中海

1587/0623(天正15/0518):吉利支丹大名 大村純忠153387、死

Ōmura Sumitada was a Japanese daimyō lord of the Sengoku period.
He achieved fame throughout the country for being the first of the daimyo to convert to Christianity following the arrival of the Jesuit missionaries in the mid-16th century. Following his baptism, he became known as "Dom Bartolomeu". Sumitada is also known as the lord who opened the port of Nagasaki to foreign trade.


The mutinous crew of Henry Hudson's fourth voyage sets Henry, his son and seven loyal crew members adrift in an open boat in what is now Hudson Bay; they are never heard from again.


1662/0623:中國[明]遺臣 鄭成功162462、死

Zheng Chenggong, better known in the West by his Hokkien honorific Koxinga or Coxinga ( 國姓爺; Guóxìngyé), was a Chinese Ming loyalist who resisted the Qing conquest of China in the 17th century, fighting them on China's southeastern coast.
In 1661, Koxinga defeated the Dutch outposts on Formosa, and established a dynasty which ruled the island as the Kingdom of Tungning from 1661 to 1683.




1668/0623:イタリア 歴史思想家 Giambattista Vico 166844、生

Giambattista Vico è stato un filosofo, storico e giurista italiano.
He criticized the expansion and development of modern rationalism, was an apologist for Classical Antiquity, a precursor of systematic and complex thought, in opposition to Cartesian analysis and other types of reductionism, and was the first expositor of the fundamentals of social science and of semiotics.


彼は「数学的知識以外の知識はあり得ない」とする René Descartes 159650 の認識論に反駁し、学問に必要なのは認識可能なものと不可能なものを区別する原理であるとした。その原理とは「真理と事実とは置換できる」といふもので、精神がある対象を理解するためには「その対象が人間精神によってすでに作られていなければならぬ」といふものだった。数学は人間の作り出した仮説であり、歴史は人間の「行為事実」が無から作り出すものであるから、両方とも認識可能な事柄である。こうして歴史は、明確な認識たりうる学問として数学と同等の地位にある。




{かうしてみると、歴史への感受性においての私は Vico に屬してゐるやうだ。

1683/0623:北米アメリカ、PennSylavania の誕生祕話
William Penn signs a friendship treaty with Lenni Lenape Indians in Pennsylvania.



イギリス國王の Charles II 163085 は William Penn 164418 の父親に借金があり、1681/0304、アメリカのニュウジャジイの土地で弁済することにした。


インディアンのレニ・レナペ(デラウエア)族と友好關係を結び、彼等の土地への代金は公正に實行することを確約した。ペンはこの交渉のためにみづからインディアンの数種類の言語を学んだ。彼は、ヨウロパ人がインディアンに不法行為をした場合、雙方から同人数による公平な審理をおこなふ法令を導入した。これは或程度成功した。Voltaire 169478 はペンの協定を「インディアンとヨウロパ人とのあひだで唯一、口約束でもなく破られもしなかった協定」と絶讃した。

Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges (28 October 1701) William Penn 164418
≫ Liberty without obedience is confusion, and obedience without liberty is slavery.
≫ If thou wouldst rule well, thou must rule for God; and to do that, thou must be ruled by him who has given to kings his grace to command themselves and their subjects, and to the people the grace to obey God and their kings.

https://is.gd/18Wuuq William Penn 164418

{しかし、かなしいことに William Penn 164418 の生涯は悲劇的に終った。金銭問題で騙し取られ、それを取り返すための法廷闘争に明け暮れるうち、發作に倒れ、以後は全身不随の、話すことのできない人となって、數年後に逝去した。

The French residents of Acadia are given one year to declare allegiance to Britain or leave Nova Scotia, Canada.


1746/0623:日本 盲目の歴史家 塙保己一174621、生

Hanawa Hokiichi  was a Japanese famous blind scholar and buddhist monk of the Edo period.
Hokiichi became blind when he was 5 years old. He learned history, literature, medical science and jurisprudence from several masters(one of them was Kamo no Mabuchi 賀茂眞淵169769).
 Hokiichi compiled "Gunsho Ruijū" (群書類従 Great collection of old documents)

In 1937, Helen Keller 188068 visited to Japan and Hokiichi's memorial house. She expressed her impression as follows: "When I was a child, my mother told me ……

1757/0623:イギリス軍、インドで「Battle of Plassey」
Three thousand British troops under Robert Clive defeat a 50,000-strong Indian army under Siraj ud-Daulah at Plassey.



1758/0623:Seven Years' War: Battle of Krefeld
 British forces defeat French troops at Krefeld in Germany.


1760/0623:Seven Years' War: Battle of Landeshut
Austria defeats Prussia.


1780/0623:American Revolution「Battle of Springfield」
 fought in and around Springfield, New Jersey (including Short Hills, formerly of Springfield, now of Millburn Township).


Empress Catherine II of Russia grants Jews permission to settle in Kiev.


The German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt, together with the French botanist Aimé Jacques Alexandre Bonpland, climbed the 6267 meter high Chimborazo to an altitude of 5749 meters. Humboldt describes symptoms of altitude sickness for the first time.



1812/0623:Napoléon Bonaparte、War of 1812
Great Britain revokes the restrictions on American commerce, thus eliminating one of the chief reasons for going to war.


1842/0623:日本『北越圖譜』 鈴木牧之177042、死去

Suzuki Bokushi、



1865/0623:USA Civil War、
At Fort Towson in the Oklahoma Territory, Confederate, Brigadier General Stand Watie surrenders the last significant rebel army.


Typewriter: Christopher Latham Sholes received a patent for an invention he called the "Type-Writer."



1887/0623:カナダ、Rocky Mountain Park、最初の國立公園に
The Rocky Mountains Park Act becomes law in Canada creating the nation's first national park, Banff National Park.



Der deutsche Verein zur Förderung der Luftschifffahrt führt die erste der sogenannten Berliner wissenschaftlichen Luftfahrten durch. An Bord des Gasballons Herder befinden sich unter anderem das Vereinsmitglied Hans Bartsch von Sigsfeld und der Meteorologe Victor Kremser.



Miki Rofū, nom véritable Miki Masao (三木 操), un poète, auteur de livres pour la jeunesse et essayiste japonais. Rofū est considéré comme le principal représentant du symbolisme japonais.
En tant que poète et parolier représentant le Japon moderne, avec Kitahara Hakushu 北原白秋188542, il a été appelé "ère Haku-Ro(白秋&露風)".


1891/0623:ドイツ 科学者 Wilhelm Eduard Weber 180491、死

ein deutscher Physiker. Die abgeleitete SI-Einheit „Weber“ (abgekürzt Wb) des magnetischen Flusses ist nach ihm benannt.
Er war der einzige Naturwissenschaftler unter den so genannten Göttinger Sieben.
電気や磁気の精密な測定器具を製作して電磁気学の形成に貢献したほか、Carl Friedrich Gauß 177755 とともに電磁気の単位系の統一に努力し磁束のSI単位「weber」に名を残し、電気が荷電粒子の流れであることを最初に主張した。

1828年、彼はベルリンで開かれた学会の席でAlexander von Humboldt 176959の紹介でガウスの知遇を得た。ガウスの推薦で 1831年に彼はゲッティンゲン大学の物理学教授となった。ここでガウスと共同で地磁気や電磁気の単位系の研究をつづけた。

1891/0623:日本の洋画家 岸田劉生189129、生

Kishida Ryūsei est un peintre japonais de l'ère Taishō et Showa,
He is best known for his realistic yōga-style portraiture, but also for his nihonga paintings in the 1920s.


1894/0623:キンゼイ報告の Alfred Charles Kinsey 189456、生

an American biologist, professor of entomology and zoology, and sexologist who in 1947 founded the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University, now known as the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction.
He is best known for writing Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953), also known as the Kinsey Reports, as well as the Kinsey scale.
Kinsey's research on human sexuality, foundational to the field of sexology, provoked controversy in the 1940s and 1950s. His work has influenced social and cultural values in the United States, as well as internationally.

≫ 男性は、異性愛と同性愛という二種類に分離した個体群からなるわけではない。この世は善と悪に截然とは分れない。すべてが黒いわけでも、すべてが白いわけでもない。自然が不連続なカテゴリとしてふるまうことが滅多にないのは分類学の基本である。たゞ人類だけが分類を発明し、事実をむりやり分類棚に押し込めようとするのだ。


The International Olympic Committee is founded at the Sorbonne in Paris, at the initiative of Baron Pierre de Coubertin.

1908/0623:日本 明治期の作家 國木田獨歩187108、死

Kunikida Doppo est un écrivain japonais auteur de romans ainsi que de recueils de poésie romantique pendant l'ère Meiji. Il est l'un des initiateurs du naturalisme japonais.




1910/0623:フランス劇作家 Jean Anouilh 191087、生

Jean Marie Lucien Pierre Anouilh「アヌイ」un écrivain et dramaturge français,

1912 /0623:テュウニングマシン Alan Turing 191254、生

Alan Mathison Turing is a British mathematician and cryptologist, author of works that scientifically ground computing.
Turing was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer. Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.

I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.

≫ We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done. 我々には少し先までしか見えないが、そこになすべきことをたっぷりと見付けることができる。――『計算機と知能』(1950)

https://is.gd/wImxzk Quotes

1913/0623:2nd Balkan War
The Greeks defeat the Bulgarians in the Battle of Doiran.


1914/0623:Mexican Revolution: Pancho Villa
 takes Zacatecas from Victoriano Huerta.

In the Mexican Revolution, in the Battle of Zacatecas, an army of insurgents led by Pancho Villa defeated the government troops of President Victoriano Huerta. After the victory however new dispute breaks out between the different factions of the revolutionary camp, which triggers further battles.

In der Schlacht um Verdun erstürmen deutsche Truppen das Zwischenwerk Thiaumont.


1917/0623:WWⅠ「Battle of Verdun」
, G-troops stormed Thiaumont.


1919/0623:Estonian War of Independence The decisive defeat of the Baltische Landeswehr in the Battle of Cēsis; this date is celebrated as Victory Day in Estonia.


1924/0623:ドイツ、Hannover の連續殺人犯、逮捕

Der Serienmörder Fritz Haarmann wird in Hannover gefasst.




その後も、ドイツ映画『Die Zärtlichkeit der Wölfe』1973が彼の事件を描いてゐる。

Rudolf Pleil 192458:war ein deutscher Serienmörder, der mindestens 10, nach eigenen Angaben 25 Morde verübte. Er war der Haupttäter einer Mordserie in den Jahren 1946/47, die vor allem im Zonenrandgebiet im Harz stattfand.



1925/0623:登山、カナダ最高峰の Mt.Logan、登頂を許す

The first ascent of Mount Logan, with 5,959 m of Canada's highest mountain, is achieved by a six-headed team.


1928/0623:日本 ユング派心理学者 河合隼雄192807

Kawai Hayao est un psychologue jungien japonais, décrit comme le « fondateur de la psychologie analytique et clinique japonaise ».
Il introduit le concept de « thérapie par le jeu » dans la psychologie japonaise. Il participe au cercle Eranos à partir de 19821.

{Carl Gustav Jung 187561心理学の解説やら日本人論など、私もよく讀みました。



Adolf Hitler goes on a three-hour tour of the architecture of Paris with architect Albert Speer and sculptor Arno Breker in his only visit to the city.


The Lithuanian Activist Front declares independence from the Soviet Union and forms the Provisional Government of Lithuania; it lasts only briefly as the Nazis will occupy Lithuania a few weeks later.


1942/0623:ナチス、パリのユダヤ人滿載して Auschwitz のガス室
The first selections for the gas chamber at Auschwitz take place on a train full of Jews from Paris.



WWⅡ:The British destroyers HMS Eclipse and HMS Laforey sink the Italian submarine Ascianghi in the Mediterranean after she torpedoes the cruiser HMS Newfoundland.









Convicted Manhattan Project spy Klaus Fuchs is released after only nine years in prison and allowed to emigrate to Dresden, East Germany where he resumes a scientific career.

1959/0623:フランス アヴァンギャルド Boris Vian 192059、死

un écrivain français, poète, parolier, chanteur, critique et musicien de jazz (trompettiste), directeur artistique. Ingénieur de l'École centrale Paris, il est aussi scénariste, traducteur (anglo-américain), conférencier, acteur et peintre.

Il a écrit des romans d'avant-garde tels que "L'écume des jours" et "L'Automne à Pékin", et introduit la critique du jazz et l'introduction de la littérature américaine.
フランスの正眞正銘の Avant Garde


The United States Food and Drug Administration declares Enovid to be the first officially approved combined oral contraceptive pill in the world.


1961/0623:Cold War: Antarctic Treaty,
which sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve and bans military activity on the continent, comes into force after the opening date for signature set for the December 1, 1959.


The Antarctic Treaty, which excludes military use of the Antarctic, enters into force.


The communist Pathet Lao movement forms a coalition government under Laos with the Royalists under Suvanna Phūmā.


1967/0623:Cold War、米大統領ソ連第一書記、サミット會談
U.S. President Lyndon Johnson meets with Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin in Glassboro, New Jersey for the three-day Glassboro Summit Conference.




1972/0623:Watergate scandal、FBIとCIAが縺れ絡んで
U.S. President Richard Nixon & White House Chief of Staff Haldeman are taped talking about using the CIA to obstruct the FBI's investigation into the Watergate break-ins.


A terrorist bomb aboard Air India Flight 182 brings the Boeing 747 down off the coast of Ireland killing all 329 aboard.



Zhao Ziyang of General Secretary was dismissed from all duties at the quaternary gathering meeting which will be the thirteenth period of the Chinese Communist Party, and it will be placed under house arrest afterwards.

At Le Mans 24 Hours, Mazda 787 B wins the first car as a Japanese car and a rotary engine equipped car.





2006/0623:ガラパゴスゾウガメ Harriet 1830~2006、大往生

She was reportedly collected by Charles Darwin during his 1835 visit to the Galápagos Islands as part of his round-the-world survey expedition, transported to England, and then brought to her final home, Australia, by a retiring captain of the Beagle.
However, some doubt was cast on this story by the fact that Darwin had never visited the island that Harriet originally came from.


2006/0623:Le musée du quai Branly à Paris
 est ouvert comme un musée national français pour l'art non-européen.



2011/0623:刑事コロンボ Peter Falk 192711、死

an American actor, known for his role as Lieutenant Columbo in the long-running television series Columbo (1968–2003),


The last of Syria's declared chemical weapons are shipped out for destruction.


The United Kingdom votes in a referendum to leave the European Union, by 52% to 48%.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World