


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 06/12 今日の出來事

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≫  Le Poète se fait voyant par un long, immense et raisonné dérèglement de tous les sens.(詩人は長期間にわたる、すべての感覺の理性的な錯亂によつて見者Voyantとなる) ―― Arthur Rimbaud 185491


闇夜を切り裂く一本の發光する直線となって疾走する ―― 狂氣とはさうした力ではないだらうか。もはやその蒼白く蛍光に輝く直線をひたすら追ひかけていくだけのこと。或意味、それは没我の幸福な恍惚状態。他のことは一切無視、いや忘却、いや解消され、ひたすら野犬の嗅覺となって光の後を追っていく。もう道はまっすぐにしか見えない。

the Western Jin Dynasty off the East Wu, the end of the Three Kingdoms era.

西晉 0265~0316 は司馬炎023690により建國 成立時は中國の北部と西南部を領する王朝であったが、呉を滅ぼして、後漢末期以後分裂してゐた中國を百年ぶりに統一した。


Li Yuan(李淵056635) is descended from the Emperor of Sui and builds the Tang Dynasty.






0910/0612:ヨウロパ、Battle of Augsburg、
Hungarians defeat the East Frankish army under King Louis the Child, using the famous feigned retreat tactic of the nomadic warriors.


1108/0612:中國[宋] 01皇帝 高宗110887、中国南宋初代皇帝、誕生

Emperor Gaozong of Song, personal name Zhao Gou, courtesy name Deji, was the tenth emperor of the Song dynasty in China and the first emperor of the Southern Song dynasty.
He was the ninth son of Emperor Huizong and a younger brother of Emperor Qinzong. In 1127, during the wars between the Song dynasty and Jurchen-led Jin dynasty, the Song capital Bianjing (present-day Kaifeng) fell to Jin forces in an event historically known as the Jingkang Incident.




Chinese Song Dynasty aristocratic Kang Wang Zhao should be ascended to heaven as the emperor, the establishment of the Southern Song regime.



1240/0612:パリで、ルイIX の唆しでキリスト教ユダヤ教が論爭
At the instigation of Louis IX of France, an inter-faith debate, known as the Disputation of Paris, starts between a Christian monk and four rabbis.


In England, rebels arrive at Blackheath.

Plusieurs dizaines de milliers de paysans, revendiquant la fin du servage en Grande-Bretagne, prennent d'assaut Londres.

1418/0612:フランス「Armagnac–Burgundian Civil War」 Parisians slaughter:
Bernard VII, Count of Armagnac and his suspected sympathizers, along with all prisoners, foreign bankers, and students and faculty of the College of Navarre.


1429/0612:100 Years' War: Jeanne d'Arc monte aux remparts en brandissant son étendard et fait tomber la place de Jargeau.

Jeanne d'Arc leads French army in their capture of the city and the English commander, William de la Pole, 1st Duke of Suffolk in the second day of the Battle of Jargeau.

Helsinki, Finland's later capital, was founded by order of the Swedish King Gustav I.



二萬五千の大軍で尾張に侵攻してきた駿河の戰國大名、今川義元151960・今川氏眞153815 親子の軍勢を迎撃しなければならない織田信長153482は、情報を得て(天も味方したか俄に大雨が降りだしたなか)桶狭間に宿陣した今川軍を急襲して、總大將の義元の首級を取り、今川軍を退却させた。



1560/0612:名門大名 今川義元151960、敗死

Imagawa Yoshimoto was a pre-eminent daimyō 戰國大名(feudal lord) in the Sengoku period Japan. Based in Suruga Province, he was one of the three daimyōs that dominated the Tōkaidō region.
He died in 1560 while marching to Kyoto to become Shogun. He was killed in the village of Dengakuhazama in Okehazama by Oda Nobunaga 織田信長153482.

豊臣秀吉 の日本軍、小西行長加藤清正の軍が朝鮮の首都、漢城を陥落させ、入城


1653/0612:第一次英蘭戰爭「Gabbard 戰」始まり、翌日に終る
First Anglo-Dutch War: The Battle of the Gabbard begins and lasts until June 13.


1733/0612(享保18/0501):日本の繪師 丸山應擧173395、誕生

Maruyama Ōkyo est un peintre japonais du XVIIIe siècle.
Il a déménagé à Kyoto, où il a étudié des œuvres d'art chinoises, japonaises et occidentales. Un style personnel de naturalisme occidental mélangé avec le design décoratif oriental a émergé, et Ōkyo a fondé l'école de peinture de Maruyama. Bien que beaucoup de ses collègues aient critiqué son travail comme étant trop servilement consacré à la représentation naturelle, il s'est avéré un succès auprès des laïcs.

1758/0612:北米、七年戦争、Louisbourug 包圍戰
French and Indian War: Siege of Louisbourg: James Wolfe's attack at Louisbourg, Nova Scotia commences.

The English began to take possession of the French entrenchments outside the fortress of Louisbourg during the Seven Years' War.

James Cook returned to the UK for the first time in three years after finishing exploring the South Pacific Islands.


French explorer Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne and 25 of his men killed by Maoris in New Zealand


1775/0612:American Revolution: イギリス軍の動向
British general Thomas Gage declares martial law in Massachusetts.

The British offer a pardon to all colonists who lay down their arms. There would be only two exceptions to the amnesty: Samuel Adams and John Hancock, if captured, were to be hanged.

1776/0612:USA Virginia Declaration of Rights is adopted.


1798/0612:Irish Rebellion、Battle of Ballynahinch.


1804/0612(文化01/0505):日本[幕末] 蘭學者 高野長英180450、誕生

Takano Chōei was a prominent scholar of Rangaku (western science) during Bakumatsu period Japan.


In the German history of inland shipping, the first steamboat crosses the Rhine. Coming from London, the British paddle-steamer "The Defiance" drives up the river to Cologne.



1817/0612:發明家、自前の發明品(自轉車のやうな)で新記録l'inventeur Karl Drais établit un premier record avec sa draisienne, parcourant 14.4 km en 1 heure.


1827/0612:アルプスのハイジの作者 Johanna Spyri 182701、誕生

eine Schweizer Jugendschriftstellerin. Sie ist die Schöpferin der bekannten Romanfigur Heidi.

1864/0612:南北戰爭, Overland Campaign: Battle of Cold Harbor
Ulysses S. Grant gives the Confederate forces under Robert E. Lee a victory when he pulls his Union troops from their position at Cold Harbor, Virginia and moves south.


1866/0612:プロシアにたいしオウストリアとフランスが祕密同盟Between the French Emperor Napoleon III and the Austrian Empire a secret treaty ensues: France would remain neutral in the threatened German war and receive Veneto.


「品川駅 - 横浜駅」間で日本初の鉄道が仮営業を開始。


1880/0612:USA、MLB 史上最初の完全試合、達成
Lee Richmond achieved the first complete match in Major League Baseball history.


Shizuoka incident. The Hakone Rikyu inauguration campaign and Liberal party planned for July 10 are found.

自由党員が 0710 に予定した箱根離宮落成式の襲撃と閣僚の暗殺計画が発覚。


Amemiya spinning dispute. A girls' worker at the Amamiya Silk mill in Kofu city decided on Japan's first strike


Vier Tage nach der Vorlegung eines Gutachtens über den Geisteszustand von Ludwig II. durch eine Ärztekommission wird dieser im Schloss Neuschwanstein festgesetzt und nach Schloss Berg gebracht. Tags darauf wird der bayerische König tot im Starnberger See aufgefunden werden.

Ludwig II Otto Friedrich Wilhelm von Wittelsbach, König von Bayern 184586/0613

1890/0612:Egon Schiele 189018、誕生

ein österreichischer Maler des Expressionismus. Neben Gustav Klimt und Oskar Kokoschka zählt er zu den bedeutendsten bildenden Künstlern der Wiener Moderne.




1892/0612:USA 女流作家 Djuna Chappell Barnes 189282、誕生

an American writer and artist best known for her novel Nightwood (1936), a cult classic of lesbian fiction and an important work of modernist literature

Barnes's last book, Creatures in an Alphabet (1982), is a collection of short rhyming poems. The format suggests a children's book, but it contains enough allusiveness and advanced vocabulary to make it an unlikely read for a child: the entry for T quotes Blake's "The Tyger," a seal is compared to Jacques-Louis David's portrait of Madame Récamier, and a braying donkey is described as "practicing solfeggio." Creatures continues the themes of nature and culture found in Barnes's earlier work, and their arrangement as a bestiary reflects her longstanding interest in systems for organizing knowledge, such as encyclopedias and almanacs.

The Seal, she lounges like a bride, Much too docile, there's no doubt; Madame Récamier, on side, (if such she has), and bottom out.

Jacques-Louis David's portrait of Madame Récamier.

1897/0612:brand "Swiss Army Knife & Sports" is protected.



Philippine Declaration of Independence: General Emilio Aguinaldo declares the Philippines' independence from Spain.




Kyota Sugimoto go a patent for Japanese typewriter.


At Windsor Castle, King George V receives the colours of the six Irish regiments that are to be disbanded: The Royal Irish Regiment, the Connaught Rangers, the South Irish Horse, the Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment, the Royal Munster Fusiliers and the Royal Dublin Fusiliers.


1929/0612:アンネの日記 Annelies Marie Frank 192945、誕生

Annelies Marie „Anne“ Frank war ein deutsch-jüdisches Mädchen, das 1934 mit seinen Eltern und seiner Schwester Margot in die Niederlande auswanderte, um der Verfolgung durch die Nationalsozialisten zu entgehen, und kurz vor dem Kriegsende dem nationalsozialistischen Holocaust zum Opfer fiel. In den Niederlanden hatte sie ab Juli 1942 mit ihrer Familie in einem versteckten Hinterhaus in Amsterdam gelebt. In diesem Versteck hielt Anne Frank ihre Erlebnisse und Gedanken in einem Tagebuch fest, das nach dem Krieg als Tagebuch der Anne Frank von ihrem Vater Otto Frank veröffentlicht wurde.



International conference begins in London, looking for ways out of the ongoing global economic crisis.


1935/0612:Bolivia & Paraguay の「Chako War」終る
A ceasefire is negotiated between Bolivia and Paraguay, ending the Chaco War


1937(昭和12)/0612:日本 川端康成の小説『雪国』出版
Yukari Kawabata's novel "Snow Country" is published.


Shooting begins on Paramount Pictures' Dr. Cyclops, the first horror film photographed in three-strip Technicolor.


Thirteen thousand British and French troops surrender to Major General Erwin Rommel at Saint-Valery-en-Caux.

A l'issue de la bataille de Saint-Valery, entre douze mille et vingt-six mille soldats, dont au moins huit mille Britanniques, sont capturés par l'armée allemande.

1941/0612:Jazzピアニスト Chick Corea 1941、誕生

an American jazz pianist/electric keyboardist and composer.
As a member of Miles Davis's band in the late 1960s, he participated in the birth of jazz fusion. In the 1970s he formed the fusion band Return to Forever

1943/0612:WWⅡ、ドイツ人による Holocaust
Germany liquidates the Jewish Ghetto in Brzeżany, Poland (now Berezhany, Ukraine). Around 1,180 Jews are led to the city's old Jewish graveyard and shot.


Pope Pius XII canonises Dominic Savio, who was 14 years old at the time of his death, as a saint, making him the youngest unmartyred saint in the Roman Catholic Church.


1963/0612:USA、Civil Rights Movement ← Ku Klux Klan
NAACP field secretary Medgar Evers is murdered in front of his home in Jackson, Mississippi by Ku Klux Klan member Byron De La Beckwith during the Civil Rights Movement.




In the Isle of Man TT race Honda Motor Co. team won the first prize in two classes of 125 cc and 250 cc. Promote the name of "Honda" to Europe.


1962/0612:ベネズエラ 大地の奇跡「Canaima(National Park)」
On the border with Brazil and Guyana, Venezuela establishes the Canaima National Park, which is characterized by sandstone table mountains.




Anti-apartheid activist and ANC leader Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life in prison for sabotage in South Africa.



Saburo Ienaga requests compensation for damages to the country as unconstitutional test of the his own writing textbook "high school Japanese history". It will take 32 years to close.


Professor Yukiaki Ueki announced that organic mercury poisoning patients similar to Minamata disease occurred in the Agano River Basin in Niigata Prefecture. (Second Minamata disease)


1966/0612:ドイツ 前衛音楽 Hermann Scherchen 189166、死去

ein deutscher Dirigent und Komponist.
Scherchen war als Dirigent für unkonventionelle Interpretationen bekannt. So existiert eine Aufnahme der 5. Sinfonie von Gustav Mahler, in welcher Scherchen erhebliche Striche in der Partitur vornahm (möglicherweise, um eine einstündige Radioübertragung zu ermöglichen). Auch gehörte er zu den Ersten, die Beethovens Metronomangaben ernst nahmen, was auf einigen seiner Aufnahmen zu hören ist.

1936年には、本番直前に指揮をキャンセルした Anton Webern 188345 の代役として、ALban Berg 188535 の『ヴァイオリン協奏曲』をバルセロナで初演。

1972/0612:USA 文藝評論家 Edmund Wilson 189572、死去

an American writer and critic who explored Freudian and Marxist themes.
He influenced many American authors, including F. Scott Fitzgerald, whose unfinished work he edited for publication.
His scheme for a Library of America series of national classic works came to fruition through the efforts of Jason Epstein after Wilson's death.


1972/0612:オウストリ 生物学 Ludwig von Bertalanffy 190172、死去

einer der bedeutendsten theoretischen Biologen und Systemtheoretiker des 20. Jahrhunderts.
General systems theory (GST) is an interdisciplinary practice that describes systems with interacting components, applicable to biology, cybernetics and other fields. Bertalanffy proposed that the classical laws of thermodynamics applied to closed systems, but not necessarily to "open systems" such as living things. His mathematical model of an organism's growth over time, published in 1934, is still in use today

1972/0612:USA ポルノ映画『Deep Throat』封切

Sortie du film pornographique Gorge profonde de Gerard Damiano au World Mature Theater.

1977/0612:USA Pops、Supremes 解散
The Supremes present their last concert in London, at the Drury Lane Theater and separate.


1978/0612:中共 郭沫若189278、死去

Guo Moruo was a Chinese author, poet, historian, archaeologist, and government official from Sichuan, China.


1978/0612:USA、連続殺人 "Son of Sam" 懲役365年の判決をもらふ
"Son of Sam" who committed continuous murder in New York David Barkowitz sentenced to 365 years imprisonment.




1982/0612:動物行動学 Karl Von Frisch 188682、死去

ein österreichischer Ethologe, der 1973 zusammen mit Nikolaas Tinbergen und Konrad Lorenz den Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin erhielt.

Seine Arbeit konzentrierte sich auf Untersuchungen der Sinneswahrnehmungen der Honigbiene und er war einer der ersten, der die Bedeutung des Schwänzeltanzes übersetzte. Seine Theorie, die in seinem 1927 erschienenen Buch Aus dem Leben der Bienen beschrieben wurde, wurde von anderen Wissenschaftlern bestritten und zu jener Zeit mit Skepsis aufgenommen.

1982/0612:ポウランド出身のバレリナ Marie Rambert 188882、死去

une danseuse et professeur de danse d'origine polonaise. Elle a exercé une grande influence sur le ballet britannique, comme danseuse et professeur. Née Cyvia ou Miriam Ramberg à Varsovie en Pologne, elle a aussi utilisé d'autres noms dont Rambach et Rambam.

En 1912 et 1913, elle collabore avec la célèbre compagnie des Ballets russes créée par Serge de Diaghilev.



1985/0612:中共 数学者 華羅庚191085、死去

Hua Luogeng, or Hua Loo-gehng (華夢庚), was a Chinese mathematician famous for his important contributions to number theory and for his role as the leader of mathematics research and education in the People's Republic of China.
He was largely responsible for identifying and nurturing the renowned mathematician Chen Jingrun who proved Chen's theorem, the best known result on the Goldbach conjecture. In addition, Hua's later work on mathematical optimization and operations research made an enormous impact on China's economy.

1985/0612:ドイツ 思想家 Helmuth Plessner 189285、死去

ein deutscher Philosoph und Soziologe sowie ein Hauptvertreter der philosophischen Anthropologie.

脱中心的位置性(exzentrische Positionalität)脱中心性(Exzentrizität)

The Central African Republic's former Emperor Jean-Bédel Bokassa is sentenced to death for crimes he had committed during his 13-year rule.


At the Brandenburg Gate U.S. President Ronald Reagan publicly challenges Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.


1990/0612:Russia Day、ロシア連合議會、主權を宣言
The parliament of the Russian Federation formally declares its sovereignty.


Russians first democratically elected Boris Yeltsin as the President of Russia.


1991/0612:スリランカ、Kokkadichcholai massacre:
The Sri Lankan Army massacres 152 minority Tamil civilians in the village of Kokkadichcholai near the eastern province town of Batticaloa.


An election takes place in Nigeria which and is later annulled by the military Government led by Ibrahim Babangida.


1999/0612:Kosovo War: Operation Joint Guardian
 begins when a NATO-led United Nations peacekeeping force (KFor) enters the province of Kosovo in Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.


2003/0612:USA 映画俳優 Gregory Peck 191603、死去

Eldred Gregory Peck was an American actor who was one of the most popular film stars from the 1940s to the 1960s.
Peck continued to play major film roles until the late 1980s. His performance as Atticus Finch in the 1962 film To Kill a Mockingbird earned him the Academy Award for Best Actor.

『Roman Holiday ロウマの休日』『To kill a Mockingbird アラバマ物語」それから『On the beach 渚にて』『THe Guns of Navarone ナバロンの要塞』『Behold a Pale Horse 日曜日には鼠を殺せ』などを見た私にとってこの人こそ理想のアメリカ人であった。ハンサムで長身で、その全身がジェントルマンな正義漢で、この人が大統領になってゐればアメリカは少しはマシになっただらうと今でもホンキで思ってゐる。あの惡役專門だった Ronald Reagan だってあれだけの大統領になれたんだから

2006/0612:ハンガリ 前衛音楽 Ligeti György Sándor 192306、死去

Ligeti György Sándor was a Hungarian-Austrian composer of contemporary classical music. He has been described as "one of the most important avant-garde composers in the latter half of the twentieth century" and "one of the most innovative and influential among progressive figures of his time".


He is best known by the public for the use of his music in film soundtracks. Although he did not directly compose any film scores, excerpts of pieces composed by him were taken and adapted for film use. Most famously this occurred in the films of Stanley Kubrick, particularly with the music from 2001: A Space Odyssey, which also contained pieces from other classical composers.

World epidemic of 2009 H1N1 influenza: WHO raised the alert level of new strain of influenza to Phase 6 and declared a pandemic.


49 civilians are killed and 53 others injured in an attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The gunman, Omar Mateen, was killed in a gunfight with police.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World