


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 06/04 今日の出來事

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昨日「歴史の終り」と見出しに打ったら、早速、コジェイヴが呼びだされたやうに登場してきた。今日、六月四日は、Alexandre Kojève 190268 の命日であった。
コジェヴの「歴史の終焉」については、 …… とこゝに少し長めに書いたのだが、冒頭から重苦しい感じがしたので、コジェヴの死亡記事のところに移動しました。

東では、華人民共和國=PRChina の天安門事件

0756/0604(天平勝寶08/0502):日本 045天皇 聖武070156、崩御

the 45th emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession.
Shōmu est le fils de l'empereur Mommu 文武天皇068307 et de Fujiwara no Miyako 藤原宮子, une fille de Fujiwara no Fuhito 藤原不比等065920.
Il a pour impératrice Kōmyō 光明子070160, demi-sœur de sa mère, qui lui donna deux enfants : la princesse Abe 046孝謙/稱徳071870天皇, née en 718, et le prince héritier Motoi 基皇太子 (né et mort en 727). Shōmu eut également trois enfants d'Agata Inukai no Hirotoji 縣犬養廣刀自??0762 : la princesse Higami 井上内親王071775, qui épousa l'empereur Kōnin), le prince Asuka 安積親王072844, mort en 744, et la princesse Fuwa 不破内親王?0769?.




聖武天皇徽宗崩御が同じ日月だったといふ史實は、私に歴史の偶然の深祕を思はせる。さうでなくとも並べてみたい一對の、すくなくともその書跡である。いづれも毛筆にしては細く神經質な書體といふ共通点を持ってゐる。痩體といふ、神經を緊張させた筆法。その代表的な二人が天皇と皇帝であり、 …… 

1135/0604(紹興05/0421):中國[宋] 08皇帝 徽宗108235、崩御

L'empereur Huizong des Song (Sòng Huīzōng), est le huitième empereur de la dynastie Song en Chine du 8 février 1100 au 18 janvier 1126, ainsi qu'une personnalité importante de l'histoire de l'art chinois.

He lived in luxury, sophistication and art in the first half of his life. In 1126, when the Jurchen-led Jin dynasty invaded the Song dynasty during the Jin–Song Wars, Emperor Huizong abdicated and passed on his throne to his eldest son, Emperor Qinzong, while he assumed the honorary title of Taishang Huang (or "Retired Emperor"). The following year, the Song capital, Bianjing, was conquered by Jin forces in an event historically known as the Jingkang Incident. Emperor Huizong, along with Emperor Qinzong and the rest of their family, were taken captive by the Jurchens and brought back to the Jin capital, Huining Prefecture in 1128. The Jurchen ruler, Emperor Taizong, gave the former Emperor Huizong a title, Duke Hunde (literally "Besotted Duke"), to humiliate him. Emperor Huizong died in Wuguo after spending about nine years in captivity.



King Charles VI granted a monopoly for the ripening of Roquefort cheese to the people of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon as they had been doing for centuries.


il matrimonio del duca di Firenze Lorenzo de 'Medici con Clarisse Orsini.



The steeple of St Paul's (the medieval cathedral of London) is destroyed in a fire caused by lightning and is never rebuilt.


Walter Raleigh built the Roanoke colony, the world's first English colony.


そして、その後のミステリ ――
The colonists disappeared during the Anglo-Spanish War, three years after the last shipment of supplies from England. Their disappearance gave rise to the nickname "The Lost Colony". There is no conclusive evidence as to what happened to the colonists.


Siege of Osaka: Forces under Tokugawa Ieyasu take Osaka Castle in Japan.
大坂夏の陣: 豊臣秀頼淀殿が自刃し豊臣氏が滅亡。


Yodo-dono (淀殿) or Yodogimi (淀君) was a prominently placed figure in late-Sengoku period. She was a concubine and second wife of Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉153798. She also became the mother of his son and successor, Hideyori 豊臣秀頼159315.
She was also known as Lady Chacha (茶々). After the death of Hideyoshi, she took the tonsure, becoming a Buddhist nun and taking the name Daikōin (大広院).



Toyotomi Hideyori was the son and designated successor of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the general who first united all of Japan.

En avril 1615, Ieyasu brise la trêve et attaque à nouveau sous le prétexte que les défenses du château avaient été en partie reconstruites, et que des rōnin se rassemblaient à nouveau sur place. La bataille eut lieu en terrain découvert au sud de la forteresse. Après des heures de combats, la supériorité numérique de Tokugawa lui assure la victoire, mais la bataille ne s'arrêtera qu'au crépuscule. Hideyori s'enferme dans le donjon avec sa mère où il se suicide à l'âge de 22 ans. Son fils de huit ans, quant à lui, est froidement mis à mort par les vainqueurs, mettant fin au clan Toyotomi et ouvrant la voie à 250 ans de shôgunat Tokugawa.



Canonicus Grand Chief Sachem of the Narragansett Indian Tribe dies. He was Chief Sachem of the Narragansett Tribe (rivals to the Wampanoag) at the time of the Pilgrims landing in Plymouth.


1661/0604:伊達政宗の娘 五郎八姫159461、死去

Irohahime was the first daughter of Date Masamune and Megohime, and for some time, the wife of Matsudaira Tadateru, the sixth son of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Her Buddhist name is Tenrin'in (天麟院).


1666/0604:フランス演劇、Molière、Le Misanthrope,
 une comédie en cinq actes, est créée à Paris.


1680/0604:日本 徳川04將軍 家綱164180、死去

Tokugawa Ietsuna was the fourth shōgun of the Tokugawa dynasty of Japan who was in office from 1651 to 1680.
He is considered the eldest son of Tokugawa Iemitsu, which makes him the grandson of Tokugawa Hidetada and the great-grandson of Tokugawa Ieyasu.


1694/0604:François Quesnay 169474、誕生

un médecin et économiste français, penseur du roi Louis XV et l'un des fondateurs de la première école en économie, l'école des Physiocrates. Il est l'auteur du Tableau économique (1758), qui est la première représentation schématique de l'économie.
Il devint chirurgien en 1718 et, depuis 1749, il séjourna au palais de Versailles en tant que médecin de la cour. En 1752, il a été fait un noble. Il visait la recherche en économie à l'âge de 50 ans et a annoncé la «table économique» qu'il était important d'augmenter la productivité de l'agriculture et est devenu le fondateur de l'économie agricole politique.





1745/0604:Battle of Hohenfriedberg、プロイセン勝利
Frederick the Great's Prussian army decisively defeated an Austrian army under Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the War of the Austrian Succession.


1760/0604:カナダ、Great Upheaval:
New England planters arrive to claim land in Nova Scotia, Canada, taken from the Acadians.


Frères Montgolfier ont réussi à expérimenter de ballon à air chaud.

The Montgolfier brothers publicly demonstrate their montgolfière (hot air balloon).

一年後の同月同日 ――

1784/0604:Élisabeth Thible、the first woman to fly
 in an untethered hot air balloon. Her flight covers four kilometres in 45 minutes, and reached 1500 metres altitude (estimated).


1792/0604:Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz 1792、行き倒れの死

ein deutsch-baltischer Schriftsteller des Sturm und Drang.

He worked as a private tutor, mixed in the circles of Russian Freemasons and authors, and helped produce a number of reformist schemes. He also translated books on Russian history into German. His mental condition however was steadily deteriorating all the while, and at last he became entirely dependent on the goodwill of Russian patrons for the means of living.
In the early morning of 4 June 1792 (24 May in the Julian calendar) Lenz was found dead in a Moscow street. The place of his burial is unknown.

Georg Büchner verarbeitet Lenz' Besuch bei dem evangelischen Pfarrer Johann Friedrich Oberlin im Steintal (in den Vogesen) zu seiner Novelle Lenz. Lenz hatte Oberlin auf Vorschlag von Kaufmann aufgesucht, da dieser als Seelsorger und Psychologe bekannt war. Oberlins Bericht über die Ereignisse um Lenz in dieser Zeit diente Büchner als Quelle zu seiner Erzählung. Diese wiederum ist die Vorlage für Wolfgang Rihms Kammeroper Jakob Lenz.

{五十年後のアメリカでの Edgar Allan Poe 180949 の行き倒れの死を思ひだした。

Henri Grégoire Abbé présenté lors de la Révolution de la Convention nationale française un rapport dans lequel il demande la suppression des « dialectes » et l'usage exclusif du français. Les mesures connexes initient une politique à long terme qui mène au déclin des langues régionales et minoritaires comme l'occitan.


A Venise est brûlé après l'entrée des troupes révolutionnaires françaises, le Livre d'Or. Cette Goldene Buch se réserve le droit de participer au « Grand Conseil » de la ville, les familles patriciennes aristocratiques enregistrés depuis des siècles.


1798/0604:稀代の色事師 Giacomo Casanova 172598、死去

un avventuriero, scrittore, poeta, alchimista, diplomatico, filosofo e agente segreto italiano, cittadino della Repubblica di Venezia.
カサノヴァは多くの顏を持ってゐた。外交官、スパイ、商人、政治家、哲学者、魔術師、多くの著作をもつ作家、ヨウロパの各都市で上演された芝居の作者 …… 、


{しかし、彼が二日前に死んでくれれば、Marquis de Sade 174014、Alessandro Cagliostro 174395 と三つ巴となって、ヨウロパの裏面史が{しかし、イタリアはもうこんな種類の曰くありげな人物しか生みだせなくなった。

King Charles Emmanuel IV of Sardinia abdicates his throne in favor of his brother, Victor Emmanuel.


In Plochingen findet an Pfingsten das erste deutsche Liederfest statt, zu dem sich überwiegend Liederkränze aus Südwestdeutschland einfinden.


General Antonio Jose de Scure of South American Revolutionary Revolution is assassinated in Colombia.

1830/0604:Antonio José de Sucre 179530、暗殺

Antonio José Francisco de Sucre y Alcalá, conocido como El Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho, fue un político y militar venezolano, prócer de la independencia americana, así como un diplomático y estadista, presidente de Bolivia, Gobernador del Perú, General en Jefe del Ejército de la Gran Colombia, Comandante del Ejército del Sur y Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho.
第二代ボリビア大統領。初代はSimón Bolívar 178330だったが名目的なもので、彼が事実上の初代大統領であった。彼はボリバルの部下でああった。


1855/0604(安政02/0420):日本の政事家 犬養毅193232、誕生

Inukai Tsuyoshi was a Japanese politician, cabinet minister, and Prime Minister of Japan from 13 December 1931 to 15 May 1932.

1858/0604(安政05/0423):日本[幕末] 幕政


1859/0604:イタリア獨立戰爭「Battle of Magenta」,
the French army(under Louis-Napoleon) defeat the Austrian army.


1862/0604:American Civil War: Confederate troops evacuate
 Fort Pillow on the Mississippi River, leaving the way clear for Union troops to take Memphis, Tennessee.


1867/0604:フィンランド英雄 Carl Mannerheim 186751、誕生

a Finnish military leader and statesman.
Mannerheim served as the military leader of the Whites in the Finnish Civil War, Regent of Finland (1918–1919), commander-in-chief of Finland's defence forces during World War II, Marshal of Finland, and the sixth president of Finland (1944–1946).


1875/0604:ドイツ 詩人 Eduard Mörike、死去


An express train called the Transcontinental Express arrives in San Francisco, via the First Transcontinental Railroad only 83 hours and 39 minutes after leaving New York City.


1877/0604:ドイツ 化学者 Heinrich Otto Wieland 187757、誕生

ein deutscher Chemiker und Nobelpreisträger für Chemie.
Sein erster Arbeitsschwerpunkt ab 1912 waren die Arbeiten an der Cholsäure, dem Cholesterin und einem Krötengift. Das Medikament Cadechol geht auf seine Initiative zurück. Er konnte die Struktur der Steroide endgültig erklären und legte somit die Grundlagen für viele herzwirksame Mittel. Wieland erhielt 1927 den Nobelpreis für Chemie („Für seine Forschungen über die Zusammensetzung der Gallensäure und verwandter Substanzen“).

Wieland tried successfully to protect people, especially Jewish students, who were "racially burdened" after the Nuremberg Laws. Students who were expelled because they were "racially burdened" could stay in Heinrich Wieland's group as chemists or as "Gäste des Geheimrats" (guests of the privy councillor). Hans Conrad Leipelt, a student of Wieland, was sentenced to death after collecting money for Kurt Huber's widow Clara Huber.

1879/0604:サイレント期の名女優 Alla Nazimova 197921、誕生

Алла Назимова、Alla Nazimova de son vrai nom Mariam Edez Adelaida Leventon, était une actrice russe et américaine. Elle fut l'une des grandes stars du cinéma muet.
Nazimova openly conducted relationships with women, and her mansion on Hollywood's Sunset Boulevard was believed to be the scene of outlandish parties. She is credited with having originated the phrase "sewing circle" as a discreet code for lesbian or bisexual actresses.

in The Red Lantern


dans La Dame aux camélias (1921).




1883/0604:日本の漢和辞典制作 諸橋轍次188382、誕生

Morohashi Tetsuji est une importante figure dans le domaine de l'étude du japonais et de la sinologie.
Il est surtout connu comme rédacteur en chef du Dai Kan-Wa jiten 大漢和辭典, dictionnaire complet des sinogrammes ou kanji.


A Paris, est fondé l'Institut Pasteur. En plus des tâches de recherche et de conseil de la surveillance des maladies infectieuses est à l'avant-garde de ses activités.


1896/0604:USA、Ford Quadricycle、完成。テストも成功
Henry Ford completes the Ford Quadricycle, his first gasoline-powered automobile, and gives it a successful test run.


1903/0604:Evgeny Aleksandrovich Mravinsky 190388、誕生

вгений Александрович Мравинский、советский российский дирижёр, педагог.

1911/0604:ユウゴスラビア 政事家 Milovan Djilas 191195、誕生

Milovan Djilas (Serbian: Milovan Đilas/Милован Ђилас) was a Yugoslav communist politician, theorist and author.
He was a key figure in the Partisan movement during World War II, as well as in the post-war government. A self-identified democratic socialist, Djilas became one of the best-known and most prominent dissidents in Yugoslavia and the whole of the Eastern Bloc.


Emily Davison, a suffragette, runs out in front of King George V's horse at the Epsom Derby. She is trampled, never regains consciousness and dies four days later.


The first Pulitzer Prizes are awarded: Laura E. Richards, Maude H. Elliott, and Florence Hall receive the first Pulitzer for biography (for Julia Ward Howe).
Jean Jules Jusserand receives the first Pulitzer for history for his work With Americans of Past and Present Days.
Herbert B. Swope receives the first Pulitzer for journalism for his work for the New York World.


1919/0604:USA議會、Women's rights、承認へ
The U.S. Congress approves the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guarantees suffrage to women, and sends it to the U.S. states for ratification.


Hungary loses 71% of its territory and 63% of its population when the Treaty of Trianon is signed in Paris.



1923/0604:極真開祖 大山倍達192394、誕生

Ōyama Masutatsu, born Choi Yeong-eui (최영의 Hanja: 崔永宜), more commonly known as Mas Oyama, was a karate master who founded Kyokushin Karate, considered the first and most influential style of full contact karate. A Zainichi Korean, he spent most of his life living in Japan and acquired Japanese citizenship in 1964.

The President of the Republic of China, Zhang Zuolin, is assassinated by Japanese agents.

1928/0604:中國の軍閥 張作霖187528、爆死暗殺

張作霖是北洋軍奉系首領,也是北洋政府最後一個掌權者。 1928年6月4日,張作霖乘坐的火車在皇姑屯被日本關東軍預埋的炸藥炸毀,史稱皇姑屯事件。張作霖身受重傷,回到奉天(今瀋陽市)後身亡,子張學良接掌東北軍政。
Zhang Zuolin was the warlord of Manchuria from 1916–28, during the Warlord Era in China. He successfully invaded China proper in October 1924 in the Second Zhili-Fengtian War. He gained control of Peking, including China's internationally recognized government, in April 1926.
The economy of Manchuria, the basis of Zhang's power, was overtaxed by his adventurism and collapsed in the winter of 1927–28.
He was defeated by the Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek 蒋介石188775 in May 1928. He was killed by a bomb planted by a Japanese Kwantung Army 關東軍 officer on 4 June 1928. Although Zhang had been Japan's proxy in China, Japanese militarists were infuriated by his failure to stop the advance of the Nationalists.


Gustav Hartmann, der Eiserne Gustav, erreicht mit seiner Pferdekutsche Paris. Er protestiert mit der Fahrt gegen den Niedergang der Droschken durch Autos.


Marmaduke Grove and other Chilean military officers lead a coup d'état establishing the short-lived Socialist Republic of Chile.




Pablo Picasso's masterpiece "Guernica" is completed.



満州に展開していた東北抗日聯軍として活動し日満国境を越えてきた金日成こと金成柱率いる一隊(のちの満州派)、及び同じく東北抗日聯軍に籍を置き朝鮮甲山郡を本拠地に朝鮮内で活動していた朴金喆の率いる一隊(のちの甲山派)が普天堡(ポチョンボ)で行った赤色テロ事件  Wikipedia Ja


The MS St. Louis, a ship carrying 963 Jewish refugees, is denied permission to land in Florida, in the United States, after already being turned away from Cuba. Forced to return to Europe, more than 200 of its passengers later die in Nazi concentration camps.


1940/0604:WWⅡ:The Dunkirk evacuation ends:
British forces complete evacuation of 338,000 troops from Dunkirk in France. To rally the morale of the country, Winston Churchill delivers, only to the House of Commons, his famous "We shall fight on the beaches" speech.


1940/0604:WWⅡ、PM Winston Churchill held a speech
 before the British House of Commons, and afterwards a speech under the motto We Shall Fight on the Beaches. In this he strengthens the defense of his people against the national socialist Germany.


1941/0604:ドイツ最後の皇帝 Wilhelm II 185941、崩去

mit vollem Namen Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert von Preußen war von 1888 bis 1918 letzter Deutscher Kaiser und König von Preußen.
Wilhelm war ein Enkel Kaiser Wilhelms I. und ein Sohn Kaiser Friedrichs III. Dieser regierte nur 99 Tage, sodass im „Dreikaiserjahr“ 1888 auf einen 90-jährigen und einen 57-jährigen Herrscher der 29-jährige Wilhelm II. folgte.



1942/0604:ドイツナチス Reinhard Heydrich 190442、爆殺

ein deutscher SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei, der während der Diktatur des Nationalsozialismus als Leiter des Reichssicherheitshauptamts (RSHA) und Stellvertretender Reichsprotektor in Böhmen und Mähren für zahlreiche Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit verantwortlich war.
1941 wurde er von Hermann Göring mit der „Endlösung der Judenfrage“ beauftragt und war seit dieser Zeit einer der Hauptorganisatoren des Holocausts. In dieser Funktion leitete er am 20. Januar 1942 in Berlin die Wannseekonferenz, auf der die Vernichtung der im deutschen Machtbereich lebenden Juden abgesprochen wurde.

Heydrich wurde am 27. Mai 1942 bei einem Attentat in Prag schwer verletzt und starb acht Tage später. Daraufhin ließ das NS-Regime Racheakte wie die Zerstörung von Lidice und Ležáky verüben.




1942/0604:WWⅡ、日米海戦「Battle of Midway」begins
The Japanese Admiral Chūichi Nagumo orders a strike on Midway Island by much of the Imperial Japanese Navy.



1943/0604:Military coup in Argentina ousts Ramón Castillo.




Rome falls to the Allies, the first Axis capital to fall.


Coronel Perón es Presidente de Argentina.


1951/0604:ボストン交響樂團指揮者 Serge Koussevitzky 187451、死去

a Russian-born conductor, composer and double-bassist, known for his long tenure as music director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra from 1924 to 1949.


事件は首都ヘルシンキから西に約22キロメートル離れたエスポー近くにあるボドム湖で起こった。1960年6月5日早朝(午前4時から午前6時にかけて)、湖畔にキャンプにきていた4人の若者達が何者かにナイフと鈍器で襲われ、3名が死亡、1名が重傷を負った。 Wikipedia 

List of unsolved deaths



In the Vienna summit, the Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev sparks the Berlin Crisis by threatening to sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany and ending American, British and French access to East Berlin.


1968/0604:歴史の終焉 Alexandre Kojève 190268、死去

Александр Владимирович Кожевников, est un philosophe français d'origine russe qui a renouvelé l'étude de Hegel en France.
Personnage controversé et mystérieux, Kojève, longtemps soupçonné d'être un agent soviétique, reste une figure de toute première importance dans la réflexion sur la philosophie politique.

Hegel の「ナポレオンに具現化された歴史の終焉」の一節がコジェヴに啓示をあたへた。

コジェヴの「歴史の終焉」については、以前に集語してゐた。彼の有名な(フランス現代思想家の温床となった)『Introduction à la lecture de Hegel(ヘゲルl讀解入門)』で、それまでの常識であった Hegel 理解をくつがへして、人間中心の哲學として解釋してみせた。
そのKeyConceptは「欲望」であった。彼の現代思想への最大の功績は、人間を欲望の存在として規定したところにある。Hegel になりかはって Kojeve は言ふ「人間はたゞ單に對象に向かってゐるだけの存在ではない。人間はまづなによりも自分自身を意識してゐる自己意識であり、この自己意識は一切の物事を自分の欲望から對象化する」。そして、欲望は他者の欲望へと向かはなければ人間的とは云へない。それは、他者にたいする自分の優位性を承認させるためのものである。欲望はそのやうな承認を求める欲望に他ならない。自分と他者、主人と奴隷(Master-Slave、Hegelの術語)、欲望によるこの關係の出現が最初の鬪爭を呼び、そこに人間が生まれ、歴史が始まったのだ。そして、

Hegel 177031 は同時代の Napoléon Bonaparte 176921 を「馬上の世界精神」と呼んだが、彼の頭のなかではナポレオンが歴史の停止の象徴であった。
彼のその考へを訪問した日本が變へさせた。日本の歴史のなかに江戸時代を見付けて、そこに日本的な「スノビズム」の可能性を直感した。三百年に近い天下太平の世の中であった江戸時代、それは終りなき日常となった日々を高度に形式化された文化の遊戲で生きていく樂土であった。 ……

Tonga gains independence from the United Kingdom.


1971/0604:ハンガリ思想家 György Lukács 188571、死

György Lukács also Georg Lukács; born György Bernát Löwinger, was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher, aesthetician, literary historian, and critic.
He was one of the founders of Western Marxism, an interpretive tradition that departed from the Marxist ideological orthodoxy of the Soviet Union. He developed the theory of reification, and contributed to Marxist theory with developments of Karl Marx's theory of class consciousness.
He was also a philosopher of Communism. He ideologically developed and organised Lenin's pragmatic revolutionary practices into the formal philosophy of vanguard-party revolution.

Flight Lieutenant Jerry Rawlings takes power in Ghana after a military coup in which General Fred Akuffo is overthrown.


Four Iranian diplomats were kidnapped in Lebanon after they were stopped at a check point in northern Lebanon by Lebanese Phalange forces. None of them have been seen since.



The Tiananmen Square protests are violently ended in Beijing by the People's Liberation Army, with at least 241 dead.


Solidarity's victory in the first (somewhat) free parliamentary elections in post-war Poland sparks off a succession of peaceful anti-communist revolutions in Eastern Europe, leads to the creation of the so-called Contract Sejm and begins the Autumn of Nations.


Ali Khamenei is elected as the new Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran by the Assembly of Experts after the death and funeral of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.


Ufa train disaster: A natural gas explosion near Ufa, Russia, kills 575 as two trains passing each other throw sparks near a leaky pipeline.




Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World