


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
(De gauche à droite) Les grandes-duchesses Maria, Olga, Tatiana et Anastasia en 1904.


歴史暦:古今東西 06/10 今日の出來事

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-323/0610:Alexander the Great, Macedonian king -35623、崩去

Alexander III of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great (Ancient Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας, translit.
He was a king (basileus) of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon and a member of the Argead dynasty.
He was born in Pella in 356 BC and succeeded his father Philip II to the throne at the age of twenty.
He spent most of his ruling years on an unprecedented military campaign through Asia and northeast Africa, and he created one of the largest empires of the ancient world by the age of thirty, stretching from Greece to northwestern India.
He was undefeated in battle and is widely considered one of history's most successful military commanders



0223/0610(章武03/0424):中國[三國] 魏王 劉備016123、崩去

Liu Bei, courtesy name Xuande, was a warlord in the late Eastern Han dynasty who founded the state of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms period and became its first ruler. Despite early failings compared to his rivals and lacking both the material resources and social status they commanded, he gathered support among disheartened Han loyalists who opposed Cao Cao 曹操015520, the warlord who controlled the Han central government and the figurehead Emperor Xian, and led a popular movement to restore the Han dynasty through this support. Liu Bei overcame his many defeats to carve out his own realm, which at its peak spanned present-day Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Hunan, and parts of Hubei and Gansu.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b2/Liu_Bei%27s_Life.jpg/1024px-Liu_Bei%27s_Life.jpg Map showing major events of Liu Bei's life.



Emperor Tenji of Japan introduces a water clock (clepsydra) called Rokoku 漏刻. The instrument, which measures time and indicates hours, is placed in the capital of Ōtsu 大津.

元明天皇高句麗の遺民 1799人を武蔵國に移し、高麗郡を設置。


0754/0610:Abul Abbas al-Saffah 072154, Muslim caliph 、死

Muslim caliph、

0867/0610:日本、059天皇 宇多定省086731、誕生



1190/0610:Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich I 112290, 崩去

Friedrich I., genannt Barbarossa (italienisch für „Rotbart“), aus dem Adelsgeschlecht der Staufer war von 1147 bis 1152 als Friedrich III. Herzog von Schwaben, von 1152 bis 1190 römisch-deutscher König und von 1155 bis 1190 Kaiser des römisch-deutschen Reiches.
Friedrich I. Barbarossa ertrinkt während des Dritten Kreuzzugs im Fluss Saleph.








1329/0610:Battle of Pelekanon in a Byzantine
Début de la bataille de Pélékanon, qui voit s'affronter une armée ottomane dirigée par Orkhan et une force expéditionnaire byzantine dirigée par Andronic III, qui fut défaite, marquant la fin des tentatives de dégager les cités de l'Anatolie assiégées par les Ottomans.








Kitabatake Akiie was a Japanese court noble, and an important supporter of the Southern Court during the Nanboku-chō 南北朝 Wars. He also held the posts of Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North, and Governor of Mutsu Province.
His father was Imperial advisor Kitabatake Chikafusa 北畠親房129354.


1580/0610:Portuguese poet, Luís de Camões 152480, 死

Luís Vaz de Camões foi um poeta nacional de Portugal, considerado uma das maiores figuras da literatura lusófona e um dos grandes poetas da tradição ocidental.
ポルトガルの國民的詩人。多くの叙情詩や戯曲を残したが、代表作は1550年から執筆して1571年に公刊、1572年に改訂した叙事詩ウズ・ルジアダス』。カモンイスはこの中でVasco da Gama 146024 によるインド航路の開拓を絶讃し、大航海時代で繁栄を極めたポルトガル黄金時代の航海者達を格調高く詠った。


1596/0610:二人のオランダ人、Bear Island を發見
Willem Barents and Jacob van Heemskerk discover Bear Island.

The two Dutch navigators Willem Barents and Jacob van Heemskerk saw a previously unknown island on the today's border from the European North Sea to the Barents Sea, which they call "bear island" after they saw a polar bear.

1619/0610:30 Years' War: Battle of Záblatí,
 la bataille de Sablat oppose l'armée protestante à l'armée catholique du Saint-Empire, et se termina par la victoire de cette dernière. C'est un des premiers conflits armés de la guerre de Trente Ans.


1624/0610:フランス&オランダ「Treaty of Compiègne」署名Signature du traité de Compiègne, un traité de paix entre la France et les Provinces-Unies, qui permet à la France de continuer à s'opposer à l'Espagne, dans le cadre de la guerre de Quatre-Vingts Ans, en finançant l'effort de guerre des Provinces-Unies contre celle-ci.


1630/0610(寛永07/0430):日本[戰國]大名 織田信雄155830、死

Oda Nobukatsu was a Japanese samurai of the Azuchi–Momoyama 安土桃山 period. He was the second son of Oda Nobunaga 織田信長153482.
He survived the decline of the Oda clan from political prominence, becoming a daimyō in the early Edo period. Though often described as an incompetent general, Nobukatsu was a skilled warrior.
In the battle of Komaki 小牧 & Nagakute 長久手, he used a 13th-century tachi 太刀 of the Fukuoka Ichimonji 福岡一文字 school, to slay a samurai known as Okada Sukesaburō, therefore the blade was known as Okada-giri Yoshifusa, now a national treasure.

1692/0610:アメリカでの魔女裁判「Salem witch trials」
Bridget Bishop is hanged at Gallows Hill near Salem, Massachusetts, for "certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcraft & Sorceries".


1719/0610:フランス、Jacobite risings: Battle of Glen Shiel.
La bataille de Glen Shiel, lors de la rébellion jacobite, voit la victoire des armées britanniques sur les jacobites écossais et l'armée espagnole.


A landslide dam on the Dadu River created by an earthquake ten days earlier collapses, killing 100,000 in the Sichuan province of China.


Fondation juridique du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle de Paris, par décret de la Convention, sur l'insistance de Lakanal.


French Revolution: Following the arrests of Girondin leaders, the Jacobins gain control of the Committee of Public Safety installing the revolutionary dictatorship.


1794/0610:F革命暦の "22 Prairial"の日に、恐怖の法が制定される

la loi du 22 prairial An II instaure la Grande Terreur.

1805/0610:First Barbary War、end
Yusuf Karamanli signs a treaty ending the hostilities between Tripolitania and the United States.


La bataille d'Heilsberg voit la victoire de Napoléon Ier sur l'armée russe commandée par Levin August von Bennigsen. Cette bataille est un prélude à la bataille décisive de Friedland, qui eut lieu le 14 juin suivant.


Conclusion du traité de Paris entre l'Autriche, l'Espagne, la France, l'Angleterre, la Prusse et la Russie. Il permet l'exécution de l'article 99 de l'acte du congrès de Vienne déterminant la réversion des duchés de Parme, Plaisance et Guastalla.


1819/0610:フランス 画家 Gustave Courbet 181977、生

un peintre et sculpteur français, chef de file du courant réaliste.

par Nadar 182010


The first Boat Race between the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge takes place on the Thames in London.


1832/0610:ドイツ 発明家 Nicolaus August Otto 183291、生

ein Erfinder vieler heute noch in Verbrennungsmotoren verwendeter Details und ein Miterfinder des Viertaktprinzips.


1836/0610:フランス 化学者 André-Marie Ampère 177536、死

un mathématicien, physicien, chimiste et philosophe français. Il a été membre de l'Académie des sciences, ainsi que professeur à l'École polytechnique et au Collège de France.
Autodidacte, Ampère contribue au développement des mathématiques en les introduisant en physique. Il fait d'importantes découvertes dans le domaine de l'électromagnétisme. Il en édifie les fondements théoriques et découvre les bases de l'électronique de la matière. Il est également l'inventeur de nombreux dispositifs et appareils tels que le solénoïde, le télégraphe électrique et l'électroaimant.


1838/0610:Myall Creek massacre、西洋人による原住民の虐殺
Twenty-eight Aboriginal Australians are murdered.

Le massacre de Myall Creek a lieu en Nouvelles-Galles du Sud, en Australie. 28 aborigènes furent massacrés par des colons blancs. 7 des meurtriers furent reconnus coupables, condamnés à mort et exécutés par pendaison, marquant la première fois que des Blancs furent condamnés et exécutés par le gouvernement pour leurs exactions envers les aborigènes.

Bernhard Riemann hält in Anwesenheit von Carl Friedrich Gauß seinen Habilitationsvortrag in Göttingen „Über die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zugrunde liegen“, in dem er die Grundlagen der später so benannten nicht-euklidischen Geometrie skizziert.


1858/0610:イギリス 植物學者 Robert Brown 177358、死

a Scottish botanist and palaeobotanist who made important contributions to botany largely through his pioneering use of the microscope.
His contributions include one of the earliest detailed descriptions of the cell nucleus and cytoplasmic streaming; the observation of Brownian motion; early work on plant pollination and fertilisation, including being the first to recognise the fundamental difference between gymnosperms and angiosperms; and some of the earliest studies in palynology. He also made numerous contributions to plant taxonomy, including the erection of a number of plant families that are still accepted today; and numerous Australian plant genera and species, the fruit of his exploration of that continent with Matthew Flinders.


1861/0610:American Civil War: Battle of Big Bethel: Confederate troops under John B. Magruder defeat a much larger Union force led by General Ebenezer W. Pierce in Virginia.


1864/0610:American Civil War: Battle of Brice's Crossroads:
Confederate troops under Nathan Bedford Forrest defeat a much larger Union force led by General Samuel D. Sturgis in Mississippi.


1865/0610:Wagner『Tristan und Isolde』ミュンヘンで初演Im Königlichen Hof- und Nationaltheater in München wird Wagners Tristan und Isolde unter der Leitung von Hans von Bülow mit triumphalem Erfolg uraufgeführt.

Der Sänger der Titelrolle, Ludwig Schnorr von Carolsfeld, stirbt nur wenige Tage später im Alter von nur 29 Jahren, was die Rolle des Tristan bis heute als „mörderisch“ gelten lässt. Musikalisch wirken Wagners Neuerungen vor allem auf dem Gebiet der Harmonik, wie zum Beispiel der Tristan-Akkord, bis in die letzte Phase der romantischen Musik nach.

1865/0610(慶應01/0517):日本 俳人 村上鬼城186538、生

un poète japonais. Murakami perd l'ouie enfant et ne peut donc pas envisager de carrière dans le service militaire ou civil.
À partir de 1873 il vit avec sa famille à Takasaki. C'est là qu'il commence à écrire de la poésie et devient l'élève de Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規186702 et Kyoshi Takahama 高濱虚子187459. Il se joint au groupe formé autour de Masaoka et travaille pour son magazine de haiku Hototogisu.
En 1917, il publie le recueil de haiku Kijō kushū 鬼城句集. Deux recueils de poésie paraissent à titre posthume, Teihon Kijō kushū (1940) et Kijō haiku hairon-shū 俳論集(1947).





Sinmiyangyo: Captain McLane Tilton leads 109 US Marines in a naval attack on Han River forts on Kanghwa Island, Korea.


1878/0610:ヨウロパ、League of Prizren is established,
to oppose the decisions of the Congress of Berlin and the Treaty of San Stefano, as a consequence of which the Albanian lands in Balkans were being partitioned and given to the neighbor states of Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Greece.


1880/0610:フランス フォウブ派画家 André Derain 188054

un peintre français et l'un des fondateurs du fauvisme.
Il est également peintre de décors et costumes de ballets et de théâtre, graveur, illustrateur et écrivain.

Le séchage des voiles (The Drying Sails),


1906, La jetée à L'Estaque,

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/05/Derain_CharingCrossBridge.png Charing Cross Bridge, London

1886/0610:ハリウッドの日本人俳優 早川雪洲188673、生

a Japanese actor. He was one of the biggest stars in Hollywood during the silent film era of the 1910s and 1920s. Hayakawa was the first actor of Asian descent to achieve stardom as a leading man in the United States and Europe.
His "broodingly handsome" good looks and typecasting as a sexually dominant villain made him a heartthrob among American women during a time of racial discrimination, and he became one of the first male sex symbols of Hollywood.



1886/0610:Mt.Tarawera in New Zealand erupts,
 killing 153 people and burying the famous Pink and White Terraces. Eruptions continue for 3 months creating a large, 17 km long fissure across the mountain peak.


1897/0610:Tatiana Nikolaïevna 189718、わづか21歳で銃殺刑に



(De gauche à droite) Les grandes-duchesses Maria, Olga, Tatiana et Anastasia en 1904.


1895/0610:アメリカのロシア人 Immanuel Velikovsky 189579、生

a Russian independent scholar best known as the author of a number of controversial books reinterpreting the events of ancient history, in particular the US bestseller Worlds in Collision published in 1950.
Earlier, he had played a role in the founding of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel, and was a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst.

1898/0610:Spanish–American War:
U.S. Marines land on the island of Cuba.


1899/0610:フランス 作曲家 Ernest Chausson 185599、死

un compositeur français.

In order to suppress the turbulence of the Yoshiwa group, the Allied forces of eight countries (Japan, USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Russia) began invading Beijing.




1901/0610:日本 アマチュアゴルファ 赤星六郎190144


1902/0610:日本 映画俳優 斎藤達雄190268

Saitō Tatsuo?) est un acteur, réalisateur et scénariste japonais


American、A. Callahan got a patent for a windowed envelope .


Seven professors at the Tokyo Imperial University and the Gakushuin submitted a "Doctoral Dissentation Opinion" to the Japanese Government to press for hard-line diplomacy.



Japan-France agreement will be signed. Qing's independence and territorial integrity is promised, and the scope of power of both countries in Qing is confirmed.






1915/0610:USA 小説家 Saul Bellow 191505、生

a Canadian-American writer. For his literary work, Bellow was awarded the Pulitzer Prize, the Nobel Prize for Literature, and the National Medal of Arts.

1915/0610:Massacre of Turkish troops
 in the Kemach Gorge kills about 25,000 Armenians. The mass murder is part of a systematic extermination campaign against the Christian Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire. The deportations which began in June 1915 fell to about a million people by 1916.

{今日、何度目の Massacre だらう。


1916/0610:Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire
 was declared by Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca.


1917/0610:WWⅠ、Battle of Mount Ortigara
 was fought 0610~0625, between the Italia and Austro-Hungarian armies.

Austro-Hungarian win



The Austro-Hungarian battleship SMS Szent István sinks off the Croatian coast after being torpedoed by an Italian MAS motorboat; the event is recorded by camera from a nearby vessel.


The Japan set the June 10th as "Anniversary of the Times".


1922/0610:USA 名子役から大女優へ Judy Garland 192269、生

(born Frances Ethel Gumm) was an American singer, actress, and vaudevillian.
During a career that spanned 45 of her 47 years, Garland attained international stardom as an actress in musical and dramatic roles, as a recording artist, and on the concert stage.

Il politico dell'opposizione italiano Giacomo Matteotti, un fiero oppositore di Mussolini, viene rapito dai fascisti e colpo.

Fascists kidnap and kill Italian Socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti in Rome.

1924/0610:Giacomo Matteotti 188524、暗殺

un politico, giornalista e antifascista italiano, segretario del Partito Socialista Unitario, formazione nata da una scissione del Partito Socialista Italiano.



1922年のムッソリーニ政権成立以降、ファシスト党 Benito Mussolini 188345 らの批判を続け、1924/0610にロウマで誘拐され、刃物で刺されて殺害されてゐるのが六日後に発見された。

1925/0610:日本 明治期の文人 大町桂月186925、死



Inaugural service for the United Church of Canada, a union of Presbyterian, Methodist, and Congregationalist churches, held in the Toronto Arena.


1926/0610:スペイン建築家 Antoni Gaudí 185226、死

Antonio Gaudí y Cornet,1​2​3​4​5​ también conocido en catalán como Antoni Gaudí i Cornet, fue un arquitecto español, máximo representante del modernismo catalán.



In the Korean, "6.10 Banzai" movement break out.



The Department of Petroleum is established as the central institution of Japanese colonial administration.


1930/0610:ドイツ、Obersdorf に世界最長のケイブルカー
In Oberstdorf wird die Nebelhornbahn als weltweit längste Personenseilschwebebahn eröffnet.


1931/0610:ボサノバ歌手 João Gilberto 1931、生

João Gilberto Prado Pereira de Oliveira, conhecido como João Gilberto, é um cantor, violonista e compositor brasileiro. Tido como o pioneiro criador da bossa nova, é considerado um gênio e uma lenda viva da música popular brasileira.


Dr. Robert Smith takes his last drink, and Alcoholics Anonymous is founded in Akron, Ohio, United States, by him and Bill Wilson.


1935/0610:Chaco War ends:
 A truce is called between Bolivia and Paraguay who had been fighting since 1932.


1936/0610:In Moscow
 the company Sojusmultfilm is founded, which produces animation films. The company has become the most important animation studio in the Soviet Union.


1937/0610:日本 奇蹟の鐵腕 稲尾和久193707、生

Inao Kazuhisa was a Japanese professional baseball pitcher. In 1957, he won 20 consecutive games.
In 1958 Japan Series, he pitched six games and won 4 consecutive games after his team lost 3 games. He even hit a home run in fifth game of Japan Series.
He was the Pacific League's Most Valuable Player in 1957 and 1958. He had 42 wins in 1961. Fans called his great success "God, Buddha, Inao".




The case of mass poisoning murder caused by arsenic-containing " Rrao-chu" in Nanjing Consulate General in Japan. The criminal is not identified, and it remains unresolved.



1940/0610:ジャマイカの政事活動家 Marcus Garvey 188740、死

, Jamaican activist, founded Black Star Line
un predicador, periodista y empresario jamaicano, fundador de la Asociación Universal para la Mejora del Hombre Negro (UNIA, por sus siglas en inglés), cuyo lema era One God, One Aim, One Destiny (Un dios, un objetivo, un destino).


Italy declares war on France and the United Kingdom.


U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt denounces Italy's actions in his "Stab in the Back" speech at the graduation ceremonies of the University of Virginia.


Norway surrenders to German forces.


Nazis burn the Czech village of Lidice in reprisal for the killing of Reinhard Heydrich.


The native Hungarian László József Bíró receives the patent for the ballpoint pen.


Massacre d'Oradour-sur-Glane : plus grand massacre de civils commis en France par les armées allemandes, il fit 642 morts.


In Distomo, Boeotia, Greece, 218 men, women and children are massacred by German troops.

{Massacre, massacre, 今日だけでも何度出てきてゐることか

In baseball, 15-year-old Joe Nuxhall of the Cincinnati Reds becomes the youngest player ever in a major-league game.



{これも Massacre、

1946/0610:USA 伝説のヘビ級チャンピョン Jack Johnson 187846、死亡

John Arthur Johnson, nicknamed the Galveston Giant, was an American boxer who, at the height of the Jim Crow era, became the first African American world heavyweight boxing champion (1908–1915). Among the period's most dominant champions, Johnson remains a boxing legend, with his 1910 fight against James J. Jeffries dubbed the "fight of the century.


{私は Miles Davis 192691 の『Jack Johnson』でこのボクサーの名を識った。

1947/0610:Sweden, Saab
 produces its first automobile. The Swedish aircraft manufacturer Saab presents its first car prototype Saab 92001 and sets up a division for automotive production.


1949/0610:ノルヱイ 女流作家 Sigrid Undset 188249、死

eine norwegische Romanautorin, Novellistin, Laiendominikanerin und Essayistin. Ihre Werke befassen sich mit dem Konflikt zwischen norwegischer Tradition, der europäischen Krise ihrer Zeit, dem römischen Katholizismus und der weiblichen Emanzipationsbewegung. „Vor allem für ihre kraftvollen Schilderungen des nordischen Lebens im Mittelalter“, so die Begründung des Nobelpreiskomitees, erhielt sie 1928 den Nobelpreis für Literatur.



The foundation stone for the European core research laboratory CERN is laid.


1959/0610:フランス映画、Aルネ『Hiroshima mon amour』封切
En France, le mis en rotation sous la direction de Hiroshima mon amour d'Alain Resnais Première, l'un des premiers représentants de la Nouvelle Vague française.


Security struggle: James Hagerty, a US presidential spokesperson arriving at Tokyo International Airport, is surrounded by Japanese demonstrations and rescued by a helicopter from the US Marine Corps. 

安保闘争: 東京国際空港でジェイムズ・ハガティ米大統領報道官の一行がデモ隊に包囲され、アメリカ海兵隊のヘリに救助。


1963/0610:USA、Equal Pay Act of 1963 aimed
 at abolishing wage disparity based on sex (see Gender pay gap). It was signed into law on June 10, 1963 by John F. Kennedy as part of his New Frontier Program


1967/0610:アメリカの映画俳優 Spencer Tracy 190073、死

an American actor, noted for his natural style and versatility. One of the major stars of Hollywood's Golden Age, Tracy won two Academy Awards for Best Actor from nine nominations, sharing the record for nominations in that category with Laurence Olivier.


1967/0610:イスラエル、Six-Day War ends:
Israel and Syria agree to a cease-fire.

Israel occupied parts of Mount Hermon during the Sixth War and the Golan Heights in the Syrian state. Syria and Israel agree an armistice.

Japanese economic planning agency announced that Japan's gross national product (GNP) has surpassed West Germany and ranked second in the world.

日本の経済企画庁が、日本の国民総生産 (GNP) が西ドイツを抜いて世界第二位となったと発表。敗戰からわづか24年後のこと。


1982/0610:ドイツの FilmMaker Rainer Fassbinder 194582、死

ein deutscher Regisseur, Filmproduzent, Schauspieler und Autor. Er gilt als einer der wichtigsten Vertreter des Neuen Deutschen Films der 1970er und 1980er Jahre.


Alberto Fujimori wins elected presidential election vote for Peru.


1992/0610:日本 作曲家 中村八大193192、死

Nakamura Hachidai、Japanese songwriter and jazz pianist.
He worked closely with lyricist Rokusuke Ei 永六輔 and many of his songs were popularized by singer Kyu Sakamoto か.
He wrote the music of the popular Japanese song "Ue o muite arukō 上を向いて歩こう," released in 1961 in Japan. The song was released in the United States under the name "Sukiyaki" in 1963, peaking at the number-one position on the Billboard Hot 100. He and Ei also worked on the productions of Johnnys' 1964 debut single "Wakai Namida" and Saburō Kitajima's 1965 single "Kaerokana."


1996/0610:日本のフランキー堺 192996、死

Frankie Sakai、un acteur et musicien japonais dont la carrière s'étend de 1955 à 1996.
Devenu acteur professionnel, il apparaît dans de nombreuses comédies célèbres comme Chronique du soleil à la fin de l'ère Edo 幕末太陽傳.




Peace talks begin in Northern Ireland without the participation of Sinn Féin.


Before fleeing his northern stronghold, Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot orders the killing of his defense chief Son Sen and 11 of Sen's family members.


1999/0610:ヨウロパ、Kosovo War:
NATO suspends its airstrikes after Slobodan Milošević agrees to withdraw Serbian forces from Kosovo.


2003/0610:USA、NASA、The Spirit rover is launched,
 beginning NASA's Mars Exploration Rover mission.


2004/0610:USA ソウルシンガー Ray Charles 193004、死

Ray Charles Robinson, known professionally as Ray Charles, was an American singer-songwriter, musician, and composer. Among friends and fellow musicians he preferred being called "Brother Ray".
He was often referred to as "The Genius"

The new Svinesund bridge between Norway and Sweden will be inaugurated in the presence of both royal parishes. The building takes up the traffic of Europastraße 6.



2008/0610:キリギス 作家 Chinghiz Aitmatov 192808、死

(Kyrgyz: Чыңгыз Айтматов, Çıñğız Aytmatov, چىڭعىز ايتماتوۋ [tʃɯŋˈʁɯs ɑjtˈmɑtəf]; Russian: Чинги́з Тореку́лович Айтма́тов, Chingiz Torekulovich Aytmatov) (12 December 1928 – 10 June 2008) was a Soviet and Kyrgyz author who wrote in both Russian and Kyrgyz.
He is one of the best known figure in Kyrgyzstan's literature.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World