


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 05/19 今日の出來事

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『ドイツ國民に告ぐ』の Johann Gottlieb Fichte 176214 が生まれ、
「絶對矛盾的自己同一」のわれらが西田幾多郎187045 が生まれ、

ベトナム解放戰線の Ho Chi Minh 189069 が生まれ、
ブラックパンサの Malcolm X 192565 が生まれ、
クメル・ルウジュの Pol Pot 192598 が生まれてゐる。

フランスの社界主義思想の先驅け、Saint-Simon 176025 が死に、
イギリスの名宰相、William Gladstone 180998 が死に、
二十世紀に入ると、アラビアのロレンスの Thomas Edward Lawrence 188835 が死んでゐる。

アメリカでは、『緋文字』の作者 Nathaniel Hawthorne 180464 が死に、

今日の登場人物の一人、ヴェトナム人のホウチミンはアメリカに働きに行き、ボストンの有名なレストラン Omini Parker House Hotel でシェフをしてゐたが、そこに少年のマルコムXが皿洗ひで傭はれた。二人ともまだ無名であり、二人の間の逸話は何にも殘ってゐないやうだが、この東西の政事的革命家を典型的に象徴することになる二人が一つの時空にゐたのかと思ふと、何かしら對話をさせてみたいものだと私は宙を睨んで創作者的な氣分になってゐた。


これらの史實に、アラビアのロレンスを加へ、ナポレオンに占領されたドイツ國民に呼びかけるフィヒテの熱叫に耳傾けながら、私は、それぞれの熱い思ひで理想夢想を貫いていった者たちの軌跡が歴史を複雜怪奇に織りなしてゐるのだと ……





On a temple site in Nōgata on the Japanese island of Kyūshū is a meteorite. The case of the chondrite is observed and the piece is kept in a shrine for posterity.


Mariage d'Henri Ier (roi de France) et d'Anne de Kiev (fille de Iaroslav le Sage, grand-prince de Kiev).

Henri I 100860


Mariage du roi de France Charles IV le Bel et de Blanche de Bourgogne, compromise dans l'affaire de la tour de Nesle en 1314, est annulé par le pape Jean XXII.


After a long delay, Pope John XXII, at the request of the French king, separates the marriage between Charles IV and Blanka of Burgundy. It has been incarcerated since the Tour de Nesle scandal at Château Gaillard.

John of Ghent marries Blanche, heiress of Lancaster, at Reading, and becomes Duke of Lancaster by his marriage.



Charles V et Jeanne de Bourbon à couronnées dans la cathédrale de Reims au couple royal français et oints.


John II of Castile defeats the Infantes of Aragon at the First Battle of Olmedo.


Catherine of Aragon is married by proxy to Arthur, Prince of Wales. Catherine is 13 and Arthur is 12.


French explorer Jacques Cartier sets sail on his second voyage to North America with three ships, 110 men, and Chief Donnacona's two sons (whom Cartier had kidnapped during his first voyage).


Anne Boleyn, the second wife of the English King Henry VIII and mother of Elizabeth I, is being treated for alleged adultery, incest with her brother George and high treason in the Tower of London.

1536/0519:Anne Boleyn 150136、刑死

, Queen of England (1533–36); second wife of Henry VIII of England
Son mariage avec Henri VIII est à l'origine du changement politique et religieux complexe, et souvent tragique, qu'a été la réforme anglaise. Accusée d'adultère, d'inceste et de haute trahison, elle est exécutée par décapitation. Il est maintenant généralement admis qu'elle était innocente de ces accusations. Anne Boleyn a été célébrée plus tard comme martyre dans la culture protestante, particulièrement dans l'œuvre de John Foxe.



Queen Elizabeth I of England orders the arrest of Mary, Queen of Scots.
With the knowledge of the English Queen Elizabeth I, Maria Stuart, who had escaped on English ground after her defeat against the Scottish lords at Langside, was arrested and imprisoned in Carlisle.


1593/0519:オランダの画家 Jacob Jordaens 159378、誕生

a Flemish painter, draughtsman and tapestry designer known for his history paintings, genre scenes and portraits. After Peter Paul Rubens and Anthony van Dyck, he was the leading Flemish Baroque painter of his day.

La France déclare la guerre à l'Espagne. Cela ouvre après la défaite de la Suède dans la bataille de Nördlingen en Septembre 1634 une série de combats dans la guerre de Trente Ans. L'opposition Habsbourg-français continue à se consumer. La France a déjà organisé dans le Traité de Paris avec les Pays-Bas.


1643/0519:三十年戦争、Bataille de Rocroi
Thirty Years' War: French forces under the duc d'Enghien decisively defeat Spanish forces at the Battle of Rocroi, marking the symbolic end of Spain as a dominant land power.

Bataille de Rocroi, victoire française sur les Espagnols, symbolisant la fin de l'hégémonie espagnole.
Batalla de Rocroi, victoria francesa sobre los españoles, que simboliza el fin de la hegemonía española.
Dans la bataille de Rocroi les Français sous Louis II de Bourbon, prince de Condé a vaincu une armée espagnole sous Francisco de Melo. La victoire a marqué le déclin de l'espagnol et le début de l'hégémonie française. Il est la défaite la plus lourde dans l'histoire de l'armée espagnole.

After the victory of the Roundheads in the Civil War and the execution of King Charles I, England became the name of the Commonwealth of England, which was formed under Oliver Cromwell.


1673/0519:日本 中国渡來の禪僧 隠元隆琦159273、死去

Ingen Ryūki (隱元隆琦 ; Yǐnyuán Lóngqí) est un poète, calligraphe et moine de l'école Linji 臨濟宗 du bouddhisme Chán.
Il est surtout connu pour avoir fondé l'école Ōbaku 黄檗宗 du bouddhisme zen au Japon. Le nom d'Ingen en chinois est Yinyuan Longqi.



Jean-Pierre Christin developed the centigrade temperature scale.


1762/0519:ドイツ 思想家 Johann Gottlieb Fichte 176214、生

ein deutscher Erzieher und Philosoph.
Er gilt neben Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling und Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel als wichtigster Vertreter des Deutschen Idealismus.
Sein Name ist in der Vorlesung in Berlin unter der Besetzung von Napoleon "Reden an die Deutsche Nation" weithin bekannt.




1776/0519:アメリカ獨立戰爭、Battle of The Cedars
American Revolutionary War: A Continental Army garrison surrenders in the Battle of The Cedars.


1780/0519:北米、New England's Dark Day:
A combination of thick smoke and heavy cloud cover causes complete darkness to fall on Eastern Canada and the New England area of the United States at 10:30 A.M.


Les Français Louis XVI. congédie surprenant son directeur financier général Jacques Necker, qui a déjà critiqué les déchets de la cour de l'Ancien Régime.


Napoleon Bonaparte brise de Toulon de son expédition égyptienne plus de trois ans.


Création de l'ordre de la Légion d'honneur en France.

Napoleon Bonaparte founds the Legion of Honour.

Légion d'honneur 勲章を付けた Napoléon Bonaparte 176921


1825/0519:Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de Saint-Simon 176025、死去

un philosophe, économiste et militaire français, fondateur du saint-simonisme.
Ses idées ont eu une postérité et une influence sur la plupart des philosophes du XIXe siècle. Philosophe de l'industrialisme, il est le penseur de la société industrielle française, qui était en train de supplanter la société d’Ancien Régime. L'économiste André Piettre2 le décrit par la formule : « le dernier des gentilshommes et le premier des socialistes ».


サン=シモンの社会研究の態度は Auguste Comte 179857 に受け継がれ、実証主義社会学となって結実した。

1848/0519:Mexican–American War: 

Mexico ratifies the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo thus ending the war and ceding California, Nevada, Utah and parts of four other modern-day U.S. states to the United States for US$15 million.


Die von Karl Marx in Köln herausgegebene Neue Rheinische Zeitung stellt nach dem Scheitern der Märzrevolution in der preußischen Rheinprovinz ihr Erscheinen ein.

Inauguration de la prison Mazas

{無賃乗車でパリに出てきて捕まった十六歳か十七歳の Arthur Rimbaud 185491 も収監された刑務所。



{彼はその後、京都で 肥前から上京してきた 河上彦齋183472 に暗殺されるのだが、それについてはこのブログで昔『殺された男と殺した男』とかいふタイトルで書いたことがある。

1864/0519:『緋文字』作者 Nathaniel Hawthorne 180464、死去

an American novelist, dark romantic, and short story writer.



1870/0519:日本 哲學者 西田幾多郎187045、誕生

Nishida Kitarō est un philosophe japonais, fondateur de l'École de Kyōto, une école philosophique japonaise, qui a cherché à marier la philosophie occidentale avec la spiritualité issue des traditions extrême-orientales tel le bouddhisme.
Il introduisit la phénoménologie de Husserl au Japon.

≫ 多と一との絶対矛盾的自己同一の世界においては、主体が自己否定的に環境を形成することは、逆に環境が新なる主体を形成することである。『絶対矛盾的自己同一』1939



1890/0519:ベトナム解放の父 Ho Chi Minh 189069、誕生

a Vietnamese Communist revolutionary leader who was Chairman and First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Vietnam. Hồ Chí Minh was also Prime Minister (1945–55) and President (1945–69) of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam).
He was a key figure in the foundation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945, as well as the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) and the Việt Cộng (NLF or VC) during the Vietnam War.

ボストンと云へば、今日が誕生日の Nathaniel Hawthorne 180464 に縁の深い場所だが、ホウチミンはそこの有名なレストラン Omni Parker House Hotel で料理係をしてゐたことがある。その時、これも今日が誕生日の、Malcolm X 192565 が皿洗ひで傭はれたことがあった。ほんたうになんといふ偶然だらう。二人ともまだ無名であり(といふより政治運動を始めてもゐなかった)、何の逸話も殘ってゐないやうだが、この東西の、それぞれに典型的な革命家に何か對話をさせてみたいものだ、と創作でもするやうにその記事を私は見詰めてゐた。
ホウチミンとも關係の深かった、カンボジアクメルルウジュの主導者 Pol Pot 192598 も今日、Malcolm X 192565 と同じ年に生まれてゐたのであった。


1897/0519:Oscar Wilde、同性愛の有罪、収監から解放される。
Oscar Wilde is released from Reading Gaol.


1898/0519:イギリス名宰相 William Ewart Gladstone 180998、死去

a British politician who played a major role in his country in the second half of the nineteenth century. Four times Chancellor of the Exchequer and four times prime minister, he is best known as a defender of the popular strata and Irish Catholics of Victorian England.


1903/0519:USA、自動車産業「Buick」 創業
US engineer and inventor David Dunbar Buick founds the automotive company Buick Motor Company in Michigan.




Mustafa Kemal Atatürk lands at Samsun on the Anatolian Black Sea coast, initiating what is later termed the Turkish War of Independence.


The United States Congress passes the Emergency Quota Act establishing national quotas on immigration.


1925/0519:USA 黒人運動家 Malcolm X 192565、誕生

an African-American Muslim minister and human rights activist. To his admirers he was a courageous advocate for the rights of blacks, a man who indicted white America in the harshest terms for its crimes against black Americans; detractors accused him of preaching racism and violence. He has been called one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history.


Malcolm X photographs Cassius Clay after Clay 
became the world heavyweight champion (1964).


1925/0519:カンボジアのクメルルウジュ Pol Pot 192598、誕生

a Cambodian revolutionary and politician who served as the Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea from 1976 to 1979.
Ideologically a Marxist–Leninist and Khmer nationalist, he led the Khmer Rouge group from 1963 until 1997. From 1963 to 1981, he served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea.


1928/0519:Max Scheler 187428、死去

ein deutscher Philosoph, Anthropologe und Soziologe.


König de España Alfonso XIII abrió la Exposición Universal de Exposició Internacional de Barcelona. las exposiciones más famosas incluyen el Palau Nacional y diseñado por Ludwig Mies van der Rohe alemán.

König of Spain Alfonso XIII opened the Universal Exposition of the International Exhibition of Barcelona. The most famous exhibitions include the Palau Nacional and designed by German Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.

Zveno and the Bulgarian Army engineer a coup d'état and install Kimon Georgiev as the new Prime Minister of Bulgaria.


1935/0519:Thomas Edward Lawrence 188835、事故死

a British archaeologist, military officer, diplomat, and writer.
He was renowned for his liaison role during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign and the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire during the First World War.
The breadth and variety of his activities and associations, and his ability to describe them vividly in writing, earned him international fame as Lawrence of Arabia—a title used for the 1962 film based on his wartime activities.




「Frankfurt - Darmstadt」eröffnet.



1938/0519:日中戦争: 日本軍、徐州占領して、徐州會戰、終結

China’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression: The National Revolutionary Army broke through the encirclement of the Japanese army’s Xuzhou and saved its living strength. Xuzhou depression.

The Viet Minh, a communist coalition, formed at Cao Bằng, Vietnam.


1942/0519:神祕思想家 Arthur Edward Waite 185742、死去

an American-born British poet and scholarly mystic who wrote extensively on occult and esoteric matters, and was the co-creator of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck.
As his biographer R. A. Gilbert described him, "Waite's name has survived because he was the first to attempt a systematic study of the history of western occultism—viewed as a spiritual tradition rather than as aspects of proto-science or as the pathology of religion."

Waite was a prolific author and many of his works were well received in academic circles. He wrote occult texts on subjects including divination, esotericism, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, and ceremonial magic, Kabbalism and alchemy; he also translated and reissued several important mystical and alchemical works. His works on the Holy Grail, influenced by his friendship with Arthur Machen, were particularly notable

・A. E Waite Emblematic Freemasonry : Internet Archive



The North Vietnamese Army establishes Group 559, whose responsibility is to determine how to maintain supply lines to South Vietnam; the resulting route is the Ho Chi Minh trail.


1961/0519:宇宙へ、Venera program:
Venera 1 becomes the first man-made object to fly-by another planet by passing Venus (the probe had lost contact with Earth a month earlier and did not send back any data).


1962/0519:JFKのBirthDay、MM、Happy Birthday を歌ふ
A birthday salute to U.S. President J.F. Kennedy takes place at Madison Square Garden, New York City. The highlight is Marilyn Monroe's rendition of "Happy Birthday".


1963/0519:M.R.King's Letter from Birmingham Jai、出版
The New York Post Sunday Magazine publishes Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham Jail.


1965/0519:On Tonga dies the turtle turtle Tu'i Malila.
The animal has passed into the hands of the royal family as a gift from the circumnavigator James Cook and thus at least 188 years old.


1969/0519:JazzTenorの巨人 Coleman Hawkins 190169、死去

nicknamed Hawk and sometimes "Bean", was an American jazz tenor saxophonist.
One of the first prominent jazz musicians on his instrument,
While Hawkins is strongly associated with the swing music and big band era, he had a role in the development of bebop in the 1940

Fellow saxophonist Lester Young commented in a 1959 interview with The Jazz Review: "As far as I'm concerned, I think Coleman Hawkins was the President first, right? As far as myself, I think I'm the second one."
Miles Davis once said: "When I heard Hawk, I learned to play ballads."

1971/0519:宇宙「Mars probe program」
Mars 2 is launched by the Soviet Union.




The last train of the Orient Express departs from Paris.





Croatians vote for independence in a referendum.

President of Romania Traian Băsescu survives an impeachment referendum and returns to office from suspension.






EgyptAir Flight 804 crashed into the Mediterranean Sea en route from Paris to Cairo. There were no survivors.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World