


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 05/14 今日の出來事

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Début du siège de Nicée lors de la première croisade.

Au cours de la première croisade, l'armée des Croisés a commencé le siège de Nicée, depuis 1077 capitale du Sultanat de rhum Seldjoukides. Le siège se termine après plus d'un mois prenant Nicäas par les Byzantins.

Course of the First Crusade


1264/0514:イギリス、Battle of Lewes:
Henry III 120772 of England is captured and forced to sign the Mise of Lewes, making Simon de Montfort the de facto ruler of England.


1316/0514:神聖ロウマ皇帝 Karl IV. (HRR) 137816、誕生

war römisch-deutscher König (ab 1346), König von Böhmen (ab 1347), König von Italien (seit 1355) und römisch-deutscher Kaiser (ab 1355).
Er stammte aus dem Geschlecht der Luxemburger und zählt zu den bedeutendsten Kaisern des Spätmittelalters sowie den einflussreichsten europäischen Herrschern jener Zeit.


1350/0514:日本の随筆家 吉田兼好128352、死去

Yoshida Kenkō était un auteur japonais et un moine bouddhiste. Il est également connu sous le nom d'Urabe Kenko 卜部兼好.
Son œuvre la plus connue, et l'une des plus étudiées de la littérature médiévale japonaise, est Tsurezuregusa 徒然草(« Les Heures oisives »), écrite pendant les périodes Muromachi et Kamakura.










Die freie Reichsstadt Frankfurt am Main erleidet in der Schlacht bei Eschborn während der Kronberger Fehde im Städtekrieg die schwerste Niederlage ihrer Geschichte gegen Ruprecht II. von der Pfalz, Ulrich V. von Hanau sowie die Ritter von Kronberg.

The free imperial city of Frankfurt am Main suffers in the Battle of Eschborn during the Kronberg feud in the city war the heaviest defeat of its history against Ruprecht II of the Palatinate, Ulrich V of Hanau and the Knights of Kronberg.


1499/0514:日本 淨土眞宗中興者 蓮如141599、死去

Rennyo was the 8th Monshu, or head-priest, of the Hongan-ji Temple 本願寺 of the Jōdo Shinshū 淨土眞宗 sect of Buddhism, and descendant of founder Shinran.
Jodo Shinshu Buddhists often referred to as the restorer of the sect (Chūkō no so (中興の祖) in Japanese).

≫ 朝には紅顔ありて、夕には白骨となれる身なり。蓮如

1509/0514:イタリア、Battle of Agnadello:
In northern Italy, French forces defeat the Venetians.

bataille d'Agnadel. La République de Venise est vaincue par la coalition de pays regroupés dans la Ligue de Cambrai.

1607/0514:北アメリカ、イギリス植民地、Jamestown, Virginia
On an island on the James River in the Virginia colony, 104 British settlers form Jamestown, the first permanent settlement of the English in America.


The Protestant Union is founded in Auhausen.

 1607年から1608年にかけて、プロテスタント帝国自由都市であったドナウヴェルトが、バイエルン公マクシミリアン1世によって強行的に併合され、カトリック化された。直後の帝国議会カトリック勢力とプロテスタント勢力の対立が激化したこともあり、1608年にプファルツ選帝侯フリードリヒ4世を盟主としてプロテスタント同盟が成立した。これに対抗したカトリック勢力は翌1609年にカトリック連盟(リーガ、Katholische Liga)を組織し、三十年戦争へと向かう両勢力の対立構図が強化されることになった。

Louis XIII devient roi de France à la suite de l’assassinat d'Henri IV.

1594年には Jean Châtel による暗殺未遂で重傷を負った。
1610/0514、アンリ四世は馬車に乗ろうとした時、狂信的なカトリック教徒の François Ravaillac に刺殺された。0527、ラヴァイヤックは、16年前のシャテル同様、パリで残酷な方法で公開死刑に処せられた。



1610/0514:Henri IV 155310、崩去(暗殺)

, dit « le Grand », né Henri de Bourbon assassiné le 14 mai 1610 à Paris, est roi de Navarre sous le nom de Henri III de Navarre (de 1572 à 1610), puis roi de France sous le nom de Henri IV de France (de 1589 à 1610), devenant à ce titre le premier roi de France issu de la maison capétienne de Bourbon. Il cumule ainsi les dignités de roi de France et de Navarre.


1643/0514:フランス國王 Louis XIII 160143、崩去

Roi de France et de Navarre de 1610 à 1643.
Son règne, dominé par la personnalité du cardinal de Richelieu, principal ministre d'État, est marqué par l'affaiblissement des grands et des protestants, la lutte contre la maison d'Autriche et l'affirmation de la domination militaire française en Europe pendant la guerre de Trente Ans.



Louis XIV devient roi de France à la suite de la mort de Louis XIII.
Four-year-old Louis XIV becomes King of France upon the death of his father, Louis XIII.

War of the Austrian Succession: A British fleet under Admiral George Anson defeats the French at the First Battle of Cape Finisterre.


1771/0514:イギリス 社界改革者 Robert Owen 177158、誕生

a Welsh textile manufacturer, philanthropic social reformer, and one of the founders of utopian socialism and the cooperative movement.
Owen is best known for his efforts to improve the working conditions of his factory workers and his promotion of experimental socialistic communities.

In Philadelphia, delegates convene a Constitutional Convention to write a new Constitution for the United States; George Washington presides.


Edward Jenner administers the first smallpox inoculation.


Los descansos en construcción Gasco presa en el río Guadarrama, Galapagar, cerca de Madrid, en España. En el momento del colapso de la pared es de 53 m de altura, deben alcanzar una altura total de 93 m. La capacidad de almacenamiento habría sido de 22,5 millones de metros cúbicos. El edificio se abandona entonces, las ruinas todavía existen hoy.


Ruine der Gasco-Staumauer, errichtet 1799

廢れた名所舊蹟、廢墟、墓場とかいったものになぜだか私は心惹かれてきた。能曲の形式のやうに、その場に「諸國一見の僧」となって佇むのだ。さうして、地靈、魑魅魍魎といったものを意識する ―― 幻想となるまで、幻影となって何事かが現前してくるまで。

The Lewis and Clark Expedition departs from Camp Dubois and begins its historic journey by traveling up the Missouri River.


In Paraguay、Pedro Juan Caballero, Fulgencio Yegros and José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia start actions to depose the Spanish governor


1836/0514:アメリカ、Treaties of Velasco
are signed in Velasco, Texas.


Scottish adventurer John McDouall Stuart, with two companions, begins the first of a series of expeditions that will lead him through the Australian continent until 1862.


1863/0514:アメリカ南北戰爭、Battle of Jackson


The Battle of Utsunomiya Castle(宇都宮城)ends as former Tokugawa shogunate forces withdraw northward to Aizu 會津 by way of Nikkō 日光.

宇都宮藩兵をはじめ野州世直しを鎮圧するために武蔵板橋から宇都宮に派兵された東山道総督府軍を中心とする新政府軍と、下総市川の国府台から次期戦闘地日光廟へ向けて行軍中の伝習隊を中心とする旧幕府軍の間で起きた戦役。この戦いの結果、宇都宮城二ノ丸御殿や三ノ丸の藩士邸宅、二荒山神社をはじめ、城下の建造物の多くが焼失した。 Wikipedia ja


The first game of rugby in New Zealand is played in Nelson between Nelson College and the Nelson Rugby Football Club.


1874/0514:アメリカで世界初の AmericanFootball の試合
At Harvard University, the world's first American football game will be held.

1878/0514:明治の功勞者 大久保利通183078、死去(暗殺)

Ōkubo Toshimichi was a Japanese statesman, a samurai of Satsuma, and one of the three great nobles who led the Meiji Restoration.
He was regarded as one of the main founders of modern Japan.


The last witchcraft trial held in the United States begins in Salem, Massachusetts, after Lucretia Brown, an adherent of Christian Science, accused Daniel Spofford of attempting to harm her through his mental powers.


The trademark Vaseline is registered for Robert Chesebrough, who has been applying the patent for the production of the ointment for six years.


The first group of 463 Indian indentured laborers arrives in Fiji aboard the Leonidas.




1882/0514:日本の歌人 齋藤茂吉188253、誕生

Saitō Mokichi est psychiatre et poète(歌人) japonais de l'ère Taishō.
Né dans le village de Yamagata 山形, Saitō étudie auprès d'Itō Sachio 伊藤左千夫186413, écrivain à l'origine de plusieurs magazines tels qu'Araragi あららぎ dont il devient collaborateur après la mort de Sachio. Il laisse dix-sept recueils de waka et 17 907 poèmes. Médecin de famille de l'écrivain Ryūnosuke Akutagawa 芥川龍之介189227, il aide celui-ci à se suicider. Il a aussi écrit les essais sur les études de Kakinomoto no Hitomaro 柿本朝臣人麻呂 et de Minamoto no Sanetomo1 源實朝119219.

≫ ひた走るわが道暗ししんしんと怺へかねたるわが道くらし
≫ あかあかと一本の道とほりたりたまきはる我が命なりけり
≫ 焼けあとにわれは立ちたり日は暮れていのりも絶えし空しさのはて
≫ あまのはら冷ゆらむときにおのづから柘榴は割れてそのくれなゐよ
≫ 沈黙のわれに見よとぞ百房の黒き葡萄に雨ふりそそぐ

1885/0514:指揮者 Otto Klemperer 188573、誕生

ein deutscher Dirigent und Komponist. Er gilt als einer der großen Dirigenten des 20. Jahrhunderts.

1889/0514:London、The children's charity
the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is launched in London.


1900/0514:02夏季オリンピック、パリ大会、開催 ~1028
2nd Summer Olympics, Paris Competition held. Until October 28th.


1910/0514:ロンドンで日英博覧会、開催 ~1029
The Japan - UK Expo in London, open. Until October 29th.


1912/0514:スヱデン 作家 Johan August Strindberg 184912、死去

un écrivain, dramaturge et peintre suédois. Il fait partie des auteurs suédois les plus importants et est un des pères du théâtre moderne. Ses œuvres se classent parmi deux courants littéraires majeurs, le naturalisme et l'expressionnisme.


Os oficiais golpistas Radical-democráticas em Portugal contra o ditador militar Joaquim Pimenta de Castro e formar uma base provisória a "junta Constituição". A "ditadura de Espadas" levou quase quatro meses.

Radical-democratic officers putschen in Portugal against military dictator Joaquim Pimenta de Castro and formally a "constitutional junta". The "dictatorship of the swords" took almost four months.

1925/0514:イギリス流行作家 Henry Rider Haggard 185625、死去

an English writer of adventure novels set in exotic locations, predominantly Africa, and a pioneer of the Lost World literary genre.
He was also involved in agricultural reform throughout the British Empire. His stories, situated at the lighter end of Victorian literature, continue to be popular and influential.


1925/0514:[本]、Virginia Woolf "Mrs Dalloway" 出版




Charles Chaplin visits Japan for the first time.


The Philippines ratifies an independence agreement.


Lina Medina becomes the youngest confirmed mother in medical history at the age of five.


1940/0514:USA 無政府主義活動家 Emma Goldman 186940、死去

an anarchist political activist and writer. She played a pivotal role in the development of anarchist political philosophy in North America and Europe in the first half of the 20th century.

Rotterdam is bombed by the German 


Japanese submarine sinks AHS Centaur off the coast of Queensland.


日本本土空襲、 名古屋空襲(名古屋城焼失)



Israel is declared to be an independent state and a provisional government is established.
Immediately after the declaration, Israel is attacked by the neighboring Arab states, triggering the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.


The Denkfabrik Rand Corporation is established as a non-profit organization after a consulting project for the armed forces of the United States.


1953/0514:日系の洋画家 國吉康雄188953、死去

Kuniyoshi Yasuo est un peintre japonais. C'est un peintre de compositions animées, figures, nus, paysages, natures mortes, dessinateur.

Dream (1922). Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo.


Jemand stahl mein Plakat, 1943


Eight Communist bloc countries, including the Soviet Union, sign a mutual defense treaty called the Warsaw Pact.




1961/0514:USA、Civil Rights Movement:
The Freedom Riders bus is fire-bombed near Anniston, Alabama, and the civil rights protesters are beaten by an angry mob.


El heredero aparente español Juan Carlos y la princesa Sofía de Grecia contraer matrimonio en Atenas.


Andreas Baader is freed from custody by Ulrike Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin and others, a pivotal moment in the formation of The Red Army Faction.


1973/0514:Skylab, USA' first space station, is launched.

At the start of the US space station Skylab from the start complex 39-A in Cape Canaveral, serious problems arise which lead among other things to a shift of the start of Skylab 2, which should have brought a crew to the space laboratory the following day.

1987/0514:USA 映画女優 Rita Hayworth 191887、死去

an American actress and dancer. She achieved fame during the 1940s as one of the era's top stars, appearing in a total of 61 films over 37 years.
The press coined the term "The Love Goddess" to describe Hayworth after she had become the most glamorous screen idol of the 1940s. She was the top pin-up girl for GIs during World War II.


1988/0514:USA、Carrollton bus collision:
A drunk driver traveling the wrong way on Interstate 71 near Carrollton, Kentucky, United States hits a converted school bus carrying a church youth group. Twenty-seven die in the crash and ensuing fire.


Jiang Qing, also known as Madame Mao, was a Chinese Communist Revolutionary, Chinese actress, and major political figure during the Cultural Revolution (1966–76).
She was the fourth wife of Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Communist Party and Paramount leader of China.
She used the stage name Lan Ping (蓝苹) during her acting career, and was known by many other names.
She married Mao in Yan'an in November 1938 and served as the inaugural "First Lady" of the People's Republic of China. Jiang Qing was best known for playing a major role in the Cultural Revolution and for forming the radical political alliance known as the "Gang of Four".




Tendzin Gyatsho, 14. Dalai Lama, recognizes the six-year-old Gêdün Qoigyi Nyima as the 11th Panchen Lama of Tibetan Buddhism.


1998/0514:USA 歌手&俳優 Frank Sinatra 191598、死去

an American singer, actor, and producer who was one of the most popular and influential musical artists of the 20th century.


The Constitutional Court of South Korea overturns the impeachment of President Roh Moo-hyun.


2015/0514:USA ブルウス B.B. King 192515、死去

Riley B. King, known professionally as B.B. King, was an American blues singer, electric guitarist, songwriter, and record producer.
King introduced a sophisticated style of soloing based on fluid string bending and shimmering vibrato that influenced many later electric blues guitarists.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World