


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
1956 の今日、アメリカがビキニ環礁で水爆實驗


歴史暦:古今東西 05/20 今日の出來事

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今日、五月二十日は、Charles Lindbergh 190274 が単独飛行による大西洋の無着陸横斷に挑戰した日である。33時間半の所要時間で飛行は成功した。

Ameria Earhart 189737

彼女が決行に選んだ日は、リンドバアグが五年前に離陸したのと同じ日であった。飛行のルウトも同じにした。 飛行は強い北風など氣候条件に苦戦して、アイルランドの牧場に着陸せざるを得なかったが、大西洋横断には成功した。彼女も一躍世界的名聲を得て、各國から勳章が舞ひ込んだ。

ゆゑに、彼女の人氣はいまだに衰へない。おそらく、永遠に ……


The First Council of Nicaea is formally opened, starting the first ecumenical council of the Christian Church.

Constantin Ier réunit à Nicée le premier concile œcuménique de l'Histoire. Ce concile condamnera l'arianisme.



0491/0520:Empress Ariadne marries Anastasius I.
The widowed Augusta is able to choose her successor for the Byzantine throne, after Zeno (late emperor) dies of dysentery.


An earthquake kills about 250,000 people in what is now Syria and Antiochia.


0794/0520:King Æthelberht II of East Anglia
 visits the royal Mercian court at Sutton Walls, with a view to marrying princess Ælfthryth.
He is taken captive and beheaded.


An earthquake affecting the entire eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East costs more than 100,000 lives.


The Second Battle of Lincoln is fought near Lincoln, England, resulting in the defeat of Prince Louis of France by William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke.





Sancho IV of Castile creates the Estudio de Escuelas de Generales in Alcalá de Henares.


Traité de Paris entre Philippe IV le Bel et Édouard Ier d'Angleterre. La France restitue la Guyenne, à condition que le roi d'Angleterre rende hommage pour ses possessions continentales.


Cola di Rienzo commercializza con l'aiuto della gente del odiato a Roma città nobiltà e chiama la repubblica del modello antico romano.

{Cola di Rienzo の經歴が Benito Mussolini 188345 とよく似た運命に思はれた。最後に民衆の血祭りに遭ふとか。あるいはこれが指導者にたいするイタリア人の習性なのかも知れない、とも。ロウマ帝國の歴史がロウマ人をこんなふうにしたのではないか、とも。あれほど政事的軍事的に秀でた民であったイタリア人が時代とともに政事的軍事的に無能力になっていったやうにその歴史は感想させる。國内は分裂し、戰爭に弱く、すぐに降伏してしまふ。最初の威勢だけはいいのだが。ナポレオン以後のフランスにもこの氣味がある。おそらく日本人もまた …… 

1449/0520:ポルトガル、Battle of Alfarrobeira is fought,   establishing the House of Braganza as a principal royal family of Portugal.


John Cabot sets sail from Bristol, on his ship Matthew looking for a route to the west (other documents give a May 2 date).


Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama discovers the sea route to India when he arrives at Kozhikode (previously known as Calicut), India.



1506/0520:新世界發見 Cristoforo Colombo 145106、死去

un navigatore ed esploratore italiano, cittadino della Repubblica di Genova prima e suddito del Regno di Castiglia poi, famoso soprattutto per i suoi viaggi che portarono alla colonizzazione europea delle Americhe.



La risultante dopo la frana Buzza de Biasca pause detriti diga sotto la pressione di masse d'acqua di un lago formato da Brenno. L'alluvione ha raggiunto il Magadino e il Lago Maggiore e distrutto infrastrutture nella Valle di Blenio sostenibile.

The resulting after the landslide Buzza de Biasca breaks debris dam under the pressure of water masses of a lake formed by Brennus. The flood reached the Magadino and Lake Maggiore and destroyed infrastructure in the sustainable Blenio Valley.

Erstmals seit dem 300 Jahr setzt in Lissabon ein Nashorn seinen Fuß auf europäischen Boden.

Albrecht Dürer setzt dem Tier im gleichen Jahr mit seinem Holzschnitt Rhinocerus ein Denkmal.


1520/0520:The massacre at the festival of Tóxcatl
 takes place during the Fall of Tenochtitlan, resulting in turning the Aztecs against the Spanish.


Ignatius of Loyola is seriously wounded in the Battle of Pampeluna.


1550/0520:日本[室町] 12將軍 足利義晴152146、卒去

Ashikaga Yoshiharu was the twelfth shōgun of the Ashikaga shogunate who held the reins of supreme power from 1521 through 1546 during the late Muromachi period of Japan.
He was the son of the eleventh shōgun Ashikaga Yoshizumi 11足利義澄148111.


Le cartographe Abraham Ortelius publie le premier atlas géographique moderne, le Theatrum orbis terrarum.

Cartographer Abraham Ortelius issues Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, the first modern atlas.

1609/0520:イギリス文藝 セクスピア『ソネット集』出版
Shakespeare's sonnets are first published in London, perhaps illicitly, by the publisher Thomas Thorpe.



1631/0520:西の Masacre、ドイツの Magdeburg
The city of Magdeburg in Germany is seized by forces of the Holy Roman Empire and most of its inhabitants massacred, in one of the bloodiest incidents of the Thirty Years' War.



壊滅的な破壞を受けたマクデブルクは、三十年戰爭の講和条約である Pax Westphalica ウエストファリア条約の時点(1648/1024)でわづか450人の住民しかゐなかった。

1645/0520:東の Masacre、中國、揚州で
Yangzhou massacre: the 10-day massacre of 800,000 residents of the city of Yangzhou, part of the Transition from Ming to Qing.





l'insurrection populaire est violemment réprimée à Paris (1er prairial An III).

A Paris, il vient au cours de la Révolution française, avec la participation des sans-culottes à Prairialaufstand qui est déprimé, militaire au bout de trois jours.

1799/0520:人間喜劇の Honoré de Balzac 179950、誕生

un écrivain français. Romancier, dramaturge, critique littéraire, critique d'art, essayiste, journaliste et imprimeur, il a laissé l'une des plus imposantes œuvres romanesques de la littérature française, avec plus de quatre-vingt-dix romans et nouvelles parus de 1829 à 1855, réunis sous le titre La Comédie humaine.
À cela s'ajoutent Les Cent Contes drolatiques, ainsi que des romans de jeunesse publiés sous des pseudonymes et quelque vingt-cinq œuvres ébauchées.

Balzac vu par Nadar en 1850

1802/0520:By the Law of 20 May 1802, Napoleon
Bonaparte reinstates slavery in the French colonies, revoking its abolition in the French Revolution.

la loi du 20 mai 1802 (30 floréal an X) maintient l'esclavage dans les territoires restitués à la France par le traité d’Amiens du 26 mars 1802, la Martinique, Tobago et Sainte-Lucie, qui n'avaient pas appliqué la loi d'abolition du 4 février 1794.

1806/0520:イギリス 思想家 John Stuart Mill 180673、誕生

a British philosopher, political economist and civil servant.
One of the most influential thinkers in the history of liberalism, he contributed widely to social theory, political theory and political economy.
Dubbed "the most influential English-speaking philosopher of the nineteenth century", Mill's conception of liberty justified the freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state and social control
Mill was a proponent of utilitarianism, an ethical theory developed by his predecessor Jeremy Bentham. He contributed to the investigation of scientific methodology,
A member of the Liberal Party, he was also the first Member of Parliament to call for women's suffrage.


1813/0520:Napoleon Bonaparte leads
 his French troops into the Battle of Bautzen in Saxony, Germany, against the combined armies of Russia and Prussia. The battle ends the next day with a French victory.


1834/0520:Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette 175734、死去

un noble d'orientation libérale, officier et homme politique français. Nommé général par George Washington, Lafayette a joué un rôle décisif aux côtés des Américains dans leur guerre d'indépendance contre le pouvoir colonial britannique et en particulier lors de la victoire de Yorktown le 19 octobre 1781.
Lafayette a aussi œuvré à l'émergence en France d'un pouvoir royal moderne, avant de devenir une personnalité de la Révolution française jusqu'à son émigration, son arrestation et sa mise en prison pour cinq ans en 1792. Lafayette fut aussi un acteur politique majeur des débuts de la monarchie de Juillet. Surnommé le « héros des deux mondes », il est l'un des huit citoyens d'honneur des États-Unis d'Amérique.

ラファイエットの弱点は人気と評判に飢ゑきっていることだ」Thomas Jefferson 174326

1840/0520:フランス、Combat du bois des Oliviers.
Le combat du bois des Oliviers, qui eut lieu le 20 mai 1840, est un combat qui opposa des troupes françaises à celles d'Abd-el-Kader, lors de l'expédition de Médéa durant la conquête de l'Algérie par la France.


1851/0520:グラモフォン發明 Emil Berliner 185129、誕生

gilt als Erfinder der Schallplatte und des Grammophons.
Er erhielt auch Patente auf andere Erfindungen. 1881 erhielt er die US-amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft.


In the Second Opium War, British units under Admiral Michael Seymour took over the Chinese Taku forts to protect the entrance from Lake to the city of Tianjin, the nearest port of Beijing. Their case leads to the Tianjin Treaty in June.


1861/0520:南北戰爭、The state of Kentucky proclaims
 its neutrality, which will last until September 3 when Confederate forces enter the state. Meanwhile, the State of North Carolina secedes from the Union.



1860/0520:ドイツ 化学者 Eduard Buchner 186017、誕生

ein deutscher Chemiker und Träger des Nobelpreises für Chemie 1907 für seine Untersuchungen und die Entdeckung der zellfreien Gärung (1896).
Er gilt als Begründer der Enzymologie.

U.S. President Abraham Lincoln signs the Homestead Act into law.


1864/0520:南北戰爭、Battle of Ware Bottom Church
In the Virginia Bermuda Hundred Campaign, 10,000 troops fight in this Confederate victory.


1873/0520:日本 時事評論家 桐生悠々187341、誕生




1873/0520:アメリカ人、Blue Jeans の特許取得
Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis receive a U.S. patent for blue jeans with copper rivets.


signature d'un traité international à Paris sur la Convention du Mètre établissant une autorité mondiale dans le domaine de la métrologie.


The Triple Alliance between the German Empire, Austria-Hungary and the Kingdom of Italy is formed.



1883/0520:火山噴火 Krakatoa begins to erupt;
 the volcano explodes three months later, killing more than 36,000 people.



The first public display of Thomas Edison's prototype kinetoscope.


The six-ton chandelier of the Palais Garnier falls on the crowd below, killing one person and injuring many others.

# シャンデリアの一つが釣合を取っていた重りの破壊によって天井から客席へ落下、観客に死者が出た。 この事故はよりガストンルルゥのゴシック小説オペラ座の怪人1910の有名な場面の一つの着想となった。 Wikipedia ja

1896/0520:Clara Schumann 181996、死去

eine deutsche Pianistin und Komponistin und ab 1840 die Ehefrau Robert Schumanns.


The United States formally dismissed Cuba, which had been in its possession since the Spanish-American War, into independence, which was, however, restricted by the Platt Aktuelle, which was resolved in 1901. Tomás Estrada Palma becomes the first president of the country.





1908/0520:USA 男優 James Stewart 190897、誕生

an American actor and military officer who is among the most honored and popular stars in film history.

A major Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer contract player, Stewart was known for his distinctive drawl and down-to-earth persona, which helped him often portray American middle-class men struggling in crisis. Many of the films in which he starred have become enduring classics.
「彼の平凡な魅力は、どこにでもいそうでどこにもいない存在」 Frank Capra 189791

「I don't act. I just react. 私はたゞ相手に合はせて動いてるだけで演じてはゐない」

Budi Utomo organization is founded in Dutch East Indies, beginning the Indonesian National Awakening.


以後、味の素は日本人の食卓に必須のものとなったが、 ―― 

1914/0520:日本 水泳選手 前畑秀子191495、誕生

Maehata Hideko was a Japanese breaststroke swimmer and the first Japanese woman to earn a gold medal in the Olympics.

1919/0520:ドイツ空軍 撃墜王 Gerhard Barkhorn 191983、誕生

war während des Zweiten Weltkrieges deutscher Offizier und Jagdflieger der Luftwaffe. Mit 301 bestätigten Abschüssen und 1104 Feindflügen ist er der zweiterfolgreichste Jagdflieger der Militärluftfahrt. Bei der Bundesluftwaffe erreichte er den Rang eines Generalmajors.

1920/0520:ドイツ 夭折の詩人 Wolfgang Borchert 192047、誕生

ein deutscher Autor und Dramatiker, dessen Arbeit von seiner Erfahrung der Diktatur und seinem Dienst in der Wehrmacht während des Zweiten Weltkriegs beeinflusst wurde.

"Laterne, Nacht und Sterne”
Ich möchte Leuchtturm sein In Nacht und Wind- für Dorsch und Stint- für jedes Boot- und bin doch selbst ein Schiff in Not! 
I would like to be a lighthouse at night and wind – for codfish and smelt – for any boat – and myself A ship in need!

1925/0520:ソ連 飛行機設計 Alexeï Tupolev 192501、誕生

ingénieur aéronautique russe

1927/0520:In the Jeddah Agreement, Great Britain
 is giving up the territory of the Arabian King Abd al-Aziz Ibn Saud, conquered by the Ottoman Empire during the First World War, along the Arabian coast of Arabia, called the British Protectorate of Arabia, and guarantees the independence of Arabia.

1927/0520:At 07:52 Charles Lindbergh takes off
 from Roosevelt Field in Long Island, New York, on the world's first solo non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean. He touched down at Le Bourget Field in Paris at 22:22 the next day.

二十五歳の Charles Lindbergh 190274 が史上初の大西洋横断飛行のため Spirit of St.Louis 号で、NewYorkを出発。翌日の夜、Paris に到着。

1927/0520:0525(離陸時の現地時刻)、リンドバアグを操縦席に載せた「Spirit of St.Lous」号は、ニュウヨウクのロングアイランドを離陸した。大西洋上を飛び、
これにより、リンドバアグは NY-Paris を無着陸で飛行した者に贈られるオルティグ賞と賞金、$25000 を得た。

その事件とちょうど同じ頃、五年前のリンドバアグのやうに大西洋横断の単独飛行に挑戰しようとしてゐるアメリカ人がゐた。Ameria Earhart 189737、三十五歳の女性であった。

1932/0520:Amelia Earhart takes off from Newfoundland
 to begin the world's first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean by a female pilot, landing in Ireland the next day.




ゆゑに、彼女の人氣はいまだに衰へない。おそらく、永遠に …… 





1940/0520:WWⅡ ドイツ、アウシュビッツに最初の入所者
The first prisoners arrive at a new concentration camp at Auschwitz.

1941/0520:WWⅡ:Battle of Crete:
German paratroops invade Crete.

1942/0520:アルヌボの建築家 Hector Guimard 186796、死去

un architecte français et le représentant majeur de l'Art nouveau, en France.
Castel Béranger (1898).
Pavillon de la station Bastille (1900).

1942/0520:USA 狙撃手 Carlos Hathcock 194299、誕生

a United States Marine Corps (USMC) sniper with a service record of 93 confirmed kills.
His record and the extraordinary details of the missions he undertook made him a legend in the U.S. Marine Corps. He was honored by having a rifle named after him: a variant of the M21 dubbed the Springfield Armory M25 White Feather, for the nickname "White Feather" given to Hathcock by the North Vietnamese Army (NVA).



Chiang Kai-shek is elected as the first President of the Republic of China.


The "Martial Order of Taiwan Province" promulgated by the Taiwan Provincial Government of the Republic of China entered into force, and later the martial law lasted for 38 years.

1949/0520:USA、(NSA) の前身となる軍保安局 (AFSA) 設置
In the United States, the Armed Forces Security Agency, the predecessor to the National Security Agency, is established.

1954/0520:USA、最初のロック "Rock Around the Clock" リリイス
Bill Haley's single record "Rock Around the Clock" is released. Become a rock and roll boom.


In Operation Redwing, the first United States airborne hydrogen bomb is dropped over Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.

1959/0520:現象学的社会学 Alfred Schütz 189959、死去

an Austrian philosopher and social phenomenologist whose work bridged sociological and phenomenological traditions.
Schutz is gradually being recognized as one of the twentieth century's leading philosophers of social science.

He related Edmund Husserl's work to the social sciences, and influenced Max Weber's legacy of philosophical foundations for sociology and economics through Schutz's major work, Phenomenology of the Social World.

The LDP alone forced a new Japan-US Security Treaty.

安保闘争: 自民党衆議院で新日米安保条約を単独で強行採決

Il film La Dolce Vita (La Dolce Vita) del regista italiano Federico Fellini riceve la Palma d'Oro al Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Cannes.

1969/0520:ベトナム戦争、Battle of Hamburger Hill ends.
La fin de la bataille d'Hamburger Hill conduit à une ré-estimation de la stratégie des États-Unis au Viêt Nam.


Mao Zedong’s statement that “the peoples of the world are united to defeat the American aggressors and all their lackeys”.

1976/0520:日本の俳句革新 荻原井泉水188476、死去

Ogiwara Seisensui was the pen-name of Ogiwara Tōkichi, a Japanese haiku poet active during the Taishō and Shōwa periods of Japan.
麻布中学の頃より俳句を作り始める。正則中学、第一高等学校を経て、1908 東京帝国大学文科大学言語学科卒業。
1911 新傾向俳句機関誌「層雲」を主宰。河東碧梧桐187337もこれに加わる。

New Tokyo International Airport (Narita airport), open


1983/0520:USA的思想家 Eric Hoffer 189883、死去

an American moral and social philosopher.
He was the author of ten books and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in February 1983.
His first book, The True Believer (1951), was widely recognized as a classic, receiving critical acclaim from both scholars and laymen, although Hoffer believed that The Ordeal of Change was his finest work.

1983/0520:國際、AIDS の HIV ウイルス、發見報道
First publications of the discovery of the HIV virus that causes AIDS in the journal Science by Luc Montagnier.


The Chinese authorities declare martial law in the face of pro-democracy demonstrations, setting the scene for the Tiananmen Square massacre.


Lee Teng-hui was sworn in as the eighth president of the Republic of China after he was constitutionalized in Taipei. Taiwan’s anti-military people’s political parade and sit-in took place in Taiwan’s appeal against “military opposition”.

2002/0520:USA 科学思想家 Stephen Jay Gould 194102、死去

an American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and historian of science. He was also one of the most influential and widely read writers of popular science of his generation.
Gould's most significant contribution to evolutionary biology was the theory of punctuated equilibrium, which he developed with Niles Eldredge in 1972. 
The theory proposes that most evolution is characterized by long periods of evolutionary stability, which is infrequently punctuated by swift periods of branching speciation. The theory was contrasted against phyletic gradualism, the popular idea that evolutionary change is marked by a pattern of smooth and continuous change in the fossil record

The independence of East Timor is recognized by Portugal, formally ending 23 years of Indonesian rule and three years of provisional UN administration.

2005/0520:フランス 思想家 Paul Ricœur 191305、死去

un philosophe français.
Il développe la phénoménologie et l'herméneutique, en dialogue constant avec les sciences humaines et sociales. I
l s'intéresse aussi à l'existentialisme chrétien et à la théologie protestante. Son œuvre est axée autour des concepts de sens, de subjectivité et de fonction heuristique de la fiction, notamment dans la littérature et l'histoire.

L'herméneutique 解釋學

"This is why philosophy remains a hermeneutics, that is, a reading of the hidden meaning inside the text of the apparent meaning. It is the task of this hermeneutics to show that existence arrives at expression, at meaning, and at reflection only through the continual exegesis of all the significations that come to light in the world of culture. Existence becomes a self – human and adult – only by appropriating this meaning, which first resides "outside," in works, institutions, and cultural movements in which the life of the spirit is justified."

Pour une sémiotique, le seul concept opératoire reste celui de texte littéraire. L'herméneutique, en revanche, s'efforce de reconstruire l'arc entier des opérations grâce auxquelles l'expérience pratique se donne des œuvres, des auteurs et des lecteurs (...) L'enjeu, c'est donc le processus concret à travers lequel la configuration textuelle sert de médiateur entre la préfiguration du champ pratique et sa refiguration grâce à la réception de l'œuvre.

La fonction de transfiguration du réel que nous reconnaissons à la fiction poétique implique que nous cessions d'identifier réalité et réalité empirique ou, en d'autres termes, que nous cessions d'identifier expérience et expérience empirique. 
Le langage poétique tire son prestige de sa capacité à exprimer des aspects de ce que Husserl appelait Lebenswelt et Heidegger In-der-Welt-Sein. De la sorte il exige que nous critiquions notre concept conventionnel de la vérité, c'est-à-dire que nous cessions de le limiter à la cohérence logique et à la vérification empirique, de façon à prendre en compte la prétention de vérité liée à l'action transfigurante de la fiction. 

La métaphore, c'est la capacité de produire un sens nouveau, au point de l'étincelle de sens où une incompatibilité sémantique s'effondre dans la confrontation de plusieurs niveaux de signification, pour produire une signification nouvelle qui n'existe que sur la ligne de fracture des champs sémantiques. Dans le cas du narratif, je m'étais risqué à dire que ce que j'appelle la synthèse de l'hétérogène ne crée pas moins de nouveauté que la métaphore, mais cette fois dans la composition, dans la configuration d'une temporalité racontée, d'une temporalité narrative.


Tsai Ing-wen was sworn in as the 14th president of the Republic of China in Taipei and was the first female president of the Republic of China.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World