


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 06/13 今日の出來事

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あなたがいろいろ想ひ出して書かれたやうなことは最早二度と出来さうもありませんが、それに代ることはきっとやる積りで毎日やっきとなって居ります。しかも心持ばかり焦ってつまづいてばかりゐるやうな譯です。 私のかういふやうな惨めな失敗はただもう今日の時代一般の巨きな病、「慢」といふうものの一支流に誤って身を加へたことに原因します。僅かばかりの才能とか、器量とか、身分とか財産とかいふものが、何か自分のからだについたものででもあるかと思ひ、自分の仕事を卑しみ、同輩を嘲り、いまにどこからか自分を所謂社会の高みへ引き上げに来るものがあるやうに思ひ、空想をのみ生活して、却って完全な生活をば味ふこともせず、幾年かが空しく過ぎて漸く自分の築いてゐた蜃気楼の消えるのを見ては、ただもう人を怒り世間を憤り、従って師友を失ひ憂鬱病を得るといったやうな順序です。


Pubblicazione dall'imperatore Licinio a Nicomedia dell'Editto di Milano concedere la libertà di culto per tutte le religioni nell'impero romano.

The Edict of Milan, signed by Constantine the Great and co-emperor Valerius Licinius granting religious freedom throughout the Roman Empire, is posted in Nicomedia.


1256/0613:日本[鎌倉] 佛師 湛慶117356、死去

Tankei est un sculpteur japonais de l'école Kei, actif durant l'époque de Kamakura.




千手観音像 京都・妙法院蔵(三十三間堂安置)


Anglo-Portuguese Alliance between England (succeeded by the United Kingdom) and Portugal is the oldest alliance in the world which is still in force.


The Peasants' Revolt led by Wat Tyler culminated in the burning of the Savoy Palace.


1525/0613:Mariage(Martin Luther & Katharina von Bora)

Martin Luther und die ehemalige Nonne Katharina von Bora werden getraut. Die Hochzeitsfeier findet zwei Wochen später statt.
Martin Luther marries Katharina von Bora, against the celibacy rule decreed by the Roman Catholic Church for priests and nuns.



Battle of ShizugaTake: Shibata Katsuya lost to Hashiba Hideyoshi and lost to the Castle of Kitanoshou. After 3 days, Self injury .


Conquest of Kyushu: Shimazu Yoshihis surrenders to Toyotomi Hideyoshi.



1623/0613:日本最初の囲碁名人 本因坊算砂155923、死去

Hon'inbō Sansa was the assumed name of Kanō Yosaburō (加納 與三郎), one of the strongest Japanese Go players of the Edo period, and founder of the house of Hon'inbō 本因坊, first among the four great schools of Go in Japan.
He was a Buddhist priest of the Nichiren sect 日蓮宗, and his original dharma name was Nikkai (日海).


1625/0613:Mariage (イングランド王とフランス王女)
Mariage d'Henriette Marie de France avec le roi d'Angleterre Charles Ier.



1645/0613:日本[戰國]、武術家 宮本武藏158445、死去

Miyamoto Musashi, de son premier nom Shinmen Takezō (« Miyamoto » étant le nom de son village de naissance et « Musashi », une autre façon de lire les idéogrammes de Takezō), est l'une des figures emblématiques du Japon, maître bushi, philosophe et le plus célèbre bretteur de l'histoire du pays.







The Danish West Indies Company acquires the island of Saint Croix in the Caribbean from France. With sugar cane cultivation and slave trade, the company generates income.


Georgia provincial governor James Oglethorpe begins an unsuccessful attempt to take Spanish Florida during the Siege of St. Augustine.


1773/0613:イギリスの万能人 Thomas Young 177329、生

a British polymath and physician.
Young made notable scientific contributions to the fields of vision, light, solid mechanics, energy, physiology, language, musical harmony, and Egyptology.
He "made a number of original and insightful innovations" in the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs (specifically the Rosetta Stone) before Jean-François Champollion eventually expanded on his work.
He was mentioned by, among others, William Herschel, Hermann von Helmholtz, James Clerk Maxwell, and Albert Einstein. Young has been described as "The Last Man Who Knew Everything"

Plate from "Lectures" of 1802 (RI)


Rhode Island becomes the first of Britain's North American colonies to ban the importation of slaves.


American Revolutionary War: Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette lands near Charleston, South Carolina, in order to help the Continental Congress to train its army.


Schiller fordert Goethe zur Mitarbeit an der Zeitschrift Die Horen auf und erhält eine Zusage. Damit beginnt ihre nähere Verbindung und bis zum Tode Schillers währende Freundschaft und die Zeit der Weimarer Klassik.


1831/0613:James Clerk Maxwell 183179、生

a Scottish scientist in the field of mathematical physics.
His most notable achievement was to formulate the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation, bringing together for the first time electricity, magnetism, and light as different manifestations of the same phenomenon. Maxwell's equations for electromagnetism have been called the "second great unification in physics" after the first one realised by Isaac Newton.

Michael Faraday 179167 による電磁場理論をもとに、1864年にマクスウェルの方程式を導いて古典電磁気学を確立。さらに電磁波の存在を理論的に予想しその伝播速度が光の速度と同じであること、および横波であることを示した。

Maxwell's demon, a thought experiment where entropy decreases.



Qing and Russia signed Tianjin Treaty. The United States, the UK and France signed in the same month.


1865/0613:William Butler Yeats 186539、生

an Irish poet and one of the foremost figures of 20th century literature.
A pillar of both the Irish and British literary establishments, he helped to found the Abbey Theatre, and in his later years served as an Irish Senator for two terms. Yeats was a driving force behind the Irish Literary Revival along with Lady Gregory, Edward Martyn and others.


1866 /0613:ドイツ 歴史家 Aby Warburg 186629、生

historien de l'art allemand

Article 14 of amendment to the United States Constitution is proposed.


1871/0613:フランス 奇術師 Robert-Houdin 180571、死去

Le plus célèbre illusionniste français du XIXe siècle et fondateur du Théâtre Robert-Houdin
Surnommé le « père de la magie moderne », il est considéré comme l'un des plus grands illusionnistes et prestidigitateurs de tous les temps, à l'origine de presque tous les « grands trucs » de la magie actuelle, c'était aussi un grand constructeur d'automates.



1878/0613:Berlin Conference open.
An international conference organized by Bismarck in Germany to settle international disputes as a result of the Russo-Japan War. Seven countries, Britain, France, Germany, Austria and Hungarian Empire, Russia, Italy and the Ottoman Empire participated, the area of ​​a new independent country on the Balkans Peninsula was decided.



1886/0613:バイエルン王 Ludwig II 184586、水死(自殺?)

Nach seiner Entmündigung am 9. Juni 1886 übernahm sein Onkel Luitpold als Prinzregent die Regierungsgeschäfte im Königreich Bayern, da Ludwigs jüngerer Bruder Otto wegen einer Geisteskrankheit regierungsunfähig war.
Ludwig II. ertrinkt im Würmsee (= Starnberger See). Die genauen Todesumstände bleiben ungewiss.

Gegen 22 Uhr fand ein Hofoffiziant Überrock und Leibrock des Königs im Wasser, eine halbe Stunde später fand man den König und von Gudden maximal 25 Schritte vom Ufer entfernt im seichten Wasser.(At about ten o'clock a court officer, overcoat, and the skirts of the king, were found in the water, half an hour later the King and Gudden were found in the shallow waters a maximum of 25 paces from the shore.)

1874      1886   


Sterbestelle und Gedenkkreuz im Starnberger See bei Berg


1893/0613:イギリス 推理小説家 Dorothy L. Sayers 189357、誕生

a English crime writer and poet. She is best known for her mysteries, a series of novels and short stories set between the First and Second World Wars that feature English aristocrat and amateur sleuth Lord Peter Wimsey, which remain popular to this day.
However, Sayers herself considered her translation of Dante's Divine Comedy to be her best work. She is also known for her plays, literary criticism, and essays.


1897/0613:FlyingFinn Paavo Johannes Nurmi 189773、誕生

a Finnish middle-distance and long-distance runner. He was nicknamed the "Flying Finn" as he dominated distance running in the early 20th century.
Nurmi set 22 official world records at distances between 1500 metres and 20 kilometres, and won nine gold and three silver medals in his twelve events in the Olympic Games.
At his peak, Nurmi was undefeated for 121 races at distances from 800 m upwards. Throughout his 14-year career, he remained unbeaten in cross country events and the 10,000 m.

at the 1924 Summer Olympics


1898/0613:William Ramsay の業績、
William Ramsay isolated for the first time by fractional distillation of liquid argon the chemical element and noble gas neon.


1911/0613:Stravinsky's Petrouchka、
Avec Vaslav Nijinski dans le rôle de titre sera créé dans le ballet Petrouchka de Igor Stravinsky. La chorégraphie de la pantomime est par Michel Fokine, les costumes et la scénographie par Alexander Benois.


Vaslav Nijinsky als Petruschka (mit Igor Strawinski links)


With the amendment of the Ministry of Land, Navy and the Ministry of Public Administration, the military minister's active military system will be eliminated, and the qualifications of the minister and vice minister will be expanded to the reserve role.

1917/0613:パラグァイ 作家 Augusto Roa Bastos 191705、生

Augusto José Antonio Roa Bastos fue un escritor, periodista y guionista paraguayo. Está considerado como el autor más importante de su país y uno de los más destacados en la literatura latinoamericana.

Hijo de hombre (1960)
Yo el Supremo (1974)

Deuxième apparition de la Vierge Marie à Fátima.


The deadliest German air raid on London of the war is carried out by Gotha G.IV bombers and results in 162 deaths, including 46 children, and 432 injuries.


1920/0613:日本 人類学 梅棹忠夫192010、生

Umesao Tadao、ethnologue et anthropologue japonais, pionnier de l’écologie au Japon.


宗教のウィルス説をとなえ ―― 宗教ウイルス説は、文明要素(技術・思想・制度)が選択により遷移していくと言う遷移理論を柱にする文明の生態史観の一例であり、

1920/0613:日本の男優于 岡田英次192095、生

Okada Eiji est un acteur japonais,

Avec Yoshiko Kuga dans Mata au hi made (1950)


Tsukiji small theater open by Osanai Kaoru, Hijikata Yoshi, etc.


1928/0613:ナッシュ均衡 John Forbes Nash 192815、生

an American mathematician who made fundamental contributions to game theory, differential geometry, and the study of partial differential equations.
Nash's work has provided insight into the factors that govern chance and decision-making inside complex systems found in everyday life.

On May 23, 2015, Nash and his wife were killed in a vehicle accident on the New Jersey Turnpike near Monroe Township, New Jersey. They had been on their way home from the airport after a visit to Norway, where Nash had received the Abel Prize, when their taxicab driver lost control of the vehicle and struck a guardrail. Both passengers were ejected from the car upon impact.

1931/0613:日本 細菌學 北里柴三郎185331、死

Kitasato Shibasaburō was a Japanese physician and bacteriologist. He is remembered as the co-discoverer of the infectious agent of bubonic plague in Hong Kong in 1894, almost simultaneously with Alexandre Yersin.
Kitasato was nominated for the first annual Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1901. Kitasato and Emil von Behring, working together in Berlin in 1890, announced the discovery of diphtheria antitoxin serum. Von Behring was awarded the 1901 Nobel Prize because of this work, but Kitasato was not.

1934/0613:ヴェニスで、Hitler & Mussolini、初めて御對面
Adolf Hitler 188945 & Benito Mussolini 188345 made their first talks in Venice.



Beginn der Juni-Aktion, der ersten Massenverhaftung von Juden in Deutschland und Österreich während des Nationalsozialismus.


In the United States, the Strategy Secretariat (the predecessor of the American Central Intelligence Agency =CIA) and the War Information Bureau were launched.


1944/0613:WWⅡ:英独「Battle of Villers-Bocage」
German tank ace Michael Wittmann ambushes elements of the British 7th Armoured Division, destroying up to fourteen tanks, fifteen personnel carriers and two anti-tank guns in a Tiger 1 tank.

Germany won


German combat elements and - reinforced by the 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division - launch a counterattack on American forces near Carentan.


Germany launches a V1 Flying Bomb attack on England. Only four of the eleven bombs strike their targets.

Im Zweiten Weltkrieg schlägt der erste Fieseler-Fi-103-Flugkörper, der propagandistisch die Bezeichnung V1 erhält, in London ein. Die Deutschen starten die fliegenden Bomben aus dem besetzten Département Pas-de-Calais in Nordfrankreich.


1947/0613:フランス 画家 Albert Marquet 187547、死

un peintre post-impressionniste français 水の画家

1906, Fécamp (The Beach at Sainte-Adresse)


1916, Port of Marseilles,


1948/0613:日本 小説家 太宰治190948、心中(入水死)

Osamu Dazai & Mistress Yamazaki Tamie commit suicide in Tamagawa-Jousui. Deceased on June 19th.
Dazai Osamu est l'un des écrivains japonais les plus célèbres du XXe siècle. Il est surtout connu pour son style ironique et pessimiste, typique du watakushi shōsetsu, ainsi que pour une obsession pour le suicide et son sens aigu de la fantaisie.



1952/0613:Catalina affair、スヱデン飛行機、ソ連戦闘機に撃墜される
A Swedish Douglas DC-3 is shot down by a Soviet MiG-15 fighter.


"Small kindness" movement starts.


1965/0613:汝と私の神學者 Martin Buber 187865、死

ein österreichisch-israelischer jüdischer Religionsphilosoph.

1966/0613:ポワンカレ予想解明 Grigori Perelman 1966--、誕生

российский математик, доказавший гипотезу Пуанкаре.
Il a travaillé sur le flot de Ricci, ce qui l'a conduit à établir en 2002 une démonstration de la conjecture de Poincaré du programme de Hamilton, un des problèmes fondamentaux des mathématiques contemporaines. Son approche lui permit également de résoudre en 2003 la conjecture de géométrisation de Thurston, formulée en 1976, et plus générale que la conjecture de Poincaré.

The United States Supreme Court rules in Miranda v. Arizona that the police must inform suspects of their rights before questioning them.



1970/0613:Beatles 最後となるヒット曲
"The Long and Winding Road" becomes The Beatles' last U.S. number one song.


1971/0613:Vietnam War:NYT、PentagonPapers、すっぱ抜き
The New York Times begins publication of the Pentagon Papers.


Fahd becomes King of Saudi Arabia upon the death of his brother, Khalid.


Pioneer 10 becomes the first man-made object to leave the central Solar System when it passes beyond the orbit of Neptune.


1986/0613:SwingKing Benny Goodman 190986、死

Benjamin David "Benny" Goodman was an American jazz clarinetist and bandleader known as the "King of Swing". In the mid-1930s, Goodman led one of the most popular musical groups in the United States.


Japan Professional Baseball: Kinugasa Akio (Hiroshima Curps) recorded 2,131 consecutive games. Updated Lou Gehrig's world record.



A female shepherd 's guide dog.
1982昭和57年1月25日、岐阜県郡上郡美並村の国道156号での誘導中に、雪でスリップした車から主人を庇って重傷を負い、その傷が原因で左前脚を切断。この事が本となり、アメリカでも話題になり時の総理大臣から功労賞を与えられ、日本人が大好きな銅像にも作られ、テレビでもアニメやドラマになり、 ……



1990/0613:日本の女優 木暮実千代191890、死去

Kogure Michiyo était une actrice japonaise.
Elle est apparue dans 89 films entre 1939 et 1984. Elle est connue pour son rôle de femme au foyer obstinée qui commence à se lasser de son mari terne et sérieux dans The Flavour of Green Tea over Rice お茶漬の味(1952).



First day of the June 1990 Mineriad in Romania. At least 240 strikers and students are arrested or killed in the chaos ensuing from the first post-Ceaușescu elections.


The Montana Freemen surrender after an 81-day standoff with FBI agents.


President Kim Dae-jung of South Korea meets Kim Jong-il, leader of North Korea, for the beginning of the first ever inter-Korea summit, in the northern capital of Pyongyang.


Italy pardons Mehmet Ali Ağca, the Turkish gunman who tried to kill Pope John Paul II in 1981.


The United States withdraws from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.


A capsule of the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa, containing particles of the asteroid 25143 Itokawa, returns to Earth.


2013/0613:スノウデン、US-NSC の諜報活動を告發
Edward Snowden accused the American National Security Agency (NSA) of collecting personal information in the interview of Hong Kong newspaper companies.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World