


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が命日の René Lalique 186045 Dragonfly lady brooch 1903

歴史暦:古今東西 05/05 今日の出來事

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Michel Nostradamus 150366 から 「コトバの錬金術師」の Arthur Rimbaud 185491 を中繼して、Coco Chanel 188371 にいたり、また、Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 190044 へと廣がっていく、フランス系脈の「未來」予言あるいは開示の方法 ―― かつてかなり熱中して思想=思考空想してみたことを記しておきたい氣になった。

昨日、ノストラダムスが『豫言集』刊行の記事を見て、私に想起されてゐたのは ランボウ の詩人「見者」論のことであった。
詩人になるためにには voyant 見者にならなければならない、といふ仮説から彼は始める。
未知に到達するために見者となること。その方法は「あらゆる感覺の dérèglement 錯亂」させること。自家撞着にはなることに少年が氣付いてゐたかどうか、そのためには自分が生まれつきの詩人でなければならない、そして自分が詩人だと訣ったと少年は傲語する。
  C'est faux de dire : Je pense : on devrait dire : On me pense. ?
 私は他者である  Je est un autre。私は私のなかの思想の開花に臨んでゐる。私はそれを見詰め、それに耳を澄ます。花は私であり、私を私がみつめてゐる。『莊子』の有名な「胡蝶の夢」の世界である。



そして、ココシャネルへ ――



La mode est faite pour devenir démodée.
Fashion is made to become unfashionable.

これを兩手に二天一流、この現代を縱横無盡に切り裂く虹の童子となり、新た世の時代を未來開示するコトバをきらめかす ……

人間的な世界の現象はすべて「氣」を含んでできてゐる。氣分が時代のムウドを支配し、モウドを動かしていく。そして、この mode や mood の核となってゐるのがコトバ、フランス語で云へば「モ mot」である。

{すでに時刻は明方に近づいてゐる。さっきから欠伸ばかりしてゐる。こんなに長くなるなら別立てにすればよかった。續きは後日 ――

本來ならば、十九世紀初めの同じ頃に今日誕生し、後世に大きな影響力を持った二人の思想家、Søren Aabye Kierkegaard 181355 Karl Marx 181883、それから、彼等の誕生より少し後で、むなしくセントヘレナで死んでいった Napoléon Bonaparte 176921 について書くべきだったのだらうが、




The Second Council of Constantinople begins.

The Persians take Jerusalem and take the patriarch and the population into captivity. They seize the True Cross, the trophy of their triumph over the Byzantine empire.

Consécration de la collégiale Sainte-Marie, future abbaye Saint-Corneille, construite par Charles le Chauve, petit-fils de Charlemagne à Compiègne, dont il voulait faire la capitale de l'Empire d'Occident.


Appeal to the arms of Prince Mochihito, removed from the throne and beginning of the war of Gempei in Japan.


Lech le Blanc devient duc de Pologne.

1210/0505:ポルトガル建國 Alphonse III de Portugal121079、誕生

Afonso III , apelidado de "o Bolonhês" por seu casamento com Matilde II, Condessa de Bolonha, foi o Rei de Portugal de 1248 até sua morte, e também o primeiro monarca português a utilizar o título de Rei de Algarve.

Rebel barons renounce their allegiance to King John of England — part of a chain of events leading to the signing of the Magna Carta.

1237/0505:日本の公家(歌人) 藤原家隆115837、死去

Fujiwara no Ietaka was an early Kamakura period Japanese waka poet 歌人.
Several of his poems are included in the Shin Kokin Wakashū 新古今和歌集.
He was related by marriage to Jakuren 寂蓮113902, which made him strongly connected to the network of poets of the time. He was a pupil to Fujiwara no Shunzei 藤原俊成111494.


風そよぐ 楢の小川の 夕暮は 御禊ぞ夏の しるしなりける

After the death of Mohammed Khan, Kublai Khan was elected ruler of the Mongol empire. His brother Arigkbugha Khan and his followers are against his choice.

Martin Luther, der der Sache der Bauern im Bauernkrieg bisher positiv gegenüberstand, distanziert sich nach der Weinsberger Bluttat in der Schrift Wider die Mordischen und Reubischen Rotten der Bawren von den aufbegehrenden Bauern, die sich auch auf ihn berufen.

Deutsche Lutheraner ablehnen eine Einladung von Papst Paul II an einen Generalrat zu akzeptieren.

1560/0505:日本[戰國時代] 武將 後藤又兵衛基次156015、誕生

Gotō Mototsugu, also known as Gotō Matabei (後藤 又兵衛), was a samurai of the late Sengoku through early Edo periods. He served Kuroda Yoshitaka but retired from the Kuroda clan after Kuroda Yoshitaku had died. Finally, he served Toyotomi Hideyori and was killed at the battle of Dōmyōji during the siege of Osaka in 1615.

i turchi hanno dichiarato guerra a Venezia per aver rifiutato di arrendersi Cipro: spagnola vengono con i veneziani.

In the naval battle of Okpo near the Korean island Geojedo, the Korean fleet defeated the Japanese in the Imjin War.


1640/0505:Charles I dissolves the Short Parliament
The English King Charles I rescinded the parliament, which had been convened three weeks earlier, because of the conflict with Scotland, since this denied the granting of subsidies to the war.

Dans la guerre de Trente Ans, Franz von Mercy a vaincu une armée numériquement plus faible qui a commandé par Henri de Turenne français par une manœuvre surprise dans la Bataille de Mergentheim.

1682/0505:日本の連歌師 西山宗因160582、死去

Nishiyama Sōin est un poète japonais du Shogunat Tokugawa, fondateur de l'école Danrin de Haikai no renga (俳諧連歌)

延宝年間頃に談林派俳諧の第一人者と目された。俳諧連歌は関西に流行し、次第に全国へ波及し、松尾芭蕉164494の蕉風俳諧の温床となった。宗因自身は晩年は連歌に囘歸した。 談林派は、言語遊戯を主とする松永貞德157154の貞門の旧風を嫌ひ、式目の簡略化をはかり、奇抜な着想や見立てと軽妙な言ひい回しを特色としたが、蕉風の興隆とともに衰退した。



1705/0505:ドイツ皇帝 Leopold I 164005、崩去

Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, König von Ungarn, Kroatien und Böhmen.
Der zweite Sohn Ferdinands III., Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, wurde von seiner ersten Frau, Maria Anna von Spanien, 1654 durch den Tod seines älteren Bruders Ferdinand IV. Zum Thronfolger erhoben. 1658 gewählt, regierte Leopold das Heilige Römische Reich bis zu seinem Tod 1705.


After several weeks of plundering Delhis, the Persian ruler, Nadir Shah, withdraws from the city with his troops.
In addition to many young slaves, the army also takes the peacock earrings and precious stones such as the Koh-i-Noor diamonds for their ruler from the weakened Mughal empire

In France, the Estates-General convenes for the first time since 1614.

Pour la première fois depuis 1614 eu lieu en France, en raison de la situation financière précaire de Louis XVI. convoqué les États généraux à Versailles ensemble. Ils se composent de représentants de la noblesse, le clergé et le Tiers soi-disant.

Mary Kies becomes the first woman awarded a U.S. patent, for a technique of weaving straw with silk and thread.

The Swiss canton of Aargau allowed citizenship to Jews.

1813/0505:死に至る病Søren Aabye Kierkegaard 181355、誕生

ein dänischer Philosoph, Essayist, Theologe und religiöser Schriftsteller.
In seinen meist unter Pseudonymen veröffentlichten Schriften zeigte er sich als engagierter Verfechter der Idee des Christentums gegen die Realität der Christenheit.
Etwa ein Drittel seines gedruckten Werkes besteht ferner aus unter eigenem Namen veröffentlichten Predigten und religiösen Reden. Auch wird Kierkegaard vielfach als Wegbereiter der Existenzphilosophie oder gar als deren erster Vertreter aufgefasst.


1818/0505:Karl Marx 181883、誕生

ein deutscher Philosoph, Ökonom, Gesellschaftstheoretiker, politischer Journalist, Protagonist der Arbeiterbewegung sowie Kritiker der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft und der Religion. Zusammen mit Friedrich Engels wurde er zum einflussreichsten Theoretiker des Sozialismus und Kommunismus.


1821/0505:Napoléon Bonaparte 176921、死去
Mort de Napoléon à Sainte Hélène

le premier empereur des Français, du 18 mai 1804 au 6 avril 1814 et du 20 mars 1815 au 22 juin 1815.
Second enfant de Charles Bonaparte et Letizia Ramolino, Napoléon Bonaparte est un militaire, général dans les armées de la Première République française, née de la Révolution, commandant en chef de l'armée d'Italie puis de l'armée d'Orient.
Parvenu au pouvoir en 1799, par le coup d'État du 18 Brumaire, il est Premier consul jusqu'au 2 août 1802, puis consul à vie jusqu'au 18 mai 1804, date à laquelle il est proclamé empereur par un sénatus-consulte suivi d'un plébiscite.
Il est sacré empereur, en la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, le 2 décembre 1804, par le pape Pie VII.

The English occupy Rangoon, capital of Burma.?

The first railway in continental Europe opens between Brussels and Mechelen.

1842/0505:ムソルグスキの友人 Viktor Hartmann 183473、誕生

Виктор Александрович Гартман、русский архитектор, сценограф, художник и орнаментист, один из основоположников псевдорусского стиля в архитектуре.
After his posthumous exhibition in 1874, M. P. Mussorgsky wrote the suite "Pictures from an Exhibition".

Depuis qu'il a été introduit dans le cercle de Barakiref par Starsoft, il devient, depuis 1870, le meilleur ami de Moussorgski. En 1873, à l'âge de 39 ans, après une fracture due à un anévrisme, environ 400 œuvres furent exposées à l'Académie des Beaux-Arts de Moscou de février à mars 1874.
Moussorgski s'en inspira et composa la suite "Image de l'Exposition" pour le piano.

1842/0505:ドイツ、ハンブルク、大火災「Hamburger Brand」0505~08にかけて燃えつづけ、ハンブルグの旧市街の大部分が燒亡。



1846/0505:QuoVadis の Henryk Sienkiewicz 184616、誕生

Henryk Adam Aleksander Pius Sienkiewicz also known by the pseudonym "Litwos" was a Polish journalist, novelist and Nobel Prize laureate.
He is best remembered for his historical novels, especially for his internationally known best-seller Quo Vadis (1896).
Many of his novels remain in print. In Poland he is best known for his "Trilogy" of historical novels – With Fire and Sword, The Deluge, and Sir Michael – set in the 17th-century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; internationally he is best known for Quo Vadis, set in Nero's Rome. The Trilogy and Quo Vadis have been filmed, the latter several times, with Hollywood's 1951 version receiving the most international recognition.

1859/0505:ドイツ 数学家 Peter Gustav Dirichlet 180559、死去

a German mathematician who made deep contributions to number theory (including creating the field of analytic number theory), and to the theory of Fourier series and other topics in mathematical analysis; he is credited with being one of the first mathematicians to give the modern formal definition of a function.

Es gab eine enge Interaktion mit Jacobi. Ferdinand Eisenstein, Bernhard Lehman, Leopold Kronecker, Rudolf Lipschitz sind seine Schüler. Nach dem Tod wurden die Ergebnisse von Dirichlets Vorlesung und Zahlentheorie gesammelt, herausgegeben von einem Mathematiker Richard Dadekint, einem Freund und Kollegen, veröffentlicht im Titel Vorlesungen über Zahltheorie.

1860/0505:Giuseppe Garibaldi sets sail from Genoa,
leading the expedition of the Thousand to conquer the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and giving birth to the Kingdom of Italy.

Giuseppe Garibaldis Zug di mille imbarcò a Quarto di Genova. Il corpo di volontari vuole liberare dal dominio dei Borboni spagnoli durante il Risorgimento Sicilia.

1862/0505:メキシコ、Cinco de Mayo:
Troops led by Ignacio Zaragoza halt a French invasion in the Battle of Puebla in Mexico.

Un Kaiser Napoléon III. détaché corps d'armée française est défaite à la bataille de Puebla dans les premiers jours de l'intervention française au Mexique par l'armée mexicaine. L'événement est commémoré sur la fête nationale mexicaine du Cinco de Mayo aujourd'hui.

メキシコ出兵: プエブラの会戦。メキシコ軍がフランス軍を撃退。(シンコ・デ・マヨ)



1864/0505:世界一周旅行の Nellie Bly 186422、誕生

Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman, better known by her pen name Nellie Bly, was an American journalist who was widely known for her record-breaking trip around the world in 72 days, in emulation of Jules Verne's fictional character Phileas Fogg, and an exposé in which she worked undercover to report on a mental institution from within.
She was a pioneer in her field, and launched a new kind of investigative journalism.
Bly was also a writer, industrialist, inventor, and a charity worker.

A publicity photograph taken by the New York World newspaper to promote Bly's around-the-world voyage

1864/0505:American Civil War: Battle of the Wilderness
begins in Spotsylvania County.

北軍Ulysses Grant 182285 中將が南軍の Robert Lee 180770 將軍の北ヴァジニア軍に仕掛けた Overland 方面作戰の最初となる戰爭。兩軍血塗れの消耗戦の始まりとなり、最終的なリッチモンド包囲戰まで續いた。

1877/0505:American Indian Wars: Sitting Bull leads
 his band of Lakota into Canada to avoid harassment by the United States Army under Colonel Nelson Miles.

1882/0505:日本のアイヌ語研究家 金田一京助188271、誕生

Kindaichi Kyōsuke est un éminent linguiste japonais originaire de Morioka dans la préfecture d'Iwate. Il est surtout connu pour ses dictées de yukar, ou sagas du peuple des Aïnous.

Kindaichi est également poète et entretient de bonnes relations avec Takuboku Ishikawa ainsi qu'avec le romancier Kodō Nomura, ses amis de pensionnat. Il est par ailleurs l'auteur du dictionnaire Shin Meikai kokugo jiten.

For the invention of the roll film the US-American entrepreneur George Eastman receives US patent 317,049.

1891/0505:USA、Carnegie Hall、開場
The New York Carnegie Hall, named after its sponsor, the big industrialist Andrew Carnegie, is solemnly opened with an opening concert directed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Walter Damrosch, although the building was not completed until 1897.

1892/0505:ドイツ 化学者 August von Hofmann 181892、死去

ein deutscher Chemiker und entscheidender Wegbereiter für die Erforschung der Anilinfarbstoffe in England und Deutschland.
Er entwickelte eine Vielzahl wichtiger Umwandlungsmethoden in der organischen Chemie und gründete die Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft.


1893/0505:USA、株式市場 "Industrial Black Friday
 triggers substantial price losses on the New York Stock Exchange, which are particularly hit by railway stocks. The economic crisis subsequently also affects the silver market and develops into "silver panic".

1900/0505:ロシア 海の画家 Ivan Aivazovsky 181700、死去

a Russian Romantic painter who is considered one of the greatest masters of marine art. Baptized as Hovhannes Aivazian, he was born into an Armenian family in the Black Sea port of Feodosia in Crimea and was mostly based there.

Bay of Naples (1842)

Battle of Çesme at Night (1856)

Pitching against the Philadelphia Athletics at the Huntington Avenue Grounds, Cy Young of the Boston Americans throws the first perfect game in the modern era of baseball.

Denton True Young 186755 511/316 オハイオギルモア、農場、結婚とともに野球で生計を


The trial in the Stratton Brothers case begins in London, England; it marks the first time that fingerprint evidence is used to gain a conviction for murder.

1909/0505:日本 小説家 中島敦190942、誕生

Nakajima Atsushi est un auteur japonais.
Nakajima Atsushi, issu d’une famille d’érudits chinois, avait lui-même une connaissance approfondie des œuvres chinoises classiques. Il était également féru de littérature européenne.
Nakajima was sent to Palau in 1941 to teach Japanese but returned in 1942 after being tormented by severe asthma, and died later that year after contracting pneumonia. He completed one major novel, Light, Wind and Dreams, based on the life of Robert Louis Stevenson, and controversial short stories about Micronesia.

{しかし、身に沁みる一文だな。まったく、私のことのやうだ。だが、私なら、人から虎になった自分をむしろ喜ぶのではないだらうか。虎に変身することなく人の身のまゝ死んでいくのが、むしろ無念で殘念 ……



1914/0505:ハリウッド男優 Tyrone Power 191458、誕生

an American film, stage and radio actor. From the 1930s to the 1950s Power appeared in dozens of films, often in swashbuckler roles or romantic leads. His better-known films include The Mark of Zorro, Blood and Sand, The Black Swan, Prince of Foxes, Witness For The Prosecution, The Black Rose, and Captain from Castile.

Authorities arrest Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti for alleged robbery and murder.

1921/0505:レーザー發明 Arthur Leonard Schawlow 192199、誕生

an American physicist and co-inventor of the laser with Charles Townes. His central insight, which Townes overlooked, was the use of two mirrors as the resonant cavity to take MASER action to visible wavelengths.



Sun Yat-sen was sworn in as a very large president of the Republic of China in Guangzhou.

1921/0505:ココシャネル「No5 de Chanel」新発売

1921、Coco Chanel 188371 は前年に知りあった調合香師が作りだした、シャネル初の香水「No.5」と「No.22」を發表した。この頃のココは、作家のJean Cocteau 188963 画家の Pablo Picasso 188173、作曲家の Igor.Stravinsky 188271 などの藝術家や文化人と交際するやうになってゐた。

彼女の經歴にはたいして興味はない。その生き方もまあどうでもいい。私が關心を持ったのは ―― すでに書いたとほり、


In Japan, the amendment law of the House of Representatives Election Law is promulgated, and men over the age of 25 are allowed to vote.

Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian Independence Movement, was imprisoned shortly after midnight for the breaking of the British salt monopoly on his salt marsh a month earlier by the British colonial government.


Japan and China conclude a cease-fire under the auspices of the League of Nations, which ends the ongoing battle for Shanghai since January 28th.

The refusal to worship Yasukuni Shrine of Sophia University (Jouchi U) extends ripples.

Italian troops occupy Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Norwegian refugees form a government-in-exile in London.

Emperor Haile Selassie returns to Addis Ababa; the country commemorates the date as Liberation Day or Patriots' Victory Day.


In der Schlacht um Cholm an der deutsch-sowjetischen Front führt die Wehrmacht einen erfolgreichen Entsatzangriff durch und stellt 105 Tage nach deren Einkesselung wieder die Verbindung zu den deutschen Truppen in der Stadt her.

German troops execute 216 civilians in the village of Kleisoura, Greece.

1945/0505:ガラス細工師 René Lalique 186045、死去

un maître verrier et bijoutier français.
Il s'est rendu célèbre par ses créations étonnantes de bijoux, puis de flacons de parfum, de vases, de chandeliers, d'horloges et, à la fin de sa vie, de bouchons de radiateur de voitures. L'entreprise qu'il a fondée fonctionne toujours. Son nom est resté attaché à la créativité et la qualité, car il a toujours su dessiner des objets fastueux mais restant discrets.

Diadème coq

Bijou de Réné Lalique.

Liberation of the Mauthausen camp, the last concentration camp.

https://is.gd/szJwWz Mauthausen — Wikipédia
Das KZ Mauthausen wird gemeinsam mit seinen Nebenlagern in Gusen als letztes Konzentrationslager des Großdeutschen Reichs durch die 11. US-Panzerdivision befreit. Aus diesem Anlass wird in Österreich der 5. Mai seit 1998 als Gedenktag gegen Gewalt und Rassismus im Gedenken an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus begangen. Maßgeblichen Anteil an der Befreiung hat der IKRK-Mitarbeiter Louis Häfliger, der damit auch die Ermordung tausender Häftlinge im unterirdischen Flugzeugwerk verhindert; hierfür wird er später wegen Verletzung der Neutralität vom IKRK verurteilt und entlassen.

1945/0505:WWⅡ、The Prague uprising
 begins as an attempt by the Czech resistance to free the city from German occupation.

Six people are killed when a Japanese fire balloon explodes near Bly, Oregon. They are the only Americans killed in the continental US during the war.



B-29 crashed to the border of Kumamoto prefecture and Oita prefecture. Four soldiers were murdered, and the remaining six people were dissected alive at Kyushu Imperial University. (Kyushu University Biological Dissection Case)



The Treaty of London establishes the Council of Europe in Strasbourg as the first European institution working for European integration.

The representatives of 10 European countries signed the London Ten-Pact Pact in London, with which the Council of Europe was founded. It is a forum for debates on general European issues for its Member States. Since 1964 the European Day has been commemorated on this day.

Bhumibol Adulyadej is crowned King Rama IX of Thailand.


West Germany gains full sovereignty.


1959/0505:ゲイム設計 Peter Molyneux 1959--、誕生

an English video game designer and programmer. He created the god games Populous, Dungeon Keeper and Black & White, as well as Theme Park, the Fable series, Curiosity – What's Inside the Cube?, and Godus. He currently works at 22Cans.

1961/0505:USA「Mercury program」
Mercury-Redstone 3: Alan Shepard becomes the first American to travel into outer space, on a sub-orbital flight.


The Council of Europe declares May 5 as Europe Day.


Alitalia Flight 112 crashes into Mount Longa near Palermo, Sicily, killing all 115 aboard, making it the deadliest single-aircraft disaster in Italy.


Operation Nimrod: The British Special Air Service storms the Iranian embassy in London after a six-day siege.



Bitburg and Bergen-Belsen: Ronald Reagan visits the military cemetery at Bitburg, Germany, and the site of the Nazi concentration camp, Bergen-Belsen, where he makes a speech.


1987/0505:Iran–Contra affair:
Start of Congressional televised hearings in the United States of America


The signing of the Bishkek Protocol between Armenia and Azerbaijan effectively freezes the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.


Attempted murder of cyanide gas at Shinjuku station by Aum Shinrikyo


Mass protests in Greece erupt in response to austerity measures imposed by the government as a result of the Greek government-debt crisis.




Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World