

05/12:歴史のレクエム「夭折させられた子供らの歌声、In Paradisum

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 05/12 今日の出來事

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二十世紀に入るとリンドバーグ・ジュニアの誘拐事件があった。二十五歳でアメリカのニュウヨウクを飛び立ち、大西洋を横断してヨウロパをめざし、「翼よ、あれがパリの灯だ」の名文句とともに一躍勇名を世界中に馳せた Charles Lindbergh

あ、今日は、Gabriel Fauré 184524 が誕生した日でもあった。
彼が作曲した『レクエム』の最終章、In Paradisum を聽くと私は夭折させられた子供らの歌聲が、夜の闇から小雪となって舞ってくるやうな幻影を憶える …… 


Roman Emperor Diocletian orders the beheading of the 14-year-old Pancras of Rome.



Zhu Wen forces Emperor Ai into abdicating, ending the Tang dynasty after nearly three hundred years of rule.


# 唐の皇帝代々:高祖 618–626 / 太宗 626–649 / 高宗 650–683 / 中宗 684 / 睿宗 684–690 / 中宗 (復辟) 705–710 / 殤帝 710 / 睿宗 (復辟) 710–712 / 玄宗 712–756 / 粛宗 756–762 / 代宗 762–779 / 徳宗 780–805 / 順宗 805 / 憲宗 806–820 / 穆宗 821–824 / 敬宗 825–826 / 文宗 826–840 / 武宗 840–846 / 宣宗 846–859 / 懿宗 859–873 / 僖宗 873–888 / 昭宗 888–904 / (徳王 900–901) / 哀帝 904–907


After much hardship, Abbasid envoy Ahmad ibn Fadlan arrived in the lands of Volga Bulgars.


1003/0512:139Papa Silvester II 095003、死去

Pope Sylvester II or Silvester II was Pope from 2 April 999 to his death in 1003.
Originally known as Gerbert of Aurillac (Latin: Gerbertus Aureliacensis or de Aurillac; French: Gerbert d'Aurillac), he was a prolific scholar and teacher.
He endorsed and promoted study of Arab and Greco-Roman arithmetic, mathematics, and astronomy, reintroducing to Europe the abacus and armillary sphere, which had been lost to Latin (though not Byzantine) Europe since the end of the Greco-Roman era.
He is said to be the first to introduce in Europe the decimal numeral system using Arabic numerals. He was the first French Pope.



1191/0512:Richard I England marries Berengaria Navarre who is crowned Queen consort of England the same day.



Antipope Nicholas V, a claimant to the papacy, is consecrated in Rome by the Bishop of Venice.



The Prince of Anhua rebellion begins when Zhu Zhifan kills all the officials invited to a banquet and declares his intent on ousting the powerful Ming dynasty eunuch Liu Jin during the reign of the Zhengde Emperor.






Journée des barricades, soulèvement parisien mené par le « conseil des Seize » et par le duc de Guise contre le roi Henri III.

Le chef de la Ligue catholique Saint, Henri Ier, duc de Guise, a lancé un soulèvement populaire en apparence spontanée dans le Paris majoritairement catholique contre le roi Henri III, qui tire à sa fin huguenots à ses yeux. Le roi est expulsé de la ville le jour des barricades.

Duke of Guise during the Day of the Barricades.


The remains of the Ieyasu Tokugawa, from the Kunou-san of Suruga to the temple tower of Nikko.


Thomas Wentworth (1st Earl of Strafford, the most important confidant of the English King Charles I) who wanted to enforce his absolute claim to power, was executed by decapitation on the basis of a Bill of Attainers of the House of Commons.


Thomas Kyd is arrested and tortured by the Privy Council for libel.

Thomas Kyd 155894 : Elizabethan drama  ”The Spanish Tragedy”  William Shakespeare 156416 の同時代人

# On 11 May 1593 the Privy Council ordered the arrest of the authors of "divers lewd and mutinous libels" which had been posted around London. The next day, Kyd was among those arrested; he would later believe that he had been the victim of an informer. His lodgings were searched and instead of evidence of the "libels" there was found an Arianist tract, described by an investigator as "vile heretical conceits denying the eternal deity of Jesus Christ found amongst the papers of Thos. Kydd (sic), prisoner ... which he affirmeth he had from C. Marley (sic)".It is believed that Kyd was tortured brutally to obtain this information. Kyd told authorities the writings found in his possession belonged to Christopher Marlowe, a fellow dramatist and former roommate. Anyone who dared going against the Church of England's teachings was to be punished and tortured. Kyd “accused his former roommate of being a blasphemous traitor, an atheist who believed that Jesus Christ was a homosexual” an uninformed confusion over the Arian and Early Gnostic concept of homoousios (ὁμοούσιος). Unfortunately, Kyd was with Marlowe at the wrong place at the wrong time. Kyd was not atheist, but Marlowe was. Marlowe was summoned by the Privy Council after these events, and, while waiting for a decision on his case, was killed in an incident in Deptford involving known government agents.  Wikipedia.en

Christopher Marlowe 156493
A warrant was issued for Marlowe's arrest on 18 May 1593.
On 20 May, he was brought to the court to attend upon the Privy Council for questioning.
Ten days later, he was stabbed to death by Ingram Frizer. Whether the stabbing was connected to his arrest has never been resolved.

Dutch statesman Johan van Oldenbarnevelt is sentenced to death for high treason.



Le Tartuffe ou l'Imposteur (une comédie en cinq actes) de Molière, a à Versailles en première.

Cette première version de presse en raison de leur critique radicale et révolutionnaire Heuchlertums religieux un scandale qui conduit à l'interdiction du jeu.

Tartuffe : 


Ah ! pour être dévot, je n'en suis pas moins homme. 
(acte III, scène 3, vers 966).



King William's War: William III of England joins the League of Augsburg starting a war with France.



1700/0512:イギリス 文人 John Dryden 163100、死去

an English poet, literary critic, translator, and playwright who was made England's first Poet Laureate in 1668.
He is seen as dominating the literary life of Restoration England to such a point that the period came to be known in literary circles as the Age of Dryden. Walter Scott called him "Glorious John".


Maria Theresa of Austria is crowned Queen of Bohemia after defeating her rival, Charles VII, Holy Roman Emperor.

Nachdem sie die Ansprüche des Wittelsbachers Karl Albrecht von Bayern im Österreichischen Erbfolgekrieg militärisch zurückgewiesen hat, wird die Habsburgerin Maria Theresia drei Jahre nach dem Tod ihres Vaters Karl VI. als dessen Nachfolgerin zur böhmischen Königin gekrönt.

1780/0512:American Revolutionary War:
In the largest defeat of the Continental Army, Charleston, South Carolina is taken by British forces.


1797/0512:1st Coalition War:Napoleon I conquers Venice.
La république de Venise prend fin avec la conquête de la ville par les troupes napoléoniennes. Ludovico Manin, dernier doge est contraint d'abdiquer.


1803/0512:ドイツ 化学者 Justus von Liebig 180373、誕生

ein deutscher Chemiker und Universitätsprofessor in Gießen und München.
Liebig erkannte, dass Pflanzen wichtige anorganische Nährstoffe in Form von Salzen aufnahmen und begründete durch seine Forschung die moderne Mineraldüngung und den Beginn der Agrochemie.
Er entwickelte ein Herstellungsverfahren für Rindfleisch-Extrakte sowie moderne Analysenverfahren und gründete die renommierte Zeitschrift Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie.

1814/0512:France「Ordonnance du 12 mai 1814」
qui réorganise les corps d'infanterie de l'armée française afin de « déterminer la force et l'organisation de l'infanterie de l'armée française pour le pied de paix » et qui abandonne le drapeau tricolore au profit du drapeau blanc du royaume de France.


1820/0512:看護婦の代名詞 Florence Nightingale 182010、誕生

an English social reformer and statistician, and the founder of modern nursing.


The first major battle of the Greek War of Independence against the Turks is fought in Valtetsi.


Nach mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten Abwesenheit kehrt Alexander von Humboldt auf Drängen von König Friedrich Wilhelm III nach Berlin zurück.


1828/0512:ラファエル前派 Gabriel Dante Rossetti 182882、誕生

generally known as Dante Gabriel Rossetti was a British poet, illustrator, painter and translator.
He founded the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in 1848 with William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais.
Rossetti was later to be the main inspiration for a second generation of artists and writers influenced by the movement, most notably William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones. His work also influenced the European Symbolists and was a major precursor of the Aesthetic movement.

Opération insurrectionnelle déclenchée par la société secrète républicaine Les Saisons, dont les meneurs sont Martin Bernard, Armand Barbès et Auguste Blanqui. Ils entraînent quelques centaines de leurs partisans à l'assaut de l'hôtel de ville de Paris. L’opération échoue, écrasée par l'armée et la garde nationale, et les conjurés sont arrêtés (fin le 13 mai)


1845/0512:フランス 作曲家 Gabriel Fauré 184524、誕生

un pianiste, organiste et compositeur français.
Élève de Saint-Saëns et de Gustave Lefèvre à l’École Niedermeyer de Paris, il est d'abord maître de chapelle de l'église de la Madeleine à Paris.
Il en assure plus tard les fonctions d'organiste, titulaire du grand orgue. Il est ensuite nommé professeur de composition au Conservatoire de Paris, puis directeur de l’établissement de 1905 à 1920.


The Donner Party of pioneers departs Springfield, Illinois, for California, on what will become a year-long journey of hardship and cannibalism.

The Donner Party (sometimes called the Donner-Reed Party) was a group of American pioneers led by George Donner and James F. Reed who set out for California in a wagon train in May 1846. They were delayed by a series of mishaps and mistakes, and spent the winter of 1846–47 snowbound in the Sierra Nevada. Some of the pioneers resorted to cannibalism to survive.  Wikipedia.en

1862/0512:American Civil War:
U.S. federal troops occupy Baton Rouge, Louisiana.


1863/0512:American Civil War: Battle of Raymond:
Two divisions of James B. McPherson's XVII Corps turn the left wing of Confederate General John C. Pemberton's defensive line on Fourteen Mile Creek, opening up the interior of Mississippi to the Union Army during the Vicksburg Campaign.


1864/0512:American Civil War: Battle of Spotsylvania Court House:
Thousands of Union and Confederate soldiers die in "the Bloody Angle".


1864/0512:German-Danish War,
 an armistice negotiated in London comes into force, but this is only a short one, since the war parties can not agree on a frontier in Schleswig.


1865/0512:American Civil War: The Battle of Palmito Ranch:
The first day of the last major land action to take place during the Civil War, resulting in a Confederate victory.


1866/0512:Gustav Adolf von Götzen 186610、誕生

ein deutscher Ostafrikaforscher und Gouverneur von Deutsch-Ostafrika.

1870/0512:カナダ、Manitoba Act is given the Royal Assent
The Canadian Parliament decides the Manitoba Act.
 With its entry into force on July 15, the territories of Northwest Territories and Ruperts Land purchased by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1869 are incorporated into the Canadian territory, and within this region the province of Manitoba is created. 


1881/0512:northAfrica, Tunisia becomes a French protectorate.

Après l'invasion des troupes françaises qui, auparavant associés à l'Empire ottoman en Tunisie est appelé par le traité de Kasr el Said, également traité de Bardo, un protectorat de la France, même si le Bey de Tunis, Muhammad III. reste al-Husayn, règle formelle du pays.

1884/0512:チェコ 作曲家 Bedřich Smetana 182494、死去

a Czech composer who pioneered the development of a musical style which became closely identified with his country's aspirations to independent statehood.
He has been regarded in his homeland as the father of Czech music. Internationally he is best known for his opera The Bartered Bride and for the symphonic cycle Má vlast ("My Homeland"), which portrays the history, legends and landscape of the composer's native land.

1885/0512:日本文學 白樺派 武者小路實篤188576、誕生

Mushanokōji Saneatsu est un romancier et dramaturge japonais.

1885/0512:カナダ、North-West Rebellion:
The four-day Battle of Batoche, pitting rebel Métis against the Canadian government, comes to an end with a decisive rebel defeat.

During the Northwest rebellion in the Canadian Northwest Territories, the decisive Battle of Batoche begins between the Northwest Mounted Police under Frederick Middleton and the Métis under Louis Riel and Gabriel Dumont. It lasts until 15 May.

1895/0512:インド出身の思想家 Jiddu Krishnamurti 189586、誕生

a philosopher, speaker and writer.
In his early life he was groomed to be the new World Teacher but later rejected this mantle and withdrew from the Theosophy organization behind it.
His subject matter included psychological revolution, the nature of mind, meditation, inquiry, human relationships, and bringing about radical change in society. He constantly stressed the need for a revolution in the psyche of every human being and emphasised that such revolution cannot be brought about by any external entity, be it religious, political, or social.


1907/0512:フランス文芸 Joris-Karl Huysmans 184807、死去

, nom d'usage de Charles Marie Georges Huysmans, est un écrivain et critique d'art français,

Huysmans par Coll-Toc (Les Hommes d’aujourd’hui, 1885).

Après avoir lu À rebours, l’écrivain catholique Barbey d’Aurevilly, reprenant ce qu'il avait déjà dit au poète Charles Baudelaire, avait prédit que Huysmans aurait un jour à choisir entre « la bouche d’un pistolet ou les pieds de la croix8 », autrement dit entre le suicide ou la conversion religieuse.
Aussi, après le « livre noir » que fut Là-bas, Huysmans envisage d’écrire un « livre blanc », qui explorerait l’univers de la mystique chrétienne, à travers une forme littéraire totalement inédite qu’il baptise le « naturalisme spiritualiste».

1907/0512:USA 映画女優 Katharine Hepburn 190703、誕生

an American actress. Known for her fierce independence and spirited personality, Hepburn was a leading lady in Hollywood for more than 60 years.
She appeared in a range of genres, from screwball comedy to literary drama, and she received four Academy Awards—a record for any performer—for Best Actress.



1910/0512:イギリス女性化学者 Dorothy Hodgkin 191094、誕生

a British chemist who developed protein crystallography, for which she won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964.

Nach über zweijähriger Bauzeit hat die von Otto von Steinbeis aus eigenen Mitteln errichtete Wendelsteinbahn, eine elektrisch betriebene Zahnradbahn auf den Wendelstein in den bayrischen Alpen, ihre Jungfernfahrt.

After more than two years of construction, the Wendelsteinbahn, which was built by Otto von Steinbeis from its own resources, has an electrically operated cog railway on the Wendelstein in the Bavarian Alps, its maiden voyage.

Passenger ship Olympic speech dictated by the British Navy sinks a German submarine U - 103 in body.


1921/0512:ドイツ 前衛藝術 Joseph Beuys 192186、誕生

ein deutscher Aktionskünstler, Bildhauer, Zeichner, Kunsttheoretiker
Beuys setzte sich in seinem umfangreichen Werk mit Fragen des Humanismus, der Sozialphilosophie und Anthroposophie auseinander. Dies führte zu seiner spezifischen Definition eines „erweiterten Kunstbegriffs“ und zur Konzeption der Sozialen Plastik als Gesamtkunstwerk, in dem er Ende der 1970er Jahre ein kreatives Mitgestalten an der Gesellschaft und in der Politik forderte. Er gilt weltweit als einer der bedeutendsten Aktionskünstler des 20. Jahrhunderts und war ein „idealtypischer Gegenspieler“ zu Andy Warhol


Paul von Hindenburg wird als zweiter Reichspräsident der Weimarer Republik vereidigt.

Paul von Hindenburg is sworn in as the second Reich President of the Weimar Republic.


Japan "Enforcement of Public Security Act" enforced


Poland、ユゼフピウスツキ Józef Klemens Piłsudski 五月革命、政権を掌握する。

Józef Klemens Piłsudski and other May Revolution, take control of the administration.


1926/0512:In the United Kingdom「General Strike」
 a nine-day general strike by trade unions ends.





All Russian Co-operative Society=ARCOS (ソ連)
# ロンドン金融街にある5階建てのソ連ハウスと呼ばれた建物を100人以上の警官が急襲した。そこにはアルコスとソ連貿易代表団の事務所があり、千人以上のソ連の職員や従業員が常駐していた。この捜索は2昼夜に亘った[1]。そしてボールドウィン政権はソ連が「大英帝国南北アメリカのいたる場所においての軍事的スパイ活動および破壊活動」のためにアルコスを使ったとして非難した。この一件はアルコス事件として知られるようになる。ソ連と英国間の外交関係と貿易協定は、この事件の直後に解消された。英・ソ連の国交断絶は1927年5月26日[2]であった。 Wikipedia .ja

1928/0512:USA 映画音樂 Burt Bacharach 1928--、誕生

an American composer, songwriter, record producer, pianist, and singer who has composed hundreds of popular hit songs from the late 1950s through the 1980s, many in collaboration with popular lyricist Hal David.

1931/0512:ベルギイ ヴァイオニスト Eugène Ysaÿe 185831、死去

ウジェヌ イザイ, violoniste, compositeur et chef d’orchestre belge

Ten weeks after his abduction, the infant son of Charles Lindbergh, Charles Jr., is found dead in Hopewell, New Jersey, just a few miles from the Lindberghs' home.



1935/0512:ポウランド 軍人政事家 Józef Piłsudski 186735、死去

ein polnischer Militär und Politiker, der gegen die russische Herrschaft kämpfte, und später Marschall der Zweiten Polnischen Republik, die er von 1926 bis zu seinem Tod 1935 de facto diktatorisch regierte.
ポーランド共和国の建国の父にして初代国家元首、国防相、首相。ポーランド軍創立者にして元帥。独裁的な政権で同国を盛り立てた ――


1936/0512:USA 前衛画家 Frank Stella 1936--、誕生

an American painter, sculptor and printmaker, noted for his work in the areas of minimalism and post-painterly abstraction.

Harran II 1967


The Duke and Duchess of York are crowned as King George VI and Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Westminster Abbey.

After the abdication of his brother Edward VIII on account of the affair with Wallis Simpson on 10 December of the previous year George VI the King of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Manchuria is approved by Germany.


Konrad Zuse presents the Z3, the world's first working programmable, fully automatic computer, in Berlin.


1942/0512:WWⅡ:Second Battle of Kharkov: ソ連軍敗走
In eastern Ukraine, Red Army forces under Marshal Semyon Timoshenko launch a major offensive from the Izium bridgehead, only to be encircled and destroyed by the troops of Army Group South two weeks later.

Während des Kriegs gegen die Sowjetunion im Zweiten Weltkrieg startet die Rote Armee eine Offensive gegen die von der deutschen Wehrmacht gehaltenen Stadt Charkow. Die Zweite Schlacht bei Charkow dauert bis zum 28. Mai.

1943/0512:WWⅡ、日米戰爭、アッツ島戰、~0529 日本軍「玉碎」





1946/0512:Daniel Libeskind 1946--、誕生

a Polish-American architect, artist, professor and set designer.

Imperial War Museum North, 2001




Soviet Union lifts its blockade of Berlin.



The western occupying powers approve the Basic Law for the new German state: the Federal Republic of Germany.


1957/0512:ドイツの名優 Erich von Stroheim 188557、死去

ein US-amerikanischer Regisseur, Schauspieler, Drehbuchautor und Schriftsteller österreichischer Herkunft.

{Jean Renoir 189479 監督の『大いなる幻影』でのドイツ軍將校役の彼が想起される。

1968/0512:Vietnam War:
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces attack Australian troops defending Fire Support Base Coral, east of


1970/0512:ドイツ女流作家 Nelly Sachs 189170、死去

eine jüdische deutsch-schwedische Schriftstellerin und Lyrikerin.
1966 verlieh das Nobelpreiskomitee ihr – gemeinsam mit Samuel Joseph Agnon – den Nobelpreis für Literatur „für ihre hervorragenden lyrischen und dramatischen Werke, die das Schicksal Israels mit ergreifender Stärke interpretieren“.

Her experiences resulting from the rise of the Nazis in World War II Europe transformed her into a poignant spokeswoman for the grief and yearnings of her fellow Jews.
Her best-known play is Eli: Ein Mysterienspiel vom Leiden Israels (1950); other works include the poems "Zeichen im Sand" (1962), "Verzauberung" (1970), and the collections of poetry In den Wohnungen des Todes (1947), Flucht und Verwandlung (1959), Fahrt ins Staublose (1961), and Suche nach Lebenden (1971). She was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1966.

1970/0512:日本、「瀬戸内 SeaJack 事件」發生


1978/0512:Africa, Zaire, rebels occupy the city of Kolwezi,
 the mining center of the province of Shaba (now known as Katanga); the local government asks the US, France and Belgium to restore order.


During a procession outside the shrine of the Virgin Mary in Fátima, Portugal, security guards overpower Juan María Fernández y Krohn before he can attack Pope John Paul II with a bayonet.


1985/0512:フランス 前衛美術家 Jean Dubuffet 190185、死去

un peintre, sculpteur et plasticien français.
Il est le premier théoricien d'un style d'art auquel il a donné le nom d'« art brut », des productions de marginaux ou de malades mentaux : peintures, sculptures, calligraphies, dont il reconnaît s'être lui-même largement inspiré.

Court les rues, 1962


1994/0512:アイデンティティErik H Erikson 190294、死去

a German-American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory on psychological development of human beings. He may be most famous for coining the phrase identity crisis. His son, Kai T. Erikson, is a noted American sociologist.


Former US President Jimmy Carter arrives in Cuba for a five-day visit with Fidel Castro, becoming the first President of the United States, in or out of office, to visit the island since Castro's 1959 revolution.


The Riyadh compound bombings, carried out by al-Qaeda, kill 26 people.


2008/0512:ポウランドの看護婦 Irena Sendler 191008、死去

also referred to as Irena Sendlerowa in Poland, was a Polish nurse, humanitarian, and social worker who served in the Polish Underground during World War II in German-occupied Warsaw, and was head of the children's section of Żegota, the Polish Council to Aid Jews (Polish: Rada Pomocy Żydom), which was active from 1942 to 1945.


2008/0512:USA 前衛美術 Robert Rauschenberg 192508、死去

Milton Ernest "Robert" Rauschenberg was an American painter and graphic artist whose early works anticipated the pop art movement.
Rauschenberg is well known for his "Combines" of the 1950s, in which non-traditional materials and objects were employed in innovative combinations. Rauschenberg was both a painter and a sculptor and the Combines are a combination of both, but he also worked with photography, printmaking, papermaking, and performance.

Canyon (1959)


An earthquake (measuring around 8.0 magnitude) occurs in Sichuan, China, killing over 69,000 people.





2016/0512:日本演劇 演出家 蜷川幸雄193516、死去

Ninagawa Yukio est un réalisateur et un metteur en scène japonais.
Il est reconnu pour ses adaptations des classiques du théâtre européen, principalement Shakespeare, mais aussi Samuel Beckett, Anton Tchekhov ou Victor Hugo, ainsi que du théâtre antique (Sophocle, Euripide).
Il a également mis en scène des dramaturges japonais, dont Shūji Terayama 寺山修司 and Kunio Shimizu 清水邦夫.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World