

05/18:今日の歴史は「熊楠生まれ、Mahler 死んで、阿部定エログロナンセンス

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
1980年の今日、はげしく噴火した Mount St.Helena


歴史暦:古今東西 05/18 今日の出來事

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それから、彼の音樂がけっして好きではない私にとって『アダージェット』と『大地の歌』の Gustav Mahler 186011 が逝去した日。彼は晩年棘のやうに惱まされるやうになった神經不安を Sigmund Freud 185639 に直してもらったが、今度は體を病み、暴風雨の夜に敗血症で命を落とした。

また、この日にはなんと日米それぞれのプロ野球完全試合(No hit, No run の Perfect Shutout Game)が達成された日だった。


The comet C / -43 K1 (comet Caesar) is discovered in China.

In July of that same year, it was visible in Rome, and was regarded by the people as the divine appearance of the soul of the murdered Gaius Iulius Caesar, and was used by his adoptive son Octavianus, the later Emperor Augustus, to theatrical theological propaganda.

1048/0518:イスラムの万能人 Omar Khayyam 104831、誕生

un écrivain et savant persan.
On trouve son nom orthographié Omar Khayam dans les traductions d'Armand Robin (1958) ou de M. F. Farzaneh et Jean Malaplate (dans l'édition critique de Sadegh Hedayat, Corti, 1993).
Sa date de naissance est supposée. Ses poèmes sont principalement écrits en persan alors que ses traités scientifiques le sont en arabe.

« Contente-toi de savoir que tout est mystère :
la création du monde et la tienne,
la destinée du monde et la tienne.
Souris à ces mystères comme à un danger que tu mépriserais. »

« Ne crois pas que tu sauras quelque chose
quand tu auras franchi la porte de la Mort.
Paix à l'homme dans le noir silence de l'Au-Delà ! »


1096/0518:01Crusade、Massacre to Jews in Germany
 arout 800 Jews are massacred in Worms, Germany.

{Worms ヴォルムス と云へば、Martin Luther 148346 が呼びだされ、査問を受けた所だ。

Henry II of England marries Eleanor of Aquitaine.


Aliénor d'Aquitaine 112204:ヨウロパの祖母




The Principality of Antioch (a crusader state) falls to the Mamluk Sultan Baibars in the Siege of Antioch.


1291/0518:Fall of Acre, End of Crusader in the Holy Land
Nach sechswöchiger Belagerung fällt Akkon, die letzte große Kreuzfahrerbastion, in die Hände der muslimischen Mamelucken. Damit sind die Kreuzzüge definitiv gescheitert.


1302/0518:Bruges Matins, nocturnal massacre of French garrison

Les « matines de Bruges » est un terme désignant le massacre survenu dans la nuit du 18 mai 1302 dans leur chambre à coucher d'un millier de partisans du roi de France, dont la garnison française logée chez l'habitant, et de bourgeois par les membres des milices communales flamandes. La dénomination « matines » a été donnée par analogie avec les Vêpres siciliennes. Cette révolte mena à une autre bataille célèbre, la bataille des Éperons d'or, qui opposera les milices flamandes aux troupes françaises le 11 juillet de la même année.

During the Battle of Buyur Lake, General Lan Yu leads a Chinese army forward to crush the Mongol hordes of Tögüs Temür, the Khan of Northern Yuan.


Alonso de Ojeda sets sail from Cádiz on his voyage to what is now Venezuela.


1474/0518:モナリザのモデル? Isabelle d'Este 147439、誕生

una delle donne più autorevoli del Rinascimento e del mondo culturale italiano del suo tempo. Fu mecenate delle arti, nonché leader della moda, il cui innovativo stile di vestire venne copiato da donne in tutta Italia e alla corte francese.

マントヴァ公夫人、Leonard da Vinci 145219 の Mona Lisa のモデルと云はれてゐる ――


Royal Audiencia of Concepción is created by a decree of Philip II of Spain.





1593/0518:イギリス、T.Kyd につづいて C.Marlowe も逮捕
After being accused of torture by his friend Thomas Kyd, the English dramatist Christopher Marlowe receives a summons to the Privy Council for the suspicion of heresy.

Christopher Marlowe 156493 
A warrant was issued for Marlowe's arrest on 18 May 1593.
0520 May, he was brought to the court to attend upon the Privy Council for questioning. Ten days later, he was stabbed to death by Ingram Frizer. Whether the stabbing was connected to his arrest has never been resolved.


Great Siege of Malta begins, in which Ottoman forces attempt and fail to conquer Malta.

An up to 40,000 strong Ottoman fleet under Piale Pasha appears off the coast of Malta and begins with the futile siege of the island, which is defended by only about 700 knights and a further 8,500 Maltese fighters under Jean Parisot de la Valette.

1616/0518:ドイツ 作曲家 Johann Jakob Froberger 161667、誕生

ein deutscher Komponist und Organist des Barocks.

Autograph von Froberger (1649 datiert)

Among the most famous composers of the era, he was influential in developing the musical form of the suite of dances in his keyboard works. His harpsichord pieces are highly idiomatic and programmatic.

1643 /0518:フランス
Anne d'Autriche devient régente de France.

Anne d'Autriche 160166
Après la mort de son Mannes Louis XIII 161043 nomme le régent français Anne d'Autriche, le cardinal Jules Mazarin comme Premier ministre en France. alors elle met à la personne décédée, une décision qui a déterminé l'Elu comme successeur du défunt, le 4 Décembre, 1642 le cardinal de Richelieu pour régler les affaires de l'État.


Rhode Island passes the first law in English-speaking North America making slavery illegal.


Im Pfälzischen Erbfolgekrieg wird das Heidelberger Schloss, die Residenz der pfälzischen Kurfürsten durch französische Truppen gesprengt.



Die Kirchenkantate Wer da gläubet und getauft wird von Johann Sebastian Bach wird anlässlich des Festes Christi Himmelfahrt in Leipzig uraufgeführt.

The church cantata Whoever believes in and is baptized by Johann Sebastian Bach will be premiered on the occasion of the feast of the Ascension in Leipzig.




The Seven Years' War begins when Great Britain declares war on France.


Burmese conquer Hongsawadi, the capital of the Pegu Empire, destroy the place and kill tens of thousands of the people of the Mon.


Fire destroys a large part of Montreal


1781/0518:Túpac Amaru II 173881、死去

José Gabriel Condorcanqui Noguera llamado igualmente José Gabriel Túpac Amaru, conocido posteriormente como Túpac Amaru II o simplemente Túpac Amaru, fue un caudillo indígena líder de la mayor rebelión anticolonial que se dio en Hispanoamérica durante el siglo XVIII.
The leader of a large Andean uprising against the Spanish in Peru, where its quelling resulted in his death.
He later became a mythical figure in the Peruvian struggle for independence and indigenous rights movement, as well as an inspiration to myriad causes in Spanish America and beyond.

L'Empire russe déclare la guerre à la République des Deux Nations. Les armées russes entrent en Pologne le même jour.


1794/0518:Europe、Battle of Tourcoing
during the Flanders Campaign of the War of the First Coalition.


1799/0518:Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais 173299、死去

「ボウマルシェ」Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais est un écrivain français, dramaturge, musicien, homme d'affaires, surtout connu pour ses talents d'écrivain.
Il fut également espion et marchand d'armes pour le compte du roi.
Figure importante du siècle des Lumières, il est estimé comme un des annonciateurs de la Révolution française et de la liberté d'opinion ainsi résumée dans sa plus célèbre pièce Le Mariage de Figaro : « Sans la liberté de blâmer, il n'est point d'éloge flatteur, il n'y a que les petits hommes qui redoutent les petits écrits ».


1800/0518:Alexandr Vasiljevich Suvorov 172900、死去

「スヴォロフ」русский полководец, основоположник отечественной военной теории, национальный герой России.
Russian commander, the founder of the domestic military theory, the national hero of Russia.


The British government goes beyond the peace of Amiens, with which the Second Coalition War with France has ended, and declares the French under Napoleon Bonaparte war.


Napoleon Bonaparte is proclaimed Emperor of the French by the French Senate.


1808/0518:バアボンウイスキ創業 Elijah Craig 174308、死去

a Baptist preacher in Virginia, who became an educator and capitalist entrepreneur in the area of Virginia that later became the state of Kentucky. He has sometimes, although rather dubiously, been credited with the invention of bourbon whiskey.


1811/0518:南米のUruguay「Bataille de Las Piedras」
Battle of Las Piedras: the first great military triumph of the revolution of the Río de la Plata in Uruguay led by José Artigas.

La batalla de Las Piedras, en el que un Gauchoarmee con José Gervasio Artigas venció a las tropas coloniales españolas, es el precursor de la manera del Uruguay a la independencia.

John Bellingham is found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging for the assassination of British Prime Minister Spencer Perceval.

Just one week after the assassination of British Prime Minister Spencer Perceval, the death sentence against the assassin John Bellingham was executed. He is publicly hanged.

1822/0518:Mexican Emperor、Coronation
Agustín de Iturbide es proclamado emperador de México. La coronación de Agustín I. lleva a cabo el 21 de julio.


The English inventor Edwin Beard Budding concludes a production contract for the lawnmower he invented, a spindle mower.


Opening of the first German National Assembly (Nationalversammlung) in Frankfurt, Germany.

Die Frankfurter Nationalversammlung in der Paulskirche in Frankfurt am Main tritt als Ergebnis der Märzrevolution erstmals zusammen, somit existiert zum ersten Mal ein demokratisch gewähltes Parlament für Deutschland.

1845/0518:日本、幕末期の公家 中山忠光184564、誕生



1860/0518:USA、Lincoln 大統領候補戰、勝利
Abraham Lincoln wins the Republican Party presidential nomination over William Seward, who later becomes the United States Secretary of State.


1863/0518:American Civil War「Siege of Vicksburg」begins.


1867/0518:日本の思想家 南方熊楠186741、誕生

Minakata Kumagusu est un écrivain polyglotte, ethnologue et naturaliste japonais connu pour ses études relatives à la mycologie.


私の同時代者が一般的傾向として Marxism に奔ってゐた時、私は Kumaxism に傾いていった。

白鳥のやまとまほろば 國を偲ぶ きよきおもひぞ 熊楠の杜


1868/0518:ロシア皇帝 Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov 186818、誕生

Николай Александрович Романов
known as Saint Nicholas II of Russia in the Russian Orthodox Church, was the last Emperor of Russia, ruling from 1 November 1894 until his forced abdication on 15 March 1917.
His reign saw the fall of the Russian Empire from one of the foremost great powers of the world to economic and military collapse.
He was given the nickname Nicholas the Bloody by his political adversaries due to the Khodynka Tragedy, anti-Semitic pogroms, Bloody Sunday, the violent suppression of the 1905 Russian Revolution, the executions of political opponents, and his perceived responsibility for the Russo-Japanese War.
Soviet historians portray Nicholas as a weak and incompetent leader whose decisions led to military defeats and the deaths of millions of his subjects

with his mother, Maria Feodorovna, in 1870


1872/0518:Bertrand Russell 187270、誕生

a British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, writer, social critic, political activist, and Nobel laureate.
At various points in his life, Russell considered himself a liberal, a socialist and a pacifist, but he also admitted that he had "never been any of these things, in any profound sense".


ラッセルは大衆心理の操作において教育による洗脳効果が重要な役割を果たすことを、1952年刊行の著書『社会における科学の影響』The Impact Of Science On Societyにおいて述べた。現代の科学的政治支配においてメディアと教育は最重要課題であり、支配階層のみがその部門の管理を行うことで、大衆に気付かれぬよう簡単に心理操作が可能になるとした。また幼い頃から学校において管理・命令・禁止を常態化させることで、自由意志を破壊し、生涯に渡って権力への批判意識を無くした受動的で無気力な大衆を産み出すことが教育制度の目的であること、それを羊肉を食べる人間に対して絶対に反乱を起こせない羊の群れに例えた。  (Wikipedia ja)

「最悪なのは、あらゆる人間を分類して(仕分けして)明瞭なレッテル(ラベル)を貼ること(行為)である。この不幸な習性の持主は、自分が相手に適切だと思うタグ(札)を貼りつける時に、その相手について(タグをはりつけるに足る)完全な知識をもっていると考える。(Mortal and Others, v.1 より) 

「人々が自分たちの衝動を正当化しようとしているイズム(主義)なるものは、本当のことを言えば、かれらが正当化したつもりになっている衝動の産物です。」(Dear Bertrand Russell, 1969 より) 



In Switzerland the prohibition of the death penalty is repealed in the Federal Constitution by means of a popular vote.


1883/0518:バウハス創立 Walter Gropius 188369、誕生

ein deutscher (seit 1944 US-amerikanischer) Architekt und Gründer des Bauhauses.
Neben Ludwig Mies van der Rohe und Le Corbusier gilt er als Mitbegründer der modernen Architektur.

Er wurde auch als Skandal bei Alma Mahler bekannt.


„Denkmal der Märzgefallenen“ in Weimar (1922)


Die Bank of Japan gibt ihre ersten Banknoten aus.


1889/0518:Thomas Midgley, Jr. 188945、誕生

「ミジリ」an American mechanical and chemical engineer.
He played a major role in developing leaded gasoline (Tetraethyllead) and some of the first chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), better known by its brand name Freon; both products were later banned due to concerns about their impact on human health and the environment.
He was granted more than 100 patents over the course of his career.

1890/0518:La Belle Otero débute au Cirque d'été.


Caroline Otèro 186865


1891/0518:ドイツ 哲學者 Rudolf Carnap 189170、誕生

ein deutscher Philosoph und einer der Hauptvertreter des logischen Empirismus. Für Carnap bestand die Aufgabe der Philosophie in der logischen Analyse der (Wissenschafts-)Sprache, wobei er als einer der ersten Theoretiker versuchte, die logischen Arbeiten von Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell und Alfred North Whitehead für erkenntnis- und wissenschaftstheoretische Fragestellungen nutzbar zu machen.

1895/0518:ニカラグァ革命家 Augusto Sandino 189534、誕生

Augusto Nicolás Calderón Sandino1​ (Niquinohomo, 1895-Managua, 1934), más conocido como Augusto C. Sandino, fue un patriota y Nacionalista

その活動は彼をラテンアメリカナショナリズムの英雄とし「eneral de hombres libres)」と呼んで敬愛した。

Der vom Unternehmer Gabor Steiner gemeinsam mit dem Architekten Oskar Marmorek errichtete Themenpark Venedig in Wien im Wiener Prater wird eröffnet.


1896/0518:USA最高裁、"separate but equal" doctrine
In its principle decision, Plessy v. Ferguson, the United States Supreme Court, chaired by Melville Fuller, declares the principle of separate but equal constitutionally, thus justifying racial segregation in the southern states of the Union. The judgment is only revised in 1954.

「公共施設での黒人分離は人種差別に当たらない」(Separate but equal)とする判決。

1896/0518:ロシア、Khodynka Tragedy:
a mass panic on Khodynka Field in Moscow during the festivities of the coronation of Russian Tsar Nicholas II results in the deaths of 1,389 people.

Avec un mouvement de panique sur le terrain Khodynka à Moscou lors de la célébration du couronnement pour le tsar russe Nicolas II 1.389 personnes sont tuées.

1897/0518:シシリ出身の映画監督 Frank Capra 189791、誕生

a Sicilian American film director, producer and writer who became the creative force behind some of the major award-winning films of the 1930s and 1940s.
Born in Italy and raised in Los Angeles from the age of five, his rags-to-riches story has led film historians such as Ian Freer to consider him the "American dream personified."


Première de L'Apprenti sorcier de Paul Dukas.


1899/0518:日本の浪曲師 二代目廣澤虎造189964、誕生



1901/0518:USA 生化学 Vincent du Vigneaud 190178、誕生

an American biochemist.
He won the 1955 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his work on biochemically important sulphur compounds, especially for the first synthesis of a polypeptide hormone," a reference to his work on the cyclic peptide oxytocin.



1909/0518:スペイン 作曲家 Isaac Albeniz 186009、死去

Isaac Manuel Francisco Albéniz y Pascual fue un célebre compositor y pianista español, discípulo de Felipe Pedrell.
Gracias a la ayuda de Guillermo Morphy, el Conde de morphy, compositor y mecenas de las artes, obtuvo una pensión para formarse en el Conservatorio de Bruselas en 1876, finalizando sus estudios en 1879.


1911/0518:オウストリ 作曲家 Gustav Mahler 186011、死去

ein österreichischer Komponist im Übergang von der Spätromantik zur Moderne. Er war nicht nur einer der bedeutendsten Komponisten der Spätromantik, sondern auch einer der berühmtesten Dirigenten seiner Zeit und als Operndirektor ein bedeutender Reformer des Musiktheaters.
{1883年のこの日に、彼の夫人だったアルマと不倫關係になった Walter Gropius 188369 が生まれてゐる ―― のも歴史のフシギな偶然。


1912/0518:ドイツ 植物学 Eduard Strasburger 184412、死去

a Polish-German professor and one of the most famous botanists of the 19th century.

In Saint Petersburg, the daily newspaper Pravda, which was inspired and founded by the Marxist Lenin, appears for the first time, which soon conflicts with Russian censorship and becomes the organ of the CPSU in 1917.


1919/0518:イギリス バレニナ Margot Fonteyn 191991、誕生

(Dame Margot Fonteyn de Arias) an English ballerina.
She spent her entire career as a dancer with the Royal Ballet, eventually being appointed Prima Ballerina Assoluta of the company by Queen Elizabeth II.

Nureyev and Fonteyn in La Bayadère


1922/0518:Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran 184512、死去

Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran est un médecin militaire et parasitologiste français, pionnier de la médecine tropicale, connu pour avoir découvert, en 1880, le parasite protozoaire responsable du paludisme.
Pour la première fois était mis en évidence que les protozoaires pouvaient être la cause de maladies. Ses travaux sur le protozoaire lui ont valu de recevoir le prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine de 1907


1927/0518:USA、The Bath School disaster:
45 people are killed by bombs planted by a disgruntled school-board member in Michigan.


Mao Zedong made guerrilla warfare 16 words tactics: "enemy into me back, the enemy in my disturbance, the enemy is weak I fight, the enemy retreat I chase."


1933/0518:USA ルウズベルト「New Deal」署名
President Franklin Roosevelt signs an act creating the Tennessee Valley Authority.



The Chinese Red Army began its great escape.



1939/0518:マフィアと戦った檢事 Giovanni Falcone 193992、誕生

Giovanni Salvatore Augusto Falcone è stato un magistrato italiano. Fu assassinato nella strage di Capaci per opera di Cosa nostra, insieme alla moglie Francesca Morvillo e ai tre uomini della scorta: Antonio Montinaro, Rocco Dicillo e Vito Schifani.


The first female prisoners from Lichtenburg concentration camp are transferred to the newly built concentration camp for women in Ravensbrück. These prisoners must first work with the further development of the camp and the construction of the residential settlement for the SS security team.


1941/0518:ドイツ 経済学社会学 Werner Sombart 186341、死去

ein deutscher Ökonom und Soziologe, der Leiter der "Jüngsten Historischen Schule" und einer der führenden kontinentaleuropäischen Sozialwissenschaftler im ersten Viertel des 20. Jahrhunderts.


The Bismarck battleship of the German war marines with the heavy cruiser Prince Eugene and several destroyers from Gotenhafen to the company Rheinübung towards the Atlantic to support the submarine war in the Second World War.



1944/0518:ドイツ 作家 Winfried Georg Sebald 194401、誕生

ein deutscher Schriftsteller und Literaturwissenschaftler.
At the time of his death at the age of 57, he was being cited by many literary critics as one of the greatest living authors and had been tipped as a possible future winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature

1944/0518:WWⅡ「Battle of Monte Cassino」end
conclusion after seven days of the fourth battle as German paratroopers evacuate Monte Cassino (0117~0518).


1940/0518:La prima dell'opera Volo di notte
di Luigi Dallapiccola dal secondo romanzo di Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Vol de nuit si svolge presso il Teatro della Pergola di Firenze.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 190044 の『夜間飛行』のオペラ化。

Deportation of Crimean Tatars by the Soviet Union government.



The First Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China officially convenes in Nanking.

1951/0518:first Tetra Pak packaging for milk
In Lund, Sweden, the first Tetra Pak packaging for milk was invented by Erik Wallenberg after an idea by Ruben Rausing.


Operation Passage to Freedom, the evacuation of 310,000 Vietnamese civilians, soldiers and non-Vietnamese members of the French Army from communist North Vietnam to South Vietnam following the end of the First Indochina War, ends.


1958/0518:USA、F-104 (戦闘機)、世界最高速、記録

An F-104 Starfighter sets a world speed record of 1,404.19 mph (2,259.82 km/h).


1961/0518:カンヌ映画祭ブニュエル Virdiana でパルムドル受賞


Le 14ème Festival International du Film de Cannes est Luis Buñuel long métrage Viridiana, qui est trois jours plus tard interdits en Espagne de Franco, décerné la Palme d'or.

Israeli spy Eli Cohen is hanged in Damascus, Syria.


Im Rhein wird bei Duisburg der Weißwal „Moby Dick“ gesichtet, der sich mehrere hundert Kilometer stromaufwärts verirrt hat.


1969/0518:USA、Apollo program:
Apollo 10 is launched.


Nuclear test under project Smiling Buddha, India successfully detonates its first nuclear weapon becoming the sixth nation to do so.


1980/0518:USA、Mount St. Helens erupts


At the outbreak of Mount St. Helens in the state of Washington in the US, the northern peak of the volcano slides, releasing a pyroclastic stream killing 57 people, among them the volcanologist David A. Johnston.



Gwangju Massacre: students in Gwangju, South Korea begin demonstrations calling for democratic reforms.

In France, a modified TGV train achieves a new rail world speed record of 515.3 km/h (320.2 mph).



Yomiuri giants pitcher Makihara Hiromi achieved a perfect game that became the 15th player in Japanese professional baseball history.



2004/0518:JazzDrummer Elvin Jones 192704、死去

From 1960 to 1966 he was a member of the John Coltrane quartet (along with Jimmy Garrison on bass and McCoy Tyner on piano), a celebrated recording phase, appearing on such albums as A Love Supreme. Following his work with Coltrane, Jones led several small groups, some under the name The Elvin Jones Jazz Machine.


Randy Johnson of Arizona Diamondbacks achieved a perfect match in history with the oldest ever


A second photo from the Hubble Space Telescope confirms that Pluto has two additional moons, Nix and Hydra.


2009/0518:タミルのトラ Velupillai Prabhakaran 195409、死去

வேலுப்பிள்ளை பிரபாகரன் was the founder and leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (the LTTE or the Tamil Tigers), a militant organization that sought to create an independent Tamil state in the north and east of Sri Lanka.
スリランカからの分離独立を図り、シンハラ人政府に武装闘争したタミルイラム解放のトラ (LTTE) の指導者。


2012/0518:バリトン歌手 Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau 192512、死去

ein deutscher Sänger (Bariton), Dirigent, Maler, Musikschriftsteller und Rezitator.
Fischer-Dieskau gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Lied- und Opernsänger des 20. Jahrhunderts. Mit über 400 Schallplatten ist er der Sänger, von dessen Interpretationen die meisten Einspielungen auf Tonträgern überhaupt existieren dürften.


2014/0518:USA 映画撮影 Gordon Willis 193114、死去

an American cinematographer.
He is best known for his work on Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather series as well as Woody Allen's Annie Hall and Manhattan.
Fellow cinematographer William A. Fraker called Willis's work a "milestone in visual storytelling", while one critic suggested that Willis "defined the cinematic look of the 1970s: sophisticated compositions in which bolts of light and black put the decade's moral ambiguities into stark relief".


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World