


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
¥Donatien Alphonse François de Sade 174014


歴史暦:古今東西 06/02 今日の出來事

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今日、六月二日は、サディズムで有名な Donatien Alphonse François de Sade 174014、マルキドサドが誕生した日だ。このところ、フランスつづき、サドの登場でフランスきはまれり、といふことにしたいものだ。

その革命の進行が佳境にさしかかり、仲間割れの同志討ちが始まり、より急進的なロベスピエル率ゐるジャコバン派ジロンド派を攻撃、ギロチンの待つ斷頭臺へ送りだし、あげく、ジャコバン派みづからもその渦中に卷き込まれていく恐怖政事「La Terreur」の時代が始まったのも今日、六月二日であった。
この恐怖政事の主宰者となったロビスピエルの忠實な「死の天使」となったのはサンジュストLouis Antoine de Saint-Just 176794)であった。彼もまたフランス特産の「おそるべき子供、L'enfant terrible」の一人であった。



0455/0602:Sack of Rome:
Vandals enter Rome, and plunder the city for two weeks

Sono penetrati nelle decomposizione dell'impero romano Vandali sotto il re Genserico conquista di Roma e saccheggiano la città per due settimane.


The Vandal Kingdom at its greatest extent in the 470s


0892/0602(寛平04/0510):日本[平安朝] 菅原道眞『類聚國史』撰進



0912/0602:中國[後梁]皇帝 朱全忠085212、崩去

梁太祖朱溫, 五代時期後梁開國皇帝,曾參與黃巢之亂,後降唐為將,唐僖宗賜名朱全忠。但又密謀殺害唐昭宗,立唐哀帝,後廢哀帝自立,建立“後梁”,稱帝后改名朱晃。晚年大肆荒淫,強姦兒媳。後為三子朱友珪所殺,
Emperor Taizu of Later Liang, personal name Zhu Quanzhong (朱全忠), né Zhu Wen (朱溫), name later changed to Zhu Huang (朱晃), nickname Zhu San (朱三, literally, "the third Zhu"), was a Jiedushi (military governor) at the end of the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty, who previously served as a general under the rival Emperor Huang Chao's Empire of Qi and overthrew Empire of Tang in 907, established the Later Liang as its emperor, and ushered in the era of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.



1010/0602:Battle of Aqbat al-Bakr
 took place in the context of the Fitna of al-Andalus resulting in a defeat for the Caliphate of Córdoba.


1098/0602:First Crusade「first Siege of Antioch」ends
 as Crusader forces take the city; the second siege began five days later.

第一回十字軍: アンティオキア攻囲戦で十字軍がアンティオキアの城内に突入、アンティオキアが陥落。







Le prince français Louis s'empare de Londres et se fait proclamer roi d'Angleterre.

The English King Henry V and Catherine of Valois, the daughter of the previous French king Charles VI, marry.



The first Récollet missionaries arrive at Quebec City, from Rouen, France.


1602/0602:日本[戰國時代] 連歌師 里村紹巴152502、死


1615/0602:日本[戰國時代] 武將 後藤基次156015、戰死

Gotō Mototsugu, also known as Gotō Matabei (後藤又兵衛), was a samurai of the late Sengoku 戰國 through early Edo periods.
He served Kuroda Yoshitaka but retired from the Kuroda clan after Kuroda Yoshitaku had died.
Finally, he served Toyotomi Hideyori and was killed at the battle of Dōmyōji during the siege of Osaka in 1615.

1625/0602:日本[戰國時代] 大名 毛利輝元155325、死

Mōri Terumoto was a Japanese daimyō.
The son of Mōri Takamoto, and grandson and successor of the great warlord Mōri Motonari, he fought against Toyotomi Hideyoshi but was eventually overcome.
He participated in the Kyūshū Campaign (1587) on Hideyoshi's side and built Hiroshima Castle, thus essentially founding Hiroshima.

Después de un asedio de 12 meses, la ciudad protestante de Breda en los Países Bajos es entregada a los españoles bajo el mando de Ambrosio Spinola.


by Diego Velázquez 159960


1676/0602:Franco-Dutch War:
France ensured the supremacy of its naval fleet for the remainder of the war with its victory in the Battle of Palermo.

In the Dutch War, the Spanish-Dutch fleet, which was anchored for repairs, was fought in the naval battle of Palermo by the surprisingly arrived French fleet. After the victory, France won the sea command in the Mediterranean.


Bridget Bishop is the first person to go to trial in the Salem witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts; she was found guilty and later hanged.


1740/0602:Donatien Alphonse François de Sade 174014、生

un homme de lettres, romancier, philosophe et homme politique français, longtemps voué à l'anathème en raison de la part accordée dans son œuvre à l'érotisme, associé à des actes de violence et de cruauté (tortures, incestes, viols, pédophilie, meurtres, etc.). L'expression d'un athéisme anticlérical virulent est l'un des thèmes les plus récurrents de ses écrits et la cause de leurs mises à l'index2.
Détenu sous tous les régimes politiques (monarchie, république, consulat, empire) il est emprisonné pour divers motifs,


Supplique adressée par Sade à Fouché, ministre de la police, 
demandant l’assouplissement de sa détention datée du 10 fructidor an XII (28 août 1804).

Marquis de Sade = Donatien Alphonse François de Sade 174014
1789、シャラントン精神病院、1790解放 共和政の支持から反對へ

≫ La destruction, donc, comme la création, est l'un des mandats de la nature.

≫ Il y a une sorte de plaisir qui vient du sacrilège ou de la profanation des objets qui nous sont proposés pour le culte.

1743/0602:Alessandro Cagliostro 174395、生

Giuseppe Giovanni Battista Vincenzo Pietro Antonio Matteo Franco Balsamo, noto con il nome di Alessandro, conte di Cagliostro o più semplicemente Cagliostro, è stato un avventuriero, esoterista e alchimista italiano.
Cagliostro was an Italian adventurer and self-styled magician. He became a glamorous figure associated with the royal courts of Europe where he pursued various occult arts, including psychic healing, alchemy and scrying. His reputation lingered for many decades after his death, but continued to deteriorate, as he came to be regarded as a charlatan and impostor, this view fortified by the savage attack of Thomas Carlyle in 1833, who pronounced him the "Prince of Quacks".

After a life wandering in the various European courts, he was condemned by the Catholic Church to life imprisonment for heresy and locked up in the fortress of San Leo.

Cagliostro.Busto opera di Jean-Antoine Houdon




1763/0602:Pontiac's Rebellion:
At what is now Mackinaw City, Michigan, Chippewas capture Fort Michilimackinac by diverting the garrison's attention with a game of lacrosse, then chasing a ball into the fort.


1774/0602:USA、Intolerable Acts:
The Quartering Act is enacted, allowing a governor in colonial America to house British soldiers in uninhabited houses, outhouses, barns, or other buildings if suitable quarters are not provided.


Beginning of the Gordon Riots in London.


François Hanriot, chef de la Garde nationale parisienne, fait arrêter vingt-deux Girondins désignés par Jean-Paul Marat ; éviction des Girondins, la Convention devient Montagnarde.



1798/0602(寛政10/0418):日本 天理教中山みき179887、生

Nakayama Miki is the founder of the tenrikyō 天理教 religion that adores her as a sanctuary of God the Parent. The tenrikyō is arguably the largest religion currently founded by a woman.
Tenrikyō hagiography indicates that she was a holy woman born to a wealthy peasant family in what is now Nara 奈良 Prefecture. Very pious, she wanted to become a Buddhist nun but forced into a difficult marriage with a certain Nakayama Zenbei, she endures it with what the tenrikyō adepts regard as admirable patience and virtue.
According to the Tenrikyō scriptures, it was in 1838 at the age of 40 that she became a medium for God (religion is essentially monotheistic) after taking part in a shugendō ceremony of exorcism.
During the ceremony, "God the parent" spoke through his voice and said, "I am the original God, God in the truth. There is causality in this residence. At this moment I have come down here to save the whole of humanity. I wish to receive Miki as the sanctuary of God "

1805/0602:Napoleonic Wars:
A Franco-Spanish fleet recaptures Diamond Rock, an uninhabited island at the entrance to the bay leading to Fort-de-France, from the British.


1840/0602:イギリス 小説家 Thomas Hardy 184028、生

an English novelist and poet. A Victorian realist in the tradition of George Eliot, he was influenced both in his novels and in his poetry by Romanticism, especially William Wordsworth. He was highly critical of much in Victorian society, especially on the declining status of rural people in Britain, such as those from his native South West England.

Slavic congress in Prague begins.


1857/0602:イギリス 作曲家 Edward Elgar 185734、生

an English composer, many of whose works have entered the British and international classical concert repertoire.
Among his best-known compositions are orchestral works including the Enigma Variations, the Pomp and Circumstance Marches, concertos for violin and cello, and two symphonies. He also composed choral works, including The Dream of Gerontius, chamber music and songs. He was appointed Master of the King's Musick in 1924.

1881/0602:フランス 辞書制作 Émile Littré 180181、死

un médecin, lexicographe, philosophe et homme politique français, surtout connu pour son Dictionnaire de la langue française, communément appelé « le Littré ».


1882/0602:イタリアの愛國指導者 Giuseppe Garibaldi 180782、死

un generale, patriota, condottiero e scrittore italiano.
Noto anche con l'appellativo di "eroe dei due mondi" per le sue imprese militari compiute sia in Europa sia in America Meridionale, è la figura più rilevante del Risorgimento e uno dei personaggi storici italiani più celebri al mondo.

He is considered by the historiography and popular culture of the twentieth century influenced by it, the main Italian national hero.

1890/0602:日本[幕末] 大名 松平慶永182890、死

Matsudaira Yoshinaga, also known as Matsudaira Keiei, or Matsudaira Shungaku (春嶽) was a Japanese daimyō of the Edo period.
He was head of the Fukui 福井 Domain in Echizen 越前 Province.
He is counted as one of the "Four Wise Lords of the bakumatsu" (幕末の四賢侯 Bakumatsu no Shikenkō), along with Date Munenari 伊達宗城181892, Yamauchi Yōdō 山内容堂182772 and Shimazu Nariakira 島津齊彬180958.


Guglielmo Marconi, Patent for wireless telegraph.

Guglielmo Marconi applied for British patent no. 12.039 to his invention of an apparatus for the transmission of electrical impulses and signals, the basis for a radio. His inventor, however, was later explained by a US court Nikola Tesla.

1915/0602:Albert Einstein、ベルリンで公開講義
Albert Einstein, seit März 1914 in Berlin tätig, hält in der Treptower Sternwarte einen öffentlichen Vortrag über Relativität der Bewegung und Gravitation.


Anarchists simultaneously set off bombs in eight separate U.S. cities.


1924/0602:USA President、Sign, Indian Citizenship Act
U.S. President Calvin Coolidge signs the Indian Citizenship Act into law, granting citizenship to all Native Americans born within the territorial limits of the United States.


Die unvollendet gebliebene Oper Lulu des österreichischen Komponisten Alban Berg hat postum ihre Uraufführung am Opernhaus Zürich. Literarische Vorlage für das Werk sind die beiden Tragödien Erdgeist und Die Büchse der Pandora von Frank Wedekind, deren Wortlaut der Komponist fast unverändert gelassen hat. Das Werk feiert auch als Fragment einen Erfolg.


1941/0602:USA MLB Lou Gehrig 190341、死

Henry Louis Gehrig born "Heinrich Ludwig Gehrig", nicknamed "the Iron Horse", was an American baseball first baseman who played his entire professional career (17 seasons) in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the New York Yankees, from 1923 until 1939.
Gehrig was renowned for his prowess as a hitter and for his durability, which earned him his nickname "the Iron Horse". He was an All-Star seven consecutive times, a Triple Crown winner once, an American League (AL) Most Valuable Player twice, and a member of six World Series champion teams. He had a career .340 batting average, .632 slugging average, and a .447 on base average. He hit 493 home runs and had 1,995 runs batted in (RBI).

during his MLB rookie year


Gehrig, Tris Speaker, Ty Cobb, and Babe Ruth, 1928

彼のこの偉大な記録は突然、斷絶してしまふ。誰も思ひもしなかったことだが、彼は amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) といふ難病に冒されてゐた。そして、この引退から二年後の 1941/0602、逝去する。このため、この病氣は「ルウゲリック病」とも呼ばれるやうになった。

German paratroopers murder Greek civilians in the village of Kondomari.


La fine della monarchia italiana è deciso da un referendum; L'Italia divenne una repubblica.

In a referendum, Italians vote to turn Italy from a monarchy into a Republic. After the referendum, King Umberto II of Italy is exiled.

1948/0602:ドイツナチス 医師 Karl Brandt 190448、刑死(絞首刑)

ein deutscher Arzt, chirurgischer Begleitarzt von Adolf Hitler, SS-Gruppenführer der Allgemeinen SS, SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS sowie Generalkommissar für das Sanitäts- und Gesundheitswesen.
Er war der Ranghöchste unter den Angeklagten im Prozess gegen Mediziner im Rahmen des Nürnberger Ärzteprozesses.



 處刑をまへにして彼が喚きつづけたこと ――

1951/0602:フランスの文人 Alain 186851、死

de son vrai nom Émile-Auguste Chartier, est un philosophe, journaliste, essayiste et professeur de philosophie français. Il est rationaliste, individualiste et critique.



Crowning of Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, became queen on 6 February 1952 on the death of her father, King George VI of the United Kingdom. First international broadcast of a live event by television.


1955/0602:USSR and Yugoslavia
 sign Belgrade declaration and thus normalize relations between both countries, discontinued since 1948.


Le nouveau président du Conseil Charles de Gaulle obtient les pleins pouvoirs de l'Assemblée pour six mois, avec mission d'élaborer une nouvelle constitution.

The new president of the Council Charles de Gaulle obtains the full powers of the Assembly for six months, with mission to elaborate a new constitution.

1966/0602:USA、Surveyor program:
Surveyor 1 lands in Oceanus Procellarum on the Moon, becoming the first U.S. spacecraft to soft-land on another world.


Protests in West Berlin against the arrival of the Shah of Iran turn into riots, during which Benno Ohnesorg is killed by a police officer. His death results in the founding of the terrorist group Movement 2 June.


Pope John Paul II starts his first official visit to his native Poland, becoming the first Pope to visit a Communist country.


2014/0602:合成麻藥の開発者 Alexander Shulgin 192514、死

an American medicinal chemist, biochemist, organic chemist, pharmacologist, psychopharmacologist, and author.
He is credited with introducing MDMA (ecstasy) to psychologists in the late 1970s for psychopharmaceutical use and for the discovery, synthesis and personal bioassay of over 230 psychoactive compounds for their psychedelic and entactogenic potential.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World