


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が誕生日のフランスの天才の一人 Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot 179632


歴史暦:古今東西 06/01 今日の出來事

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私は、またも歴史の不思議な偶然を感じてしまふ ――

今日、六月一日に誕生した人のなかに、Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot 179632 といふフランス人の科學者がゐた。熱力學の研究で、その開創にあたり不朽の業績をあげた天才だが、この彼が死にゆく時と、昨日紹介した同じフランス人の天才數學者の Évariste Galois 181132 の死とがピタリと重なってゐたのであった。



Blaise Pascal 162362 以來、フランスは年若き天才たちを綺羅星のごとく輩出してきた。科學関係だけではない。文藝の世界においてもこの後、詩人の Arthur Rimbaud 185491 が、小説家の Raymond Radiguet 190323 が出てくる。皆、十代二十代のうちに歴史的な業績の爲事をして、さっさと死んでいった。

The Roman emperor Didius Julianus is assassinated.


Die Synode von Frankfurt, geleitet von König Karl dem Großen, missbilligt die Beschlüsse des zweiten Konzils von Nicäa. Die in den Karolinischen Büchern dargelegte Gegenposition des Königs zu Papst Hadrian I. wird von der Versammlung bestätigt.

The Synod of Frankfurt, headed by King Charles the Great, disapproved of the resolutions of the Second Council of Nicaea. The opposition of the King to Pope Hadrian I, as set out in the Carolinian Books, is confirmed by the Assembly.



Capitulation de la ville de Rouen qui tombe aux mains du roi de France Philippe-Auguste. La Normandie entre dans le giron de la monarchie française.


Zhongdu (now Beijing), then under the control of the Jurchen ruler Emperor Xuanzong of Jin, is captured by the Mongols under Genghis Khan, ending the Battle of Zhongdu.



Alfonso X 122184 is proclaimed king of Castile and León.


Im Vertrag von Rheinfelden muss der minderjährige Habsburger Rudolf II zu Gunsten seines älteren Bruders Albrecht I auf Österreich und die Steiermark verzichten. Die vereinbarte Entschädigung bleibt aus.

In the Treaty of Rheinfelden the minor Habsburg Rudolf II has to renounce Austria and Styria in favor of his older brother Albrecht I. The agreed compensation remains unavailable.

1298/0601:ドイツ、Turaida 戰
Residents of Riga and Grand Duchy of Lithuania defeated the Livonian Order in the Battle of Turaida.

Livonian Order=リヴォニア騎士団;ドイツ騎士団の、リヴォニア地域の分団で、1435~61リヴォニア連盟に參加してゐた。

Marguerite Porete (mystique et écrivain chrétienne) est brulée avec son livre Le Miroir des âmes simples et anéanties en place de Grève à Paris.


1354/0601:南朝のイデオログ 北畠親房129354、死去

Kitabatake Chikafusa was a Japanese court noble and writer of the 14th century who supported the Southern Court in the Nanboku-cho 南北朝 period, serving as advisor to five Emperors.
Some of his greatest and most famous work was performed during the reign of Emperor Go-Daigo, under whom he proposed a series of reforms, amounting to a revival or restoration of political and economic systems of several centuries earlier. In addition to authoring a history of Japan and a number of works defending the right of Go-Daigo's line to the throne, Kitabatake fought in defense of the Southern Court as a member of the Murakami branch of the Minamoto clan.






1479/0601:デンマルク コペンハゲン大學、創立
The University of Copenhagen is built by King Christian I.


The Hungarian king Matthias Corvinus invades the city of Vienna after a four-month siege, where he often resides until his death in 1490.


A monk, John Cor records the first known batch of Scotch whisky.


1497/0601:ドイツ人 Brant 刊行の『阿呆船』、ヨウロパ中で讀まれる
Sebastian Brants 1494 entstandenes Narrenschiff erscheint in der lateinischen Übersetzung Stultifera Navis seines Schülers Jakob Locher in Straßburg, gedruckt von Johannes Grüninger. Diese Ausgabe verbreitet sich schnell über die Landesgrenzen hinweg und macht Brants Werk zu einem internationalen Erfolg.

: Sebastian Brant's fool ship, published in 1494, appears in the Latin translation Stultifera Navis by his pupil Jakob Locher in Strasbourg, printed by Johannes Grüninger. This edition quickly spreads across the country's borders and makes Brant's work an international success.、

このドイツの Sebastian Brant 145721 につづいて、オランダの Desiderius Erasmus 146636、イギリスの Thomas More 147835、などいはゆるユマニスト(人文主義者)たちが陸續と出てきて世の中をつつきまはし、時代はルネサンス明けの大航海時代と相俟って、人間中心の worldwide に開かれた時代となって「切り裂く光の十字架」の Enlightenment の西洋近代が始まるのである。

Anne Boleyn is crowned Queen of England.

{もう Henry八世關係はウンザリだ!


そして、後顧の憂ひを解決して、次の年 ――


Tokugawa Ieyasu was the founder and first shōgun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan, which effectively ruled Japan from the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 until the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Ieyasu seized power in 1600, received appointment as shōgun in 1603, and abdicated from office in 1605, but remained in power until his death in 1616.
He was one of the three unifiers of Japan, along with his former lord Nobunaga 織田信長153482 and Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉153798.
He was posthumously enshrined at Nikkō Tōshō-gū with the name Tōshō Daigongen (東照大権現).

日光東照宮 奥社 墓所



『神君御遺訓』『家康公御遺訓』(家康本人によるものではなく、彼の人生に仮託されて作られた僞書)より ―― 

  • 人の一生は重荷を負うて遠き路を行くが如し。急ぐべからず。
  • 不自由を常と思へば不足なし。
  • 心に望みおこらば、困窮したる時を思い出すべし。
  • 堪忍は無事長久の基。
  • 怒は敵と思へ。
  • 勝つことばかり知りて負くるを知らざれば、害その身に至る。
  • 己を責めて、人を責むるな。
  • 及ばざるは過ぎたるにまされり。


1648/0601:In the 2nd English Civil War,
The Roundheads defeat the Cavaliers at the Battle of Maidstone.


1649/0601:Start of the Sumuroy Revolt:
Filipinos in Northern Samar led by Agustin Sumuroy revolt against Spanish colonial authorities.


1660/0601:アメリカ植民地で、Mary Dyer is hanged
for defying a law banning Quakers from the Massachusetts Bay Colony.


1670/0601:イギリスとフランスとの Dover 密約
In Dover, England, Charles II of Great Britain and Louis XIV of France sign the Secret Treaty of Dover, which will force England into the Third Anglo-Dutch War.


In Plymouth, Massachusetts, the court hearing on the murder of John Sassamon, who informed the colony about an imminent attack of the Wampanoag. The three accused of the Pokanoket tribe are guilty and sentenced to death.


Wolraad Woltemade rescues 14 sailors at the Cape of Good Hope from the sinking ship De Jonge Thomas by riding his horse into the sea seven times. He drowned on his eighth attempt.


As an English reaction to the Boston Tea Party, the intolerable acts of the Port of Boston will enter into force.


1780/0601:ドイツ 戰爭論 Carl von Clausewitz 178031、生

Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz war ein preußischer Generalmajor, Heeresreformer, Militärwissenschaftler und -ethiker.
Clausewitz wurde durch sein unvollendetes Hauptwerk Vom Kriege bekannt, das sich mit der Theorie des Krieges beschäftigt. Seine Theorien über Strategie, Taktik und Philosophie hatten großen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung des Kriegswesens in allen westlichen Ländern und werden bis heute an Militärakademien gelehrt. Sie finden auch im Bereich der Unternehmensführung sowie im Marketing Anwendung.

Key concepts discussed in On War 
  • the dialectical approach to military analysis
  • the methods of "critical analysis"
  • the economic profit-seeking logic of commercial
  • l enterprise is equally applicable to the waging of war and negotiating for peace
  • the nature of the balance-of-power mechanism
  • the relationship between political objectives and military objectives in war
  • the asymmetrical relationship between attack and defense
  • the nature of "military genius" (involving matters of personality and character, beyond intellect)
  • the "fascinating trinity" (wunderliche Dreifaltigkeit) of war
  • philosophical distinctions between "absolute war," "ideal war," and "real war"
  • in "real war," the distinctive poles of a) war of limited objectives and b) war to "render the enemy helpless"
  • "war" belonging fundamentally to the social realm—rather than to the realms of art or science
  • "strategy" belongs primarily to the realm of art, but is constrained
    by quantitative analyses of political benefits versus military costs
    & losses
  • "tactics" belongs primarily to the realm of science (most obvious in the development of siege warfare)
  • the importance of "moral forces" (more than simply "morale") as opposed to quantifiable physical elements
  • the "military virtues" of professional armies (which do not
    necessarily trump the rather different virtues of other kinds of
    fighting forces)
  • conversely, the very real effects of a superiority in numbers and "mass"
  • the essential unpredictability of war
  • the "fog" of war
  • "friction" - the disparity between the ideal performance of units,
    organisation or systems and their actual performance in real world
    scenarios (Book I, Chapter VII)
  • strategic and operational "centers of gravity"
  • the "culminating point of the offensive"
  • the "culminating point of victory"    


1796/0601:フランスの天才 Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot 179632、生

un ingénieur militaire et physicien français, souvent décrit comme le «père de la thermodynamique».
Comme Copernic, il ne publia qu'un seul livre, Les réflexions sur la force motrice du feu (Paris, 1824), dans lequel il exprimait, à l'âge de 27 ans, la première théorie réussie de l'efficacité maximale des moteurs thermiques. Dans ce travail, il a jeté les bases d'une discipline entièrement nouvelle, la thermodynamique. Le travail de Carnot a attiré peu d'attention au cours de sa vie, mais il a ensuite été utilisé par Rudolf Clausius et Lord Kelvin pour formaliser la deuxième loi de la thermodynamique et définir le concept d'entropie.

軍人であった彼は、フランスの七月革命以後、彼はふたたび科學研究、氣體の研究に没頭したしたが、その頃、パリで流行してゐたコレラに感染し、1832/06(なんと昨日紹介した Évariste Galois 181132 が同じパリで腹を撃たれて死んだ頃だ!)病床に就き、0824、闘病むなしく息を引き取った。彼の遺品はコレラ感染の防止のためにほとんどが燒却處分された。ために、彼についての記録は、わづかに殘された彼のノウトだけ(それと弟のイポリトが記した傳記)であった。まるでガロワの時と同じではないか。
{Évariste Galois 181132 カルノとガロワは同じ年に死んだ。ガロワが五月末、カルノが八月二十四日。

{この殆ど無名のうちに死んでいった天才の記録を保存したのは兩者ともその弟であった。フランス人の天才には弟や妹が影のやうに寄り添ってゐる。パスカルに始まって、この二人、それからArthur Rimbaud 185491。また、フランス人ではないけれどもフランスで生きたゴッホ兄弟 …… 


The battle of the Glorious First of June is fought, the first naval engagement between Britain and France during the French Revolutionary Wars.


1804/0601:ロシア音樂の父 Mikhaïl Ivanovitch Glinka 180457、生

Михаил Иванович Глинка
русский композитор. Сочинения Глинки оказали влияние на крупнейших русских композиторов — А. С. Даргомыжского, М. П. Мусоргского, Н. А. Римского-Корсакова, А. П. Бородина, П. И. Чайковского и других. По выражению В. В. Стасова, «оба [Пушкин и Глинка] создали новый русский язык — один в поэзии, другой в музыке»
un compositeur russe, fondateur de l'école musicale russe moderne.


U.S. President James Madison asks the Congress to declare war on the United Kingdom.


1815/0601:ナポレオンの參謀長 Louis Alexandre Berthier175315、死

un maréchal français et vice-connétable de l'Empire, et chef d'état-major sous Napoléon.



Napoleon promulgates a revised Constitution after it passes a plebiscite.


Die Oesterreichische Nationalbank wird gegründet.


1817/0601:日本、江戸期の蘭學者 杉田玄白173317、死

Sugita Genpaku est un érudit japonais connu pour sa traduction du Kaitai Shinsho 『解體新書』(nouveau traité d'anatomie).
Hormis le Kaitai Shinsho, il est également l'auteur du Rangaku Kotohajime (« début des études hollandaises »).


1823/0601:ナポレオンの將軍 Louis Nicolas Davout 177023、死去

Louis Nicolas d’Avout puis Davout, duc d'Auerstaedt, prince d'Eckmühl, est un général français de la Révolution et de l’Empire, élevé à la dignité de maréchal d'Empire par Napoléon en 1804.
His talent for war along with his reputation as a stern disciplinarian earned him the title "The Iron Marshal". He is ranked along with Masséna and Lannes as one of Napoleon's finest commanders. His loyalty and obedience to Napoleon were absolute. During his lifetime, Davout's name was commonly spelled Davoust, which is how it appears on the Arc de Triomphe and in much of the correspondence between Napoleon and his generals (see external links below for examples).





James Clark Ross becomes the first European at the North Magnetic Pole.


1843/0601:明治維新西郷隆盛の弟 西郷從道184302、生

Saigō Jūdō (西郷 従道, also read Saigō Tsugumichi) was a Japanese politician and admiral in the Meiji period.


Die von Karl Marx in Köln gegründete Neue Rheinische Zeitung erscheint mit ihrer ersten Ausgabe.


The American adventurer William Walker conquers Nicaragua.


1861/0601:American Civil War: Battle of Fairfax Court House


1862/0601:American Civil War: Battle of Seven Pines

 (or the Battle of Fair Oaks) ends inconclusively, with both sides claiming victory.

1864/0601:中國[清]、太平天國教祖 洪秀全181464 、死

Hong Xiuquan was a Hakka 客家 Chinese leader of the Taiping Rebellion 太平亂 against the Qing Dynasty. He established the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 太平天國 over varying portions of southern China, with himself as the "Heavenly King" and self-proclaimed brother of Jesus Christ.





1868/0601:USA政府、原住民と Treaty of Bosque Redondo 締結
allowing the Navajo to return to their lands in Arizona and New Mexico.



Hristo Botev, a national revolutionary of Bulgaria, is killed in Stara Planina




Napoléon Eugène, the last dynastic Bonaparte, is killed in the Anglo-Zulu War.

{なんなんだらうね。Napoléon Bonaparte 176921 の血統などどうして尊重するんだらう?、ブルボン家をギロチンにかけて亡ぼし「自由平等友愛」を勝ち取ったフランス人がどうしてナポレオンごときの家筋をそんなに有り難がるのか、まったくフランス人の氣が知れない。

1885/0601:フランス、V.Hugo の遺骸、パリのパンテオン
dépôt du corps de Victor Hugo au Panthéon de Paris.


1889/0601:Charles Kay Ogden 188957、誕生

an English linguist, philosopher, and writer. Described as a polymath but also an eccentric and outsider, he took part in many ventures related to literature, politics, the arts and philosophy, having a broad effect particularly as an editor, translator, and activist on behalf of a reformed version of the English language.
He is typically defined as a linguistic psychologist, and is now mostly remembered as the inventor and propagator of Basic English.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b0/Ogden_semiotic_triangle.png/1280px-Ogden_semiotic_triangle.png Figure taken from page 11, The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism, 1923






Robert Falcon Scott's second South Pole expedition leaves Cardiff.


1913/0601:Greek–Serbian Treaty of Alliance
 is signed, paving the way for the Second Balkan War.


1918/0601:WWⅠ、Western Front: Battle of Belleau Wood:
Allied Forces under John J. Pershing and James Harbord engage Imperial German Forces under Wilhelm, German Crown Prince.




1926/0601:アメリカのシンボル? Marilyn Monroe 182662、生

(born Norma Jeane Mortenson) was an American actress, model, and singer.
Famous for playing comic "blonde bombshell" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s and was emblematic of the era's attitudes towards sexuality. Although she was a top-billed actress for only a decade, her films grossed $200 million by the time of her unexpected death in 1962.
More than half a century later, she continues to be a major popular culture icon.


The 1st Conference of the Communist Parties of Latin America is held in Buenos Aires.


Deutschland, befahl Heinrich Himmler die Deportation der asozialen: Bettler, Zigeuner, Vagabunden, Zuhälter prostitués.


1941/0601:WWⅡ、Battle of Crete ends
as Crete capitulates to Germany.


Farhud, a pogrom of Iraqi Jews, takes place in Baghdad.


BOAC Flight 777 is shot down over the Bay of Biscay by German Junkers Ju 88s, killing British actor Leslie Howard and leading to speculation that it was actually an attempt to kill British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.


Ion Antonescu, "Conducator" ("Leader") of Romania during World War II, is executed.

第二次世界大戦中にルウマニアの Conducător(指導者)イオン・アントネスクが、ルーマニア共産政権により戦犯として銃殺刑に。



1952/0601:USA プラグマティズム John Dewey 185952、死

an American philosopher, psychologist, Georgist, and educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform.
Dewey is one of the primary figures associated with the philosophy of pragmatism and is considered one of the fathers of functional psychology.
A well-known public intellectual, he was also a major voice of progressive education and liberalism.
He was a major educational reformer for the 20th century.

1896年の『心理学における反射弓の概念』では反射弓(Reflex Arc)を刺激と反応がいかに主体の状況理解にもとづくかに注目し、その循環的体系を明らかにした。また、刺激・反応・感覚は分断されておらず、統合的な系であり、また刺激系統は経験によって豊かになっていくような調和性を持つとした。同様、反応も感覚的経験によって調整される。この論文は機能主義心理学の基礎と現在でも見なされている

1957/0601:日本の柔道家 山下泰裕1957--、誕生

Yamashita Yasuhiro is a Japanese judoka, fighting in the category of heavyweight and all categories.

Charles de Gaulle comes out of retirement to lead France by decree for six months.


1962/0601:Adolf Eichmann is hanged in Israel.


1962/0601:ドイツナチスの戰犯 Adolf Eichmann 190662、刑死

ein österreichischer SS-Obersturmbannführer und während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus und des Zweiten Weltkrieges in Deutschland als Leiter des für die Organisation der Vertreibung und Deportation der Juden zuständigen Eichmannreferats des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes (RSHA) in Berlin zentral mitverantwortlich für die Ermordung von schätzungsweise sechs Millionen Menschen im weitgehend vom Deutschen Reich besetzten Europa.
Im Mai 1960 wurde er von israelischen Agenten in Argentinien entführt und anschließend nach Israel gebracht, wo ihm der Prozess gemacht wurde. Er wurde zum Tode verurteilt und in der Nacht vom 31. Mai auf den 1. Juni 1962 hingerichtet.

in SS-Uniform (1942)

アイヒマンの惡については Hannah Arendt 190675 をはじめとして複雜微妙な解析で論じられてゐる。組織と人間、制服と人間、そのとき彼等は齒車なのだ。全体を構成するための部分のための要員であり、代替のきく部品でしかなく、あたへられた職責に忠實となるしかない。さうして、或時は天使的な行動をし、或時は(後になって)悪魔的と指彈される行動をすることになる。たとへその行動が非人間的なものと察知できたとしても、その任務から逃れることは至難のことであらう。仕事のためなら何でもやる。さうした構造で人間の社界は作りあげられてゐるのだ。

Hanging of "Martyrs of Pentecost" in Kinshasa

Beatles Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band release


1968/0601:USA 三重苦の Helen Keller 188068、死

an American author, political activist, and lecturer. She was the first deaf-blind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree.
The story of how Keller's teacher, Anne Sullivan, broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language, allowing the girl to blossom as she learned to communicate, has become widely known through the dramatic depictions of the play and film The Miracle Worker.

with Anne Sullivan vacationing on Cape Cod in July 1888


in 1899 with lifelong companion and teacher Anne Sullivan.


1971/0601:USA 神學者 Reinhold Niebuhr 189271、死

a Protestant American theologian famous for his studies of the relationship between the Christian faith and the reality of modern politics and diplomacy. He is one of the major American theologians of the twentieth century.

≫ 正義を取り扱うことのできる人間の能力が民主主義を可能にする。しかし、不正義に陥りがちな人間の傾向が民主主義を必要とする。
≫ The whole art of politics consists in directing rationally the irrationalities of men. 政治の本質は、人間の非合理性を、合理的に方向づけるところに存在する。
≫ The tragedy of man is that he can conceive self perfection but cannot achieve it.


Cable News Network (CNN) begins broadcasting.


George H. W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev sign a treaty to end chemical weapon production.


2001/0601:Nepalese royal massacre: ネパル王室虐殺事件
Crown Prince Dipendra of Nepal shoots and kills several members of his family including his father and mother.


2001/0601:Dolphinarium discotheque massacre:
A Hamas suicide bomber kills 21 at a disco in Tel Aviv.




2008/0601:フランス クウチュリエ Yves Saint Laurent 193608、死去

Yves Mathieu-Saint-Laurent, dit Yves Saint LaurentN est un grand couturier français, l'un des plus célèbres au monde et dont les collections de haute couture font partie de l'histoire du XXe siècle.




Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World