


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が誕生日の Diego Velázquez 159960 La Infanta Margarita en azul 


歴史暦:古今東西 06/06 今日の出來事

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今朝カラスから聞いた話 ―― 人間の話だって


0823/0606:日本[平安朝] 武人 文室綿麻呂076523、死

Fun'ya no Watamaro or Bun'ya no Watamaro was a Japanese military officer, noble of the Imperial Court and shōgun 將軍 who served at the beginning of the Heian era.
He was confidant of Emperor Heizei 051平城077424天皇 and associated with Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂075811, obtaining the title of shogun after the death of Tamuramaro in 813, and would collaborate in the pacification of the lands dominated by the Emishi 蝦夷 barbarians.


1236/0606:中國[宋] 遺臣 文天祥123683、生



Emperor Alexander III dies of exhaustion while playing the game tzykanion (Byzantine name for polo). He is succeeded by his 8-year-old nephew Constantine VII.


1185/0606(元暦02/0507):日本[源平合戰] 平能宗117885、斬首




1473/0606:日本[室町] 管領 細川勝元151973、死

Hosokawa Katsumoto was one of the Kanrei 管領, the Deputies to the Shogun, during Japan's Muromachi period.
He is famous for his involvement in the creation of Ryōan-ji 龍安寺, a temple famous for its rock garden 石庭, and for his involvement in the Ōnin War 應仁の亂, which sparked the 130-year Sengoku period.


Maximilian I (Holy Roman Emperor) is defeated in Friuli by Venetian troops.


1513/0606:Italian Wars: Battle of Novara.
Swiss troops defeat the French under Louis II de la Trémoille, forcing the French to abandon Milan. Duke Massimiliano Sforza is restored.



Nella battaglia di Novara, lo svizzero ha sconfitto una forza francese sotto il Feldherrn Louis II. De la Tremoille. Che era fuggito da Milan Duke Maximilian Sforza può tornare dai francesi perdere il Ducato di Milano e tutti gli altri possedimenti in Italia.

Gustav Vasa, the Swedish regent, is elected King of Sweden, marking a symbolic end to the Kalmar Union. This is the Swedish national day.


1599/0606:Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez 159960、生

un pintor barroco español considerado uno de los máximos exponentes de la pintura española y maestro de la pintura universal.
A Spanish painter who Édouard Manet 183283 called "Painter in Painter".

La Infanta Margarita en azul (1659)
Las Meninas, 1656


1606/0606:フランスの劇作家 Pierre Corneille 160684、生

un dramaturge et poète français.
Il est généralement considéré comme l'un des trois grands dramaturges français du XVIIe siècle, avec Molière162273 et Jean Racine 163999.

Jean Racine 163999 と Molière162273 と三者三様のドラマチス

The Qing dynasty Manchu forces led by the Shunzhi Emperor capture Beijing during the collapse of the Ming dynasty.




1674/0606:India、Maratha Empire founder、Shivaji is crowned.

मराठा साम्राज्य(Marāṭhā Sāmrājya, マラーター・サームラージヤ)


1683/0606:Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Open
The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England, opens as the world's first university museum.


1723/0606(享保08/0504):日本の畫家[文人畫] 池大雅171376、生

Ike no Taiga est un des peintres les plus célèbres du Bunjin-ga 文人畫, la peinture de lettrés japonaise, inspirée de la peinture de lettrés chinoise.
He, along with Buson 與謝蕪村171684, is regarded as an Owner of Japanese literary painting (文人畫=南畫).

Le Pavilion Daihi 大悲閣

大雅堂画譜, 1804


1756/0606:USA 画家 John Trumbull 175643、生



アメリカ独立宣言 (1795年)

The Conspiracy of the Slaves in Malta is discovered.


1762/0606:Seven Years' War、イギリス、ハバナを包圍
British forces begin a siege of Havana, Cuba, and temporarily capture the city in the Battle of Havana.


1799/0606:ロシア 文学の開祖 Alexander Pushkin 179937、生

Александр Сергеевич Пушкин、un poète, dramaturge et romancier russe.
He is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature.



1801/0606(享和01/0425):日本、幕臣 川路聖謨180168、生




Le frère de Napoléon, Joseph Bonaparte, est couronné roi d'Espagne.


1813/0606:USA「War 1812」Battle of Stoney Creek:
A British force of 700 under John Vincent defeats an American force twice its size under William Winder and John Chandler.


1829/0606(文政12/0505):日本の圍碁棋士 本因坊秀策182962、生


1832/0606:イギリス 思想家 Jeremy Bentham 175832、死

an English philosopher, jurist, and social reformer regarded as the founder of modern utilitarianism.
Bentham defined as the "fundamental axiom" of his philosophy the principle that "it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong".

He became a leading theorist in Anglo-American philosophy of law, and a political radical whose ideas influenced the development of welfarism. He advocated for individual and economic freedoms, the separation of church and state, freedom of expression, equal rights for women, the right to divorce, and the decriminalising of homosexual acts.
He called for the abolition of slavery, of the death penalty, and of physical punishment, including that of children. He has also become known as an early advocate of animal rights.
Though strongly in favour of the extension of individual legal rights, he opposed the idea of natural law and natural rights (both of which are considered "divine" or "God-given" in origin), calling them "nonsense upon stilts". Bentham was also a sharp critic of legal fictions.

A psychobiographical study by Philip Lucas and Anne Sheeran argues that he may have had Asperger's syndrome.

Death and the auto-icon なんか氣持わるい人だな、全體的に。

Il créa le concept de panoptique, sorte de prison modèle, permettant l’observation permanente des faits et gestes des détenus grâce à un principe de vision totale applicable également aux hôpitaux, ateliers, ou écoles. Il s’impliqua d’ailleurs directement dans sa réalisation, même s’il échoua pour des raisons de financements. Michel Foucault, dans Surveiller et punir, attirera l'attention sur ce principe.

La rébellion de juin à Paris est réprimée par la garde nationale.

The June Rebellion in Paris is put down by the National Guard.

この事件を後世に有名なものにしたのは、Victor Hugo 180285 の Les Miserables であったらう。

The Australian businessman and farmer John Batman concludes the charter treaty Batman's Treaty over land on Port Phillip Bay with Aboriginal tribes. The treaty is the only document for the negotiations of European settlers on Aboriginal land, but it is later declared invalid by the governor of New South Wales, Richard Bourke.


1843/0606:ドイツの詩人 Friedrich Hölderlin 177043、死

Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin zählt zu den bedeutendsten deutschen Lyrikern.
Sein Werk lässt sich in seiner Bedeutung innerhalb der deutschen Literatur um 1800 weder der Weimarer Klassik noch der Romantik zuordnen.

He became a divine student at the University of Tübingen, where he studied with Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 177031 and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling 177554. He was not a priest and kept poetry while tutoring in various places and made poetry including a literary novel "Huperion" and numerous praise and anthems, but in the thirties suffering from schizophrenia, after that spent in the tower.

{ヘリダリンの閉ぢ込められた塔、偶然にも、今日死んだCarl Gustav Jung 187561 が立てた塔、『對のあそび』に仕立てよう。

1844/0606(天保15/0421):日本 江戸期の文人 松崎慊堂177144、死


蛮社の獄により捕らえられていた、門人・渡辺崋山の身を案じて1840年(天保10年)に病をおして建白書を草し、老中・水野忠邦に提出する。慊堂は建白書の中で、崋山の人となりを述べ、彼の『慎機論』が政治を誹謗した罪に問われているとのことだが、元来政治誹謗の罪などは聖賢の世にあるべき道理がないということを、春秋戦国・唐・明・清の諸律を参照して証明し、もし公にしない反古を証拠に罪を問うならば誰が犯罪者であることを免れようか、と痛論した。この文書の迫力でまず水野忠邦が動かされ、崋山は死一等を減ぜられたという。他の門人として、塩谷宕陰・安井息軒などがいる。 Wikipedia ja

The Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) is founded in London.


The Glaciarium, the world's first mechanically frozen ice rink, opens.


1859/0606:Australia、(Queensland Day)
Queensland is established as a separate colony from New South Wales




1862/0606:American Civil War「Battle of Memphis」
Union forces capture Memphis, Tennessee, from the Confederates.


1868/0606:イギリス 探檢家 Robert Falcon Scott 186812、生

a British Royal Navy officer and explorer who led two expeditions to the Antarctic regions: the Discovery Expedition (1901~04) and the ill-fated Terra Nova Expedition (1910~13).
On the first expedition, he set a new southern record by marching to latitude 82°S and discovered the Polar (Antarctic) Plateau, on which the South Pole is located.
On the second venture, Scott led a party of five which reached the South Pole on 17 January 1912, less than five weeks after Roald Amundsen's Norwegian expedition.
On their return journey, Scott's party discovered plant fossils, proving Antarctica was once forested and joined to other continents.


En España, la nueva constitución de la Monarquía Constitucional, promulgada


1875/0606:ドイツ 文豪 Thomas Mann 187555、生

ein deutscher Schriftsteller und einer der bedeutendsten Erzähler des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Dem 1901 erschienenen ersten Roman Buddenbrooks folgten Novellen und Erzählungen wie Tonio Kröger, Tristan und Der Tod in Venedig.
Der 1924 veröffentlichte Roman Der Zauberberg, mit dem er die Tradition des europäischen Bildungsromans fortführte, zeigt Manns Gestaltungskunst: Der Erzähler wahrt eine skeptisch-ironische Distanz zu den Figuren, typische Konstellationen kehren leitmotivisch wieder, und es herrscht ein syntaktisch komplexer, anspruchsvoller Stil.
Diese Merkmale prägen auch die folgenden Veröffentlichungen, unter denen die Novelle Mario und der Zauberer, die Romantetralogie Joseph und seine Brüder sowie das Spätwerk Doktor Faustus hervorzuheben sind. Für die Buddenbrooks erhielt Thomas Mann 1929 den Nobelpreis für Literatur.

More than 100,000 inhabitants of Bombay are killed when a cyclone in the Arabian Sea pushes huge waves into the harbour.


The Shewan forces of Menelik II of Ethiopia defeat the Gojjame army in the Battle of Embabo. The Shewans capture Negus Tekle Haymanot of Gojjam, and their victory leads to a Shewan hegemony over the territories south of the Abay River.




1885/0606:日本の日本畫家 川端龍子188566、生

Kawabata Ryūshi est un peintre japonais des XIXe – XXe siècles,
Son style fluide et dynamique comporte, dans ses aspects décoratifs, des réminiscences du peintre des XVIIe – XVIIIe siècles, Ogata Kōrin 尾形光琳165816.

Blazing Grass“, 1930 (a pair of six-piece screens)




The Great Seattle Fire destroys all of downtown Seattle.


The Chicago "L" commuter rail system begins operation


1901/0606:インドネシア初代大統領 Sukarno 190170、生

the first President of Indonesia, serving in office from 1945 to 1967.



1903/0606:ソ連の作曲家 Aram Khachaturian 190378、生

советского армянского композитора и дирижера. Он считается одним из ведущих советских композиторов.

French troops capture Abéché (in modern-day Chad) and install a puppet sultan in the Ouaddai Empire.


The eruption of Novarupta in Alaska begins. It is the second largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century.






Yuan Shikai、Chinese warlord, his role in the events leading up to the abdication of the last Qing Emperor, his autocratic rule as the first formal President of the Republic of China, and his short-lived attempt to restore monarchy in China, with himself as the Hongxian Emperor (Chinese: 洪憲皇帝).


1918/0606:WWⅠ、Battle of Belleau Wood:
The U.S. Marine Corps suffers its worst single day's casualties while attempting to recapture the wood at Château-Thierry.


Republic of Prekmurje ends.


1925/0606:フランス 文藝家 Pierre Louÿs 187025、死

un poète et écrivain français, plus connu pour ses thèmes lesbiens et classiques dans certains de ses écrits. Il est connu comme un écrivain qui a cherché à "exprimer la sensualité païenne avec la perfection stylistique".


1932/0606:The Revenue Act of 1932 is enacted,
 creating the first gas tax in the United States, at a rate of 1 cent per US gallon ( 1⁄4¢/L) sold.


The first drive-in theater opens in Camden, New Jersey, United States.


1934/0606:USA、New Deal、Act of 1933
The U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Securities Act of 1933 into law, establishing the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


Adolf Hitler in Berlin, durchgeführt , den Triumph der Legion Condor, die im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg aktiv war.


500 Japanese naval infantrymen land on the Pacific island on the American island of Kiska and open the battle for the Aleutians.




1942/0606:WWⅡ、Battle of Midway
U.S. Navy dive bombers sink the Japanese cruiser Mikuma and four Japanese carriers.


1944/0606:WWⅡ、Battle of Normandy begins.
D-Day, code named Operation Overlord, commences with the landing of 155,000 Allied troops on the beaches of Normandy in France. The allied soldiers quickly break through the Atlantic Wall and push inland in the largest amphibious military operation in history.







1961/0606:スヰス 心理學者 Carl Gustav Jung 187561、死

ein Schweizer Psychiater und der Begründer der analytischen Psychologie.
Er ist Begründer der analytischen Psychologie und einflussreicher Denker und Autor zahlreicher Bücher.
Seine Arbeit ist verwandt mit der Psychoanalyse von Sigmund Freud, von dem er einer der ersten Verteidiger war und von dem er sich später aufgrund theoretischer und persönlicher Differenzen trennte.

La torre di Bollingen

{西洋人のなかでもっとも私が影響を受けた一人だらう。彼によってあらたな感覺で東洋思想を氣付かされたことが多くあった。特に、Richard Wilhelm 187330 の飜譯した『易經』や『老子』などとの關連もあって。

1962/0606:フランス 美術家 Yves Klein 192862、死

un artiste français.
Malgré une carrière artistique assez courte (1954-1962), il est considéré comme l'un des plus importants protagonistes de l'avant-garde picturale de l'après-guerre. Il est notamment connu pour son bleu (IKB pour International Klein Blue), qu'il a appliqué sur de nombreuses œuvres.
写真作品『空虚への跳躍(Saut dans le vide)』可視のものを不可視にし、また可視に戻すことは彼の芸術のシステムであり、{不可視のものを可視にし、また不可視に戻すのが、ほんたうの藝術だ。藝術は滅びなければなるまい。傳説だけが殘る。それが完成だ。

IKB 191 - Monochrome bleu



{「黒い円」のマレヴィッチから「青一面」のクラインまで行って ―― 西洋の絵画は行き着くところまで行ってしまった、だらうな。「歴史の終り」同樣に。

『空虚への跳躍(Saut dans le vide)』でクラインは言ふ「可視のものを不可視にし、また可視に戻すこと …… 
{しかし、Paul Klee 187940 とともに言へば、「不可視のものを可視にし、また不可視に戻すのが、ほんたうの藝術だ。藝術は滅びなければなるまい。跡形だけが殘る。それが完成だ。ま、どっちでも同じやうなものだが。

1968/0606:ケネディ家の悲劇 Robert F. Kennedy 192568、死

an American politician, younger brother of 35th President of the United States John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
In 1968, Kennedy was a leading candidate for the Democratic nomination for the presidency; he appealed especially to poor, African American, Hispanic, Catholic and young voters. He had defeated Senator Eugene McCarthy in the California and South Dakota presidential primaries.



at his brother President John F. Kennedy's funeral, November 25, 1963

A midair collision between a Hughes Airwest Douglas DC-9 jetliner and a United States Marine Corps McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II jet fighter near Duarte, California, claims 50 lives.


1971/0606:Vietnam War: The Battle of Long Khanh
between Australian and Vietnamese communist forces begins.


1971/0606:USA、"Ed Sullivan Show" 終了
The last broadcast of the longevity variety program "Ed Sullivan Show" which was broadcasted from CBS at the US CBS since 1948.



1981/0606:India、Bihar train disaster:
A passenger train travelling between Mansi and Saharsa, India, jumps the tracks at a bridge crossing the Bagmati River. The government places the official death toll at 268 plus another 300 missing; however, it is generally believed that the death toll is closer to 1,000.


1982/0606:The Lebanon War begins.
 Forces under Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon invade southern Lebanon during Operation Peace for the Galilee, eventually reaching as far north as the capital Beirut.


1991/0606:Jazz&BossaNova Stan Getz 192791、死

an American jazz saxophonist. Playing primarily the tenor saxophone, Getz was known as "The Sound" because of his warm, lyrical tone, his prime influence being the wispy, mellow timbre of his idol, Lester Young.
Getz performed in bebop and cool jazz groups. Influenced by João Gilberto and Antônio Carlos Jobim, he popularized bossa nova in America with the hit single "The Girl from Ipanema" (1964).

Mongolia holds its first direct presidential elections.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World