


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
聖徳太子057422 の生涯を刺繍した 天壽國繍帳

歴史暦:古今東西 05/06 今日の出來事

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0850/0506:日本[平安朝] 天皇 054仁明正良081050、崩御

L'empereur Ninmyō était le cinquante-quatrième empereur du Japon, selon l'ordre traditionnel de la succession, et a régné de 833 à sa mort. Son nom personnel était prince Masara (正良親王, Masara Shinnō?). Ninmyō était le second fils de l'empereur Saga et de l'impératrice Tachibana no Kachiko. 正子内親王は同父母の妹でありかつ同年の生まれのため、双子の妹と推測される。

The kingdom of Jerusalem and the Republic of Genoa begin the siege of Akkon on the Levantine coast. The city in the Bay of Haifa is ruled by a Fatimid stadion.

In the course of the Third Crusade, King Richard Lionherz meets with his fleet before Limassol. It begins after an ultimatum with the conquest of Cyprus, which governs Isaak Komnenos.


French King Louis IX, captured in the Sixth Crusade, was released by the Mamluks, who had come to power after a palace revolution in Egypt. He goes from Damiette to Akkon.

1527/0506:Sacco di Roma、Karl V、ロウマを掠奪Al sacco di Roma Roma è saccheggiato dalle truppe imperiali sotto la guida di Carlo III di Borbone-Montpensier.

Spanish and German troops sack Rome; some consider this the end of the Renaissance. 147 Swiss Guards, including their commander, die fighting the forces of Charles V in order to allow Pope Clement VII to escape into Castel Sant'Angelo. 
Sacco di Roma:神聖ロウマ帝國の Charles(Karl)V 150058 がイタリア侵攻、教皇領のロウマを侵掠した事件。 この頃、フランス王國とHR帝國とはイタリアを巡って衝突を繰り返してゐた。 1515フランスのFrançois I 149447 はミラノに侵攻し、ミラノ公國のスフォルツァ家を追放。これにたいしHR帝國は教皇レオXと組んでミラノを攻め、フランスは退去した。
 皇帝軍がロウマから撤退したのは翌年になってからだった。 このロウマの破壞により、ロウマの要人は虐殺され、市民はロウマを捨てて逃げ去った。都市は建物の文化財も破壞され、ルネサンスの榮華は跡形もなくなった。 ルネサンスは慘殺された。 時代はかうして斷ち切るやうに區切られたのであった。


The Siege of Cuzco commences, in which Incan forces attempt to retake the city of Cuzco from the Spanish.

the siege of the city of Cusco by the army of Sapa Inca Manco Inca Yupanqui against a garrison of Spanish conquistadors and Indian auxiliaries led by Hernando Pizarro in the hope to restore the Inca Empire (1438-1533). 
The siege lasted ten months and was ultimately unsuccessful. El sitio del Cuzco o cerco del Cuzco se produjo entre mayo de 1536 y marzo de 1537, en el marco de la guerra de reconquista incaica iniciada por Manco Inca contra los conquistadores españoles. Francisco Pizarro 147141

King Henry VIII orders English-language Bibles be placed in every church. In 1539 the Great Bible would be provided for this purpose. Henry VIII 149147

Francis Xavier reaches Old Goa, the capital of Portuguese India at the time.

Francisco de Xavier 150652

1574/0506:ロウマ教皇 Innocentius X 157455、誕生

born Giovanni Battista Pamphilj (or Pamphili), was Pope from 15 September 1644 to his death in 1655.

Pamphili succeeded Pope Urban VIII (1623–44) on 15 September 1644 as Pope Innocent X, after a contentious papal conclave that featured a rivalry between French and Spanish factions.

par Diego Velázquez 159960 1650

Innocent X was one of the most politically shrewd pontiffs of the era, greatly increasing the temporal power of the Holy See. Major political events in which he was involved included the English Civil War, conflicts with French church officials over financial fraud issues, and hostilities with the Duchy of Parma related to the First War of Castro. In terms of theological events, Innocent X issued a papal bull condemning the beliefs of Jansenism.

彼において特筆すべきは、前教皇が断罪した Cornelius Jansen の著作『アウグスティヌス』について、インノケンス自身が任命した委員会に二年にわたる討議と検討をさせた結果、五箇条の命題を誤謬として改めて弾劾したことである。以後、ジャンセニスム教皇庁の長い暗闘が演じられることとなる。

1638/0506:ジャンセスム開祖 Cornelius Jansen 158538、死去

Cornelius Jansen, plus souvent connu sous la forme latine de son nom, Jansénius.
Théologien hollandais, archevêque d'Ypres, fondateur du jansénisme
Il est à l'origine d’un important mouvement politico-religieux, le jansénisme, condamné par l'Église catholique romaine en 1653 et persécuté par Louis XIV.

English Restoration: A faction of the British Army removes Richard Cromwell as Lord Protector of the Commonwealth and reinstalls the Rump Parliament.


# 寛文11年3月27日に当初予定の板倉邸から大老酒井忠清邸に場所を変更し、酒井忠清を初め老中全員と幕府大目付も列座する中で2度目の審問が行われるが、その審問中の控え室にて原田はその場で宗重を斬殺し、老中のいる部屋に向かって突入した。驚いた柴田は原田と斬りあいになり、互いに負傷した。聞役の蜂屋可広も柴田に加勢したが、混乱した酒井家家臣に3人とも斬られて、原田は即死、柴田もその日のうちに、蜂屋は翌日死亡した。関係者が死亡した事件の事後処理では、正式に藩主綱村は幼少のためお構い無しとされ、大老宅で刃傷沙汰を起こした原田家は元より、裁判の争点となった宗勝派及び、藩主の代行としての責任を持つ両後見人が処罰され、特に年長の後見人としての責務を問われた宗勝の一関藩は改易となった。 伊達騒動 - Wikipedia 

1671/0506:仙台藩重臣 原田宗輔161971、刺殺



In Leipzig beschließen 30 Großkaufleute das Errichten einer Börse. Am 30. Mai wird bereits mit dem Bau der Alten Handelsbörse begonnen.

Louis XIV de France a déménagé sa cour de Paris au Palais de Versailles. Versailles deviendra le siège officiel du gouvernement de la France.


Der Roman "The Life and strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, where-in all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by Pyrates. Written by Himself.”(こゝまでがタイトル、史上最長の書名と云はれてゐる)von Daniel Defoe wird veröffentlicht. Der erste englische Roman wird ein überwältigender Erfolg.

Battle of Prague: A Prussian army fights an Austrian army in Prague during the Seven Years' War.

The end of Konbaung–Hanthawaddy War, and the end of Burmese Civil War (1740~57).

1758/0506:フランス革命 Maximilien Robespierre 175894、誕生

Il est l'une des principales figures de la Révolution française et demeure aussi l'un des personnages les plus controversés de cette période.

"la vertu, sans laquelle la terreur est funeste; la terreur, sans laquelle la vertu est impuissante"「徳なき恐怖は忌まわしく、恐怖なき徳は無力である」
対外戦争(フランス革命戦争)が好転し、国内危機が一段落すると、1794/0727(革命暦II年テルミドルの九日)、反ロベスピエル派によって逮捕され、翌日、Louis Antoine de Saint-Just 176794、らとともに公開処刑された。

Construction begins on the Grand Palace, the royal residence of the King of Siam in Bangkok, at the command of King Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke.

James Gordon Bennett, Sr. publishes the first issue of the New York Herald.

The Herald is considered the first mass page of the story and costs only one cent.

1838/0506:日本、幕末の志士 中岡愼太郎183867、誕生

Nakaoka Shintarō was a samurai in Bakumatsu period Japan, and a close associate of Sakamoto Ryōma 坂本龍馬183667 in the movement to overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate.

1861文久01、武市半平太182965 が結成した土佐勤皇党に加入、本格的に志士活動を開始。


1839/0506:オウストラリアの初定住者 John Batman 180139、死去

an Australian grazier, entrepreneur and explorer.
He settled in the north-east of the Van Diemen's Land Colony in the 1820s, and later as a leading member of the Port Phillip Association he led an expedition which explored the Port Phillip Bay area on the Australian mainland with a view to establishing a new settlement there.
He is best known for his role in the founding of the settlement on the Yarra River which became the city of Melbourne, eventual capital of the new Colony of Victoria, and one of Australia's largest and most important cities.
Batman is a controversial figure due to his dealings with Aboriginal peoples in Van Diemen's Land and Victoria. ……

1840/0506:Francisco de Paula Santander 179240、死去

Francisco José de Paula Santander Omaña fue un militar y político colombiano, célebre por su participación en la emancipación americana frente el Imperio español.
Santander participó en la guerra que se libró contra las fuerzas centralistas en 1813. Más tarde fue uno de los principales organizadores de la campaña de resistencia contra la reconquista española, que dio la libertad definitiva a la Nueva Granada. También, intervino en las concluyentes batallas del Pantano de Vargas y de Boyacá, en 1819.

Santander construyó el primer sistema de educación pública de Colombia al impulsar la creación de escuelas y universidades.

1840/0506:イギリス、切手「Penny Black」流通
The Penny Black postage stamp becomes valid for use in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

The first world stamp, the One Penny Black, issued in the UK since 1 May, has its date of validity.

Der seit gestern tobende Hamburger Brand wendet sich nach Norden und bedroht die Börse und das Rathaus. Während die erst im Vorjahr bezogene Börse gerettet werden kann, wird das Rathaus ein Raub der Flammen.


Linus Yale Jr. files a patent for the cylinder lock with pins also known as "American lock" or "Yale lock

1856/0506:深層心理学 Sigmund Freud 185639、誕生

ein österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Kulturtheoretiker und Religionskritiker. Er war der Begründer der Psychoanalyse und gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Denker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Seine Theorien und Methoden werden bis heute diskutiert und angewendet.



1908年に旅費と謝礼付きでアメリカからの招待を受け、翌年にCarl Gustav Jung 187561らを引き連れ、クラーク大学創立二十周年式典に出席、講演後に大学長から博士号を授与された。


The British East India Company disbands the 34th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry whose sepoy Mangal Pandey had earlier revolted against the British and is considered to be the First Martyr in the War of Indian Independence.

1859/0506:Alexander von Humboldt 176959、死去

Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt war ein deutscher Naturforscher mit einem weit über Europa hinausreichenden Wirkungsfeld.
In seinem über einen Zeitraum von mehr als sieben Jahrzehnten entstandenen Gesamtwerk schuf er „einen neuen Wissens- und Reflexionsstand des Wissens von der Welt“ und wurde zum Mitbegründer der Geographie als empirischer Wissenschaft. Er war der jüngere Bruder von Wilhelm von Humboldt.
Alexander von Humboldt, German geographer and explorer (b. 1769)


Er ist der Autor von "Cosmos", der zum Denkmal der modernen Geographie wurde und mit Carl Ritter zum Begründer der modernen Geographie wurde. Er hatte Freundschaft mit Goethe, Schiller, Simon Bolivar, der in Europa bleibt, und so weiter.

1859/0506:USA、コロラド州の Gold Rush
The first Goldader is found in Colorado by gold searcher John H. Gregory, which gives a new boost to a Colorado gold rust in the midwest of the USA.

A 1067-forte forza guidata da Giuseppe Garibaldi salpò da Genova verso sud Italia a guidare il Risorgimento in Italia. In ricordo di questo evento questo quartiere genovese di Quarto dei Mille di oggi.


Yoshida Tōyō was a Japanese samurai from Tosa domain. Gotō Shōjirō is his nephew-in-law.
In 1853, he was appointed by the head of Tosa domain Yamanouchi Toyoshige to reform and modernize the domain.
He was assassinated on 6, May, 1862 by three members of a conservative party called Tosa Kinnoto.

1862/0506:USA 詩人 Henry David Thoreau 181762、死去

an American essayist, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, and historian. A leading transcendentalist,
Thoreau is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay "Civil Disobedience" (originally published as "Resistance to Civil Government"), an argument for disobedience to an unjust state.

He builds a log cabin in the Wooden Ikebukuro forest and sends a self-sufficiency life for 2 years and 2 months. The masterpiece "Walden" (1854) is a summary of that record, and that thought had a great influence on poets and writers of the later era.

1863/0506:南北戰爭、Battle of Chancellorsville ends
 with the defeat of the Army of the Potomac by Confederate troops.

The end of the Battle of Chancellorsville, United States, begun on May 2.

1864/0506:南北戰爭、End of the battle of the Wilderness,
 in the United States, begun the day before.

1868/0506:フランス 探偵小説家 Gaston Leroux 186827、誕生

un romancier français. Il est surtout connu pour ses romans policiers empreints de fantastique.

1871/0506:フランス 毒ガス研究 Victor Grignard 187135、誕生

François Auguste Victor Grignard est un chimiste français, lauréat avec Paul Sabatier du prix Nobel de chimie en 1912
During World War I he studied chemical warfare agents, particularly the manufacture of phosgene and the detection of mustard gas. His counterpart on the German side was another Nobel Prize–winning chemist, Fritz Haber.

{そして、Haber の妻が先日紹介したばかりの 毒ガスの研究と開発に勤しむ夫に絶望して拳銃自殺した Clara Immerwahr 187015 である。

In Thessaloniki, the German and French consuls are killed by fanatical Muslims in a turmoil, which seriously affects the diplomatic relations of the two countries to the Ottoman Empire.

Chief Crazy Horse of the Oglala Lakota surrenders to United States troops in Nebraska.

1879/0506:楔形文字の解讀者 Bedřich Hrozný 187952、誕生

a Czech orientalist and linguist. He contributed to the decipherment of the ancient Hittite language, identified it as an Indo-European language and laid the groundwork for the development of Hittitology.


1880/0506:ドイツ表現派 Ernst Ludwig Kirchner188038、誕生

ein deutscher Maler und Grafiker und zählt zu den wichtigsten Vertretern des Expressionismus. Kirchner war ein Gründungsmitglied der Künstlergruppe Brücke. 1937 brandmarkten die Nationalsozialisten seine Werke als „entartet“. Über 600 dieser Werke wurden daraufhin verkauft oder zerstört. Ein Jahr darauf starb er durch Suizid.

Self portrait, 1925

The United States Congress passes the Chinese Exclusion Act.

The US Congress adopts the Chinese Exclusion Act, which stipulates that no Chinese laborers may enter the United States for 10 years. This will override the provisions of the Burlingame Treaty of 1868 and de facto completely prevent the immigration of Chinese and Chinese women.

Chief Secretary for Ireland Lord Frederick Cavendish and Under Secretary of State Thomas Henry Burke are murdered in the Phoenix Park of Dublin by members of the Irish National Invincibles, an Irish underground group. The acts are known as Phoenix Park murders.

The Eiffel Tower is officially opened to the public at the Universal Exposition in Paris.

A Paris Exposition Universelle est officiellement ouvert. Haut-lieu touristique de l'Exposition universelle qui se tiendra entre autres dans le Champ de Mars, le Trocadéro, le Quai d'Orsay et de la Seine, est la Tour Eiffel très controversé. Un extracteur de foule est la Galerie des machines.

1895/0506:Rudolph Valentino 189526、誕生

an Italian actor naturalized American who starred in several well-known silent films including The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The Sheik, Blood and Sand, The Eagle, and The Son of the Sheik.
He was an early pop icon, a sex symbol of the 1920s, who was known as the "Latin lover" or simply as "Valentino".

1896/0506:放射線研究 Rolf Maximilian Sievert 189666、誕生

ein schwedischer Physiker, der sich um die Einführung und die Weiterentwicklung des Strahlenschutzes verdient gemacht hat. Nach ihm wurde die Maßeinheit Sievert (Einheitenzeichen Sv) der Äquivalentdosis benannt.

1902/0506:映画監督 Max Ophüls 190257、誕生

ein bedeutender deutsch-französischer Film-, Theater- und Hörspielregisseur. Nach ihm ist der Max-Ophüls-Preis benannt, der seit 1980 alljährlich im Rahmen des nach diesem Preis benannten Filmfestivals in Saarbrücken an den deutschsprachigen Filmnachwuchs verliehen wird.

1906/0506:ブルバキ數學者 André Weil 190698、誕生

une des grandes figures parmi les mathématiciens du XXe siècle. Connu pour son travail fondamental en théorie des nombres et en géométrie algébrique, il fut un des membres fondateurs du groupe Bourbaki. Il est le frère de la philosophe Simone Weil et père de l'écrivain Sylvie Weil.

1915/0506:第三の男 Orson Welles 191585、誕生

an American actor, director, writer, and producer who worked in theatre, radio, and film. He is remembered for his innovative work in all three: in theatre, most notably Caesar (1937), a Broadway adaptation of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar; in radio, the legendary 1938 broadcast "The War of the Worlds"; and in film, Citizen Kane (1941), consistently ranked as one of the greatest films ever made.

At age 22 Welles was Broadway's youngest impresario

1919/0506:Ozの魔法使 Lyman Frank Baum 185619、死去

an American author chiefly famous for his children's books, particularly The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its sequels. He wrote a total of 14 novels in the Oz series, plus 41 other novels, 83 short stories, over 200 poems, and at least 42 scripts. He made numerous attempts to bring his works to the stage and the nascent medium of film; the 1939 adaptation of the first Oz book would become a landmark of 20th century cinema.

The Third Anglo-Afghan War begins in Afghanistan.

Macario Sakay establishes the Tagalog Republic with himself as President.

The Russian Constitution of 1906 is adopted (on April 23rd by the Julian calendar).

George V becomes King of the United Kingdom upon the death of his father, Edward VII.

21 Lebanese nationalists are executed in Martyrs' Square, Beirut by Djemal Pasha.

Le détraqué émigrant russe Pavel Timofeyevitch Gorgulow perpétrée le président français Paul Doumer à l'ouverture d'une foire du livre pour tenter, sur les conséquences de ces mort un jour plus tard.

1933/0506:François Pompon 185533、死去

un sculpteur français.
Il est connu du grand public pour ses sculptures animalières dont le style novateur se caractérise par la simplification des formes et des surfaces polies.

The Deutsche Studentenschaft attacked Magnus Hirschfeld's Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, later burning many of its books.

1935/0506:USA、New Deal: Executive Order 7034
creates the Works Progress Administration.


Première représentation des Cenci d'Antonin Artaud dans des décors de Balthus. Échec public, la pièce est arrêtée au bout de 17 représentations.

Das Luftschiff LZ 129 Hindenburg geht bei der Landung in Lakehurst USA, in Flammen auf. Es sterben 36 Menschen.

The German zeppelin Hindenburg catches fire and is destroyed within a minute while attempting to dock at Lakehurst, New Jersey. Thirty-six people are killed.


John Steinbeck is awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Grapes of Wrath.

1941/0506:日本の思想家 九鬼周造188841、死去

Kuki Shūzō était un philosophe japonais.
Quatrième fils du baron Kuki Ryūichi 九鬼隆一, haut fonctionnaire du Ministère de la Culture et de l'Éducation, et de Hatsu, dont la rumeur faisait une ancienne geisha. Alors qu'elle était enceinte de Shūzō, elle eut une relation avec Okakura Tenshin 岡倉天心186313, de sorte que Shūzō le considéra toujours comme son père spirituel.

1930 The Structure of "Iki" (「いき」の構造, "Iki" no kōzō)
1933 The Philosophy of Heidegger (「ハイデッガーの哲学, Haideggā no tetsugaku)
1935 The Problem of Contingency (偶然性の問題, Gūzensei no mondai)
1939 Man and Existence (人間と実存, Ningen to jitsuzon)
1941 An Essay on the Fine Arts (文芸論, Bungeiron)


On the island of Corregidor, the last units of the United States in the Philippines surrender to the attacking Japanese troops in the Pacific War.

Axis Sally delivers her last propaganda broadcast to Allied troops.

The Prague Offensive, the last major battle of the Eastern Front, begins.

1949/0506:青い鳥 Maurice Maeterlinck 1862249、死去

Maurice Polydore Marie Bernard Maeterlinck, dit Maurice Maeterlinck est un écrivain francophone belge, prix Nobel de littérature en 1911.
Figure de proue du symbolisme belge, il reste aujourd'hui célèbre pour son mélodrame Pelléas et Mélisande (1892), sommet du théâtre symboliste mis en musique par Debussy en 1902, pour sa pièce pour enfants L’Oiseau bleu (1908), et pour son essai inspiré par la biologie La Vie des abeilles (1901), œuvre au centre du cycle d'essais La Vie de la nature, composé également de L'Intelligence des fleurs (1910), La Vie des termites (1926), La Vie de l’espace (1928) et La Vie des fourmis (1930).
Maurice Maeterlinck, Belgian-French poet and playwright, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1862)


1949/0506:computer EDSAC runs its first operation
the first practical electronic digital stored-program computer,

1950/0506:USA スパイ? Agnes Smedley 189250、死去

an American journalist and writer, well known for her semi-autobiographical novel Daughter of Earth as well as for her sympathetic chronicling of the Communist forces in the Chinese Civil War.
During World War I, she worked in the United States for the independence of India from the United Kingdom, receiving financial support from the government of Germany. Subsequently, she went to China, where she is suspected of acting as a spy for the Comintern.
As the lover of Soviet spy Richard Sorge in Shanghai in the early 1930s, she helped get him established for his final and greatest work as spymaster in Tokyo

1952/0506:幼児教育改革 Maria Montessori 187052、死去

Maria Tecla Artemisia Montessori è stata un'educatrice, pedagogista, filosofa, medico, neuropsichiatra infantile e scienziata italiana, internazionalmente nota per il metodo educativo che prende il suo nome, adottato in migliaia di scuole materne, primarie, secondarie e superiori in tutto il mondo; fu tra le prime donne a laurearsi in medicina in Italia

Immagine simbolica dell'Educazione Cosmica

1964/0506:日本 作家 佐藤春夫189264、死去

un poète, essayiste et écrivain japonais
Ses œuvres sont connues pour leurs explorations de la mélancolie.

During a lull in fighting, 100000 Armenians gather in Beirut to commemorate 60th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

An earthquake strikes the Friuli region of northeastern Italy, causing 989 deaths and the destruction of entire villages.

1983/0506:ヒトラーの日記、發見 ―― 僞造されたものだった
The Hitler Diaries are revealed as a hoax after being examined by experts.

1992/0506:ドイツ女優 Marlene Dietrich 190192、死去

eine deutsche Schauspielerin und Sängerin. Sie nahm 1939 die Staatsbürgerschaft der Vereinigten Staaten an und unterstützte die USA tatkräftig während des 2. Weltkriegs.
Typisch für sie waren ihre langen Beine, ihre tiefe rauchig-erotische Stimme und die von ihr getragenen Hosenanzüge; sie machte das Kleidungsstück in den 1930er Jahren für Frauen salonfähig.

Dietrich in Der blaue Engel

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and French President François Mitterrand officiate at the opening of the Channel Tunnel.

The body of former CIA director William Colby is found washed up on a riverbank in southern Maryland, eight days after he disappeared.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World