


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
1912 Nijinski pour le ballet L'Après-midi d'un faune


歴史暦:古今東西 05/29 今日の出來事

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The Roman emperor Julian defeats the Sasanian army in the Battle of Ctesiphon, under the walls of the Sasanian capital, but is unable to take the city.

The Battle of Ctesiphon took place on May 29, 363 between the armies of Roman Emperor Julian and the Sassanid King Shapur II outside the walls of the Persian capital Ctesiphon. The battle was a Roman victory, although Julian was killed following the subsequent Battle of Samarra and the Roman forces found themselves unable to continue their campaign as they were too far from their supply lines.


A large earthquake occurred in Antioch in the eastern Roman Empire. Estimated number of deaths is about 250,000 to 300,000 people.

1108/0529:Battle of Uclés
Almoravid troops under the command of Tamim ibn Yusuf defeat a Castile and León alliance under the command of Prince Sancho Alfónsez.



1167/0529:Battle of Monte Porzio
A Roman army supporting Pope Alexander III is defeated by Christian of Buch and Rainald of Dassel.

Between the Holy Roman Empire and the Commune of Rome. The communal Roman army, which one historian has called the "greatest army which Rome had sent into the field in centuries", was defeated by the forces of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and his local allies, the Counts of Tusculum and the ruler of Albano. Comparing its effect on the city of Rome, one historian has called Monte Porzio the "Cannae of the Middle Ages"


1176/0529:Battle of Legnano、イタリア側、勝利 

The Lombard League defeats Emperor Frederick I.
Ein lombardisches Heer besiegt die Streitmacht des Kaisers Friedrich I. Barbarossa in der Schlacht von Legnano.


1265/0529:Dante Alighieri 126521、誕生

un poeta, scrittore e politico italiano.
È considerato il padre della lingua italiana; la sua fama è dovuta eminentemente alla paternità della Comedìa, divenuta celebre come Divina Commedia e universalmente considerata la più grande opera scritta in lingua italiana e uno dei maggiori capolavori della letteratura mondiale.



1328/0529:フランス王に Philip VI 129350、 即位



Prise de Paris par les troupes de Jean sans Peur.

Dans la guerre civile Armagnac-burgonde Burgondes gérer la capture de Paris, soutenu par les résidents de la ville qui ouvrent l'officier Jean de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, une porte de la ville.

1425/0529(洪熙01/0512):中國[明] 04洪熙帝137825、崩去

The Hongxi Emperor, personal name Zhu Gaochi (朱高熾), was the fourth emperor of the Ming dynasty of China. He succeeded his father, the Yongle Emperor, in 1424.


Fall of Constantinople: Ottoman armies under Sultan Mehmed II Fatih capture Constantinople after a 53-day siege, ending the Byzantine Empire.



Jacques Cœur reconnu coupable des crimes de lèse-majesté.


1500/0529:喜望峰發見者 Bartolomeu Dias 145000、死去

um navegador português que ficou célebre por ter sido o primeiro europeu a navegar para além do extremo sul da África, contornando o Cabo da Boa Esperança e chegando ao Oceano Índico a partir do Atlântico, abrindo o caminho marítimo para a Índia.
a Portuguese navigator who became famous for being the first European to sail beyond the southern tip of Africa, skirting the Cape of Good Hope and reaching the Indian Ocean from the Atlantic, opening the sea route to India.

As a result of Diaz's "Cape of the Cape" is too common. But his real achievement is the first European to arrive at the southern tip of Africa and to ensure that the path to Indian arrival afterwards has been marked. As a result, Europeans can trade directly with India and Asia without going through Middle Eastern Arab merchants. And eventually it continued to "the rise of the Atlantic coast state" and "the decline of the Middle East / Mediterranean coast state".

The peace of Amasya ended the Ottoman Safavid War, which lasted from 1532 to 1555, and ensured peace between the Ottoman and Persian empires for the next 20 years.






1611/0529(慶長16/0407):戰國大名 淺野長政154711、死去

Asano Nagamasa was the brother-in-law of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and one of his chief advisors. Asano also fought for Hideyoshi in a number of campaigns during the Sengoku period of the 16th century of Japan.


Le prince Hachijō Toshihito est un noble de cour (kugyō 公卿) de la période Sengoku 戰國 de l'histoire du Japon.
Toshihito est le frère cadet de l'empereur Go-Yōzei 107後陽成157117天皇. Après 1588 Toyotomi Hideyoshi adopte Toshihito dans le cadre d'une démarche visant à fortement renforcer les liens entre les Toyotomi et la famille impériale.
En 1590, Hideyoshi donne à Toshihito des terres d'une valeur de 3000 koku et lui confie la responsabilité d'agir en tant que gouverneur de Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉153798 au Japon pendant que la Chine espère repousser les invasions coréenne de 1592 à 1593.
Hachijō Toshihito fait construire la villa impériale de Katsura, ou palais détaché de Katsura, à Kyoto afin d'en faire un lieu d'observation de la Lune。



1630/0529:Charles II of England 163085、誕生

King of England, Scotland and Ireland. He was king of Scotland from 1649 until his deposition in 1651, and king of England, Scotland and Ireland from the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 until his death.


English Restoration: Charles II is restored to the throne of England, Scotland and Ireland.


Peter II becomes Czar of Russia.

Пётр II Алексеевич 171530、わづか十五年の生涯であった。


The right of Canadians to enslave natives is upheld at Quebec City.

1736/0529:USA 獨立の雄弁家 Patrick Henry 173699、誕生

an American attorney, planter, and orator well known for his declaration to the Second Virginia Convention (1775): "Give me liberty, or give me death!" A Founding Father, he served as the first and sixth post-colonial Governor of Virginia, from 1776 to 1779 and from 1784 to 1786.

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

1780/0529:American Revolutionary War「Battle of Waxhaws」
the British continue attacking after the Continentals lay down their arms, killing 113 and critically wounding all but 53 that remained.


1781/0529:イギリス 摩擦マッチの發明 John Walker 178159、誕生

an English inventor who invented the friction match.

A tin "Congreves" matchbox (1827)

819年に彼は、英国東北部の都市に薬局を開業した。1826年に偶然摩擦による発火を見て、1827年'friction lights' の名称で摩擦マッチの販売を始め、多くを売り上げた。これを聞いたかの Michael Faraday 179167 は特許の取得を勧めたが、彼はなぜか特許の申請をしなかった。1829年には模倣者があらわれ、1830年1831年には彼はマッチの販売をやめた。

1790/0529:アメリカ獨立戦争時の將軍 Israel Putnam 171890、死去

an American army general officer, popularly known as Old Put, who fought with distinction at the Battle of Bunker Hill (1775) during the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783).
His courage and fighting spirit became known far beyond Connecticut's borders through the circulation of folk legends in the American colonies and states celebrating his exploits.


1794/0529:フランス 化学者 Antoine Bussy 179482、誕生

Antoine Alexandre Brutus Bussy est un pharmacien et chimiste français .
En 1828, il isole pour la première fois le nouvel élément béryllium, indépendamment de Friedrich Wöhler.
Après que Humphry Davy, en 1809, est parvenu à préparer une petite quantité de l'élément magnésium par électrolyse, Bussy réussit en 1830 à en préparer de plus grandes quantités. Il entreprend également des recherches dans le domaine des composés organiques. C'est lui qui a attribué en 1833 le nom acétone au composé.

1798/0529:United Irishmen Rebellion、Massacre
Between 300 and 500 United Irishmen are massacred by the British Army in County Kildare, Ireland.


Mustafa IV became Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and Caliph of Islam.


1829/0529:Humphry Davy 177829、死去

a Cornish chemist and inventor, who is best remembered today for isolating a series of substances for the first time: potassium and sodium in 1807 and calcium, strontium, barium, magnesium and boron the following year, as well as discovering the elemental nature of chlorine and iodine.
He also studied the forces involved in these separations, inventing the new field of electrochemistry.

In 1799 Davy experimented with nitrous oxide and became astonished that it made him laugh, so he nicknamed it "laughing gas", and wrote about its potential anaesthetic properties in relieving pain during surgery.

1802 satirical cartoon by James Gillray showing a Royal Institution lecture on pneumatics, with Davy holding the bellows and Count Rumford looking on at extreme right. Dr Thomas Garnett is the lecturer, holding the victim's nose.

1830/0529:フランス アナキスト Louise Michel 183005、誕生

Clémence-Louise Michel est une institutrice, militante anarchiste, franc-maçonne, aux idées féministes et l’une des figures majeures de la Commune de Paris. Première à arborer le drapeau noir, elle popularise celui-ci au sein du mouvement libertaire.

Marie Ferré (185382), Louise Michel (183005) et Paule Mink (183901).


1862/0529:イギリス 文明史家 Henry Thomas Buckle 182162、死

an English historian, the author of an unfinished History of Civilization, and a strong amateur chess player. He is sometimes called "the Father of Scientific History".

In July 1840 Buckle, his mother, and his sister Mary spent almost a year in Europe, with "extended stays in Germany, Italy, and France. Buckle studied the language, literature, and history of each place they visited." Buckle taught himself to read eighteen foreign languages.
By 1840, Buckle had decided "to direct all his reading and to devote all his energies to the preparation of some great historical work". During the next seventeen years he worked ten hours a day toward that purpose. By 1851 Buckle had decided that his "great historical work" would be "a history of civilization". During the next six years, he was engaged "in writing and rewriting, altering and revising the first volume". It was titled the History of Civilization in England and was published in June 1857

≫ First doubt, then inquire, then discover. This has been the process with all our great thinkers.

≫ Society prepares the crime; the criminal commits it.

≫ He who knows most believes the least.

≫ The duty of a philosopher is clear. He must take every pain to ascertain the truth; and, having arrived at a conclusion, he should noise it abroad far and wide, utterly regardless of what opinions he shocks.

1860/0529:スペイン 作曲家 Isaac Albéniz 186009、生

Isaac Manuel Francisco Albéniz y Pascual fue un célebre compositor y pianista español, discípulo de Felipe Pedrell. Gracias a la ayuda de Guillermo Morphy, el Conde de morphy, compositor y mecenas de las artes, obtuvo una pensión para formarse en el Conservatorio de Bruselas en 1876, finalizando sus estudios en 1879.

Ex libris Isaac Albéniz realizado por Ismael Smith ca. 1921.


Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico arrives in Mexico for the first time.


1866/0529:USA 歴戦の將軍 Winfield Scott 178666、死去

a United States Army general and the unsuccessful presidential candidate of the Whig Party in 1852.

Known as "Old Fuss and Feathers" and the "Grand Old Man of the Army", he served on active duty as a general longer than any other person in American history, is rated as one of the Army's most senior commissioned officers, and is ranked by many historians as the best American commander of his time. Over the course of his 53-year career, he commanded forces in the War of 1812, the Black Hawk War, the Mexican–American War, and the Second Seminole War. He was the army's senior officer at the start of the American Civil War, and conceived the Union strategy known as the Anaconda Plan, which was used to defeat the Confederacy. He served as Commanding General of the United States Army for twenty years, longer than any other holder of the office.

Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 is born through Act 12, which establishes the Austro-Hungarian Empire.


Mihailo Obrenović III, Prince of Serbia is assassinated.


1874/0529:イギリス 文藝家 Gilbert Keith Chesterton 187436、生

an English writer, poet, philosopher, dramatist, journalist, orator, lay theologian, biographer, and literary and art critic.
Chesterton is well known for his fictional priest-detective Father Brown, and for his reasoned apologetics. Even some of those who disagree with him have recognised the wide appeal of such works as Orthodoxy and The Everlasting Man.
Chesterton routinely referred to himself as an "orthodox" Christian, and came to identify this position more and more with Catholicism, eventually converting to Catholicism from High Church Anglicanism. George Bernard Shaw, his "friendly enemy", said of him, "He was a man of colossal genius."
Biographers have identified him as a successor to such Victorian authors as Matthew Arnold, Thomas Carlyle, Cardinal John Henry Newman, and John Ruskin

≫ Democracy means government by the uneducated, while aristocracy means government by the badly educated.

≫ The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen.

≫ Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly. Never forget that the devil fell by force of gravity. He who has the faith has the fun.

≫ The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.

≫ It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the problem.

≫ 徹底的に現世的な人々には、現世そのものを理解することさへできぬものだ。

≫ 自分の五感を信じることのできぬ人間は五感以外の何物も信じることのできぬ人間同様狂人である。

≫ 人を正気たらしめてきたのは神秘主義であった。神秘主義の功績、それは人は理解し得ないものの力を借りることで初めてあらゆる物事を理解することができるということだ。

≫ 人々はロウマが偉大であるからロウマを愛したのではない。ロウマは人々がロウマを愛したから偉大となったのだ。

≫ 自殺は単に一つの罪であるばかりではない。自殺はまさに罪の中の罪である。究極の悪、絶対の悪であって、生命の存在そのものに関心を持とうとせぬ態度にほかならぬ。 {だから犯してみたくもある。

George Bernard Shaw, Hilaire Belloc, Chesterton


1880/0529:西洋の沒落の著者 Oswald Spengler 188036、生

ein deutscher Geschichtsphilosoph, Kulturhistoriker und antidemokratischer politischer Schriftsteller.
In seinem Hauptwerk Der Untergang des Abendlandes richtet sich Spengler gegen eine lineare Geschichtsschreibung, die die Geschichte „der Menschheit“ als Geschichte des Fortschritts erzählt. Stattdessen vertritt er eine Zyklentheorie, nach der immer wieder neue Kulturen entstehen, eine Blütezeit erleben und nach dieser Vollendung untergehen. Er fasst Kulturen als eindeutig abgrenzbare, quasi-organische Gebilde mit einer Lebensdauer von etwa 1000 Jahren auf, die jeweils ganz charakteristische, das Denken und Handeln der Individuen prägende Eigenschaften aufweisen. Schon der Titel des Werkes enthält die These, die im Buch dargestellt und begründet werden soll, dass in der Gegenwart Spenglers die „Kultur des Abendlandes“ im Untergang begriffen sei.
Spengler wird zur nationalistischen und antidemokratischen „Konservativen Revolution“ gerechnet, lehnte aber den Nationalsozialismus und namentlich dessen Rassenideologie ab. Sein Ideal sah er eher in Benito Mussolini verwirklicht, dem Diktator des faschistischen Italien.

`Der Untergang des Abendlandes`1918
heat death 宇宙の最終状態、エントロピが最大となる状態 「孤立系のエントロピは増大する」熱力學第二法則 1854ヘルムホルツ クラウジウス熱力學第二法則の定式化1865


≫ Optimism is cowardice.

≫ Fortunately, at the last hour, there were always a few soldiers to save Civilization.

≫ All world-improvers are Socialists. And consequently there are no Classical world-improvers. 

1882/0529:日本の詩人(作詞家) 野口雨情188245、生

Noguchi Ujō est un poète et parolier japonais de chansons pour enfants et de musique traditionnelle folklorique min'yō 民謡.
Il est l'auteur de quelques-unes des pièces les plus aimées et familières pour enfants et chorales de jeunes telle que Akai Kutsu 赤い靴 (Chaussures rouges ).
Avec Kitahara Hakushū 北原白秋188542 et Saijō Yaso 西条八十189270, il est considéré comme l'un des trois grands poètes et compositeurs de chansons pour enfants du Japon


The new building of the London Putney Bridge spanning the Thames is opened. The bridge is internationally known as the starting point of the annual Boat Race between the rowers of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.



1892/0529:新興宗教開祖 Bahá'u'lláh 181792、死去

「バハー・ウッラー」the founder of the Bahá'í Faith.
He claimed to be the prophetic fulfilment of Bábism, a 19th-century outgrowth of Shaykhism, and, in a broader sense to be a Manifestation of God.
He also claimed he was the fulfillment of the eschatological expectations of Islam, Christianity, and other major religions.

1894/0529:USA 映画監督 Josef von Sternberg 189469、生

an Austrian-American film director.
His family emigrated permanently to the United States when he was fourteen, and he grew up in New York City. He started working at World Film Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey, where he was mentored by French director Emile Chautard.

Sternberg started in Hollywood after making his first film as a director in 1925. Charlie Chaplin became interested in him, and had him direct a film. Sternberg worked on late silent films in the late 1920s, by which time he had adopted the use of "von" in his name, a pretension to aristocratic origins to which he had no claim. A
fter working with the award-winning German star Emil Jannings, he was invited from Hollywood to Berlin in 1930 to make Germany's first feature-length full-talkie, Der blaue Engel (The Blue Angel), a coproduction between Paramount in the US and UFA in Germany, with Jannings and an unknown revue-artist, Marlene Dietrich. His encouragement of the latter's performances helped to create the Dietrich legend in the six additional films they made together in Hollywood. He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Director for two of these, Morocco (1930) and Shanghai Express (1932).

1903/0529:USA 喜劇俳優 Bob Hope 190303、誕生

Leslie Townes "Bob" Hope was an American stand-up comedian, vaudevillian, actor, singer, dancer, athlete and author.

In the May Coup, Alexander I, King of Serbia, and Queen Draga, are assassinated in Belgrade by the Black Hand (Crna Ruka) organization.


1911/0529:William Schwenck Gilbert 183611、死

an English dramatist, librettist, poet and illustrator best known for the fourteen comic operas (known as the Savoy operas) produced in collaboration with the composer Arthur Sullivan.
The most famous of these include H.M.S. Pinafore, The Pirates of Penzance and one of the most frequently performed works in the history of musical theatre, The Mikado. The popularity of these works ……

Premiered in Paris, ballet 'L'après-midi d'un faune'.

Claude Debussy 186218 が、Stephane Mallarme 184298 の詩『L'après-midi d'un faune 』に啓示されて作曲した『牧神の午後への前奏曲』、それに舞踊家の Wacław Niżyński 189050 が振付し、主演した「バレエ版」がパリで上演された。
振付は Wacław Niżyński 189050 が付けた。衣裝や舞臺設定はバクストであったが、ニジンスキの衣裝は牛(ミノタウロス)を思はせる肉襦袢で從來のバレエには前例のないものであった。
新聞の『フィガロ』は「常軌を逸した見世物」と批評といふより非難を第一面に書き立て、これに興行主のディアギレフは自分の抗議の文章とともに、マラルメの友人であるOdiron Redon 184016と彫刻家のAuguste Rodin 184017の「反論」のコメントを加へて編集室に乘り込んだ。ルドンは、マラルメがこの舞台を見ることができなかったのが惜しまれると云ったでけで、ロダンのは古代のフレスコ画の美を譽めたものであった。

その時のニジンスキの演舞が撮影されてゐた。 YouTube にあった。


1913/0529:Création du Sacre du Printemps d'Igor Stravinsky.

Igor Stravinsky's ballet score The Rite of Spring receives its premiere performance in Paris, France, provoking a riot.

新聞は『Le "massacre" du Printemps(春の虐殺)』と書き立てた。


The Ocean liner RMS Empress of Ireland sinks in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence with the loss of 1,012 lives.


1915/0529:ドイツ 指揮者 Karl Münchinger 191590、誕生

, chef d’orchestre allemand

1917/0529:USA35大統領 John F. Kennedy 191763、生

John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy, commonly referred to by his initials JFK, was an American politician who served as the 35th President of the United States from January 1961 until his assassination in November 1963. Kennedy served at the height of the Cold War, and much of his presidency focused on managing relations with the Soviet Union.

on his navy patrol boat, the PT-109, 1943


Armenia defeats the Ottoman Army in the Battle of Sardarabad.


Eine von Arthur Eddington geleitete Expedition misst bei einer Sonnenfinsternis die Ablenkung von Sternenlicht durch die Schwerkraft – der erste experimentelle Nachweis für Einsteins Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie.

Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity is tested (later confirmed) by Arthur Eddington and Andrew Claude de la Cherois Crommelin.

1922/0529:前衛音楽作曲家 Iannis Xenakis 192201<、生

Γιάννης Ξενάκης, est un compositeur, architecte et ingénieur d'origine grecque, naturalisé français,
Il est architecte et collabore avec Le Corbusier pour créer le Pavillon Philips pour l'exposition universelle de Bruxelles de 1958, maintenant détruit. Il est le premier Européen à utiliser un ordinateur pour composer de la musique et il a créé la musique stochastique.

師となった Olivier Messiaen 190892は「君は数学を知っている。なぜそれを作曲に応用しないのか。伝統的な修練はあってもなくても同じではないか」と云はれ、開眼した。彼は数学によるグラフ図形を元に、縦軸を音高、横軸を時間と見做し音響の変化を綴る形で作曲したオーケストラ曲『メタスタシス』を1954年に作曲し、ドナウエッシンゲン音楽祭で鮮烈なデビュを飾った。

1928/0529:日本の映画音樂作曲家 佐藤勝192899、生

Satō Masaru est un compositeur japonais de musiques de films
Il étudia à l'Académie nationale de musique et devint l'élève de Fumio Hayasaka, le compositeur attitré des nouveaux films d'Akira Kurosawa. Hayasaka l'emmena avec lui aux Studios Toho, et il travailla avec lui à l'orchestration des Sept Samouraïs (1954).
Quand Hayasaka mourut subitement en 1955, la Toho lui demanda d'achever ses deux dernières musiques : Vivre dans la peur de Kurosawa et le Héros sacrilège de Kenji Mizoguchi. Sa première musique complète fut pour le Retour de Godzilla en 1955.
Il continua dans cette veine en composant pour plusieurs autres films de la série Godzilla par Jun Fukuda ou des films populaires d'Ishirō Honda. Il resta aussi le compositeur d'Akira Kurosawa jusqu'à Barberousse en 1965.

1929/0529:イギリス 理論物理学 Peter Higgs 1929、生

a British theoretical physicist,
In the 1960s, he proposed that broken symmetry in electroweak theory could explain the origin of mass of elementary particles in general and of the W and Z bosons in particular. This so-called Higgs mechanism, which was proposed by several physicists besides Higgs at about the same time, predicts the existence of a new particle, the Higgs boson, the detection of which became one of the great goals of physics ……

Michele Schirru, a citizen of the United States, is executed by Italian military firing squad for intent to kill Benito Mussolini.


1937/0529:日本の流行歌手 美空ひばり193789、誕生

Misora Hibari était une chanteuse et actrice japonaise. Au cours de sa carrière, elle enregistra plus de 1200 chansons, vendit 68 millions de disques et joua dans 166 films.

1940/0529:日本相撲横綱 大鵬幸喜194013、生

Taihō Kōki, de son vrai nom Kōki Naya (納谷 幸喜, Naya Kōki) en japonais, et Ivan Boryshko (Іван Боришко) en ukrainien, est un lutteur japonais de sumo.
Il est le 48e yokozuna (champion) de l'histoire de ce sport
Il est considéré comme l'un des plus grands champions de l'après guerre, parfois comme le plus grand3, détenteur jusqu'en janvier 2015 du record historique du nombre de tournois gagnés (32).

1942/0529:日本の歌人 與謝野晶子187842、死去

Yosano Akiko was the pen-name of a Japanese author, poet, pioneering feminist, pacifist, and social reformer, active in the late Meiji period as well as the Taishō and early Shōwa periods of Japan.
Her name at birth was Shō Hō (鳳 志よう Hō Shō). She is one of the most famous, and most controversial, post-classical woman poets of Japan.



1942/0529:Crosby sings
In the Decca Studios in New York City, Bing Crosby and other contributors are recording Irving Berlin's composition White Christmas. The song was to become the world's most successful Christmas single over the years.


1943/0529:WWⅡ 日米戰爭「アッツ島戰」、日本軍玉碎して終結
Aleutian direction: The Japanese army garrison of Azu is annihilated by the attack of the US landing army, the battle of Atsu is over.


1945/0529:WWⅡ、日米戰爭、日本本土空襲: 横浜大空襲
Indiscriminate bombing by US military can occur in the center of Yokohama city in the daytime.


Der deutsche Schriftsteller Thomas Mann hält in der Library of Congress zunächst in englischer Sprache die Rede Deutschland und die Deutschen. Die deutsche Fassung wird im Oktober in der Zeitschrift Neue Rundschau veröffentlicht. Es handelt sich um eine essayistische Begleitarbeit zum umfangreichen Zeitroman Doktor Faustus.


Edmund Hillary & Sherpa Tenzing Norgay become the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest, on Tenzing Norgay's (adopted) 39th birthday.



1954/0529:First of the annual Bilderberg conferences.

At the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek in the Netherlands, the first of the Bilderberg Conferences held to this day is held as a private meeting of distinguished personalities.

1956/0529:Juan Ramón Jiménez 188158、死去

un poeta español, ganador del Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1956, por el conjunto de su obra, designándose como trabajo destacado de la misma la narración lírica Platero y yo.

1956/0529:Hermann Abendroth 188356、死去

Hermann Paul Maximilian Abendroth war ein deutscher Dirigent und Musikpädagoge. Er zählte zu den bedeutendsten Orchesterleitern des 20. Jahrhunderts.


1964/0529:Arab League meets in East Jerusalem 

to discuss the Palestinian question, leading to the formation of the Palestine Liberation Organization.



1969/0529:General strike in Córdoba, Argentina,
leading to the Cordobazo civil unrest.


1977/0529:Ba Maw 189377、死去

a Burmese political leader, active during the interwar and World War II period.

at King George's coronation

Greater East Asia Conference in November 1943, Participants Left to right: Ba Maw, Zhang Jinghui, Wang Jingwei, Hideki Tōjō, Wan Waithayakon, José P. Laurel, Subhas Chandra Bose

1981/0529:宋三姉妹で孫文夫人 宋慶齢189381、死

Soong Ching-ling was a Chinese political figure. As the third wife of Sun Yat-sen, one of the leaders of the 1911 revolution that established the Republic of China, she was often referred to as Madame Sun Yat-sen. She was a member of the Soong family and, together with her siblings, played a prominent role in China's politics prior to 1949.



The U.S. President Ronald Reagan begins his first visit to the Soviet Union when he arrives in Moscow for a superpower summit with the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

The Russian parliament elects Boris Yeltsin as president of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.


1994/0529:東ドイツ指導者 Erich Honecker 191294、死去

ein deutscher kommunistischer Politiker. Vom 3. Mai 1971 bis zum 18. Oktober 1989 war er als Erster Sekretär bzw. Generalsekretär des Zentralkomitees der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SED) der mächtigste Politiker der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR).
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Honecker_1.jpg und Leonid Breschnew

1996/0529:ロシア出身バレニナ Tamara Toumanova 191996、死去

Tamara Toumanova (Tamara Khassidovitch, Tamara Toumanichvili, en russe Тамара Туманова) est une ballerine et actrice georgienne ou arménienne.
Tamara Toumanova fait ses débuts à l'Opéra de Paris à l'âge de neuf ans dans L'Éventail de Jeanne. George Balanchine la remarque sur scène et la fait engager en 1933 aux Ballets russes de Monte-Carlo du colonel de Basil comme Baby ballerina. Elle est rapidement appelée « la perle noire du ballet russe ».


2009/0529:行動地理學 Reginald Golledge 193709、死去

an Australian-born American Professor of Geography at the University of California. During his career he wrote or edited 16 books and 100 chapters for other books, and wrote more than 150 academic papers.
Golledge was a pioneer in the field of behavioral geography. When behavioral geography divided into a humanistic and an analytical approach by the early 1970s, Golledge became the chief proponent of the latter one. In 1984 he became blind, and moved his focus to the geography of disability. Golledge was one of the developers (the others being psychologists Jack Loomis and Roberta Klatzky) of the UCSB Personal Guidance System.

2010/0529:USA 映画人 Dennis Hopper 193610、死去

an American actor, filmmaker, photographer and artist.
He attended the Actors Studio, made his first television appearance in 1954, and soon after appeared alongside James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause (1955), and Giant (1956) and Gunfight at the OK Corral (1957).
In the next ten years he made a name in television, and by the end of the 1960s had appeared in several films. Hopper also began a prolific and acclaimed photography career in the 1960s.
Hopper made his directorial film debut with Easy Rider (1969), which he and co-star Peter Fonda wrote with Terry Southern. The film earned Hopper a Cannes Film Festival Award for "Best First Work" and a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay (shared with Fonda and Southern).

2011/0529:日本赤軍派 丸岡修194911、死去

New leftist activist in Japan. Former member of the Japanese Red Army

2012/0529:日本の映画作家 新藤兼人201212、死去

Shindō Kaneto est un réalisateur, scénariste et producteur de cinéma japonais.
Il connaît un très large succès international avec L'Ile nue, grand prix du festival de Moscou en 1961.

2017/0529:パナマの政事家 Manuel Noriega 193417、死去

Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno was a Panamanian politician and military officer who was the de facto ruler of Panama from 1983 to 1989.
He had longstanding ties to United States intelligence agencies; however, he was removed from power by the U.S. invasion of Panama.

Wilson McLean created this oil-on-canvas portrait of General Noriega in 1988 for Time magazine,


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World